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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Embalagens de transporte (Masterpack) com atmosfera modificada e absorvedores de oxigênio para aumento da vida útil de carne bovina. / Masterpack system with modified atmosphere (100% CO2) and oxygen scavengers to extend the storage life of fresh meat.

Anna Cecilia Venturini 09 April 2003 (has links)
Os efeitos combinados do CO2 como agente bacteriostático e dos absorvedores de oxigênio, para obtenção de uma atmosfera virtualmente livre de oxigênio, foram explorados neste experimento. Bifes de alcatra e contra filé, acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, foram envoltos por filme de alta permeabilidade ao oxigênio (PVC). Dois conjuntos de quatro bandejas foram sobrepostos no interior de embalagens de transporte com alta barreira a gases (masterpack) sob atmosfera com CO2 puro, armazenadas a 1±1 o C por períodos de 14, 28, 35 e 42 dias. Para minimizar a descoloração durante o armazenamento foram adicionados sachês absorvedores de oxigênio no interior das embalagens masterpack, com capacidade nominal de seqüestrar 1000cm 3 de O2. Embalagens sem absorvedores (controle) foram preparadas da mesma maneira. Após cada período de armazenamento, as bandejas foram retiradas das embalagens masterpack e expostas ao ar atmosférico em balcão refrigerado com temperatura de 4±2°C. A qualidade microbiológica, o desenvolvimento da cor vermelha do músculo, porcentagem de manchas, aparência e cor rosa da gordura foram avaliadas periodicamente para determinação do potencial de reavivamento da cor (reblooming). Ao longo do tempo de armazenamento, observou-se um aumento da fase lag de crescimento de bactérias psicrotróficas aeróbias nos bifes de contra filé e alcatra acondicionados com absorvedores de oxigênio. O crescimento de bactérias psicrotróficas anaeróbias e de bactérias láticas foi mais influenciado pelo armazenamento sob CO2 do que pelo uso de absorvedores de oxigênio. Os bifes acondicionados com absorvedores readquiriram coloração vermelha após exposição aeróbica, apresentaram menor proporção de manchas, foram os mais atrativos e exibiram valores de vermelho (a*) e de R630–R580 superiores ao das amostras do tratamento controle, que geralmente não apresentaram potencial de reblooming após exposição aeróbica. Após 42 dias de armazenamento, os bifes de contra filé e alcatra foram considerados aceitáveis por 77 e 49% dos consumidores, respectivamente. / Masterpack system with modified atmosphere (100% CO2) and oxygen scavengers to achieve a virtually oxygen-free atmosphere were used to prevent metmioglobin formation (brown) under surface of beef and to extend shelf-life of striploin and rump steaks packaged in polystyrene trays and over-wrapped with plastic film having a high permeability (PVC). The masterpacks were stored at 1±1 o C for 14, 28, 35 and 42 days. For each storage time, microbiological, red colour of muscles, % discoloration, appearance and pink colour of fat characteristics were measured for assessment of reblooming in product stored with and without oxygen scavengers (controls). The increase in lag phase of psychrotrophic aerobic with increasing storage was mainly dependent on the use of scavengers oxygen. The psychrotrophic anaerobic and latic bacteria were more influenced by CO2 than that use of scavenger oxygen. The steaks stored with scavengers oxygen reblooming after aerobic exposure, showed less spot fractions, were the most attractive and red and R630-R580 values were higher than controls products, that failed to bloom. After 42 days of storage, the acceptability of striploin and rump steaks were 77 e 49%, respectively.

Comparação entre as concentrações de tetraciclina no plasma, líquido sinovial e leite de vacas com doença do casco, submetidas às administrações intravenosa e intravenosa regional e sua implicação na presença de resíduos no leite / Comparision among tetracycline concentrations in plasma, synovial fluid and milk in cows with lameness in foot, subjected to intravenous and regional intravenous administration and their implications in the presence of residues in milk

Cláudia Esteban 26 August 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa desenvolver métodos que permitam determinar as concentrações de tetraciclina, por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência, no plasma e líquido sinovial, além de analisar as concentrações correspondentes em leite de gado leiteiro em lactação submetidos aos tratamentos intravenoso e intravenoso regional. Desta forma, objetivando determinar a depuração da tetracic1ina no organismo dos animais tratados, a concentração do fármaco no sítio de ação e a quantidade residual em leite, as amostras biológicas foram colhidas e quantificadas em diferentes tempos pré e pós-administração do fármaco. Os métodos analíticos validados apresentaram linearidade, limite de detecção, quantificação, exatidão, precisão e recuperação adequados à quantificação do antibiótico nas matrizes biológicas estudadas. As amostras de leite de animais tratados com o medicamento por via intravenosa regional, não apresentaram resíduos após 120h da administração do fármaco. O mesmo ocorreu plasma e líquido sinovial após 48 h. Através da administração via intravenosa do medicamento foram observados resíduos no leite em todos os tempos avaliados, ao passo que no plasma e líquido sinovial, a presença do princípio ativo não foi detectada após 72 horas pós-tratamento. / The purpose of the present work is to develop methods which allow the determination of tetracycline by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in serum, synovial fluid, as well as analyze the corresponding milk concentrations in milk cows subjected to intravenous and regional intravenous treatment. Therefore, aiming to determine the clearance of tetracycline in the body of the treated animals, the concentration of the active principle in the action site and the residual quantity in milk, biological matrices were collected at different times. The validated analytical methods depicted suitable linearity, detection and quantification limits, accuracy, precision and recovery, allowing the quantification of the antibiotic in the studied biological matrices. In relation to the milk samples from animals treated with the drug by regional intravenous via, they did not present residues of tetracycline after 120 h post-administration. The values were also null for both serum and synovial fluid after 48 h. Through regional intravenous drug administration, milk residues were observed in all the evaluated times whereas for serum and synovial fluid, the presence of the active principle was not detected after 72h post-treatment.

Campylobacter spp. no abate e varejo: ocorrência em carcaças de bovinos para exportação e em cortes refrigerados de aves e bovinos / Campylobacter spp. at slaughterhouse and retail: occurrence in bovine carcasses for exporting and refrigerated chicken and beef cuts

Graciela Volz Lopes 04 December 2009 (has links)
As infecções causadas por Campylobacter spp. são relatadas como causa freqüente de gastrenterites de origem alimentar em vários países do mundo. As espécies bacterianas termofílicas pertencentes ao gênero Campylobacter, principalmente Campylobacter jejuni e Campylobacter coli, têm sido isoladas de fezes de animais e estão associadas à contaminação da carne durante o processo de abate. Estas duas espécies são as mais freqüentemente envolvidas nos casos de campilobacteriose humana veiculada por alimentos. O presente estudo pretendeu avaliar a presença e a população de Campylobacter spp. no abate de bovinos e cortes refrigerados de aves e bovinos comercializados na cidade de São Paulo/SP. Um total de 198 animais foi amostrado no couro logo após a sangria, na carcaça imediatamente após a esfola e após a evisceração. As amostras foram obtidas através da técnica de swab na região do peito abrangendo uma área de 400 cm2. Foram analisados também 120 cortes refrigerados de frango e 100 cortes de carne bovina, assim distribuídos: 40 amostras de asa, 20 de coxa com sobrecoxa, 20 de coxa, 20 de coxinha da asa, 20 amostras de peito; 20 de patinho bovino (M. biceps femoris), 20 de contrafilé (M. longissimus dorsi), 20 de coxão mole (M. semi membranosus), 20 de lagarto (M. semitendinosus) e 20 de alcatra (M. glutaes medius). As amostras foram analisadas segundo os métodos ISO 10272-1 e 2 e os isolados obtidos foram confirmados como Campylobacter pela técnica de PCR. Campylobacter foi isolado em 22,7% (45/198) das amostras de couro bovino, ou seja, apenas no ponto antes da esfola, e C. jejuni foi a única espécie encontrada. Nas amostras de cortes de frango Campylobacter foi isolado em 14,2% (17/120) das amostras. A espécie prevalente em frangos foi C. coli (88%), seguido de C. jejuni (12%). Campylobacter spp. não foi isolado dos cortes bovinos. A população de Campylobacter spp. foi < 13 UFC/cm2 em carcaças bovinas, < 2 UFC/g em amostras de frango e < 10 UFC/cm2 em cortes bovinos. A susceptibilidade de 120 isolados de frango e couro bovino foi determinada frente a 8 agentes antimicrobianos usando o método de disco-difusão. A resistência às quinolonas (ác. nalidíxico e ciprofloxacina) foi frequentemente observada nas cepas de C. jejuni (72,2%) e C. coli (50,8%) isoladas dos frangos. Entre os isolados de C. jejuni obtidos do couro bovino maior taxa de resistência foi observada para estreptomicina (32%), seguida da eritromicina (16%) e do ácido nalidíxico (14%). / Campylobacter spp. infections are reported as a frequent cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in many countries. The thermophilic bacterial species belonging to the genus Campylobacter, particularly Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli have been isolated from feces of animals and are associated with the contamination of meat during the slaughtering process. These two species are the most frequently involved in cases of human campylobacteriosis conveyed by food. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence and population of Campylobacter spp. during cattle slaughter and in refrigerated chicken and beef cuts commercialized in the city of Sao Paulo/SP. A total of 198 animals were sampled in the hide after bleeding, the carcass immediately after skinning and after evisceration. Samples were obtained by swab technique in the chest area encompassing an area of 400 cm2. We also analyzed 120 refrigerated chicken cuts and 100 beef cuts. The samples were analyzed according to ISO 10272-1 and 2 methods and the isolates were confirmed as Campylobacter by PCR technique. Campylobacter was isolated only in the hide samples (45/198), and C. jejuni was the only species found. Campylobacter was isolated in 14.2% (17/120) of chicken samples. The most prevalent species in chickens was C. coli (88%), followed by C. jejuni (12%). Campylobacter spp. was not isolated from beef cuts. The counts of Campylobacter spp. was < 13 CFU/cm2 in bovine carcasses, < 2 CFU/g in chicken samples and < 10 CFU/cm2 in beef cuts. The susceptibility to 8 antimicrobial agents of 120 isolates of chicken and bovine hide was determined using the disk-diffusion method. The resistance to quinolones (ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid) was frequently observed in strains of C. jejuni (72.2%) and C. coli (50.8%) isolated from chickens. Among strains of C. jejuni obtained from bovine hide highest resistance rate was observed to streptomycin (32%), followed by erythromycin (16%) and nalidixic acid (14%).

Disseminação de Salmonella Enteritidis isoladas em uma cadeia produtiva industrial avícola: determinação do perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos e caracterização genotípica / Salmonella Enteritidis in a commercial chicken production chain: phenotypic and genotypic characterization

Cristiano Andrigheto 23 May 2006 (has links)
Salmonella é um dos principais agentes de enfermidades transmitidas por alimentos em diversos países, sendo a carne de frango um dos principais veículos envolvidos em surtos. O Brasil vem se destacando como um dos maiores exportadores mundiais deste alimento. O ambiente de criação das aves é apontado como um importante foco de infecção das aves e o ambiente industrial de abate e processamento é importante na disseminação deste ·microrganismo. Na busca pela produção de alimentos seguros do ponto de vista microbiológico, uma das ferramentas utilizadas é a subtipagem de microrganismos isolados ao longo da cadeia de produção, que permite determinar rotas de contaminação do produto final. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: o estudo da disseminação dos subtipos de Salmonella Enteritidis nas várias etapas de uma cadeia de produção industrial de carne de frango, empregando-se diversos métodos de subtipagem e a determinação da resistência a antimicrobianos destas cepas. 108 isolados de Salmonella Enteritidis dos fagotipos PT1, PT4 e PT7a foram obtidos nos anos de 2002 e 2003, a partir de amostras ambientais e de frango relativas a sete sub-regiões de uma cadeia produtiva industrial avícola. Os perfis de resistência destes isolados foram determinados frente a antimicrobianos de uso humano e veterinário e eles foram submetidos a subtipagem por PFGE, RAPO, ribotipagem e PCR-ribotipagem. Foram detectados 21 perfis de resistência diferentes, com 6,5% das cepas sensíveis a todas as drogas, 33,3% resistentes a um ou dois antimicrobianos e 83,3% apresentando resistência intermediária a até quatro deles. Os níveis relativamente elevados de resistência são preocupantes e a diminuição da pressão seletiva deve ser um objetivo para os produtores de aves. De modo geral, a subtipagem permitiu separar as cepas em 13 genótipos, com elevada similaridade entre si. Porém, a maior parte das cepas (69,4%) pertenceu a apenas três deles, que foram encontrados ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva. A ribotipagem foi o método que apresentou o melhor poder discriminatório (D = 0,701), porém nem todas as cepas foram tipáveis por este método. Não foram encontradas correlações entre os perfis de resistência a antimicrobianos e fagotipos, nem entre genótipos e fagotipos. Porém, dois genótipos proximamente correlacionados e predominantemente encontrados em uma sub-região reuniram apenas cepas com resistência intermediária ou resistentes exclusivamente à furazolidona. A similaridade elevada entre os genótipos evidencia a origem clonal das cepas. / Salmonella is one of the most important foodborne disease agents all over the world, and chicken is recognized as an important vehicle of the infection. Chicken production in Brazil has increased in the last couple of years and the country is now ranked 2nd as producer/exporter of this commodity. For this reason there is an increased concern over the safety of these goods. This study deals with the dissemination, antimicrobial resistance, and genetic characterization of S. Enteritidis strains isolated from an industrial chicken production chain. 108 isolates, phagetypes PT1, PT4 and PT7a, were obtained at different steps of the commercial production from farm to frozen cuts, and the broilers were from different producers supplying the same processing plant. Tests for susceptibility to 12 human and veterinary antimicrobial agents were performed. The strains were also typed by PFGE, RAPO, ribotyping, and PCR-ribotyping. 6.5% of the strains were susceptible to the 12 drugs tested and 33.3% were resistant to 1 or 2 of them. Intermediate resistance to up to 4 agents was observed in 83.3% of the isolates. Combining all the typing methods allowed the division of the strains in 13 genotypes with elevated degree of similarity. However, 69.4% of the strains belonged to 3 main phagetypes spread along the production chain. There was no correlation between phagetypes and genotypes, or phagetypes and resistance profiles. However, most strains from one sub-region were from 2 genotypes and showed intermediate resistance to, or were resistant to furazolidone. The high degree of similarity amongst the genotypes indicates the clonal origin of the strains. The relatively high resistance to antimicrobial agents is a cause of concern and trying to diminish the selective pressure has to be a goal for broiler producers.

Enterobacteriaceae quality and diversity of vegetables sold in the Johannesburg Metropolis

Ndlovu, Sihle 06 1900 (has links)
The contamination of street vended vegetables may occur through the usage of manure and contaminated irrigation water, and the consumption of these vegetables, such as ready-to-eat salads, can cause foodborne diseases in consumers. The objective of this study was to investigate the Enterobacteriaceae diversity in vegetables sold at informal markets in the Johannesburg Metropolis. A total of 201 vegetable samples were purchased from randomly selected street vendors from different regions in the Johannesburg Metropolis and analysed for aerobic growth count and Enterobacteriaceae contamination using Plate Count Agar (PCA), and violet red bile glucose agar (VRBGA), respectively. The diversity of bacterial isolates was analysed using sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The aerobic bacterial growth counts of vegetables from all the regions ranged from 7.66(±0.759) to 8.37(±0.347) log10 cfu/g and the mean aerobic growth counts of vegetables from Soweto and Yeoville were significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from those of the other regions, but were not significantly (p > 0.05) different across different vegetable types. The Enterobacteriaceae growth counts in vegetables from all the regions ranged from 5.05 (±0.647) to 5.45 (±0.693) log10 cfu/g. The mean Enterobacteriaceae growth counts of vegetables were not significantly (p > 0.05) across each region and different vegetables types. The predominant Enterobacteria genera were Serratia (35%), followed by Hafnia (21%), Aeromonas (17%), and Pseudomonas (5%). In conclusion, this study shows that the vegetables sold at the informal markets in the Johannesburg Metropolis have high aerobic bacterial growth and Enterobacteriaceae contamination due to poor hygiene practices. The dominant Enterobacteriaceae genera isolated are Aeromonas, Hafnia, Serratia, and Pseudomonas, which could be opportunistic pathogens. It is recommended that the Department of Health improves vending and sanitation facilities, to prevent cross contamination. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)

Combining Systems Methodologies to Reduce Allergen-Related Food Recalls

Sweney, Jill Marie 14 May 2015 (has links)
The risk of poor food safety is a major focus for managers in the food manufacturing industry. Despite industry-led and regulatory efforts to improve the overall food safety of US packaged consumer foods, product recalls and market withdrawals are increasing. This is especially true for the most frequent cause for food recall: the undeclared allergen. With industry trends leaning toward adoption of third-party food safety management certifications, a popular food safety code from the Safe Quality Foods Institute is evaluated using Systems Analysis. Three changes to the food safety code are proposed to address three of the top causes for an allergen-related recall in the United States. In practice, the SQF code should make better use of control theory to reduce delays in production monitoring activities, should make better use of purposeful action in the implementation of a HACCP plan to ensure continuing validity of the plan, and SQFI needs to consider adding an organizational assessment for food safety culture.


Yurani Arias Granada (13024980) 10 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Food systems are facing unprecedented challenges and need reforms to be more efficient and provide safe and nutritious food from farm to fork. In this dissertation, I present new empirical evidence on different strategies to tackle two critical problems of food systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): food contamination and the inefficient delivery and use of subsidized agricultural inputs. The first essay measures demand and network effects for a newly available technology called Aflasafe that delivers credence attributes (i.e., benefits difficult or impossible to observe and measure even after frequent use of the technology). The second essay exploits a policy change in Malawi to estimate the efficiency of public and private channels at distributing inputs to smallholder farmers. I use a panel dataset covering the period from 2010 to 2016 and a difference-in-differences (DID) framework to estimate the impact of the policy change on procurement of subsidized fertilizer, efficiency and service quality, agricultural productivity, and the household’s decision to purchase commercial fertilizer. The third essay identifies a series of constraints faced by smallholder farmers in Senegal and assesses which ones are associated with chemical and microbial contaminants in groundnut (peanut).</p>

Prevalence of endocrine disrupting phthalate esters in selected foods and food wrappers from some some supermarkets around Pretoria, South Africa

Baloyi, Ntsako Dellas 06 1900 (has links)
Food is one of the main routes by which xenobiotic (synthetic) chemicals enter the body of man and wildlife. The routes could be from wrappers in which the foods are presented with possible transfer of the compounds to consumers, hence need for regular screening. The research work is aimed at investigating possible prevalence of phthalate esters in selected foods (cheese, polony and vienna) and their plastic wrappers from commercial stores in Tshwane metropolis. Food samples were purchased from selected stores, taken to the laboratory and stored at 4oC until analysed. Analysis was done by soxhlet extraction while determination and quantification of phthalates was carried out using Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID). Quality assurance of the process was by standard addition of the phthalate ester standards. Results obtained revealed good chromatographic separation of the analysed esters which ranged from 5.55 min for Dimethyl phthalate (DMP) to 8.96 min for Benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP). Instrumental detection limit of the esters varied from 0.03 - 0.05 μg/kg. The percentage recovery of the phthalate esters ranged from 75 – 90% from spiked cheese samples; 33 – 66% from spiked polony samples and 69 – 99% from spiked vienna samples. These recoveries are quite acceptable and applicable to the analysis and quantification of the compounds in the samples with the exception of Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (33%); DMP (34%) and BBP (46 %) in polony samples. Results from chromatographic quantification revealed the absence of or non-detection of most of the analysed phthalate esters in the selected food samples. However, level of 0.031 μg/kg of BBP - 0.816 μg/kg of DMP were obtained in some of the analysed samples. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)

Avaliação dos fatores de risco no processamento de café verde para o aparecimento de ocratoxina A (OTA) / Evaluation of risk factors in green coffee processing for ochratoxin A (OTA)

Nogueira, Márcia Dimov 03 April 2007 (has links)
Dentre os perigos relacionados com a produção de café verde, a ocratoxina A (OTA) é considerada significativa nesse produto. Com o objetivo de estudar a origem da OTA no processamento de café verde e avaliar os possíveis fatores de risco (região, etapas do processamento, fungos, insetos e ácaros) que poderiam contribuir na presença de OTA, foram amostradas três fazendas nos seguintes municípios: Bom Jardim (RJ), Espírito Santo do Pinhal (SP) e Cornélio Procópio (PR), onde havia a produção de café verde pela via seca e úmida. Foram coletadas 109 amostras de grãos de café, em diversas etapas do processamento, no período de maio a agosto de 2002. As amostras foram colhidas de acordo com fluxograma estabelecido e as etapas estudadas foram: cereja (campo), via seca, via úmida, armazém e café de varrição. Dessas amostras, 10 apresentaram OTA, que variou na sua quantificação de 3 a 101 ng.g-1. A maior prevalência de OTA foi a do café de varrição 57%, a via úmida apresentou uma prevalência de 10,3% e a via seca 7%. Na etapa cereja o fungo potencialmente toxigênico mais encontrado foi Penicillium spp, e quanto aos insetos, as larvas de Diptera e os Homoptera; na via úmida foram encontradas linhagens do Aspergillus seção Nigri e Circundatti e Penicillium spp, a infestação predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; na etapa via seca registrou-se o isolamento de fungos do gênero Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri , a broca do café foi a infestação predominante junto com os ácaros da família Acaridae, na etapa de armazém foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri, o inseto predominante foi a broca do café e os ácaros da família Acaridae; no café de varrição foram isolados Penicillium spp e Aspergillus seção Nigri e a broca do café estava presente junto com insetos da Ordem Diptera. Os resultados de cada etapa foram comparados por Análise de Variância em um nível de significância de 95%. Na análise de fatores de risco o café de varrição foi o mais significativo (p< 0,001). / The ochratoxin A (OTA) is considered to be among the most significant coffee contaminants with related hazards. With the purpose to study the origin of the OTA in the processing of green coffee and to evaluate the possible risk factors (region, step of processing, fungi, insects and mites) that could contribute in the OTA presence, had been selected three regions (states) of Brazil: Bom Jardim/RJ, Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP and Cornélio Procópio/PR. A total of 109 samples of coffee beans were collected in conformity with flow chart established at different stages of ripening and processing: cherry (field), dry method, wet method, and warehouse and varrição coffee, from May to August of 2002. Of these samples 10 had presented OTA, which varied in its quantification from 3 to 101 ng.g-1. The biggest prevalence of OTA was the varrição coffee 57%, the wet method presented a prevalence of 10,3% and dry way 7%. In the stage cherry fungi potentially toxigenic was more found Penicillium spp, the insects had been the larvae of Diptera and the Homoptera; in the wet way it was found Aspergillus section Nigri and Circundatti and Penicillium spp, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer and the mite of the Acaridae family; in the stage wet methods spp was registered the isolation the Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, the predominant infestation was the coffee berry borer together with the mites of the Acaridae family; in the stage of warehouse had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri, and the predominant insect was the coffee berry borer and mites of the family Acaridae; in the varrição coffee had been isolated Penicillium spp and Aspergillus section Nigri the coffee berry borer was the most present insects together of Diptera. The results of each step had been with compared by Analysis of Variance. In the analysis of risk factors the varrição coffee\" was the factor most strongly related to the risk of the presence of OTA (p<0,001 ).

Avaliação da qualidade higiênico-sanitária e nutritiva de bentôs comercializados no bairro da Liberdade, São Paulo / Evaluation of the hygienic-sanitary and nutritional quality of benthos marketed in Liberdade, São Paulo

Agnes Hanashiro 14 March 2002 (has links)
A questão da segurança alimentar vem ganhando atenção global face as milhões de vítimas de doenças transmitidas pelos alimentos. Mudanças demográficas, econômicas e sociais têm provocado transformações nas sociedades que resultam em maiores riscos à saúde pública. A difusão do comércio de alimento de rua, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos, pode ser considerada um forte reflexo dessas mudanças. Os bentôs constituem um lanche ou refeição pronta para consumo, considerado o primeiro alimento de rua no Japão, há mais de um século. Em vista das características de comercialização e dos alimentos envolvidos questionou-se a qualidade microbiológica e nutritiva de bentôs comercializados no bairro oriental em São Paulo. Foram analisadas 60 amostras coletadas durante a primavera e o verão e classificadas segundo seu risco epidemiológico. A composição variou de preparações à base de pescado cru às refeições completas. Fez-se a determinação de macronutrientes e a pesquisa de microrganismos indicadores, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus e Salmonella spp. O valor nutritivo oscilou bastante, sendo a proporção média em relação ao valor energético total igual a 16% de proteína, 19% de lipídeos e 65% de carboidratos. O valor energético das porções variou de 136 a 885Cal. 65% das amostras foram observadas em condições higiênicas insatisfatórias. Dentre as bactérias patogênicas, B. cereus apresentou o maior risco percentual, sendo que 40% das amostras estavam fora dos padrões considerados seguros. Não houve diferença estatística na contagem microbiana em relação à época de coleta ou ao tipo de amostra. A constatação de que 73,3% das amostras encontravam-se impróprias para consumo pode se agravar, em vista das características intrínsecas e de conservação observadas. O consumo de bentôs representa um perigo potencial à saúde, sendo necessários maiores investimentos em educação em saúde a todos os envolvidos na cadeia alimentar, incluindo os consumidores, como uma forma efetiva de inibir os riscos à saúde pública. / Food safety has become one of the biggest concerns to public health authorities, in view of the millions of victims of foodborne diseases world spread. Face to the social and economical changes in the societies, the public health risks are arising. As a reflex, the popularity of street food commerce exposes the consumers\' health to other threats. Bento is an ancient Japanese tradition of bringing ready-to-eat meals wherever you are, which surpassed the modem way of life and is still a convenience way to have a fast meal. But face to the trading features and composition its quality is doubtful. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional and microbiological qualities of bentos sold at the oriental district, in São Paulo. Sixty samples were purchased during spring and summer seasons from 17 points of sale and they were classified according to their epidemiological risk. The macronutrients were determined and the sanitary conditions were evaluated through the research of coliform organisms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella spp. The samples composition ranged from raw fish to :full course meals. The nutritive value presented a large variation and the average proportions of macronutrients in relation to the total energy value was 16% of protein, 19% of lipids and 65% of carbohydrates. The portion energy value ranged from 136 to 885Cal. B. cereus posed the greatest percentage risk of contamination, among the pathogens. The hygienic conditions of the bentos were critical in 65% of the samples. No statistical difference was observed in the microbiological counts related to the sample collection season or its sort. In general, 73.3% of the samples were unsuitable for consumption and considering the time-temperature abuse such proportion can reach higher degrees. The consumption of bentos poses a potential health hazard, showing to be necessary greater investments in health education for every sector of the food chain, including the consumers, as an effective way of inhibiting the risks to public health.

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