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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testifying through another tongue:Examining the effects of language barriers on accuracy and suggestibility in eyewitness testimonies.

Gültekin, Raver January 2018 (has links)
Language barriers in eyewitness testimonies may pose threats toward witnesses’ accuracy, and consequently on the outcome of judicial procedures. The present study aims to investigate the credibility and the extent of reported detail information of eyewitnesses’ testimony of a crime event, when the testimony is given in witnesses’ first language, second language, or second language through interpreter. Moreover, the study examines whether eyewitness suggestibility is affected by the language to which the testimony is provided. Participants (N=60) were exposed to a mock crime event and subsequently performed memory tests about that event. Results showed no differences in accuracy of suggestibility between experimental conditions. The personality trait social desirability showed no relation to suggestibility or the extent of inaccurate detail information provided in the present study. The findings are discussed in the context of implications, limitations and future directions.

Construção de um sistema de avaliação do relacionamento parental para situações de disputa de guarda

Lago, Vivian de Medeiros January 2012 (has links)
A Psicologia Jurídica é uma área incipiente no Brasil, em que os estudos científicos e a construção e/ou adaptação de instrumentos são necessários, almejando estreitar os laços entre a Psicologia e o Direito. O objetivo desta tese foi o de construir um Sistema de Avaliação do Relacionamento Parental (SARP) para uso no contexto forense de disputa de guarda. Para tanto, inicialmente, foram desenvolvidos um estudo teórico e um estudo empírico acerca do relacionamento parental. O estudo teórico consistiu em uma revisão sistemática sobre os temas divórcio, guarda dos filhos e relação pais-filhos. O estudo empírico contou com a participação de genitores, crianças (7 a 12 anos), psicólogos e Operadores do Direito que atuam na área de família. As questões das entrevistas objetivaram definir o relacionamento parental, a partir de diferentes perspectivas: pessoais e profissionais. Após a definição do sistema psicológico relacionamento parental, procedeu-se à realização dos estudos de construção das técnicas que compõem o sistema, que são: Entrevista SARP, protocolo de avaliação infantil e Escala SARP. O estudo para construção da entrevista contou com a participação de assistentes sociais do Reino Unido e de psicólogos brasileiros, que avaliaram as questões quanto à sua relevância e adequação. O protocolo de avaliação infantil, nomeado Meu Amigo de Papel, foi adaptado a partir do material britânico My needs, wishes and feelings pack, sendo proposta uma nova estrutura de atividades e de arte gráfica. O estudo da construção da Escala SARP foi composto por três etapas, as quais abrangeram levantamentos teóricos e empíricos a fim de delimitar as dimensões e itens que compuseram a escala. Uma vez construído o SARP, iniciou-se seu processo de validação. A primeira etapa consistiu na busca de evidências de fidedignidade entre juízes. Duas psicólogas e uma assistente social foram as juízas do instrumento, pontuando, às cegas, a escala. Esse estudo apontou a necessidade de ajustes em alguns itens da Escala SARP. A segunda etapa objetivou apresentar evidências de validade clínica. Além do SARP, foi utilizado o Inventário de Estilos Parentais com os genitores, e o Teste de Apercepção Familiar ou o Método de Rorschach com as crianças, com o propósito de evidenciar a congruência interna, externa e teórica do instrumento. Por fim, o SARP foi utilizado em uma situação de perícia de disputa de guarda, mostrando sua aplicabilidade e relevância no contexto da avaliação psicológica forense. / Forensic Psychology is a growing area in Brazil, in which scientific studies and construction or adaptation of instruments are necessary, in order to narrow the ties between Psychology and Law. This doctoral dissertation aimed at constructing an Evaluation System of the Parental Relationship for the forensic context of child custody dispute. Initially, a theoretical and an empirical studies were carried out, in order to define the construct parental relationship. The theoretical study consisted of a systematic review about divorce, child custody and parent-child relations. Parents, children (7 to 12 years old), psychologists and Law practitioners participated in the empirical study. The questions of the interviews aimed at defining the parental relationship from personal and professional perspectives. After defining parental relationship, studies for the construction of the system itself were carried out. The Evaluation System of the Parental Relationship (ESPR) consists of an interview, an assessment protocol for the children, and a scale which is scored by the own examiner. Social workers from the United Kingdom and psychologists from Brazil evaluated the questions of the interview in what concerns to their relevance and adequacy. The assessment protocol for children, named My Paper Friend, was adapted from the British material My needs, wishes and feelings pack, with a new structure of activities and layout being proposed. The study of the construction of the scale was composed by three phases, which comprise theoretical and empirical components with the purpose of delimiting the dimensions and items that formed the scale. Once it was constructed, the validation process started. The first step consisted of searching evidences of reliability between judges. Two psychologists and one social worker were the expert scorers of the instrument, scoring the scale blindfolded. This study pointed out the need of adjustments in some items of the ESPR Scale. The second step aimed at presenting clinical validity evidences. Besides the ESPR, the Parental Styles Inventory and the Family Apperception Test or Rorschach Inkblot Method were used, with the parents and children, respectively. It has the purpose of evidencing internal, external and theoretical congruence. Lastly, the ESPR was used in a child custody dispute evaluation, showing its importance in the context of forensic psychological assessment.

Psicologia jurídica, forense e judiciária: relações de inclusão e delimitações a partir dos objetivos e da imposição de imparcialidade / Legal, Forensic and Judicial Psychology: inclusion relations and boundaries from the objective and from imposition of the principle of impartiality

Edson Alves de Oliveira 27 April 2016 (has links)
A Psicologia Jurídica é concebida como contendo a Psicologia Forense, que contém a Psicologia Judiciária. Estas relações de inclusão, com as respectivas delimitações, são aqui estabelecidas com fundamento nos papéis de perito e assistente técnico, tais como previstos na legislação vigente, da qual se abstraiu o critério de ausência ou presença da imposição de imparcialidade e pela qual se reconheceram diferenças quanto aos objetivos da atuação. Nosso método consistiu em proceder à ampla pesquisa da legislação pertinente, assim como de resoluções, diretrizes e bibliografia avalizada pelo Sistema Conselhos de Psicologia, além da bibliografia do último concurso do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo e de outras publicações a que tivemos acesso. Conduzimo-nos com o intuito de apontar imprecisões decorrentes da porosidade entre essas três áreas das interfaces da Psicologia com o Direito, cujas delimitações não nos pareceram ainda devidamente acentuadas. Pautamo-nos pela prescrição de obrigatoriedade da perícia psicológica na legislação e na regulamentação da profissão, enfatizando os contornos entre perícia psicológica e diagnóstico psicológico, discernindo o trabalho do psicólogo judiciário do cabível ao psicólogo assistente técnico forense. Empenhamo-nos em caracterizar a assistência técnica psicológica como todo o trabalho realizado sob a égide da ética da relação entre profissional e cliente/usuário de serviço público, em contraposição à ética da realização de perícias. Como resultado, definimos o campo da Psicologia Jurídica como o conjunto universo de todas essas práticas, nela se inserindo aquelas realizadas nos órgãos cujo fundamento é evitar a jurisdicionalização dos conflitos (Defensoria Pública e Conselho Tutelar), bem como naqueles voltados a atender pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social (CRAS) ou sob risco de rompimento de vínculos familiares (CREAS), quando o psicólogo insiste em uma prática genuinamente psicológica, ou seja, que não se volte a atender objetivos forenses (adequação do convívio familiar, mediação/conciliação de conflitos, promoção do entendimento, formalização do acordo, tomada de decisão). Classificamos como Psicologia Forense o trabalho do psicólogo na execução penal objetivando a reintegração social do preso e o realizado nas Centrais de Penas e Medidas Alternativas, assim como a assistência técnica psicológica realizada no Ministério Público e nos serviços criados pela Lei Maria da Penha e nos CREAS. Já a Psicologia Judiciária, classificamos como as práticas realizadas pelo psicólogo funcionário dos Tribunais de Justiça e as de todos que a eles se equiparam ao proceder a estudo psicológico sob determinação judicial de envolvidos em processos judiciais com quem nunca mantiveram contato prévio, além da realização de exame criminológico pelo psicólogo que atua no sistema prisional. Concluímos que a prática psicológica será judiciária quando ofertada sob a obrigação do objetivo de subsidiar uma decisão judicial, estando submetida ao princípio de imparcialidade, tendo como beneficiário o dever de julgar do juiz; será forense quando, por força de compromisso profissional, assumir o objetivo de influenciar uma decisão judicial em conformidade com os interesses do envolvido, sendo intrinsecamente parcial, tendo como beneficiária a pessoa atendida; será jurídica quando fundamentada na não jurisdicionalização dos conflitos e esquivar-se de subsidiar ou influenciar objetivos forenses, beneficiando o atendido / The Legal Psychology is presented as containing the Forensic Psychology, which contains the Judicial Psychology. These relationships of inclusion and their boundaries are established on the basis of legal expert and forensic assistant coach roles, as is provided for by law, from which it abstracted the discretion of the expert impartial enforcement and the condition of intrinsic bias to assistant coach, where also acknowledged differences in the performance objectives. Our method was to carry out extensive research in the relevant legislation, as well as resolutions, guidelines and references endorsed by the Psychology System Council, as well as in the literature of the last public concourse of the Court of São Paulo and in other publications that we had access . We conduct ourselves under the bias point out the inaccuracies that arise from the lack of recognition of the differences between these three areas of Legal Psychology. We based our research in the definition of psychological legal expertise as an obligation arising from the legislation and the regulatory profession by emphasizing the distinction between psychological skills and psychological diagnosis and differences between the work of the judicial psychologist and the psychologist forensic assistant coach; characterized as psychological technical assistance all the work done under the aegis of ethics of the professional relationship - client / public service user, and demonstrated to be irreconcilable with performing expertise. As a result, we define the field of Legal Psychology as the universal set of all these practices, it being inserted those carried out in organs which is based avoid jurisdictionalization conflicts (Public Defense and Child Protection Agency) and those geared to meet people in a situation of social vulnerability (CRAS) or at risk of disruption of family ties (CREAS), when psychologist insists on a genuinely psychological practice, that is, not again meet forensic objectives (adequacy of family life, mediation / conciliation conflicts, promotion of understanding, formalizing the agreement, decision making). Classified as Forensic Psychology the working in criminal enforcement when facing the social reintegration of the prisoner and when held in the Punishment and Alternative Measures Service and psychological service held in the Public Prosecutor and services created by the Maria da Penha Law and CREAS. We classify as Judicial Psychology practices conducted by psychologist employee of the Courts of Justice and all that they are equipped to carry out psychological study under judicial determination with involved in legal proceedings who have never had previous contact, and also conducting criminological examination the psychologist who works in the prison system. We conclude that psychological practice is judicial when performed under the obligation to support a judicial decision, being subject to the principle of impartiality, having as beneficiary the duty to decide to judge; Forensics will be when, for professional commitment to power, take in order to influence a court decision in accordance with the interests of involved, being intrinsically part, having as beneficiary the person served; It will be legal when to dodge influence court decisions and benefit the person served

Sap e psicanálise no campo psicojurídico: de um amor exaltato ao dom do amor / PAS and Psychoanalysis in the psycholegal field: from exalted love to gift one

Tamara Brockhausen 06 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende oferecer uma análise crítica da Síndrome de Alienação Parental (SAP). Primeiramente visa apresentar o conceito de SAP, o modelo diagnóstico e interventivo tal como propostos por Richard Alan Gardner, psiquiatra forense americano. A análise de sua obra baseiase em uma leitura psicanalítica que permite ampliar a explicação da ocorrência da síndrome para além de uma descrição fenomenológica e objetiva tal como formalizada pelo seu criador. A definição clínica permite hipotetizar os termos genético-estruturais da SAP segundo um recorte psicanalítico a partir de Freud e Lacan. Parte-se da constituição do sujeito para explicar que a eficácia da SAP é possível a partir de um reforçamento da alienação fundamental induzido por um cuidador em uma criança que está na sua dependência. Realiza-se uma formalização mais precisa da síndrome a partir da proposição da SAP como uma montagem particular de transferência que se estabelece entre a criança e um cuidador, que desfaz ou minimiza os laços com o outro genitor. O fenômeno da transferência é decomposto em seus elementos formativos, a saber, identificação, sugestão, fantasia e idealização, de forma a permitir explicar a SAP como uma conjugação específica desses componentes que resulta na associação de uma posição subjetiva da criança à posição do genitor programador. Desta leitura são extraídas consequências à práxis no campo Psicojurídico, as quais permitem discutir algumas questões relativas ao tratamento e à sua regulação no interior do dispositivo jurídico. Embora a psicanálise critique modelos psicopatológicos e nosográficos, algumas linhas mestras iluminadas na SAP de Gardner trazem contribuições inovadoras frente aos sintomas da família moderna, permitindo resgatar a eficácia de um sistema disciplinar jurídico ligado ao processo civilizatório com efeitos terapêuticos e viabilizando a configuração familiar das duas linhagens como núcleo referente e formador da criança / The aim of this study is to offer a critical analysis of the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). First it intends to introduce the concept of PAS, the diagnostic and interventional model as proposed by Richard Alan Gardner, American forensic psychiatrist. The analysis of his work relies on a psychoanalytic reading that allows to extend the explanation of the occurrence of the syndrome in addition to a phenomenological and objective description as formalized by its creator. The clinical definition makes possible to hypothesize genetic-structural terms of PAS through a psychoanalytic view from Freud and Lacan. It starts with the constitution of the subject to explain that the effectiveness of PAS is possible from a reinforcement of the fundamental alienation stimulated by a caregiver in a child who is in their dependence. It is carried out a more precise formalization of the syndrome from the proposition of the PAS as a particular transference assembly that is established between the child and a caregiver that undoes or minimizes the ties with the other parent. The phenomenon of transference is decomposed into its formative elements, namely, identification, suggestion, fantasy and idealization, in order to explain the PAS like a specific combination of these components which results in the association of a child\'s subjective position to the position of the programming parent. Consequences of this reading are taken to the practice in psycholegal field, which enable to discuss some issues related to treatment and its regulation within the legal provision. Although psychoanalysis criticizes psychopathological and nosographic models, some guidelines enlightened in GardnerPAS bring forward innovative contributions to the symptoms of the modern family, enabling to rescue the effectiveness of a legal disciplinary system linked to the civilizing process with therapeutic effects and allowing the family configuration of the two lineages as referent and forming core of the child

The role of expert evidence in support of the defence of criminal incapacity

Stevens, G.P. (Geert Philip) 02 November 2011 (has links)
The current study addresses the fundamental role of expert evidence advanced in support of the defence of criminal incapacity. It was endeavoured to illustrate that the scientific entities of forensic psychiatry and psychology fulfil an essential and pivotal role in establishing and assessing the defence of criminal incapacity. The study proposed to illustrate the interaction between the professions of law and medicine on the backdrop of the defence of criminal incapacity. Recommendations were provided with the aim of enhancing the dialogue between the professions of law and medicine when the defence of criminal incapacity falls to be assessed. The study was approached from a dual dimensional perspective illustrating both the need for mental health experts as well as the need for adequately trained and experienced mental health experts to provide expert testimony as to an accused’s mental state when the defence of criminal incapacity is raised. The motivation for the current study is enumerated and the concepts of “criminal capacity”, “non-pathological criminal incapacity”, “pathological criminal incapacity” and “expert evidence” are, amongst others, conceptualized. It is indicated that expert evidence plays an essential role not only in cases where pathological criminal incapacity, or put differently, criminal incapacity attributable to mental illness or mental defect is raised, but also in instances where non-pathological criminal incapacity is raised as a defence. The role of the mental health expert is addressed with reference to battered woman syndrome evidence advanced in support of the defence of non-pathological criminal incapacity. It is illustrated that the defence of non-pathological criminal incapacity is in need of reform. It is in addition illustrated that legislative reform is essential to establish the defence of non-pathological criminal incapacity and to create legal certainty. The inconsistent approach in the application of expert evidence to the defence of criminal incapacity is emphasized with specific focus on the semantic distinction between the defences of non-pathological criminal incapacity and pathological criminal incapacity. The role and application of the DSM-IV in the definition and assessment of mental disorders is addressed in conjunction with the various obstacles associated with the application of the DSM-IV to the defence of criminal incapacity. The nature and scope of the basic rules of expert evidence as they would apply to mental health professionals acting as expert witnesses in support of the defence of criminal incapacity are addressed. The assessment of the probative value of expert evidence is addressed and the complexities associated therewith are espoused. The numerous ethical dilemmas faced by mental health experts are illustrated and recommendations are provided aimed at eliminating these dilemmas. A comparative study of selected principles pertaining to expert evidence in the United States of America is embarked upon to illustrate the need for a codification of the rules of expert evidence as well as effective guidelines aimed at enhancing the scientific reliability and validity of expert evidence advanced in support of the defence of criminal incapacity. Finally, conclusions are drawn and motivated recommendations are made. Law reform is proposed in the form of draft proposals for legislative reform in respect of the defence of criminal incapacity as well as a draft ethical code of conduct for mental health experts providing expert testimony in cases where the defence of criminal incapacity is raised. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Public Law / unrestricted

Psychosociální aspekty dyslexie u osob ve výkonu trestu v ČR / Psychosocial Aspects of Dyslexia Among Prison Inmates in the Czech Republic

Kejřová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The study focuses on psychosocial aspects of prisoners with dyslexia in the Czech Republic. The target group is compared with respondents from noncriminal population with dyslexia, and respondents from prison and also noncriminal population without dyslexic difficulties. Research sample comprised of 200 respondents (50 respondents per each group) in the age range from 20 to 64 years. Data were collected via Raven's standard progressive matrices, assessment battery on specific learning disabilities, personal history questionnaire, self-efficacy scale and personality questionnaire (SPARO). The results show the following protective aspects in the development of children with dyslexia - higher educational level, better grades in school in subjects such as Foreign language, Mathemathics, Physics and Behavior, lower number of siblings, higher number of close persons and help from them, family cultural capital (level of education of mother and father), higher self-efficacy, a feeling of importance to others, greater level od satisfaction with their life, early diagnosis of hyperactivity and results of personality questionnaire SPARO (mean adjusting variability; and moderate frustration and target directionality). Some aspects were interpreted as neutral, and some factors show no inter-group difference....


SANDRA PINTO LEVY 23 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa, apresentada no formato de dois artigos, tem como objetivo geral investigar as especificidades da escuta do psicólogo em depoimento especial com crianças e adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual intrafamiliar. O interesse pelo tema surgiu da experiência em audiências criminais, acompanhando crianças que participavam para testemunhar sobre os abusos sexuais sofridos. Em relação a isso, houve um posicionamento do Conselho Federal de Psicologia, que emitiu notas não reconhecendo a participação do psicólogo nessa prática por não tratar de escuta, e sim de inquirição, instrumento próprio do direito. Tendo como disparador o referido contexto, buscamos refletir sobre as possibilidades de o psicólogo, no depoimento especial, realizar intervenções de cuidado psíquico às vítimas de abuso sexual, sustentando a escuta da subjetividade, no momento do testemunho em juízo. Para atingir o objetivo geral da pesquisa foram analisadas cinco audiências gravadas em vídeos, tendo sido realizada uma análise de conteúdo destas. As temáticas, que emergiram das narrativas das vítimas, bem como da interação entre elas e a psicóloga na audiência, foram discutidas em dois artigos intitulados Ética do cuidado no depoimento especial: intervenções do psicólogo e preservação da subjetividade e Para além do testemunho: demanda de reparação do trauma no depoimento especial. Como resultado deste amplo estudo, percebemos que a escuta do psicólogo possui uma função fundamental nesse campo das audiências especiais, pois atua no registro da ética do cuidado, oferecendo uma escuta atenta à subjetividade da criança/adolescente vítima que pode viabilizar uma intervenção de sustentação psíquica e abrir espaço para uma narrativa testemunhada e protegida do trauma. O testemunho do trauma vivenciado pelas vítimas passa do campo objetivo do direito para o campo subjetivo, quando há uma escuta sensível que legitime o ritmo da dor em testemunho e a experiência de abuso. Entendemos também que a partir dessa experiência podem surgir demandas para o processo de simbolização do trauma que precisam de uma presença implicada na ética do cuidado. / [en] The current study, presented in the form of two articles, has as its general purpose to look into the specifics of the psychologist listening in special depositions with children and teenagers victims of sexual abuse within the family. The interest came from the experience in criminal hearings, assisting children that participated to testify about sexual abuses suffered. Regarding that, there was a positioning from the Conselho Federal de Psicologia, that issued notes not recognizing the psychologist participation in this practice for it is not listening, but questioning, a proper legal instrument. Having as trigger the mentioned context, we have attempted to ponder about the possibilities of the psychologist to make interventions of psychic care to the victims of sexual abuse, in the special deposition, maintaining the listening of the subjectivity, at the time of the testimony in trial. To achieve the general purpose of the study were examined five videotaped audiences, having its content analyzed. The matters that emerged from the narratives of the victims, as well as from the interaction between them and the psychologist in the hearing, were discussed in two articles titled Ethics of care in Special Deposition: interventions of the psychologist and preservation of subjectivity and Beyond the testimony: demand of trauma reparation in the Special Deposition. As a result of this broad study, we realized that the psychologist listening has a fundamental function in this field of the special hearing, because it acts in the register of the ethics of caring, offering a listening sensitive to the subjectivity of the child/teenager victim that can enable an intervention of psychic support and open space to a narrative witnessed and protected from trauma; the testimony of the trauma experimented by the victims migrates from the objective to the subjective field of the law, when there is a sensitive listening that validates the momentum of the pain in testimony and the experience of the abuse. We also recognized that may emerge from that experience demands for the process of symbolization of the trauma that need a presence involved in the ethics of care.

Purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claims

Botha, Monica Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the wide spread use of psychological instruments in the forensic context, there is a dearth of research on the purposes for using it. A qualitative case study approach was adopted in this study to explore the purposes for which industrial psychologists use psychological instruments in loss of income claims. The research study comprised of two phases. Firstly, a literature review was used to provide some background on psychological assessment in the forensic context. The literature review described the historical development of forensic psychology, what psychological instruments are and how they are used in the forensic context. The forensic context, in which industrial psychologists operate, was also described. Furthermore, the initial conceptual framework to outline the context of the next phase of the research was illustrated. The second phase was an exploratory study that made use of a multiple-case study approach. The main research aim was to explore the purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claims by industrial psychologists. Another aim was to explore the psychological instruments used. The final aim was to explore the kind of information that is needed in the forensic context, which is not currently available by means of existing psychological assessment. Case study data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with four industrial psychologists. Each interview represented a case to be analysed. The multiple-case study data gathered were then analysed using coding, within-case analysis and across-case analysis. The findings indicate that psychological instruments are used for the following purposes: (1) to add value to the quantification of a loss of income claim; and (2) to provide information that is required on the specific situation and circumstances surrounding the claim. Furthermore, the research findings also revealed that the purpose of using a psychological instrument to add value is influenced by internal factors of the psychological instrument as well as situational characteristics of the legal matter at hand. Through the exploration of the purposes for using psychological instruments, specific instruments used could be identified. Another finding included the existence of a perception that the psychological instruments currently available in South Africa are inadequate to provide the information required in the forensic context. The findings also revealed the kind of information that is needed.Recommendations were made for future research and industry-related practices. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claims

Botha, Monica Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the wide spread use of psychological instruments in the forensic context, there is a dearth of research on the purposes for using it. A qualitative case study approach was adopted in this study to explore the purposes for which industrial psychologists use psychological instruments in loss of income claims. The research study comprised of two phases. Firstly, a literature review was used to provide some background on psychological assessment in the forensic context. The literature review described the historical development of forensic psychology, what psychological instruments are and how they are used in the forensic context. The forensic context, in which industrial psychologists operate, was also described. Furthermore, the initial conceptual framework to outline the context of the next phase of the research was illustrated. The second phase was an exploratory study that made use of a multiple-case study approach. The main research aim was to explore the purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claims by industrial psychologists. Another aim was to explore the psychological instruments used. The final aim was to explore the kind of information that is needed in the forensic context, which is not currently available by means of existing psychological assessment. Case study data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with four industrial psychologists. Each interview represented a case to be analysed. The multiple-case study data gathered were then analysed using coding, within-case analysis and across-case analysis. The findings indicate that psychological instruments are used for the following purposes: (1) to add value to the quantification of a loss of income claim; and (2) to provide information that is required on the specific situation and circumstances surrounding the claim. Furthermore, the research findings also revealed that the purpose of using a psychological instrument to add value is influenced by internal factors of the psychological instrument as well as situational characteristics of the legal matter at hand. Through the exploration of the purposes for using psychological instruments, specific instruments used could be identified. Another finding included the existence of a perception that the psychological instruments currently available in South Africa are inadequate to provide the information required in the forensic context. The findings also revealed the kind of information that is needed.Recommendations were made for future research and industry-related practices. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A Comparison of Miranda Procedures: The Effects of Oral and Written Administrations on Miranda Comprehension

Blackwood, Hayley L. 08 1900 (has links)
Millions of custodial suspects waive their rights each year without the benefit of legal counsel. The question posed to psychologists in disputed Miranda waivers is whether this waiver decision was, knowing, intelligent, and voluntary. Mental health professionals must be aware of potential barriers to Miranda comprehension to provide expert opinions regarding a defendant's competency to waive rights. The current study examined how Miranda warning reading level, length, and method of administration affects Miranda comprehension. Recently arrested detainees at Grayson County Jail were administered oral and written Miranda warnings from the Miranda Statements Scale (MSS; Rogers, 2005) to measure their comprehension of the warnings. Surprisingly low levels of Miranda comprehension were found for most warnings. For all warnings at or above 8th grade, a substantial minority (27.1% - 39.6%) of defendants exhibited failed (i.e., < 50% understanding) Miranda comprehension. Regardless of other variables, oral administrations resulted in a substantially larger number of defendants with failed Miranda comprehension. Implications for public policy and clinical practice are discussed.

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