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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh opatření subjektu v souvislosti se změnami systému nemocenského pojištění / Draft of Measures Body Related with Changes in Sick Benefit System

Česal, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is draft of measures body related with changes in sick benefit system. The goal of this thesis is the analysis of impact of changes in sick benefit system on employer and the draft of measures for the subject. There is a description of sick benefit system used in CR and in other countries EU in this thesis. There is a describtion of the changes and the impacts on employer are analysed. The last part of the thesis is composed by draft of measures related with these changes.

Oceňování staveb pro pozemkové úpravy / Valuation of constructions for landscape activities

Jelínková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe the issue of land consolidation, the processing of materials to evaluate land consolidation and the creation of expense indicator cards. Budgets and resulting expense indicators will be processed for individual common facilities.

Porovnání cen bytového domu v k.ú. Bučovice stanovených dle platných oceňovacích předpisů / Price Comparison of an Apartment Building in the Bučovice Cadastral Area According to the Valid Valuation Regulations

Černý, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis introduces two different options for property valuation. With an emphasis on the different ownership of the apartment building. In the first case, the building seen as a whole and used the combination of yield and cost method of valuation. In the second case, a building is divided into individual residential units and valued method of comparison. Both methods are conducted in accordance with Decree No. 3 / 2008 digest Implement certain provisions of Act No. 151/1997 digest., Valuation of property and amending certain laws, as amended (Decree valuation), as follows of the changes made by Decree No. 456/2008 digest. and No. 460/2009 digest. In conclusion, the following derived values were compared and evaluated.

Analýza vybraných vlivů na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů ve Šlapanicích / Analysis of factors influencing the market value of houses in Šlapanice

Licková, Věra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis presents the analysis of selected influences on houses valuation in Šlapanice, including the report on present state of the real estate market in the above mentioned locality. It involves expense method, comparative methods – both based on regulations and not, to find out the value of five family houses in Šlapanice. The work also considers the impact which the locality with its territorial plan has on real estate valuation. In the light of the acquired information the real estate prices are compared considering significant changes in territorial plan to join neighbouring cadastral area of Brno city.

Vývoj obvyklé ceny u rodinných domů v lokalitě Tišnovsko v určitém časovém období / Development of normal price for single-family houses in the locality Tišnovsko in a certain time period

Jedličková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to find out normal price of detached house in the area in Tišnovko, it maps current market situation with detached house in this location too. Next tasks are to detection of the expense price of detached houses of valid prescription and detection of informative price of comparative method of price regulation. The sub – task is determination of prices of detached houses with method of direct comparison with market valuotion.

Investiční náklady dřevostaveb / Investment costs of wooden structures

Lontrasová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the costs for the construction of various construction systems wooden buildings. The first part deals with the historical and contemporary construction systems wooden structures and materials that are used in these buildings. Details are discussed in the work of the wood, its properties and uses in the construction industry. Another chapter deals with the pricing, kinds of budgets and costs. In the end of the technical characteristics listed buildings. Practical work in the introduction describes the layout and construction of selected timber, which is then compared with log technology. The comparison is done from several perspectives. First they are compared and evaluated their quality characteristics. A chapter about the cost of delivery and installation of individual houses from the perspective of works HSV and PSV. As the last are compared to the cost of individual construction and then the total cost of construction, operation and disposal of buildings. The conclusion is a summary evaluation of the results obtained.

Digitalizing the workplace: improving internal processes using digital services : A process improvement by digitalization, emphasizing chosen quality factors / Digitalisering av arbetsplatsen: förbättring av interna processer med hjälp av digitala tjänster

Bäckström, Madeleine, Silversved, Nicklas January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, the number of digital services and tools available has increased rapidly. When companies want to digitalize their business, they have the opportunity to browse a large number of existing platforms and applications available on the market to find a good match for their specific needs. However, when a company wishes to digitalize a work task that already has a well-established workflow, problems may arise. Due to this, a tailored digital solution may in some cases be the better suited option, rather than the ones available on the market.  The intention of this work was to investigate the challenges that companies face in relation to digitalization of the workplace in general, and the challenges of a company’s expense management process in particular. As an example of how a workplace digitalization can take place, a collaboration with a forest industry company was conducted. An evaluation of their analog and internal expense management process was done, where the found challenges were assessed with respect to chosen quality factors. The evaluation and the found challenges regarding digitalization constituted the basis for a process mapping and a digital solution aiming to improve the company’s expense management process. The resulting work emphasizes how a digital solution can be tailored with simple means within a limited time frame, taking specific needs and existing challenges into account in order to digitalize the workplace. In addition, the work presents what challenges that exists within the concept of digitalizing the workplace and regarding expense management, and how quality factors can be used in combination with a process improvement in order to relieve and eliminate them.

Corporate Social Responsibility: A Financial Performance-Based Approach in Understanding CSR

Norris, Samuel James January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Techno-economic analysis of Open Optical LineSystems

Papageorgiou, Vasileios January 2018 (has links)
Technology innovations and capacity upgrades in optical networks have influenced the optical transmission. As a result, network operators are considering separating hardware and software components in order to achieve efficiency and promising savings during network operation and network lifecycle. This leads to resolving the vendor lock-in and opening up the optical networks architectures such that different kinds of disaggregation models can be supported in the DWDM transport layer.In this master thesis, a techno-economic analysis which compares the economical differences between an integrated and disaggregated optical network has been conducted. For the analysis, an actual test case scenario of a European interregional network has been utilized. The line system and transponders components, price lists and features are based on actual vendor components in today’s optical transport networks.According to the results, it has been concluded that all total cost investments required for an integrated or disaggregated approach of DWDM system are traffic dependent. Moreover, capital expenses of open architecture are influenced by business model policy in price reduction due to multiple vendors’ competition on transponders. Calculations demonstrated that a disaggregated approach can introduce considerable total cost savings about 21% less total investments that include 25% less costs for capital expenses and 3% higher cost for operational expenses on an average traffic volume of European network. Finally, by increasing 5-10 times the traffic volume of European network it has been noticed that disaggregated system reduced total cost by 39% and 43% respectively. / Tekniska innovationer och trafiktillväxt påverkar utvecklingen av optisk transmission. En konsekvens av detta är att nätoperatörer undersöker möjligheten att separera hårdvara och mjukvarukomponenter för öka effektiviteten och sänka kostnader för drift. Detta minskar inlåsning till enskilda leverantörer och öppnar upp dom optiska näten för att byggas med olika typer av disaggregering i DWDM transporten.I den här masteruppsatsen har en tekno-ekonomisk analys utförts avseende den ekonomiska skillnaden mellan integrerade och disaggregerade optiska nät. Ett verkligt nät scenario användes för analysen. Komponenter och kostnader för linjesystem och transpondrar är baserade på existerande system och prislistor i dagens nät. Enligt det erhållna resultatet har slutsatsen dragits att totala kostnaden för integrerade och öppna system är trafikberoende. Vidare så är investeringen för öppna system påverkad av pris reduktionen pga. konkurrens på transpondrar.Beräkningarna visar att disaggregerade system kan sänka kostnaderna med 21%, i dessa siffror ingår 25% lägre kostnad för investeringar och 3% högre driftkostnader.Slutligen, genom att öka trafikvolymen med 5 respektive 10 ggr från den ursprungliga trafik matrisen så kan de totala kostnaderna sänkas med 39% och 43%.


郎裕憲, Lang, Yu-Xian Unknown Date (has links)
現代民主政治,植基於地方自治;而地方自治之推行,則自選舉始。故朝野如何善事 地方選舉,使確屬賢能之士,出主庶政,為民服務;發言議壇,為民立法,民治成敗 ,關係至巨。 台省實施地方選舉,為國史上之首創,又時當日本專制統治五十一年之後,中央政府 甫行遷台,國難嚴重之際,其成敗得失,影響深遠,實不待言。著者之決心研究此問 題者,蓋亦在此。 考現代民主政治雖已成為家喻戶曉之名,詞,然為最難採行之政制。因其施行前必備 之先決條件,屈指難數。諸如:言論、集會、結社與宗教信仰等等之自由已否存在, 司法審判之獨立能否維持;國民之基本教育是否普及;國民之公共道德已否於相當水 準;國民之守法精神已否養成;國民之生活必需是否不虞匱乏;國民之氣質是否溫和 、服從理性;與乎以正義為基礎之社會平等是否存在;政黨活動是否正常等等,不一 而足。依 國父孫中山先生之遺教,民治之施行,猶需「以全縣人口,調查清楚。全 縣土地,測量完畢。全縣警衛,辦妥善。四境縱橫之道路,修築成功。而其人民曾受 四檯之訓練,而完畢其國民之義務,誓行革命之主義者,得選舉縣官,以執行一縣之 政事,得選舉議員,以議立一縣之法律,始成完全自治之縣」。 由於上列條件之未易俱備,且其每一條件又屬重要,台省如今是否已達水準可行普選 ﹖此一問題之答案,吾人雖已於書刊所述,報章所載,與日常生活體驗中,多所發現 ,然欲深求瞭解,猶有待於從民治基礎加以探討,故研究台省實施地方選舉之歷史背 景,思想淵源、社會環境、實不可缺。 誠然,縱使已具普選之條件,未必保証選舉之成功;蓋選舉之本身,猶備多種複雜難 行之條件也。而台省舉辦地方選舉,時值人心惶惶,國脈如縷之秋,益增問題之複雜 化,有待細心探索者多。 從辦理選務言,遠徵外史,歐美民主先進國家所示範於吾人者,即為選舉之公正與合 法欲求選公正,則平等之競選,公平之監察;公開之選務;與秘密之投票,似不可缺 。考選務之辦理與選舉之監察,在歐美民主先進國家,以美國為例,全國性與地方性 選舉,習慣上俱由民主、共和兩大政黨與地方政府共同負責;故選舉之結果如何,純 憑選民之決定,甚難發生公正與否之疑慮,輿論對此,自無懷疑。台省之政黨分野, 雖有國、民、青三黨之存在,但民、青兩黨在地方上之勢力如何,尚難知曉,是否定 以擔當共同監察選舉,辦理選務之能力,時論亦有所疑;尤有甚者,國人對黨派素乏 認識,所謂「群而不黨」,「吾聞君子不黨」,與「無偏無黨」之古訓,更予人以黨 派非善之觀念,故縱令採行美制,以國、民、青三黨參與辦理選務,共同監察選舉, 是否足以使無黨無派之競選者,信任選舉之公平,亦不無問題。如何抉擇,有待斟酌 。至秘密投票之施行,因憲法本無此一規定,原則上雖無問題,但執行時之如何確保 其貫徹,觀念上與技術上俱有困難。於公平之競選,主持選政者與選務人員是否能「 秉天下為公」之觀念,對待黨內同志與黨外人士一視同仁,似亦有待考驗;因法定雖 公,而執法在人也。另一方面,欲求選舉之合法,則需舉辦選舉之有據。憲法明定省 縣自治法之制定,須依中央制定之省縣自治通則,而該一通則,迄未頒布,則台省之 舉辦地方選舉,究何所據,亦為煞費思索之問題。

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