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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En aktuell studie för den lilla människan : Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Lilla Aktuellt då och nu

Valberg, Linus, Frank-Logue, Molly January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the representation of interviewees according to apperance and time of apperance in the Swedish children’s news programme Lilla Aktuellt, 1994 and 2014 set out from an intersectional perspective. The thesis therefore examines whom of the interviewees that is over-and underrepresented in the programme, when it comes to the collaboration of the chosen categories: Sex, Age and Ethnicity. As researchers point out that a high frequency in appearance in media means domination and a conception of representing the norm in society this thesis therefore also does examine the superiority and inferiority that occures in the programme both years.   The result of this thesis show that there has been changes in the representation over time. All groups of children have been given a larger amout of space while the representation of all groups of people that don’t follow the ethnical norm, basically hasn’t changed at all. Amongst the different sexes there has been a fairly more even representation over time. The overall results show that there has been a slightly more balanced distribution over time between all of the groups appearances and time of appearances. Therefore not said that there isn’t room for improvement, on the contrary there are still things to be done for a greater representation according to multiplicity and equality in Lilla Aktuellt.   Of all the groups of interviewees in Lilla Aktuellt the people that are “male and not children who follow the ethnical norm” have decreased their visability most over time and are therefore the ones that have decreased their power most. The people that are “female children who don’t follow the ethnical norm” are the ones that have increased their visability most over time thus this means that they are the ones that have increased their power most over time.

An ecological study of the migration, food composition and relative abundance of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a shallow area in Kalmar Sound.

Söderling, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The populations of three–spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in the Baltic Sea have increased tenfold over the last decade. A large increase in abundance can alter the offshore and coastal food webs. Despite of these facts, there are large gaps in the knowledge about the stickleback ecology in the Baltic and the possible effect they might have on their environment. Earlier investigations state that stickleback mainly occupy the deeper areas offshore, and only migrate to the shallow areas during May–July to spawn. Observations by recreational fishermen indicate that this may be incorrect, and that some adult sticklebacks are present in the shallow areas even during the winter. One aim of this study was to investigate the timing of stickleback migration to a shallow coastal area in Kalmar Sound. The study also aimed to examine the relative abundance in two adjacent shallow areas in the archipelago south of Kalmar, where one of the areas is a pike spawning ground. A one month long test fishing with fyke nets was started on the first day after ice break. Results show that the sticklebacks are present in the bays immediately after the ice break, and that high abundances coincide with the pike spawning period. Stomach analyses showed that sticklebacks consumed a large proportion of crustaceans, but also fish eggs were found. These results shed new light on the management actions for many of the coastal spring spawning fish species that have shown decreasing abundances during the last decades. / Bestånden av storspigg (Gasterosteus aculeatus) i Östersjön har ökat markant, data visar på en tiofaldig ökning under det senaste decenniet. Ökningen kan medföra att bl.a. näringsväven, till havs och längs kusterna förändras. Trots vetskapen om detta finns det kunskapsluckor kring spiggens ekologi och dess möjliga påverkan på sin omgivning. Litteratur säger att spiggen till största del bara befinner sig inne längs kusterna under maj-juli. Observationer från sportfiskare tyder på att detta inte stämmer, och att vuxen storspigg befinner sig inne längs kusten och i skärgårdsvikar året om. Ett syfte med studien var att undersöka när spiggen kom in till de grunda vikarna i Kalmarsund. Studien jämförde även spiggtätheterna mellan två närliggande områden där den största skillnaden var födan. Ett månadslångt provfiske inleddes den första isfria dagen i två skyddade vikar söder om Kalmar, där en av lokalerna var en dokumenterad leklokal för gäddor. Resultaten visade att spiggen fanns i vikarna direkt efter islossningen, och vid fisket sammanföll de största spiggfångsterna med gäddleken. Maganalyser visade att en stor andel av födan bestod av olika kräftdjur, men även romkorn hittades. Resultaten tyder på andra förutsättningar för många av de hårt ansatta vårlekande fiskarterna än vad som tidigare är dokumenterat.

Reptilförekomster och kopplingar till miljöfaktorer på Billingen : Inventering av reptilfauna med artificial cover objects på lokal nivå i Västsverige / Reptile occurences and connections to environmental factors on Billingen : Survey of reptile fauna with artificial cover objects on a local scale in Western Sweden

Carlquist Segell, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Förlust av biologisk mångfald är den planetära gräns som överskrids mest, och medför bland de största hoten mot biosfärens integritet. Reptiler är funktionella delar i ekosystem, men habitatförlust, förändrad markanvändning och klimatförändringar orsakar globala populationsminskningar. Ekologisk övervakning möjliggör förståelse för arters tillstånd, och utveckling av bevarandeåtgärder. Denna förekomststudie syftar till att undersöka lokal reptilfauna, som inventerades med artificial cover objects (ACO) i två naturområden på Billingen, ett av de västsvenska platåbergen, i Skövde kommun 2021. Data från miljöbeskrivning och inventering samt över väderförhållanden samlades in, och samband mellan observationer och miljöfaktorer testades med statistiskt t-test för positiva skillnader mellan datagrupper. Skogsödla (Zootoca vivipara), kopparödla (Anguis fragilis), snok (Natrix natrix) och huggorm (Vipera berus),alla allmänna reptilarter i regionen, observerades i undersökningsområdet. Nio observationer gjordes under 20 regnfria dagar i juni och juli, med temperaturer över 18°C. Biotopkvaliteterna brynmiljöer och nektarresurser, solexponering och de öppna biotoperna beteshage och elledningsgata, förekom i signifikant högre utsträckning där observationer gjordes, än på platser utan observationer. Markfuktighet, mänsklig närvaro, naturvärden och områdesskydd uppvisade ingen signifikans. Resultaten överensstämmer med andra studier om reptilarternas habitat, och kan ses gälla på lokal nivå trots ett relativt litet dataunderlag. Effektiva reptilbevarande åtgärder i närområdet kan innebära upprätthållande och skapande av ytor med hög solinstrålning och strukturell komplexitet, fortsatt men inte utökat lågintensivt naturbete, samt ökad halt avträdslagsblandning och brynmiljöer i produktionsskog. Kunskapen kring reptilers ekologi, samtövervakningen av populationer, behöver utökas. Det rekommenderas vidare studier om reptiler, deras habitat och bevarande av biologisk mångfald på lokala nivåer. / Biodiversity loss is the most exceeded planetary boundary, and entails some of the largest threats against biosphere integrity. Reptiles are functional parts of ecosystems, but habitat loss and changes in land use and climate are causing global population declines. Ecological monitoring enables understanding of species’ conditions, and development of conservation measures. This occurrence study aims to investigate local reptile fauna, surveyed using artificial cover objects (ACOs), in two areas on Billingen, one of Western Sweden’s table mountains, in Skövde municipality 2021. Environmental, survey and weather data were collected, and relations between observations and environmental factors were tested with statistical t-test for positive differences between data groups. Zootoca vivipara, Anguis fragilis, Natrix natrix and Vipera berus, all regionally common reptile species, were observed in the investigated area. Nine observationswere made during 20 rain-free days in June and July, with temperatures above 18°C. Solarexposure, biotope qualities Forest edges and Nectar resources, and the open biotopes Pasture and Powerline corridor, occurred in significantly higher extent where observations were made, than on sites without observations. Soil moisture, Human presence, Natural values and Environmental protection did not exhibit any significance. The results correspond to other studies on the reptilespecies’ habitat, and may apply on a local scale despite a relatively small data amount. Effective conservation measures for local reptiles can imply maintaining and creating spaces with high solar radiation and structural complexity, continued but not extended low-intensity grazing, and increasing tree species mixture and edge zones in production forests. Knowledge on reptile ecology and population monitoring needs to increase. Further studies on reptiles and biodiversity conservation on local scales are recommended.

Den latinamerikanska (under)representationen : En multimodal textanalys av svenskt läromedel för spanskspråkig undervisning / The (under)Representation of Latin America : A Multimodal Text Analysis of Swedish Textbooks for Spanish Teaching

Sellgren, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the representation of Latin America in verbal and visual text in Swedish textbooks for Spanish teaching. More specifically, this analysis examines how much of the text is represented by Latin American people in comparison to European people, how Latin Americans are represented and how large the prevalence of each form of representation is, as well as which verbal and visual patterns are present in the textbooks. A quantitative content analysis was used to examine the study's question regarding the extent of the different text forms. The method of the analysis for the remaining questions surrounding the representation of Latin Americans was based on a multimodal critical discourse analysis with a social semiotic approach. The result indicates that Latin Americans comprise a smaller proportion of the extent of text than Europeans. Based on the results of the analysis of representation, the textbooks differed to some extent in the representation of Latin Americans, but the common patterns made visible were that Latin Americans are most often portrayed as impersonal and socially distanced in relation to the recipient. Finally, the result of analysis is problematized in relation to the didactic implications that can be brought about while teaching and the importance of teachers having and teaching critical literacy is highlighted.

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