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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att veta vägen till mål : Formativ bedömning i religionsundervisning på mellanstadiet

Hautala, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what kindof formative assessments is used in the religious education at middle-schoolin Sweden. A further aim of the study is to examine whether any problems can be observed with formative assessment. Questions that will try to be answered are: What kindof formative assessment occurs in religious education at the middle school in a Swedish school? What problems can be observed with formative assessment in religious education at the middle school in a Swedish school? To answer these questions, six lessons in religious education were observedin total; three teachers held two lessons each which were observed. Earlier studies have showed that formative assessment was used by teachers to give feedback to improve pupils’ learning. In some cases, feedback was also givenwhich did not contribute to the improvement of pupils’learning. Earlier studies also conclude that formative assessment helped teachers to designfuture lessonsbased on pupils’ prior knowledge. Another conclusion highlights that teachers who made the goals of the lesson visible for pupils, resulted in an increased motivation and understanding of the purpose of the lesson. This study concludes that formative assessment has been usedby all three teachers, but in different ways. One conclusion is that when the goals of the lesson was not visible for the pupils, it affected the motivation of some pupils. Another conclusion is that teachers used formative assessment to modify lesson plans to meet the pupils’ current knowledge. Formative assessment was also used to encourage pupils to help each other by using peer-assessment. To improve pupils learning, teachers also used feedback as a strategy

As potencialidades e os desafios de uma proposta formativa em mídia-educação para estudantes de licenciatura /

Meira, Camila Venceslau January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Maria de Lima / Resumo: A presente pesquisa de mestrado, vinculada à linha “Processos formativos, ensino e aprendizagem”, tem como objetivo geral investigar e analisar as potencialidades e os desafios de uma proposta formativa em mídia-educação para estudantes de licenciatura. O estudo apresenta uma abordagem qualitativa, seu caráter é descritivo-explicativo, com delineamento metodológico do tipo pesquisa-intervenção. A investigação se justifica à medida que busca contribuir para o processo de apropriação crítica, criativa, autônoma e reflexiva dos licenciandos em relação às mídias e porque pretende ampliar o debate sobre a necessidade da presença da mídia-educação no contexto da formação superior, sobretudo, nos cursos de licenciatura. Com as novas demandas sociais, em tempos de cultura digital, entendemos que a postura mídia-educativa deve ser pensada como um propósito de todos os educadores. Desse modo, a pesquisa contou com duas etapas de coleta de dados. A primeira foi constituída pela aplicação de um questionário visando compreender o perfil do público-alvo e os seus conhecimentos sobre a mídia. Em um segundo momento, nos dedicamos à proposta formativa, a partir dos pressupostos da mídia-educação, que compreende um trabalho de educação para os meios, com os meios e através deles. As fases de análise, interpretação e triangulação dos dados coletados foram orientadas pelo referencial teórico e metodológico da análise de conteúdo. Entre os resultados da pesquisa, destacamos que a proposta formati... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present research from this Master Degree, attached to the line “Formative processes, teaching and learning”, has as a general objective to investigate and analyze the potentialities and the challenges from a formative proposition.ruled by the media education, on a licentiate course. This study presents a qualitative approach, its character is descriptive-explanatory, with methodological outline having as a kind intervention research. The investigation justifies itself as long as it searches to contribute to the critic appropriation process, creative, autonomous and reflexive from the licentiate students related to the medias and because it intends to enhance the debate about the necessity of the presence of the media education in the context of the degree formation, specially related to the licentiate courses. With the new social demands, at the digital culture time, it is understood that the posture media education must be thought as a purpose of all educators. Like this, the research had two stages related to data collect. The first was built by the application of a questionnaire for our understanding of the public target profile and about their knowledge about the media. On a second moment, we dedicated the formative proposition, having as a beginning the assumption from the media education, that contains a education work to the ways, with the ways and through the ways. The analyses phases, interpretation, triangulation from the collected data were oriented by the theo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Vad kommer i höst? : En undersökning om hur lärarstudenter upplever sina färdigheter i att bedriva formativ bedömning i samhällskunskap / What will autumn bring? : A study on how student teachers experience their skills in conducting formative assessment in civics

Knutsson, Claes January 2019 (has links)
Samhället idag har på senare tid fått en förändrad syn på kunskap och i förlängningen vilka sorts kunskaper dess medborgare ska besitta. Idag efterfrågas medborgare besitta mer än bara kunskaper, samhället efterfrågar utbildning för att dess medborgare ska kunna agera i den snabba takt samhället utvecklas i. Detta har gjort att skolutbildningens roll har blivit större än att bara förmedla reproduktiva kunskaper till sina elever, den ska hjälpa eleverna utveckla färdigheter, verktyg samt producera ny kunskap som ska hjälpa dem i sitt fortsatta liv som samhällsmedborgare. Ett sätt för skolan att möta dessa krav är tillämpningen av formativ bedömning, där elevers lärandeprocess hamnar i fokus genom att utveckla verktyg och färdigheter snarare än bara faktabaserade kunskaper. Målsättningen med den här undersökningen är att bidra till förståelse för hur ämneslärarstudenter i samhällskunskap ser på formativ bedömning i förhållande till deras framtida läraruppdrag samt om de känner att de utvecklat färdigheter för att kunna bedriva formativ bedömning. Genom djupintervjuer i par samtalar sex respondenter om sina uppfattningar, upplevelser och färdigheter inför ovan nämnt syfte. Resultatet visar att respondenterna saknar en fullständig uppfattning om vad formativ bedömning innebär och hur det ska bedrivas, men att de ställer sig positiva till att tillämpa en sådan undervisningsmodell utifrån att sätta tydliga mål och ge återkoppling. Respondenterna vill använda sig av återkoppling som bedrivs som en kontinuerlig process genom läsåret som stödjer eleverna före, under och efter varje moment. Slutligen visar resultatet att respondenterna också ser sig ha utvecklat färdigheter för att bedriva formativ bedömning, men att det också finns en nervositet inför att genomföra den formativa samt summativa bedömningen. Detta då de känner att de inte fått möjligheten att öva på detta i tillräckligt stor utsträckning. / Society today has recently had a change of view on knowledge and, in extension, what kind of knowledge its citizens should possess. Today, citizens are asked to possess more than just knowledge, society is now asking for education to enable its citizens to cope with the rapid pace which society’s evolving in. This means that the role of the school education has become greater than simply conveying reproductive skills to their students, it is asked to help students develop skills, tools and produce new knowledge to help them in their continued lives as members of the society. One way for the school to meet these requirements is the application of formative assessment, where pupils learning process end up in focus by developing tools and skills rather than just factual knowledge. The aim of this study is to contribute to an understanding of how teacher students in civics view formative assessment in relation to their future task as teachers and whether they feel that they have developed skills in order to be able to conduct Formative assessment. Through in-depth interviews in pairs, six respondents discuss their beliefs, experiences and skills in the light of the above-mentioned purpose. The results show that respondents lack a complete understanding of what the formative assessment means and how it should be conducted, but that they are in favour of applying such a teaching model based on setting clear objectives and providing feedback. The respondents want to use feedback that is conducted as a continuous process through the school year that supports students before, during and after each moment. Finally, the result shows that respondents also see themselves having developed skills to conduct formative assessment, but that there is also a nervousness in the conduct of the formative and summative assessment. This is because they feel that they have not been given the opportunity to practice this to a sufficiently large extent.

Factors influencing teachers'choice and use of tasks for formative assessment of mathematics in grades 2-6

Wilson Thompson, Bronwen 25 October 2006 (has links)
MEd thesis / Abstract This study explores teachers’ understanding about ways in which assessment supports learning and teaching within the context of grappling with the new curriculum. It argues that formative assessment, supports a socialconstructivist view of learning and teaching. It suggests that formative assessment functions in a fundamentally different way to summative assessment, and could assist teachers in moving towards a more conceptual approach to learning and teaching. Teachers’ views are explored in focus groups in which teachers discuss their choice and use of either traditional or alternative assessment tasks, in their mathematics lessons. The findings suggest, however, that teachers’ ability to use assessment in this way is influenced by their own views of mathematics learning, their current views of assessment, the amount of support provided in the assessment materials, and the practices of the school. Key words Formative assessment Social constructivist Focus groups Phenomenography Primary school Mathematics Assessment Investigations

Arqueobotânica e mudanças socioeconômicas durante o Holoceno Médio no sudoeste da Amazônia / Archaeobotany and Social Changes in the Southwestern Amazon during the Middle Holocene

Furquim, Laura Pereira 14 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos dez anos, há um crescente esforço na Arqueologia Amazônica para repensar as mudanças sociais e econômicas acerca dos processos de longa duração dos povos indígenas durante o período pré-colonial. O Período Formativo, cunhado para alocar tais populações em um estágio intermediário de evolução, vem sendo descontruído em prol de perspectivas alternativas sobre as formas de organização e interação que refletem o tecer e o constante re-tecer das redes ameríndias, com base em historicidades cíclicas contra-estatais que inibem a centralização política. Neste contexto, diversos estudos vêm contribuindo para a desvinculação dos traços materiais \"formativos\", tais quais a emergência da vida sedentária, de plantas domesticadas, da produção de cerâmicas utilitárias e um processo progressivo de intensificação da produtividade agrícola. Há uma gradativa mudança do fator ambiental, de gatilho de adaptações humanas para produto das escolhas sociais na formação de florestas antrópicas e criação de uma biodiversidade de plantas úteis. A crítica ao determinismo agrícola e à presença de staple foods se combina com um crescente investimento na compreensão acerca da convivência entre espécies domesticadas e silvestres e da existência de contextos de abandono de espécies domesticadas (como o milho), e nos abrem espaço para repensar o papel do cultivo na Amazônia Antiga. Neste cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo reunir e produzir dados arquebotânicos que permitissem uma avaliação do modelo de intensificação agrícola e da construção de florestas antropogênicas. O Sudoeste Amazônico, marcado por uma transição entre savanas, cerrados e florestas, é a região em que teria ocorrido a domesticação de importantes cultivares indígenas (como a mandioca e a pupunha), e foi caracterizado como um dos locais de avanço do Período Formativo no passado. Através de uma análise diacrônica dos macro-vestígios vegetais presentes no sambaqui Monte Castelo entre as ocupações dos estratos Sinimbu (cal 7.423 - 6.936 A.P. a cal. 4.987 - 4.566 A.P.) e Bacabal (cal. 4.628 - 3.982 a cal. 803 - 624 A.P.), buscamos avaliar estas mudanças socioeconômicas transcorridas entre o Holoceno Médio e Tardio. Caracterizamos uma assembleia botânica formada por espécies domesticadas, manejadas e silvestres, típicas de diferentes ambientes, que indicam uma prática conjunta e constante de cultivo, manejo e coleta, que pode ter sido modificada no Holoceno Tardio por conta de transformações sociais na bacia do Rio Guaporé. Em suma, acompanhamos a história dos cultivos, junto à história dos processos de mudanças e continuidades nos padrões de mobilidade humana, e de dispersão das espécies identificadas, permeando-nos por um debate crítico acerca dos conceitos de agricultura, domesticação, evolução e complexidade social. / In the last ten years, there has been a growing effort in Amazonian Archeology to rethink the social and economic changes in the long-term processes of indigenous peoples during the pre-colonial period. The Formative Period, coined to allocate such populations in an intermediate stage of evolution, has been deconstructed in favor of alternative perspectives on the forms of organization and interaction that reflect the weaving and constant re-weaving of Amerindian networks, based on cyclical historicities and counter-state policies that inhibit political centralization. In this context, several studies have contributed to the untying of the \"formative\" material traits, such as the emergence of sedentary life, domesticated plants, the production of utilitarian ceramics and a progressive process of intensification of agricultural productivity. There is a gradual change in the environmental factor, from the trigger of human adaptation to the product of social choices in the formation of anthropic forests and the creation of a biodiversity of useful plants. The critique of agricultural determinism and the presence of staple foods is combined with a growing investment in the understanding of the coexistence between domesticated and wild species and the existence of contexts of abandonment of domesticated species (such as corn), and open space for us to rethink the role of cultivation in the Ancient Amazon. In this scenario, the present research had the objective of gathering and producing archeobotanical data that allowed an evaluation of the model of agricultural intensification and the construction of anthropogenic forests. The Amazon Southwest, marked by a transition between savannas and forests, is the region in which the domestication of important indigenous cultivars (such as cassava and peach palm) would have occurred, and was characterized as one of the places of advancement of the Formative Period in the past. Through a diachronic analysis of plant macro-remains present in sambaqui Monte Castelo between the occupations of Sinimbu strata (cal 7423-6936 AP to cal 4987 - 4566 PA) and Bacabal (cal 4628 - 3982 to cal 803 - 624 AP ), we sought to evaluate these socioeconomic changes between the Middle and Late Holocene. We characterized a botanical assembly formed by domesticated, managed and wild species, typical of different environments, indicating a joint and constant practice of cultivation, management and collection that may have been modified in the Late Holocene due to social transformations in the Guaporé River basin. In short, we follow the history of crops, together with the history of the processes of changes and continuities in the patterns of human mobility, and of dispersion of the identified species, permeating us by a critical debate about the concepts of agriculture, domestication, evolution and social complexity.

Como tornar-se o que se é? Reflexões sobre biografias, autobiografias e itinerários formativos de professores / How to become what it is? Reflections on biographies, autobiographies and formative itineraries of teachers

Aly, André Lacreta 14 September 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca compreender as afirmações da vida sem condicionantes, o amor fati, tal como foi compreendido por Nietzsche, nos processos formativos de educadores. Ao lado dessa noção, os conceitos de sujeitos em processualidade, corpo-de-sonho, autopoiéticos, (ou seja, sujeitos abertos aos riscos, sem garantias quaisquer) dialogam com a perspectiva trágica nietzschiana na apreensão das escolhas existenciais-profissionais do ser e tornar-se professor. Os procedimentos metodológicos provêm das técnicas da História Oral e das pesquisas que interligam as Ciências Sociais e a memória, mais precisamente aquelas produzidas pelo método autobiográfico. Para sua realização foram coletados e interpretados relatos autobiográficos de dois educadores, além de registros memorialísticos do próprio pesquisador, compreendidos no trabalho como narradores, sob a ótica de Walter Benjamim. Desse modo é possível apreender a complexidade de cada itinerário formativo, os impasses da narrativa no mundo contemporâneo, como já indicara Benjamim, e contribuir, na perspectiva de formação nietzscheana, para a crítica do ensino e da formação de educadores na atualidade. / This presentation aims to understand the statements of life without conditioning, the amor fati, as understood by Nietzsche, in the formative processes of educators. Alongside this notion, the concepts of subjects in processuality, body-of-dream, autopoietic subjects (i.e. open to risks, with no guarantees) dialogue with the tragic Nietzschean perspective in the capture of existential-professional choices of being and becoming a teacher. The methodology utilized in this work derives from the techniques of Oral History and from research interlinking social sciences and memory, namely those produced by the autobiographical method. We collected and interpreted autobiographical notes of two educators, as well as the researchers own memoirs, understood in this work as narrators, as defined by Walter Benjamin. That allowed us to grasp the complexity of each formative itinerary, the impasses of narrative in the contemporary world, as pointed out by Benjamin, and also to contribute to the critique of education and training of educators today, from the Nietzschean perspective of formation.

Effect of Formative Feedback via Interactive Concept Maps on Informal Inferential Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding of ANOVA

Atas, Sait 25 March 2019 (has links)
This study assessed the knowledge structure of undergraduate participants related to previously determined critical concepts of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) by using Pathfinder networks. Three domain experts’ knowledge structures regarding the same concepts were also elicited and averaged to create a referent knowledge structure. The referent knowledge structure served as a basis for formative feedback. Then, each participant’s knowledge structure was compared with the referent structure to identify common, missing, and extraneous links between the two networks. Each participant was provided with individualized written and visual, and multi-media feedback through an online Concept Mapping tool based on the principals of formative assessment and feedback in an attempt to increase their conceptual knowledge of ANOVA. The study was conducted with 67 undergraduate participants from a mid-size university in the United States. Participants completed two data collection tools related to the critical concepts of ANOVA. Later, three different types of feedback around the critical concepts were given to participants in three stages. First, each participant was given visual feedback as a result of the comparison between their own knowledge structures and the referent knowledge structure to highlight similarities and differences between the two. Then, participants were provided with individualized written and multi-media feedback to emphasize conceptual understanding behind ANOVA procedures. This procedure was followed by the re-assessment of participants’ reasoning ability related to ANOVA and knowledge structures related to critical concepts to measure the effect of the intervention. Results suggest that participants both in control and intervention groups had the same level of statistics experience and anxiety before this study indicating that randomization of participants into two different groups was successful. Moreover, women participants reported a statistically significant higher level of statistics anxiety than men, however, it seems that this small difference did not limit their ability to perform required statistical tasks. Further, findings revealed that participants’ conceptual knowledge related to critical concepts of ANOVA increased significantly after the individualized feedback. However, the increase in the conceptual understanding did not help participants to transform this knowledge into more formal understanding related to procedures underlying ANOVA. Moreover, even though, previous similar studies suggest that participants are consistent in using a single strategy for making inferential reasoning across datasets, in the present study, qualitative data analysis revealed that statistics learners demonstrate diverse patterns of inferential reasoning strategies when they were provided with different size of datasets each with varying amount of variability. As a result, findings support the use of an extended framework for describing and measuring the development of participants’ reasoning ability regarding consideration of variation in statistics education.

Fazendo encaixes, montando sentidos, construindo a vida: um estudo de caso sobre os atuais processos de formação do ferramenteiro

Souza, Dalmo Omar Lopes de 31 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T20:03:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 31 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação tem como tema central a educação para e no trabalho, investigando os processos escolares e não-escolares da formação do ferramenteiro. A pesquisa realizada nos ambientes da fábrica e da escola trata da relação entre os modelos de gestão da produção e os processos empreendidos para a formação deste profissional, compreendendo a relação entre fábrica e escola como de mútua dependência. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo e teve o estudo de caso como método, baseando-se em entrevistas semi-estruturadas e análise de documentos. O quadro teórico que a sustenta encontra-se no campo da educação e trabalho, tendo nos estudos de autores como Eloísa Helena Santos, Acácia Eneida Kuenzer e Ricardo Antunes alguns de seus referenciais. A escola não é a única instância de formação do trabalhador, nem o processo de formação que inicia nela se encerra nela. A formação exclusivamente no trabalho carece da escola que qualifica esta aprendizagem. Tanto a fábrica quanto a escola se sustentam uma na outra, em cuja r / This dissertation has as main subject the education for the work and in it. It investigates the school and no-school processes of toolmaker formation. Accomplished in the environment of the factory and of the school, the research, deals with the relationship among the models of production management and the undertaken processes to the professional’s formation, comprehending the relation between the factory and the school as mutual dependence. This is a qualitative research and its method was the case study based in semi structured interviews and document analysis. The theory that sustains the research is in the field of education and work and some of its referential are in the studies of authors as Eloísa Helena Santos, Acácia Eneida Kuenzer e Ricardo Antunes. The school is not the only instance of the worker formation, nor the formation process that begins in the school ends in it. On another side, the formation that is done exclusively in the work needs the school that qualifies that learning. The factory

O processo de formação dos sambaquis: uma leitura estratigráfica do sítio Jabuticabeira II, SC / The shellmounds formation process: a stratigraphy analysis of the Jabuticabeira II site in Santa Catarina

Simoes, Cintia Bendazzoli 14 May 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste na investigação dos processos formativos envolvidos na construção do sambaqui costeiro Jabuticabeira II - SC, considerando que os sambaquis são estruturas intencionalmente erigidas por uma população em processo de sedentarização, adensamento demográfico e de complexificação da organização social. Este estudo é realizado a partir de análises estratigráficas detalhadas das seções já abertas e documentadas de várias áreas do sítio, que consideram sua morfologia, constituição, recorrência e incremento dos estratos, associação entre as camadas, bem como as datações obtidas para o entendimento da cronologia de sua formação. Nesta dissertação pretende-se descrever detalhadamente os processos formativos envolvidos na construção desse sítio. Objetiva-se também definir possíveis padrões que estruturam a composição e organização estratigráfica e propor modelos explicativos para os processos envolvidos nessa construção / The present dissertation consists of the investigation in formative processes involved in the construction of the coastal shellmound, Jabuticabeira II, SC. This takes into consideration the fact that the shellmounds are structures purposely built by a population in process of sedentary development, demographic densification and complexity in the social organization. This study is done as from detailed stratigraphy analyses of the already open sections and documented from various areas of the site, which consider its morphology, constitution, recurrence and strata increment, the association between the layers, as well as the dating processes obtained for the understanding of its chronology formation. In this dissertation it is intended the description in detail of the formative processes involved in the construction of the site. It is also aimed at defining possible standards which form the composition and the stratigraphy organization and proposes explanatory models for the involved processes in this construction

Jmenné derivační sufixy ve slovanštině a latině / Nominal derivative suffixes in Slavic and Latin

Pernicová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis treats one of the word-formative processes, derivation, in two Indo-European languages, Latin and Slavic. It focuses on the description and comparison of nominal (substantive) derivative suffixes and whole word-formative types that in these languages correspond to each other. The main focus of the thesis is to make a classification of these parallels from a functional point of view and to describe particular word-formative types from a scope of the onomasiologic categories. Since Latin and Slavic do not display similar parallels regarding other language levels, the considerable similarity of the derivative suffixes (and whole word-formative types) is a noticable phenomenon. One of its possible explanations is the fact that both languages have retained the original Indo-European word structure. Therefore this thesis uses as a base the Latin language as the older one which is thus formally and functionally more likely closer to the original (Indo-European) forms than Slavic, and traces particular suffixes (word-formative types) throughout their developement and attempts to reveal their formal and semantic shifts.

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