Spelling suggestions: "subject:"depiction series"" "subject:"dictinction series""
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Zobrazení etnicity a rasy a ve vybraných science fiction seriálech / The vision on life in the future: the picture of race and ethnicity in selected science fiction seriesBarešová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is picturing ethnicity and race of "non-humans" in first two series of science fiction series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica a Defiance. It is based on the postcolonialistic theory, which is dealing with the dominant relationship of the colonist over the colonized. This relationship was created between western civilization colonists and native inhabitants of newly discovered territories. In the case of science fiction, the "non- humans" are in the position of colonized and humans in the position of colonists. Some space is also given to the posthumanistic theory of a creature being based on combination of both biological and mechanical parts. The chosen series are examined through the method of quantitative content analysis. It has been shown, that humans in science fiction are the race, from which the picturing of all other "non-human" races is derived. Also, in most cases, humans are the race superior to other races, which is shown in various fashion. Values accepted by today's western society are presented as values of all human kind. From these values, the perception of "non-humans" and their societies is derived. Science fiction is also mirroring the problems western society had during its beginnings.
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La narrativa transmedia y el comportamiento del prosumidor en la octava temporada de la serie de Game Of Thrones / The transmedia narrative and the behavior of the prosumer in the eighth season of the Game of Thrones seriesNúñez Montero, Rocio Poulette 29 April 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza el tema sobre la narrativa transmedia y el prosumidor en una serie mundialmente conocida como lo es: Game of Thrones. Es esta investigación trataremos los conceptos principales de los términos: “narrativa transmedia” y “prosumidor”. Se explicarán en dichos conceptos para informar al lector de estos nuevos significados que se ve en el nuevo medio audiovisual. En adición a ello, se hablará sobre los “nuevos medios”, mostrándoles las nuevas plataformas que se han ido creando a lo largo del tiempo y el motivo por el que estas mismas son tan atractivas para la audiencia. Finalmente, se describirá a los “nuevos consumidores”, donde se muestran a las diferentes audiencias y la creación de estas mismas.
Todas estas definiciones se relacionan de manera directa con el tema de investigación, que involucra identificar el rol del prosumidor por medio de la experiencia transmedia ha logrado que la serie sea un éxito mundial. / The present study analyzes transmedia storytelling and prosumers in Game of Thrones, a world-famous series. This research will cover these two main concepts to inform readers about the new notions existing in modern audiovisual media. In addition to this, the concept of “new media” will be explained, showing new platforms that have been created over time and the reason why they are so attractive to audiences. Finally, the study will describe “new consumers” by presenting different types of audiences and their emergence.
All these concepts are directly related to the research topic, which implies identifying the prosumer’s role through the transmedia experience that led the series to worldwide success. / Trabajo de investigación
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[pt] Televisão, Ideologia e Violência: A Reprodução das Relações de Dominação nas Ficções Seriadas é uma dissertação que percebe a evidente força e espaço ocupado pela mídia na vida social de todos os indivíduos. Os grandes conglomerados midiáticos produzem mercadorias na forma de entretenimento e/ou informação. Como esses produtos audiovisuais são difundidos em larga escala, visando primordialmente o lucro, acreditamos ser razoável indagar: suas formas simbólicas carregam conteúdos ideológicos? De que maneiras elas sustentam relações de dominação? Há interesses por trás dessas grandes empresas em atuar a favor da manutenção do status quo? Para respondê-las, torna-se fundamental o exercício da crítica, pois através dela, obtemos informações precisas acerca das formas simbólicas veiculadas pela mídia, desvelando os interesses defendidos pela elite dominante. Segundo John Thompson, a ideologia pode ser veiculada pelo sentido presente nas formas simbólicas, podendo ser ele atribuído para estabelecer e sustentar relações assimétricas de poder. Além disso, segundo Noam Chomsky, a produção do consenso é a obtenção da concordância do povo a respeito de assuntos os quais ele não estava de acordo por meio de propaganda política. Sendo assim, com o objetivo de demonstrar esse processo de solidificação do imaginário sociocultural, selecionamos quatro ficções seriadas brasileiras do século XXI, sob o eixo temático da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, cujas formas simbólicas reproduzem relações assimétricas de poder, utilizam a violência subjetiva para produzir um consenso e, com isso, justificar e legitimar a ordem social estabelecida, relegando a violência objetiva a um patamar de pura naturalidade, escamoteando suas verdadeiras raízes capitalistas. / [en] Television, Ideology and Violence: The Reproduction of the Relations of Domination in Fiction Series is a dissertation that perceives the strength and space occupied by the media in the social life of all individuals. Large media companies produce commodities in the form of entertainment and/or information.
As these audiovisual products are widespread, primarily for profit, we believe that is reasonable to pose questions as: do the symbolic forms convey ideological content? In what ways do they sustain relations of domination? Is there an interest behind these big companies in acting in favor of maintaining the status quo? In order to answer them, the exercise of criticism becomes fundamental, because through them we obtain accurate information about the symbolic forms conveyed by the media, revealing the interests defended by the ruling elite. According to John Thompson, ideology can be conveyed by the meaning in symbolic forms, which can be attributed to establishing and sustaining asymmetrical relations of
power. Moreover, according to Noam Chomsky, the manufacturing of consent is the attainment of agreement from the people through political propaganda on matters which they have disagreed with. Thus, in order to demonstrate this process of solidification of the socio-cultural imaginary, we have selected four brazilian fiction series of the XXI century, under the thematic axis of the city of Rio de Janeiro, whose symbolic forms reproduce asymmetrical relations of power, use subjective violence to manufacture consent and thus justify and legitimize the established social order, relegating objective violence to a level of pure naturalness, by cloaking its true capitalistic roots.
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[pt] Esta tese percebe a evidente força e o espaço ocupado pela mídia na vida
social contemporânea. Uma vez que o imaginário sociocultural de uma sociedade
é constituído através das interrelações entre os indivíduos, o papel da mídia e suas
consequências para a vida material adquire complexa proeminência. Inseridos na
lógica do lucro, os conglomerados de mídia elaboram os seus produtos conforme
as demandas do mercado e com alto enfoque na acumulação de capital. No cerne
deste debate, subjaz a questão de como a instituição midiática se apresenta frente
à manutenção das estruturas de poder. Por isso, é crucial entender que sendo parte
da superestrutura, ela tem por função a reprodução da ordem social, isto é, as suas
sedutoras mensagens veiculam significados e valores que atuam para perpetuar a
dominação de classe e a paralisação social. Desta forma, pode-se indagar: qual a
relação da mídia com o atual modelo econômico e com o contexto histórico-social
em que está inserida? Há interesses particulares desses conglomerados em atuar
contra a manutenção do status quo? De que maneiras os seus conteúdos sustentam
as relações de dominação e omitem as contradições? Para respondê-las, elaboro
discussões sobre os processos de dominação, exploração, desigualdades sociais,
estrutura de classes e ideologia, além de investigar a atividade midiática sob o
ponto de vista da inversão dos interesses, da propaganda política e seus aspectos
antidemocráticos, inserindo-os no contexto político-midiático brasileiro. Por fim,
no intuito de investigar essa reprodução ideológica no campo das ficções seriadas,
conduzo uma análise marxista procurando compreender de que maneiras elas
retratam as contradições e como atuam na reprodução da ordem social capitalista
pela distorção das relações de dominação e classe, pela promoção dos interesses
das classes dominantes e pela omissão das causas das desigualdades como uma
condição intrínseca do capital. / [en] This thesis perceives the evident strength and space occupied by the media
in contemporary social life. Since the sociocultural imaginary of a society is
constituted through the interrelationships between individuals, the role of media
and its consequences for material life acquires complex prominence. Based on the
logic of profit, media conglomerates develop their products according to market
demands and with a high focus on capital accumulation. At the heart of this
debate, there is the question of how the media institution presents itself in face of
the maintenance of power structures. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that
being part of the superstructure, it has the function of reproducing the social order,
that is, its seductive messages convey meanings and values that act to perpetuate
class domination and social paralysis. In this way, one can ask: what is the
relationship of the media with the current economic model and with the historicalsocial
context in which it is embedded? Are there any particular interests of these
conglomerates in acting against the maintenance of the status quo? In what ways
do its contents sustain relations of domination and omit contradictions? To answer
them, I elaborate discussions on the processes of domination, exploitation, social
inequalities, class structure and ideology, in addition to investigating media
activity in the light of the strategy of the reversal of interests, political propaganda
and its anti-democratic aspects, positioning them in the Brazilian political-media
context. Finally, in order to investigate this ideological reproduction in the field of
fiction series, I conduct a Marxist analysis trying to understand in what ways they
portray the contradictions and how they act in the reproduction of the capitalist
social order by distorting the relations of domination and class, by promoting the
interests of the ruling classes and the omission of the causes of inequalities as an
intrinsic condition of capital.
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La representación de la adolescencia en series de ficción. Un análisis de “Glee” y “Casi Ángeles” / The representation of adolescence in fiction series. An analysis of “Glee” and "Casi Angeles"Soto Carrasco, Kathia Estrella 22 April 2021 (has links)
En un mundo globalizado, los adolescentes encuentran a través de los diversos medios de comunicación, como la televisión, intereses comunes que contribuyen con la formación de su identidad. Es por ello, que el propósito de esta investigación es analizar la percepción que tuvieron los jóvenes limeños sobre las representaciones de la adolescencia que se muestra en las series de ficción “Glee” y “Casi Angeles”. Para ello, se retoman los debates sobre el grado en el que la televisión incide en los adolescentes desde las disciplinas de la psicología, la sociología y la educación, a manera de estado de la cuestión. Así mismo, para la profundización teórica, se revisaron los estudios de Furman, Low y Ho (2009), Joyner y Udry (2000), Fiske (1989), Bauman (2002), Casseti y Di Chio (1997), Masanet, Medina-Bravo y Ferrés (2012), entre otros. Finalmente, en coherencia con los objetivos de estudio, se propone un diseño metodológico cualitativo orientado a la realización de un análisis de contenido, de las cuales se escogieron siete capítulos por serie. Ello nos permitirá́ conocer el arco de transformación que tendrán los personajes adolescentes mostrados en las series de ficción “Casi Ángeles” y “Glee” y si estas pretenden estandarizarlos mediante representaciones estereotipadas. / In a globalized world, adolescents find through the various media, such as television, common interests that contribute to the formation of their identity. That is why the purpose of this research is to analyze the perception that young people from Lima had about the representations of adolescence shown in the fiction series "Glee" and "Almost Angeles." For this, the debates on the degree to which television affects adolescents are taken up from the disciplines of psychology, sociology and education, as a state of the art. Likewise, for the theoretical deepening, the studies of Furman, Low and Ho (2009), Joyner and Udry (2000), Fiske (1989), Bauman (2002), Casseti and Di Chio (1997), Masanet, Medina -Bravo and Ferrés (2012), among others. Finally, consistent with the study objectives, a qualitative methodological design is proposed aimed at conducting a content analysis, of which seven chapters were chosen per series. This will allow us to know the arc of transformation that the adolescent characters shown in the fiction series "Casi Ángeles " and "Glee" will have and if they intend to standardize them through stereotyped representations. / Trabajo de investigación
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Comparaciones sobre la construcción del héroe de TV PERÚ y el héroe de HBO: Francisco Robles y Lucio Voreno / Comparisons on the construction of the hero of TV PERÚ and the hero of HBO: Francisco Robles and Lucio VorenoBecerra Ramos, Carlos David 04 May 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza la construcción de los personajes Lucio Voreno y Francisco Robles, HBO y TV PERÚ respectivamente, con la finalidad de comparar de forma cualitativa las características heroicas con las que han sido dotados ambos personajes. Esta comparación tiene el propósito de encontrar diferencias y similitudes entre la construcción del personaje de Voreno y Robles por motivos académicos que ayudarán a actuales y futuros investigadores con la construcción del viaje del héroe en sus personajes. El objeto de estudio para esta investigación son la serie de HBO “Rome”y la serie de TV PERÚ “El último bastión” y se analizará la construcción del viaje del héroe de los principales protagonistas. El instrumento seleccionado para el estudio es el Análisis de contenido, el cual mediante una tabla cruzada con criterios que permitan detectar las características fundamentales y únicas de cada personaje a lo largo del viaje del héroe. / This work analyzes the construction of the characters Lucio Voreno and Francisco Robles, HBO and TV PERÚ respectively, in order to qualitatively compare the heroic characteristics with which both characters have been endowed. This comparison is intended to find differences and similarities between Voreno and Robles' character construction for academic reasons that will help current and future researchers with the construction of the hero's journey in their characters. The object of study for this research is the HBO series "Roma" and the TV series PERU "The last bastion" and the construction of the hero's journey of the main protagonists will be analyzed. The instrument selected for the study is the Content Analysis, which by means of a cross table with criteria that detects the fundamental and unique characteristics of each character throughout the hero's journey. / Trabajo de investigación
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El universo narrativo de Warcraft: la construcción del personaje de Illidan Stormrage como antihéroe / The narrative universe of Warcraft: the construction of the character of Illidan Stormrage as an antiheroCastro Ríos, Ignacio Rafael 30 December 2020 (has links)
El surgimiento, popularidad y amor por las historias de los videojuegos dio paso a la idea y a la realización de este trabajo. Los videojuegos son un nuevo medio audiovisual, el cual se diferencia del resto, debido a su interactividad y a la inmersión del jugador dentro de su ecosistema virtual. Este ecosistema se desarrolla dentro de una historia y un mundo virtual, el cual alberga, personajes, creaturas y, en ocasiones, otros jugadores. Uno de estos videojuegos es el célebre World of Warcraft, el cual se desarrolla en el mundo virtual de Azeroth y es hogar de estos personajes fantásticos. Uno de ellos es Illidan, por muchos cosiderado uno de los personajes más populares, complejos e interesantes de la franquicia.
Este trabajo de investigación se centra en la construcción de los personajes, las dimensiones de ellos y como es que las acciones hacen catalogan como héroes o antihéroes. En este caso en particular nos centraremos en el personaje de Illidan Stormarge y analizaremos los elementos dentro de su construcción de personaje que lo hacen un antihéroe. / The emergence, popularity and love for video game stories gave the way to the idea and realization of this work. Video games are a new audiovisual medium, which differs from the rest due to its interactivity and the immersion of the player within a virtual ecosystem. This ecosystem develops itself within a story and a virtual world, which houses characters, creatures and sometimes other players. One of these video games is the famous World of Warcraft, which takes place in the virtual world of Azeroth, that is home to these fantastic characters. One of them is Illidan Stormrage, which is considered one of the most popular, complex and interesting characters in the franchise.
This research project focuses on the development of characters, the dimensions of them and how the actions that they do can classify them as heroes or antiheroes. In this particular case we will focus on the character of Illidan Stormarge and analyze the elements within its character development that make him an antihero. / Trabajo de investigación
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Características del personaje Norman Bates y su aporte audiovisual en la narrativa al género terror contemporáneo / Characteristics of the character Norman Bates and his audiovisual contribution in the narrative to the contemporary horror genreGuevara Robles, Karol 22 October 2021 (has links)
Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo explicar las características del personaje de Norman Bates y su aporte en la narrativa del género terror. Por lo que, para realizar la investigación se optó por el diseño de la estrategia metodológica cualitativa. Esta metodología de investigación resulta idónea, porque el objetivo es interpretar los discursos, opiniones, comentarios y percepciones del grupo de interés para la investigación. Además, se busca identificar y analizar el proceso de creación de los personajes en la narrativa del género terror. Se aplicó entrevistas como método de investigación y se descubrió que el personaje de Norman es el resultado del conjunto de elementos audiovisuales propios del género de terror contemporáneo. Siendo considerada la serie Bates Motel como una hibridación de géneros, se tiene en claro que el personaje de Norman es un ícono representante de la nueva generación de series de terror, el cual usa sutilmente los elementos propios del género. / This research project aims to explain the characteristics of the character of Norman Bates in the Bates Motel series and his audiovisual contribution in the narrative in the contemporary horror genre. Therefore, in order to carry out the research, the design of the qualitative methodological strategy was chosen. This research methodology is ideal, because the objective is to interpret the speeches, opinions, comments and perceptions of the research interest group. In addition, it seeks to identify and analyze the process of creating the characters in the narrative of the horror genre. After the application of the research method, it was found that the character Norman is the result of the set of audiovisual elements typical of the contemporary horror genre. Being considered the series Bates Motel as a hybridization of genres, it is clear that the character of Norman is a representative icon of the new generation of horror series, which subtly uses the elements of the genre. / Tesis
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