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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotion and motion: age-related differences in recognizing virtual agent facial expressions

Smarr, Cory-Ann 05 October 2011 (has links)
Technological advances will allow virtual agents to increasingly help individuals with daily activities. As such, virtual agents will interact with users of various ages and experience levels. Facial expressions are often used to facilitate social interaction between agents and humans. However, older and younger adults do not label human or virtual agent facial expressions in the same way, with older adults commonly mislabeling certain expressions. The dynamic formation of facial expression, or motion, may provide additional facial information potentially making emotions less ambiguous. This study examined how motion affects younger and older adults in recognizing various intensities of emotion displayed by a virtual agent. Contrary to the dynamic advantage found in emotion recognition for human faces, older adults had higher emotion recognition for static virtual agent faces than dynamic ones. Motion condition did not influence younger adults' emotion recognition. Younger adults had higher emotion recognition than older adults for the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness. Low intensities of expression had lower emotion recognition than medium to high expression intensities.

Trend-sandwich : Exploring new ways of joining inspiration, such as different kinds of trends, through processes of morphing and melding different trendy garments and materials, for new methods, garment types, materials and expressions.

Bendzovski, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to explore the joining of inspiration, such as different garments and materials, in relation to commonly used methods in the fashion industry when it comes to joining of different trends and references such as clashing and collaging. The work proposes a new method and framework for join- ing inspiration which generates different results depending on what kind of inspiration that is put in to it. A garment can roughly be broken down to a silhouette and shape, materials and details. The material put in to the method and framework is based on information from trend seminars for SS16, because that is how many of today’s trend-oriented fashion brands get there inspiration. Trendy garment silhouettes are mixed through processes of computational morphing in Adobe Flash by a generation of spin in the mixing process were shape hints are used in a new manner. The new generated silhouettes are further developed and materialized through procedures of interpretation and figuration. Different trendy materials are melded in a direct and concrete way through mixed media techniques such as laminating, fusing and vacuum-techniques. The final steps of the method is a garment shape and material synthesis with starting point in the generated shape with the final material. The projects intention is to let the physical experimentation, interpretation and figuration play a central role in the research process for new types of methods, garments, materials and expressive pos- sibilities.

Världens opålitlighet : Begreppsanalys av livsförståelsearbete i särskolan / The Unreliability of the World : A Concept Analysis of the Work of Understanding One’s Life in Special School

Stefansson, Ingalill January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the work of understanding one’s life. The work of understanding one’s life is what I call the work that pupils in special school and special school for adults (education for pupils, children as well as adults with intellectual challenges) themselves initiate. It is a “real” job, based on the pupils’ conditions where the purpose is to understand his or her self and learn to live in a world that is or can be experienced as unreliable. In special school the teacher has very obviously the pupil’s life in his or her hand and the way of approach that the teacher chooses is of great importance for the possibility for the pupil to work with his or her understanding of life. Analyses of concepts from existential philosophers with interdependence in focus have the purpose of understanding the work of understanding one’s life. For example K.E. Løgstrup’s philosophy on the ethical demand is discussed, as also spontaneous and revolving life expressions, Karl Jaspers’ border situations, Paul Tillich’s the courage to be and Henry Cöster’s work on ethics and social care. The discussion is put in relation to two different ways of approach that the pedagogue can choose. I call them following and leading approach. The analyses are illustrated with drawings from pupils’ and stories based on my experience of many years’ work in special school. The method, to see the alternative with distinctions, has been inspired by K.E. Løgstrup’s phenomenological interpretation of everyday reality. The result – a theory on what the work of understanding one’s life is about – is based on the discussion of the different concepts of the analysis in combination. The theory makes it possible to both speak about and relate to the work of understanding one’s life. Finally examples are given of areas, activities and situations where knowledge about the importance of the work of understanding one’s life is important for people’s possibility of taking part in community of society.

Les dictionnaires collaboratifs en tant qu’objets discursifs, linguistiques et sociaux / Collaborative dictionaries as linguistic, discursive and social objects

Dolar, Kaja 13 January 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de nos travaux, nous définissons 1a lexicographie collaborative – en nous appuyant sur Cotter et Damaso (2007), Meyer et Gurevych (2012), Granger 2012, etc. – comme un genre dictionnairique qui intègre les contributions d’une communauté et qui crée, via l’internet, un espace virtuel où les contributeurs se soutiennent, collaborent et coopèrent dans la rédaction. Nous nous focalisons sur les dictionnaires collaboratifs généraux monolingues, un terrain qui semble très peu exploité actuellement. Nous nous concentrons en particulier sur les dictionnaires français La Parlure, Le dictionnaire collaboratif du français parlé et le dictionnaire slovène Razvezani jezik, Slovar žive slovenščine. Nous proposons une analyse en trois parties. Dans la première partie, nous décrivons les dictionnaires collaboratifs du point de vue lexicographique, énonciatif et sociolinguistique. Nous explorons également la question de la néologie et de la norme ainsi que les moyens de régulation du contenu. La deuxième partie est consacrée à des phénomènes linguistiques, qui s’inscrivent de façon particulièrement intéressante dans le contexte de la lexicographie collaborative : le métalangage, le nom propre, le figement et la métaphore. Dans la troisième partie, nous étudions la place du genre (gender) dans les dictionnaires collaboratifs, à travers les différentes désignations – métaphoriques et autres – relevant du genre et de la sexualité. Les trois axes explorés nous mènent à la conclusion que nous sommes confrontés à un objet novateur, un nouveau phénomène dans l’histoire de la lexicographie qui n’a pas encore été exploré et qui ouvre de nombreuses pistes prometteuses. / In the scope of our research, I define the collaborative lexicography – following Cotter and Damaso (2007), Meyer and Gurevych (2012), Granger 2012, etc. – as the dictionary genre that integrates the contributions of a community and creates, through the internet, a virtual space where contributors collaborate and cooperate in writing the dictionary articles. I have focused on general monolingual collaborative dictionaries, a subject which seems to have captured very little attention so far. I have concentrated in particular on the French dictionary La Parlure, Le dictionnaire collaboratif du français parlé and the Slovene dictionary Razvezani jezik, Slovar žive slovenščine. I propose an analysis in three parts. The first part describes the collaborative dictionaries from the lexicographical aspect, the aspect of enunciation and the sociolinguistic aspect. I equally explore the question of neologisms, of the norm and different types of content regulation. The second part is devoted to linguistic phenomena that are inscribed in particularly interesting ways into the context of collaborative lexicography: meta-language, proper names, set expressions and metaphors. The third part examines the place of gender in collaborative dictionaries through different designations – metaphoric and other – pertaining to gender and sexuality. The three axes of investigation lead to the conclusion that we are faced with an innovative object, a new phenomenon in the history of lexicography which hasn’t been explored yet, and which opens up numerous promising lines of research.

Micro-Expression Extraction For Lie Detection Using Eulerian Video (Motion and Color) Magnication / Micro-Expression Extraction For Lie Detection Using Eulerian Video (Motion and Color) Magnication

Chavali, Gautam Krishna, Bhavaraju, Sai Kumar N V, Adusumilli, Tushal, Puripanda, VenuGopal January 2014 (has links)
Lie-detection has been an evergreen and evolving subject. Polygraph techniques have been the most popular and successful technique till date. The main drawback of the polygraph is that good results cannot be attained without maintaining a physical contact, of the subject under test. In general, this physical contact would induce extra consciousness in the subject. Also, any sort of arousal in the subject triggers false positives while performing the traditional polygraph based tests. With all these drawbacks in the polygraph, also, due to rapid developments in the fields of computer vision and artificial intelligence, with newer and faster algorithms, have compelled mankind to search and adapt to contemporary methods in lie-detection. Observing the facial expressions of emotions in a person without any physical contact and implementing these techniques using artificial intelligence is one such method. The concept of magnifying a micro expression and trying to decipher them is rather premature at this stage but would evolve in future. Magnification using EVM technique has been proposed recently and it is rather new to extract these micro expressions from magnified EVM based on HOG features. Till date, HOG features have been used in conjunction with SVM, and generally for person/pedestrian detection. A newer, simpler and contemporary method of applying EVM with HOG features and Back-propagation Neural Network jointly has been introduced and proposed to extract and decipher the micro-expressions on the face. Micro-expressions go unnoticed due to its involuntary nature, but EVM is used to magnify them and makes them noticeable. Emotions behind the micro-expressions are extracted and recognized using the HOG features \& Back-Propagation Neural Network. One of the important aspects that has to be dealt with human beings is a biased mind. Since, an investigator is also a human and, he too, has to deal with his own assumptions and emotions, a Neural Network is used to give the investigator an unbiased start in identifying the true emotions behind every micro-expression. On the whole, this proposed system is not a lie-detector, but helps in detecting the emotions of the subject under test. By further investigation, a lie can be detected. / This thesis uses a magnification technique to magnify the subtle, faint and spontaneous facial muscle movements or more precisely, micro-expressions. This magnification would help a system in classifying them and estimating the emotion behind them. This technique additionally magnifies the color changes, which could be used to extract the pulse without a physical contact with the subject. The results are presented in a GUI. / Gautam: +46(0)739528573, +91-9701534064 Tushal: +46(0)723219833, +91-9000242241 Venu: +46(0)734780266, +91-9298653191 Sai: +91-9989410111

Možnosti deklarativního programování v jazyku Java 8 / Possibilities of Declarative Programming in Java 8

Rytych, Maxim January 2015 (has links)
This paper concerns itself with possibilities of declarative programming in the new version of Java 8 language, specifically using elements adopted from the domain of functional programming languages: function as a value and lazy streams of data. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate possibilities of declarative programming using these elements, analyze its implementation and design own extensions. The contribution lies particularly in showing possibilities of the new elements, implementation analysis and design of a new functionality. The output can be used by a Czech reader, who is at least slightly advanced in the field of information technologies. The paper is divided into a theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part is covered by chapters 3-8. Theoretical part describes motivation for introduction of the new elements, describes functional programming and its basic principles, then it shows basic principles of the newly introducted elements and ends with the description of the java.util.stream package. Pactical part is covered by chapters 9 and 10. Practical part concerns with stream oper-ations and extension design of existing functionality.


ANA CAROLINE MATIAS ALENCAR 08 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] No ano de 1965, o cineasta Jorge Prelorán deu início a uma vasta série documental, intitulada Relevamiento Cinematográfico de Expresiones Folklóricas Argentinas, direcionada à pesquisa e ao registro audiovisual de regiões interioranas do país. O projeto, que contou com o patrocínio de instituições como a Universidad Nacional de Tucumán e o Fondo Nacional de las Artes, foi desenvolvido em meio a um pulsante contexto intelectual e artístico, marcado tanto pela emergência das mais diversas propostas de renovação da linguagem cinematográfica, como pelo amplo fenômeno conhecido como boom do movimento folclórico, ocorrido nos anos 1960, na Argentina. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta tese foi o de investigar de que maneira Jorge Prelorán teria reelaborado, nas películas por ele realizadas para o Relevamiento (1965-1975), um conjunto de temas, tópicas, metodologias, recursos narrativos e procedimentos discursivos provenientes de três amplos domínios, com os quais o diretor manteve os mais estreitos contatos: a larga tradição de ensaios de interpretação da Argentina, dedicada, ao longo do tempo, à tarefa de figuração da nação; os campos do folclore e da antropologia vigorantes no país, em suas múltiplas vertentes; e as correntes do cinema etnográfico com as quais o diretor chegou a estabelecer longevos vínculos. Os diálogos travados entre a obra de Prelorán e as tradições intelectuais e artísticas mencionadas – diálogos esses que estiveram quase sempre pautados nas estratégias de descrição da natureza, nos diferentes modos de figuração do tempo e do espaço e nos modelos de representação da arte e da cultura manejados pelo documentarista – foram concebidos, ao longo da pesquisa, como variações em torno de quatro grandes temas: a cartografia, a viagem, o compêndio e a metodologia empática de filmagem. / [en] In 1965, the filmmaker Jorge Prelorán began to develop a vast documentary series, entitled Relevamiento Cinematográfico de Expresiones Folklóricas Argentinas, dedicated to the study and filming of inlands regions of the country. The project, which was sponsored by Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and Fondo Nacional de las Artes, took place in the midst of an intellectual and artistic context marked both by the emergence of diverse proposals for the renewal of cinematographic language, and by the cultural phenomenon known as boom of the folk movement, which occurred in the 1960s in Argentina. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate how Jorge Prelorán reformulated, in the films he made for the project between 1965 and 1975, a set of themes, topics, methodologies, narrative resources and discursive procedures originated from three broad domains, with which the director maintained close contacts: the long tradition of Argentine essays, dedicated to the interpretation of the nation; the fields of folklore and anthropology prevailing in the country, in its multiple phases; and the modalities of ethnographic cinema with which the director related in those years. The dialogues that were established between Prelorán s work and the intellectual and artistic traditions mentioned previously – dialogues that were almost always based on the strategies of describing nature, on the different modes of representing time and space and on the models of depicting art and culture used by the filmaker – were conceived throughout this research as variations around four major themes: cartography, travel, compendium and empathic filming methodology.

Cullah Mi Gullah, African American Female Artists and the Sea Islands: Exploring Africanisms and Religious Expressions in Creative Works

Mulholland, Rebekkah Yisrael 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Faktoren zur Integration von Mitgliedern von Jugendgemeinden in landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden in Wurttemberg : Eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung / Factors for the integration of members of youth church congregations into mainline church congregations in Wurttemberg : a practical theological investigation

Lipponer, Cornelius 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Text in German / Angestoßen durch ein vom evangelischen Jugendwerk getragenes Projekt hat sich eine zu-nehmende Zahl von Jugendgemeinden in Orten und Bezirken der württembergischen Lan-deskirche etabliert. Diese Jugendgemeinden zielen auf verbindliche gottesdienstliche Ge-meinschaft und verstehen sich nicht nur als Jugendarbeit, sondern wollen ein eigenes Ge-meindebewusstsein entwickeln. Da sich Jugendgemeinden naturgemäß besonders auf das Jugendalter konzentrieren, werden sich junge Erwachsene eine andere geistliche Heimat suchen müssen, sobald sie sich zu sehr vom Jugendalter entfernen. Diese Masterarbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, Faktoren zu ermitteln, die zu einem gelingenden Wechsel ehemaliger Mitglieder von Jugendgemeinden in landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden beitragen, bzw. Faktoren zu finden, die zu einer Abwanderungsbewegung derselben führen. Dafür werden Leitfadeninterviews mit ehemaligen Mitgliedern von Jugendgemeinden durch-geführt und entsprechend der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Philipp Mayring ausgewertet. Auf Basis dieser ermittelten Faktoren sollen Handlungsempfehlungen zur Erneuerung der Praxis entwickelt werden sowie die Faktoren mit der praktisch-theologischen sowie inner-kirchlichen Diskussion in Verbindung gebracht werden. / Initiated by a project of the youth division of the protestant church in Württemberg, an in-creasing number of youth churches (“Jugendgemeinden”) have been formed in different parishes and districts of the protestant church in Württemberg (“Evangelische Kirche in Würt-temberg”). These youth churches view themselves as more than the current understanding of normal youth ministry. They conduct regular youth worship services, have a congregation of committed members and develop the self-understanding of an actual church. Because youth churches target a teenage demographic, its members are placed in the position of needing to search for another church home once they become too old for the youth church. This dissertation aims to find factors which aid the transition of former members of youth churches into protestant local church congregations (“landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden”) and respectively find factors which lead to migration outside these protestant church congregations. To that end, guided interviews are conducted with former members of youth churches and are analyzed by employing the qualitative content analysis method by Philipp Mayring. These determined factors form the basis for recommendations for action and a renewed church practice. They are discussed within the practical-theological and church context. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Faktoren zur Integration von Mitgliedern von Jugendgemeinden in landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden in Wurttemberg : Eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung / Factors for the integration of members of youth church congregations into mainline church congregations in Wurttemberg : a practical theological investigation

Lipponer, Cornelius 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Text in German / Angestoßen durch ein vom evangelischen Jugendwerk getragenes Projekt hat sich eine zu-nehmende Zahl von Jugendgemeinden in Orten und Bezirken der württembergischen Lan-deskirche etabliert. Diese Jugendgemeinden zielen auf verbindliche gottesdienstliche Ge-meinschaft und verstehen sich nicht nur als Jugendarbeit, sondern wollen ein eigenes Ge-meindebewusstsein entwickeln. Da sich Jugendgemeinden naturgemäß besonders auf das Jugendalter konzentrieren, werden sich junge Erwachsene eine andere geistliche Heimat suchen müssen, sobald sie sich zu sehr vom Jugendalter entfernen. Diese Masterarbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, Faktoren zu ermitteln, die zu einem gelingenden Wechsel ehemaliger Mitglieder von Jugendgemeinden in landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden beitragen, bzw. Faktoren zu finden, die zu einer Abwanderungsbewegung derselben führen. Dafür werden Leitfadeninterviews mit ehemaligen Mitgliedern von Jugendgemeinden durch-geführt und entsprechend der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Philipp Mayring ausgewertet. Auf Basis dieser ermittelten Faktoren sollen Handlungsempfehlungen zur Erneuerung der Praxis entwickelt werden sowie die Faktoren mit der praktisch-theologischen sowie inner-kirchlichen Diskussion in Verbindung gebracht werden. / Initiated by a project of the youth division of the protestant church in Württemberg, an in-creasing number of youth churches (“Jugendgemeinden”) have been formed in different parishes and districts of the protestant church in Württemberg (“Evangelische Kirche in Würt-temberg”). These youth churches view themselves as more than the current understanding of normal youth ministry. They conduct regular youth worship services, have a congregation of committed members and develop the self-understanding of an actual church. Because youth churches target a teenage demographic, its members are placed in the position of needing to search for another church home once they become too old for the youth church. This dissertation aims to find factors which aid the transition of former members of youth churches into protestant local church congregations (“landeskirchliche Ortsgemeinden”) and respectively find factors which lead to migration outside these protestant church congregations. To that end, guided interviews are conducted with former members of youth churches and are analyzed by employing the qualitative content analysis method by Philipp Mayring. These determined factors form the basis for recommendations for action and a renewed church practice. They are discussed within the practical-theological and church context. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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