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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The making of the Tuoba Northern Wei : constructing material cultural expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398-494 CE)

Tseng, Chin-Yin January 2012 (has links)
The Tuoba's success in the making of the Northern Wei as a conquest dynasty in fifth century northern China will be argued in this thesis as a result of their ability to cross between the traditions and practices of the Chinese sphere and those of the Eurasian steppe, through the construction of a "dual presence" in the Pingcheng period (398-494 CE). A negotiation of material culture in this formative phase of state-building allowed for new notions of kingship, dynastic identity, and representations of daily life to be (re)created. This was manifested separately through the application of mountain-side stone sculptures, tomb repertoires, as well as the conception of Pingcheng as a capital city. The material cultural expressions explored in this thesis reflect significant changes in the socio-cultural atmosphere at this point in history. In effect, these ritual, funerary, and commemorative discourses wove together to create new notions of "Chineseness" in fifth century northern China. In the following discussion, we will come to recognize the Tuoba’s maintenance of a "dual presence", not only as "Son of Heaven" to the conquered subjects, but also carrying over practices that befit a Khagan in the Central Asian tradition, as an act of ingenuity.

ASEAN, social conflict and intervention in Southeast Asia

Jones, Lee C. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis challenges the prevailing academic and journalistic consensus that ASEAN states, bound by a cast-iron norm of non-interference, do not intervene in other states’ internal affairs. It argues that ASEAN states have frequently engaged in acts of intervention, often with very serious, negative consequences. Using methods of critical historical sociology, the thesis reconstructs the history of ASEAN’s non-interference principle and interventions from ASEAN’s inception onwards, drawing on sources including ASEAN and UN documents, US and UK archives, and policymaker interviews. It focuses especially on three case studies: East Timor, Cambodia, and Myanmar. The thesis argues that both the emergence of ideologies of non-intervention and their violation can be explained by the social conflicts animating state policies. Non-interference was developed by embattled, authoritarian, capitalist elites in an attempt to bolster their defence of capitalist social order from radical challenges. Where adherence to non-intervention failed to serve this purpose, it was discarded or manipulated to permit cross-border ‘containment’ operations. After communism was defeated in the ASEAN states, foreign policy continued to promote the interests of dominant, state-linked business groups and oligarchic factions. Non-interference shifted to defend domestic power structures from the West’s liberalising agenda. However, ASEAN elites continued meddling in neighbouring states even as containment operations were discarded. This contributed to the collapse of Cambodia’s ruling coalition in 1997, and ASEAN subsequently intervened to restore it. The 1997 Asian financial crisis dealt a crippling blow to ASEAN. To contain domestic unrest in Indonesia, core ASEAN states joined a humanitarian intervention in East Timor in 1999. In the decade since, non-interference has been progressively weakened as the core members struggle to regain domestic legitimacy and lost international political and economic space. This is expressed most clearly in ASEAN’s attempts to insert itself into Myanmar’s democratisation process after decades of failed ‘constructive engagement’.

Publishing Chinese art : issues of cultural reproduction in China, 1905-1918

Liu, Yu-jen January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is an enquiry into the conditions in which various understandings of the newly introduced but vaguely grasped Western notion of ‘art’ emerged and sustained themselves in the name of cultural reproduction in early twentieth-century China. This Western concept of art was translated into Chinese as ‘meishu’, a neologism originally coined in Japanese kanji, and regarded as the embodiment of the ‘national essence’. Through a close examination of five art-related publishing events—the publication of the nationalistic journal Guocui xuebao; the launch of the art periodical Shenzhou guoguangji; the endeavours to compile a book collection on art, Meishu congshu; the making of the text Zhonguo yishujia zhenglüe which claimed to be a history book of Chinese ‘meishu’; and an example of image appropriation from Stephen Bushell’s Chinese Art—this thesis explores the ways in which different ‘neologistic imaginations’ of the term ‘meishu’ were constructed through publishing practices attempting to preserve and reproduce the ‘national essence’, by creating from the existent tradition a category of ‘art’ equivalent to that in the European West. Unlike previous scholarship, which deems any understanding of ‘meishu’ that deviated from the ‘authentic’ European model a ‘misconception’, this thesis sees these disparate understandings of ‘meishu’ as equally valid statements competing for dominance in the discursive field of art. This thesis thus argues that there existed at least three modes of utterances regarding the notion of ‘meishu’ in early twentieth-century China, and that the success of any such given utterance depended upon the acceptance of the authentic quality argued in its strategy of cultural reproduction. This thesis hence not only offers a detailed analysis of each publishing event, but also provides an interpretative framework within which the recognition of these utterances can be analysed by their strategic approaches to claiming cultural authenticity.

Proces christianizace a srovnání vývoje hlavních křesťanských denominací na území Korejského poloostrova do r. 1945 (s náhledem na situaci v Korejské Republice) / Christianization and Comparison of the Main Christian Denominations' Development in the Territory of the Korean Peninsula to 1945 (with introduction in the Republic of Korea)

Klepetková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This work describe and study process of Christianization in Korea from its early period, and reveals existing researchers task and theories in this field. The main focus of the work is to compare history of the main Christian denominations in order of their introduction to the territory of Korean peninsula until end of the second World War and consecutive Korean War. It also gives short introduction to current situation of described denominations in a modern society at the Republic of Korea territory. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

La France et le procès de Tokyo : l'Engagement de diplomates et de juges français en faveur d'une justice internationale 1941-1954 / France and the Tokyo Trial : the Commitment of French diplomats and judges to International Justice 1941-1954

Schöpfel, Ann-Sophie 03 July 2017 (has links)
Face aux atrocités perpétrées par les armées allemandes et japonaises, les Alliés en viennent à la même conclusion durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : la meilleure réponse à la barbarie se situe dans une justice exemplaire. Châtier les plus hauts dignitaires nazis et japonais est jugé de la plus haute importance. Ces idéaux élevés de justice se trouvent pourtant être vite compromis avec les réalités d’après-guerre. Invitée par les États-Unis à juger les grands criminels de guerre japonais, la France accepte de participer au Tribunal militaire international pour l’Extrême-Orient. De mai 1946 à décembre 1948, vingt-huit prévenus comparaissent devant un collège de juges de onze nationalités différentes pour répondre de leurs responsabilités dans la guerre du Pacifique. La présence de la France à ce procès est motivée par des enjeux politiques : le nouveau gouvernement français espère reconquérir l’Indochine ; ce procès international lui offre une scène inattendue pour affirmer son prestige en Extrême-Orient. Mais les délégués français vont se comporter de manière imprévisible à Tokyo. À partir de sources inédites, cette thèse se propose de suivre leur engagement en faveur d’une justice internationale. Elle apporte ainsi une nouvelle perspective sur le procès de Tokyo et sur l’histoire de la justice transitionnelle / Alarmed by the magnitude of the atrocities perpetrated in Europe and in Asia, the Allies demonstrated their resolve to punish those responsible for such acts in 1945. From 1945 to 1948, prominent members of Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire were prosecuted at the Nuremberg and the Tokyo International Military Trials. In Japan, the United States invited France to participate in the Tokyo trial. This trial offered her an unexpected opportunity to build prestige in the Far East; during World War II, France had lost her richest colony, Indochina, and hoped to regain it. France wanted to prove that she was a nation of rights in Asia where decolonization was gaining ground. But it is hardly surprising that her delegates did not protect the national interest. On the contrary, they just wished to improve the fairness of the Tokyo trial. Based on unpublished sources, this thesis aims to understand their commitment to international justice. It sheds new light on the Tokyo trial and on the history of transitional justice

Écrire le voyage en Chine (1840-1939) : Poétique et altérité / Writing about travelling in China (1840-1939) : Poetics and alterity

Combes, Isabelle 08 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail s’interroge d’une part sur la pratique de l’écriture du voyage chez les écrivains voyageurs francophones qui ont visité ou séjourné en Chine entre 1840 et 1939,et d’autre part sur la manière dont leur écriture traite des notions d’exotisme et d’altérité.Le paradigme du voyage romantique constitue un point de repère important, même si les siècles antérieurs ne sont pas à négliger. La réflexion prend en compte des complexités géographique, historique, politique, culturelle et philosophique qui ont marqué l’Occident et l’Extrême-Orient pendant cette période de cent ans. À ces enjeux « collectifs » s’en ajoutent d’autres plus personnels qui ont leur importance : la dimension individuelle du voyage, les données biographiques, les convictions spirituelles, les lectures et la conception même de l’écriture et de la littérature.La première partie de la thèse envisage les traits fondateurs du récit de voyage et aborde les récits du corpus d’un point de vue historique. La deuxième partie explore les interactions qui régissent le voyage et son écriture afin de mettre en évidence un art de composition qui transforme le vécu et le souvenir en écrit. La troisième partie appréhende l’écriture du voyage sur le plan de l’imaginaire, à travers la notion d’exotisme dans une vision qui se veut synthétique, et la question de représentation de l’altérité par le truchement de deux thèmes fédérateurs : le blanc de la carte et la langue chinoise. / This study concerns itself with two aspects of the techniques of French-speaking travel writers who visited China between 1840 and 1939 and of those who lived thereduring this period: on the one hand their writing practices and on the other the manner inwhich their texts deal with the notions of exoticism and the Other. The archetype of the romantic voyage constitutes an important reference, but the preceding centuries are takeninto account, too. The study integrates the geographical, historical, political, cultural andphilosophical complexities which characterised the West and the Far East during this particular hundred-year period. These « collective » factors are complemented by other similarly important but specifically personal elements : the individual character of thejourney, biographical details, spiritual convictions, reading preferences and the writers’particular conceptions of literature and writing.The first part of the dissertation examines the founding characteristics of the travelwriting and approaches the corpus from an historical perspective. The second part exploresthe interactions between the journey itself and the way it is described in order to highlightan art of composition which transforms experience and memories into writing. The thirdpart considers the travel writing as the work of the imaginary through a synthesizing analysis of exoticism, and the problem of the representation of the Other by means of twounifying themes: the blank areas on the map and the Chinese language.

The Trials of a Comfort Woman

Park, Erica 01 January 2011 (has links)
The trials of a comfort woman was never revealed after the conclusion of WWII. More than half a century has passed before the name was uttered on the international stage. Why the sudden break of silence? What is the response of the Japanese government. In this paper, we discuss the issue of the comfort women and the the political implications it holds on Japan. Japan's failure to accept wartime reparation, largely due to Allied intervention, has resulted in the widening gap between Japan and Asia. This paper focuses on the combination of increased US influence as a result of the San Francisco Treaty of 1951 and Japan’s fervent nationalistic identity served to widen the gap between Japan and other East and Southeast Asian nations, making reconciliation over the issue of comfort women a problem that remains unresolved to this day.

Formation expérientielle et voyage initiatique en Extrême-Orient : Etude par explicitation biographique du parcours de vie d'un adulte occidental au mitan de sa vie / Experential Training and Initiatory Journeys to the Far East

Breton, Hervé 09 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des processus de formation par les expériences de voyage en Extrême-Orient. En procédant à un détour "au plus lointain", la recherche travaille par le voyage, les passages et les transitions réalisés par contact et expérience de l'ailleurs, mais aussi avec le retour dans le quotidien. Ainsi, la recherche veut contribuer à l'élaboration d'un modèle de la transformation de la vie adulte dans un contexte de mondialisation. Empiriquement, la recherche repose sur l'étude d'un parcours de vie, celui d'un adulte né en France dans les années 1970, en procédant selon une méthodologie d'enquête qui croise les entretiens biographiques visant la narration du parcours de vie, et les entretiens d'explicitation pour l'exploration de moments singuliers. Le rapprochement fait au final entre "pratiques du voyage" et "pratiques réflexives" aboutit à l'élaboration d'un cadre pour repenser les pratiques d'accompagnement dans le champ de la formation professionnelle / This thesis is a study of the transformation processes undergone by a Western adult, in the first half of his life, after a series of trips to the Far East. In making a detour "to the most distant," the aim is not to think the training process with reference to the extraordinary journeys or the unusal trials, regardless of the everyday life. Concisely, the connection made between "journey paractices" and "reflexive practices" leads to the formulation of a framework to think the initiated transformations and to structure accompanying practices in the field of vocational training. Emprirically, the research is based on the study of the journey of life of an adult born in France in the 1970s. The whole study is fulfilled according to a survey methodology called "biographical explanation." The used methodology consists of crossing biographical interviews -the narration of the life course in its different periods- and the explanation interviews to explore the unique and special moments

L’action du génie pendant la guerre d’Indochine (1945-1956) : Une action entravée par le manque de moyens et une méconnaissance de l’arme / Army Engineers during the French Indochina war 1945-1956 : A lack of means and a lack of knowledge

Cadeau, Ivan 22 October 2010 (has links)
En 1945, le génie militaire français est devenu l’arme des communications. À leur arrivée en Indochine, malgré la pauvreté de leurs effectifs, les formations du génie œuvrent donc au rétablissement des itinéraires. Cependant, la nature même de la guerre d’Indochine et les caractéristiques propres au milieu physique des pays de la péninsule indochinoise obligent le génie à s’adapter, tout en assurant de plus en plus de responsabilités. À partir de 1951, la menace chinoise comme le renforcement du corps de bataille viêt-minh font apparaître de nouvelles missions qui se traduisent par l’équipement du théâtre d’opérations, rendu possible par l’arrivée de l’aide américaine. En dépit de la montée en puissance du génie d’Extrême-Orient, la perte progressive de la liberté d’action du corps expéditionnaire se solde par la défaite des Français. Enfin, entre 1954 et 1956, les sapeurs accueillent les réfugiés et les unités du corps expéditionnaire en provenance du Nord-Vietnam puis, procèdent à l’évacuation de l’Indochine. / In 1945, French army engineers became the routes building branch. From the moment they arrive in Indochina, engineers reestablish itineraries, in spite of a limited number personnel. However the deep nature of the Indochina war and the particular of south-eastern Asian terrain force the engineers to adapt while they take more and more responsibilities. By 1951, the Chinese threat and the reinforcement of the Viet-Minh result in new missions which necessitate a development of infrastructures on the theatre, thanks to American support. Despite the increasing presence of the engineers, the French defeat is caused by a progressive restrain of the movement for the expeditionary corps. Eventually between 1954 and 1956, the engineers gather the refugees and the expeditionary corps units from North-Vietnam and manage the evacuation from Indochina.

Taming Tiger Country: Colonization and Environment in the Russian Far East, 1860-1940

Sokolsky, Mark D., Sokolsky 31 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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