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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property / Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property

Lankau, Matthias 20 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil widmet sich der Fragestellung inwiefern formelle Gruppeneigentumsrechte Herkunftsgemeinschaften vor unautorisierten Verwendungen ihrer traditionellen kulturellen Ausdrucksweisen (TKAs) schützen können. Kapitel 2 und 3 führen hierzu einen ökonomischen Vergleich fünf so genannter sui generis Rechte zum Schutz jener TKAs durch und leiten Politikempfehlungen ab. Zum einen bilden die Beiträge eine Rangfolge der Transaktionskosten, die bei Verhandlung über Verwendungen der TKAs entstehen können. Zum anderen vergleichen die Kapitel, ob die Schutzpräferenzen der Ursprungsgemeinschaft durch die Modelgesetze geschützt wären. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass ein Prinzipal-Agenten-Problem auftritt sollten staatliche Behörden über zu viel Verhandlungsmacht verfügen. In diesem Fall werden Bürokraten eher ihre eigenen Interessen als die der Eigentümer der TKAs durchsetzen. Letztendlich existiert zwischen beiden Effekten ein klarer Trade-Off: Je mehr ein Gesetz die Schutzinteressen der Ursprungsgemeinschaften schützt desto höher sind seine Transaktions- und somit sozialen Kosten. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt – auf Basis ökonomischer Laborexperimente – den Fragenkomplex wie Gruppenmitglieder öffentliche Güter im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – so wie TKAs – bereitstellen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Einfluss sozialer Identität auf das Ausmaß an positiver sowie negativer Reziprozität der Individuen als Determinanten der sozialen Wohlfahrt. Die bedingte Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder sowie das gegenseitige Bestrafungsverhalten untereinander bilden hierfür Maße für positive und negative Reziprozität. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass Individuen unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität grundsätzlich divergierende Kooperationspräferenzen abhängig davon mit wem sie interagieren aufzeigen. Auf Basis eines Within-Subject-Designs und mehreren ein-Perioden Spielen in Strategiemethode, zeigt der Beitrag, dass Individuen in identitäts-homogenen Gruppen (In-Group) die Präferenz für eine höhere bedingte Kooperation und weniger Eigennutzorientierung als in einer heterogenen Gruppe (Out-Group) zeigen. Zusätzlich neigen Individuen in heterogenen Gruppen eher zu einem vollständigen Trittbrettfahrerverhalten. Somit könnten Politikinstitutionen, die den Zusammenhalt einer Gruppe betonen, die soziale Wohlfahrt steigern. Auf der Basis eines zehn-Perioden-Spiels zeigt Kapitel 5, dass hauptsächlich vergleichsweise höhere Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Mitglieder in einer In-Group als an die in einer Out-Group Wohlfahrtsgewinne in homogenen Gruppen im Zuge mehrperiodischer Interaktionen auslösen. Die bedingte Kooperation – hier die Erwiderung der eigenen Erwartungen an die Kooperation der Gruppenmitglieder durch eigene Beiträge – ist hingegen in In- und Out- Groups ähnlich. Insgesamt belegt dieser Beitrag somit, dass Erwartungen der Individuen der entscheidende Faktor für das Beitragsverhalten der Gruppenmitglieder unter sozialer Identität ist. Kapitel 6 analysiert inwiefern die Möglichkeit einer gegenseitigen Bestrafung die Kooperationsbereitschaft unter dem Einfluss sozialer Identität ändert. Hierzu verwendet der Beitrag ein-Perioden-Spiele in Strategiemethode sowohl mit als auch ohne Bestrafung. Es zeigt sich, dass die Antizipation einer Bestrafung in heterogenen Gruppen zur größten Anhebung der Kooperationsbereitschaft führt, was am deutlichsten durch das Verhalten der Free-Rider ausgelöst wird. Darüber hinaus hebt die Bestrafungsinstitution unterschiede in der Kooperationsbereitschaft zwischen homo- und heterogenen Gruppen auf, die sich typischer Weise zugunsten homogener Gruppen verlagert. Letztlich deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass im Vergleich zu einer Situation in der ausschließlich eine Bestrafungsinstitution vorliegt, eine zusätzliche Identitätszuschreibung die Wohlfahrt zusätzlich erhöht. Mit Fokus auf negativer Reziprozität untersucht Kapitel 7 die Frage inwiefern soziale Identität das Bestrafungsverhalten gegenüber Gruppenmitgliedern beeinflusst, die weniger zum öffentlichen Gut beitragen als der Bestrafende. Hier zeigt sich, dass Mitglieder identitäts-homogener Gruppen seltener und in geringerer Höhe bestrafen, als es in heterogenen Gruppen der Fall ist. Darüber hinaus ist das Bestrafungsverhalten in heterogenen Gruppen signifikant stärker durch Ärger-ähnliche Emotionen motiviert als in homogenen Gruppen. Insgesamt zeigt der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation, dass Identitätszuschreibungen sowohl positive als auch negative Reziprozität beeinflussen und somit die soziale Wohlfahrt bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter – auch im Kontext kulturellen Eigentums – beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse sind demzufolge für Verhaltensabschätzungen im Rahmen von Politikempfehlungen relevant, die sich auf Situation mit dem Charakter öffentlicher Güter beziehen.

Αναβάθμιση βάσης δεδομένων συναισθηματικών εκφράσεων του προσώπου και αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα αξιολόγησης / Upgrade of a database of facial emotional expressions and creation of a database management system

Μπαλλής, Αθανάσιος 08 February 2010 (has links)
Τα τελευταία χρόνια γίνονται αρκετές μελέτες πάνω σε συναισθηματικές εκφράσεις προσώπου. Σκοπός τους είναι η μελέτη της αντίδρασης του εγκεφάλου πάνω σε σχετικά ερεθίσματα, κάτι που βρίσκει εφαρμογή σε πολλούς τομείς, όπως οι Νευροεπιστήμες, η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη και η Ψυχολογία. Διενεργούνται αρκετά πειράματα, τα οποία βασίζονται σε απεικονίσεις εκφράσεων προσώπου, οι οποίες συνήθως ομαδοποιούνται σε βάσεις δεδομένων με φωτογραφίες εκφράσεων προσώπου. Στην παρούσα Διπλωματική εργασία, γίνεται προσπάθεια αναβάθμισης υπάρχουσας βάσης δεδομένων με φωτογραφίες συναισθηματικών εκφράσεων Ελλήνων. Αρχικά μελετάται το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο των συναισθημάτων και των συγκινήσεων, καθώς και ο ρόλος τους στην ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά. Στη συνέχεια δίνεται έμφαση στις βάσεις δεδομένων διαφόρων μελετών πάνω σε φωτογραφίες συναισθηματικών εκφράσεων του προσώπου, όπου και παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος ανάπτυξης τέτοιων βάσεων. Η συνέχεια περιλαμβάνει την ψηφιακή ανάλυση των φωτογραφιών με τη χρήση λογισμικών πακέτων, δηλαδή τη μορφοποίηση και την ανάλυση χωρικών συχνοτήτων. Στην πρώτη περίπτωση επιλέγονται δύο συγκεκριμένα συναισθήματα και κατασκευάζονται καινούριες ενδιάμεσες (μορφοποιημένες) φωτογραφίες. Στη δεύτερη, εφαρμόζονται φίλτρα ως προς τη χωρική συχνότητα και προκύπτουν φωτογραφίες με χαμηλές και υψηλές χωρικές συχνότητες. Το σύνολο των φωτογραφιών που προκύπτει, αποτελεί τη βάση δεδομένων για το σύστημα διαχείρισης που κατασκευάζουμε. Πρόκειται για ένα πρόγραμμα που διαχειρίζεται ποικιλοτρόπως τη βάση δεδομένων και παρέχει αρκετές ευκολίες στον πειραματιστή στην έρευνά του. Στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος, αξιολογητές προσπαθούν να βρουν τι είδους συναίσθημα απεικονίζεται στις φωτογραφίες που βλέπουν. Η κάθε απάντηση των χρηστών αποθηκεύεται και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για στατιστική επεξεργασία. Απώτερος στόχος είναι να γνωρίζουμε ποιες φωτογραφίες αποτελούν ορθότερη αναπαράσταση για τα συναισθήματα που εν γένει απεικονίζουν, για να αποτελέσουν μια αρκετά αξιόπιστη βάση δεδομένων, η οποία θα μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε πληθώρα πειραμάτων. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, το προτεινόμενο πρόγραμμα της εργασίας συνεισφέρει στη μελέτη του εγκεφάλου. / -

Temporální vztahy v českých barokních textech / Temporal relationships of Czech Baroque texts

MONDŘÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The presented dissertation addresses the issue of expressing temporary relations (the present and the past) in the texts of the authors of the Baroque period. The excerpt includes 44 works of historic literary output. The topic is based on a semantic definition of temporal relationships in the Baroque language and interferes with the paratactic and hypotactic method of expression. Within the scope of paratactic connection of syntactic units, we analyze phrasal connections (the connection of main clauses and the connection of paratactic subclauses), text and phrasal connections, within the scope of hypotactic concentration mainly the relationship of the main and subordinate adverbial clauses of time. The classification according to various paratactic and subordinating conjunctions is led by the effort to obtain a comprehensive overview of the possible ways to express temporal relationships. The aim of the work is to contribute to an analytical examination of the syntactic language level of the Baroque period and to confirm the hypothesis of intact continuity of the language development between the humanistic, Baroque and National Revival periods.

K lexikální úrovni žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Lexical skills of upper primary school pupils

PELIKÁNOVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the state of pupils' vocabulary in the sixths and ninths grades. The thesis focuses on the pupils' understanding of the words which occur at the periphery of the vocabulary, mainly to literary expressions, archaisms, historisms, poetisms. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical, part is given deffiniton off basic terms related to the topic. In the second, practical, part is described whole cours and results of tests, which I gave to the pupils. Based on these test I have answered predefined research questions.

Introdução ao estudo da Álgebra para alunos do ensino fundamental

Kucinskas, Ricardo 11 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Kucinskas (ricardo.kucinskas@gmail.com) on 2018-01-22T23:22:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 cartabcoRicardo.pdf: 21310 bytes, checksum: fdb63965512cf2222ad8c0a892d83d4f (MD5) Dissert_RK.pdf: 28912456 bytes, checksum: b52fd80f02c5b25023a447b43e47f390 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2018-02-05T15:59:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 cartabcoRicardo.pdf: 21310 bytes, checksum: fdb63965512cf2222ad8c0a892d83d4f (MD5) Dissert_RK.pdf: 28912456 bytes, checksum: b52fd80f02c5b25023a447b43e47f390 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2018-02-05T15:59:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 cartabcoRicardo.pdf: 21310 bytes, checksum: fdb63965512cf2222ad8c0a892d83d4f (MD5) Dissert_RK.pdf: 28912456 bytes, checksum: b52fd80f02c5b25023a447b43e47f390 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-05T16:03:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 cartabcoRicardo.pdf: 21310 bytes, checksum: fdb63965512cf2222ad8c0a892d83d4f (MD5) Dissert_RK.pdf: 28912456 bytes, checksum: b52fd80f02c5b25023a447b43e47f390 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / This dissertation of professional masters proposes the introduction of the Algebra study for elementary school students. Our main objective was to develop a work outlined in didactic sequence, based on instigating problems that would challenge the independent thinking, essential for the effectiveness of the meaningful learning. For this purpose, a didactic sequence will be presented by three phases: Algebraic Thinking, Algebraic Expressions and First Degree Equations. In order to develop algebraic thinking, students were mobilized to study models and regularities. After that, problems that explored the variation of quantities and the generalization of patterns led them to read and represent some algebraic expressions as well as to calculate its numeric value in various contexts. Finally, our intention was to translate situations through first degree equations, analyzing them, finding their respective roots and validating the results found. As for the development of this research and the data analysis, we were guided by a qualitative approach, since the interactive contact of the researcher as a teacher at a municipal school provided the construction of a reality of students inserted in a particular universe of beliefs, values and several meanings. As the most important result, we realized that 7th grade students initially had only intuitive conceptual notions and had some difficulty in dealing with algebraic calculations. Therefore, problem solving proved to be an effective methodology for students to appropriate Algebra as a meaningful knowledge. / Esta dissertação de mestrado profissional tem como proposta a introdução do estudo da Álgebra para alunos do ensino fundamental. Nosso maior objetivo foi desenvolver um trabalho delineado em sequência didática, a partir de problemas instigantes que desafiassem o racicíonio independente, imprescindível para a efetivação da aprendizagem significativa. Para isso, será apresentada uma sequência didática composta por três fases: Pensamento Algébrico, Expressões Algébricas e Equações do 1º Grau. A fim de desenvolver o pensamento algébrico, os alunos foram mobilizados a estudar padrões e regularidades. Após isso, problemas que exploravam a variação de grandezas e a generalização de padrões os levaram a ler e representar expressões algébricas bem como calcular seu valor numérico em variados contextos. Por fim, nossa intenção foi traduzir situações por meio de equações de primeiro grau, analisando-as, encontrando suas respectivas raízes e validando os resultados encontrados. Quanto ao desenvolvimento desta pesquisa e à análise dos dados, nos pautamos numa abordagem qualitativa, uma vez que o contato interativo do pesquisador como professor de uma escola municipal proporcionou a construção de uma realidade de alunos inseridos num universo particular de crenças, valores e significados diversos. Como principal resultado, percebemos que os alunos do 7º ano tinham inicialmente apenas noções conceituais intuitivas e apresentavam certa dificuldade para lidar com cálculos algébricos. Diante disso, a resolução de problemas mostrou-se como metodologia eficaz para que os discentes se apropriassem da Álgebra como conhecimento significativo.

O que acontece embaixo da ponte? : juventudes e ocupação de espaço público

Pereira, Renata de Mello Cerqueira 30 May 2016 (has links)
The growth of the city of Aracaju, Northeast Brazil, brings questions about the occupation of urban spaces. In the case of this research, the starting point to study the cultural space created after the construction of the bridge linking the capital Aracaju the county of Barra Dos Coqueiros came from the Industrial District. Using an Ethnography done through field research, participant observation, interviews and questionnaires, relevant information was gathered about the “Sintonia Periférica” group, which occupies the space under the bridge in an artistic and political manifestation through the hip-hop movement. This research aimed to observe and analyze the way the young people of this town have been occupying and transforming the space, and the relationships that this artistic intervention in public spaces have with the reurbanization and growth of the city. To perceive the dimension of the relationships and their modes of action, consequent of urban restructuring, demonstrate the various possible ways of new forms of social and structural organization of the city, with relevance to the knowledge not only to social sciences, but also for the Public Administration and the community in general, because actions like these are daily response to the way the city has been ordered and its consequences in everyday life of its residents. / O crescimento da cidade de Aracaju, nordeste do Brasil, proporciona questionamentos acerca da ocupação dos espaços urbanos. No histórico dela, e no caso desta pesquisa, é no bairro Industrial que surge o ponto de partida para o estudo do espaço cultural criado após a construção da ponte que liga a capital Aracaju ao município da Barra dos Coqueiros. Mediante uma Etnografia feita através de pesquisa de campo, observação participante, entrevistas e questionários, foram colhidas informações relevantes a respeito do grupo ‘Sintonia Periférica’, que em uma manifestação artística e política ocupa o espaço embaixo da ponte por meio do movimento hip-hop. Tal pesquisa teve como principal objetivo observar e analisar a forma como os jovens dessa localidade vêm ocupando e transformando o espaço, e as relações que essa intervenção artística em espaços públicos têm com a reurbanização e o crescimento da cidade. Perceber a dimensão das relações e seus modos de ação consequentes da reestruturação urbana, demostram as várias maneiras possíveis de novas formas de organização social e estrutural da cidade, apresentando pertinência na construção de conhecimentos não somente para Ciências Sociais, mas também para a Administração Pública e a comunidade em geral, pois ações como essas são resposta diárias a maneira como a cidade vem sendo ordenada e as suas consequências na vida cotidiana de seus moradores.

Goggle-Eyes : en främmandegörande barnboksöversättning utifrån Bermans negativa analysverktyg / Goggle-Eyes : A foreignizing translation of a children's book based on Berman's negative analytics

Ådin, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats är baserad på översättningen av de två första kapitlen i ungdomsboken Goggle-Eyes (1989) av den brittiska författaren Anne Fine. Uppsatsen undersöker effekterna av en främmandegörande översättningsstrategi med utgångspunkt i Antoine Bermans negativa analysverktyg och med avseende på undvikandet av förlust av ikoniska och klangfulla ord och förlust av uttryck och idiom inklusive namn. Analysen visar att det i många fall är möjligt att bevara ikoniska och klangfulla ord vid översättningen, utan att effekten på måltexten blir främmandegörande, medan bevarandet av uttryck och namn i flera fall kräver förtydliganden för att måltexten ska bli begriplig för målgruppen. / The present study is based on the translation of the first two chapters of Goggle-Eyes, a novel for young teenagers by the british author Anne Fine. The study examines the effects of a foreignizing translation strategy based on Antoine Berman’s negative analytics, concerning avoidance of the loss of sonorous and iconic terms and expressions and idioms. The analysis suggests that in many cases it is possible to keep sonorous and iconic terms in translation without creating a foreignizing effect that could make reading difficult for young readers. However, the keeping of expressions and idioms in many cases calls for clarification in order to create a target text that is understandable for the target group.

Definition Extraction From Swedish Technical Documentation : Bridging the gap between industry and academy approaches

Helmersson, Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
Terminology is concerned with the creation and maintenance of concept systems, terms and definitions. Automatic term and definition extraction is used to simplify this otherwise manual and sometimes tedious process. This thesis presents an integrated approach of pattern matching and machine learning, utilising feature vectors in which each feature is a Boolean function of a regular expression. The integrated approach is compared with the two more classic approaches, showing a significant increase in recall while maintaining a comparable precision score. Less promising is the negative correlation between the performance of the integrated approach and training size. Further research is suggested.

Investigation of an OSLC-domain targeting ISO 26262 : Focus on the left side of the Software V-model

Castellanos Ardila, Julieth Patricia January 2016 (has links)
Industries have adopted a standardized set of practices for developing their products. In the automotive domain, the provision of safety-compliant systems is guided by ISO 26262, a standard that specifies a set of requirements and recommendations for developing automotive safety-critical systems. For being in compliance with ISO 26262, the safety lifecycle proposed by the standard must be included in the development process of a vehicle. Besides, a safety case that shows that the system is acceptably safe has to be provided. The provision of a safety case implies the execution of a precise documentation process. This process makes sure that the work products are available and traceable. Further, the documentation management is defined in the standard as a mandatory activity and guidelines are proposed/imposed for its elaboration. It would be appropriate to point out that a well-documented safety lifecycle will provide the necessary inputs for the generation of an ISO 26262-compliant safety case. The OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) standard and the maturing stack of semantic web technologies represent a promising integration platform for enabling semantic interoperability between the tools involved in the safety lifecycle. Tools for requirements, architecture, development management, among others, are expected to interact and shared data with the help of domains specifications created in OSLC.This thesis proposes the creation of an OSLC tool-chain infrastructure for sharing safety-related information, where fragments of safety information can be generated. The steps carried out during the elaboration of this master thesis consist in the identification, representation, and shaping of the RDF resources needed for the creation of a safety case. The focus of the thesis is limited to a tiny portion of the ISO 26262 left-hand side of the V-model, more exactly part 6 clause 8 of the standard:  Software unit design and implementation. Regardless of the use of a restricted portion of the standard during the execution of this thesis, the findings can be extended to other parts, and the conclusions can be generalize.This master thesis is considered one of the first steps towards the provision of an OSLC-based and ISO 26262-compliant methodological approach for representing and shaping the work products resulting from the execution of the safety lifecycle, documentation required in the conformation of an ISO-compliant safety case. / Espresso 2 / Gen&ReuseSafetyCases

Jazykové rysy moderní hindské povídky v diaspoře / Language features of the modern Hindi short story in diaspora

Khadimetova, Nilufar January 2016 (has links)
Charles University, the Faculty of Philosophy Department of South and Central Asia Diploma Thesis Student: Nilufar Khadimetová Language features of the modern Hindi short-story in diaspora Annotation The objective of the thesis is a description of the language of modern Hindī short- stories by Indian authors who live and write in diaspora. Analysis and description are made on a limited sample of short-stories that have been written since the beginning of the 21st century. Philological analysis includes both the lexical borrowings and the way of word formation and phraseology. It focuses on onomasiological phenomena such as "loan translation" or calc and creation of hybrid words as well as syntagmas. No less attention is devoted to syntax which we can assume that may be affected by English or another language in which the authors write. In conclusion we set out the main features of the English language influences on literary Hindī as reflected in selected stories, and indicate further possibilities for research in this area. Key words: Hindī, diaspora, modern hindī short story, language contact, code switching or mixing, language impacts, lexical borrowings, onomasiology, phraseology, verbo-nominal expressions, verb syntagmas etc.

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