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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La tecnología Blockchain y su uso en las Finanzas en América Latina

Estrada Muñoz, Lidia Estefanía, Valenzuela Sánchez, Jessenia Ibeth 06 July 2020 (has links)
La revolución tecnológica vigente ha dado lugar a un modelo transaccional electrónico independiente de intermediarios, con bajos costos, en menor tiempo, con una alta eficiencia en su gestión, garantizando la seguridad de las transacciones que se realizan por este canal. Este nuevo modelo es la llamada Blockchain o cadena de bloques. El presente trabajo de investigación busca identificar cuál es la presencia y desarrollo de la plataforma Blockchain del sector financiero latinoamericano. Para ello, se realiza una revisión sistemática de las principales publicaciones académicas recientes que se han dado en torno a esta tecnología en espacios no latinoamericanos y, luego de la región económica de América Latina, detectando algunas diferencias en su diseño y ejecución. En un primer momento, se describe el origen de la Blockchain y cómo se ha desarrollado en distintos periodos, además de su relación con otros conceptos como la criptografía y las bitcoin, y las distintas áreas de aplicación. En el segundo capítulo, se explica el desarrollo del sector financiero latinoamericano y sus procesos de digitalización con modelos como las Fintech y la bancarización digital. Luego, se describe el panorama vigente en el que las Blockchain participan activamente en América Latina y el Perú, así como sus riesgos. En la cuarta sección, se describe cómo la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID-19 ha desplegado oportunidades que potencian los sistemas digitales en el procesamiento de data. Este trabajo concluye que, a pesar de los múltiples beneficios y su implementación, esta tecnología aún enfrenta múltiples dificultades en su implementación. / Current technological revolution has motivated a recent electronic transactional model independent of intermediaries, with low costs, in less time, with high efficiency in its management, guaranteeing the security of the transactions carried out through this channel. This new model is the so-called Blockchain. This paper identifies the presence and development of the Blockchain platform in the Latin American financial sector. In order with this objective, a systematic review of the main recent academic publications that have been given about this technology in worldwide. Also, Latin America as economic area is analyzed detecting some differences about Blockchain design and execution. First, the origin of the Blockchain is described and how it has developed in different periods, besides its relationship with other concepts such as cryptography and bitcoin, and the different areas of application. In the second chapter, the development of the Latin American financial sector and its digitization processes with models such as Fintech and digital banking are explained. Then, the current scenario in which Blockchains actively participate in Latin America and Peru is described, as well as their risks. In the fourth section, it is described how the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has produced opportunities that enhance digital systems in data processing. This research concludes that, despite the multiple benefits and its implementation, this technology still faces multiple difficulties in its implementation. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

The Adoption of Robo-advisory in the Swedish Financial Technology Market : Analyzing the consumer perspective

Cedrell, Linda, Issa, Nivin January 2018 (has links)
Due to the digitalization revolution within the financial sector fintech companies are challenging the traditional banking institutes with new technologies and innovations. Robo-advisors are the new way to get personalized investment services online instead of using traditional advisory.The aim is to research the consumer adoption of robo-advisory in the Swedish financial sector. Additionally, the core emphasis throughout this thesis is on; consumers personal traits, as well as behavioral factors that impact consumers investment decision. Theories used are mostly innovation theories and behavioural theories. To investigate the aim aquantitative approach is used and a survey with 435 respondents were conducted and two probit and margin regressions was made, one for securities as the dependent variable and one for robo-advisory as the dependent variable. The results show that the adoption of robo-advisoryhas been slow in Sweden due to lack of transparency and information. Lastly, gender was the most significant factor in both regressions. / På grund av digitaliseringen inom finanssektorn utmanar fintech företagende traditionella bankinstitut en med ny teknik och nya innovationer. Robotrådgivare är det nya sättet att få personliga investeringsråd istället för att använda traditionell rådgivning. Syftet är att undersöka konsumenternas uppfattning kring robotådgivning i den svenska finans sektorn. Uppsatsen kommer baseras på konsumenternas personliga egenskaper samt beteendemässiga faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas investeringsbeslut. Teorierna som används är innovationsteorier och beteendeteorier. För att undersöka frågeställningarna har ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssättanvänts. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som resluterade i 435 respondenter. Datan från enkäten analyserades via grafer samt två probitregressioner med olika beroende variabler, värdepapper samt robotrådgivning. Resultaten visar att adoptionen av robotrådgivning har varitlångsam i Sverige på grund av bristande transparens och information. Den mest signifikanta faktorerna i båda regressionerna var kön.

Förtroende och FinTech : En studie om kunders upplevda förtroende fördigitala finansiella tjänster

Sundin, Elisabeth, Stifanos, Sharon January 2021 (has links)
During the last couple of years there has been a major digitalization of the financial sectorwhich FinTech have largely contributed to. FinTech does not solely contribute withpossibilities, but it also inflicts risks within the financial system when adding challengesrelated to IT-security. These risks pose new operational risks within the financial sector.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine as well as analyse different variables thatexplain the perceived trust and risks when using these digital financial services. This isbecause customers play a vital role in keeping their services as well as maintaining financialstability within the FinTech corporations. To examine the subject in this study a deductiveapproach is applied which focuses on previous empirical research and models likeTechnology Acceptance Model (TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as well asBehavioral finance. These models aim to explain how customers accept new digitalphenomenon. Furthermore, the study performs a quantitative research method through a webbased survey questionnaire. The study examines the independent variables usage, perceivedability to adapt and perceived risk in relation to the dependent factor perceived trust. Thestudy’s sample consists of 185 survey responses which were analyzed through descriptive andinferential statistics. The hypotheses were tested using a multiple regression analysis wherethe independent variables and control variables were analyzed against the dependent variable.The empirical findings showed that customers' perceived ability to adapt to FinTech servicesdid not have a statistically significant effect on perceived trust. Furthermore, perceived riskand usage had a statistically proven influence on perceived trust. The control variables for thisstudy were age and gender where neither had a statistical association to the dependentvariable. Lastly, the empirical findings of the study can be useful for FinTech companiessince it proves that risks need to be minimized to increase perceived trust / Det har skett en stor digitalisering av den finansiella sektorn under de senaste åren därFinTech och dess tjänster har haft en betydande roll. Dock är inte de innovativa digitalatjänsterna som FinTech bidrar till enbart möjligheter, utan det utsätter även den finansiellasektorn för risker. På grund av digitaliseringen medför dessa risker nya operationella riskerinom den finansiella sektorn. Studiens syfte är därav att undersöka och analysera de variablersom förklarar det upplevda förtroendet och riskerna som finns vid användningen av digitalafinansiella tjänster. Studiens fokus ligger på kunderna då de har en nyckelroll i bevarandet avdessa tjänster. Studien har sin grund i ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt med fokus på tidigareempirisk forskning på området, men även olika modeller som Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) samt Behavioral finance som syftar till attförklara hur kunden accepterar nya digitala fenomen. För att undersöka detta tillämpas enkvantitativ metod genom användningen av en webbaserad surveyundersökning. Urvalet bestårav 185 svar som därefter analyserades genom deskriptiv statistik och inferentiell statistik.Detta skedde i form av en multipel regressionsanalys som analyserade studiens tre hypoteserdär studiens tre oberoende variabler och kontrollvariabler analyserades emot studiensberoende variabel. Resultaten visade på att risk och användning hade ett statistiskt sambandmed det upplevda förtroendet medan den egna upplevda förmågan inte hade det. Studiensresultat kan vara användbara för FinTech-företag då resultaten visar att risker måste minskasför att kundförtroendet ska öka.


MARIA MIRELLA C DE M CARVALHO 18 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] O surgimento das fintechs tem promovido intensa mudança na relação entre instituições financeiras e clientes, com destaque para consumidores de baixa renda, que representam parcela relevante do consumo de serviços bancários. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar os valores que motivam consumidores de baixa renda a aderirem a contas digitais e cartões de crédito de fintechs. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa exploratória com dados coletados em 15 entrevistas individuais, junto a consumidores residentes no Rio de Janeiro, com renda de até 2.000,00 reais. Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas de análise de conteúdo, bem como a partir da axiologia de consumo de Floch (1990), desenvolvida no contexto teórico da semiótica discursiva de linha francesa. Os resultados indicam a coexistência de valores práticos, críticos e utópicos nos discursos dos consumidores. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para diversas implicações gerenciais, que podem orientar gestores de fintechs que pretendem adaptar ou criar soluções para atender o público de baixa renda, com destaque para a disponibilidade de crédito, humanização do suporte e canais de atendimento, investimento em propaganda boca-a-boca e em influenciadores digitais e locais e aumento da percepção de solidez e segurança. / [en] The emergence of fintech has promoted an intense change in the relationship between financial institutions and customers, with emphasis on low-income consumers who represent relevant participation in the consumption of banking services. In this context, this study aims to identify the values that motivate low-income consumers to join digital accounts and credit cards from fintech. To this end, exploratory qualitative research was carried out with data collected in 15 individual interviews, with consumers residing in Rio de Janeiro, with an income of up to 2,000.00 reais. The data were analyzed using content analysis techniques, as well as from the axiology of consumption by Floch (1990), developed in the theoretical context of the French discursive semiotics. The results indicate the coexistence of practical, critical, and utopian values in the discourse of consumers. The results of this study point to several managerial implications that can guide managers of fintech that intend to adapt or create solutions to serve the low-income public, with emphasis on credit availability, humanization of support and service channels, investment in word-of-mouth advertising and digital and local influencers, and increase the perception of solidity and security.

Analys av tekniska möjligheter för tredjepartsaktörer att integrera med banker / Analysis of technical possibilities for third party actors to integrate with banks

Danielsson, Jakob, Oldenburg, Dag January 2018 (has links)
Bankers internetverksamhet har öppnat nya möjligheter för tredjepartsaktörer inomfintechbranschen som nu kan skapa innovativa ekonomi- och betalningslösningar genom attdirekt interagera med bankkonton. Ett problem för fintechbolagen är att det inte finns någontydlig information om vilka tekniker de kan använda sig av för att integrera med bankernastjänster samt vilken teknik som är mest fördelaktig för deras verksamhet och ändamål.I det här arbetet har de fyra svenska storbankerna Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB ochSwedbank undersökts, i syfte att identifiera vilka integrationsmöjligheter tredjepartsaktörerhar. I undersökningen fastställdes att fintechbolag kommer kunna eller kan använda sig avnågon av de tre teknikerna SFTP, REST eller webbautomatisering. En testmiljö för de treteknikerna utvecklades för att simulera verkliga användningsfall för fintechbolag. Processor-,RAM- och nätverksanvändning samt total operationstid mättes för de tre teknikerna. För attskicka information var REST den effektivaste tekniken vid mindre datavolymer medan SFTPvar effektivast vid större datavolymer. REST var effektivast för att hämta information,oavsett datavolym. Webbautomatisering var minst effektivt i jämförelse med de andra tvåteknikerna. / Banks internet activity have opened new possibilities for third party actors within the fintechindustry who can now create innovative economy and payment solutions by directlyinteracting with bank accounts. A problem for the fintech companies is that there is noavailable information about what technologies are available for them to use to get access tothe banks services and which technology is the most advantageous for their purpose.In this work, the four biggest swedish banks Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbankhave been examined to find out what options third party actors have to integrate with thebanks services. The examination showed that fintech companies will be able to or are able touse one of the three techniques SFTP, REST or web automation. A test environment for thethree technologies was developed to simulate real use cases for fintech companies. CPU-,RAM- and network usage as well as total operating time was measured for the threetechnologies. For sending information REST was the more effective technology when it cameto lower data volumes while SFTP was the most efficient with bigger data volumes. RESTwas the most efficient for retrieving information, no matter the data volume. Web automationwas the least efficient compared to both the other technologies.

Determining an Optimal Loan Limit Strategy for SME Lending / Att Bestämma en Optimal Lånlimitstrategi för Kreditgivning till Små- och Medelstora Företag

Karlsson, Isac, Wärnberg Gerdin, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis it to determine an optimal loan limit strategy. The optimality conditions are formulated in two different ways to account for two different objectives: maximizing the total profit and maximizing the approval rate. These objectives have been formulated as mathematical models and solved using linear programming. Moreover, the effects of changes to model constraints have been analyzed. The project was conducted in collaboration with Froda Företagslån, a digital lending platform that provides loans to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. / Denna uppsats syftar till utveckla en optimal kreditlimitstrategi, vilket kan formuleras på olika sätt beroende på vad kreditgivarens huvudsakliga mål är. I detta fall undersöks vilka limiter som bör sättas när målet är att maximera vinsten samt när målet är att maximera antalet lån som godkänns och betalas ut. Ovanstående har sedan formulerats som matematiska modeller som sedan löses med hjälp av linjär programmering. Vidare har effekterna av förändring hos modellens parametrar analyserats. Projektet bedrevs i samarbete med Froda Företagslån, en digital långivare som inriktar sig mot Små och Medelstora Företag.

Konkurrensen för de svenska storbankerna : på betaltjänstmarknaden efterimplementeringen av PSD2 / Competition for the Swedish major banks : in the payment service market after the implementationof PSD2

Andersson, Hanna, Melander, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Konkurrensen för de svenska storbankerna på betaltjänstmarknaden efterimplementeringen av PSD2. Bakgrund: Utvecklingen inom betaltjänster har under de senaste åren gått fort fram. Enligt Europeiska Kommissionen har utvecklingen krävt en mer uppdaterad lagstiftning. Betaltjänstdirektivet implementerades i Svensk Lag i maj 2018. PSD2 huvudsakliga syfte är att främja konkurrens samt säkra betalningar och informationsdelning. Problematisering: Hur kommer konkurrensen på betaltjänstmarknaden för de svenskastorbankerna att förändras efter implementeringen av PSD2? Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att leda till en djupare förståelse och diskussion för hur PSD2kommer att påverka den svenska betaltjänstmarknaden ur ett konkurrensperspektiv. Metod: Uppsatsen är byggd utifrån en kunskapsgrund bestående av teorier inom ämnet samtav en kvalitativ metod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Uppsatsen är begränsad tillatt analysera den svenska betaltjänstmarknaden samt de svenska storbankerna. Slutsats: PSD2 kommer att öka konkurrensen för betaltjänster för de svenska storbankerna.Vilken konkurrensposition de olika bankerna kommer att ha kommer främst att bero påbankens val av strategi och samarbetspartners, men även hur konkurrerande aktörer agerar. Nyckelord: PSD2, fintech, Nyinstitutionell teori, Operationella strategier, betaltjänster,konkurrens / Title: Competition for the Swedish major banks in the payment service market after theimplementation of PSD2. Background: The development of payment services has accelerated in recent years. According to the European Commission, the development has increased the need for a moreupdated legislation. The Payment Services Directive was implemented in Swedish Law inMay 2018. The main objective of PSD2 is to promote competition and secure payments andinformation sharing. Problem: How will the competition in the payment service market for the Swedish majorbanks change after the implementation of PSD2? Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to develop a deeper understanding and discussion ofhow PSD2 will impact the Swedish payment service. Method: The essay is based on existing theories in the subject field and a qualitative methodconsisting of semi-structured interviews. The essay is limited to analysing the Swedishpayment service market and the Swedish major banks. Conclusion: PSD2 will increase the competition for provision of payment services for theSwedish major banks. The competitive position in the payment market of the Swedish majorbanks will primarily rely on a bank’s choice of strategy and partners, but also on howcompeting actors will act. Keyword: PSD2, fintech, New-institutional theory, Operational strategies, Payment services, Competition

Behavioral Patterns of Sweden ́s Millennials in Their Investment Activities for Fintech Product Development : An Empirical Study of Millennial Consumers in Sweden

Arakelian, Asmik, Zhukova, Kira January 2022 (has links)
With the development of technologies, as well as the introduction of new regulations, the banking sector is facing increasing competition from Fintech startups and companies. This weakens the monopoly of banks on financial services, which can now be provided by various kinds of companies. This situation democratizes many financial areas that were previously inaccessible or inaccessible to the general public and drives financial inclusion. One such area is investment. As part of the ongoing product development and improvement path of Fintech, startups want to get deeper and better into their potential users in order to create products that meet their problems and needs. This study is devoted to a deep study of the habits and Paterno behavior of the Swedish Millennial of investment. In order to explore the most important aspects in the process of investment decision-making, the authors studied behavioral finance research and highlighted the most common factors that have the greatest weight in determining how people invest money. These are the following factors: behavior towards risk, financial literacy, knowledge and sources, sustainability and investment motives. Survey and in-depth interview research methods were used to collect data around the aforementioned factors. Some of the key findings define crucial investment behavior patterns among age group of 20-30. Slightly more than half of the people invest their money, while reason for non/investors is high complexity and lack of knowledge. Also, the majority pursues economic and emotional goals from investing money, and prefers low risk and long-term gain over short-term speculative investing. Moreover, the respondents showed a high level of financial literacy. As for the sustainability factor, for the majority sustainability is not the major driver of a stock choice. Also, when making choices, people appeared to trust offline communities more than online. / Banksektorn har som följd av teknikutveckling och introduktion av nya regleringar, under de senaste åren, ställts inför en ökad konkurrens från Fintech-startups och andra företag. Detta har försvagat bankernas monopol på ekonomisk tjänster, och du kan idag bli försedd av flera olika sorters företag för att komma åt samma tjänster. Denna utveckling har demokratiserat många finansiella områden som tidigare var otagbara eller otillgängliga för allmänheten och har drivit ekonomisk integration. Ett sådant område är investering. Som en del av den nuvarande produktframtagning och riktningen som utvecklingen Fintech sektorn är på, vill startups ha en djupare och bättre förståelse inför deras potentiella användare för att skapa produkter som kommer möta deras problem och behov. Denna avhandling ägnas åt en djupgående studie av vanorna och beteendet hos svenska i åldersgrupperna 20-30 år. För att utforska de viktigaste aspekterna i processen för investeringsbeslut, har författarna studerat beslutsfattning kopplat till investeringar och lyfter fram de vanligaste faktorerna när det kommer till att avgöra hur människor investerar pengar. Dessa faktorer är följande: beteende relaterat till risk, finansiell kompetens, kunskap och källor, hållbarhet och investeringsmotiv. Forskningsmetoder som frågeformulär och djupintervjuer användes för att samla in data kring tidigare nämnda faktorer. Nyckelfynden från denna rapport behandlar investeringsbeteendemönster i åldersgrupprna 20-30 år. I denna åldersgrupp ser vi att fler än hälften investerar sina besparingar. Bland de som inte investerade så var orsakerna kopplade till bristande kunskap och hög komplexitet. Dessutom sätter majoriteten upp ekonomiska och känslomässiga mål för sina investeringar, och föredrar låg risk och långsiktig vinst framför kortsiktiga spekulativa investeringar. När det gäller faktorer kopplade till hållbarhet visade det sig att majoriteten av investerarna inte har det som huvudsakliga drivkraften för ett aktieval. Vidare, visade studien på att denna åldersgrupp tenderar att fatta investeringsbeslut baserat på offline-gemenskaper mer än online.

Identifying and Evaluating Early Stage Fintech Companies: Working with Consumer Internet Data and Analytic Tools

Dymov, Khasan 24 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to work as an interdisciplinary team whose primary role is to mentor a team of WPI undergraduate students completing their Major Qualifying Project (MQP) in collaboration with Vestigo Ventures, LLC. (“Vestigo Ventures�) and Cogo Labs. We worked closely with the project sponsors at Vestigo Ventures and Cogo Labs to understand each sponsor’s goals and desires, and then translated those thoughts into actionable items and concrete deliverables to be completed by the undergraduate student team. As a graduate student team with a diverse set of educational backgrounds and a range of academic and professional experiences, we provided two primary functions throughout the duration of this project. The first function was to develop a roadmap for each individual project, with concrete steps, justification, goals and deliverables. The second function was to provide the undergraduate team with clarification and assistance throughout the implementation and completion of each project, as well as provide our opinions and thoughts on any proposed changes. The two teams worked together in lock-step in order to provide the project sponsors with a complete set of deliverables, with the undergraduate team primarily responsible for implementation and final delivery of each completed project.

Identifying and Evaluating Early Stage Fintech Companies: Working with Consumer Internet Data and Analytic Tools

Shoop, Alexander 24 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to work as an interdisciplinary team whose primary role is to mentor a team of WPI undergraduate students completing their Major Qualifying Project (MQP) in collaboration with Vestigo Ventures, LLC. (“Vestigo Ventures�) and Cogo Labs. We worked closely with the project sponsors at Vestigo Ventures and Cogo Labs to understand each sponsor’s goals and desires, and then translated those thoughts into actionable items and concrete deliverables to be completed by the undergraduate student team. As a graduate student team with a diverse set of educational backgrounds and a range of academic and professional experiences, we provided two primary functions throughout the duration of this project. The first function was to develop a roadmap for each individual project, with concrete steps, justification, goals and deliverables. The second function was to provide the undergraduate team with clarification and assistance throughout the implementation and completion of each project, as well as provide our opinions and thoughts on any proposed changes. The two teams worked together in lock-step in order to provide the project sponsors with a complete set of deliverables, with the undergraduate team primarily responsible for implementation and final delivery of each completed project.

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