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Sanitization of embedded network devices : Investigation of vendor’s factory reset procedureLarsson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Embedded devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls commonly have sensitive information stored on them such as passwords, cryptographic keys, and information about the network around them and services that these device(s) provide. When disposing of or reselling this equipment in the secondary market it is crucial to erase this sensitive information. However, there is an important question that must be asked: Do the erase commands and routines offered by the device manufacturers actually erase the sensitive data? This thesis investigates methods and tools to determine the completeness of this erasure in some common network devices. These methods are used on a sample of networking equipment found to still contain sensitive information after being erased according to vendor recommendations. A computer program was developed to show how this information can be removed. The information in this document is useful for equipment owners, brokers and others looking to remarket their current equipment; all of whom want to minimize the risk of leaking sensitive data to other parties. / Nätverksutrustning såsom routrar, switchar och brandväggar har ofta känslig information lagrad internt, som lösenord, kryptografiska nycklar, information om nätverket runt dem samt tjänster de tillhandahåller. Om denna utrustning ska säljas på andrahandsmarkanden eller på annat sätt byta ägare är det viktigt att all känslig information raderas. Men kan man lita på att raderings rutiner och metoder som tillhandahålls av tillverkaren verkligen raderar känslig data? Denna avhandling undersöker lämpliga verktyg och metoder för att granska vilken information som minnen i inbyggda system innehåller. Dessa metoder testas praktiskt på några system som visar sig ha kvar känslig information efter att de raderats enligt tillverkarens rekommendationer. Ett datorprogram som demonstrerar hur denna information kan undersökas och raderas finns med som en del av avhandlingen. Informationen i detta dokument är användbar för ägare av datakomutrustning, mäklare av sådana samt andra som vill minimera risken för att läcka känslig information vid återförsäljning av sin begagnade utrustning.
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Optimalizace mikrostruktury pokročilých keramických materiálů využitím konvenčních a nekonvenčních slinovacích metod / Tailoring of microstructure of advanced ceramic materials by conventional and non-conventional sintering approachesPrajzler, Vladimír January 2021 (has links)
Tato doktorská práce se zabývala mikrostrukturálním vývojem vybraných oxidových keramických materiálů během konvenčního slinování (CS), rychlého slinování (RRS), flash slinování (FS) a slinování pomocí plazmatu (SPS). S ohledem na keramiku pro strukturální aplikace byly pomocí RRS připraveny relativně velké (1 cm3), bez defektní a téměř hutné pelety oxidu hlinitého a yttriem stabilizovaného oxidu zirkoničitého (YSZ) s homogenní mikrostrukturou. RRS bylo také shledáno jako optimální metoda pro přípravu vysoce hutné bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky s podobnými vlastnostmi, jako byly získány po časově a energeticky náročnějším CS. Metoda SPS dále zlepšila vlastnosti bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky a produkovala plně hutné vzorky, což je dobrým předpokladem pro translucenci a z níž vyplývajícím optoelektrickým vlastnostem. Nejoptimálnějších výsledků – plné hustoty a vysokých piezoelektrických vlastností – bylo dosaženo kombinací SPS a RRS. Analýzy provedené v této studii také poukázaly na důležitost eliminace těkavých nečistot před rychlým ohřevem. Jinak totiž dochází k zachycení těchto látek ve slinuté keramice, což ve výsledku limituje její konečnou hustotu. Ukázalo se, že nízké konečné hustoty RRS YSZ jsou spojeny se zachycením zbytkového chloru pocházejícího ze syntézy prášku. Pokud byl zbytkový chlor odstraněn vysokoteplotním žíháním keramických kompaktů před zahájením RRS, byly touto metodou získány téměř plně hutné YZS vzorky. Negativní vliv zbytkového chloru na zhutnění byl viditelný také u flash slinovaných YSZ vzorků. Navíc FS YSZ často vede ke zrychlení růstu zrn v jádře vzorku, v důsledku vyšší teploty a elektrochemické redukce. Ve spektru procesních parametrů použitých v rámci této práce dokonce došlo k abnormálnímu růstu zrna (AGG). Silně bimodální distribuce velikosti zrn ukázaná v této práci nebyla dříve nalezena u flash slinutého YSZ. AGG byl vysvětlen dvěma přispívajícími faktory – relativně velkou velikostí vzorku, která vedla k lokalizaci elektrického proudu a vzniku horkých míst (z angl. hot-spots), a celkově akcelerovanou kinetikou růstu zrn v jádře vzorku způsobenou elektrochemickou redukcí.
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A Man Out of Time: An Animated Glimpse into Animated HistoryHorne, Jacob Woodrow 08 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Life is a spectrum : a critical appraisal of some of Chauke's worksNdove, Mkhancane Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation critically appraises some ofChauke's literary works within a semiotic
approach especially in terms of colours of the spectrwn. In this study the spectrum is
reganled as a replica or symbol of man's various filcets of Jife. Analyses of the
representations of "Life is a Spectrum" have been made in tenns of psychological and
symbolic &.cets. Cbauke's narrative s1yle in delineating characters and milieus sketching
received attention in the discussion. The cunent scenario in education and politics as well
as socio-economic issues have also been dealt with.
This study has revealed that Chauke is an author who dmws readers very close to his
works that serve as mirrors of their lives. It bas been established that Chauke is an
outstanding writer who uses real situations and events that are relevant to people•s life in
this contempotaty situation. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Guidelines for promoting supplementary infan feeding techniques among HIV-positive mothersChaponda, Armelia Stephanie 05 March 2013 (has links)
Vertical transmission of HIV is still a growing concern in South Africa. Breastfed infants are still at risk as HIV is present in breast milk, leaving HIV-positive mothers unsure of the best feeding option for their infants. However, there are various infant feeding techniques that HIV-positive mothers can use to supplement breastfeeding and flash-heat is one of them. Flash-heat is heat treating expressed breast milk to deactivate HIV for infant feeding.
This study explored the possibility of HIV-positive mothers to practice flash-heating method for their infants exclusively for four months as a strategy to prevent vertical transmission of HIV. A descriptive, explorative and contextual design using a mixed method was used to obtain data from mothers in a post natal ward at Tembisa hospital.
The mixed method used was useful in identifying the number of HIV-positive mothers who would adopt the flash-heat technique, the characteristics of mothers whom the technique could be promoted to, the factors that influence/affect the choice of infant feeding for these mothers, as well as their feelings associated with the feeding technique.
Most (74%) mothers had a positive response to the flash-heat technique compared to 10% who were uncertain. They believed that heat treating their breast milk would result in their infants being HIV-free. In addition they believed that this method was cheaper than formula feeding and expressed positive feelings about touching their breast milk while expressing with no adverse feelings of expressing into a glass jar. Furthermore, findings of this study indicated that HIV-positive mothers in a public health facility would adopt flash-heat as an alternative infant feeding method. Thus practical guidelines to promote this feeding method were proposed. The proposed draft guidelines which promote the use of the flash-heat infant feeding method for HIV-positive mothers in public sector facilities will be communicated to relevant authorities such as the National Department of Health. These guidelines support the new policy shift to exclusive breastfeeding as a child survival strategy in South Africa. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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企業價值提升之研究-以創見資訊科技公司為例林書良 Unknown Date (has links)
一、記憶體應用之產品,因低價電腦 (Netbook) 及固態硬碟 (SSD) 相繼問市,產業前景仍十分樂觀,但其同時存在有同業間彼此產品差異性不大,未來競爭更趨激烈。
三、創見資訊MVA 與EVA 相關性分析中得知的相關性高達0.80326,由此得知EVA變化對MVA 變化有很大的解釋能力,顯示該公司較無資訊不對稱問題。
四、銷售利潤率的變化造成創見資訊 ROIC下降主因,其主要係受到上游關鍵性原材料供過於求導致價格急速下跌,進而影響終端產品售價下滑幅度;雖然創見資訊過去五的移動平均ROIC 雖超過30%,但移動平均ROS 則逐漸下滑,甚至低於10%,加上移動平均資本週轉率走高,推論近年來逐漸傾向於Commodity Business。
五、創見資訊除因2006年預期Vista效應將帶來業績成長而積極備貨,造成2006 年存貨指標略有惡化外;而毛利指標雖均大於0,係由於近年來無論是上游關鍵原材料IC (約占製造成本80%以上)及產品售價亦大幅下跌之影響,若與同業較,其銷貨毛利指標已明顯優於其他同業;其他二個指標均在0左右,顯示其應收帳款、管銷費用並無不當膨脹,整體盈餘品質尚佳。
八、在評價分析方面,由銷售導向DCF 法評價出來的每股股東價值區間在64.86元~102.10元之間而盈餘導向DCF 法評價出來的可能股東價值區間為85.40元~115.50元,若與最近12個月平均市價89.95元相較,則兩個方法評價結果,仍具參考價值。
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Biological Detoxification of EnniatinsSuchfort, Rosine Ghislaine 07 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling of the behavior of medium voltage insulators against lightning overvoltages / Modelagem do comportamento de isoladores de média tensão contra sobretensões de impulsos atmosféricosShigihara, Miltom 05 October 2015 (has links)
Lightning causes important transient disturbances on transmission and distribution systems, with consequent damages to equipment, outages, and general decrease of the power quality. The assessment of the lightning dielectric strength of power equipment is generally based on tests performed using the standard lightning impulse voltage (1.2 / 50 µs waveshape), although the characteristics of the lightning overvoltages depend on many parameters and may vary widely. The behavior of insulators when subject to non-standard impulses depends both on the voltage amplitude and waveshape, and therefore a reliable model is required to produce the corresponding volt-time curves. Although there is no method universally accepted for this purpose, one of the most used is the Disruptive Effect (DE) model, which is based on the integration method concept. The application of this model involves the estimation of some parameters for which different procedures have been proposed in the literature, as for instance the procedures by Darveniza and Vlastos, by Hileman, by Chowdhuri et al., and by Ancajima et al. Tests of representative lightning overvoltages were performed to obtain the critical flashover overvoltages (CFO) and the volt-time curves of typical porcelain pin-type insulators considering three standard medium-voltage distribution classes (15 kV, 24 kV, and 36 kV) and five impulse voltage waveshapes, of both polarities. These tests provided data for the analyses of the insulators\' behavior and the results obtained using the different procedures for estimating the DE parameters. It is shown that in some cases insulator flashover is not predicted. A new method is then developed and proposed for evaluating the dielectric behavior of MV insulators. The method is validated using the typical insulators of the three voltage classes and the five lightning impulse voltages considered, of positive and negative polarities. The calculated volt-time curves showed in general a good agreement with the measured results for all the cases studied. The mean difference between the measured and calculated times to breakdown, for all the cases considered, was about 1.3 s; while the maximum difference was 4.0 s. The application of the proposed method to evaluate the occurrence of insulator flashovers in the shield wire line (SWL) system implemented in the State of Rondônia due to nearby lightning strikes supports previous conclusions that indicate that lightning has a significant impact on the SWL system performance in regions with high ground flash density. / Descargas atmosféricas produzem distúrbios transitórios significativos em sistemas de transmissão e distribuição, com consequentes danos em equipamentos, interrupções e redução geral na qualidade de energia elétrica. A avaliação da suportabilidade dielétrica frente às descargas atmosféricas do equipamento de potência é geralmente baseada em ensaios realizados usando o impulso atmosférico de tensão normalizada (forma de onda 1.2 / 50 µs), contudo as características das sobretensões atmosféricas dependem de muitos parâmetros e podem variar amplamente. O comportamento dos isoladores quando sujeitos a impulsos não normalizados depende tanto da magnitude como da forma de onda da tensão, e então um modelo confiável é necessário para se obter as curvas tensão-tempo correspondentes. Embora não haja um método universalmente aceito para essa finalidade, um dos mais utilizados é o modelo de Efeito Disruptivo (DE), que é baseado no conceito do método de integração. A aplicação desse modelo envolve a estimativa de alguns parâmetros para os quais diferentes procedimentos têm sido propostos na literatura, como por exemplo, os procedimentos de Darveniza e Vlastos, de Hileman, de Chowdhuri et al. e de Ancajima et al. Ensaios de sobretensões atmosféricas representativas foram feitos para obter as tensões de descarga disruptiva (CFO) e as curvas de tensão-tempo de isoladores de porcelana típicos, tipo pino, considerando três classes de tensão de distribuição de média tensão (15 kV, 24 kV e 36 kV) e cinco formas de onda de impulso de tensão, de ambas as polaridades. Estes ensaios proporcionaram dados para as análises do comportamento dos isoladores e os resultados obtidos usando os diferentes procedimentos para estimar os parâmetros necessários para a aplicação do modelo do Efeito Disruptivo. É mostrado que em alguns casos a disrupção no isolador não é prevista por tais procedimentos. Um novo método é, então, desenvolvido e proposto para avaliar o comportamento dielétrico dos isoladores de média tensão. O método é validado usando os isoladores típicos das três classes de tensão e as cinco formas de tensões de impulso atmosféricos consideradas, de polaridades positiva e negativa. As curvas tensão-tempo calculadas mostraram, em geral, boa concordância com os resultados medidos para todos os casos estudados. A diferença média entre os tempos de disrupção medidos e calculados, para todos os casos considerados, foi da ordem de 1,3 s; enquanto a máxima diferença foi de 4,0 s. A aplicação do método proposto para avaliar a ocorrência de disrupções em isoladores do Sistema de Cabo Para-raios Energizados (PRE), implementado no estado de Rondônia, devido a descargas atmosféricas indiretas, apoia as conclusões previamente obtidas que indicam que as descargas atmosféricas têm impacto significativo sobre o desempenho do sistema PRE em regiões com alta densidade de descargas para solo.
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Essais en Microstructure des Marchés Financiers / Essays in Financial Market MicrostructureDugast, Jérôme 19 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres distincts.Dans le premier chapitre, je montre que les mesures de liquidités traditionnelles, telles que la profondeur du marché, ne sont pas toujours pertinentes pour mesurer le bien-être des investisseurs. Je construis un modèle de marché conduit par les ordres et montre qu'une offre de liquidité élevée peut correspondre à de mauvaises conditions d'éxécution pour les fournisseurs de liquidité et à un bien-être relativement faible.Dans le deuxième chapitre, je modélise la vitesse des ajustements de prix à l'arrivée de nouvelles dans les marchés conduits pas les ordres, lorsque les investisseurs ont une capacité d'attention limitée.En raison de leur attention limitée, les investisseurs suivent imparfaitement l'arrivée de nouvelles. Ainsi, les prix s'ajustent aux nouvelles après un certain délai. Ce délai diminue lorsque le niveau d'attention des investisseurs augmente.Le délai d'ajustement des prix diminue également lorsque la fréquence à laquelle les nouvelles arrivent, augmente. Le troisième chapitre présente un travail écrit en collaboration avec Thierry Foucault. Nous construisons un modèle pour expliquer en quoi le trading à haute fréquence peut générer des "mini flash crashes" (un brusque changement de prix suivi d'un retour très rapide au niveau antérieur). Notre théorie est basée sur l'idée qu'il existe une tension entre la vitesse à laquelle l'information peut être acquise et la précision de cette information. Lorsque les traders à haute fréquence mettent en oeuvre des stratégies impliquant des réactions rapides à des événements de marché, ils augmentent leur risque à réagir à du bruit et génèrent ainsi des "mini flash crashes". Néanmoins, ils augmentent l'efficience informationnelle du marché. / This dissertation is made of three distinct chapters. In the first chapter, I show that traditional liquidity measures, such as market depth, are not always relevant to measure investors' welfare. I build a limit order market model and show that a high level of liquidity supply can correspond to poor execution conditions for liquidity providers and to a relatively low welfare.In the second chapter, I model the speed of price adjustments to news arrival in limit order markets when investors have limited attention.Because of limited attention, investors imperfectly monitor news arrival. Consequently prices reflect news with delay. This delay shrinks when investors' attention capacity increases. The price adjustment delay also decreases when the frequency of new arrival increases. The third chapter presents a joint work with Thierry Foucault. We build a model to explain why high frequency trading can generate mini-flash crashes (a sudden sharp change in the price of a stock followed by a very quick rversal). Our theory is based on the idea that there is a trade-off between speed and precision in the acquisition of information. When high frequency traders implement strategies involving fast reaction to market events, they increase their risk to trade on noise and thus generate mini flash crashes. Nonetheless they increase market efficiency.
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Modeling of the behavior of medium voltage insulators against lightning overvoltages / Modelagem do comportamento de isoladores de média tensão contra sobretensões de impulsos atmosféricosMiltom Shigihara 05 October 2015 (has links)
Lightning causes important transient disturbances on transmission and distribution systems, with consequent damages to equipment, outages, and general decrease of the power quality. The assessment of the lightning dielectric strength of power equipment is generally based on tests performed using the standard lightning impulse voltage (1.2 / 50 µs waveshape), although the characteristics of the lightning overvoltages depend on many parameters and may vary widely. The behavior of insulators when subject to non-standard impulses depends both on the voltage amplitude and waveshape, and therefore a reliable model is required to produce the corresponding volt-time curves. Although there is no method universally accepted for this purpose, one of the most used is the Disruptive Effect (DE) model, which is based on the integration method concept. The application of this model involves the estimation of some parameters for which different procedures have been proposed in the literature, as for instance the procedures by Darveniza and Vlastos, by Hileman, by Chowdhuri et al., and by Ancajima et al. Tests of representative lightning overvoltages were performed to obtain the critical flashover overvoltages (CFO) and the volt-time curves of typical porcelain pin-type insulators considering three standard medium-voltage distribution classes (15 kV, 24 kV, and 36 kV) and five impulse voltage waveshapes, of both polarities. These tests provided data for the analyses of the insulators\' behavior and the results obtained using the different procedures for estimating the DE parameters. It is shown that in some cases insulator flashover is not predicted. A new method is then developed and proposed for evaluating the dielectric behavior of MV insulators. The method is validated using the typical insulators of the three voltage classes and the five lightning impulse voltages considered, of positive and negative polarities. The calculated volt-time curves showed in general a good agreement with the measured results for all the cases studied. The mean difference between the measured and calculated times to breakdown, for all the cases considered, was about 1.3 s; while the maximum difference was 4.0 s. The application of the proposed method to evaluate the occurrence of insulator flashovers in the shield wire line (SWL) system implemented in the State of Rondônia due to nearby lightning strikes supports previous conclusions that indicate that lightning has a significant impact on the SWL system performance in regions with high ground flash density. / Descargas atmosféricas produzem distúrbios transitórios significativos em sistemas de transmissão e distribuição, com consequentes danos em equipamentos, interrupções e redução geral na qualidade de energia elétrica. A avaliação da suportabilidade dielétrica frente às descargas atmosféricas do equipamento de potência é geralmente baseada em ensaios realizados usando o impulso atmosférico de tensão normalizada (forma de onda 1.2 / 50 µs), contudo as características das sobretensões atmosféricas dependem de muitos parâmetros e podem variar amplamente. O comportamento dos isoladores quando sujeitos a impulsos não normalizados depende tanto da magnitude como da forma de onda da tensão, e então um modelo confiável é necessário para se obter as curvas tensão-tempo correspondentes. Embora não haja um método universalmente aceito para essa finalidade, um dos mais utilizados é o modelo de Efeito Disruptivo (DE), que é baseado no conceito do método de integração. A aplicação desse modelo envolve a estimativa de alguns parâmetros para os quais diferentes procedimentos têm sido propostos na literatura, como por exemplo, os procedimentos de Darveniza e Vlastos, de Hileman, de Chowdhuri et al. e de Ancajima et al. Ensaios de sobretensões atmosféricas representativas foram feitos para obter as tensões de descarga disruptiva (CFO) e as curvas de tensão-tempo de isoladores de porcelana típicos, tipo pino, considerando três classes de tensão de distribuição de média tensão (15 kV, 24 kV e 36 kV) e cinco formas de onda de impulso de tensão, de ambas as polaridades. Estes ensaios proporcionaram dados para as análises do comportamento dos isoladores e os resultados obtidos usando os diferentes procedimentos para estimar os parâmetros necessários para a aplicação do modelo do Efeito Disruptivo. É mostrado que em alguns casos a disrupção no isolador não é prevista por tais procedimentos. Um novo método é, então, desenvolvido e proposto para avaliar o comportamento dielétrico dos isoladores de média tensão. O método é validado usando os isoladores típicos das três classes de tensão e as cinco formas de tensões de impulso atmosféricos consideradas, de polaridades positiva e negativa. As curvas tensão-tempo calculadas mostraram, em geral, boa concordância com os resultados medidos para todos os casos estudados. A diferença média entre os tempos de disrupção medidos e calculados, para todos os casos considerados, foi da ordem de 1,3 s; enquanto a máxima diferença foi de 4,0 s. A aplicação do método proposto para avaliar a ocorrência de disrupções em isoladores do Sistema de Cabo Para-raios Energizados (PRE), implementado no estado de Rondônia, devido a descargas atmosféricas indiretas, apoia as conclusões previamente obtidas que indicam que as descargas atmosféricas têm impacto significativo sobre o desempenho do sistema PRE em regiões com alta densidade de descargas para solo.
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