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Mutations in the gene encoding the E2 conjugating enzyme UBE2T cause Fanconi Anemia / ユビキチン結合E2酵素UBE2T遺伝子変異を原因としたファンコニ貧血の発症Hira, Asuka 24 September 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第19269号 / 医博第4033号 / 新制||医||1011(附属図書館) / 32271 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 岩井 一宏, 教授 髙折 晃史, 教授 山田 亮 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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The Role of Test Anxiety in Attention Bias to Test Threats in Undergraduates: The Influences of Temperamental Effortful Control and Frontal EEG AsymmetryZerrouk, Mohamed 13 August 2024 (has links)
Test anxiety is a prevalent stressor which negatively impacts academic performance in evaluative situations. Previous literature has shown that attention biases (AB) to threats are implicated with general anxiety. However, few studies have examined the effect between AB to relevant threats (i.e., testing threats) and test anxiety. This study addressed previous gaps by examining whether temperamental effortful control and frontal EEG asymmetry (FA) impacted the relation between an exogenous AB to test threats and test anxiety in undergraduate students. A dot-probe task with test threat words as the target was given to the students. Paired-sample T tests show the presence of an AB to test threats in the endogenous (i.e., 500ms) condition but not in the exogenous (i.e., 250ms) condition. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that right FA modulated the positive relation between AB to test threats with test anxiety and positive relation between test anxiety with AB to test threats. Attentional control negatively predicted test anxiety but not the AB to test threats. AC and IC did not significantly interact with either test anxiety or AB to test threats in predicting the other (i.e., test anxiety predicting AB to test threats and vice-versa). A four-way interaction indicated that greater test anxiety predicts a stronger AB to test threats for those with right FA, low AC, and high IC. This four-way interaction result was conservatively considered due to the risk of overfitting. Results suggest the need to include FA in future studies of AB to test threats. / Doctor of Philosophy / Test anxiety is a prevalent stressor which negatively impacts academic performance in evaluative situations. Research shows that greater attention (i.e., attention biases; AB) to threats is related with general anxiety. However, few studies have examined the effect between AB to relevant threats (i.e., testing threats) and test anxiety. This study addressed previous gaps by examining whether temperamental effortful control and frontal EEG asymmetry (FA) impacted the relation between an exogenous AB to test threats and test anxiety in undergraduate students. A dot-probe task with test threat words as the target was given to the students. Paired-sample T tests show the presence of an AB to test threats in the endogenous (i.e., 500ms) condition but not in the exogenous (i.e., 250ms) condition. Results showed that positive relation between AB to test threats with test anxiety and positive relation between test anxiety with AB to test threats only occurred when students showed greater right FA. Lower attentional control predicted higher test anxiety but not the AB to test threats. AC and IC did not significantly interact with either test anxiety or AB to test threats in predicting the other (i.e., test anxiety predicting AB to test threats and vice-versa). A four-way interaction indicated that greater test anxiety predicts a stronger AB to test threats for those with right FA, low AC, and high IC. This four-way interaction result was conservatively considered due to the risk of overfitting. Results suggest the need to include FA in future studies of AB to test threats.
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FA/SIMMs tillämpbarhet vid verksamhetsdiagnos : En fallstudie om administration av kurser / The Applicability of CA/SIMM for Workpractice Diagnosis : A Case Study of Course AdministrationLarsson, Eva January 2003 (has links)
Syftet med min undersökning är att utvärdera tillämpbarheten av metoden FA/SIMM. En utrednings- och analysansats som ska underlätta breda och välförankrade beslutsunderlag för förändringar inom olika verksamheter. Som underlag för min utvärdering har jag använt en fallstudie av grundutbildningen för informatikämnet inom ISM vid Institutionen för datavetenskap, Linköpings universitet. En fallstudie i vilken jag undersöker hur administrationen av kurser fungerar, administration i betydelsen planering, samordning och organisering av olika handlingar. I rapporten redovisar jag endast ett kort utdrag av resultatet från fallstudien. Däremot beskriver jag relativt utförligt hur det varit att arbeta praktiskt med FA/SIMM. Min upplevelse av arbetet har analyserats utifrån särskilda utvärderingskriterier som tagits fram under arbetets gång. Resultatet av utvärderingen visar att tillämpbarheten totalt sett har stora brister för att FA/SIMM år 2003 ska kunna betraktas som praktisk att använda. Det gäller främst överskådligheten av metoden totalt. Det är inte genomskinligt vad FA/SIMM består av för delar och framför allt finns det inte någon lättillgänglig sammanställd beskrivning av alla ingående moment. Det saknas beskrivning av arbetssätt och analysstöd för vissa moment. Det finns inte heller några direkta praktiska hjälpmedel. Jag saknar också ett djupare beskrivande analysstöd som överensstämmer med metodförfattarnas perspektiv. Däremot finns det en flexibilitet att vid en verksamhetsdiagnos kunna välja vilka moment man vill använda beroende på syftet med diagnosen. Trots ovanstående negativa kritik gick det att få fram en, i mitt tycke, relativt utförlig bild av verksamheten med en omfattande och bra översikt av bl a dess komplexitet.
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D’une perspective anthropologique vers l’élaboration d’un dispositif de management des connaissances en Afrique de l’Ouest / From an Anthropological perspective to the elaboration of a knowledge management system in West AfricaCapo Chichi, Gilbert 30 March 2016 (has links)
À l‟instar de la mutation des Sciences Humaines et Sociales soutenues par le bouleversement des paradigmes des sciences de l'information et de la communication, et des systèmes de l‟organisation des connaissances vers ceux portés par les sociétés du savoir, il est important, de réétudier la relation entre les individus, les communautés et la technologie dans un contexte d‟apprentissage pour une capitalisation des connaissances.L‟objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle hybride de capitalisation des savoirs soutenu par le management des connaissances dans un contexte béninois. Cette proposition vise à une amélioration des résultats de la réutilisation des connaissances en entreprise.Ainsi, nous sommes parti d‟une interrogation sur l‟existence d‟un modèle de capitalisation des connaissances endogènes pouvant booster le développement des entreprises ouest-africaines en général et béninoises en particulier. Pour vérifier la possibilité de l‟application ou de la transposition de ce modèle traditionnel aux réalités de l‟entreprise, nous nous sommes intéressé aux facteurs pouvant affecter l‟efficacité des processus de transfert pour une capitalisation. Ces facteurs ont été identifiés lors de notre revue de littérature pendant laquelle nous avions constaté une multitude de techniques et d‟approches théoriques permettant d‟appréhender le phénomène. Cependant, au cours de cette recherche, nous sommes partagé entre deux courants de pensée dominants, dans ce champ disciplinaire, que sont le constructivisme et le positivisme.Dans cet élan, nous sommes parti d‟une perspective anthropologique vers la mise en place d‟un dispositif de capitalisation des connaissances en Afrique de l‟ouest. Ainsi, nous nous sommes inspiré de la manière dont les communautés Yoruba Nago du Fa perçoivent la vie de l‟entreprise et la transmission du savoir (quelle connaissance transférée, par quels outils, et l‟impact de ce transfert sur la communauté).Pour atteindre cet objectif évoqué plus haut, nous avons procédé par une méthode exploratoire qualitative auprès des différents acteurs de la communauté de pratique Fa et aussi auprès de certaines entreprises béninoises. Ceci a été fait à travers l‟implémentation (adaptation) d‟un dispositif de capitalisation des connaissances dans l‟entreprise en tenant compte des réalités culturelles et anthropologiques dont le cas est présenté dans cette thèse par une étude empirique. / As the mutation of Humanities and Social Science supported by the disruption of information science paradigms and communication, knowledge organization systems to those worn by knowledge societies, it‟s important to reconsider the relationship between individuals, communities and technology in a learning process environment for knowledge capitalization. The objective of this thesis is to propose a hybrid model of knowledge capitalization supported by knowledge management in Benin context.The aims of this proposal, is to improve the results of the re-use of business knowledge. So we will start with a questioning of the existence of an endogenous knowledge capitalization model which can boost the development of West African enterprises in general and Benin in particular.To verify the possibility of the application or transposition of this traditional model to the realities of the business, we focuse on the factors that may affect the efficiency of the transfer process for capitalization. These factors were identified in our literature review in which we found multitude of techniques and theoretical approaches to understand the phenomenon. However, in this research, we are divided between two dominant schools of thought in this subject area that are constructivism and positivism. In this momentum, we start from an anthropological perspective towards the establishment of a knowledge capitalization system in West Africa. Inspired by the way the Yoruba Nago communities and Fa perceive corporate life and the transmission of knowledge (what knowledge transferred, for which tools and the impact of this transfer on the community).To achieve this goal mention above, we will conduct a qualitative exploratory approach to the various players in the Fa community of practice and also in some enterprises in Benin. This through the implementation (adaptation) of a knowledge capitalization device in the company, taking into account cultural and anthropological realities whose case is presented in this thesis by an empirical study.
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Ungdomar på bostadsmarknaden : En metastudie om unga vuxnas förutsättningar på bostadsmarknaden med startlån som alternativ lösning / Youngsters on the Housing MarketKaracic, Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Oavsett ägandeform är det idag en utmaning för unga vuxna att lämna föräldrahemmet.Detta är resultatet av en icke fungerande bostadsmarknad som förvisso genomgått stora förändringarsedan införandet av bostadsrätt som ägandeform. Jämfört med 1960-talet är det idag möjligt attpantsätta bostadsrätten trots att den boende inte äger objektet, det råder inte heller längre någonprisreglering. Tvärtom anställs fastighetsmäklaren för att maximera slutpriset vid avyttrandet avbostaden.Dessutom menar tidigare studier att ungdomar har en tydlig ambition att äga boendet, men på grund avkreditrestriktioner inte har möjligheter till det. För att minska inträdesbarriärerna till ägandemarknadenpresenterade utredaren Eva Nordström den 4 april 2022 Startlånet. En subvention som ska minskakontantinsatskravet för bland annat ungdomar. Följdeffekterna förväntas bli ökad utbyggnadstakt,förstärkt köpkraft och framför allt fler ungdomar på ägandemarknaden. Syfte: Denna studie redogör för unga vuxnas förutsättningar och begäran på bostadsmarknaden.Genom att jämföra statistiska samt politiska förändringar med tiden ska läsaren bilda sig enuppfattning om dagens bostadsbestånd och startlånets påverkan till av det ägda boendet. Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en kvantitativ metod med en induktiv infallsvinkel. Det är således attbetrakta som en metastudie. För att säkerställa arbetets reliabilitet och validitet har det varit av högstavikt att använda anförtrodda källor. Studien är ämnad för att läsaren i framtiden ska kunna återupprepaarbetet med samma utfall. Resultat och slutsats: Förändringen av de juridiska och ekonomiska förutsättningarna har medfört enförändrad syn av boendet. Från att vara ett hem till att numera även betraktas som ett attraktivtinvesteringsföremål. Denna syn på bostaden har satt sin prägel i andelsfördelningen av ägandeformer ibostadsbeståndet. För grupper i samhället med lågt kapital och i synnerhet ungdomar ärkontantinsatsen en stor inträdesbarriär. Startlånet, som är ämnat för att hjälpa ungdomar in påägarmarknaden kan dels ses som en väg in för unga vuxna, dels som ett sätt att blunda för de stigandebostadspriserna. Studiens bidrag: Studien har bidragit med en redogörelse för hur dagens bostadsbestånd har formats.Detta har lagt grunden för att sedan diskutera hur startlånet kommer förändra möjligheten förungdomar att äga bostad i Sverige. Slutligen har studien även beskrivit vad ungdomar menar hindrardem från deras drömbostad. Framtida forskning: Det hade varit av intresse att i framtida forskning studera hur subventioner sominte primärt är riktade mot kreditbegränsningar skulle främja ungdomars förutsättningar påbostadsmarknaden, förslagsvis hyrköp. Ett annat intressant forskningsområde skulle vara att utföra enkomparativ studie mellan svenska ungdomar respektive en annan nations syn på det ägda boendet. / Background: Regardless of the ownership structure, it is today a challenge for young adults to leavethe parental home. This is the result of a non-functioning housing market that has certainly undergonemajor transformation since the introduction of condominium ownership. Compared with the 1960s, itis today possible to mortgage the condominium even though the resident does not own the object, noris there any price regulation anymore. On the contrary, the real estate agent is hired to maximize thefinal price when selling an object.Previous studies believe that youngsters have a clear ambition to own a condominium, although, dueto credit restrictions do not have the opportunity to do so. To reduce entry-barriers into the ownershipmarket, investigator Eva Nordström presented the Startup loan on 4 April 2022. A subsidy that willreduce the cash contribution requirement for young people, among others. The aftereffects areexpected to be an increased rate of new buildings, strengthened purchasing power and, above all, moreyoung people in the ownership market. Purpose: This study describes the conditions and demands of youngsters in the housing market.Hence, comparing statistical and political changes over time, the reader should form an opinion aboutthe current housing stock and how the start-up loan will affect the possibility of the owned housing. Method: The essay is based on a quantitative method with an inductive approach. It is thus to beregarded as a meta-study. In order to ensure the reliability and validity of the work, it has been of theultimate importance to use trusted sources. The study is intended for the reader in the future to be ableto repeat the work with the same outcome. Results and conclusion: The change in the legal conditions and economic development has resultedinto a developed perception of property ownership. From simply being a home to nowadays furtherbeing considered an attractive investment object. This view of housing has left its mark on thedistribution of ownership forms in the housing stock. For low-income groups, especially youngpeople, the cash contribution is a major entry-barrier. The startup loan is intended to help youngpeople enter the ownership market and can therefore be seen as guidance for young adults. However,on the contrary one can argue that the subsidy is a way to turn a blind eye to rising housing prices. The study's contribution: This study has contributed with an account of how the current housingstock has been shaped. This has laid the foundation for then discussing how the startup loan will from the future of owned apartments in Sweden. In addition, the study has described what youngsters argueprevents them from owning a home. Future research: It would have been of interest in future research to study how subsidies that are notprimarily aimed at credit limits would promote young people's conditions in the housing market, forexample rental purchases. Another interesting area of research would be to carry out a comparativestudy between Swedish young people and another nation's view of owned housing.
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Roda de conversa como estratégia promotora de capacidades de pensamento críticoBertoldo, Tássia Alexandre Teixeira 16 April 2018 (has links)
This paper presents the production, implementation and analysis of the Circles of Conversations as a teaching strategy in the perspective of the development of critical thinking capacities, capable of allowing reflection and dialogue in a shared way. For that, three Circles of Conversations were carried out with five groups of 7th year of Elementary School having as its generating theme the "Life of Darwin". It is a qualitative research of the research-action type. The record was made in audiovisual recording, transcribed and discussed from the content analysis method. Some ideas stood out, being possible to construct categories based on the capacities of Critical Thinking and the questions made in the Circles of Conversations from the FA²IA typology. The discussions carried out presented possibilities and limits from the elaboration to the implementation of this strategy, mainly with regard to waiting time and the number of questions. Inserting the Circles of Conversations in school contexts refers to the reflection on different teaching strategies that allow the participation and construction of knowledge in a critical and purposeful way. Moreover, if planned and implemented from the capabilities of Critical Thinking, it leads to reflection in a democratic and dialogical character in the process of teaching and learning, in which all subjects can participate in the collective construction of a particular knowledge. / Este trabalho apresenta a produção, implementação e análise da Roda de Conversa como estratégia de ensino na perspectiva do desenvolvimento de capacidades de Pensamento Crítico, capaz de possibilitar a reflexão e o diálogo de forma compartilhada. Para tal, foram realizadas três Rodas de conversa com cinco turmas de 7º ano do Ensino Fundamental tendo como tema gerador o “A vida de Darwin”. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo pesquisa-ação. O registro foi feito em gravação audiovisual, transcrito e discutido a partir do método de análise de conteúdo. Algumas ideias se destacaram, sendo possível a construção de categorias baseadas nas capacidades de Pensamento Crítico e nos questionamentos realizados nas Rodas de Conversa a partir da tipologia FA²IA. As discussões realizadas apresentaram possibilidades e limites desde a elaboração até a implementação desta estratégia, principalmente no que diz respeito ao tempo de espera e a quantidade de questionamentos. Inserir a Roda de Conversa nos contextos escolares remete à reflexão sobre diferentes estratégias de ensino que possibilitem a participação e a construção do conhecimento de forma crítica e propositiva. Além disso, se planejada e implementada a partir de capacidades de Pensamento Crítico, conduz à reflexão num caráter democrático e dialógico no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, em que todos os sujeitos podem participar da construção coletiva de um determinado saber. / São Cristóvão, SE
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Caractérisation de la perception racinaire et de la résistance systémique induite par les rhamnolipides et leurs précurseurs chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Characterization of root perception and induced systemic resistance by rhamnolipids and their precursors in Arabidopsis thalianaTouchard, Matthieu 13 December 2019 (has links)
Dans leur environnement, les plantes sont fréquemment soumises à des attaques de microorganismes pathogènes. Pour leur faire face, elles mettent en place des mécanismes de défense activés suite à la détection du microorganisme via des motifs moléculaires ou IPs (Invasion Patterns). Les rhamnolipides (RLs) sont des molécules glycolipidiques amphiphiles produites par des bactéries des genres Pseudomonas et Burkholderia. Ces molécules sont capables d’induire, au niveau foliaire chez différentes plantes, une résistance locale contre des microorganismes phytopathogènes. L’acide 3-hydroxydécanoïque (3-OH-C10:0), le constituant de base de la partie lipidique des RLs, active aussi une réponse immune dans la partie aérienne de la plante Arabidopsis thaliana. Cette réponse immune est déclenchée suite à sa perception par le récepteur kinase S-lectine LORE. Les travaux menés au cours ce projet de thèse ont permis de mettre en évidence que le 3-OH-C10:0 est perçu au niveau racinaire par LORE, conduisant à l’activation d’une réponse immune innée et à la mise en place d’une résistance systémique (ISR) efficace contre le champignon nécrotrophe Botrytis cinerea. D’autre part, ces travaux ont révélés que les RLs sont aussi perçus au niveau racinaire et activent une ISR contre B. cinerea n’impliquant pas le récepteur LORE. L’ensemble de ces résultats montrent que les RLs ainsi que le 3-OH-C10:0, sont deux IPs reconnus par A. thaliana au niveau racinaire via des mécanismes indépendants et tous deux conduisant à l’activation d’une résistance systémique. / In their environment, plants are frequently challenged by pathogenic microorganisms. Plants are able to trigger an innate immune response to fight against the infection. This immune response is activated after perception of the microorganisms through Invasion Patterns (IPs). Rhamnolipids (RLs) are amphiphilic glycolipidics molecules produced by some bacterial species including Pseudomonas and Burkholderia. RLs are able to induce an immune response in the aerial part of several plant which is effective against phytopathogens. 3-hydroxydecanoic acid (3-OH-C10:0), a lipid building block from RLs, is known to trigger Arabidopsis thaliana immune responses in leaves after its perception by the bulb-type lectin receptor kinase LORE. In the present work, we showed that the 3-OH-C10:0 is also sensed by roots through LORE, triggering local immune responses and a systemic induced resistance (ISR) effective against the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. In addition, this work revealed that RLs are also recognized by root cells, activating a LORE-independent ISR against B. cinerea. This work shows that RLs and 3-OH-C10:0 are different IPs independently recognized by A. thaliana roots but both inducing a systemic resistance in plants.
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Studentský dům na Starém Brně / Student House in the Neighbourhood Old BrnoKadaňka, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Old Brno as a centre of students‘ life. Culturally-social potential can be used for a development of education especially by virtue of creating sufficient social background for more intensive students‘ life in the centre of Brno. Regulation of problematic Mendel Square rectifies transportation and gives back recreational character of the area. It is connected with a conception of the student house as a combination of simple and low-cost living and background for students‘ leisure time. Top part of the Křížová Street is become a colonnade whose recreative importance is seconded by vertical swamps of the new student house.
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Studentský dům na Starém Brně / Student House in the Neighbourhood Old BrnoKadaňka, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Old Brno as a centre of students‘ life. Culturally-social potential can be used for a development of education especially by virtue of creating sufficient social background for more intensive students‘ life in the centre of Brno. Regulation of problematic Mendel Square rectifies transportation and gives back recreational character of the area. It is connected with a conception of the student house as a combination of simple and low-cost living and background for students‘ leisure time. Top part of the Křížová Street is become a colonnade whose recreative importance is seconded by vertical swamps of the new student house.
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Loanwords are integrated into Classical Arabic from various languages such as Latin, Greek, Persian, Syriac, Turkish, and others. When such words get borrowed into Arabic, they either get adopted, remaining as they are in the source language, or get adapted by undergoing certain phonological and morphological alterations. Such morphophonological changes would be defined within an adaptability scale which exhibits three different positions. The first position is occupied by merely adopted (MA) loanwords, like khurasān ‘cement’ (Persian), the second position is assigned for partially adapted (PA) loanwords, as shatarandj ‘chess’ (Persian chatrang), and the third position is for the fully adapted (FA) loanwords, like dirham ‘a silver coin’ (Greek dhrakhmi) which is analogical with the C1iC2C3aC4 pattern, as in hidjradj ‘naïve’. Among these various loanwords’ alterations, the most productive ones are the ones in the third position in the adaptability scale and they are the ones that are the most numerous. They are productive due to their conformity with the Arabic morphological patterns in contrast with the other ones. Many studies have been conducted to analyze the morphophonological alterations that loanwords in Arabic undergo, yet there hasn’t been a study conducted to investigate the factors governing the degree of integration or adaptability that loanwords in Arabic undergo. The current study, however, proposes a number of criteria that determine the degree of alteration that loanwords in Classical Arabic go through by analyzing an existing corpus of loanwords in Classical Arabic and comparing between the source language and the Arabic language.
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