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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spokojenost zdravotních a sociálních pracovníků s finančním ohodnocením. / The satisfaction of health and social workers with financial valuation

TOVT, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Thesis on the topic Satisfaction of health and social workers with financial rewards deals with the the subjective perception of satisfaction with the possibilities of financial compensation. The aim of of this paper is to describe the health and social care services by extension the South Bohemian Region and to map out the possibilities funding these services and not least theoretically identify the main motivational factors at work and care for employees. For processing the research part of the thesis was used quantitative research strategy, data capture been performed via interviewing methods, through a standardized questionnaire Job Satisfaction Survey, which was translated into the Czech language as a Průzkum spokojenosti se zaměstnáním M. Fraňkem. The research showed that both professions are dissatisfied with their financial rewards, but the overall rate of job satisfaction was in the range of ambivalence.

Využití finančních prostředků z fondů EU a veřejných rozpočtů na opravu kulturních památek v Jihočeském kraji / Utilization of funds from EU funds and public budgets for repairs of cultural monuments in the South Bohemian Region

MARŠÍČKOVÁ, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the use of EU funds and public budgets for repairs of cultural monuments in the South Bohemian Region. The theoretical part is a general explanation of the basic concepts of the area of monument care.It also presents the basic legislation in force in this field and the governing, responsible authorities and also the possible means of financing repairs. The practical part deals with the short description of the region and then follows a detailed description of the various forms of subsidy obtaining - the grant program of the city of České Budějovice, the grant programs of the South Bohemian Region, Grant programs of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, support from the EU, reconstruction of cultural monuments in the region and their appreciation.

Afinal de contas, é possível responder quanto custa uma educação infantil de qualidade? : uma pergunta que leva a muitas outras

Bernardo, Gertrudes Angélica Vargas January 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda aspectos importantes para os estudos sobre a relação entre os custos educacionais e a qualidade da educação. O objetivo é oferecer subsídios para uma reflexão sobre os custos de uma educação infantil com condições de qualidade. Discutem-se as relações existentes entre o custoaluno- ano em duas instituições de educação infantil (uma escola de educação infantil comunitária conveniada com a Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre e outra instituição de educação infantil particular) e as condições de qualidade encontradas nas mesmas. A pesquisa foi realizada no ano de 2005 e baseouse, em termos teórico-metodologicos, na pesquisa denominada “Levantamento do custo-aluno-ano em escolas da educação básica que oferecem condições para a oferta de um ensino de qualidade” organizada pelo INEP. Embasada nas estimativas de custo-aluno-ano obtidas na pesquisa, a autora apresenta uma análise das condições de qualidade encontradas, levando em consideração os critérios, dimensões e indicadores estabelecidos na própria pesquisa para avaliar a qualidade e aspectos específicos do ordenamento legal relativo a esta etapa da Educação Básica no município de Porto Alegre. A dissertação, em seus quatro capítulos, aborda também aspectos do surgimento e construção do conceito de infância na modernidade e do processo de institucionalização da infância, principalmente no Brasil e problematizações sobre o conceito de qualidade na educação. / This research approached some aspects that are important to studies on the relationship between educational costs and education quality. The aim of this dissertation was to offer subsides for a reflection on the costs of a high quality children education. The author discussed the relationships between yearstudent- cost in two institutions of children education (one school was associated to Porto Alegre City Hall, and the other was a private institution) and conditions of quality found there. This research was carried out in 2005. It was both theoretically and methodologically based upon the research ‘Survey of yearstudent- cost in schools of elementary education that provide conditions to offer qualified teaching’, organized by INEP. Based on estimates of year-student-cost obtained through the research, the author presented an analysis of quality conditions, considering criteria, dimensions and indicators established in the research to assess the quality and specific aspects of the legal order related to this stage of the elementary education in Porto Alegre. In order to provide grounds for the research, the four chapters of the dissertation have also approached aspects of both the appearance and the construction of the concept of childhood in modernity, the process of institutionalization of childhood, mainly in Brazil, and problematizations about the concept of quality in education.

Financiamento das ações de VISA: a evolução do repasse federal.

Barbosa, Adriana Aquino January 2009 (has links)
p. 1-86 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-10T20:57:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertacaoAdriana Aquino.pdf: 512112 bytes, checksum: e66844469c0d5fbd2d4cad1162b090c3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva(mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-04-11T19:17:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertacaoAdriana Aquino.pdf: 512112 bytes, checksum: e66844469c0d5fbd2d4cad1162b090c3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-11T19:17:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertacaoAdriana Aquino.pdf: 512112 bytes, checksum: e66844469c0d5fbd2d4cad1162b090c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a evolução do financiamento federal para as ações de vigilância sanitária no período de 1998 a 2008 de forma a identificar se as mudanças no marco normativo federal foram favoráveis a uma maior alocação de recursos para a área. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão documental acerca da organização do sistema de saúde brasileiro, da inserção da vigilância sanitária neste contexto e do financiamento das ações de Visa no período, de modo a estabelecer suas fontes, os mecanismos de transferência e os critérios de alocação de recursos. Para viabilizar esta análise, os valores repassados para estados, municípios e Distrito Federal foram atualizados pelo Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA) e dispostos em uma série temporal de forma a se identificar o tipo de variação e a tendência do período. Constatou-se que apesar dos significativos avanços no marco normativo federal relativo ao financiamento da vigilância sanitária e da incontestável tendência de crescimento das transferências, o montante de recursos repassados está aquém do previsto nas normas. A principal causa verificada foi a dificuldade de pactuação do governo federal com as demais esferas de governo. / Salvador

As práticas de participação institucionalizadas e sua relação com a cultura política: um estudo sobre o conselho de acompanhamento e controle social do FUNDEB

Lima, Ubirajara Couto January 2009 (has links)
111 f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-07T17:57:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao _Ubirajara Lima.pdf: 465324 bytes, checksum: 904787ef3c0e3a67de27cc037bc26b6c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes(silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-06-11T16:57:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao _Ubirajara Lima.pdf: 465324 bytes, checksum: 904787ef3c0e3a67de27cc037bc26b6c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-11T16:57:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao _Ubirajara Lima.pdf: 465324 bytes, checksum: 904787ef3c0e3a67de27cc037bc26b6c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / No Brasil, a relação entre Estado e sociedade tem sido mediada por uma cultura política marcada pelo autoritarismo, patrimonialismo, clientelismo e o favor. O processo de luta pela democratização, na década de 1980 e que tem como marco formal a Constituição Federal de 1988, fez emergir elementos de uma nova cultura política adjetivada como democrática – orientada pelos valores da autonomia, igualdade, solidariedade e justiça – que passa a coexistir com a velha cultura. Nesse contexto de universalização dos direitos sociais, entre eles, o direito à educação, são formuladas as legislações que criaram e regulamentaram o FUNDEF, restrito a manter e desenvolver o ensino fundamental, e o FUNDEB, ampliado a toda educação básica, ancoradas no princípio da gestão democrática e que instituem também os Conselhos de Acompanhamento e Controle Social (CACS), responsáveis pela fiscalização da repartição, da transferência e da aplicação dos recursos do fundo público. O objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar as práticas de participação presentes no CACS-FUNDEB e sua relação com a cultura política local, partindo do pressuposto de que essas práticas institucionalizam a inclusão da sociedade civil na esfera pública e permite visibilizar o confronto entre as duas formas de cultura política: tradicional e democrática. / Salvador

Motivation of german entrepreneurs to seek equity via crowdfunding: an exploratory study

Roggan, John 10 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by John Roggan (john.roggan@gmail.com) on 2015-04-10T11:49:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 John Roggan_Master Thesis_EAESP_2015_Final.pdf: 4583536 bytes, checksum: f553cfd6f640f6182b0ad58632019295 (MD5) / Rejected by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br), reason: Dear John, Please make the following changes in your thesis: 1) Remove the markers with numbers and letters in the top of the first pages. The counting of pages starts on the first page, however the page numbers should be viewed only from the introduction. 2) There are only 3 field of knowledge of MPGI registered in CAPES (The Government Department responsible for the rules of Masters Programs) and they are: Economia e Finanças Internacionais, Internacionalização de Empresas e Gestão e Competitividade em Empresas Globais. In your case the knowledge field is Gestão e Competitividade em Empresas Globais. Therefore I advise you to put the area recorded in CAPES. After you modify this itens, please submit it again. Best, Luana de Assis Rodrigues Cursos de Pós-Graduação – Post Graduate Program (55 11) 3799-3492 SRA - Secretaria de Registros Acadêmicos on 2015-04-10T15:01:37Z (GMT) / Submitted by John Roggan (john.roggan@gmail.com) on 2015-04-10T15:46:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 John Roggan_Master Thesis_EAESP_2015_Final.pdf: 4639073 bytes, checksum: ae23669af44d70a83215638ca2806d99 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2015-04-13T12:22:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 John Roggan_Master Thesis_EAESP_2015_Final.pdf: 4639073 bytes, checksum: ae23669af44d70a83215638ca2806d99 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-13T12:22:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 John Roggan_Master Thesis_EAESP_2015_Final.pdf: 4639073 bytes, checksum: ae23669af44d70a83215638ca2806d99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-10 / Equity crowdfunding, so financing a project or venture through many small investments of a large group of investors, has received growing attention from the media and scholars. The discussion is about whether crowdfunding could generally transform the way people collect funding for their projects or ventures. Whereas research has so far focused on exploring, why crowdinvestors are motivated to fund ventures, this study focuses on what motivates entrepreneurs to crowdfund. To do so, the study researched the motivation of 11 entrepreneurs to use German equity crowdfunding platforms. Because existing research on the motivation of entrepreneurs stayed largely superficial, this study uses a research approach novel in the field of venture financing, the means-end approach. With this approach the entrepreneurs’ reasoning to use equity crowdfunding was explored holistically, uncovering the entire thought processes leading to the decision to crowdfund. One of the findings is that entrepreneurs use equity crowdfunding to successfully collect funds from rather emotionally investing crowdinvestors to finance their ventures’ future growth and to signal investment viability to follow-up investors. Furthermore, entrepreneurs expect crowdinvestors to be engaged in and help the venture with marketing and feedback. Crowdfunding also allows entrepreneurs to keep decision-making power over the venture better than by using traditional sources of funding. The findings indicate that crowdfunding attracts entrepreneurs who could not secure funding from other sources of capital as well as entrepreneurs who see the additional benefits it can provide over other sources. / Equity crowdfunding, ou financiamento de um projeto ou empreendimento através de diversos pequenos investimentos ou um grande grupo de investidores, tem recebido uma crescente atenção da mídia e acadêmicos. A discussão questiona se crowdfunding pode de uma forma geral transformar a maneira como as pessoas captam capital para os seus negócios. Enquanto que pesquisas tem até então focado em explorar porque crowdinvestors têm motivação em financiar empreitadas, este estudo foca em revelar o que motiva empreendedores a procurar soluções de crowdfund. Para isso, o estudo investigou a motivação de 11 empreendedores que usaram plataformas alemãs de crowdfunding. Como estudos existentes sobre a motivação de empreendedores são na sua grande maioria superficiais, este estudo utiliza uma nova abordagem de pesquisa na área de financiamento de projetos, a abordagem de means-end. Sob essa abordagem a forma de pensar dos empreendedores em relação ao uso de equity crowdfunding foi estudada de forma holística, revelando todo o processo de raciocínio até a decisão final de optar por uma estratégia de crowdfunding. Uma das descobertas é que empreendedores usam equity crowdfunding para arrecadar fundos de crowdinvestors consideravelmente não-racionais (emocionais) para financiar o crescimento futuro de seus negócios e também sinalizar viabilidade de investimento para futuros investidores. Além disso, empreendedores esperam que crowdinvestors sejam engajados e ajudem tanto a promover o negócio como a dar feedback. Crowdfunding também possibilita que empreendedores mantenham o poder de decisão sobre a empresa mais facilmente se comparado a outras fontes tradicionais de financiamento. As descobertas indicam que crowdfunding atrai empreendedores que não conseguiriam arrecadar investimentos a partir de outras fontes de capital assim como empreendedores que entendem os benefícios adicionais que esta oferece em relação à outras fontes.


Stuurman, Andisiwe 01 May 2015 (has links)
AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF ANDISIWE STUURMAN, for the Master of Science degree in Geography and Environmental Resources, presented on APRIL 10, 2015, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: AN ASSESSMENT OF ABANDONED MINE RECLAMATION IN SOUTH AFRICA USING A SURVEY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTS MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Silvia Secchi Abandoned mines are those in which mining activity has ceased and there is no entity or company that can be traced to take responsibility for their maintenance or reclamation. It has been reported that there are approximately 6,150 abandoned mines in South Africa and it is estimated that it will cost $US4.2 billion to rehabilitate these mines over a very long period of time. The South African Department of Mineral Resources has set a reclamation target of 12 abandoned mines per year. This low target is what led to the interest in understanding the dynamics of abandoned mine reclamation in South Africa. An online survey of environmental experts in South Africa was conducted from December 2014 to January 2015 to elicit their opinions on the public's perception of abandoned mine reclamation and to assess whether their views are aligned in terms the cost of reclamation, sources of funding, how to accelerate the process of reclamation and credible sources of information for environmental issues. A total of 54 responses were collected, with good representation of respondents from each province in South Africa although the majority came from Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal. The results of the survey revealed that there are several challenges that are slowing down the process of reclamation in South Africa including limited sources of funding, water resources at risk, and disproportionate ratio of experts between the private and public sector. About 80% of the respondents in the survey said that the public would not be willing to contribute towards a reclamation fund. A majority of the respondents who consider themselves experts in reclamation were of the opinion that the government and the mining industry should be primarily responsible for reclamation. After careful review of the results and other government reports related to reclamation in South Africa, it appears that the establishment of an abandoned mine reclamation fund would be a good policy for South Africa, as would be conducting studies to explore possible funding options, ring-fencing tax money for special purposes such as reclamation of abandoned mines, and developing guidelines and standards for abandoned mine reclamation or land reclamation.

Effects of the UO Diversity-Building Scholarship on student retention, graduation, and graduation debt

Baiza, Tomas Hulick 06 1900 (has links)
xi, 74 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation examines the effects of the UO Diversity-Building Scholarship (DBS) on the student outcomes of retention, graduation, and debt load upon graduation. Student outcomes were interpreted in the context of three research questions focusing on: (a) how DBS recipients compared with other funding groups; (b) how student outcomes differed by ethnoracial group; and (c) how outcomes differed by students' level of financial need. DBS recipients were compared with Staton and Dean's scholarship recipients and unfunded students. Study predictors were funding status, ethnoracial background, and financial need. Variables controlled for in study models were gender, parents' educational background, and standardized test scores. The effects of the DBS were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential (logistic and linear regression) analyses. Regression analyses yielded mixed results with regards to differential outcomes by funding group, ethnoracial background, and financial need. After discussing results in detail, I offer several policy and research recommendations in reaction to negative or unfavorable outcomes among DBS recipients. These recommendations focus on increased data gathering for UO scholarship recipients and formal evaluations of the impact of student support efforts directed at Diversity-Building scholars in particular and scholarship recipients in general. / Adviser: Joe Stevens

Determinants of commercial bank liquidity in South Africa

Luvuno, Themba Innocent 28 June 2018 (has links)
This study examined the determinants of commercial bank liquidity in South Africa. The panel regression approach was used, applying panel data from twelve commercial banks over the period 2006 to 2016. A quantitative research method was used to investigate the relationship between bank liquidity and some microeconomic and bank-specific factors and between bank liquidity and selected macro-economic factors. The regression analysis for four liquidity ratios was conducted using the pooled ordinary least squares regression, fixed effects, random effects and the generalised methods of moments. However, the system generalised methods of moments approach was preferred over the other methods because it eliminated the problem of endogeneity. Results show that capital adequacy, size and gross domestic product have a positive and significant effect on liquidity. Loan growth and non-performing loans had a negative and significant effect on liquidity. Inflation had both a positive and a negative but an insignificant effect on liquidity. The study concluded that South African banks could enhance their liquidity positions by tightening their loan-underwriting criteria and credit policies. Banks should improve their credit risk management frameworks to be more prudent in their lending practices to improve the quality of the loan book to enhance liquidity. They also need to grow their capital levels by embarking on efficient revenue enhancements activities. Banks may also to look at their clients on an overall basis and not on transaction bases, and they need to improve non-interest revenue by introducing innovated products. The South African Reserve Bank could push for policies that might enhance capitalisation by ensuring that the sector is consolidated and thus merging smaller banks to create banks with stronger balance sheets and stronger capital base. This study contributes to the empirical research repository on the determinants of liquidity and more specifically, it identified the significant factors that affect South African commercial bank liquidity. Identifying the determinants of South African commercial bank liquidity will provide the South African Reserve Bank with insight into ways of enhancing liquidity management reforms, to improve the sector’s liquidity management practices and help to maintain a sound and liquid banking sector. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Regime próprio de previdência social do estado do Rio Grande do Sul : equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial

Antonello, Gustavo Borsa January 2016 (has links)
O debate acerca do equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial dos regimes de previdência social é tema relevante e de alta indagação no momento atual da economia brasileira, e em particular, na gaúcha. Os diferentes regimes de previdência social adotados no Brasil e seus modelos de financiamento devem estar intimamente ligados ao equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial, adequados a soluções que permitam o atingimento de seus fins precípuos, voltados à garantia do pagamento de benefícios a seus segurados, sem que, no entanto, esse proceder gere prejuízos nas contas públicas e outros aportes estatais. No âmbito do Rio Grande do Sul, as fórmulas encontradas ao longo de décadas objetivando a solidez do regimes previdenciários aqui adotados, não discrepam daquelas adotadas em âmbito nacional e resumem-se basicamente a três pontos: sucessivas alterações legislativas com a mudança do modelo de financiamento da repartição simples para o da capitalização; a majoração paulatina das alíquotas que se constituem na principal fonte de receita do sistema; e a instituição do regime de previdência complementar. A (in)adequação de medidas adotadas no regime próprio de previdência gaúcho voltadas à busca do equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial foi a resposta encontrada ao que se propôs analisar na presente dissertação. / The debate about the financial and actuarial balance of social security regimes is an important and highly discussed subject at the current moment of the Brazilian economy, and particularly in Rio Grande do Sul. The different types of social security systems adopted in Brazil as well as their funding models must be closely linked to the financial and actuarial balance, being appropriate to solutions that enable the achievement of their main purposes, aimed at ensuring the payment of benefits to its policyholders, however, in a manner that this proceeding doesn’t generate any losses in the public accounts as well as at any other state contributions. In the scope of Rio Grande do Sul, the formulas found along decades aiming the trustworthiness of the social security schemes adopted here, do not disagree from those adopted at the national level and thus can be summarized basically into three points: successive legislative alterations with the changing of the funding model from the simple sharing model to the capitalization one; the gradual increase in rates that are the main source of system revenues; and the institution of the complementary pension regime. The (in) adequacy of measures taken in the Rio Grande do Sul own Special Security Regime that aimed the pursuit of financial and actuarial balance was found as the answer for what this dissertation proposed to analyse.

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