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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kratki govorni izrazi usmenog porekla u skupštinskog govoru – zastupljenost, značenje, funkcija / Short spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the assembly speech – occurence, meaning, function

Barišić-Joković Vanja 21 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Ova doktorska disertacija posvećena je izučavanju govornih izraza usmenog porekla u skup&scaron;tinskom govoru Narodne skup&scaron;tine Republike Srbije, zasnovanom na bazi koja obuhvata 19 godina skup&scaron;tinskih zasedanja, 1997&ndash;2015. godine.<br />Iz naslova disertacije Govorni izrazi usmenog porekla u skup&scaron;tinskom govoru &ndash; zastupljenost, značenje, funkcija proističu predmetni i teorijsko-metodolo&scaron;ki prostor istraživanja, kao i osnovna jedinica analize: govorni izraz usmenog porekla. S obzirom na to da je relativno malo domaćih naučnih radova posvećeno govornim izrazima usmenog porekla u savremenom / političkom govoru, cilj ovog rada bio je da formira bazu takvih izraza i da ih u kontekstu analizira, da istraži njihovu zastupljenost, značenje i funkciju.<br />Delimična inspiracija za ovo istraživanje bio je inovativni rad Gerija Alana Fajna (Gary Alan Fine), koji je folkloristici ponudio sociolo&scaron;ke i socio-psiholo&scaron;ke metode koji će folklorne narative tumačiti kao delove socijalnog sistema, a sociologiji etnografiju malih grupa, proučavanje mikrostruktura i minijaturnih dru&scaron;tvenih fenomena, koji mogu pomoći da se pronaĎu odgovori u makrosociologiji. U svetlu njegove teorije &bdquo;mreže i cevovoda― (conduit theory) nije bilo ni relevatnijeg mesta od Narodne skup&scaron;tine, ni relevatnije socijalne grupe od narodnih poslanika za ovakvo istraživanje. Odgovor za kojim traga ovaj rad jeste kako se najvi&scaron;a dru&scaron;tvena i politička elita, u najznačajnijoj instituciji odnosi prema delu narodne tradicije, a taj odgovor, prema Fajnovoj teoriji može dati odgovore i na neka značajnija otvorena pitanja celog dru&scaron;tva.</p> / <p>This doctoral dissertation is dedicated to the research of spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the speech of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, founded on the base which comprises of 19 years of the Assembly sessions, 1997 to 2015.<br />Thematic and theoretical &ndash; methodological area of the research, as well as the basic unit of the analysis: spoken expression of the verbal origin have been derived from the dissertation title SPOKEN EXPRESSIONS OF THE VERBAL ORIGIN IN THE ASSEMBLY SPEECH &ndash; OCCURENCE, MEANING, FUNCTION. Considering that relatively few national scientific papers are dedicated to spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the contemporary / political speech, the aim of this dissertation was to create a base of such phrases and to analyze them in the context as well as to study their occurrence, meaning and function.<br />A part of inspiration for this research was an innovative work of Gary Alan Fine, which offered to folkloristics sociological and socio-psychological methods which interpreted folklore stories as segments of a social system; to sociology, it offered ethnography of small groups, a study of microstructures and miniature social phenomena which can assist in generating the answers in macrosociology. In the light of his theory - conduit theory, there was neither more prominent place than the National Assembly, nor more prominent social group than members of the parliament, for this research. The issue which this dissertation is aiming to address is how the social and political elite, in the most significant institution deals with the segment of national tradition. This issue according to Fine&#39;s theory can also raise some more significant questions related to the whole society.</p>

Rebranding “Made in India” through Cultural Sustainability : Exploring and Expanding Indian Perspectives

Schreiber, Raphael, Bota Moisin, Monica January 2021 (has links)
This exploratory study is a first attempt to translate the Indian cultural context from a socio-cultural, and legal perspective by identifying the values attributed to Indian textile craftsmanship by Indian textile and fashion stakeholders, and how their perspective is influenced by the global recognition and perception of Indian textile crafts and connotation of “Made in India”. At the same time the study investigates the meaning of “sustainability” in the Indian cultural context, in relation to textile craftsmanship, and how this relates to the Western concept of “sustainability”. Through field research in conjunction with a series of in-depth unstructured interviews, this study reveals that Cultural Sustainability is the dominating narrative in the Indian cultural context due to the prevalence of culturally embedded sustainability practices and the role of textile craftsmanship in sustaining livelihood, being a unique exercise of positioning Indian textile craftsmanship within a framework of cultural heritage as a valuable source of knowledge for sustainable practices in the fashion and textile industry. Unique about this study are the India-centric approach combined with the ethnicity of the subjects interviewed - who are, without exception, Indian nationals, whose work, voice and reputation are shaping India's contemporary textile craft -sustainability narrative (being referred to as the “Indian textiles and fashion elite”) and the framing of traditional craftsmanship from a legal perspective, introducing the notion of legal protection of traditional textile knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.

Facial expressions of pain in cats : the development and validation of the Feline Grimace Scale

Cayetano Evangelista, Marina 08 1900 (has links)
L’évaluation de la douleur chez le chat est souvent un défi en raison de leur nature discrète et les changements de comportement potentiels dans des situations inhabituelles et stressantes, telles que l'environnement vétérinaire. Différents outils d’évaluation de la douleur (c.-à.-d. des échelles de douleur) basés sur l'observation des comportements ont été proposés pour les chats; cependant, la majorité de ces outils manque de tests de validité, de fiabilité et/ou de généralisabilité. De plus, les échelles de douleur sont peu utilisées dans la pratique clinique. Des outils simples, pratiques et fiables tels que les échelles de grimace (instruments d'évaluation de la douleur basés sur l'expression faciale), ont le potentiel de changer ce scénario. Elles ont été développées pour plusieurs espèces, excluant le chat. L'objectif général de cette thèse était de développer un nouvel instrument basé sur l'expression faciale pour l'évaluation de la douleur aiguë chez les chats, la « Feline Grimace Scale » (FGS) et d'explorer ses applications et ses limitations. Nos hypothèses étaient que la FGS permettrait l’identification de la douleur chez les chats avec précision (dans différentes conditions telles que la douleur d’origine naturelle et postopératoire); elle serait valide et fiable (parmi différents évaluateurs); elle serait capable de détecter la réponse aux analgésiques; et finalement, elle pourrait être appliquée en temps réel dans le contexte clinique. La FGS a été développée et validée en utilisant une approche psychométrique pour détecter la douleur aiguë chez les chats. Cette échelle discriminait entre les chats en douleur de ceux qui ne le sont pas; détectait la réponse à différents analgésiques; et corrélait fortement avec un autre système de notation de la douleur. Une bonne fiabilité inter et intra-observateur a été démontrée, non seulement parmi les vétérinaires, mais aussi parmi les propriétaires de chats, les étudiants vétérinaires et les techniciens en santé animale. L’utilisation de la FGS en temps réel était aussi réalisable. D’autre part, nos résultats suggèrent que le genre de l'évaluateur influencerait l'évaluation de la douleur, car les évaluatrices attribuaient des scores plus élevés que les évaluateurs. La FGS est un outil valide, fiable et pratique pour l'utilisation potentielle en recherche ou en clinique; en temps réel ou par l’évaluation des images. Elle pourrait être aussi applicable dans une large gamme de conditions douloureuses et par des évaluateurs avec différents niveaux d'expertise, et potentiellement aussi à la maison (par les propriétaires de chats). Cela représente un progrès substantiel dans l’identification et la gestion de la douleur féline, vers les plus hautes exigences en matière de soins vétérinaires. / Pain assessment in cats is challenging due to a number of reasons, including their discrete nature and potential behavioral changes in unfamiliar and stressful situations, such as the veterinary environment. Different pain assessing instruments (i.e. pain scales) that rely on the observation of behaviors have been proposed for cats; however, the majority lack validity, reliability and/or generalizability testing. Additionally, the adherence to their use in clinical practice is low and warrants improvement. Simple, practical and reliable tools such as grimace scales (facial expression-based pain assessment instruments), have the potential of changing this scenario. They have been developed for several species, among which the cat was not included. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop a novel facial expression-based instrument for acute pain assessment in cats, the Feline Grimace Scale (FGS) and to explore its applications and limitations. Our hypotheses were that the FGS would be able to accurately identify pain in cats (in different conditions such as naturally-occurring or spontaneous and postoperative pain); it would be valid and reliable (among different raters); it would be able to detect the response to analgesics; and its application in real-time in the clinical context would be feasible. The FGS was developed and validated using a comprehensive psychometric approach to detect acute pain in cats. It has demonstrated a high discriminative ability between painful and non-painful cats; it is capable of detecting the response to different analgesic drugs and it is strongly correlated with another pain scoring system. Furthermore, it demonstrated good inter- and intra-rater reliability, not only among veterinarians, but also among cat owners, veterinary students and nurses (technicians). Real-time scoring using the FGS was proven feasible. On the other hand, our results suggested that the rater gender may influence pain assessment, as female raters assigned higher scores than males. The FGS is a valid, reliable and practical tool potentially for both research and clinical use in real-time or using image assessment; that may be applicable in a wide range of painful conditions, by raters with different degree of expertise, and potentially at home (by cat owners). This represents a substantial progress in feline pain management, towards the highest standards in veterinary care.

Hur visuellt material används för att påverka känslor och upplevelser i stunden : En analys av nio Instagraminlägg på temat välmående. / How visual material is used to influence emotions and experiences in the moment : An analysis of nine Instagramposts on the topic wellbeing.

Melin, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks och analyseras nio Instagraminlägg på temat välmående utifrån teorin om visuell perception och visuellt berättande. Syftet är att undersöka hur företag, med Instagraminlägg på temat välmående, kan ge personer verktyg att förbättra sitt eget välmående. Frågeställningen som uppsatsen söker svar på är; Hur kan Instagraminlägg på temat välmående användas för att påverka känslor och upplevelser positivt i stunden? En kvalitativ fokusgruppsintervju används för att undersöka fyra individers upplevelser och känslor kring inläggen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att ansiktsuttryck är ett bra medel för att få deltagarna att reflektera över sitt eget mående. När ansiktsuttrycken inte passar ihop med text och sammanhang upplevs inlägget som förvirrande även om färgerna i sig kändes lugnande eller upplyftande. Till vidare forskning hade det därför varit intressant att undersöka mer kring hur och varför ansiktsuttryck påverkar välmåendet.

Automated analysis of battery articles

Haglund, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Journal articles are the formal medium for the communication of results among scientists, and often contain valuable data. However, manually collecting article data from a large field like lithium-ion battery chemistry is tedious and time consuming, which is an obstacle when searching for statistical trends and correlations to inform research decisions. To address this a platform for the automatic retrieval and analysis of large numbers of articles is created and applied to the field of lithium-ion battery chemistry. Example data produced by the platform is presented and evaluated and sources of error limiting this type of platform are identified, with problems related to text extraction and pattern matching being especially significant. Some solutions to these problems are presented and potential future improvements are proposed.

Japanese native perceptions of the facial expressions of American learners of L2 Japanese in specified contexts

Shelton, Abigail Leigh January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Social Meaning in Virtual Space: Sentence-final expressions in the Japanese popular mediascape

Dahlberg-Dodd, Hannah Elizabeth January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

“Att besjunga livet som man säger, besjunga livet…” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det egna musikskapandets betydelse för människor med erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa

Hamou, Petra, Beliaeva, Olga January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie beskrivs och tolkas det egna musikskapandets betydelse och innebörd för människor med erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa. Urvalet har varit målstyrt på så sätt att vi genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta personer som skapar egen musik och någon gång i livet sökt hjälp i vården för sin psykiska ohälsa. Intervjumaterialet har sedan analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning på området samt följande teoretiska verktyg: KASAM och empowerment. Vår studie visar att musikskapande kan resultera i ett ökat socialt kapital och en ökad känsla av sammanhang och gemenskap för intervjupersonerna. Studien visar även att musikskapandet kan fungera som en aktiv motpol till isolering och passivitet, då musikskapandet bidrar till att individen börjar aktivera sig och söka nya vägar i livet. Tillägnandet av musikskapande har även visat sig ha en terapeutisk och självstärkande funktion för samtliga intervjupersoner, då de genom musikskapandet kan få större förståelse för sig själva och känna att de bemästrar någonting. Slutligen visar studien att det egna musikskapandet kan bidra till en ökad känsla av mening och riktning i livet.

Uttrycksformernas potential : En intervjustudie om hur multimodala arbetssätt kan differentiera lågstadieundervisningen / The potential of expressions : An interview study about how multimodal practices can differentiate instruction in primary school

Gabrielsson, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande intervjustudie undersöker kopplingen mellan multimodala arbetssätt och differentierad undervisning, för att utreda huruvida multimodala arbetssätt kan användas för att möta alla elever i läs- och skrivundervisningen utan att exkludera. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om multimodal differentierad läs- och skrivundervisning som möjliggör att alla elever möts, kan lära samt utveckla kunskap. Frågeställningarna som besvaras är: Hur beskriver lärare att differentierad undervisning möjliggörs? Vilka möjligheter och hinder för elevernas språk- och kunskapsutveckling identifierar lärarna i den beskriva undervisningen? Det teoretiska ramverket grundas i forskningsområdet kring multimodalitet, differentierad undervisning samt språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt. Dessutom nyttjas en teoretisk modell avseende läspraktiker för att diskutera studiens resultat. Materialet samlades in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet indikerar att möjligheterna med multimodala arbetssätt är att begripliggöra innehåll och bearbeta samt fördjupa innehåll för att stötta språk- och kunskapsutveckling i gemensamma sammanhang. Det senare kan medföra att den tidiga läs- och skrivundervisningen blir differentierad, eftersom fler elever får möjlighet att förstå, lära och delta. Samtidigt framkommer hinder i form av att undervisningen eventuellt upplevs oregelbunden, blir för intrycksrik för en del elever, förlorar sammanhanget eller kan få elever att undvika utmaningar ifall de själva får välja vilken uttrycksform de ska använda. / This interview study examines the relation between multimodal practices and differentiated instruction, to investigate if multimodal practices could offer a way to meet all students, without exclusion during literacy instruction. The aim is to contribute with knowledge about multimodal differentiated literacy instruction which meets all students, helps them to learn and develop knowledge. The research questions that will be answered are: How do teachers describe that differentiated instruction is made possible? What possibilities and obstacles for students’ language and knowledge development are identified by the teachers? The theoretical frame is based on the research area of multimodality, differentiated instruction, and to scaffold language and knowledge development. Moreover, a theoretical model about reading practices is used to discuss the result of the study. The material was gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews and the analyzed through thematic analysis. The result shows that possibilities with multimodal practice include making teaching content more understandable together with opportunities of processing and deepening it to support language and knowledge development within a context. The later can contribute to make early literacy instruction differentiated, because more students get a chance to understand, learn and participate. Although, obstacles appear since instruction might come across as irregular, contain too much stimulus, lose context or students might avoid challenges if they choose what form of expression to use.

Alexithymia Is Associated With Deficits in Visual Search for Emotional Faces in Clinical Depression

Suslow, Thomas, Günther, Vivien, Hensch, Tilman, Kersting, Anette, Bodenschatz, Charlott Maria 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: The concept of alexithymia is characterized by difficulties identifying and describing one’s emotions. Alexithymic individuals are impaired in the recognition of others’ emotional facial expressions. Alexithymia is quite common in patients suffering from major depressive disorder. The face-in-the-crowd task is a visual search paradigm that assesses processing of multiple facial emotions. In the present eye-tracking study, the relationship between alexithymia and visual processing of facial emotions was examined in clinical depression. Materials and Methods: Gaze behavior and manual response times of 20 alexithymic and 19 non-alexithymic depressed patients were compared in a face-in-the-crowd task. Alexithymia was empirically measured via the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia-Scale. Angry, happy, and neutral facial expressions of different individuals were shown as target and distractor stimuli. Our analyses of gaze behavior focused on latency to the target face, number of distractor faces fixated before fixating the target, number of target fixations, and number of distractor faces fixated after fixating the target. Results: Alexithymic patients exhibited in general slower decision latencies compared to non-alexithymic patients in the face-in-the-crowd task. Patient groups did not differ in latency to target, number of target fixations, and number of distractors fixated prior to target fixation. However, after having looked at the target, alexithymic patients fixated more distractors than non-alexithymic patients, regardless of expression condition. Discussion: According to our results, alexithymia goes along with impairments in visual processing of multiple facial emotions in clinical depression. Alexithymia appears to be associated with delayed manual reaction times and prolonged scanning after the first target fixation in depression, but it might have no impact on the early search phase. The observed deficits could indicate difficulties in target identification and/or decision-making when processing multiple emotional facial expressions. Impairments of alexithymic depressed patients in processing emotions in crowds of faces seem not limited to a specific affective valence. In group situations, alexithymic depressed patients might be slowed in processing interindividual differences in emotional expressions compared with non-alexithymic depressed patients. This could represent a disadvantage in understanding non-verbal communication in groups.

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