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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning about Otherness: A Comparative Analysis of Culture Teaching and its Impact in International Language Teacher Preparation

Lawrence, Geoffrey P. J. 30 August 2010 (has links)
Second/international language (L2) education contexts are increasingly recognized as fertile ground for the learning about “otherness”, teaching a new linguistic code and another way of seeing the world. This study contrasts how culture teaching beliefs and visions develop among new secondary school international language teachers in curriculum/methodology classes in two distinct teacher preparation programs. Using a comparative, multi-case study approach with a mixed methods design, this research uses complementary data sources including three repeated questionnaires, individual, focus group interviews and classroom observations to examine changes in culture teaching beliefs/visions. The research was informed by a sociocultural perspective in teacher education, a proposed model of teacher education impact and current thinking in culture and intercultural learning including Byram’s (1997) framework of intercultural communicative competence and post-modernist definitions of culture. Comparisons between the teacher educators involved show that culture teaching practices are strongly situated in historically embedded paradigms, contextual constraints of learning environments and framed by practitioners’ culture teaching beliefs. Findings indicate that teacher candidates’ culture teaching beliefs and visions evolve on individual pathways, depend on reflection, and are firmly rooted in previous beliefs about culture and L2 learning. Teacher education practices in these programs prompted both a facilitative and tempering effect on teacher candidate culture teaching beliefs and visions. Enthusiasm and curiosity about culture teaching increased and some teacher candidates saw culture teaching having perspective-changing benefits. Alternatively, many teacher candidates began to see increased complexity with culture teaching leading to insecurity about culture teaching knowledge and cultural credibility. Teacher candidates cited increased awareness of curricular and time constraints, concerns with stereotypes, the daunting breadth of culture and a lack of culture teaching models. Teachers with the most teaching and “living away” experience exhibited more culture teaching familiarity. Despite a brief appearance of some intercultural approaches, an instructivist approach working with the material dimension of the target culture dominated teachers’ culture teaching visions. Implications include rethinking the structure of L2 teacher preparation programs to provide more critical, ethnorelative reflection on culture, teacher identity, and to situate and operationalize culture teaching in teacher beliefs and experiences.

English language teaching in Hungarian primary schools with special reference to the teacher's mother tongue use

Nagy, Krisztina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a study of language use in English language classrooms in primary schools in Hungary. The focus of the study is on the use of the target language (English) and the mother tongue (Hungarian) by the teachers and the learners. The teachers are all Hungarian native speakers, with varying levels of competence and previous experience in communicative language teaching, and this presents a challenge to the adoption of a communicative approach to the teaching of English. The National Core Curriculum endorses the communicative approach, with the expectation that the target language will be used as much as possible. However, in practice, the mother tongue is widely used in these classrooms, both by the teachers and by the students. There is therefore a conflict between policy and practice: the policy is that the target language should be used wherever possible, whereas the practice is that the use of the target language is limited to predictable and routine contexts. It is this conflict which constitutes the central question which is addressed in this thesis: how do teachers resolve the conflict between what they are expected to do, and what they feel capable of doing. Data from classrooms and interviews were collected and analysed, using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The focus of the analysis was on the amount and function of the use of the mother tongue by the teachers. Comparisons were drawn between teachers of Grade 4 pupils who started to learn English in Grade 1 and those who started in Grade 4. This analysis is complemented by evidence concerning the teachers‘ beliefs and understandings about the pressures and constraints which affect their teaching of English to young learners. The results suggest that the possibility of communicative language teaching in these classrooms is constrained by various factors, including the limitations in the children‘s cognitive capabilities and the proficiency level of the children, and the teachers‘ preference for using their previous methods which included grammar, translation and memorisation; also by curriculum requirements such as the use of the textbook, and the necessity to prepare the children for examinations. The implications of these findings for curriculum development in foreign language teaching in other comparable contexts are discussed.

Stimuler la parole à travers la peinture. L’entraînement à la créativité dans la perspective du développement de l’expression orale en langue étrangère / Stimulating Oral Performance through Paintings – Creativity Training and Speaking in a Foreign Language / Stymulowanie wypowiedzi ustnych poprzez malarstwo. Trening kreatywności a wypowiadanie się w języku obcym

Wiater, Aleksander Piotr 16 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail se donne pour objectif d’étudier le potentiel que présente le support pictural pour ce qui de développer l’expression orale en FLE. Les oeuvres d’art sont censées constituer, dans ce cadre, un déclencheur de la créativité et de l’imagination incitant les apprenants à s’exprimer de façon authentique, spontanée et, plus généralement, individuelle.Afin d’appréhender cette problématique, l’auteur analyse d’abord les valeurs éducatives de la peinture, relatives à la créativité et à l’imagination. Ensuite, il se concentre sur l’importance de l’intention personnelle dans la communication, d’un côté, dans le processus de l’élocution, et de l’autre, dans les échanges communicatifs. Enfin, la dernière partie des considérations théoriques embrasse une perspective résolument didactique, en analysant de manière critique les pratiques pédagogiques actuelles, en ce qui concerne l’exploitation du support pictural.La partie empirique comprend un compte rendu d’une recherche action, menée auprès d’un groupe d’étudiants polonais de FLE, afin de vérifier les conclusions théoriques. Le projet pédagogique, sous forme d’un entraînement à la créativité, recourt largement au support pictural, en visant à rendre les étudiants plus autonomes et plus authentiques dans leur manière de penser et de s’exprimer en FLE. Le projet permet de recueillir de riches données, analysées ensuite sous l’angle du potentiel didactique de la démarche appliquée.En somme, tant les considérations théoriques que l’étude empirique semblent confirmer la thèse que les tâches basées sur l’interprétation des oeuvres picturales stimulent le développement d’une compétence orale réellement personnalisée, tout en accroissant la créativité des apprenants. / This PhD dissertation aimed at examining stimulating aspects of painting in thedevelopment of the speaking skill in French as a foreign language. Following the assumed thesis, the author believes that a personalized contact with works of art activates in learners deposits of creativity and imagination, making them conducive to expressing their thoughts and beliefs in an authentic and spontaneous way, and in a broader perspective – personally.The theoretical part of the dissertation explores educational values of painting in its impact on creativity and imagination. It also discusses the role of personal communicative intention, analyzed from the perspective of speaking and communication. The final remarks in this part focus on the practical applications of works of art in the classroom and on a critical analysis of various techniques which resort to paintings.The empirical part of the dissertation documents a comprehensive action research carried out among a group of Polish students studying French philology. A research project designed by the author in the form of creativity training refers to paintings, and is supposed to foster students’ autonomy and authenticity in thinking and self-expression. The study provided an extensive collection of data, which have been analyzed for their applicability in the classroom.Concluding, both the theoretical considerations and the empirical research seem to justify the thesis that tasks based on interpreting paintings not only stimulate the development of students’ personal communicative competence, but also support their creativity. / Celem niniejszej pracy doktorskiej było zbadanie stymulacyjnych walorów malarstwaw zakresie kształtowania sprawności wypowiadania się w języku francuskim jako obcym. Zgodnie z przyjętą tezą, osobisty kontakt z dziełami sztuki wyzwala u uczących się pokłady kreatywności i wyobraźni, skłaniając ich do wyrażania odnośnych myśli i sądów w sposób autentyczny i spontaniczny, a mówiąc ogólniej – osobisty.Teoretyczna część pracy rozpatruje walory edukacyjne malarstwa w aspekcie jego oddziaływania na kreatywność i wyobraźnię, a dalej zajmuje się rolą osobistej intencji komunikacyjnej analizowanej z perspektywy wypowiadania się i komunikacji. Końcowe refleksje tej części rozprawy skupiają się na dydaktycznym wykorzystaniu dzieł oraz na krytycznej analizie różnorodnych praktyk dydaktycznych opartych na obrazie.Z kolei część empiryczna referuje obszerne badanie w działaniu przeprowadzone wśród grupy polskojęzycznych studentów filologii romańskiej. Zaproponowany przez autora pracy projekt dydaktyczny w formie treningu kreatywności odwołuje się do malarstwa, co ma sprzyjać rozwojowi autonomii i autentyczności w myśleniu i wypowiadaniu się studentów. Badanie pozwoliło na zebranie bogatych danych, które zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dydaktycznego potencjału zastosowanego podejścia.Podsumowując, zarówno rozważania teoretyczne, jak i badania empiryczne, wydają się potwierdzać tezę, iż zadania oparte na interpretacji dzieł malarskich nie tylko stymulują rozwój osobistej kompetencji komunikacyjnej uczniów, lecz również wspomagają ich kreatywność.


PAULO DE CARVALHO JUNIOR 01 April 2014 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho investiga o emprego de podcasts de programas de rádio e televisão da Alemanha nas aulas de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira em níveis B2 e C1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas no Ensino Médio. Através desta tecnologia, é possível ter acesso rápido e gratuito a materiais autênticos de áudio ou vídeo, de forma que professores passam a ter um leque mais amplo de recursos para suas aulas e alunos passam a ter contato com a língua produzida com outros fins, que não didáticos. Considerando as proposições apresentadas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, os níveis de referência descritos no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas e os objetivos traçados no Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Quadro de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira para as escolas no exterior), o trabalho discute o potencial e as limitações do uso desta tecnologia como ferramenta no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira no contexto escolar. A partir dos pressupostos da Teoria da Atividade, o trabalho procura investigar de que forma a implementação dos podcasts afeta o sistema da atividade da aula de Alemão como Língua Estrangeira nas perspectivas de professores e alunos em uma escola bilíngue da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] This dissertation investigates the use of podcasts in high school classes of German as a Foreign Language (GFL), in levels B2 and C1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages. This technology provides for quick and free access to authentic audio or video materials taken from German radio and TV programs, so that teachers have a wider range of resources for their classes and students have contact with the language which was produced for purposes other than pedagogical ones. Considering the proposals in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National High School Curricular Parameters), the levels of reference of the Common European Framework of References for Languages, and the goals set in the Rahmenplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache für das Auslandsschulwesen (Framework German as a Foreign Language for schools abroad), this study discusses the potential and the limitations of the use of this technology as a tool for teaching and learning GFL in a bilingual school. Based on the principles of Activity Theory, this work aims to investigate how the implementation of podcasts affects the activity system of GFL classes from the teachers’ and students’ perspectives in a bilingual school in Rio de Janeiro.

華語綜合性教材文化能力內容之現況與分析— 以《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》為例 / Cultural competence in Chinese language teaching — a critical examination of current Taiwanese teaching materials (practical audio-visual Chinese and far east everyday Chinese)

林吟屏, Lin, Yin Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題有三,一是了解外語教學教材中應有的文化教學內容,二是了解現今華語綜合性教材之文化教學內容現況,三是提出對於華語綜合性教材中與培養學習者文化能力的內容相關的編寫建議。 本文首先從研究外語教學的學者們對於文化教學的意見以及《AP中文課程大綱》、《歐洲共同語文參考架構》、《國際漢語教學通用課程大綱》等重要的外語教學大綱,了解現今外語教學中文化教學的目標已從教授學習者文化知識逐漸轉變為培養學習者的文化能力。並依前人對於能力的定義,將外語教學中的文化能力分為文化知識、文化技能、態度以及文化意識四部分。再依此四大部分,探討文化能力之概念如何落實於課堂教學之教材中。接著,本文依據討論結果,分析在臺灣使用率最高的兩套華語綜合性教材――《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》,以瞭解目前教材關於文化能力內容的呈現現況。本文分析結果發現,兩套教材皆僅呈現文化知識,至於培養文化技能、態度、文化意識等練習活動則相當缺乏。 最後,本文參考分析結果,從文化知識、文化技能、態度、文化意識等四部分,提出對於華語綜合性教材中文化能力內容編寫之建議,冀能對於未來教材文化能力內容之規劃及開發有所助益。 / This study aims to integrate some results of recent research in theory and practice of teaching culture competence in foreign language teaching into methods and materials of teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Researcher focus on three topics: (1) Which are the aims of teaching culture in foreign language teaching? And what are the subjects of teaching cultural competence? (2) To what extend do content and method in CSL comprehensive teaching materials conform to these aims and subjects? (3) What suggestions should be given to the editors of CSL comprehensive teaching materials in order to improve the acquisition of culture competence of Chinese language learners? This study starts with an overview of theories of developing culture competence in foreign language teaching. The aims and methods of teaching culture in standard curricula for language teaching as the “AP Chinese language and culture course description”, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” will be analyzed. According to this, it can be seen that the goals of cultural teaching shifted from merely providing cultural knowledge to developing cultural competence. There are different concepts about what culture competence is, how we can evaluate it, and how we can develop it. This study makes use of the description of cultural competence by means of four aspects: cultural knowledge, cultural skills, attitude and cultural awareness. These four aspects can be seen as a basic concept for teaching cultural competence, too. Modern didactics and materials should be aware to develop each aspect of culture competence. How are these aims for developing culture competence presented in present CSL materials? A detailed analysis of two common teaching materials (“Practical Audio-Visual Chinese” and “Far East Everyday Chinese”) shows that teaching culture is mainly restricted on teaching cultural knowledge. There is a noticeable lack of exercises and practices to develop cultural skills, to promote a positive attitude to cultural diversity, and to develop cultural awareness. Finally, the suggestions for developing cultural competence in CSL teaching materials will be given in conclusion, and wish this study will help development of Chinese teaching materials edition in future.

Conocimientos y actitudes acerca de las metas de la  metacognición en el aula de las lenguas extranjeras en una escuela sueca – Un estudio piloto / Knowledge and attitudes towards the aims of metacognition in the foreign language classroom in a Swedish high-school - A pilot study

Husung, Kirsten Maria January 2015 (has links)
Metacognition is one of the aims of the Swedish curricula in language teaching. This pilot study focuses on the implementation of this aim in a Swedish high-school. The teachers’ and the pupils’ attitudes towards the pupils’ metacognitive learning strategies and the reasons underpinning these attitudes are examined. The material finding of nine semi-structured interviews, held in a Swedish high-school in language teaching classes of Spanish, French and German, is analyzed with a qualitative method to get an understanding of the situation.The theoretical framework gives an introduction and overview of the actual research on the two key notions for this study: learning strategy and metacognition and related main concepts like cognitive and socio-affective strategies. The literature review shows that metacognitive learning strategies promote the pupils’ autonomy and responsibility in learning a foreign language in a more effective way.The analysis of the empirical material indicates that metacognition is a marginalized topic, although, after explaining them its meaning, both the teachers and the pupils think that it would be important to promote the pupils’ metacognitive learning strategies. However, the teachers emphasize more indirectly and unconsciously on offering different choices to accomplish an exercise than on consciously promoting metacognitive strategies. The main reasons for this were: the lack of time due to large and heterogeneous classes and doubting that most of the pupils could be responsible for their own learning.In cases where pupils had used learning strategies that worked best for them, they had developed these on their own and rarely reflected on them. The work with self-evaluative material like the European Language Portfolio was thought to be a good idea by both teachers and pupils but was not used at this particular school.

Learning about Otherness: A Comparative Analysis of Culture Teaching and its Impact in International Language Teacher Preparation

Lawrence, Geoffrey P. J. 30 August 2010 (has links)
Second/international language (L2) education contexts are increasingly recognized as fertile ground for the learning about “otherness”, teaching a new linguistic code and another way of seeing the world. This study contrasts how culture teaching beliefs and visions develop among new secondary school international language teachers in curriculum/methodology classes in two distinct teacher preparation programs. Using a comparative, multi-case study approach with a mixed methods design, this research uses complementary data sources including three repeated questionnaires, individual, focus group interviews and classroom observations to examine changes in culture teaching beliefs/visions. The research was informed by a sociocultural perspective in teacher education, a proposed model of teacher education impact and current thinking in culture and intercultural learning including Byram’s (1997) framework of intercultural communicative competence and post-modernist definitions of culture. Comparisons between the teacher educators involved show that culture teaching practices are strongly situated in historically embedded paradigms, contextual constraints of learning environments and framed by practitioners’ culture teaching beliefs. Findings indicate that teacher candidates’ culture teaching beliefs and visions evolve on individual pathways, depend on reflection, and are firmly rooted in previous beliefs about culture and L2 learning. Teacher education practices in these programs prompted both a facilitative and tempering effect on teacher candidate culture teaching beliefs and visions. Enthusiasm and curiosity about culture teaching increased and some teacher candidates saw culture teaching having perspective-changing benefits. Alternatively, many teacher candidates began to see increased complexity with culture teaching leading to insecurity about culture teaching knowledge and cultural credibility. Teacher candidates cited increased awareness of curricular and time constraints, concerns with stereotypes, the daunting breadth of culture and a lack of culture teaching models. Teachers with the most teaching and “living away” experience exhibited more culture teaching familiarity. Despite a brief appearance of some intercultural approaches, an instructivist approach working with the material dimension of the target culture dominated teachers’ culture teaching visions. Implications include rethinking the structure of L2 teacher preparation programs to provide more critical, ethnorelative reflection on culture, teacher identity, and to situate and operationalize culture teaching in teacher beliefs and experiences.

Stimuler la parole à travers la peinture. L’entraînement à la créativité dans la perspective du développement de l’expression orale en langue étrangère / Stimulating Oral Performance through Paintings – Creativity Training and Speaking in a Foreign Language / Stymulowanie wypowiedzi ustnych poprzez malarstwo. Trening kreatywności a wypowiadanie się w języku obcym

Wiater, Aleksander Piotr 16 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail se donne pour objectif d’étudier le potentiel que présente le support pictural pour ce qui de développer l’expression orale en FLE. Les oeuvres d’art sont censées constituer, dans ce cadre, un déclencheur de la créativité et de l’imagination incitant les apprenants à s’exprimer de façon authentique, spontanée et, plus généralement, individuelle.Afin d’appréhender cette problématique, l’auteur analyse d’abord les valeurs éducatives de la peinture, relatives à la créativité et à l’imagination. Ensuite, il se concentre sur l’importance de l’intention personnelle dans la communication, d’un côté, dans le processus de l’élocution, et de l’autre, dans les échanges communicatifs. Enfin, la dernière partie des considérations théoriques embrasse une perspective résolument didactique, en analysant de manière critique les pratiques pédagogiques actuelles, en ce qui concerne l’exploitation du support pictural.La partie empirique comprend un compte rendu d’une recherche action, menée auprès d’un groupe d’étudiants polonais de FLE, afin de vérifier les conclusions théoriques. Le projet pédagogique, sous forme d’un entraînement à la créativité, recourt largement au support pictural, en visant à rendre les étudiants plus autonomes et plus authentiques dans leur manière de penser et de s’exprimer en FLE. Le projet permet de recueillir de riches données, analysées ensuite sous l’angle du potentiel didactique de la démarche appliquée.En somme, tant les considérations théoriques que l’étude empirique semblent confirmer la thèse que les tâches basées sur l’interprétation des oeuvres picturales stimulent le développement d’une compétence orale réellement personnalisée, tout en accroissant la créativité des apprenants. / This PhD dissertation aimed at examining stimulating aspects of painting in thedevelopment of the speaking skill in French as a foreign language. Following the assumed thesis, the author believes that a personalized contact with works of art activates in learners deposits of creativity and imagination, making them conducive to expressing their thoughts and beliefs in an authentic and spontaneous way, and in a broader perspective – personally.The theoretical part of the dissertation explores educational values of painting in its impact on creativity and imagination. It also discusses the role of personal communicative intention, analyzed from the perspective of speaking and communication. The final remarks in this part focus on the practical applications of works of art in the classroom and on a critical analysis of various techniques which resort to paintings.The empirical part of the dissertation documents a comprehensive action research carried out among a group of Polish students studying French philology. A research project designed by the author in the form of creativity training refers to paintings, and is supposed to foster students’ autonomy and authenticity in thinking and self-expression. The study provided an extensive collection of data, which have been analyzed for their applicability in the classroom.Concluding, both the theoretical considerations and the empirical research seem to justify the thesis that tasks based on interpreting paintings not only stimulate the development of students’ personal communicative competence, but also support their creativity. / Celem niniejszej pracy doktorskiej było zbadanie stymulacyjnych walorów malarstwaw zakresie kształtowania sprawności wypowiadania się w języku francuskim jako obcym. Zgodnie z przyjętą tezą, osobisty kontakt z dziełami sztuki wyzwala u uczących się pokłady kreatywności i wyobraźni, skłaniając ich do wyrażania odnośnych myśli i sądów w sposób autentyczny i spontaniczny, a mówiąc ogólniej – osobisty.Teoretyczna część pracy rozpatruje walory edukacyjne malarstwa w aspekcie jego oddziaływania na kreatywność i wyobraźnię, a dalej zajmuje się rolą osobistej intencji komunikacyjnej analizowanej z perspektywy wypowiadania się i komunikacji. Końcowe refleksje tej części rozprawy skupiają się na dydaktycznym wykorzystaniu dzieł oraz na krytycznej analizie różnorodnych praktyk dydaktycznych opartych na obrazie.Z kolei część empiryczna referuje obszerne badanie w działaniu przeprowadzone wśród grupy polskojęzycznych studentów filologii romańskiej. Zaproponowany przez autora pracy projekt dydaktyczny w formie treningu kreatywności odwołuje się do malarstwa, co ma sprzyjać rozwojowi autonomii i autentyczności w myśleniu i wypowiadaniu się studentów. Badanie pozwoliło na zebranie bogatych danych, które zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dydaktycznego potencjału zastosowanego podejścia.Podsumowując, zarówno rozważania teoretyczne, jak i badania empiryczne, wydają się potwierdzać tezę, iż zadania oparte na interpretacji dzieł malarskich nie tylko stymulują rozwój osobistej kompetencji komunikacyjnej uczniów, lecz również wspomagają ich kreatywność.

Sociální dovednosti učitelů angličtiny v edukačních interakcích na středních školách / Social Skills of English Teachers in Educational Interactions at Secondary Schools

Dvořák, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to define the requisite social skills of the English language teacher as a part of his/her professional competence, in the context of communicative language teaching in classroom interactions at secondary schools. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters. The first chapter addresses the processes involved in foreign language learning and acquisition. It first defines the linguo-didactic framework of the dissertation in terms of the functional communicative approach to language and communicative language teaching. The second chapter deals with the processes of interaction and communication at school with an emphasis on foreign language teaching. Attention is paid to functions and content of educational interactions as practised by the main stakeholders - the teachers and their adolescent pupils. The specifics of foreign language educational interaction and its social features are illustrated. The third chapter seeks to define social skills and their relationship to other skills in the professional competence of the English teacher. In the final chapter the theoretical discussion is summarized and social-skill aspects of foreign language educational interactions are defined. Specifically, these aspects are defined in terms of affect, classroom climate,...

Stimuler la parole à travers la peinture. L’entraînement à la créativité dans la perspective du développement de l’expression orale en langue étrangère / Stimulating Oral Performance through Paintings – Creativity Training and Speaking in a Foreign Language / Stymulowanie wypowiedzi ustnych poprzez malarstwo. Trening kreatywności a wypowiadanie się w języku obcym

Wiater, Aleksander Piotr 16 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail se donne pour objectif d’étudier le potentiel que présente le support pictural pour ce qui de développer l’expression orale en FLE. Les oeuvres d’art sont censées constituer, dans ce cadre, un déclencheur de la créativité et de l’imagination incitant les apprenants à s’exprimer de façon authentique, spontanée et, plus généralement, individuelle.Afin d’appréhender cette problématique, l’auteur analyse d’abord les valeurs éducatives de la peinture, relatives à la créativité et à l’imagination. Ensuite, il se concentre sur l’importance de l’intention personnelle dans la communication, d’un côté, dans le processus de l’élocution, et de l’autre, dans les échanges communicatifs. Enfin, la dernière partie des considérations théoriques embrasse une perspective résolument didactique, en analysant de manière critique les pratiques pédagogiques actuelles, en ce qui concerne l’exploitation du support pictural.La partie empirique comprend un compte rendu d’une recherche action, menée auprès d’un groupe d’étudiants polonais de FLE, afin de vérifier les conclusions théoriques. Le projet pédagogique, sous forme d’un entraînement à la créativité, recourt largement au support pictural, en visant à rendre les étudiants plus autonomes et plus authentiques dans leur manière de penser et de s’exprimer en FLE. Le projet permet de recueillir de riches données, analysées ensuite sous l’angle du potentiel didactique de la démarche appliquée.En somme, tant les considérations théoriques que l’étude empirique semblent confirmer la thèse que les tâches basées sur l’interprétation des oeuvres picturales stimulent le développement d’une compétence orale réellement personnalisée, tout en accroissant la créativité des apprenants. / This PhD dissertation aimed at examining stimulating aspects of painting in thedevelopment of the speaking skill in French as a foreign language. Following the assumed thesis, the author believes that a personalized contact with works of art activates in learners deposits of creativity and imagination, making them conducive to expressing their thoughts and beliefs in an authentic and spontaneous way, and in a broader perspective – personally.The theoretical part of the dissertation explores educational values of painting in its impact on creativity and imagination. It also discusses the role of personal communicative intention, analyzed from the perspective of speaking and communication. The final remarks in this part focus on the practical applications of works of art in the classroom and on a critical analysis of various techniques which resort to paintings.The empirical part of the dissertation documents a comprehensive action research carried out among a group of Polish students studying French philology. A research project designed by the author in the form of creativity training refers to paintings, and is supposed to foster students’ autonomy and authenticity in thinking and self-expression. The study provided an extensive collection of data, which have been analyzed for their applicability in the classroom.Concluding, both the theoretical considerations and the empirical research seem to justify the thesis that tasks based on interpreting paintings not only stimulate the development of students’ personal communicative competence, but also support their creativity. / Celem niniejszej pracy doktorskiej było zbadanie stymulacyjnych walorów malarstwaw zakresie kształtowania sprawności wypowiadania się w języku francuskim jako obcym. Zgodnie z przyjętą tezą, osobisty kontakt z dziełami sztuki wyzwala u uczących się pokłady kreatywności i wyobraźni, skłaniając ich do wyrażania odnośnych myśli i sądów w sposób autentyczny i spontaniczny, a mówiąc ogólniej – osobisty.Teoretyczna część pracy rozpatruje walory edukacyjne malarstwa w aspekcie jego oddziaływania na kreatywność i wyobraźnię, a dalej zajmuje się rolą osobistej intencji komunikacyjnej analizowanej z perspektywy wypowiadania się i komunikacji. Końcowe refleksje tej części rozprawy skupiają się na dydaktycznym wykorzystaniu dzieł oraz na krytycznej analizie różnorodnych praktyk dydaktycznych opartych na obrazie.Z kolei część empiryczna referuje obszerne badanie w działaniu przeprowadzone wśród grupy polskojęzycznych studentów filologii romańskiej. Zaproponowany przez autora pracy projekt dydaktyczny w formie treningu kreatywności odwołuje się do malarstwa, co ma sprzyjać rozwojowi autonomii i autentyczności w myśleniu i wypowiadaniu się studentów. Badanie pozwoliło na zebranie bogatych danych, które zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dydaktycznego potencjału zastosowanego podejścia.Podsumowując, zarówno rozważania teoretyczne, jak i badania empiryczne, wydają się potwierdzać tezę, iż zadania oparte na interpretacji dzieł malarskich nie tylko stymulują rozwój osobistej kompetencji komunikacyjnej uczniów, lecz również wspomagają ich kreatywność.

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