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Ein Beitrag zur gemischten Finite-Elemente-Formulierung der Theorie gesättigter poröser Medien bei großen VerzerrungenGörke, Uwe-Jens, Kaiser, Sonja, Bucher, Anke, Kreißig, Reiner 24 April 2009 (has links)
This paper presents the theoretical background of
a phenomenological biphasic material approach at
large strains based on the theory of porous media
as well as its numerical realization within the
context of an adaptive mixed finite element formulation.
The study is aimed at the simulation of coupled
multiphysics problems with special focus on biomechanics.
As the materials of interest can be considered as
a mixture of two immiscible components (solid and
fluid phases), they can be modeled as saturated
porous media. For the numerical treatment of according
problems within a finite element approach, weak
formulations of the balance equations of momentum
and volume of the mixture are developed. Within this
context, a generalized Lagrangean approach is
preferred assuming the initial configuration of
the solid phase as reference configuration of the
mixture. The transient problem results in weak
formulations with respect to the displacement and
pore pressure fields as well as their time derivatives.
Therefore special linearization techniques are applied,
and after spatial discretization a global system for the
incremental solution of the initial boundary value
problem within the framework of a stable mixed U/p-c
finite element approach is defined. The global system
is solved using an iterative solver with hierarchical
preconditioning. Adaptive mesh evolution is controlled
by a residual a posteriori error estimator.
The accuracy and the efficiency of the numerical
algorithms are demonstrated on a typical example.
782 |
Lid driven cavity flow using stencil-based numerical methodsJuujärvi, Hannes, Kinnunen, Isak January 2022 (has links)
In this report the regular finite differences method (FDM) and a least-squares radial basis function-generated finite differences method (RBF-FD-LS) is used to solve the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the lid driven cavity problem. The Navier-Stokes equations is solved using stream function-vorticity formulation. The purpose of the report is to compare FDM and RBF-FD-LS with respect to accuracy and computational cost. Both methods were implemented in MATLAB and the problem was solved for Reynolds numbers equal to 100, 400 and 1000. In the report we present the solutions obtained as well as the results from the comparison. The results are discussed and conclusions are drawn. We came to the conclusion that RBF-FD-LS is more accurate when the stepsize of the grids used is held constant, while RBF-FD-LS costs more than FDM for similar accuracy.
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The difficult task of finding digitized music manuscripts in online library collectionPeetz-Ullman, Juliane January 2020 (has links)
Music researchers are seldom at the center of attention as a user group within LIS. Thus, investigations of search possibilities for digitized music manuscript collections with a user perspective are lacking. Here, three digitized music manuscript collections (the Schrank II collection in Dresden, the Utile Dulci collection in Stockholm, and the Düben collection in Uppsala) are examined with regard to the accessibility of their contents to the target user group in two steps: First, music researchers are asked about their information seeking process and queries. They are observed in surveys, interviews, and think-aloud protocols. Second, the three retrieval systems are subjected to a performance evaluation by means of precision, recall, and F1 measures. The results show that music researchers are seeking information either with known-item searching, browsing, or subject search, yet the latter with considerably different subjects than, for example, in the domain of literature. In addition, while music researchers are expressing their satisfaction with the discovery systems, the observations from protocol analysis and the performance evaluation show that all three have issues in retrieving relevant documents for music-specific queries.
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Inversion cinématique progressive linéaire de la source sismique et ses perspectives dans la quantification des incertitudes associées / Progressive linear kinematic source inversion method and its perspectives towards the uncertainty quantification.Sanchez Reyes, Hugo Samuel 28 October 2019 (has links)
La caractérisation des tremblements de terre est un domaine de recherche primordial en sismologie, où l'objectif final est de fournir des estimations précises d'attributs de la source sismique. Dans ce domaine, certaines questions émergent, par exemple : quand un tremblement de terre s’est-il produit? quelle était sa taille? ou quelle était son évolution dans le temps et l'espace? On pourrait se poser d'autres questions plus complexes comme: pourquoi le tremblement s'est produit? quand sera le prochain dans une certaine région? Afin de répondre aux premières questions, une représentation physique du phénomène est nécessaire. La construction de ce modèle est l'objectif scientifique de ce travail doctoral qui est réalisé dans le cadre de la modélisation cinématique. Pour effectuer cette caractérisation, les modèles cinématiques de la source sismique sont un des outils utilisés par les sismologues. Il s’agit de comprendre la source sismique comme une dislocation en propagation sur la géométrie d’une faille active. Les modèles de sources cinématiques sont une représentation physique de l’histoire temporelle et spatiale d’une telle rupture en propagation. Cette modélisation est dite approche cinématique car les histoires de la rupture inférées par ce type de technique sont obtenues sans tenir compte des forces qui causent l'origine du séisme.Dans cette thèse, je présente une nouvelle méthode d'inversion cinématique capable d'assimiler, hiérarchiquement en temps, les traces de données à travers des fenêtres de temps évolutives. Cette formulation relie la fonction de taux de glissement et les sismogrammes observés, en préservant la positivité de cette fonction et la causalité quand on parcourt l'espace de modèles. Cette approche, profite de la structure creuse de l’histoire spatio-temporelle de la rupture sismique ainsi que de la causalité entre la rupture et chaque enregistrement différé par l'opérateur. Cet opérateur de propagation des ondes connu, est différent pour chaque station. Cette formulation progressive, à la fois sur l’espace de données et sur l’espace de modèle, requiert des hypothèses modérées sur les fonctions de taux de glissement attendues, ainsi que des stratégies de préconditionnement sur le gradient local estimé pour chaque paramètre du taux de glissement. Ces hypothèses sont basées sur de simples modèles physiques de rupture attendus. Les applications réussies de cette méthode aux cas synthétiques (Source Inversion Validation Exercise project) et aux données réelles du séisme de Kumamoto 2016 (Mw=7.0), ont permis d’illustrer les avantages de cette approche alternative d’une inversion cinématique linéaire de la source sismique.L’objectif sous-jacent de cette nouvelle formulation sera la quantification des incertitudes d’un tel modèle. Afin de mettre en évidence les propriétés clés prises en compte dans cette approche linéaire, dans ce travail, j'explore l'application de la stratégie bayésienne connue comme Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). Cette méthode semble être l’une des possibles stratégies qui peut être appliquée à ce problème linéaire sur-paramétré. Les résultats montrent qu’elle est compatible avec la stratégie linéaire dans le domaine temporel présentée ici. Grâce à une estimation efficace du gradient local de la fonction coût, on peut explorer rapidement l'espace de grande dimension des solutions possibles, tandis que la linéarité est préservée. Dans ce travail, j'explore la performance de la stratégie HMC traitant des cas synthétiques simples, afin de permettre une meilleure compréhension de tous les concepts et ajustements nécessaires pour une exploration correcte de l'espace de modèles probables. Les résultats de cette investigation préliminaire sont encourageants et ouvrent une nouvelle façon d'aborder le problème de la modélisation de la reconstruction cinématique de la source sismique, ainsi, que de l’évaluation des incertitudes associées. / The earthquake characterization is a fundamental research field in seismology, which final goal is to provide accurate estimations of earthquake attributes. In this study field, various questions may rise such as the following ones: when and where did an earthquake happen? How large was it? What is its evolution in space and time? In addition, more challenging questions can be addressed such as the following ones: why did it occur? What is the next one in a given area? In order to progress in the first list of questions, a physical description, or model, of the event is necessary. The investigation of such model (or image) is the scientific topic I investigate during my PhD in the framework of kinematic source models. Understanding the seismic source as a propagating dislocation that occurs across a given geometry of an active fault, the kinematic source models are the physical representations of the time and space history of such rupture propagation. Such physical representation is said to be a kinematic approach because the inferred rupture histories are obtained without taking into account the forces that might cause the origin of the dislocation.In this PhD dissertation, I present a new hierarchical time kinematic source inversion method able to assimilate data traces through evolutive time windows. A linear time-domain formulation relates the slip-rate function and seismograms, preserving the positivity of this function and the causality when spanning the model space: taking benefit of the time-space sparsity of the rupture model evolution is as essential as considering the causality between rupture and each record delayed by the known propagator operator different for each station. This progressive approach, both on the data space and on the model space, does require mild assumptions on prior slip-rate functions or preconditioning strategies on the slip-rate local gradient estimations. These assumptions are based on simple physical expected rupture models. Successful applications of this method to a well-known benchmark (Source Inversion Validation Exercise 1) and to the recorded data of the 2016 Kumamoto mainshock (Mw=7.0) illustrate the advantages of this alternative approach of a linear kinematic source inversion.The underlying target of this new formulation will be the future uncertainty quantification of such model reconstruction. In order to achieve this goal, as well as to highlight key properties considered in this linear time-domain approach, I explore the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) stochastic Bayesian framework, which appears to be one of the possible and very promising strategies that can be applied to this stabilized over-parametrized optimization of a linear forward problem to assess the uncertainties on kinematic source inversions. The HMC technique shows to be compatible with the linear time-domain strategy here presented. This technique, thanks to an efficient estimation of the local gradient of the misfit function, appears to be able to rapidly explore the high-dimensional space of probable solutions, while the linearity between unknowns and observables is preserved. In this work, I investigate the performance of the HMC strategy dealing with simple synthetic cases with almost perfect illumination, in order to provide a better understanding of all the concepts and required tunning to achieve a correct exploration of the model space. The results from this preliminary investigation are promising and open a new way of tackling the kinematic source reconstruction problem and the assessment of the associated uncertainties.
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Conception, synthèse et vectorisation de molécules apparentées à l'isocombrétastatine A-4 : Exploration de nouvelles réactivites des composés diazo-précurseurs / Design, synthesis and vectorization of isocombretastatin A-4 analogues : Exploration of new reactivities of diazo-precursor compoundsLamaa, Diana 15 November 2019 (has links)
Les travaux de thèse concernent la synthèse et la vectorisation d'analogues de la combrétastatine A-4, une molécule naturelle connue pour ses propriétés anti-vasculaires et cytotoxiques. Ces recherches se situent à l’interface de la chimie et de la biologie.D'une part, des études en méthodologie de synthèse, mettant en œuvre des réactions de couplages entre des composés diazo-précurseurs et des halogénoarènes ou des amines ont été réalisées dans le but de fournir des outils de synthèse nécessaires à la constitution de chimiothèques. Ces études ont conduit à la synthèse des 2-pyridilalkylamines à partir de pyridotriazole et d’amines, à la synthèse du motif 1,1-diaryléthyl via une réaction green ainsi qu'à l’accès au noyau benzofurane à travers une réaction « one-pot ».D’autre part, des analogues duaux de l'isocombrétastatine A-4, inhibiteurs de la tubuline et des histones désacétylases ont été développés. L'évaluation biologique de ces analogues a permis d’identifier deux molécules « lead » dont les activités antiprolifératives sur des lignées cellulaires cancéreuses sont de l'ordre du nanomolaire. D'excellents résultats d'inhibition de la polymérisation de la tubuline et de l’histone déacétylase 8 ont également été observés.Finalement, des essais de vectorisation de quelques analogues de l’isoCA-4 sous forme de liposomes ou d’ADC ont été réalisés. / The thesis reports the synthesis and vectorization of combretastatin A-4 analogues, a natural molecule known for its anti-vascular and cytotoxic properties. Our research work is at the chemistry-biology interface.On the first hand, synthetic methodology studies were performed, indeed coupling reactions between diazo-precursors and haloarenes or amines have been carried out providing new and interesting synthethic tools. These studies led to the synthesis of 2-pyridylalkylamines from pyridotriazole and amines, as well as to the synthesis of the 1,1-diarylethylene compounfs via a green reaction and finally to access to the benzofuran ring through a one-pot fashion reaction ".On the other hand, dual targeting analogs of isocombretastatin A-4 with tubulin and histone deacetylases inhibition properties have been developed. The biological evaluation of these analogs allowed us to identify two lead molecules whose antiproliferative activities on cancer cell lines are in the order of nanomolar. These molecules showed an excellent tubulin polymerization and histone deacetylase 8 inhibitions.Finally, vectorization assays of some isoCA-4 analogs using liposomes or ADCs were performed.
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Analytic Extensions to the Data Model for Management Analytics and Decision Support in the Big Data EnvironmentAkpakpan, Nsikak Etim 01 January 2018 (has links)
From 2006 to 2016, an estimated average of 50% of big data analytics and decision support projects failed to deliver acceptable and actionable outputs to business users. The resulting management inefficiency came with high cost, and wasted investments estimated at $2.7 trillion in 2016 for companies in the United States. The purpose of this quantitative descriptive study was to examine the data model of a typical data analytics project in a big data environment for opportunities to improve the information created for management problem-solving. The research questions focused on finding artifacts within enterprise data to model key business scenarios for management action. The foundations of the study were information and decision sciences theories, especially information entropy and high-dimensional utility theories. The design-based research in a nonexperimental format was used to examine the data model for the functional forms that mapped the available data to the conceptual formulation of the management problem by combining ontology learning, data engineering, and analytic formulation methodologies. Semantic, symbolic, and dimensional extensions emerged as key functional forms of analytic extension of the data model. The data-modeling approach was applied to 15-terabyte secondary data set from a multinational medical product distribution company with profit growth problem. The extended data model simplified the composition of acceptable analytic insights, the derivation of business solutions, and the design of programs to address the ill-defined management problem. The implication for positive social change was the potential for overall improvement in management efficiency and increasing participation in advocacy and sponsorship of social initiatives.
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Caractérisation et mise en œuvre de systèmes réactifs polyamide et polyépoxyde formulés pour le rotomoulage de liners de stockage hyperbare / Characterization and transformation of polyamide and polyepoxyde reactive systems formulated for rotomolded liners of high pressure storageLecocq, Eva 21 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le développement de formulations performantes et processables pour les liners de réservoirs de stockage hyperbare. Une large gamme de formulations à base polyamide et polyépoxyde a ainsi été synthétisée en conditions contrôlées, représentatives du procédé de rotomoulage. Les systèmes polyamide ont été modifiés par copolymérisation statistique et les polyépoxydes par une phase dispersée micro- ou nano-structurée avec des thermoplastiques de haute Tg ou des copolymères blocs. Les propriétés morphologiques, thermiques, mécaniques et barrière de chaque formulation ont été caractérisées et confrontées au cahier des charges du matériau. En parallèle, l’influence des conditions opératoires et de la formulation sur les rhéocinétiques de polymérisation, de cristallisation, de gélification et/ou de séparation de phase a ainsi été établie. L’ensemble de ces résultats a été mis à profit afin d’identifier des relations structures – propriétés – processabilité en vue de l’application. Afin de valider le potentiel des formulations retenues, ces dernières ont été rotomoulées en conditions opératoires variables avec un suivi in situ de l’écoulement et ex situ de la viscosité. Ce travail a permis d’établir les fenêtres de processabilité de chaque formulation et de comprendre l’origine des défauts d’écoulement. / The aim of this present study is to develop efficient and processable formulations for the liners of high pressure storage tank. A wide range of formulations based on polyamide and polyepoxide has been synthesized under controlled conditions representative of the rotomolding process. The polyamide system has been modified by copolymerization and the polyepoxyde system by a micro- or nano-structured dispersed phase with high Tg thermoplastics or block copolymers. The morphological, thermal, mechanical and barrier properties of each formulation were characterized and compared to the specifications of the material. In parallel, the influence of operating conditions and formulation on the rheokinetics of polymerization, crystallization, gelation and / or phase separation has been established. All of these results have been exploited to identify structure - property - processability relationships for the application. To validate the potential of selected formulations, they were rotationally molded in variable operating conditions with flow monitoring and rheological measure. This work has established the processing windows of each formulation and has allowed an understanding of the origin of flow defects.
788 |
Elaboration, caractérisation et mise en œuvre de matériaux polymères à base de polysemicarbazides et polyester furanique bio-sourcés / Elaboration, caracterisation and processing of polymer matérials based on bio-sourced polysemicarbazides and furanic polyestersGhorbel, Inès 15 February 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est développé dans le but d’élaborer, caractériser et mettre en œuvre de matériaux polymères à base de polysemicarbazides et polyesters furaniques bio-sourcés. L’étude comporte trois grandes parties : la synthèse et l’optimisation du procédé de synthèse de poly(acylsemicarbazide)s, la préparation de quelques mélanges de polymères en mini-bivis de polymères furaniques (PEF ou PSC) avec le PET, le PLA et le PHA et l’élaboration de nouveaux copolyesters furano-aliphatiques par polymérisation par ouverture de cycle (PEF/PCL) ou par réactions d’interéchanges à l’état fondu de mélange d’homopolymères (PEF/PCL, PEF/PLA et PEF/PHA). Nous rapportons dans le premier chapitre de ce mémoire la synthèse d’une série de dihydrazides bifuraniques et l’étude de leur réactivité vis-à-vis de divers diisocyanates aromatiques afin d’élaborer des polyacylsemicarbazides furano-aromatiques. Notre étude est abordée en examinant le comportement d’un système de monomères modèle dans différentes conditions expérimentales afin d’optimiser le procédé de polycondensation avant de l’appliquer à diverses combinaisons de monomères. Nous traitons dans le deuxième chapitre l’élaboration de nouveaux matériaux à base de polymères furaniques (PEF ou PSC) par mélange de polyesters à l’état fondu. Pour cela, nous avons élaboré 3 types de mélanges polyester furaniques / polyesters aliphatiques et aromatiques. Enfin, nous nous intéressons dans le troisième chapitre à la synthèse de divers polyesters furaniques à extrémités contrôlées : PEF-dihydroxy (PEF di-OH), PEF-dicarboxylé (PEF di-COOH), PEF-diéthylester (PEF di-COOEt) et PEF à extrémités mixtes (PEF di-OH/COOEt). Ces derniers ont été utilisés pour l’élaboration de nouveaux polyesters furano-aliphatiques par la technique de polymérisation par ouverture de cycle (PEF /PCL) ou suite à des réactions d’interéchange à l’état fondu à partir de mélanges d’homopolymères (PEF/PLA, PEF/PHA et PEF/PCL). / This work aims at elaborating, characterising and processing polymer materials based on bio-sourced polysemicarbazides and furanic polyesters. The study has three main parts : Synthesis and optimisation of the synthesis of poly(acylsemicarbazide)s, elaboration of polymer blends based on furanic polymers (PEF or PSC) with PET, PLA and PHA and elaboration of new furano-aliphatic copolyesters by ring opening polymerisation (PEF/PCL) or by inter-exchange reactions between ’homopolymers (PEF/PCL, PEF/PLA et PEF/PHA) in the melt. The first chapter reports on the synthesis of a serie of bifuranic dihydrazides and on the study of their reactivity with several aromatic diisocyanates in order to elaborate furano-aromatic polyacylsemicarbazides. The behaviour of model monomer systems in various experimental conditions is studied in order to d’optimise the polycondensation processbefore transfering it to several monomer combinations. In the second chapter, we study the elaboration of new materials based on furanic polymers (PEF or PSC) blended with polyesters in the melt. 3 kinds of blends based on furanic polyesters / aliphatic and aromatic polyesters. The third chapter is devoted to the synthesis of furanic polyesters with controlled ends : dihydroxy-PEF (PEF di-OH), dicarboxylate-PEF (PEF di-COOH), diethylester-PEF (PEF di-COOEt) as well as PEF with mixed ends (PEF di-OH/COOEt). The latest have been used for the elaboration of new furano-aliphatic polyesters by ring opening polymerisation (PEF /PCL) or after interexchange reaction in melt homoplymer blends (PEF/PLA, PEF/PHA and PEF/PCL).
789 |
Epoxy Adhesives: Formulation for Sustainability and Mechanism of AdhesionPatel, Ammar Abbas 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
790 |
[pt] Apesar da crescente importância e utilização da mediação como forma de
solução de conflitos e da destacada importância que a comunicação e a interação
possuem no processo, os manuais de mediação nacionais e internacionais, focados em
teorias e em comentários sobre as leis, pouco têm a dizer sobre encontros reais entre
mediadores e mediandos, isto é, como a mediação-em-interação, de fato, ocorre. Essa
pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e empírica, busca, com base nos estudos da fala-eminteração, entender situadamente como a instituição da mediação é coconstituída entre
os participantes, e descrever como diferentes recursos linguísticos verbais e não verbais
são mobilizados pelos mediadores na construção de práticas interacionais alinhadas ao
seu mandato institucional. Especificamente, essa pesquisa põe uma lupa sobre as
práticas de (re)formulação realizadas pelos mediadores em sequências interacionais nas
quais ao menos uma das partes realiza reclamações, acusações ou atribuições de culpa
ao outro, a fim de: (i) descrever as (re)formulações dos mediadores sobre o que uma
das partes disse à/sobre a outra; (ii) descrever e analisar as ações e efeitos projetados
pelas (re)formulações; (iii) examinar o papel das (re)formulações na mediação e suas
relações com as tarefas institucionais do mediador. Para tanto, foi gerado um corpus
composto por 26 horas de gravação em áudio de sessões de mediação familiar
extrajudicial que ocorreram em um Núcleo de Prática Jurídica de uma universidade do
estado do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das práticas de (re)formulação nos mostra como
diferentes objetivos institucionais são tornados relevantes e podem ser alcançados
pelos mediadores a partir das transformações de turnos de fala prévios e da oferta de
interpretações alternativas. Dentre elas, estão a mitigação e/ou neutralização do
escalonamento do conflito entre as partes e a transformação de aspectos relacionais e
subjetivos em tópicos mediáveis. Observou-se, especialmente, o papel das
(re)formulações no (re)direcionamento das partes a uma posição na qual podem
cooperar, ou, pelo menos, encontrar um conjunto de elementos em comum no qual
poderão se basear em discussões subsequentes na mediação, possibilitando a
progressão das sessões de mediação e oportunizando mudanças futuras na relação e
interação entre as partes. Nesse sentido, o estudo contribui, em termos teóricos, para
o estudo do fenômeno da (re)formulação e, em termos aplicados, para a formação de
mediadores. / [en] Despite the growing importance and use of mediation as a form of conflict
resolution, and the significant importance that communication and interaction have in
the process, national and international mediation manuals, which are mainly theoretical
and/or focused on legal commentaries, have little to say about real encounters between
mediators and disputants, that is, how mediation-in-interaction works in fact. Based
on the contributions from Conversation Analysis, this empirical qualitative research
seeks to understand how the institution of mediation is co-constructed among
participants, as well as to describe how different verbal and non-verbal linguistic
resources are mobilized by mediators in the construction of interactional practices
aligned with their institutional mandate. More precisely, this research zooms in on the
(re)formulation practices performed by mediators in interactional sequences in which
at least one of the parties complains, accuses or blames the other, in order to: (i)
describe mediators (re)formulations of what one party said to/about the other; (ii)
describe and analyze the actions and outcomes (re)formulations are designed to
produce; (iii) examine the role of (re)formulations in mediation and their relations to
the mediator s institutional tasks. For this purpose, a corpus was generated consisting
of 26 hours of audio-recorded extrajudicial family mediation sessions that took place
in a Legal Practice Center of a university in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of
the (re)formulation practices shows us how different institutional goals are made
relevant and can be achieved by mediators from the transformations of previous turns
at talk and alternative interpretation offers. Among them are the mitigation and/or
neutralization of the escalation of the conflict between the parties and the
transformation of relational and subjective issued into mediatable topics. Most notably,
we observed the role of (re)formulations in (re)directing the parties to a position in
which they can cooperate, or at least find a set of common elements on which they
can build in subsequent discussions in mediation, enabling the progression of
mediation sessions and providing opportunities for future changes in the relationship
and interaction between the parties. In this sense, this study contributes, in theoretical
terms, to the study of the phenomenon of (re)formulation and, in applied terms, to
the training of mediators.
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