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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UTRIKESFÖDDAS UPPLEVELSER AV ATT HANTERA HUSHÅLLSEKONOMIN : En kvalitativ studie av deltagarnas upplevelser av Grönkvistprogrammet

Escobar Despessailles, Nadia January 2017 (has links)
Idag finns det ett samband mellan ekonomi och hälsa, kopplat till utrikesfödda i Sverige. Det är ofta utrikesfödda som drabbas av ojämlikhet på arbetsmarknaden, som därefter påverkar ekonomin. Ett interventionsprogram (Grönkvistprogrammet) har utvecklats och implementerats i syfte att minska den ekonomiska stressen och främja hälsan på kort- och långsiktig väg av Landstinget Västmanland och Samhällsmedicinska enheten. Studien undersökte deltagarnas upplevelser av programmet. Teorierna KASAM samt Socialt stöd har kopplats samman med resultatet. Metoden i studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och tio deltagare har intervjuats i enskilda intervjuer. Resultatet påvisade att den ekonomiska betydelsen för deltagarna var av stor vikt och hade en viktig roll i det dagliga livet. Programmet hade även påverkat deltagarna genom, förändrade levnadsvanor, mer insikt om ekonomin och relaterade områden samt att de har mer självmakt efter programmet. Deltagarnas positiva upplevelser var att handledarna var kunniga och att materialet förekom på olika språk. Deltagarna hade även fått mer kunskap om Sverige generellt och deltagarna upplevde att spridning av den nya kunskapen var möjlig efter programmet. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna som framkom i resultatet var att programtiden kunde ha varit längre, fler moment i programmet som berör ekonomin, mer extern reklam för programmet samt fortsatt spridning av programmet till andra målgrupper. / Today there is a connection between the economy and health, linked to foreign-born personsin Sweden. There are foreign born who suffer from inequality in the labor market which subsequently affects the economy. An intervention program (Grönkvist program) has been developed and implemented in order to reduce the financial stress and promote health in the short and long-term way of Västmanland County Council and Community Medicine Unit. The study examined the participants' perceptions of the program. The theories SOC and Social support has been linked with the outcome. The method of study was a qualitative approach and ten participants were interviewed in individual interviews. The results demonstrate that the economic importance of the participants were of great importance and had an important role in daily life. The program also had affected the participants through,changing lifestyles, more insight about the economy and related areas and that they havemore empowerment after the program. The participant’s positive experiences was that the supervisors were knowledgeable and that material occurred in different languages. The participants also had gained more knowledge about Sweden and the participants generally felt that dissemination of the new knowledge was possible after the program. The development opportunities that emerged in the result was that the program time could have been longer, more program elements that affect the economy, more external advertising forthe program and the continued spread of the program to other target groups.

Foreign-Born American Patriots: Sixteen Volunteer Leaders in the Revolutionary War

Lyons, Reneé Critcher 01 January 2014 (has links)
"This book presents profiles of sixteen individuals born and raised in countries other than America who voluntarily joined the revolutionary cause. Each profile discusses personal experiences that influenced the volunteer leader's decision to fight for the fledgling country, the sacrifices endured for the benefit of the Revolutionary Cause, and the unique talents each contributed to the war effort." --OCLC WorldCat Contents: Global citizen "adopts" America: zealous Philip Mazzei -- Farmer of thoughts: Thomas Paine -- Haym Salomon: financial hero -- Frontier savior: patriot Francis Salvador -- "I serve the country for nothing": the indestructible John Barry, father of the American navy -- Dunkirk pirate: the exploits of Gustavus Conyngham -- Going in harm's way: the adventures of John Paul Jones -- The versatile, yet forgotten, George Farragut -- Charting his own course: the life of Pierce Butler -- Thaddeus Kościuszko: prince of tolerance -- The daring and dastardly Charles Armand -- Hungarian Hussar Michael Kovats -- Sacrifical warrior Baron Johann de Kalb -- Thunderbolt of war: Count Casimir Pulaski -- Washington's one-man army: Peter Francisco -- The revolutionary pedagogy of drillmaster Baron Friedrich Wiilhelm von Steuben. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1043/thumbnail.jpg

Segregation and employment in Swedish regions

Saijeva, Heda January 2011 (has links)
Immigration to Sweden has increased since Second World War. The immigra-tion pattern has also shifted from labor immigration to refugee immigration. The relative labor market performance of immigrants began to worsen at the end of 1970s. The employment rate among foreign born persons is considera-bly lower than it is among Swedish born persons.Integration of foreign born persons in the areas of education, income and em-ployment varies among FA-regions in Sweden. FA-region means functional analysis region, where you can live and work without having time-wasting trips.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between labor market participation of immigrants and segregation on the regional level.Three indices (Dissimilarity, Isolation and Gini) of segregation are used in or-der to investigate the relationship between segregation and employment level among immigrants. The results show that there exists a negative relationship between these variables. In FA-regions of metropolitan regions in spite of high segregation rate the relationship between segregation and employment rate is slightly weaker, than it is among FA-regions of large city regions. The main conclusion of this study is the regional perspective, the necessity of making this kind of analysis on regional level, not country level.

Maternal Mortality in Sweden : Classification, Country of Birth, and Quality of Care

Esscher, Annika January 2014 (has links)
After decades of decrease, maternal mortality rates have shown a slight increase in Europe. Immigrants, especially Africans, have shown to be at higher risk than native women. This could not be explained solely by well-known obstetric and socio-economic risk factors. The aim of this thesis was to study incidence, classification and quality of care of maternal deaths in Sweden, with focus on the foreign-born population. The study population was identified through linkage of the Cause of Death Register, Medical Birth Register, and National Patient Register, and medical records obtained from hospitals. Data from registers, death certificates, and medical records were reviewed. Suboptimal care was studied by structured implicit review of medical records. Differences between foreign- and Swedish-born women were analysed by relative risks, Chi2- and Fisher’s exact test. Underreporting of maternal mortality was shown to be substantial: as compared to the official statistics, 64% more maternal deaths were identified. Women born in low-income countries were identified as being at highest risk of dying during reproductive age in Sweden. The relative risk of dying from diseases related to pregnancy was 6.6 (95% confidence interval 2.6–16.5) for women born in low-income countries, as compared to Swedish-born women. Major and minor suboptimal factors related to care-seeking, accessibility, and quality of care were found to be associated with a majority of maternal deaths and significantly more often to foreign-born women. Suboptimal factors identified included non-compliance, communication barriers, and inadequate care. The rate of suicides during pregnancy or within one year after delivery did not change during the last three decades, and was higher for foreign-born women. A majority of women who committed suicide had been under psychiatric care, but such documentation at antenatal care was inconsistent, and planning for follow-up postpartum was generally lacking. The conclusion of this thesis is that foreign-born women are a high-risk group for maternal death and morbidity that calls for clinical awareness with respect to their somatic and psychiatric history, care-seeking behaviour, and communication barriers. Cross-disciplinary care is necessary, both in obstetric emergencies and in cases of maternal psychiatric illness, to avert maternal death and suicide.

Political Trust and Rationality : A study on the lower voter turnout among foreign born citizens in Sweden

Mira, Nico January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the effect political trust has on voter turnout among foreign born citizens in Sweden. Economic theory is used as theoretical framework for this study and describes two types of rationale; rationale of voting and rationale of migration, which must be taking into the account when trying to understand the effect of political trust among foreign born citizens. It is from this argued that the incentives to vote for foreign born citizens are very low but that political trust is high due to an improved standard of living. Based on previous research on the positive relationship of political trust and voter turnout as well as the rationale behind it, hypotheses are constructed to be tested in statistical analysis. The hypotheses are that probability to vote increases with political trust, foreign born citizens have higher political trust than native citizens, but that the effect of political trust on voter turnout among foreign born citizens is weaker than for native citizens. The empirical data used for the study are gathered from the 2016 round of the European Social Survey. The statistical analysis supports the hypotheses that probability to vote increases with political trust and that foreign born citizens do have a higher political trust than native citizens. This support in combination with the knowledge that foreign born citizens vote to a lesser degree creates a paradox that would be solved by the last hypothesis, that the effect is weaker among foreign born citizens. However, this hypothesis cannot be completely supported, but there are reasons to believe that with better data the outcome would be positive. The study still reaches the conclusion that political trust among foreign born people is an important issue to take into account for policy makers and future research.

Utrikes födda kvinnors integration och identitet : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av integration och identitet i det nya landet

Turan, Jasmine January 2017 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker utrikes födda kvinnors upplevelser av integration utifrån att bo i ett segregerat område i Södertälje. Studien har som syfte att även undersöka hur kvinnorna uppfattar sin identitet av att leva med olika kulturer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes hemma hos kvinnorna. Den tidigare forskningen lyfter bland annat fram att språkfärdigheter, utbildning, gemenskap är viktiga aspekter för upplevelsen av integration och diskriminering utgör ett hinder i det. Resultatet visade att Södertälje som område inte utgör ett hinder för kvinnornas möjligheter till integration. Kvinnorna upplever språk, utbildning och gemenskap som betydelsefulla aspekter för sin integration och diskrimineringen utgjorde tillfälliga hinder. Resultatet visar vidare att kvinnorna uppfattar sin identitet mellan den svenska kulturen och sin ursprungskultur. Jämlikhet och rättigheter var något kvinnorna bland annat satte värde på i den svenska kulturen. Kontrollerandet och höga förväntningar var attityder från den egna familjens kultur som de tog avstånd ifrån. I analysen användes ett intersektionellt perspektivet samt integrationsteorin som stödjer studiens temaområden. Studiens slutsats är att det fortfarande pågår en form av diskriminering av invandrarkvinnor, vilket försvårar deras integration. Det är av betydelse att inte betrakta invandrarkvinnor som en homogen, utan en heterogen grupp med individuella förutsättningar och resurser. / This is a qualitative interview study which examines the foreign-born women's experiences of integration based on living in a segregated area in Södertälje. The study aims also to examine how women perceive their identity of living with different cultures. Semi-structured interviews were conducted at the home of the women. Previous research highlights, among other things, that the language skills, education, community are important aspects of the experience of integration and discrimination is an obstacle to it. The result showed that the Södertälje area does not constitute an obstacle to women's opportunities for integration. The women experience language, education and community as significant aspects of its integration and discrimination constituted temporary obstacle. The results further show that women perceive their identity between the Swedish culture and their culture of origin. Equality and rights was somewhat women including set value of the Swedish culture. Controlling and high expectations were attitudes from their own family culture they disowned. The analysis used an intersectional perspective and integration theory which supports the study's themes. The study concludes that there is still an ongoing form of discrimination against immigrant women, which impedes their integration. It is important not to regard immigrant women as a homogeneous, but a heterogeneous group, with individual abilities and resources.

Contextual Creativity and the Experience of Cultural Pivoting in the Workplace

Soucie, Jeanine 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Betydelsefullt, eller inte? : En studie om vuxna utrikes föddas nätverkande och betydelsen av socialt kapital för inträdet på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / Meaningful, or not? : A study about foreign-born adults’ networking and the importance of social capital for entering the Swedish labor market

Aydinova, Sevil, Ahmeti, Adelina January 2021 (has links)
Flera studier pekar på att många vuxna utrikes födda har ett lägre socialt kapital och saknar värdefulla kontakter, vilket påverkar deras möjligheter att träda in på arbetsmarknaden och etablera sig i samhället. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur utrikes födda som har kommit till Sverige i vuxen ålder fått sina första arbeten i Sverige, och på vilka sätt deras sociala kapital haft betydelse för att träda in på arbetsmarknaden. Studiens frågeställningar är: 1) Hur har informanterna gått tillväga för att få sina första arbeten i den svenska arbetsmarknaden? 2) Vilken betydelse har socialt kapital haft för informanternas väg in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? För att undersöka detta användes en kvalitativ metod där åtta informanter intervjuades. Studien utgick efter en social nätverksanalys som analysmetod, vilket är en metod för att studera sociala relationer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Pierre Bourdieus socialt kapital och Robert Putnams anknytande samt överbryggande socialt kapital.Resultatet visar att informanterna hade olika möjligheter samt begränsningar till att komma in i arbetslivet och skaffa sitt första jobb. En del informanter hade bättre förutsättningar än andra tack vare sina kontaktnät som de kunde dra nytta av vilket resulterade till att de fick ett arbete. Andra informanter hade sämre förutsättningar och hamnade utanför arbetsmarknaden flera år i följd. Några andra informanter fick sina första arbeten i Sverige genom Arbetsförmedlingen eller på egen hand, vilket tyder på att deras socialt kapital var mindre betydelsefullt i förhållande till deras första arbete i Sverige. / Several studies indicate that many foreign-born adults had low social capital and lacked valuable contacts, which affected their opportunities to enter the labor market and establish themselves in society. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the foreign-born interviewees got their first jobs in Sweden, and in what ways their social capital was vital for their entry into the Swedish labor market. The study's questions are: 1) How did the informants go about getting their first jobs in the Swedish labor market 2) What significance did social capital have for the informants' way into the Swedish labor market? To investigate this, a qualitative method was used where eight informants were interviewed. The study was based on a social network analysis as the analysis method, which is a method for studying social relations. The theoretical starting point of the study is Pierre Bourdieu's social capital and Robert Putnam's bonding and bridging social capital.The results of this study show that the informants had different opportunities and limitations to enter working life and get their first job. Some informants had better opportunities than others thanks to their contact networks that they took advantage of, which resulted in their employment. Other informants had worse conditions and ended up outside the labor market for several years. Other informants got their first jobs in Sweden through the Swedish Public Employment Service or on their own, which indicates that their social capital was less important.

Om arbetslöshet bland utrikesfödda i Sveriges kommuner : En studie om hur arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sveriges kommuner påverkas av kulturella skillnader och industristruktur

Sabalaga Gomez, Gabriel, Rashid, Valia January 2020 (has links)
Unemployment is a major problem from a socio-economic perspective and affects the longterm growth in a country as a consequence of reduced tax revenues and reduced production.There are clear differences in unemployment between foreign-born and domestic-born. The focus of the study will be on cultural differences and the municipalities' industrial structure. Factors that we have selected based on theories and statistical analysis to examine unemployment among foreign-born in Sweden's municipalities are the following: small businesses, Sverigedemokraterna, post-secondary education of at least 2 years, population density and foreign-born people born in Europe expressed as a proportion of the total number of foreign-born people in municipalities. A cross-sectional study for all variables for Sweden's 290 municipalities during the year 2018 constitutes regression models that are presented and analyzed. Our hypotheses based on theories and statistical analysis are then compared with the results of the regressions. According to our regression models, the conclusion shows that there is a negative correlation between the variable foreign-born in Europe and the dependent variable unemployment among foreign-born, the variables small business and education also have a negative impact on unemployment among foreign-born. Should there be an increase inany of these factors, unemployment among foreign-born would decrease. The amount of votes on Sverigedemokraterna, on the other hand, has the opposite effect on unemployment among foreign-born. Should the proportion of votes for Sverigedemokraterna change in the municipality, the unemployment level among foreign-born would change in the same direction. Regarding the variable population density, we have in our study obtained different results depending on whether all variables have been estimated in the regression or whether only the variables that estimate the relationships that explain industrial structure are estimated.The study's delimitation to these five factors is linked to human capital theory, discrimination theories, segregation models and matching theory. To counteract the fact that unemployment continues to increase among foreign-born, studies of a similar nature to ours are required to beable to distinguish whether municipalities' industrial structures have an impact on unemployment among foreign-born and how to work to integrate individuals whose cultural norms and values differ from those. and values that prevail in Sweden. This is to create security and trust in each other as cooperation benefits from common norms and values. / Arbetslöshet är ett stort problem utifrån ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv och påverkar den långsiktiga tillväxten i ett land som en konsekvens av minskade skatteintäkter och minskadproduktion. Det finns tydliga skillnader i arbetslöshet mellan utrikesfödda och inrikesfödda. Fokus i studien kommer att ligga på kulturella skillnader och kommunernas industristruktur. Faktorer som vi utifrån teorier och statistisk analys valt ut för att undersöka arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sveriges kommuner är följande: småföretag, Sverigedemokraterna, eftergymnasial utbildning på minst 2 år, befolkningstäthet och utrikesfödda personer födda inom Europa uttryckt som andel av det totala antalet utrikesfödda personer i kommunerna. En tvärsnittsstudie för samtliga variabler för Sveriges 290 kommuner under året 2018 utgör regressionsmodeller som presenteras och analyseras. Våra hypoteser som baseras på teorier och statistisk analys jämförs sedan med resultatet av regressionerna. Slutsatsen visar enligt våra regressionsmodeller att ett negativt samband finns mellan variabeln utrikesfödda inom Europa och beroendevariabeln arbetslöshet bland utrikesfödda, även variablerna småföretag och utbildning har en negativ påverkan på arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda. Skulle en ökning ske i någon av dessa faktorer så skulle arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda att minska. Andelen röster på Sverigedemokraterna har å andra sidan motsatt effekt på arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda. Skulle andelen röster på Sverigedemokraterna förändras i kommunen så skulle arbetslöshetsnivån bland utrikesfödda ändras i samma riktning. Gällande variabeln befolkningstäthet så har vi i vår studie fått olika resultat beroende på om samtliga variabler skattats i regressionen eller om endast de variabler som skattar sambanden som förklarar industristruktur skattas. Studiens avgränsning till dessa fem faktorer är kopplade till humankapitalteori, diskrimineringsteorier, segregationsmodeller och matchningsteori. För att motverka att arbetslösheten fortsätter att öka bland utrikesfödda krävs studier av liknande karaktär som vår för att kunna urskilja om kommuners industristrukturer har en påverkan på arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda samt hur man kan arbeta för att integrera individer vars kulturella normer och värderingar skiljer sig från de normer och värderingar som råder i Sverige. Detta för att skapa trygghet och tillit till varandra då samarbete gynnas av gemensamma normer och värderingar.

“To make it, you need someone to guide you.” : A qualitative study about Foreign-born Women’s experiences of establishingthemselves on the Swedish labor market.

Svensson, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of foreign-born women entering the Swedish labor market. A lot of the existing research clusters foreign-born women as a homogeneous group, missing various factors that impact their ability to access the labor market. Current initiatives and strategies therefore risk overlooking the importance of personalized support, which can result in inadequate responses to the unique needs and challenges each woman faces.  The study aims to explore foreign-born women’s experiences to better understand the obstacles the women face when trying to enter the Swedish labor market. The thesis investigates previous research that raises the significance of networks, language proficiency, and support and guidance and five interviews are conducted to understand the women’s experiences better.  The findings of this study show that discrimination, the discourse surrounding foreign-born women and, lack of adequate individualized support hinder women from establishing themselves on the labor market. Hence, the results highlight the need for more tailored support and new ways to learn the language. To achieve this, an intersectional approach is important to grasp the complex challenges that foreign-born women face in entering the Swedish labor market.  Overall, the thesis underscores the need for individualized support initiatives that consider the unique challenges and experiences of foreign-born women. By centering the women’s experiences, this study provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve the support for foreign-born women in the Swedish labor market.

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