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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medias makt och jämställdhet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur svensk nyhetsmedia gestaltar genus inyhetsrapporteringen rörande kändisar

Runqvist, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute with a sociological understanding of how Swedish news media contribute to “doing” and maintaining gender in society as a result of their choices in the media around high profile people (“celebrities”). Previous research has studied gender and the media from other angles, but mostly focused on the fact that women are subordinate to men, rather than questioning how that is maintained by the media. These inturn strengthen the argument about existing differences between women and men in the Swedish media supply. However, unlike previous studies, this study will focus on how the media’s choice of news and ways to contribute to “doing” gender can be affected by celebrity. This type of issue can generate knowledge about the mutual relationship that exists between society’s view on gender and the reproduction of gender roles as a result of media representations.To answer this, the study will analyze two Swedish cases, around two famous people, CissiWallin and Paolo Roberto. The study was conducted through a qualitative content analysisbased on material from the databases Mediearkivet and Pressreader. In total, the materialconsists of eight articles on each case, spread over the past five years. The analysis showed that news media play a central role in society's views on gender as a result of mediareporting. The journalists behind the media often took a male perspective where Paolo Roberto and other men in the articles appeared positive, while Cissi Wallin and other female actors who appeared were attributed a disparaged role. Judging from the analysis, there are differences in the journalists' presentation between women and men in the Swedish newsmedia that contribute to strengthening gender normative roles and maintaining gender insociety. This study argues that this can be explained by theories about power and gender. One of the most central results is that the journalists behind the media add to the normalization of female subordination by their choices of media reports. For example by exploiting the readers' interest in celebrities, which thus results in the media reaching a larger audience that absorbs the content and reproduces the current gender power structure. / Syftet med denna studie är att förmedla en fördjupad sociologisk förståelse rörande hur nyhetsmedia bidrar till “att göra” kön och upprätthålla genus i samhället till följd av sina val i media rörande högprofilerade personer (“kändisar”). Tidigare forskning har studerat genus och media från andra infallsvinklar, men har mestadels fokuserat på det faktum att kvinnor är underordnade männen, snarare än hur media är en bidragande faktor till att upprätthålla denna typ av könsmaktsordning. Dessa stärker i sin tur argumentet om existerande skillnader mellan kvinnor respektive män inom det svenska medieutbudet. Men, till skillnad från tidigare studier kommer denna undersökning att fokusera på hur medias val av nyheter och sätt att bidra till att ”göra kön” kan påverkas av att det handlar om ’högprofilerade personer’ (såkallade ”kändisar”). Denna typ av frågeställning kan generera kunskap om den ömsesidiga relation som existerar mellan samhällets synsätt på genus och reproducerandet av könsroller till följd av medierepresentationerna.För att besvara detta kommer den föreliggande undersökningen att analysera medialaställningstaganden vid rapporteringen om Cissi Wallin och Paolo Roberto. Undersökningen har genomförts genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på material från databaserna Mediearkivet och Pressreader. Sammantaget består materialet av åtta artiklar som behandlar vardera fall, fördelade över de senaste fem åren. I analysen framkom att nyhetsmedia spelar en central roll vad gäller samhällets synsätt på genus till följd av medierapporteringen. Journalisterna bakom medierapporteringen intog ofta ett manligt perspektiv där Paolo Roberto och andra män i artiklarna framstod positivt, medan Cissi Wallin och andra kvinnliga aktörer som förekom tillskrevs en nedvärderande roll. Från analysen att döma förekommer skillnader i hur journalisternas väljer att framställa högprofilerade kvinnor respektive mäninom svensk nyhetsmedia, vilket bidrar till att stärka könsnormativa föreställningar och upprätthålla genus i samhället. Denna studie argumenterar för att detta kan förklaras genom teorier om makt och kön. Ett av de mest centrala resultaten är att journalisterna genom sina val av nyheter i media spär på normaliseringen av kvinnlig underordning. Exempelvis genom att utnyttja läsarnas intresse för kändisar, vilket således resulterar i att medierna når ut till en större publik som tar till sig innehållet och reproducerar den rådande könsmaktsordningen.

Analysis of Biofilm Communities in Breweries

Timke, Markus 20 January 2005 (has links)
The main objective of this study was the characterization of surface associated microbial communities in breweries. In addition, the beer-spoiling potential of isolated strains and biofilm samples was investigated. Some studies reported the identity of cultivatable organisms from industrial plants. However, there were no data available about the composition of biofilm communities from these habitats for cultivation-independent techniques. Consequently, the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) analysis, the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the construction and investigation of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were applied to reveal the structure of these communities. All of these methods have different advantages and therefore, they complement each other to get a more reliable picture of the biofilm communities. The cultivation method was included in this study because it enables a verification of results from other studies. Furthermore, the obtained strains are genuine brewery isolates and can be used for physiological tests. Isolates were obtained from seven different sample sites (Chapter 1 and 5). They were identified and affiliated to 25 different genera. Some of these strains were inoculated in beer but none of them was able to grow in it (Chapter 1 and 5). However, these strains can still be harmful for the industry, e.g. if they are able to form biofilms. This aspect was investigated by analyzing the potential of the isolates to produce acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) (Chapter 6). These quorum sensing mediating molecules are involved in the maturation process of biofilms. Indeed, some strains were found to secrete these autoinducer molecules, they mainly belonged to the genus Pseudomonas. An abundant proportion among the isolates was constituted by members of the Enterobacteriaceae (Chapter 7). In the beginning of this study, there was a minor suspicion concerning their beer-spoiling potential. Indeed, all isolated Enterobacteriaceae were found to be able to multiply in non-alcoholic beer under access of oxygen but they represented no risk for filled beer. The beer-spoiling potential of biofilm communities was investigated by inoculating them in beer (Chapter 3). These enrichments allowed the detection of minor proportions of beer-spoiling organisms. About 25% of the biofilms contained microorganisms which were able to multiply in beer with 4.8% of ethanol (v/v). The absence of anaerobic beer-spoiling bacteria in most of the biofilms was confirmed by using specific FISH probes for Pectinatus and Megasphaera cells (Chapter 9). However, Pectinatus cells constituted one of the most abundant groups in two biofilm communities. These samples clearly demonstrated that brewery biofilms can become hazardous for the quality of the product. The acetic acid bacteria were supposed to be abundant brewery biofilm organisms. This was not confirmed by any method used (Chapter 8). Instead, FISH signals were found for many other taxa in considerable proportions, e.g. communities from the conveyors consisted of members of the Eukarya, Archaea, Alpha-, Beta-, Gammaproteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacteria, Planctomycetales, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes (Chapter 1). Such diverse communities were also evidenced for three other biofilms analyzed by FISH (Chapter 2 and 9). Whereas the FISH technique allows the specific detection of single cells, the FAME analysis targets all organisms present, except the Archaea. The fatty acid profiles of 78 biofilms indicated significant differences between the communities, even between those which were exposed to similar conditions. In addition, repeated sampling of identical sites revealed a temporal variability of the microbial communities (Chapter 3). Characteristical fatty acids of beer-spoiling bacteria were almost absent. Typical fatty acids of Eukarya dominated nearly half of all biofilms. The high proportions of Eukarya in some biofilms was not confirmed, as these samples were also investigated by FISH. This divergence was found to be due to the higher biomass of eukaryotic cells compared to bacterial cells (Chapter 3). As some wild yeast strains were isolated and characterized, they are a potential source of these fatty acids. In contrast to the revealed bacterial diversity, most of the isolated yeasts were assigned to Saccharomyces or Candida spp. (Chapter 4). The Saccharomyces spp. showed a high beer-spoiling potential and many Candida species were able to form biofilms. The construction of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and the analysis of the clones with amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was performed with two biofilm communities (Chapter 2). Clones with identical ARDRA patterns were grouped and some representatives were identified by sequencing. These clone sequences were affiliated to 30 different genera, most of which were members of the Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria and the Bacteroidetes. In addition, some clone sequences were assigned to uncultured organisms. Despite of the presence of 53 and 59 different ARDRA patterns in the two clone libraries, respectively, they had only four patterns in common. This result underlined the differences in the microbial composition of these communities. In conclusion, breweries represent a habitat with high cleaning and disinfecting pressure, which might have selected for a limited number of more resistant or adopted species. Instead, the community structures of biofilms in industrial environments were found to be diverse and variable in their compositions.

Biodiesel production from rape seed oil catalyzed by calcium oxide doped with lithium / Biodieselproduktion från rapsolja katalyserad av Kalciumoxid dopad med Litium

Abdalla, Abdulbasit, Odgren, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Biodiesel ses som ett av de främsta substituten för fossila bränslen, då den relativt enkelt kan appliceras i redan existerande dieselmotorer. Dagens produktion av biodiesel använder sig av homogena katalysatorer som inte återanvänds i processen, men för en mer cirkulär och i längden en billigare process ses heterogena katalysatorer som ett alternativ. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka litium dopad kalciumoxid katalytiska egenskaper, de optimala förhållandena för reaktionen och även kinetiken för reaktionen. Den valda katalysatorn syntetiserades med kalcinering och sedan testades den katalytiska förmågan i reaktionen vid olika reaktionsförhållanden, för att finna de optimala förhållandena. Även katalysatorns fysiska egenskaper analyserades och kinetiken för reaktionen. De optimala förhållanden för transesterifieringen bestämdes till 3 h, 1:6 olja- metanolförhållande, 60°C och 5 vikts% katalysator, där 96% utbyte av biodiesel uppnåddes. Övriga utbyten från de andra försöken var betydligt lägre, vilket kan bero på icke optimala förhållanden, men även relativ dålig katalytisk förmåga. Ytarea och porstorlek konstateras vara små, vilket påverkar den katalytiska förmågan negativt. Anledningen till katalysatorns egenskaper beror huvudsakligen på tillverkningsprocessen, men även mängden litium i dopningen. Kinetiken visar en oväntad reaktionsutveckling med initialt hög koncentration FAME (Fatty acid Methylester), vilket troligen beror på felkällor.

The Power and Influence of Movies

Aigner, Scott J. 01 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The interactive nature of reality television : an audience analysis

Penzhorn, Heidi 30 November 2005 (has links)
See front file / Communication Science / MA (COMMUNICATION)


ERIKA LUCCHINI LAZARY 04 May 2006 (has links)
[pt] Hoje em dia, como em um passe de mágica, o aparecer na televisão pode reconfigurar o significado da própria existência (para si mesmo e para os outros). Talvez por isso, ser o foco dos olhares tenha virado uma prioridade de muitos, sendo quase como um emprego: uma forma de ganhar dinheiro, subir na vida, alcançar a tão almejada fama, ou se preferir, virar uma celebridade. Não importa muito o nome que se dá a este tipo de conquista, mas a que preço ela é obtida. Neste estudo, analisamos um reality show, que - semelhante à maioria dos programas televisivos atuais - tem como principal finalidade conquistar audiência. A fórmula do sucesso desta atração uniu o útil ao agradável, tornando o privado, público e, ainda, garantindo a satisfação da curiosidade sobre a intimidade alheia. O interesse do espectador por consumir os bastidores de outros cotidianos em seu grau mais restrito, de certa forma, se expressa pelo desejo de comparar-se e observar o quanto sua própria intimidade se aproxima de outras. O Big Brother Brasil vem mostrar que todos têm chance, e estimula a possibilidade de concretização deste sonho ao convocar pessoas comuns e anônimas para fazer parte do seu cenário em troca do confinamento por alguns meses e da exposição estereotipada de diversos comportamentos. Se essa troca é justa ou não, não pretendemos julgar, mas o fato é que ela existe, é aceita e desejada. / [en] Nowadays, as if by magic, to be on a television show could change the meaning of one´s life. That is maybe the reason why, for many people, it is now a priority to be in focus. It is somewhat like having a job, a way of getting money, of climbing socially, of rising to fame, or, one may say, of becoming a celebrity. It does not really matter how to label this kind of achievement, but what matters is at what cost it is achieved. This study aims to analyze a reality show whose main purpose is to reach a wide audience - as happens with most of the current television shows. The success of such a show lies in turning the private public and, in the process, satisfying one´s curiosity about other people´s intimacy. The viewer´s interest in peering at other people´s life in a way expresses his wish to make comparisons with his own life and to observe how much people´s intimacy resembles his own. Big Brother Brazil shows that everybody has opportunities and encourages the achievement of one´s dreams by recruiting ordinary, anonymous people to be part of it. In exchange, they have to be confined for some months and show a stereotyped kind of behavior. We can not judge whether this exchange is fair, but it is actually real and it is approved and anticipated.

The interactive nature of reality television : an audience analysis

Penzhorn, Heidi 30 November 2005 (has links)
See front file / Communication Science / MA (COMMUNICATION)

Preserving Life and Resurrecting the Dead : Toward a Theory of the Biodoc

Podlesnigg, Clara January 2017 (has links)
Every life tells a story. Film has proven to be a worthwhile medium in which individual lives can be told and thereby will be remembered. In recent years biographical documentaries telling significant life-stories, such as Amy (Asif Kapadia 2015), Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck (Brett Morgen, 2015) and Senna (Asif Kapadia, 2010) have taken over our screens. While their narrative style often alludes to common compositions of the fictional biopic, their foundation on indexical sound and imagery makes them differ radically. In this thesis theoretical implications on how to approach and understand biographical documentary within the lager scope of biographical filmmaking are discussed. Subsequently the term biodoc is suggested. It implies a close relation to the biopic without compromising documentary film's autonomy compared to fiction film. Furthermore, this thesis sets out to move toward a theory of the biodoc. By putting together a catalog of key aspects and elements common for the biodoc and discussing them in close relation to contemporary examples of the genre, this thesis provides a first theorization of a diverse and growing phenomenon in contemporary film culture.

Interaction entre les carburants diesel et biodiesel et les composants du système d'injection diesel / Interaction between diesel and biodiesel fuels with components of diesel injection system

Bacha, Kenza 14 January 2016 (has links)
Le système d’injection Diesel doit résister à des conditions opératoires (pression, température) de plus en plus sévères, et être compatible avec les évolutions du carburant diesel, telles que l’introduction des Esters Méthyliques d’Acide Gras (EMAG) et l’utilisation de différents additifs, qui peuvent affecter la durabilité des véhicules, suite à la formation de dépôts. L’objectif des travaux de cette thèse est la compréhension des mécanismes de formation des dépôts issus de l’oxydation des carburants et la détermination des paramètres majeurs participant aux interactions dépôts-substrats (état de surface, matériaux, géométrie, thermique…). Deux études ont été abordées dans cette thèse. La première étude porte sur l’oxydation accélérée des carburants Diesel, des EMAG et des mélanges Diesel/EMAG en phase liquide en utilisant le moyen d’essai PetroOxy, la cinétique d’oxydation a été déterminée pour les différents carburants et la caractérisation des produits d’oxydation a été effectuée utilisant les moyens d’analyse (FTIR-ATR, ATG/DTG et GC/MS). La seconde étude est dédiée à la reproduction du dépôt sur les substrats en (aluminium, acier inoxydable, PEEK, revêtement or sur aluminium, revêtement silcoklean sur acier inoxydable) en utilisant le moyen d’essai Micro Cokage et la caractérisation du dépôt obtenu dans chaque cas en utilisant les moyens d’analyse (FTIR-ATR, ATG/DTG, FEG et XPS). Les résultats de ces travaux ont permis de déterminer l’impact de la nature et du taux d’EMAG ajouté au Diesel sur la stabilité à l’oxydation des carburants ; de mettre en place une hypothèse de formation de dépôt à partir de l’oxydation des carburants en phase liquide jusqu’à la formation de nanoparticules de dépôt sphériques ; et déterminer l’impact du substrat sur la formation et l’adhésion du dépôt à la surface du matériau. / Diesel injection system must withstand more severe operating conditions (pressure, temperature), and be compatible with the evolution of diesel fuel, such as the introduction of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) and use of different additives, which may affect the durability of the vehicle, following the formation of deposits. The objective of this work is to understand the mechanisms of deposit formation from fuel oxidation and determine the major parameters involved in deposit-substrate interactions (surface condition, materials, geometry, temperature...). Two studies were discussed. The first study focuses on the liquid phase accelerated oxidation of Diesel fuel, FAME and mixtures (Diesel / FAME) using PetroOxy device, the oxidation kinetic was determined for the different fuels and characterization of oxidation products was carried out using the (FTIR-ATR, ATG / DTG and GC / MS). The second study was dedicated to the reproduction of deposit on different substrates (aluminum, stainless steel, PEEK, aluminum coating on gold, silcoklean coating on stainless steel) using the Micro Coking device, and characterization of the deposit obtained in each case using (FTIR-ATR, ATG / DTG, XPS and FEG). The results of this work permit to determine the impact of FAME nature and FAME concentration on fuel oxidation stability; an hypothesis was proposed to explain deposit formation.


LUCAS PEREIRA CAETANO 27 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] A análise do ciclo de vida (ACV) é uma ferramenta útil para dimensionar e expor os crescentes impactos ambientais, econômicos e sociais causados por produtos e processos industriais, principalmente quando estes possuem uma cadeia de suprimentos complexa, como é o caso dos principais combustíveis do ciclo diesel (diesel A, biodiesel éster e diesel verde). Utilizando diferentes cenários possíveis para a matriz de combustíveis diesel no Brasil como contexto e a ACV simplificada a partir da estrutura metodológica descrita pela ABNT como ferramenta, esse estudo buscará responder qual o combustível do motor diesel que, ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, gera menos emissões de CO2 na atmosfera, utilizando esse indicador como forma de quantificar os impactos ambientais desses produtos. Uma das principais conclusões é que as duas alternativas renováveis reduzem significativamente as emissões de CO2, quando comparadas com o diesel de origem fóssil. Isso acontece porque enquanto o combustível fóssil gera emissões de CO2 na sua etapa de matéria-prima (petróleo), os biocombustíveis capturam CO2 na etapa equivalente (plantas). Outra conclusão é em relação ao maior impacto de algumas etapas (como consumo e matéria prima) em relação a outras (como produção e transporte). Finalmente, concluiu-se também que a possibilidade de se utilizar o diesel verde sem a necessidade de mistura com o diesel de origem fóssil nos motores à combustão é uma vantagem ambiental desse biocombustível em relação ao biodiesel éster. / [en] LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is a useful tool for assessing and exposing the growing environmental, economic, and social impacts caused by products and industrial processes, especially when they have a complex supply chain, as is the case with the main fuels of the diesel cycle (diesel A, FAME biodiesel, and HVO). Using different possible scenarios for the diesel fuel matrix in Brazil as context and a simplified LCA methodological structure described by ABNT as a tool, this study aims to answer which diesel engine fuel, over its life cycle, generates fewer CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, using this indicator to quantify the environmental impacts of these products. One of the main conclusions is that both renewable alternatives significantly reduce CO2 emissions when compared to fossil-origin diesel. This is because while fossil fuel generates CO2 emissions in its raw material stage (petroleum), biofuels capture CO2 in the equivalent stage (plants). Another conclusion relates to the greater impact of some stages (such as consumption and raw material) compared to others (such as production and transportation). Finally, it was also concluded that the possibility of using HVO without the need for blending with fossil-origin diesel in combustion engines is an environmental advantage of this biofuel over FAME biodiesel.

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