Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footprint"" "subject:"footprints""
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New power converter topologies for minimizing energy consumption of electronic appliancesNilakantan, Ravishankar 08 July 2011 (has links)
The proliferation of electronic equipment that is permanently connected to the grid causes significant parasitic losses. Yet, the design of power supplies for PCs, servers, multi-function printers, etc, is governed by the cost and component specifications at the peak operating point as well as the thermal management of the power supply itself. Most power supplies have lower efficiencies at light loads than at their rated loads. If the unit spends most of its time at the light load operating point, then the energy consumption will be much higher compared to a situation where the power supply is optimized for overall energy consumption with a specified load cycle. Considering that most electronic appliances are produced in high volume, the use of power supplies that permit easy custom design makes sense from the standpoint of energy efficiency. Over the past few years, multiple topological changes and design changes that aim to improve the efficiency of the power supplies have been proposed. However, their proliferation in low cost consumer electronics has been limited primarily by their high costs, additional area overhead and incompatibility with existing power supply converter topologies. As a part of this Master's thesis research work, a business case is first proposed to show that a market for low cost and high power rating electronic devices that exhibits high power efficiency exists. Then a novel yet simple, low cost device(SSSR) is proposed to improve the efficiency of existing power supplies without effecting major changes to their existing design. Our claims are backed up by simulation results and a working prototype. Finally, a ROI model is presented to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed solution in today's consumer market.
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Economic development and de-carbonization paths: Micro and macro perspectives from IndonesiaIrfany, Mohammad Iqbal 14 November 2014 (has links)
Die drei Essays dieser Dissertation verbinden Themen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und des Klimawandels. Alle Essays erörtern die allgemeine Frage wie steigende Einkommen und Austauschbeziehungen in Umweltfragen verbunden werden können und konzentrieren sich dabei auf CO2 Emissionen als Hauptverursacher von Treibhausgasen. Die Forschungsarbeit beleuchtet die wesentlichen Treiber und Verteilungswege von CO2 Emissionen und zeigt wie wirtschaftliches Wachstum, Energieverbrauch und Emissionen interagieren.
Im ersten Essay wird am Beispiel Indonesiens der ökologische Fußabdruck von Haushalten durch ihre Konsumentscheidung aufgezeigt. Es werden Muster, Determinanten und die Aufschlüsselung der steigenden Emissionen der Haushalte analysiert. Die Arbeit konnte zeigen, dass die Sektoren mit Leichtöl und im Transportwesen die intensivsten Emittenten in Indonesien sind und ein signifikantes Ungleichgewicht der Karbon-Emissionen zwischen Haushalten besteht. Sie konnte zudem darlegen, dass ein steigendes Einkommen die wichtigste Determinante der Haushaltsemissionen sind. Die Aufschlüsselung des Emissionswachstums legt nahe, dass die steigenden Emissionen zwischen 2005 und 2009 hauptsächlich auf den steigenden Wohlstand der Haushalte zurückzuführen sind.
Eine gerechtere Haushaltsverteilung besitzt -wie jedes Emissionsreduzierungskonzept- einen größeren Effekt zur Abschwächung des Klimawandels in einer Gesellschaft mit weniger Ungleichheit als in einer Gesellschaft mit verstärkter Ungleichheit. Im zweiten Essay wurde die Ungleichheit von Haushalts-Emissionen und die Aufschlüsselung der Emissionsungleichheiten in ihre Ursachen untersucht.. Die Studie zeigt einerseits eine steigende Ungleichheit unter den untersuchten Haushalten als auch dass Energie-Transport hauptsächlich für höhere Emissionsungleichheit verantwortlich ist.
Der dritte Essay untersucht kausale Zusammenhänge zwischen Emissionen, Energieverbrauch und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gemeinsam mit Urbanisierung und Investitionen im Falle von Indonesien unter Verwendung von Zeitreihenanalyse. Diese Studie zeigt eine Granger-Kausalität von Output und Energieverbrauch hin zu Emissionen, aber nicht in die entgegengesetzte Richtung von Emissionen zu Output. Dies weist darauf hin die Möglichkeit Emissionen zu reduzieren ohne Wachstum zu hemmen. Damit könnte Energieverbrauch die hauptsächlich verändernde Variable zwischen Output und Emissionen sein. Urbanisierung und Kapitalformation können CO2 neutral sein, wenn das betreffende Land nachhaltige städtische Entwicklung, grüne Investitionen und Energieeffizienz zur Entschärfung des Klimawandels fördert.
Jeder dieser Essays trägt zu der Literatur dazu bei, wie ökonomische Aktivitäten (wie steigender Konsum) steigende Emissionen - eine der wichtigsten Externalitäten menschlicher Entwicklung - bedingen. Andersherum könnte Umweltzerstörung (und/oder entschärfende Maßnahmen) weitere Entwicklung menschlichen Wohlbefindens erschweren. Passende Politikmaßnahmen, der Konsum in Richtung von weniger emissionsintensiven Ausgaben stimulieren, könnten implementiert werden. Aber insbesondere in Entwicklungsländern, die mit Energieeffizienz (CO2 intensive Energiesysteme), ungenügend grünen Infrastrukturen, Städteplanung, öffentlichem Nahverkehr und hohen (und ungünstig gezielte) Treibstoffsubventionen zu kämpfen haben, könnte dies schwierig werden. Diese Themen könnten dann nicht nur für Indonesien als entwickelnde Ökonomie sondern auch bei globalen Debatten dazu beitragen, wie Entwicklungspfade weniger kohlenstoffintensiv gestaltet werden können und damit substantielle Bedeutung erlangen.
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Is de-carbonized development possible? Household emissions and renewable energy in developing countriesSeriño, Moises Neil 20 October 2014 (has links)
Politische Entscheidungsträger stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, ohne das Entwicklungspotential von Entwicklungsländern einzuschränken. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt diese Arbeit zur Beantwortung der Frage bei, ob Entwicklung ohne höheren CO2-Ausstoß möglich ist. Untersucht werden insbesondere die Emissionen von Haushalten und die mögliche Verbreitung erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern. Diese Arbeit geht in vier Punkten über die bisherige Literatur hinaus. Erstens untersucht sie aus der Perspektive eines Entwicklungslandes die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten und analysiert den Einfluss steigender Einkommen auf Emissionen, unter Berücksichtigung sozio-demografischer Eigenschaften der Haushalte. Zweitens betrachtet sie andere relevante Faktoren wie CO2-und Energieintensität, die steigende Emissionen beeinflussen könnten. Drittens untersucht sie, wie ungleich die Emissionen der Haushalte verteilt sind. Aus der Ungleichheit von Emissionen ergeben sich direkte Konsequenzen für die Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten. Zuletzt wird die Möglichkeit der Verbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern erforscht. Erneuerbare Energien scheinen eine Handlungsoption zur Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen darzustellen. Sie können helfen, Wachstum in Entwicklungsländern zu fördern, ohne die bereits besorgniserregend hohe Konzentration von klimaschädlichen Gasen in der Atmosphäre weiter zu verschlimmern. Der erste Teil der Dissertation untersucht, wie CO2-intensiv der Lebensstil philippinischer Haushalte ist und analysiert Möglichkeiten, Emissionen und Wohlstand von Haushalten zu entkoppeln. Wir schätzen die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte, die durch den Konsum verschiedener Güter und Dienstleistungen verursacht werden, indem wir eine Input-Output-Analyse mit den Ausgaben der Haushalte in den Jahren 2000 und 2006 kombinieren. Auf Basis der Schätzung sind die Ausgaben der Haushalte, die im Zusammenhang mit Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport stehen, die CO2-intensivsten, während diejenigen für kurzlebige Güter am wenigsten CO2-intensiv sind. Die zentralen Ergebnisse sind, dass während sozio-demografische Eigenschaften der Haushalte wichtig für die Erklärung der Höhe von Emissionen sind, keine konkreten Anzeichen für eine Entkopplung von CO2-Emissionen und Wohlstand gefunden wurden. Wenn sich das Konsumverhalten nicht ändert, werden philippinische Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand wahrscheinlich einen Lebensstil führen, der mit höherem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Der zweite Teil schlüsselt die Veränderung der Emissionen durch Haushalte auf und untersucht andere relevante Einflussfaktoren wie CO2-Intensität und Energieintensität. Während der erste Teil die starke Korrelation zwischen Emissionen und Einkommen herausarbeitet, wird durch die Aufschlüsselung deutlich, dass diese Korrelation nicht gleichverteilt zwischen allen Haushalten ist. Der Einkommenseffekt ist in ärmeren Haushalten ausgeprägter, während der Effekt der Energieintensität in reicheren Haushalten überwiegt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Energieintensität ein Ansatzpunkt dafür sein kann, Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren. Insbesondere kann der Einsatz energieeffizienter Haushaltsgeräte gefördert werden, ebenso wie kraftstoffsparende Fahrzeuge oder der Zugang zu öffentlichen Transportmitteln. Um die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren, muss untersucht werden, wie sich die Emissionen auf die Haushalte verteilen. Jede politische Maßnahme zur Linderung des Klimawandels, die die Reduktion von Emissionen beinhaltet, hat einen direkteren Einfluss in gleicheren Gesellschaften, als in Ungleicheren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Emissionen sehr ungleich zwischen den Haushalten verteilt sind, dass diese Ungleichheit zunimmt und sich ein großer Anteil der Emissionsungleichheit durch energieintensiven Konsum von Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport erklärt. Dies legt nahe, dass politische Entscheidungsträger sich auf energieintensiven Konsum fokussieren sollten, um die Ungleichheit von Emissionen zu reduzieren. Die ersten drei Teile der Arbeit stellen heraus, dass ein großer Anteil der CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte durch energieintensiven Konsum verursacht wird. Dies deutet auf die Notwendigkeit hin, auf emissionsneutrale Energiequellen wie erneuerbare Energien umzusteigen um den Lebensstil der Haushalte zu erhalten oder zu verbessern ohne die globalen Emissionen weiter ansteigen zu lassen. Daher wird im vierten Teil die potentielle Ausbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energiequellen in Entwicklungsländern modelliert und ihre Bestimmungsfaktoren untersucht. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Diversifikation, da die meisten erneuerbaren Energien wetterabhängig und dadurch nicht planbar sind, eine Diversifikation aber eine stabile und verlässliche Energieversorgung ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen robusten nichtlinearen Effekt von Einkommen auf Diversifikation, der sich als grafisch als U-förmige Beziehung zeigt, so dass wir eine weitere Diversifikation erneuerbarer Energiequellen bei steigenden Einkommen in Entwicklungsländern erwarten. Darüber hinaus können technologisch fortschrittlichere Entwicklungsländer, Entwicklungsländer mit ausgebildeten Fachkräften, entwickelten Finanzmärkten, guter Regierungsführung und hohem Rohstoffvorkommen den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien diversifizieren ohne auf ausländische Direktinvestitionen und Entwicklungshilfe angewiesen zu sein. Wir dokumentieren ferner, dass sich die Diversifizierung erneuerbarer Energiequellen seit Einführung des Kyoto-Protokolls Ende 1997 weiter verbreitet hat. Auf Grundlage der obigen Erkenntnisse können die folgenden Politikempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Auf Seiten der Haushalte: Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand einen Lebensstil führen werden, der mit geringem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Den Konsum der Haushalte zu beschränken ist jedoch schwierig und umstritten. Güter, durch die ein hoher CO2-Ausstoß verursacht wird, können besteuert werden um die Emissionen von Haushalten einzuschränken. Allerdings sollten politische Entscheidungsträger dabei Vorsicht walten lassen, um nicht die Bemühungen der Armutsbekämpfung zu gefährden, da auf den Philippinen ein Viertel der Bevölkerung als arm anzusehen ist. Es gibt verschiedene andere Optionen, die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte zu drosseln. Dazu zählt die Verbesserung der Produktionseffizienz und die Veränderung des Konsumverhaltens hin zu einem weniger CO2-intensiven Lebensstil. Wichtig sind dabei insbesondere Verbesserungen beim Zugang zu öffentlichem Verkehrsmitteln, sowie zu energieeffizienteren Beleuchtungs- und Kühltechnologien. Ferner ist es ein wichtiger Politikansatz, den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energiequellen auszuweiten und erneuerbare Energie in den Energiemix von Entwicklungsländern einzugliedern, um wirtschaftliches Wachstum von Emissionen zu entkoppeln.
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An investigation of mine closure : gold mine case studies on the East Rand in South Africa / J.H. NelNel, Johannes Hendrik January 2008 (has links)
This research is on mines that struggle to obtain closure from the state departments. The closure process at the footprints of five Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) of a South African gold mine was investigated. They are situated in the Germiston, Brakpan, Springs and Nigel suburbs of the East Rand region of Johannesburg.
Very limited scientific research has been done in South Africa on the management of mine closure. The most recent performed research was completed at Coal mines and only one was at an underground gold mine. The history of the case studies at a surface gold mine revealed similar problems, as confirmed in previous research, during the interviews with mine management and the review of operational documents.
There is a whole array of causes giving rise to the struggle to obtain closure by a mine, that will be subsequently discussed. Major causes are the lack of estimation of closure costs and the lack of a proper Project Life Cycle (PLC) process for closure by mine management. Previous investigations indicated a general shortfall in estimated closure costs, mining operations that are not planned with closure in mind, closure objectives that are not set at all management levels, final land use after mine closure that is not defined properly, residual and latent impacts that are not dealt with, the post-closure period when the final impact will occur that is not defined and a proper risk assessment based on detailed information that is not properly done and communicated. Another cause is that the integrated process of making closure part of the Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) process is not followed. The result of not following the correct process is that mines do not obtain closure. Another reason why mines do not obtain closure is because of an underdeveloped mine infrastructure, e.g. tailings facilities, waste rock dumps, shafts and plants that are not constructed in an environmentally friendly way during the operational phases to facilitate closure. Therefore, these structures need to be changed in terms of their topography and growth medium to ensure an improvement in environmental parameters. This will assist in obtaining sustainability and final closure. Significantly more trust fund money than initially estimated during operations needs to be spent to ensure the above change.
Specific issues defined from the case studies were the adaptation of the administration of the closure process, the management of risks, especially the differences in opinions, the management of the mine life cycle for closure and involvement of the land owners and Interested and Affected Parties (l&APs).
This research was necessary because companies are uncertain and lack the competency to estimate and to correctly spend trust fund money in order to be sure of obtaining closure. This situation threatens the long-term survival of mining-companies by holding assets and profits back until closure is attained. The state departments also have to address the risks and have to rehabilitate the polluted mine sites if companies do not obtain closure.
A proper PLC to facilitate closure was compiled from the above-mentioned data. An important fact to bear in mind is that the activities within the life cycle depend on one another. Therefore, when one activity is disregarded or not properly performed, it will influence the outcome of the remaining activities.
The methodology of the research was as follows: Categories to evaluate the closure process of the selected case studies were determined from the project life cycle and the management principles of the literature review. Thereafter a questionnaire was developed from these categories. The questionnaire was subsequently used to guide interviews. After the interviews these categories and findings from the questionnaire were combined and summarised into key findings.
The key findings of the research were:
• The driving force behind obtaining closure must shift from the State Departments to the mining companies. They must realise there is an opportunity during the closure process to make money and to minimise their long-term liability. The mining company must thus drive the closure process to obtain environmental sustainability.
• The gold mines do have problems in terms of cost estimation and trust fund expenditure at their TSF footprints during the closure process. The reasons were a mismanagement of the closure process and making use of a limited information system to make decisions.
• A proper closure process does exist, but it can be improved to ensure all interested and affected parties have the same expectations from closure.
• There are many activities in the closure process flow diagram which were not properly attended to according to the case studies.
• A conceptual closure plan and a draft rehabilitation plan with broad objectives, policies and strategies with detailed descriptions were not compiled during the operational phase, because limited scientific monitoring information was gathered to do a proper risk assessment and some l&APs consultation was done mainly with the material and land owners on a one on one basis.
From these key findings the following recommendations could be formulated:
• Any mining operation should conduct a closure audit at least every second year and before mining activities change.
• A searchable record keeping system must be established to keep track of the closure life cycle development.
• Detailed conceptual and final closure plans need to capture the data from the audits and record keeping system.
• A communication forum with company management and environmental specialists needs to be established. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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An investigation of mine closure : gold mine case studies on the East Rand in South Africa / J.H. NelNel, Johannes Hendrik January 2008 (has links)
This research is on mines that struggle to obtain closure from the state departments. The closure process at the footprints of five Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) of a South African gold mine was investigated. They are situated in the Germiston, Brakpan, Springs and Nigel suburbs of the East Rand region of Johannesburg.
Very limited scientific research has been done in South Africa on the management of mine closure. The most recent performed research was completed at Coal mines and only one was at an underground gold mine. The history of the case studies at a surface gold mine revealed similar problems, as confirmed in previous research, during the interviews with mine management and the review of operational documents.
There is a whole array of causes giving rise to the struggle to obtain closure by a mine, that will be subsequently discussed. Major causes are the lack of estimation of closure costs and the lack of a proper Project Life Cycle (PLC) process for closure by mine management. Previous investigations indicated a general shortfall in estimated closure costs, mining operations that are not planned with closure in mind, closure objectives that are not set at all management levels, final land use after mine closure that is not defined properly, residual and latent impacts that are not dealt with, the post-closure period when the final impact will occur that is not defined and a proper risk assessment based on detailed information that is not properly done and communicated. Another cause is that the integrated process of making closure part of the Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) process is not followed. The result of not following the correct process is that mines do not obtain closure. Another reason why mines do not obtain closure is because of an underdeveloped mine infrastructure, e.g. tailings facilities, waste rock dumps, shafts and plants that are not constructed in an environmentally friendly way during the operational phases to facilitate closure. Therefore, these structures need to be changed in terms of their topography and growth medium to ensure an improvement in environmental parameters. This will assist in obtaining sustainability and final closure. Significantly more trust fund money than initially estimated during operations needs to be spent to ensure the above change.
Specific issues defined from the case studies were the adaptation of the administration of the closure process, the management of risks, especially the differences in opinions, the management of the mine life cycle for closure and involvement of the land owners and Interested and Affected Parties (l&APs).
This research was necessary because companies are uncertain and lack the competency to estimate and to correctly spend trust fund money in order to be sure of obtaining closure. This situation threatens the long-term survival of mining-companies by holding assets and profits back until closure is attained. The state departments also have to address the risks and have to rehabilitate the polluted mine sites if companies do not obtain closure.
A proper PLC to facilitate closure was compiled from the above-mentioned data. An important fact to bear in mind is that the activities within the life cycle depend on one another. Therefore, when one activity is disregarded or not properly performed, it will influence the outcome of the remaining activities.
The methodology of the research was as follows: Categories to evaluate the closure process of the selected case studies were determined from the project life cycle and the management principles of the literature review. Thereafter a questionnaire was developed from these categories. The questionnaire was subsequently used to guide interviews. After the interviews these categories and findings from the questionnaire were combined and summarised into key findings.
The key findings of the research were:
• The driving force behind obtaining closure must shift from the State Departments to the mining companies. They must realise there is an opportunity during the closure process to make money and to minimise their long-term liability. The mining company must thus drive the closure process to obtain environmental sustainability.
• The gold mines do have problems in terms of cost estimation and trust fund expenditure at their TSF footprints during the closure process. The reasons were a mismanagement of the closure process and making use of a limited information system to make decisions.
• A proper closure process does exist, but it can be improved to ensure all interested and affected parties have the same expectations from closure.
• There are many activities in the closure process flow diagram which were not properly attended to according to the case studies.
• A conceptual closure plan and a draft rehabilitation plan with broad objectives, policies and strategies with detailed descriptions were not compiled during the operational phase, because limited scientific monitoring information was gathered to do a proper risk assessment and some l&APs consultation was done mainly with the material and land owners on a one on one basis.
From these key findings the following recommendations could be formulated:
• Any mining operation should conduct a closure audit at least every second year and before mining activities change.
• A searchable record keeping system must be established to keep track of the closure life cycle development.
• Detailed conceptual and final closure plans need to capture the data from the audits and record keeping system.
• A communication forum with company management and environmental specialists needs to be established. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivetPierre, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Pets like dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy. Pet food producers have an important role to play in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development efforts, especially in their choice of sustainable protein resources as by-products from sustainable fisheries and livestock production. The purpose of this study was to investigate how pet food industry for dogs and cats generally working on sustainable development and CSR from primarily an ecological perspective in terms of ingredients, communication and production process. Ecological sustainability within pet food industry is more or less unexplored, and this study aims to create a broader understanding and interest for further studies in this field. This study was conducted using the multi method research including qualitative and quantitative methods on a global and national scale. The result is not possible to generalize, but some conclusions can be drawn. In relation to resources, by-products from food industry are a commonly used pet food content. But several companies are also marketing pet food containing “real meat, fish, poultry” with no or less byproducts. This seems to be a consumer driven trend. Indications that resources in pet food partly competes with human food system, give further considerations how to feed a growing human and pet population within planetary boundaries. All national and multinational cooperation’s in this study work more or less with CSR and sustainability from an ecological perspective. Generally there is visibly a weak relationship between companies’ sustainability activities and animal protein which should be a prerequisite in a production that is largely made of this resource, in relation to acute environmental degradation like climate change and depletion of fish stocks. Another conclusion is that corporate communication of environmental CSR and sustainability efforts on different pet food brand websites are almost non-existent. Finally, working with this study gave rise to many further questions and study subjects in relation to ecological sustainability within Pet food industry, not at least it´s relation to food industry and how this may effect global human meat consumption. / Sällskapsdjur i form av hund och katt har stor betydelse för människan och forskning påvisar en mängd positiva ekonomiska och sociala effekter som dessa ger oss. Förekomsten av sällskapsdjur visar en tydlig korrelation med ekonomisk utveckling och hundägandet har exempelvis fördubblats i Indien under en femårs period. Foderindustrin för hund och katt är samtidigt den snabbast växande sektorn inom livsmedelsindustrin. Hund och katt har som regel ett högt intag av animaliskt protein vilket beroende på resursval kan ge ett påtagligt ekologiskt fotavtryck. Själva foderproduktionen samt transporter ger också upphov till miljöpåverkan i form av t.ex. ökade utsläpp av växthusgaser, ökad vatten- och energianvändning samt avfall. Foderproducenterna har en viktig roll att fylla vad gäller sitt företagsansvar (CSR) samt arbete med hållbar utveckling ur ett ekologiskt perspektiv. Exempel på detta kan vara val av proteinresurser som biprodukter ifrån hållbart fiske och animalieproduktion. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur foderindustrin för hund och katt generellt arbetar med hållbar utveckling samt CSR ur framförallt ett ekologiskt perspektiv vad gäller produktionsförfarande, kommunikation samt om foderingredienser kompletterar eller konkurrerar med livsmedelsingredienser. Området är relativt outforskat och studien syftar till att skapa en bredare förståelse samt intresse för djupare studier inom området. Undersökningen har utförts med hjälp av flermetodsforskning i form av kvalitativ samt kvantitativ metod på global och nationell nivå. Resultatet går inte att generalisera på foderindustrin globalt även om vissa slutsatser kan dras. I relation till resurser är förekomsten av biprodukter ifrån livsmedelsindustrin vanligt foderinnehåll men flera företag marknadsför också foder som innehåller ”riktigt kött, fisk, fågel” med frånvaro av eller lägre innehåll av biprodukter. Detta verkar vara en konsumentdriven trend. Både nationella samt multinationella företag i studien arbetar mer eller mindre med CSR och hållbarhet ur ett ekologiskt perspektiv. Generellt är det dock en svag koppling mellan miljöarbetet och animaliskt protein, vilket borde vara en förutsättning i en produktion som till stor del består av denna resurs i relation till akuta miljöproblem som klimatförändringen samt utfiskning. Ytterligare en slutsats är att företagens kommunikation av miljömässigt CSR- och hållbarhetsarbete på sina varumärkens hemsidor är närmast obefintlig. Slutligen väckte arbetetet med uppsatsen ett antal djupare frågeställningar samt ideér till fortsatta studier i relation till ekologisk hållbarhet inom foderindustrin. Inte minst avseende foderindustrins relation till livsmedelsindustrin och hur detta samband eventuellt kan påverka global köttkonsumtion. Foder för hund och katt konkurrerar dessutom till viss del med livsmedel vilket skapar utmaningen att föda både en ökande befolkning samt population av sällskapsdjur som skall livnära sig inom planetens gränser i framtiden.
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Evaluation environnementale de territoires à travers l'analyse de filières : la comptabilité biophysique pour l'aide à la décision délibérative / Environmental assessment of territories through supply chain analysis : biophysical accounting for deliberative decision-aidingCourtonne, Jean-Yves 28 June 2016 (has links)
Les conséquences de nos modes de production et de consommation sur l’environnement mondial sont reconnues et analysées depuis plusieurs décennies : changement climatique, effondrement de la biodiversité, tensions sur de nombreuses ressources stratégiques etc.Notre travail s’inscrit dans un courant de pensée visant à développer d’autres indicateurs de richesse. Dans une perspective de durabilité forte, nous nous concentrons sur une comptabilité biophysique (non monétaire), apte à pointer les externalités environnementales. Si une part importante des recherches dans ce domaine a été dédiée aux échelons nationaux, nous nous intéressons ici aux échelles locales, et en particulier aux régions françaises. Après avoir étudié les caractéristiques d’outils existants mobilisés dans les domaines de l’économie écologique et de l’écologie industrielle, comme l’Empreinte Ecologique, l’Analyse de Flux de Matières (AFM), l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie ou l’Analyse Entrée-Sortie, nous nous focalisons sur les filières de production que nous analysons à partir des quantités de matières qu’elles mobilisent au cours des étapes de production, transformation, transport et consommation. La méthode développée, AFM Filière, permet de produire des schémas de flux cohérents au niveau national, dans chaque région, et quand les données le permettent, à des niveaux infra-régionaux. Ceux-ci sont basés sur un processus systématique de réconciliation des données disponibles. Nous évaluons la précision de ces données d’entrée, ce qui permet de fournir des intervalles de confiance sur les résultats, pouvant à leur tour pointer vers des manques de connaissance. En particulier, nous fournissons une évaluation détaillée de la précision de l’enquête permanente sur le transport routier de marchandises (TRM), une pièce maîtresse de l’AFM Filière. Nous montrons au passage que réaliser le bilan matières sur une période de plusieurs années permet non seulement de s’affranchir du problème des stocks, mais aussi de réduire significativement l’incertitude sur les échanges entre régions. Nous adaptons par la suite la méthode des chaînes de Markov absorbantes pour tracer les flux jusqu’à leur destination finale et allouer les pressions sur l’environnement produites tout au long de la filière. Les flux de matières peuvent également être couplés à des modèles économiques afin de prévoir leur évolution en réponse à certaines politiques. En collaboration avec le Laboratoire d’Economie Forestière (LEF), nous fournissons ainsi la première tentative de représentation des flux sur la filière forêt-bois française, et analysons l’impact de différentes politiques de réduction des exports de bois brut sur l’économie et sur les flux physiques. Enfin, nous montrons comment il serait possible d’articuler ces analyses de filières avec les méthodes d’analyse qualitative déployées dans le domaine de l’écologie territoriale, et en particulier, l’analyse des jeux d’acteurs dans la filière. Nous situons notre travail dans le cadre normatif de la démocratie délibérative. A ce titre, nous réfléchissons aux apports de la comptabilité biophysique aux processus de décisions publiques incluant diverses parties prenantes. Nous dressons un panorama des modes de décision, des étapes clé d’un processus d’aide à la décision, des méthodes multicritères mais également des différentes formes que peut prendre la participation des citoyens. Nous proposons finalement une méthode d’aide à la délibération fondée sur l’élicitation de la satisfaction et du regret éprouvé par chaque partie prenante face à un futur donné. Celle-ci vise à organiser la discussion sur le mode du consensus apparent, qui facilite par nature le respect des minorités. Enfin, en partant des principales critiques adressées à la quantification, nous proposons en conclusion une réflexion sur les conditions qui permettraient de mettre la comptabilité écologique au service de l’émancipation démocratique. / The consequences of our modes of production and consumptions on the global environment have been recognized and analyzed for many decades: climate change, biodiversity collapse, tensions on numerous strategic resources etc. Our work follows a line of thought aiming at developing other indicators of wealth, alternative to the Growth Domestic Product. In particular, in a perspective of strong sustainability, we focus on biophysical (non-monetary) accounting, with the objective of pinpointing environmental externalities. A large part of existing research in this domain being targeted towards national levels, we rather focus on subnational scales, with on strong emphasis on French regions. With decentralization policies, these territories are indeed given increasing jurisdiction and also benefit from greater margins of action than national or international levels to implement a transition to sustainability. After studying the characteristic of existing tools used in the fields of ecological economics and industrial ecology, such as the Ecological Footprint, Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Life Cycle Assessment or Input-Output Analysis, we focus on supply chains that we analyze through the quantities of materials they mobilize during the production, transformation, transport and consumption steps. The method developed, the Supply-Chain MFA, provides coherent flow diagrams at the national scale, but also in every region and, when data allow it, at infra-regional levels. These diagrams are based on a systematic reconciliation process of available data. We assess the precision of input data, which allows to provide confidence interval on results, and in turn, to put the light on lacks of knowledge. In particular, we provide a detailed uncertainty assessment of the French domestic road freight survey (TRM), a crucial piece of the Supply-Chain MFA. By doing so, we show that undertaking the study on a period of several years not only solves the issue of stocks but also significantly reduces uncertainties on trade flows between regions. We then adapt the Absorbing Markov Chains framework to trace flows to their final destination and to allocate environmental pressures occurring all along the supply chain. For instance, in the case of cereals, we study energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, the blue water footprint, land use and the use of pesticides. Material flows can also be coupled with economic modeling in order to forecast how they will likely respond to certain policies. In collaboration with the laboratory of forest economics (LEF), we thusly provide the first attempt of representing the whole French forest-wood supply-chain, and we analyze the impact of a set of policies on both the economy and physical flows. Finally, we show the opportunities of linking these supply-chain results with qualitative methods unfold in the domain of territorial ecology, stakeholder analysis in particular. We situate our work in the normative framework of deliberative democracy and are therefore interested in the contributions of biophysical accounting to public decision processes that include diverse stakeholders. We propose an overview of decision modes, key steps of decision-aiding, multicriteria methods, but also of the various forms taken by citizen participation. We eventually design a deliberation-aiding method, based on elicitation of each stakeholder’s satisfaction and regret regarding a given future. It aims at organizing the discussion on an apparent consensus mode, which by nature facilitates the respect of minorities. Finally, based on the main criticisms addressed to quantification, we propose in conclusion thoughts on the conditions that could put biophysical accounting at the service of democratic emancipation.
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Le toit comme outil de régulation environnementale : le cas montréalaisAzouz, Zoubeir 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação da consciência ambiental de alunos da rede pública estadual : um indicador da qualidade da educação ambiental em São Leopoldo/RS / Assessment of environmental awareness of students from state public schools an indicator of environmental education quality in São Leopoldo/RSSchwambach, Ailim January 2010 (has links)
O crescimento da população e o aumento do consumo de recursos naturais acentuam a poluição da água, do ar e do solo, o que é evidenciado pelo crescente desaparecimento de espécies década após década, apenas um dos muitos efeitos nefastos do descuido com o planeta que habitamos. Acreditamos que a educação possa ter significativa contribuição no processo de percepção deste desequilíbrio na relação entre homem e natureza auxiliando para a busca de uma melhora do cenário atual. Para que a educação possa cumprir este papel é fundamental que se tenham indicadores do nível de conhecimento ambiental dos alunos. Isso nos permite aferir a situação atual e a partir disso definir metas e construir estratégias para o trabalho com Educação Ambiental, buscando a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade de todas as gerações para o futuro. Um dos principais objetivos desta pesquisa é caracterizar e enfatizar a importância de compreender como os alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio e oitava série do ensino fundamental de escolas estaduais percebem e conhecem o meio ambiente do município e a atuação das estruturas públicas e de ONGs (Organizações não governamentais) presentes em São Leopoldo/RS. Além disto, buscamos verificar a inserção de novas tecnologias neste cenário, como o uso do Orkut e de suas comunidades relacionadas ao meio ambiente. Um total de 218 alunos participaram desta pesquisa, respondendo a um questionário sobre sua percepção a respeito do meio ambiente da cidade; as respostas foram analisadas estatisticamente com o auxílio do software SPSS e Excel. Esta análise revelou que mais da metade da amostra possui cadastro no Orkut, mas não participa de comunidades virtuais sobre o meio ambiente. Quanto à Pegada Ecológica a maior pontuação foi de alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio que obtiveram um valor entre 8 e 10 hectares. Um pouco menor foi o resultado apresentado pelos estudantes de oitava série, entre 6 e 8 hectares. Através desta pesquisa também foi possível identificar e quantificar um grande desconhecimento por parte dos alunos no que se refere aos órgãos públicos e suas ações. Em ambos os níveis de ensino, a maioria desconhece a localização da Secretaria de Meio Ambiente da cidade, nunca pensaram em denunciar algo que tenham visto contra a natureza, bem como desconhecem a existência de projetos sobre meio ambiente no município. A legislação ambiental também é desconhecida pela quase totalidade dos estudantes. É essencial que estes resultados sirvam de estímulo para uma reflexão de todos os sujeitos que estão ligados à discussão da temática ambiental, principalmente aqueles que estruturam políticas públicas voltadas à Educação Ambiental. A legislação que visa preservar nosso patrimônio ambiental existe, cabe à sociedade promover uma maior cobrança para que essas leis sejam aperfeiçoadas e efetivamente aplicadas, e cabe às instituições escolares debaterem estes assuntos em suas comunidades, formando cidadãos ativos na busca de soluções para estes problemas. Desta forma, é possível trabalhar a construção de uma consciência ambiental visando um futuro melhor. / Population growth and increased consumption of natural resources intensify water, air and soil pollution, which is evidenced by the increasing loss of species over the decades, only one of many harmful effects of neglecting the planet we live on. We believe education can have significant contribution in the perception of this imbalance in the relationship between man and nature, helping to improve the current scenario. For education to fulfill this role it is essential to have indicators of the level of student’s environmental knowledge. This allow measuring the current situation and from that set goals and build strategies for working with Environmental Education, aiming sustainability and responsibility of every generation for the future. One of the main objectives of this research is to characterize and emphasize the importance of understanding how students in the third year of high school and eighth grade in the elementary school at public schools perceive and know the environment of the city and the actions of public structures and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in São Leopoldo city. Furthermore, we investigate how new technologies take part in this scenario, as the use of Orkut and its communities related to the environment. A group of 218 students took part in this research, answering a questionnaire about their perception about the city's environment; the answers were statistically analyzed with the aid of SPSS and Excel softwares. This analysis revealed that more than half of the sample has an Orkut account, but does not take part of communities about the environment. Regarding Ecological Footprint, the highest score was obtained by students in third year of high school, between 8 and 10 hectares. Slightly lower was the result of the eighthgrade students, between 6 and 8 hectares. It was also identified and quantified through this research students display a great ignorance of public structures and its actions. At both levels of education, most are unaware of the location of the city’s Department of Environmental Protection, never thought to report something wrong they witnessed against nature and do not know any environmental projects being held on the city. Environmental Law is also unknown by almost all students. It is essential that these results stimulate the study of all environmental involved parties that are linked to discussion of environmental issues, especially those responsible to make public policies for the Environmental Education. The Environmental Law already exits, it is up to society demand these laws are improved and enforced, and it is up to schools to discuss these issues in their communities, developing citizens who are active in the pursuit of solutions to these problems. Thus, it is possible to build an environmental awareness aiming a better future.
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A case study to assess the benefits of implementing energy efficiency projects as perceived by three automotive component manufacturers in the Nelson Mandela Bay MunicipalityKodisang, Vincentia Thembi Mfungwase Shadi 09 1900 (has links)
Increasing energy efficiency is critical towards mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel combustion, reducing oil dependence, and achieving a sustainable global energy system (Greene, 2011:608). Most South African legislation and research scholars support the above statement; however, with a lack of tangible evidence, the statement is yet to be proved physically true in the South African manufacturing industry.
A case study was conducted within three automotive component manufacturers located in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, with the objective of identifying energy efficiency projects; investigate the perception of company employees on energy efficiency and assessing whether there are benefits for the companies when implementing such projects. For the research methodology, the mixed mode method was used. Quantitative data was collected using energy assessments and a questionnaire was used for the collection of qualitative data. The quantitative and qualitative findings clearly demonstrate that company managers and operational staff need to have a clear understanding of the concept of 'energy efficiency'. Efficiency projects implemented include automated compressors, changing hot-water geyser settings, installation of power factor correction, and tariff structure changes.
The quantitative recommendations were centered on switching off equipment when not required. As an alternative, the use of sensors, timers and other automated control devices should be investigated and implemented where feasible. Qualitatively recommendations advise that companies with employees who do not understand energy efficiency, training and awareness programmes need to be applied. Employees would then be able to put their energy saving knowledge into action. This study demonstrated that there is a need for further research to be undertaken, to improve efficiency for energy within the automotive manufacturing industry. / Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Science / M. Sc. (Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Science)
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