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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um código pictórico em comum - a expressão de uma cosmografia na cerâmica da região sudoeste dos EUA e suas relações com a região norte e central da Mesoamérica / A common pictoric code - the expression of a cosmography in the ceramics of the Southest region and its relations with north and central Mesoamerica.

Cássia Bars Hering 08 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho propôs um estudo da cerâmica Anasazi/ Pueblo Antigo, Mogollon e Casas Grandes, com o intuito de averiguar a presença de um \"código pictórico\". Para tanto, foram realizadas análises quantitativas e qualitativas de um conjunto de 1.451 peças arqueológicas. Os resultados dessas análises levaram à constatação da existência de um \"código pictórico\" formado por um conjunto finito de símbolos gráficos, cuja produção e reprodução foi observada em cerâmicas dispersas tanto por uma ampla faixa territorial, como ao longo de uma considerável escala temporal (aprox. de 500 d.C. a 1500 d.C.). O conjunto artefatual estudado foi produzido por grupos humanos que habitaram uma região conhecida na arqueologia como \"Sudoeste\". Tendo como base a constatação de que este \"código pictórico\" foi amplamente expresso na cerâmica encontrada ao longo de vastos territórios, foi também aqui investigado e demonstrado que alguns de seus \"símbolos principais\" poderiam também ser encontrados na iconografia de áreas hoje consideradas como norte e centro - mesoamericanas. Nesse sentido, o trabalho buscou contribuir também para o aprofundamento do debate da natureza das trocas e dos contatos que hoje acredita-se terem sido travados ao longo destas extensas áreas. / This work aims to demonstrate the existence of a common \"pictorial code\", through a study of the Anasazi/ Ancient Pueblo, Mogollon and Casas Grandes ceramic production. The quantitative and qualitative analyses conducted in 1.451 ceramic artefacts were able to demonstrate the presence of a pictorial code, formed by an specific set of graphic symbols, expressed in the ceramics found through a vast territory, covering a substantial time lapse (from aprox. 500 d.C. to 1500 d.C.). Groups that once inhabited a region known in archeological literature by the name of \"Southwest\", produced the ceramic artifacts analyzed by this study. Considering that this \"pictorial code\" was present and seen through such extensive areas, its presence was also investigated in the material production of the surroundings areas of Mesoamerica. It was demonstrated, through such investigation, that some of its main symbols were also depicted in the iconography of north and central Mesoamerica. The analysis of such scenario contributes to a better understanding of the nature of the contacts and exchanges that it is known today to have happened through such territories.

Översättningsprocessen vid översättning av fasta fraser hos professionella och icke-professionella översättare : En empirisk undersökning / Translating idioms and other fixed expressions: a process study of professional translators and novices

Leirvåg, Tanja January 2011 (has links)
Processen vid översättning av fasta fraser har hittills inte skänkts mycket uppmärksamhet inom den processorienterade översättningsvetenskapen. Denna deskriptiva studie försöker bidra med empiriskt material angående vissa aspekter av översättningsprocessen vid översättning av svenska fasta fraser till tyska. I undersökningen med sex tvåspråkiga försökspersoner, varav tre yrkesverksamma översättare och tre personer utan översättningserfarenhet, användes en kombination av en produktbaserad metod och processinriktade metoder som skrivloggning med Translog och retrospektion för att finna ut vilka översättningsstrategier vid översättningen av idiom och andra fasta fraser som väljs, på vilka vägar försökspersonerna kommer fram till sina slutliga val och om det kan skönjas några skillnader mellan yrkesöversättarna och lekmännen. Resultaten visar bl.a. att det var vanligast att översätta med parafrasering samt med en målspråksfras med liknande betydelse och liknande eller olik form, och att försökspersonerna kom fram till sina slutliga val med enbart få provisoriska skriftliga motsvarigheter, men genom en del längre överväganden kring betydelse och stil. Angående skillnader mellan de två testgrupperna framträder rätt tydligt att yrkesöversättarna överlag var försiktigare med användningen av direkta frasmotsvarigheter än de oerfarna deltagarna, men använde sig av parafrasering i mycket större utsträckning, samt att funderingar kring stilnivå, målgrupp och textfunktion i denna grupp var mera utpräglade. / The process in translating idioms and other fixed expressions has not yet been given much attention in process oriented translation studies. In this study involving three professional translators and three bilingual participants without any training or experience in translation, types and frequency of chosen translation strategies, the ways in which the participants arrived at their final choices, as well as possible differences between the two groups of participants were investigated, using a combination of product and process oriented methods such as keystroke logging with Translog and retrospection. Results indicate that paraphrasing and translation with an expression with similar meaning and similar or different form are the strategies most frequently used in both groups, and that there are only few occurrencies of preliminary versions in the writing process, but quite many examples of negotiation of meaning and style as expressed in the verbalizations. Compared with the novices the professional translators tended to be more cautious in their use of idiomatic equivalents and to consider aspects like target group or style and function of the target text more carefully.

Feministiskt initiativ - en idéanalys

Wizelius, Akira January 2008 (has links)
Feminist initiative – an idea analysis. On the fourth of April in the year 2005 Feministic initiative (Fi) was created, it was an main response to the slow changes in the Swedish society, which claimed to establish an equal society. Equality has become one of the major indicators of a contemporary democratic society. The Swedish government has long proclaimed to reach this goal, but even though Sweden currently lies in the front among the democratic societies, while you consider equality issues, especially between the sexes, there is still a lot that need to be done in the Swedish society. Feministic initiative began as an organization and established a political party and participated in the election during the year 2006, but failed to reach a place in the parliament. Recently Feministic initiative said that they will participate in the upcoming election in the year 2010. It made me wonder which feministic ideals that Feministic initiative actually practices. Feminism is a broad ideology, and a reaction against the society that claims to be democratic but systematically oppresses women. This oppression created feminism; but there is different views of feminism, my main objective in this paper is to present a few different feministic directions. These are, radicalfeminism, marxistic feminism, liberalfeminism, socialistic feminism, post-modernfeminism and black (women’s) feminism. From these theories will I create a analyze frame and try to locate different kinds of feministic ideas within Feministic initiatives policy documents called F! for a feministic policy, election manifest and platform for Feministic initiative Thus, the main focus in this paper to do an idea analyze and focus on Feministic initiative, do they really use the different ideas expressed within the different types of feminism that I consider in this paper in a equal manner? The conclusion is that Feministic initiative is tendentious, Feministic initiative uses ideas, perspectives and expressions that are typical for radicalfeminism more than they use ideas, perspectives and expressions from other types of feminism.

Hungrig som en gnu och snäll som en karamell : En korpusstudie över nutida liknelser i svenska bloggtexter / Hungry as a wildebeest and kind as candy

Lindmark, Carolina January 2015 (has links)
Studien kartlägger vanliga adjektivliknelser i svenska bloggtexter ur två aspekter, vilka adjektiv och substantiv som förekommer tillsammans i konstruktionen ADJEKTIV som en/ett SUBSTANTIV samt deras grad av konventionalisering. Tidigare forskning visar att liknelser är svårdefinierade, vilket tas upp i bakgrunden. Materialet är hämtat från fem korpusar med svensk bloggtext. Resultaten visar att de vanligaste adjektivliknelserna föredrar att knyta an till ett eller några substantiv. Däremot finns det visst utrymme för produktivitet. Studien är en preliminär kartläggning över hur pass konventionaliserade liknelserna är. Möjliga källor för uppkomst av liknelserna diskuteras i diskussionen. Resultaten belyser även att det finns en ytterligare dimension i definitionen av liknelser utöver kontinuumet mellan bokstavlighet och figurativitet, nämligen en distinktion mellan exaktare måttangivelse och figurativitet.

Étude comparative entre le français ivoirien et le français algérien dans les livres Les soleils des indépendances et Les agneaux du seigneur / A Comparative Study between Ivorian French and Algerian French in Kourouma's Les Soleils des Indépendances and Khadra's Les Agneaux du Seigneur

Egueh, Hayat January 2016 (has links)
This paper presents a reflection on some particularities of written French in Algeria and Ivory Coast. French language was implanted and imposed in both countries at the time of the colonization. Today written French, in Algeria and Ivory Coast, does not always follow standardized French. Some writers like Ahmadou Kourouma and Yasmina Kadra have added new expressions, neologisms and metaphors in order to better convey their messages and place their work in their cultural contexts. The main purpose of this study is to classify some of the different characteristics of Ivorian and Algerian French according to previous studies, then to identify those features in Ahmadou Kourouma’s novel Les soleils des indépendances and Yasmina Khadra’s Les agneaux du seigneur and finally to compare the features of their works. We realize, through those writers, that Ivorian and Algerian French have some convergences and divergences. We noticed that the characteristics of both works exhibited similarities on the derivational morphology level and on the semantic level. But they have some divergences on the syntactic, phonetic and morphologic level. Keywords: French, lexical particularities, neologisms, borrowings of words, new expressions, French characteristics, convergences, divergences, derivational morphology, semantics, syntax, phonetics, morphology

Řeč těla, řeč díla / Body language and the language of art

Jírová, Josefína January 2015 (has links)
The proposed thesis deals with the topic of body language in visual art and with understanding of body language as synergy of the innermost experience and the experience of the bodily form. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses psychological, anthropological and art historical literature published both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The point of departure for the theoretical part is the concept of interconnectedness of sensory perception, its cognitive analysis and the ensuing answer to the environment, focusing especially on the subjective character of these processes. In the practical part of the proposed thesis, an educational art project is designed, based on the results of the theoretical study in the first part and impulses from contemporary visual art (Eva Koťátková, Erwin Wurm, Miriam Cabessa and others). The aim of the educational part is to observe the processes mentioned above, concentrating especially on the creative expression through an artistic action and the experience of the individual.

Emotional display in argument, storytelling and teasing:a multimodal analysis

Yu, C. (Changrong) 01 June 2012 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation studies emotional displays in talk-in-interaction, especially focusing on conversational argument, storytelling and teasing. The aim is to understand how verbal expressions, prosodic cues, and embodied actions interact with each other in emotional expression. The main analytic approach and methodology is conversation analysis and multimodal interaction analysis, applied to interactional sequences from everyday conversations. The research data comes from three different video recordings and their transcripts. First, the dissertation reveals two broad types of frustration in conversational argument. The findings suggest that combined verbal and nonverbal expression of frustration involves a complex interplay of prosodic cues and embodied actions. Nonverbal expression of frustration is displayed by embodied actions alone. Second, the dissertation shows how shared joy is conveyed between storytellers and recipients in storytelling. They can achieve shared joy because the recipients express willing participation and active recipiency in two main ways: they display verbal appreciation of the story, or they join in the storytelling through laughter, smiles, head nods, and gaze exchanges. The recipients may also offer summaries or interpretations of events in the story by comparing their own experiences to events in the story. Third, the dissertation analyzes playful teasing activity, showing how teasing activity can bring about a shared experience of amusement for both teasers and their “targets.” The study argues that recipients of teasing are active contributors in the social interaction. The transient embarrassment felt by the teased participants does not prevent the exchange from reaching a shared experience of amusement. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirja tutkii tunteiden osoittamista arkisissa keskustelutilanteissa ja erityisesti väittelyn, tarinankerronnan ja kiusoittelun kuluessa. Tutkimusmetodi on pääasiassa keskustelunanalyysi, jonka avulla tutkitaan, miten kielelliset ilmaukset, prosodiset vihjeet sekä keholliset toiminnot yhdessä tuottavat tunneilmauksia. Tutkimusaineiston muodostaa kolme videoitua keskustelua ja niiden litteraatiot. Tutkimus osoittaa arkikeskusteluissa esiintyvissä väittelyissä ilmenevän kahtalaista turhautumisen tyyppiä. Ensimmäisessä puhujat tuottavat rinnan kielellisiä ja ei-kielellisiä turhautumisen ilmauksia, toisessa turhautumista osoitetaan vain ei-kielellisin keinoin. Tuloksien mukaan edellisessä tyypissä prosodia ja keholliset toiminnot ovat monimutkaisessa vuorovaikutuksessa keskenään. Jälkimmäisessä tyypissä turhautumista ilmaistaan pelkästään keholla. Toiseksi väitöskirja osoittaa, miten jaettu ilon tunne syntyy puhujien ja vastaanottajien välisenä toimintana. Tarinankerronnassa saavutetaan ilon hetkiä, koska vastaanottajat ovat halukkaasti mukana kerronnassa ja osoittavat aktiivista vastaanottoa kahdella tavalla: he osoittavat arvostusta kertomusta kohtaan verbaalisin keinoin, tai he liittyvät kerrontaan mukaan nauramalla, hymyilemällä, nyökkäilemällä, vaihtamalla katseita keskenään, referoimalla ja tulkitsemalla kertojan aiempaa puhetta formulaatioillaan ja vertailemalla omia kokemuksiaan tarinan tilanteeseen. Kolmanneksi tutkimus analysoi leikkisää kiusoittelua, joka saadaan aikaan liioittelevilla kielellisillä ilmauksilla sekä liioittelevilla prosodisilla vihjeillä ja eleillä. Tutkimus näyttää, että kiusoittelun kohteet aktiivisesti myötävaikuttavat kiusoittelutoimintaan. He voivat olla siinä mukana liioittelevilla vastausvuoroilla, nauramalla tai toimimalla mukana pelkästään eleiden avulla. Empiirinen analyysi näyttää, että kiusoittelutoiminta tuottaa yhteisen huvittuneisuuden kokemuksen keskustelun kuluessa. Kiusoittelijan ja kiusoittelun kohteen kokema ohimenevä nolous tai kiusaantuneisuus ei estä tämän yhteisen huvittuneisuuden kokemuksen saavuttamista.


RICARDO BORGES ALENCAR 14 September 2004 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta análise é propor a conceituação e a organização das expressões formulaicas a partir do corpus que consta de 6 episódios do programa Os Normais da Rede Globo de Televisão, reunidas no DVD de mesmo nome. A fundamentação teórica básica deste trabalho concentra-se na área da Funcionalismo, associado à Pragmática e vale-se do conceito de função (Neves, 1997), e seqüência formulaica numa perspectiva pragmática (Wray, 2002). Nossos resultados apontam para uma lista sistematizada de expressões formulaicas, que funcionam como um dos mecanismos lingüísticos usados no cotidiano, favorecendo a economia lingüística e proporcionando o aumento da competência de uso da língua portuguesa para o estrangeiro. / [en] The aim of this analysis is to propose a conceptualization and organization of the formulaic expressions taken from a corpus of 6 episodes of the Rede Globo sitcom Os normais , included in a DVD also titled Os normais.. The theoretical basis of this work is in Functionalism in association with Pragmatics, adopting the concepts of function (Neves, 1997) and formulaic sequence from a pragmatic perspective (Wray, 2002). Our results point to a systematic list of formulaic expressions, that are one the used linguistic devices in everyday language, favoring linguistic economy and increasing linguistic competence in Portuguese for non-native speakers.

The relevance for sustainable development of the protection of intellectual property rights in traditional cultural expressions

Esan, Olajumoke Ibironke January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This research work addresses the problem being faced by developing countries in the commercial exploitation of their traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) by third parties without giving due attribution to nor sharing benefits with the communities from which these TCEs originate. This problem stems from the inability of customary law systems which regulates life in such communities to adequately cater for the protection of these TCEs. The legal systems of the developing countries have also proven to be ineffective in the protection of TCEs from such misappropriation and unauthorized commercial exploitation. This mini-thesis examines how TCEs have been protected domestically through national legislation and internationally through treaties and proposes means by which they can be protected in a manner that would preserve them, while promoting the dissemination of those which can be shared without destroying their inherent nature. This mini-thesis thus explores avenues through which the protection of TCEs would contribute to economic and human development in developing countries. / South Africa

miRNAMatcher: High throughput miRNA discovery using regular expressions obtained via a genetic algorithm

Duvenage, Eugene January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / In summary there currently exist techniques to discover miRNA however both require many calculations to be performed during the identification limiting their use at a genomic level. Machine learning techniques are currently providing the best results by combining a number of calculated and statistically derived features to identify miRNA candidates, however almost all of these still include computationally intensive secondary-structure calculations. It is the aim of this project to produce a miRNA identification process that minimises and simplifies the number of computational elements required during the identification process. / South Africa

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