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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'évaluation scolaire en question : de l'activité des enseignants aux conduites des élèves : impact des évaluations proposées et des modalités de groupement sur les conduites des élèves du secondaire en éducation physique et sportive / School assessment in question : teachers' activity and students' behavior : impact of assessments and group modalities on the behavior in high school students in physical education

Mougenot, Lucie 21 November 2013 (has links)
L’évaluation scolaire est une étape indispensable à tout cycle d’apprentissage tant dans sa finalité sociale que dans sa perspective pédagogique qui vise à optimiser l’apprentissage des élèves. L’enseignant est amené à réfléchir quotidiennement aux différents types d’évaluation qu’il va mettre en place, à leurs fonctions, aux critères pertinents d’évaluation à utiliser au regard de ses attentes et des apprentissages réalisés. La recherche présentée ici a pour objectif d’étudier l’activité évaluative des enseignants en EPS dans le secondaire et les répercussions qu’elle peut avoir sur les élèves. En premier lieu, à partir de questionnaires diffusés auprès de 179 enseignants, nous avons pu faire émerger les points forts et les faiblesses de l’évaluation actuelle telle qu’elle est proposée en éducation physique et sportive (EPS) actuellement. Les résultats révèlent notamment qu’il existe d’une part des pratiques évaluatives disparates chez les enseignants et, d’autre part, que ceux-ci tendent à réinterpréter les modalités d’évaluation formative davantage comme une évaluation sommative intermédiaire souvent notée. En second lieu, au cours d’une expérimentation de terrain se déroulant au sein d’une activité collective en EPS (basketball), nous nous sommes intéressés aux conduites motrices et verbales des élèves dans le but de mesurer les effets de différents types d’évaluation sur leurs apprentissages et leurs conduites décisionnelles. La nécessaire adaptation à autrui, que requiert l’activité collective proposée, nous a incités aussi à prendre en compte les relations socio-affectives qui structurent les sous-groupes d’élèves car ceux-ci interagissent, s’opposent, coopèrent avec des camarades qu’ils ne choisissent pas et dans des situations évaluatives parfois à enjeu conséquent. L’analyse des conduites des élèves dévoile l’impact positif de l’évaluation formative sur l’apprentissage et son rôle important dans la préparation des élèves à l’évaluation sommative et ce, quelle que soit la forme de regroupement des élèves du point de vue socio-affectif. La recherche entreprise augure au plan scientifique des difficultés rencontrées par les praticiens dans les évaluations qu’ils proposent. De plus, elle ouvre la voie au plan pédagogique à une réflexion sur les choix des modalités d’évaluation et des regroupements d’élèves en EPS. / School assessment is an essential step in learning through its social purpose and its educational approach in order to maximize student’s learning. Teachers reflect daily on different types of assessment, their functions, criteria of assessment to be used in relation to expectations and learning. This study aims to investigate teachers' evaluative activity in high school and the impact it can have on students in physical education. The strengths and weaknesses of the current assessment emerged in the results of a survey. The results show that there are such disparate evaluation practices among teachers and, secondly, that they tend to reinterpret the formative assessment more as an intermediate summative assessment. Then, in an in vivo experiment that takes place in a collective activity in physical education (basketball), we are interested in students' motor and verbal behavior. The purpose of this experiment is to measure effects of different types of assessment on their learning and decisions. Moreover, the collective activity that has been proposed requires adaptation to others: this prompted us to take into account the socio-emotional relationships that structure the students' subgroups. Indeed they interact, are opposed, cooperate with peers who are not chosen, in evaluative situations. The analysis of students’ behavior shows the positive impact of formative assessment on learning and its role in preparing students for the summative evaluation, whatever the form of grouping students in a socio-emotional perspective. This research augurs at scientific level difficulties experienced by practitioners in assessments. In addition, it opens the way to a pedagogical reflection on the choice of assessment methods and student groupings in EPS.

Formativ bedömning inom svenskämnet : En studie av en lärares och elevers feedback samt upplevelser av återkoppling och kamratbedömning / Formative assessment in swedish lessons : A study of one theacher and student´s formative feedback and their perceptions of feedback and peer-assessment

Andersson, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate formative assessment and formative feedbacks effects on students. One teacher describes through interviews her experiences of formative assessment and feedback. Also the students' perceptions are described. It is examined through observations, how different types of feedback is communicated by the teacher to the student and among students. This study wanted to highlight the effects formative assessment and formative feedback may have on their learning and motivation. This with particular interest in the Swedish lessons. I chose to concentrate on this following questions: What types of feedback communicates from teacher to student, and students among each other? How does one teacher describe her feedback and how it affects student motivation and learning process? What is the student’s thoughts on the feedback they give and receive from each other and how it affects their motivation and learning process? Formative assessment includes five strategies that shape the students to reach the goal in which three actors are involved. Those are the teacher, other students and the pupil. One of the five strategies is formative feedback, that can identify and provide the student information which helps the student to gain insight on how a task should be solved. Different types of feedback are identified by Hattie and Timperley and had the function as analyses tools in this study. The method of this study was qualitative, though I have done observations in one classroom of 26 students for five days and interviews with one teacher and 10 pupils in the school year 3 (9-10 year-olds). The result showed that the teacher used mostly process-oriented feedback and the pupils became to use it through time. The result also indicated that the students' learning process and motivation was affected to the extent that they were more independent, seeking feedback from peers and became more engaged in the lessons with time.

Formative Bewertung von Dolmetschleistungen im Studienverlauf: Bewertungskriterien, Bewertungsperspektiven und Vermittlung der Bewertung

Riemer, Sandra 28 November 2019 (has links)
Der anwendungsorientierte Masterstudiengang Konferenzdolmetschen hat die wesentliche Zielsetzung, Studierende auf eine professionelle Dolmetschtätigkeit vorzubereiten. Daher besteht ein überwiegender Anteil der Lehrveranstaltungen und des Selbststudiums darin, die Fähigkeiten zu trainieren, die für die Berufsausübung nötig sind. Um das Lernen zu lenken und den Lernfortschritt zu überwachen, erhalten die Studierenden wiederholt von verschiedenen Seiten Rückmeldungen zu ihrer erbrachten Leistung. Durch diese Bewertungen sollen Stärken und Schwächen aufgezeigt werden, um eine gezielte Weiterentwicklung der Dolmetschkompetenz zu unterstützen. Die zentrale Fragestellung der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, wie diese Bewertungshandlungen in der Praxis ausgestaltet sein sollten, damit sie eine tatsächliche Unterstützung für den Lernprozess darstellen. Eine besondere Relevanz hat diese Fragestellung angesichts der Tatsache, dass nicht nur Dozierende sondern auch Studierende in großem Umfang Dolmetschleistungen bewerten müssen – im Präsenzstudium sowie im Selbststudium. Dabei sollen auch diejenigen studentischen Bewertungsvorgänge, die in Abwesenheit von Dozierenden erfolgen, dazu geeignet sein, die Weitergestaltung des Lernprozesses zielgerichtet zu unterstützen. Das Ziel der Arbeit liegt somit darin, für die Ausbildungspraxis konkrete Hinweise zusammenzutragen, wie Bewertungen von studentischen Dolmetschleistungen gestaltet werden können, um der Forderung nach einer Unterstützung des Lernprozesses gerecht zu werden. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den verwendeten Bewertungskriterien, den möglichen Bewertungsperspektiven und dem Aspekt der Vermittlung der Bewertung. Bei der Präsentation der Ergebnisse werden bereits vorliegende schematische Darstellungen, die die Bewertungsvorgänge in der Praxis unterstützen können, durch weitere eigene Zusammenstellungen ergänzt.:Abbildungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 2 Lerntheorie und Didaktik 2.1 Der Begriff „Lernen“ 2.2 Förderung des Lernerfolgs 2.3 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.4 Bewertung und Lernen 2.4.1 Definition von Feedback und Bewertung 2.4.2 Assessment for learning 2.4.3 Lernende als Feedback-Quelle: Peer assessment und Self-assessment 2.4.4 Eigenschaften unterstützender Bewertung 3 Dolmetschqualität und Dolmetschkompetenz 3.1 Dolmetschqualität – die Güte von Dolmetschprozess und -produkt 3.1.1 Begriffseingrenzung 3.1.2 Bewertende Personengruppen 3.1.3 Qualitätsparameter 3.2 Dolmetschkompetenz – Fähigkeiten von Dolmetschern 4 Didaktik des Konferenzdolmetschens 4.1 Grundlagen der Dolmetschdidaktik 4.2 Zielsetzung der Dolmetschausbildung 4.2.1 Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarkts 4.2.2 Zielsetzungen an Dolmetschausbildungsinstituten 4.2.3 Zielsetzungen in den Abteilungen am IALT 4.3 Lern- und Anforderungsprogression 4.4 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen im Master Konferenzdolmetschen 5 Formative Bewertungshandlungen im Dolmetschstudium 5.1 Aufbau und Ausgestaltung der Bewertung 5.1.1 Bestandteile des Bewertungsprozesses 5.1.2 Produkt- vs. prozessorientierte Bewertung 5.1.3 Weitere Aspekte der Bewertungsgestaltung 5.2 Möglichkeiten der Gewinnung von Bewertungskriterien für Dolmetschleistungen im Studium 5.2.1 Übernahme bestehender Bewertungskriterien 5.2.2 Zusammenstellung von Bewertungskriterien durch Studierende 5.3 Bewertung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven 5.3.1 Perspektive der bewertenden Person 5.3.2 Zeitliche Perspektive 5.4 Leitfaden zur Bewertungsgestaltung 6 Fazit Literaturverzeichnis Anhang: Gesprächsleitfaden zur Befragung von Dozierenden des IALT

Formative assessment in elementary school / Formative bedömning i lågstadiet

Blecher, Hannah, Hörlin, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This study's purpose is to investigate formative assessment/feedback in elementary school. According to the Curriculum (2018), it is essential to use formative feedback in the classroom because it helps students progress in their learning. The aim is to see how formative assessment is conducted in English as a second language/English as a foreign language classroom. The research questions that we used were to what extent is formative feedback used in the elementary classroom? Furthermore, are there different ways of giving formative assessment in an English classroom? The primary method used has been electronic searches in two databases, such as Education research complete and ERIC. The study results will show that the teachers know that formative assessment is beneficial for the students' learning process. However, they do not use it due to the lack of experience, time and knowledge. We investigated the teachers' role in formative assessment and discussed how essential time and prioritizing are.

Formativní hodnocení ve výuce na 1. stupni základní školy / Formative Assessment in Primary School Education

Kopecká, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis Formative Assessment in Primary School Education deals mainly with the classroom assessment, which provides the pupils with purposeful feedback on their learning at the time when their performance can still be improved. It is a very frequent assessment of pupil's progress. The first part of this diploma thesis deals with classroom assessment and describes the different types of assessment, its forms and tools. After embedding formative assessment to the context of classroom assessment, the thesis deals with the definition of this term and it closely clarifies its history, different approaches, and it especially specifies the use of formative assessment in practice. Part of the text, which is concerned with formative assessment strategies, closely explains concepts such as feedback, dealing with mistakes, questioning or peer-feedback. Major part of this work is dedicated to formative assessment techniques, which may function as a collection of valuable ideas and recommendations for teachers about working with pupils and assessing them in class. The second part of this diploma thesis presents an empirical research concerned with assessment of two teachers of Social Science and Czech language and literature at the selected primary school. Through case-study are examined these: in...

Évaluation de la formation accompagnant l'outil de prévention de la prostitution en contexte de gangs : le silence de Cendrillon

Courchesne, Audrée January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Teatro como experiência formativa: um diálogo com o pensamento de Hannah Arendt / Theater as a formative experience: a dialogue with the thought of Hannah Arendt

Leite, Thiago de Castro 31 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho pode ser caracterizado como um exercício de compreensão. Trata-se de um exame das reverberações provocadas pela obra de Hannah Arendt em nosso modo de conceber as relações entre educação e linguagem teatral e, em especial, em nosso modo de refletir acerca do potencial formativo da experiência teatral dentro do ambiente escolar. Ao conceber a educação como uma tarefa voltada para a inserção das novas gerações num legado de significados compartilhados, Hannah Arendt nos provoca a pensá-la sob a perspectiva do mundo. Assim para além de compreender que educar crianças e jovens consiste em prepará-los para viver, treinando habilidades e competências para que realizem inúmeras tarefas no mundo, Arendt identifica a atividade educativa como uma forma de apresentação do mundo, uma tentativa de familiarização com as experiências e obras que o constituem e que nos foram legadas por nossos antepassados. No que toca à linguagem teatral, os indícios encontrados em sua obra nos levam a sugerir a existência de uma especificidade para o teatro que reside na oportunidade para que aqueles que participam do evento artístico olhem para o mundo que é revelado na cena e possam pensar sobre ele, examiná-lo e atribuir-lhe algum sentido. Nesse encontro entre um alguém que representa ações humanas e um alguém que pode delas fruir como espectador, instaura-se uma oportunidade para a emergência de exercícios de compreensão sobre o próprio mundo. É por essa razão, por tais aspectos serem intrínsecos à linguagem teatral, que nosso percurso se dedica a pensá-la dentro do ambiente escolar, ou seja, como um ponto de vista sobre o mundo, como uma forma de inserir as novas gerações num legado comum. Todavia, essa inserção não consiste apenas em apresentar informações sobre o mundo humano, não diz respeito à somente conhecer o que nele ocorre, mas configura-se como uma chance de pensar sobre o mundo, ressignificando-o e, nesse processo, sendo transformado por ele. Um encontro afetivo entre as novas gerações e o legado de experiências e obras que constituem o mundo, ou seja, uma experiência formativa. / This dissertation can be characterized as an exercise of understanding. It brings an analysis of the reverberations of Hannah Arendts work in our way of conceiving the relationships between education and theater language, especially in our way of thinking about the formative potential of the theatrical experience in school environment. When conceiving education as a task dedicated to the insertion of new generations in a legacy of shared meanings, Hannah Arendt causes us to think education in a world perspective. Hence, more than understanding that teaching children and youngsters consists in preparing them to live, training their skills and competences so that they can do several activities in the world, Arendt identifies education as a form of world presentation, an attempt of familiarizing students with the experiences and works which constitute the world and that our ancestors left us as a legacy. Regarding theatrical language, evidence found in her work allows us to suggest the existence of specificity for theater, which lies in the opportunity, for those who participate in the artistic event, to look to the world that is revealed in scene and think about it, examine it and assign it meaning. In this meeting between someone who represents human actions and someone who enjoys them as a spectator, it is possible to find the opportunity for understanding the world itself. For this reason, for such aspects are intrinsic to the theatrical language, our journey is dedicated to think it in the school environment, as a point of view on the world, as a form to enter new generations in a common legacy. Nevertheless, this insertion not only consists in presenting information about the human world, identifying what happens on it, but also consists in a chance to think about the world, assigning new meanings to it and, in this process, being changed by it. An affective encounter between new generations and the legacy of experiences and works that constitute the world: a formative experience.

Teatro como experiência formativa: um diálogo com o pensamento de Hannah Arendt / Theater as a formative experience: a dialogue with the thought of Hannah Arendt

Thiago de Castro Leite 31 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho pode ser caracterizado como um exercício de compreensão. Trata-se de um exame das reverberações provocadas pela obra de Hannah Arendt em nosso modo de conceber as relações entre educação e linguagem teatral e, em especial, em nosso modo de refletir acerca do potencial formativo da experiência teatral dentro do ambiente escolar. Ao conceber a educação como uma tarefa voltada para a inserção das novas gerações num legado de significados compartilhados, Hannah Arendt nos provoca a pensá-la sob a perspectiva do mundo. Assim para além de compreender que educar crianças e jovens consiste em prepará-los para viver, treinando habilidades e competências para que realizem inúmeras tarefas no mundo, Arendt identifica a atividade educativa como uma forma de apresentação do mundo, uma tentativa de familiarização com as experiências e obras que o constituem e que nos foram legadas por nossos antepassados. No que toca à linguagem teatral, os indícios encontrados em sua obra nos levam a sugerir a existência de uma especificidade para o teatro que reside na oportunidade para que aqueles que participam do evento artístico olhem para o mundo que é revelado na cena e possam pensar sobre ele, examiná-lo e atribuir-lhe algum sentido. Nesse encontro entre um alguém que representa ações humanas e um alguém que pode delas fruir como espectador, instaura-se uma oportunidade para a emergência de exercícios de compreensão sobre o próprio mundo. É por essa razão, por tais aspectos serem intrínsecos à linguagem teatral, que nosso percurso se dedica a pensá-la dentro do ambiente escolar, ou seja, como um ponto de vista sobre o mundo, como uma forma de inserir as novas gerações num legado comum. Todavia, essa inserção não consiste apenas em apresentar informações sobre o mundo humano, não diz respeito à somente conhecer o que nele ocorre, mas configura-se como uma chance de pensar sobre o mundo, ressignificando-o e, nesse processo, sendo transformado por ele. Um encontro afetivo entre as novas gerações e o legado de experiências e obras que constituem o mundo, ou seja, uma experiência formativa. / This dissertation can be characterized as an exercise of understanding. It brings an analysis of the reverberations of Hannah Arendts work in our way of conceiving the relationships between education and theater language, especially in our way of thinking about the formative potential of the theatrical experience in school environment. When conceiving education as a task dedicated to the insertion of new generations in a legacy of shared meanings, Hannah Arendt causes us to think education in a world perspective. Hence, more than understanding that teaching children and youngsters consists in preparing them to live, training their skills and competences so that they can do several activities in the world, Arendt identifies education as a form of world presentation, an attempt of familiarizing students with the experiences and works which constitute the world and that our ancestors left us as a legacy. Regarding theatrical language, evidence found in her work allows us to suggest the existence of specificity for theater, which lies in the opportunity, for those who participate in the artistic event, to look to the world that is revealed in scene and think about it, examine it and assign it meaning. In this meeting between someone who represents human actions and someone who enjoys them as a spectator, it is possible to find the opportunity for understanding the world itself. For this reason, for such aspects are intrinsic to the theatrical language, our journey is dedicated to think it in the school environment, as a point of view on the world, as a form to enter new generations in a common legacy. Nevertheless, this insertion not only consists in presenting information about the human world, identifying what happens on it, but also consists in a chance to think about the world, assigning new meanings to it and, in this process, being changed by it. An affective encounter between new generations and the legacy of experiences and works that constitute the world: a formative experience.

Évaluation de la formation accompagnant l'outil de prévention de la prostitution en contexte de gangs : le silence de Cendrillon

Courchesne, Audrée January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

L’évaluation dans les enseignements scientifiques fondés sur l’investigation : effets de différentes modalités d'évaluation formative sur l’autorégulation des apprentissages / Assessment in Inquiry-Based Science Education : effects of formative assessment on self-regulation

Lepareur, Céline 16 June 2016 (has links)
Pour de nombreux pays européens, ces dernières années ont été marquées par l’introduction des Enseignements Scientifiques Fondés sur l’Investigation (ESFI) dans les programmes scolaires. Deux objectifs sont poursuivis : offrir une image « plus conforme » de l’activité scientifique et éveiller l’intérêt des élèves en mettant l’accent sur leur rôle actif dans le processus d’apprentissage. Parallèlement à l’introduction de ces démarches, la mise en œuvre d’évaluations formatives ouvre une voie prometteuse pour répondre à ces objectifs. Elles sont en effet susceptibles de développer l’autorégulation des apprentissages des élèves et de constituer une aide pertinente pour les enseignants afin de réguler leur enseignement (Allal & Mottier Lopez, 2007 ; Clark, 2012 ; Wiliam, 2010). Cette recherche doctorale traite des impacts de différentes modalités d’évaluation formative sur l’autorégulation des apprentissages des élèves dans le cadre spécifique des ESFI. Deux enjeux ont guidé ce travail. Le premier, empirique, concernait l’analyse des pratiques évaluatives des enseignants et de leurs effets sur les processus d’autorégulation. Le second visait la mise au point d’une méthodologie qui permette d’analyser les variables étudiées. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé par enregistrements vidéo de séances de classe et construit des grilles d’indicateurs nous permettant d’analyser les processus in situ. Différentes situations d’enseignement ont été comparées. La première correspondait aux évaluations formatives telles que les enseignants la mettent en œuvre dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. La deuxième concernait les pratiques évaluatives mises en œuvre par les mêmes enseignants l’année suivante, après qu’un retour réflexif sur leur séance ait été conduit. Nous montrons un meilleur équilibre dans l’usage des différentes modalités d’évaluation formative dans la deuxième situation, notamment vers une plus grande responsabilisation des élèves et mise en avant des pairs en tant que ressource. Les élèves font aussi preuve d’une autorégulation de leur comportement plus efficace au regard d’un temps passé à produire des stratégies de résolution plus important et d’un meilleur engagement dans la tâche. Des manques sont néanmoins relevés quant à la façon d’intégrer formellement l’outil d’autoévaluation à l’activité des élèves. Des pistes d’action pour combiner efficacement l’évaluation aux différentes tâches d’apprentissage sont alors proposées. / Since a few years, in many European countries, Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) has impacted science curriculums. Two goals are at stake: to provide an image of scientific activity more consistent with the actual activity of scientists, and to arouse students' interest by emphasizing their active role in the learning process. With the introduction of these measures, the implementation of formative assessments opens a promising way to meet these goals. They are in fact likely to develop students’ self-regulation and to provide relevant feedbacks for teachers to regulate their teaching (Allal & Mottier Lopez, 2007; Clark, 2012; Wiliam, 2010). This doctoral research focuses on the impacts of different modalities of formative assessment on students’ self-regulation in the specific context of IBSE. Two issues have guided this work. The first one, of empirical nature, aimed at analyzing the evaluation practices of teachers and their effects on the self-regulatory process. The second one was the development of a methodology to analyze the variables at stake. To do this, we proceeded by recording videos of class sessions and constructed an indicator grid which allowed us to analyze in situ process. Different teaching situations were compared. The first corresponded to formative assessments such as teachers implement it in their daily practices. The second concerned the assessment practices implemented by the same teachers the following year, after a workshop where teachers were invited to reflect on their practice. Our results show a better balance in the use of different formative assessment methods in the second situation, especially towards a greater empowerment of students and better taking account peers as resources. Students also demonstrate more efficient self-regulation of their behavior in the light of a greater time spent to produce solving strategies and a better commitment to the task. The question of how to formally integrate the self-assessment tool to student activity is still pending. Some ideas to effectively combine the evaluation with different learning tasks are thus proposed.

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