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Corrosion en eau supercitrique : Apport à la compréhension des mécanismes pour des alliages Fe-Ni-Cr de structure c.f.c / Mechanism study of c.f.c Fe-Ni-Cr alloy corrosion in supercritical waterPayet, Mickaël 28 June 2011 (has links)
L’eau supercritique peut être utilisée comme caloporteur à haute pression pour améliorer le rendement des centrales électriques. Pour un concept de réacteur nucléaire, la durée de vie des matériaux est un paramètre important en termes de sécurité. Par conséquent, les critères de sélection des matériaux pour un concept de réacteur à l’eau supercritique concernent les propriétés mécaniques à haute température pour une bonne tenue au fluage et à l’irradiation mais également une résistance à la corrosion généralisée et à la corrosion sous contrainte. Ce travail à pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de corrosion en eau supercritique à 600°C et 25 MPa pour des alliages c.f.c contenant du fer, du nickel et du chrome. Des essais de corrosion ont été réalisés sur des autoclaves échantillons d’alliages 316L et 690 en prenant en compte l’état de surface. Les couches d’oxydes formées ont été décrites en termes de morphologie, de composition et de structure, après caractérisations par microscopie électronique à balayage, par spectroscopie à décharge luminescente et par diffraction des rayons X. Si un comportement de type gazeux de l’eau supercritique est attendu dans les conditions d’essai, les résultats montrent une dissolution significative de certains éléments de l’alliage. Par conséquent, la corrosion en eau supercritique peut être considérée comme similaire à la corrosion aqueuse avec un effet de la température qui peut influencer la diffusion en phase solide par exemple. Pour l’alliage 690, la couche d’oxyde protectrice formée sur une surface polie est composée de chromine et surmontée d’un chromite ou d’un spinelle mixte de nickel et de fer. La double couche d’oxyde formée sur une surface de même finition pour l’alliage 316L semble moins protectrice. La couche externe de magnétite est poreuse et la couche interne riche en chrome est non homogène. Pour chaque alliage, l’étude des mécanismes de diffusion, grâce à des expériences utilisant des marqueurs ou des traceurs, révèle une croissance de la couche d’oxyde contrôlée par un processus anionique. Cependant, l’état de surface influence fortement les mécanismes de formation des couches d’oxyde. La comparaison des résultats sur l’acier suggère qu’il y a une concurrence entre l’oxydation du fer et celle du chrome. Une quantité suffisante de chrome est nécessaire pour former une fine couche d’oxyde protectrice. Les surfaces très déformées ou à microstructure à grains très fins conduisent à des fines couches d’oxyde de chrome, grâce à une forte densité de site de germination ou grâce aux courts-circuits de diffusion du chrome. L’état de surface est donc déterminant pour l’acier mais le même paramètre engendre des effets différents pour l’alliage à base de nickel. Les surfaces usinées deviennent sensibles à une oxydation interne du chrome, même si une fine couche d’oxyde continue et riche en chrome et manganèse se forme. Ce phénomène suggère une diffusion accélérée concurrentielle entre l’oxygène et le chrome. Pour conclure, ce travail propose un mécanisme de croissance de la couche d’oxyde dans chaque cas et discute des conditions favorables à la formation d’une couche d’oxyde protectrice riche en chrome dans l’optique d’une application au réacteur à eau supercritique. / Supercritical water can be use as a high pressure coolant in order to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of power plants. For nuclear concept, lifetime is an important safety parameter for materials. Thus materials selection criteria concern high temperature yield stress, creep resistance, resistance to irradiation embrittlement and also to both uniform corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.This study aims for supplying a new insight on uniform corrosion mechanism of Fe-Ni-Cr f.c.c. alloys in deaerated supercritical water at 600°C and 25MPa. Corrosion tests were performed on 316L and 690 alloys as sample autoclaves taking into account the effect of surface finishes. Morphologies, compositions and crystallographic structure of the oxides were determined using FEG scanning electron microscopy, glow discharge spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. If supercritical water is expected to have a gas-like behaviour in the test conditions, the results show a significant dissolution of the alloy species. Thus the corrosion in supercritical water can be considered similar to corrosion in under-critical water assuming the higher temperature and its effect on the solid state diffusion. For alloy 690, the protective oxide layer formed on polished surface consists of a chromia film topped with an iron and nickel mixed chromite or spinel. The double oxide layer formed on 316L steel seems less protective with an outer porous layer of magnetite and an inhomogeneous Cr-rich inner layer. For each alloy, the study of the inner protective scale growth mechanisms by marker or tracer experiments reveals that diffusion in the oxide scale is governed by an anionic process. However, surface finishes impact deeply the growth mechanisms. Comparisons between the results for the steel suggest that there is a competition between the oxidation of iron and chromium in supercritical water. Sufficient available chromium is required in order to form a thin oxide layer. Highly deformed or ultra fine microstructure surfaces lead to thin chromium rich oxide layers thanks to either diffusion short circuiting or increasing Cr oxide nucleation site. The nature of the surface is a determining factor in the steel instance. The same parameter breeds different effects for the Ni-based alloy. Machined surfaces lead to internal oxidation on alloy 690 even if a thin Cr and Mn rich oxide scale is formed. Competitive diffusion of oxygen and Cr species through the diffusion short circuit paths of the alloy is suggested. This work proposes oxide growth mechanisms for each case. Finally the conditions leading to the formation of chromium-rich protective oxide films in supercritical water are discussed.
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Interactions eau-fer-argilite : rôle des paramètres liquide/roche, fer/argilite, température sur la nature des phases minérales / Iron-water-argillite interactions : role of the parameters liquid/rock, iron/argillite, and temperature on the nature of mineral phasesPierron, Olivier 14 November 2011 (has links)
Les interactions entre le fer métal et l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien choisie comme roche hôte pour le stockage des déchets radioactifs, a été étudiée expérimentalement. Le rôle des paramètres clés des transformations (rapports fer/argile, et liquide/roche) ont été étudiés à 90°C, et afin d'accélérer la cinétique des réactions à 150°C et 300°C. Les interstratifiés illite-smectite et les illites sont dissous et remplacés par de nouvelles phases argileuses. Les analyses au MET ont permis de déterminer des Fe-serpentines (phases à 7 Å, groupe de la berthiérine) à 90°C, des phases gonflantes de type smectite tri-octaédrique à 150°C, et des chlorites et des interstratifiés chlorite/smectite à 300°C. Quelle que soit la température, la transformation des feuillets illitiques (I et I/S) n'est pas complète et il reste toujours des feuillets à garniture interfoliaire sodi-calcique, interprétés comme des smectites résiduelles ou néoformées. En comparaison avec le système fer-smectite (bentonite), les différences portent sur la cinétique de réaction, beaucoup plus rapide dans le cas de l'argilite, et l'instabilité du quartz qui comme l'illite contribue à libérer le silicium nécessaire à la formation des silicates de fer. Les transformations observées trouvent des analogies avec les altérations hydrothermales et métasomatoses Fe-Mg des systèmes naturels / The interactions between the iron metal and the argillite from the Callovo-Oxfordian formation chosen as host for the disposal of the radioactive wastes, was experimentally studied. The role of the key parameters of the transformations (iron / clay, and liquid / rock ratios) was studied at 90°C, and, to accelerate reaction kinetics, at 150°C and 300°C. Mixed layered illite-smectite and illites are dissolved and replaced by new clay phases. TEM analyses show that Fe-serpentines (7 Å phases, group of the berthierine) predominates in run products at 90°C, tri-octaedral Fe-rich smectites at 150°C, and chlorites and probably smectite chlorite mixed layered at 300°C. Whatever the temperature, the illite and I/S replacement is not complete and trun products are always accompanied by sodi-calcic residual and/ or newly formed smectites. In comparison with the iron-smectite (bentonite) system, the differences concern the reaction kinetics which are much faster in the case of the argillite, and the instability of the quartz which, as the illite, contributes to release the silicium necessary for the formation of iron silicates. The observed process find analogies with the hydrothermal changes described in natural hydrothermal alterations and Fe-Mg metasomatism
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[pt] A redução na emissão de CO2 na atmosfera é um dos desafios atuais mais importantes enfrentados por diferentes indústrias no mundo. A geração de energia através da queima de combustíveis fósseis utilizando oxigênio puro [1], também chamada de tecnologia de oxicombustão, é uma opção utilizada pelas indústrias de geração de energia para minimizar os índices de concentração de CO2 até emissão ZERO [1,2]. Inevitavelmente, as tubulações dos trocadores de calor que conformam aquelas plantas de energia, sofrem corrosão em contato com os gases de combustão (H2O-CO2) em altas temperaturas. Estas tubulações, fabricadas com aço ou com ligas ferro-cromo vem sendo utilizadas no intuito de reduzir a corrosão. Tubulações com revestimentos/recobrimentos protetores tem sido também considerados para aumentar a resistência a processos corrosivos sem requerer o emprego de ligas de alto custo. Um revestimento adequado deve ser inerte e estável em altas temperaturas como é o caso dos materiais cerâmicos. A alumina, sendo um material estável em ambientes característicos do processo de oxicombustão apresenta características favoráveis para esta proteção [3]. Amostras de Fe-Cr foram oxidadas sob condições que simularam processos de Oxicombustão nos laboratórios do Bundesanstalt Für Materialforschung Und-Prüfung (BAM) Berlim-Alemanha. O processo ocorreu a 650 graus Celsius durante 2000 h, em atmosfera contendo 60 por cento CO2,30 por cento H2O, 7 por cento N2, 2 por cento O2 e 1 por cento SO2. A caracterização microestrutural das amostras oxidadas foi realizada nos laboratórios do instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT), utilizando técnicas de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectroscopia por Dispersão de Energia de Raios-X (EDS). Foram produzidos riscos na superfície do revestimento de Al2O3, previamente aos testes de oxidação, para simular falhas no revestimento; além da eficácia do revestimento de alumina, foi também avaliado o papel do cromo como meio protetor contra a corrosão e de outros elementos de liga no processo de oxidação do aço P92, buscando identificar o mecanismo de oxidação. Como resultado do fluxo dos gases de oxicombustão há formação de camadas de Fe3O4, Fe2O3 e cromo-espinélio nas ligas sem revestimento. As amostras que possuíam o revestimento de alumina apresentaram ótima proteção, com resultados de uma alta eficácia, enquanto as amostras que tinham riscos apresentaram uma oxidação interna de oxidação cromo-espinélio protetor na matriz logo abaixo da região afetada. / [en] The reduction in the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the most important problems faced by different industries in the world. The generation of energy from oxyfuel oxygen, [1], also called Oxyfuel technology, is a matter of CO2 emission for ZERO [1,2]. Inevitably, as pipes of the heat exchangers that make up these power plants, they suffer corrosion in contact with the flue gases (H2O-CO2) at high temperatures. These pipes, made of steel or iron-chromium alloys, are not used instead of reducing corrosion. Pipes with protective coatings have already been submitted to increase resistance to corrosive processes without requiring the use of high cost alloys. One which must be inert and static at high temperatures is the case of ceramic materials. An alumina, being a suitable material to the environments characteristic of the Oxyfuel process, presents characteristics favorable to the protection [3]. Fe-9Cr samples were oxidized under conditions that simulated Oxyfuel processes in the laboratories of the Bundesanstalt Für Materialforschung Und-Prüfung (BAM) Berlin-Germany. The process occurred at 650 degree Celsius for 2000 h, in an atmosphere containing 60 percent CO2, 30 percent H2O, 7 percent N2, 2 percent O2 and 1 percent SO2. The microstructural characterization of the oxidized samples was performed in the laboratories of the National Institute of Technology (INT), using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. Risks were produced on the Al2O3 coating surface, prior to the oxidation tests, to simulate coating failures; besides the effectiveness of the alumina
coating, the role of chromium as a protective medium against corrosion and other alloying elements in the oxidation process of P92 steel was also evaluated, in order to identify the oxidation mechanism. As a result of the flow of oxyfuel gases, Fe3O4, Fe2O3 and chromium-spinel layers are formed in the alloys without coating. The samples that had the alumina coating presented optimum protection, with results of
a high efficiency, while the samples that had scratches presented an internal oxidation of protective chromium-spinel oxidation in the matrix just below the affected region.
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Développement de nanocomposites à propriétés piézoélectriques et optiques non-linéaires / Development of piezoelectric and nonlinear optical nanocomposite materialsHouf, Latifa 28 October 2011 (has links)
Le développement de nouveaux capteurs, transducteurs et de dispositifs intégrés optoélectroniques et piézo-électriques nécessite l'élaboration de nouveaux matériaux avec des propriétés mécaniques, optiques et électriques couplées. Dans cette perspective, les nanocomposites à base de nanocristaux inorganiques non centrosymétriques dispersés dans une matrice polymère peuvent donner à la fois des propriétés piézoélectriques et optiques non-linéaires. Cependant, la dispersion et l’orientation des nanocristaux dans la matrice sont primordiales si on souhaite un comportement collectif des nanocristaux individuels et des propriétés résultantes significatives. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé des cristaux d’iodate de fer (Fe(IO3)3) comme nano-charges inorganiques et le PMMA/ PTMPTA comme matrice polymère. La réponse optique non-linéaire du Fe(IO3)3 est comparable à celle des cristaux les plus efficaces tels que BaB2O4 et LiNbO3. Le comportement piézoélectrique du matériau massif n’étant pas référencé, sa structure cristalline laisse toutefois envisager des propriétés piézoélectriques intéressantes. Par ailleurs, la matrice polymère a été choisie pour sa simplicité d'utilisation et de production, son coût relativement faible, sa versatilité et sa facilité de mise en forme. Les nanocomposites peuvent être élaborés par deux voix différentes : la première consiste à disperser mécaniquement des nanocristaux fonctionnalisés dans un polymère ou dans un solvant de polymère approprié et la deuxième concerne la polymérisation in-situ de microémulsions composées du monomère liquide. Les synthèses en microémulsions inverses ont été privilégiées pour d’une part élaborer des nanocristaux d’iodate de fer de taille et de forme contrôlées puis, d’autre part, photo-polymériser des couches minces déposées à la tournette. Un aspect très original de ce travail consiste en l’utilisation de la Diffusion Hyper-Rayleigh pour étudier in-situ les cinétiques de cristallisation des particules d’iodate de fer en fonction des conditions expérimentales de synthèse à savoir, la température et la composition des microémulsions. Cette technique qui consiste à détecter les réponses optiques non-linéaires des suspensions de nanoparticules en microémulsions a été combinée avec d’autres méthodes expérimentales plus classiques comme la diffraction des rayons X, la diffusion dynamique de la lumière et la microscopie électronique en transmission. Cela a permis d’élucider les mécanismes de croissance des nanocristaux d’iodate de fer en microémulsions inverses. Par la suite, des couches minces nanocomposites ont été préparées après orientation sous champs électriques des nanocristaux polaires dispersés dans le MMA. Les caractérisations mécaniques, optiques non linaires et piézoélectriques de ces couches sont encourageantes. / The development of new sensors, transducers and integrated optoelectronic and piezoelectric devices requires the preparation of new materials that link mechanical, optical and electrical properties. In this perspective, it is expected that nanocomposite materials with inclusions of acentric inorganic nanocrystals in a polymer matrix will give rise to both piezoelectric and nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. Dispersion and orientation of nanocrystals in the polymer matrix are however crucial to obtain a collective response of individual nanocrystals and significant resultant properties. In this work, iron iodate (Fe(IO3)3) nanocrystals were used as nanofillers of a PMMA / PTMPTA polymer matrix. The nonlinear optical response of Fe(IO3)3 is comparable to the most effective NLO crystals such as LiNbO3 and BaB2O4. Good piezoelectric properties are also expected due to the material crystalline structure. Moreover, the polymer matrix was chosen for its ease of use and production, its relatively low cost, versatility and ease in shaping. Elaboration of nanocomposites is usually based on two different experimental procedures: mechanical dispersion of functionalized nanocrystals in a suitable polymer or polymer solvent is a first route whereas in-situ polymerization of reverse microemulsions for which a liquid monomer is the oil phase is the second one. Water-in-Oil (W/O) microemulsions were preferred in order to control the size and shape of as-obtained iron iodate nanocrystals and then to polymerize spin-coated thin films. A very original aspect of this work is the implementation of the Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering technique to probe in-situ the crystallization kinetics of iron iodate nanoparticles according to the experimental conditions (synthesis temperature and microemulsions composition). Detection of the second-harmonic scattered light combined with more conventional experimental techniques such as X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering and Transmission Electron Microscopy allowed us to understand the growth mechanisms of iron iodate naocrystals in W/O microemulsions. Nanocomposite thin films were then spin-coated after electric fields orientation of dispersed polar nanocrystals in MMA.
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Desenvolvimento de cermets e recobrimentos a base de nióbio para aplicações em ferramentas / Development of cermets and coatings made from niobium for tools applicationsFranco, Eliana 27 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Materials or coatings for tools are of primary importance for industrial development. This work proposes the development of tools materials through two routes, one of them using cermets based Fe-NbC as a raw material and the other through thermochemical treatments in steel tool substrates. The specific objectives were planning the processing, manufacture and analyze of Fe-NbC cermets; and to develop a coating composed by B, Nb and C by diffusion thermoreactive in solid-state in M2 high speed steel substrates. There are some studies, even applications of cermets using iron as a matrix, such as cermets with TiC or Ti (C, N) carbides. The Brazilian Society of Mining and Metallurgy (Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração - CBMM) produced the Fe-NbC cermets with different contents of Al and other elements added during the obtaining of cermets. In this work thermal analyzes and calculations of phases equilibrium were performed through ThermoCalc® software to study the thermal behavior of these materials. Also, C and Fe were added to these materials and consolidations by conventional powder metallurgy and by Field Assisted Hot Pressing (FAHP). The results showed that these cermets had a temperature of formation of liquid phase around 1200o C. The Fe and C addition resulted in the disappearance of undesirable phases. The cermet FeNbC5Al exhibited higher hardness with or without additions, 820 HV10 without additions elements and after consolidation by FAHP and annealing. For the development of surface coatings, multicomponent boriding with Nb treatments were performed on substrates of M2; treatments in stages, with diffusion of Nb and B separately; and simultaneous treatments, with diffusion of Nb and B at the same time. Treatments were carried out by the thermoreactive diffusion method on solid-state; calculations were made by ThermoCalc® to estimate the pack composition and treatment temperature. The results showed that by the treatment performed in stages, a coating formed by NbB and NbC phase with hardness 2300 HV was obtained. The wear volume of the material showed high dispersion of results, which can be improved by producing a more homogeneous niobized layer; a suggestion to obtain that layer is using a substrate with a small addition of alloying elements or niobizing in liquid bath. / O interesse por materiais ou recobrimentos para ferramentas é de suma importância para o desenvolvimento industrial. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de ferramentas através de duas rotas, uma utilizando como matéria prima cermets a base de Fe-NbC e outra por meio de tratamentos termoquímicos em substratos de aço ferramenta. Os objetivos específicos foram planejar o processamento, fabricar e analisar cermets Fe-NbC; e desenvolver um recobrimento a base de B, Nb e C por difusão termorreativa em meio sólido, em substratos de aço rápido M2. Há alguns estudos, e até mesmo aplicações de cermets que utilizam ferro como matriz, como os cermets com carbonetos de TiC ou Ti(C,N). A Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração (CBMM) produziu os cermets Fe-NbC com diferentes teores de Al, bem como outros elementos, adicionados durante a obtenção dos cermets. Neste trabalho realizaram-se análises térmicas e cálculos de equilíbrio de fases através do software ThermoCalc® para estudar o comportamento térmico destes materiais. Também se fizeram adições de C e Fe a esses materiais e consolidações por metalurgia do pó convencional e por compactação a quente assistida por campo (FAHP). Os resultados mostraram que esses cermets apresentaram uma temperatura de formação de fase líquida em torno de 1200o C. A adição de C e Fe resultou no desaparecimento de fases indesejáveis. O cermet FeNbC5Al exibiu maior dureza com ou sem adições, 820 HV10 sem adição de elementos e após consolidação assistida por campo e recozimento. Para desenvolvimento dos recobrimentos de superfície, realizaram-se tratamentos de boretação multicomponente com Nb sobre substratos de M2; tratamentos em etapas, com difusão de B e Nb separadamente; e tratamentos simultâneos, com difusão de B e Nb ao mesmo tempo. Realizaram-se os tratamentos pelo método de difusão termorreativa em meio sólido, se fizeram cálculos por ThermoCalc® para a estimativa da composição da mistura e temperatura de tratamento. Os resultados mostraram que através do tratamento em etapas, se obteve um recobrimento formado por fases de NbB e NbC com dureza de 2300 HV. O volume de material removido desse material apresentou alta dispersão de resultados, o que pode ser melhorado através da produção de uma camada niobizada mais homogênea; uma sugestão para obtenção de uma camada mais homogênea é através da utilização de um substrato com pouca adição de elementos de liga ou da realização de niobização em banho líquido.
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Método automático para determinação fotométrica direta de Fe (III) em amostras de óleos comestíveis / Automatic method for the direct photometric determination of Fe (III) in edible oil samplesNóbrega, Maria Daisy Oliveira da 29 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this study a flow-batch analyzer (FBA) was utilized and its performance was evaluated for the determination of Fe(III) in edible without external pretreatment. The FBA method uses the reaction between Fe(III) and thiocyanate in organic medium. The formed red complex was monitored by employing a light emitting diode (LED, λmax = 520 nm) and a phototransistor linked to the mixing chamber by optical fibers. All standard solutions were prepared in-line and all analytical processes were carried out by simply changing the operational parameters in FBA control software. Comparing with the reference method, no statistically significant differences were observed when applying the paired t-test at a 95% confidence level. For the three types of samples studied the estimated standard deviation was less than 0.03 mg kg-1 (n = 3). The analytical frequency was 95 h-1, the limit of detection was 0.004 mg kg-1 and the limit of quantification was 0.013 mg kg-1. The recovery study shows results between 98.4% and 104.2%. The FBA method showed better analytical features when compared with previous automatic flow methods. Thus, the automated method proposed is potentially useful as an alternative for the determination of other ions in similar samples or in other viscous matrices without external pretreatment. / Neste estudo, um analisador em fluxo-batelada (FBA) foi desenvolvido e seu desempenho foi avaliado na determinação de Fe (III) em óleos comestíveis sem pré-tratamento da amostra. O método utiliza a reação entre os íons Fe(III) e o tiocianato solubilizado em meio orgânico. O complexo vermelho formado foi monitorado utilizando um diodo emissor de luz (LED, λmax = 520 nm) e um fototransistor acoplados ao interior da câmara de mistura por meio de fibras ópticas. As soluções-padrão foram preparadas em linha e todas as etapas de análise foram efetuadas através de simples alterações nos parâmetros operacionais no programa de gerenciamento do sistema. Ao comparar os resultados obtidos com o método proposto e com o de referência, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas ao se aplicar o teste t pareado com nível de confiança de 95%. Para os três tipos de amostras em estudo o desvio-padrão relativo estimado foi menor que 0,03 mg kg-1 (n = 3). A frequência analítica foi de 95 h-1, o limite de detecção foi 0,004 mg kg-1 e o limite de quantificação foi de 0,013 mg kg-1. Estudos com amostras fortificadas mostraram resultados de recuperação entre 98,4% e 104,2% para ambas as matrizes. De modo geral, o método proposto apresentou melhor desempenho analítico quando comparado com analisadores em fluxo automático anteriores. Assim, o método automático proposto é potencialmente útil como uma alternativa para a determinação de outros íons em amostras semelhantes aos óleos investigados ou em outras matrizes viscosas sem necessidade de um pré-tratamento.
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Synthesis of spin transition compounds for surface deposition / Synthèse de composés spin de transition pour surface de dépôtRajnak, Cyril 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat présente les résultats d'une étude expérimentale des composés à transition de spin pour le dépôt de surface. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur Fe(II) systèmes avec la configuration de d6 et leur comportement bistable ST. Dans une symétrie octaédrique le configuration d6 peut adopter deux états fondamentaux électronique différentes selon l'occupation des orbitales d scindé en exemple eg et t2g sous-ensembles. Si la différence d'énergie entre deux états est petite, alors tourner transition peut être induite par un stimulus externe. En fait, les complexes adoptent l'état haut spin ou l'état bas spin en raison de la différence d'énergie entre les orbitales (eg, t2g) et de l'énergie de répulsion interélectronique. Nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé de nouveaux ligands tridentates organiques, qui ont été utilisés comme précurseurs pour les nouveaux Fe(II) composés de coordination. Nous avons préparé des complexes Fe(II) avec et sans contre-anions. / This doctoral thesis presents the results of an experimental study of the spin transition compounds for surface deposition. We have focused on Fe(II) systems with d6 configuration and their bistable ST behaviour. In an octahedral symmetry the d6 configuration can adopt two different electronic ground states according to the occupation of the d orbitals split into the eg and t2g subsets. If the energy difference between two states is small then the spin transition can be induced by an external stimulus. In fact, the complexes adopt the high-spin state or the low-spin state by reason of energy difference between orbitals and interelectronic repulsion energy. Nine novel tridentate ligands have been synthesized and characterized; they were used as precursors for new Fe(II) coordination compounds. The SQUID magnetometry was used in studying magnetic properties of prepared complexes and the XAS technique was also applied to study magnetic properties of a neutral complex on an adhesive graphite tape.
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Estudo da corrosÃo de ligas Fe-Cr-Mo em Ãgua artificial de tanque de armazenamento de petrÃleo saturada com CO2. / Study of the Corrosion of Fe-Cr-Mo Alloys in CO2-saturated Oil Storage Tank Artificial WaterAmanda da Silva Cardoso 09 August 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influÃncia da porcentagem em massa de Mo em ligas Fe-Cr-Mo frente à corrosÃo por CO2 em Ãgua artificial de tanque de armazenamento de petrÃleo e propor uma liga experimental para ser usada em dutos suscetÃveis a esse tipo de corrosÃo. Foram estudados o aÃo carbono 1020, para comparaÃÃo, e dois tipos de ligas Fe-Cr-Mo, uma comercial, denominada P9 (Fe-9Cr-1Mo); e uma liga experimental, E (Fe-9Cr-5Mo). Foram feitas medidas de PLP com tempo de Eca de 1 h. As curvas mostraram que, no aÃo 1020, ocorre apenas a dissoluÃÃo do Fe, enquanto que, com o aumento da porcentagem de Mo, ocorre passivaÃÃo. O monitoramento da corrosÃo foi feito por espectroscopia de impedÃncia eletroquÃmica, ao longo de 168 h de imersÃo. Os diagramas de Nyquist mostraram que o aumento na quantidade de Mo aumenta a impedÃncia das ligas estudadas. Jà as representaÃÃes de Bode mostraram que hà apenas um processo na corrosÃo no aÃo 1020, enquanto que hà dois para as ligas P9 e E. A caracterizaÃÃo da superfÃcie foi feita por MEV. A distribuiÃÃo dos produtos de corrosÃo foi homogÃnea no aÃo 1020 e heterogÃnea nas demais ligas. A identificaÃÃo dos produtos de corrosÃo foi feita por espectroscopia RAMAN, mostrando que houve a formaÃÃo de produtos de corrosÃo protetores apenas para as ligas Fe-Cr-Mo e que apenas a liga E apresentou produtos contendo Mo. Isso està em acordo com os resultados obtidos nas curvas de polarizaÃÃo e nos diagramas de impedÃncia, uma vez que o Mo pode estabilizar filmes de passivaÃÃo. Assim, a liga experimental E pode ser usada em substituiÃÃo à liga comercial P9 em plantas de exploraÃÃo de petrÃleo suscetÃveis a corrosÃo por CO2. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the percentage in mass of Mo in Fe-Cr-Mo alloys against CO2 corrosion in artificial water of oil storage tank and to propose an experimental alloy to be used in susceptible to this kind of corrosion pipes. They had been studied the 1020 carbon steel, for comparison, and two types of Fe-Cr-Mo alloys, one advertising, called P9 (Fe-9Cr-1Mo); and one experimental alloy, E (Fe-9Cr-5Mo). They had been made measurements of LSP with time of Eoc of 1 h. The curves had shown that, in 1020 steel, the dissolution of Fe occurs only, whereas, with the increase of the percentage of Mo, occurs passivation. Monitoring of the corrosion was made by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, throughout 168 h of immersion. Nyquist diagrams had shown that the increase of Mo content increased the impedance of the studied alloys. Although, the Bode representations showed that there is only one process in the corrosion of 1020 steel, while there are two ones for P9 and E alloys. The characterization of the surface was made by SEM. The distribution of the corrosion products was homogeneous in the 1020 steel and heterogeneous one in the other alloys. The identification of the corrosion products was made by RAMAN spectroscopy, showing that there was protective corrosion products formation only to Fe-Cr-Mo alloys and that only the E alloy presented Mo-containing products. This is in agreement with the results obtained in polarization curves and in impedance diagrams, once Mo can stabilizes passivation films. So, experimental E alloy can be used in substitution of P9 alloy in oil exploration plants susceptible to CO2 corrosion.
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Complexos de Fe(II), Mn(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II) derivados de um ligante do tipo oxamato funcionalizado: síntese e caracterizaçãoMaciel, Jhonny Willians de Oliveira 28 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-11-06T13:54:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-09-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / New supramolecular systems based on metal complexes of formula [Fe(H2pcpa)2(H2O)2] (3), [Mn(Hpcpa)(H2O)3]n•1/2H2O (4), [Zn(Hpcpa)(H2O)3]n•1/2H2O (5) and [Cu2(Hpcpa)2(bipy)2]•5,6H2O (6) [H2pcpa- and Hpcpa2- ion derivative of EtH2pcpa (1) = N-(4-carboxyphenyl)oxamic ethyl ester] have been synthesized and describe in this work. The structure of 3 consists of discrete Fe(II) units, each metal ion is six-coordinate in a distorted octahedral environment with four oxamate-oxygens from a H2pcpa- ligand in the basal plane and two water molecules in the apical position. 4 and 5 is a neutral zigzag chain of Mn(II) and Zn(II) ions, respectively, bridged by Hpcpa2- ligands exhibiting the bidentate/monodentate coordination mode. Each metal ion is building a somewhat distorted octahedral surrounding. The distance between metals ions intrachain is 11.456 Å (4) and 11.325 Å (5). Complex 6 consists of a dimer in which the Cu(II) ions is found in a square-shaped pyramidal geometry connected by two Hpcpa2- and the 2,2'-bipyridine as a terminal ligand. / Foram obtidos novos sistemas supramoleculares baseados em compostos de coordenação com o ligante ácido N-(4-carboxifenil) oxâmico etil éster (EtH2pcpa/1) e os metais Fe(II), Mn(II), Cu(II) e Zn(II). As sínteses, caracterizações espectroscópicas e elucidação das estruturas cristalinas de quatro compostos inéditos de fórmula [Fe(H2pcpa)2(H2O)2] (3), [Mn(Hpcpa)(H2O)3]n•1/2H2O (4), [Zn(Hpcpa)(H2O)3]n•1/2H2O (5) e [Cu2(Hpcpa)2(bipy)2]•5,6H2O (6) foram descritas nesse trabalho. O complexo 3 formou monocristais de cor laranja amarronzada, cuja a estrutura consiste em um monômero de Fe(II). Cada íon de Fe(II) é hexacoordenado com esfera de coordenação composta de duas moléculas de água posicionadas em trans e quatro oxigênios-oxamato de dois ligante H2pcpa-. Os compostos 4 e 5 formaram monocristais transparentes incolores cujas estruturas
cristalinas são formadas por cadeias em ziguezague neutras de íons Mn(II) e Zn(II), respectivamente. Cada íon metálico está hexacoordenado com as três moléculas de água posicionadas em Meridional, dois oxigênios-oxamato de um ligante Hpcpa2- e um oxigênio-carboxilato de um outro grupo do Hpcpa2-. A distância entre os metais intracadeia Mn...Mn no complexo 4 é de 11,456 Å e Zn...Zn no complexo 5 é de 11,325 Å. O complexo 6 formou monocristais azuis, a estrutura consiste em um dímero em que o íon de Cu(II) encontra-se penta coordenado em uma geometria piramidal de base quadrada com dois íons de Cu(II) ligados por dois ligantes Hpcpa2- e com o ligante 2,2'-bipiridina atuando como ligante terminal.
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Efeitos da adição de surfactante e moagem de alta velocidade em pós magnéticos à base de Pr-Fe-B obtidos via HDDR / Effects of surfactant addition and high-speed ball milling on magnetic powders based on Pr-Fe-B obtained by HDDRPatricia Brissi Santos 27 October 2011 (has links)
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da adição do ácido oléico na moagem de alta velocidade/energia na obtenção de pós magnéticos em escala nanométricas da liga Pr12Fe65,9Co16B6Nb0,1. A primeira etapa deste trabalho, envolveu a obtenção de pós magnéticos por meio do processo de hidrogenação, desproporção, dessorção e recombinação (HDDR), utilizando a pressão de H2 de 930 mbar (hidrogenação e desproporção) e temperatura de dessorção e recombinação de 840 ºC. Inicialmente, os pós HDDR foram submetidos à moagem de alta velocidade/energia a 900 rpm, com variação do volume do meio de moagem (ciclohexano) sem adição de ácido oleico. Em seguida, os pós HDDR foram submetidos à moagem com adição de ácido oleico, variando o tempo de moagem. Após a moagem, foi realizado tratamento térmico dos pós a 700 ºC ou 800 ºC durante 30 min., com a finalidade de cristalização do pó. Foi verificado que, a utilização de 6,6 ml de ciclohexano como meio de moagem e com adição de ácido oleico há uma melhora na eficiência da moagem dos pós. Para adições de surfactante, de 0,02 a 0,05 ml e tempos de moagem até 360 minutos, não ocorre a aglomeração dos pós magnéticos no pote de moagem, obtendo acima de 90% de eficiência na moagem. A segunda etapa deste trabalho envolveu a caracterização dos pós magnéticos: utilizando magnetômetro de amostra vibrante, microscopia eletrônica de Varredura, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e difração de raios-X. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a adição de ácido oléico na moagem de alta velocidade/energia proporciona uma melhora nas propriedades magnéticas. Com a variação do tempo de moagem a fase Fe-α presente no pó HDDR apresenta diminuição no tamanho do cristalito (de 35 para ~ 10 nm) enquanto que, na fase Pr2Fe14B verifica-se menor grau de cristalinidade. / This work verified the effect caused by adding the surfactant in the high speed/energy milling in order to obtain Pr12Fe65.9Co16B6Nb0.1 magnetic nanopowders. The first part of this work involved the magnetic powder obtainment through the process of hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption and recombination (HDDR). The pressure of H2 during the hydrogenation and disproportion steps was 930 mbar and the temperature of desorption and recombination was 840 ºC. Initially, the HDDR powders were subjected a highspeed milling process at 900 rpm, with quantity variations of the milling medium (cyclohexane) and without the addition of oleic acid. Then, the HDDR powders were subjected to the milling process with the addition of oleic acid and with milling time variations. After the milling process, heat treatments of the powder were carried out at 700 °C or 800 °C for 30 minutes in order to obtain the crystallization of the powder. By performing the procedures, it was verified that the milling efficiency improved with the addition of 6.6 ml of cyclohexane as the milling medium and with the addition of oleic acid. It was determined that for the surfactant additions of 0.02 ml to 0.05 ml, with a milling time of up to 360 minutes, powder agglomeration does not occur in the milling pot and the milling efficiency is higher than 90%. The second stage of this work involved the magnetic powders characterization obtained by using vibrating sample magnetometer, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Through the characterizations it was found that the powders magnetic properties improved when the addition of oleic acid in a high-speed /energy milling occurred. It was also verified that the α-Fe phase, present in the powder, shows a crystallite size decrease (from 35 nm to ~ 10 nm) when the time milling variation occurred; meanwhile, the crystallinity degree was lower in the Pr2Fe14B phase when the time milling variations was carried out.
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