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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stressorer och copingstrategier hos projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt / Stressors and Coping Strategies among Project Managers in Internal Change Projects

Bengtsson Lantz, Anna, Strand, Rebecca, Svensson Birath, Zara January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka stressorer som förekommer hos projektledare i interna förändringsprojekt. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att beskriva vilka former av känslo- och problemfokuserad coping som projektledare använder i interna förändringsprojekt inom vinstdrivande organisationer. Utifrån den teoretiska bakgrunden om att förändringsprojekt är komplexa, kräver prioriteringar av resurser och dessutom ofta möter motstånd, identifierades fem olika problemområden inom interna förändringsprojekt. En kvalitativ metod användes för att besvara uppsatsens syfte, där semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter ägde rum på olika vinstdrivande organisationer i Värmland. En egen analysmodell låg till grund för analysen som genomfördes genom en kombination av begrepps- och datastyrd tematisk analys som skedde med hjälp av kodning. Studiens resultat påvisar tolv stressorer relaterade till identifierade problemområden. En föränderlig och otydlig väg mot målet, tidspress och hög arbetsbelastning, att behöva möta motstånd mot förändringar och kommunikationsbrist är exempel på stressorer inom de olika problemområdena. Problemfokuserade copingstrategier relaterade till interna förändringsprojekt är planera och prioritera, sätta gränser och kommunicera. Känslofokuserade copingstrategier är undvikande, aktiv återhämtning och socialt stöd. Resultatet visar också att stressorerna påverkar varandra och därmed påverkar projektledaren på ett annat sätt än en enskild stressor i sig. Copingstrategierna kan sammankopplas med specifika stressorer. Exempelvis kan stressorn tidspress och hög arbetsbelastning kopplas till den problemfokuserade copingstrategin planera och prioritera. / The purpose of this essay is to scrutinize stressors and describe problem and emotional focused coping strategies among project managers in internal change projects within for-profit organisations. Seen from the theoretical background in which projects of change are complex, demand priority of resources and above that often encounter resistance, five different areas of problems were identified within internal change projects. A qualitative method was used in which semi-structured interviews with six respondents were held at different for-profit organisations, which used a thematic analysis through coding. The result of the study shows twelve stressors related to the identified areas of problems. Examples of stressors within the different areas of problems include managing resistance to change and a lack of communication. Problem focused coping strategies related to internal change projects are plan and prioritize, create limits and communicate. Emotional focused coping strategies are avoiding, active recovery and social support. The study also shows that the stressors influence each other and in combination can influence the project in a different way. Moreover the coping strategies can be linked together with specific stressors. For example, the stressor time pressure and a heavy work-load can be linked to the problem focused coping strategy plan and prioritize.

Banking reform, and the importance of ownership : how the way banks are owned affects their behaviour

Wilkinson, Michael January 2018 (has links)
Despite claims made by the UK Government in 2015 that the process of banking reform had come to an end, the debate about how to reform banks very much continues. There is now an increasing willingness to question both whether banks should be owned by, and run for, their shareholders, and whether the role they play in creating and allocating credit can safely be left to be determined solely by private interests. Where banking reform goes from here is not entirely certain. It could even be said to have reached something of a fork in the road. The obvious way open to us is to continue down the path forged by the neoliberal agenda, trusting market forces to determine credit-creation and allocation, and continuing to champion the banking sector as a sort of national treasure to be preserved in its own right. An alternative course could be to more radically control what banks do, to have more of a say about what activities they should finance more or less generously and to treat the sector not as an end in itself, but more as a means, an essential engine for economic growth which needs to be more carefully controlled and driven. Whichever way we go from here, the question of 'ownership' and whether it needs to be reformed remains relevant. Indeed, it is doubtful whether banks can really be trusted to behave themselves and to serve our interests if the requirement to maximise shareholder returns provides conflicting incentives for them to be reckless, self-serving and exploitative. Ultimately, how important the issue of ownership is depends upon how far the way banks are owned drives them to misbehave. This thesis seeks to explore that relationship and its relevance to banking reform. It does so by looking at how pressures arising from the way banks are owned encourage bad strategic decisions and bad behaviours in a number of UK banks. It conducts case studies of two stakeholder-owned banks and two shareholder-owned banks, and analyses a body of evidence which tends very strongly to suggest that the way banks are owned is indeed liable to contribute towards the adoption of unsafe strategies, and bad behaviours. The thesis proceeds to argue that we still need to tackle this 'ownership' problem which continues to drive much of the dysfunctionality in banking. Fixing 'ownership' will not necessarily ensure that credit is created in sensible quantities and allocated in sensible ways where needed in the economy, and it will not be the only reform needed to discourage bad behaviour. It is however a necessary reform, and one which still needs to be made. The entire notion that banks are owned by and should be run for their shareholders needs radically to be reigned in, and we need to be far more experimental and creative in exploring ways of making banks act more like stewards or trustees administering other people's assets - and in safe and productive ways which are in fitting with the interests of the state, its citizens and tax-payers. This thesis explores ways of doing that by making banks more 'ownerless', including creating any National Investment Bank, such as that recently proposed by the Labour Party, as a truly 'ownerless' institution.

Srovnání volnočasových aktivit nabízených ze strany nestátních neziskových organizací v Českých Budějovicích z hlediska podpory integrace romských dětí na základních školách / Comparison of free-time activities offered by non-governmental non-for-profit organizations in České Budějovice from the viewpoint of support of Roma children integration at basic schools

ZIMANDLOVÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with comparison of use of free-time activities offered by non-governmental non-for-profit organizations (NNO) in České Budějovice with activities offered by basic schools (ZŠ), as one of possibilities to support integration of Roma children in the educational process. The theoretical part presents the issue of integration in general and also in respect to the target group of Roma people and Roma children attending regular basic schools. The thesis also briefly summarizes the problems of the Roma minority and their impacts on life in the society. The last chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to NNOs in České Budějovice in respect to Roma children and their integration at school and also the content free-time activities organized by those organizations and their impacts on integration of Roma children at basic schools. The practical part of the thesis used a research investigation with qualitative strategy, performed by means semi-structured interviews. The objective of the thesis was to determine the level of utilization of free-time activities offered to the target group of Roma children by NNOs as one of the opportunities to support their integration, while the activities are intermediated not only by the basic schools but also by NNOs that focus on the mentioned target group.

Moţnosti a vyuţití neziskových organizací při řešení mimořádných událostí / Potentionalities and advantages of nonprofit organisations while finding solutions for emergency events

BÍLEK, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
We meet different kinds of exposures with extraordinary crisis situations in today world. It is both from nature (earthquake, overflooding) and from people themselves ( escape of dangerous chemical substance, fire and so on). Even if we try to prevent these situations, we cannot exclude they will never happen again. In these situations there should be some state apparatus which represents the crisis management, Integrated rescue system- Rescue service, Fire department, and Police of the Czech Republic. Also the public service and another physical subjects concerned with this problems. It is up to all of us not to be reckless and to try to help. Because all of us can help not only as a person but also in some organization which we can use in these situations. There are many different public organization in the Czech Republic which are prepared to help people in crisis situations. But there is a big difference between them, mostly because of their externalization. What is common for all of them is that they are all for helping people. Some of them help people in crisis situations, some help the alcoholics, drug addicts, seniors, children. Each of us think about something different when we say crisis. The person is very various kind, who is adaptable even in very difficult situations. The question is, when he can manage all the problems alone and when all his energy is gone and he looks for help from another subjects, also from the organization. The extraordinary situations have happened in South Bohemia for ages. The effectual and quality help should be all-round and therefore it is necessary the help should be offered in cooperation of all local recources.

Waste Management With a Green Supply Chain : A case study regarding how for-profit organisations should utilise waste management

Björklund, Ted, Fors, Wictor January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate what a sustainable approach is to waste management and how to take actions in for-profit organisations when considering environmental and cost perspectives. This together with applying green supply chain management (GrSCM) to investigate these actions from multiple perspectives of a sustainable approach. A qualitative study has been performed, a study which has been using an abductive approach. This abductive approach helps to keep the study unbiased and open for an iterative process to achieve new theories. A case study has been done at Saab AB in Arboga, and a reference case study has been done at Saab AB in Malmslätt. The case studies have been built around semi-structured interviews together with observations and document gathering. The data from the case studies are then compared and analysed along with three described analytical tools to reach a discussion and several conclusions. This study have shown that waste management is important to address and utilise in several areas within a for-profit organisation. The main areas where it is important are regarding the operation, the employees, the actors, and the environment. It is found that issues like awareness and knowledge of the employees could be a key to find sustainable solutions with other actors to develop the waste management situation together with the green supply chain management. By addressing issues interconnected between environment and the operations on site, it is possible to conclude that every possible revision and change of the operations or the supply chain will mean a more significant initial cost. Costs that later on can be transformed into winnings for the organisation, either regarding money or terms of information, reputation, and attractiveness. / Syftet med den här studien är att hitta ett hållbart tillvägagångssätt gällande avfallshantering och hur vinstdrivande organisationer skall agera i frågor kopplade till miljömässiga och kostnadsmässiga perspektiv. Det tillsammans med att applicera en grön logistikkedja för att undersöka detta tillvägagångssätt utifrån flera perspektiv av ett hållbart synsätt. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts, en studie vars tillvägagångssätt har varit abduktivt. En abduktiv studie hjälper till att hålla studien opartisk och samtidigt öppen för en iterationsprocess för att hitta nya teorier. En fältstudie har gjorts på Saab AB i Arboga och en referensstudie är genomförd på Saab AB i Malmslätt. Fältstudierna har blivit byggda kring semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med observationer och dokumentinsamling. All data från fältstudierna har blivit jämförda och analyserade med hjälp av de tre analytiska verktyg som beskrivits för att nå en diskussion och flera slutsatser. Denna studie har visat att avfallshantering är viktigt att använda inom flera områden i en vinstdrivande organisation. Huvudområdena som har tagits upp som viktiga är operationer, anställda, aktörer och miljön. Problem kopplade till medvetenhet och kunskap hos de anställda kan vara en nyckel gällande att hitta hållbara lösningar tillsammans med andra aktörer för att kunna utveckla en avfallshanteringssituation tillsammans med en grön logistikkedja. Genom att ta itu med problem ihopkopplade mellan olika miljöer och operationerna på plats gör det möjligt att dra slutsatsen att varje förändring som sker innebär en högre initial kostnad men som senare kan komma att bli omvandlad till en vinst för organisationen, antingen i form av pengar eller i form av information, rykte eller attraktivitet.

A compatibilidade entre a lógica econômica e o ensino superior, após a Constituição Federal de 1988: o caso da Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. / The compatibility between economic logic and higher education, after the federal constitution of 1988: the case of Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A.

Denise Martins Moretti 01 April 2013 (has links)
A presente Dissertação consiste numa análise teórica e empírica do oferecimento do ensino superior por instituições privadas com fins lucrativos no Brasil, especialmente pelas instituições que fazem parte do grupo Anhanguera, controlado pela Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. (Anhanguera ou Companhia), com o objetivo de verificar se o agente privado é capaz de oferecer a educação conforme as normas constitucionais brasileiras e em que medida a lógica econômica é compatível ou não com este direito humano. A análise teórica envolveu o estudo (i) da educação como direito humano, bem público e serviço público, examinando (a) o direito à educação na doutrina dos direitos humanos, (b) a disciplina constitucional do direito à educação no Brasil e (c) as especificidades da educação superior; (ii) da evolução histórica e jurídica da educação superior no Brasil a partir da Constituição de 1988, examinando a evolução da legislação e das políticas públicas nesse período e o impacto dessas medidas para o crescimento do setor privado no ensino superior brasileiro, e abordando o processo de profissionalização e internacionalização do setor na última década, que teve como marco a abertura de capital da Anhanguera em 2007; e (iii) da educação como um serviço prestado mediante o desempenho de uma atividade empresária, examinando as características da atividade empresária, a lógica empresarial e as dificuldades do agente privado em lidar com atividades produtoras de externalidades sociais. A análise empírica envolveu o estudo do caso da Anhanguera, companhia aberta listada no Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA, controladora de um grupo educacional que atua principalmente no ensino superior. A Anhanguera foi a primeira empresa educacional brasileira a abrir seu capital na BM&FBOVESPA e, em 31/12/2011, representava o segundo maior grupo educacional do mundo e o maior do Brasil em termos de valor de mercado e em número de alunos. A análise do caso da Anhanguera foi feita a partir do levantamento, triagem e análise da documentação sobre a Companhia disponível para acesso público em sites de órgãos oficiais, e teve por objetivo encontrar respostas para uma série de questões relacionadas direta ou indiretamente aos temas constantes nos itens (i) a (iii) acima e ao objetivo da Dissertação de analisar a compatibilidade entre a lógica econômica e o ensino superior a partir do estudo desse caso concreto. A conclusão da pesquisa foi que a educação quando sujeita à lógica econômica transforma-se numa mercadoria, que será oferecida dentro de uma estrutura empresarial, visando redução de custos e maximização dos lucros para distribuição aos acionistas. No caso da Anhanguera, que se volta para o atendimento das classes média e baixa da população, é oferecido um ensino superior de massa para formação técnica, de baixa qualidade, com valores reduzidos de mensalidade. Nesse contexto, a Anhanguera oferece uma educação limitada, que não atende ao conteúdo normativo do direito à educação. / This Dissertation consists of a theoretical and empirical analysis of the offering of higher education by private for-profit institutions in Brazil, especially by institutions that are part of the Anhanguera Group, controlled by Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. (Anhanguera or Company), with the purpose of verifying if the private agent is able to offer education in accordance with the Brazilian constitutional rules and to what extent the economic logic is compatible or not with this human right. The theoretical analysis involved the study of (i) education as human right, public good and public service, examining (a) the right to education in human rights doctrine, (b) the constitutional rules concerning the right to education in Brazil and (c) the specificities of higher education, (ii) the historical and legal evolution of higher education in Brazil as from the 1988 Constitution, examining the evolution of legislation and public policies in this period and the impact of these measures for the growth of the private sector in Brazilian higher education, and approaching the process of professionalization and internationalization of the sector in the last decade, which had as landmark the going public of Anhanguera in 2007, and (iii) education as a service rendered through the performance of a corporate activity, examining the characteristics of the corporate activity, the business logic and the difficulties of the private agent in dealing with activities that produce social externalities. The empirical analysis involved the study of Anhangueras case, a publicly-held company listed on the Novo Mercado of BM&FBOVESPA, holding of an educational group that operates mainly in higher education. Anhanguera was the first Brazilian educational company to go public in BM&FBOVESPA and, on 12/31/2011, represented the second largest educational group in the world and largest in Brazil in terms of market value and number of students. The analysis of Anhangueras case was carried out through survey, selection and analysis of documents regarding the Company that were available for public access on websites of official bodies, and had the purpose of finding answers to a number of questions directly or indirectly related to the topics listed in items (i) to (iii) above and to the purpose of the Dissertation of analyzing the compatibility between economic logic and higher education from the study of this particular case. The researchs conclusion was that education, when subjected to economic logic, becomes a commodity that will be offered within a corporate structure, aiming to reduce costs and maximize profits for distribution to shareholders. In the case of Anhanguera, which turns itself to serve the middle and lower classes of the population, the result is a low quality higher education mass service oriented for technical education and rendered against the payment of reduced tuition fees. In this context, Anhanguera offers a limited education, which does not meet the normative content of the right to education.

A Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD) Approach for Executing Vision 2050

Carreño, Sara Flores, Harel, Tamar, Macario, Carmelina January 2011 (has links)
All levels of society, individuals, businesses and governments, must be involved in order to reverse the unsustainable path that society is currently on. Though much has been written about what needs to be done, there is much less literature on how to do it. This study attempts to start filling this gap. This paper is focused on the Vision 2050 report which acknowledges the role businesses have in moving society towards sustainability. The Vision 2050 report which was released by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development explores the current reality business is facing and the opportunities that are available for them to incorporate sustainability into the mainstream of their business. The study examines how businesses can begin to integrate sustainability into their company’s operations and services, using the report for inspiration and the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development as guidance. A suggested approach is presented in the form of an implementation guide, which can be used by business to help them navigate their organization, collaborate with others and to develop an action plan as they work to integrating sustainability into their operations

Firemní dobrovolnictví jako forma naplňování společenské odpovědnosti firem / Corporate Volunteering as a Form of Corporate Social Responsibility Fulfillment

Nováková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on corporate volunteering as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility fulfillment. The subject of its first chapter is introduction of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept. The second chapter is dedicated to volunteering - to its history, legislation and researches that have been realized within this field. In the third chapter, there are introduced forms of corporate volunteering. The next part is focused on motives leading to involvement in projects of corporate volunteering and on researches mapping involvement of the Czech society in corporate volunteering. In the next part of the thesis, there are presented and interpreted outcomes of an empiric research that was focused on benefits of corporate volunteering ascribed by corporate volunteers. Key words Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, volunteering, volunteer, corporate volunteering, corporate volunteer, for-profit sector, non-profit sector

RSE et Service Public : oppositions, juxtapositions et articulations : le cas France Télécom / Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Service : Oppositions, Juxtapositions and Articulations.

Ngaha, Angélique 08 July 2011 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, RSE et Service Public dont les logiques prétendent servir l'intérêt général imprègnent le management des grands services publics de réseaux historiques français privatisés ou en voie de l'être. La recherche présentée vise à comprendre comment ces logiques s'opposent, se juxtaposent, et s'articulent concrètement dans un tel contexte managérial dominé par la logique de Maximisation de la Valeur pour l'Actionnaire.Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons le concept de dispositif forgé par Foucault ainsi que la sociologie de l'acteur réseau. Nous nous centrons sur le cas de l'entreprise France Télécom (FT) et de son dispositif RSE en y apportant quelques éclairages comparatifs.Nos résultats indiquent que chez FT le dispositif RSE officiel se déploie en se détachant des logiques de Service Public et en privilégiant le Business Case. Il poursuit prioritairement des objectifs de communication et d'anticipation des risques. Mais de manière décentralisée et autonome, émergent progressivement des initiatives RSE innovantes qui reposent sur la R&D, le Marketing stratégique et les partenariats avec les principaux fournisseurs. Elles visent la protection de l'environnement, le Service Public par procuration (en fournissant aux services publics des prestations leur permettant de mieux assurer leurs missions), et le dépassement de la fracture numérique, en même temps que la profitabilité. Dans le domaine social cependant, la RSE s'incarne surtout à travers des politiques de diversité (en interne) et de contrôle de la chaine d'approvisionnement pour éviter des violations majeures des droits de l'homme, ne touchant guère le cœur de la relation d'emploi, à moins que les contre-pouvoirs ne s'en emparent, comme nous le montrons dans l'étude du cas de l'Accord Cadre International sur les droits sociaux fondamentaux au travail de FT. / Today, Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Service logics, claiming to serve the general interest, are spreading within the management of for-profit public service networks in France; networks that have been historically privatized or on the way to becoming. The aim of this research is to bring an understanding to how these logics are opposed, juxtaposed and articulated in a managerial context that is dominated by a logic of maximized shareholder value.In this perspective, we rely on the notion of “device”, as employed by Foucault, and the actor-network theory. We focus on the France Telecom company (FT) and its CSR “device(s)”. We also use comparative insights drawn from additional case studies.Our results indicate that the official CSR “device” for FT is disconnected from public service logics, placing more importance on short term logics. Its priority is risk anticipation and communication, demonstrating FTs preference for the CSR Business Case. Nevertheless, in a decentralized and autonomous way, innovative CSR initiatives progressively emerge from within R&D, strategic marketing functions and strategic partnerships with key suppliers. These initiatives target profitability with environmental protection concerns, public service by proxy (providing benefits to utility services to help them better perform their missions) and digital divide overtake. However, in the social area, the FT CSR policy is embodied primarily through internal policies of diversity as well as control of the supply chain which was put in place to avoid major human rights violations. These policies seem to hardly touch the heart of the employment relationship, unless counter-powers seize the opportunity to do so, as shown through the case study concerning the International Framework Agreement on the fundamental social rights at work in FT.

IdrottsAB vs ideell förening : En jämförande studie som undersöker organisationsformers resursberoende inom svensk elitfotboll

Löfgren, Daniel, Larsen, Herman January 2020 (has links)
Genom historien har den svenska idrottsrörelsen kännetecknats som en folkrörelse. På senare tid har fotbollsföreningar i Sverige övergått från att vara en del av den organiserade demokratiska folkrörelsen vars främsta syfte är att främja folkhälsan till att idag bedrivas som företag med syftet att tjäna pengar. För att kunna bedriva elitidrottsverksamhet har organisationerna blivit allt mer professionella och kommersiella i sättet att införskaffa och säkerställa ekonomiska resurser. Den här studien ämnar undersöka om organisationsformen hos svenska fotbollsklubbar ger upphov till olika resursberoenden och hur de säkerställer resurser. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av resursberoendeteorin för att bland annat fältidentifiera värdefulla resurser och institutionell teori för att skapa en bredare bild för hur det svenska fotbollsfältet utvecklats. Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförd med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att organisationerna liknar varandra både vad gäller resursberoende men även i säkerställande av resurser där legitimitet var av stor betydelse. Studiens slutsats konstaterar att organisationsformerna inte har någon påverkan på vare sig resursberoende eller säkerställande av resurser. Resultatet pekar istället på att det är fältet som påverkar organisationerna. / Throughout history, the Swedish sports movement has been characterized as a popular movement. Recently, Swedish football organizations have transitioned from being part of the organized democratic popular movement whose main purpose is to promote public health to today being run as a company with the aim of making money. In order to operate an elite sport organization, organizations have become increasingly professional and commercial in the way of acquiring and securing financial resources. The theoretical framework for this study consists of Resource Dependence Theory to identify, among other things, valuable resources and Institutional Theory to create a broader picture of how the Swedish football field has developed. The study is a qualitative case study conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews. The result shows that the organizations are similar to each other in terms of resource dependency as well in securing resources where legitimacy was of great importance. The study's conclusion states that the organizational forms have no effect on either resource dependency or the securing of resources. The result, instead, indicates that it is the field that affects the organizations.

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