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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gränsöverskridande hasardspel på internet : – kompatibelt med den svenska lotterilagen och EU-rättens bestämmelser om fri rörlighet för tjänster? / Cross-Border Online Gambling : Compatible with the Swedish Lotteries Act and the Free Movement of Services?

Carlsson, Evelina January 2014 (has links)
I Sverige är det förbjudet att både anordna och främja deltagande i hasardspel om inte tillstånd har meddelats. Genom att kontrollera spelverksamheten, eftersträvas en sund och säker spelmarknad utan privata vinstintressen, där de bakomliggande skyddsintressena (att skydda konsumenter, att förhindra brott, att motverka sociala och ekonomiska skadeverkningar samt att styra överskottet) ska tillgodoses. I Sverige är det endast Svenska Spel och ATG som har tillstånd att tillhandahålla hasardspel över internet, men trots det både tillhandahåller och främjar spelleverantörer som är etablerade i andra medlemsstater hasardspel över internet på den svenska marknaden, vilket aktualiserar frågan huruvida EU-rätten ger något stöd för sådant gränsöverskridande hasardspel. Hasardspel faller in under bestämmelserna om fri rörlighet för tjänster förutsatt att spelleverantören är etablerad i en annan medlemsstat än mottagaren av tjänsten. Denna frihet kan begränsas på grund av tvingande skäl av allmänintresse såsom exempelvis konsumentskydd, uteslutande av privata vinstintressen och förhindrande av brott. Med anledning av de kulturella och moraliska skiljaktigheter som föreligger mellan medlemsstaterna, har EU-domstolen tillerkänt de nationella myndigheterna ett stort utrymme att själva avgöra vad som krävs för att skydda medborgarna. Oavsett vilket ändamål som eftersträvas, får inskränkningarna däremot varken vara diskriminerande på grund av nationalitet, eller gå utöver vad som är nödvändigt för att uppnå det eftersträvade målet. Vidare måste regleringarna även tillgodose behovet av att uppnå det eftersträvade målet på ett sammanhängande och systematiskt sätt. I uppsatsen har jag kommit fram till att varken den svenska spelregleringen eller EU-rätten ger något stöd för sådan gränsöverskridande verksamhet. Trots det figurerar spelleverantörer utan tillstånd på den svenska marknaden, vilket möjliggörs bland annat på grund av bristande påföljdsbestämmelser i den svenska regleringen. Eftersom EU-domstolen konsekvent har framhållit att de nationella regleringarna måste vara proportionerliga och tillgodose behovet av att uppnå det eftersträvade målet på ett sammanhängande och systematiskt sätt oavsett hur de är utformade, har jag i analysen även genomfört en sådan granskning. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att den svenska regleringen inte tillgodoser behovet av att uppnå ändamålet på ett sammanhängande och systematiskt sätt. Snarare än att gå utöver vad som är nödvändigt för att uppnå målet, verkar regleringen inte gå tillräckligt långt för att uppnå det bakomliggande ändamålet och tillgodose därmed inte heller de bakomliggande skyddsintressena.

A liberdade de circulação de capitais e a coordenação de políticas econômicas na União Européia e no Mercosul

Jaeger, Guilherme Pederneiras January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese aborda o tema da livre circulação de capitais e da coordenação de políticas econômicas na União Européia e no Mercosul. Objetiva-se demonstrar em que consiste essa liberdade de fluxo de capitais e expor a maneira pela qual ela se desenvolveu nos processos de integração europeu e sulino, trazendo-se em seguida as medidas de coordenação econômica adotadas por cada um desses blocos, como demonstração de que tal coordenação é fundamental para a criação de um ambiente propício à circulação segura do capital. Numa parte introdutória, expõe-se a teoria da formação dos blocos de integração, bem como apresentam-se os contextos históricos em que cada um dos blocos objeto deste estudo foi criado. Após, na Parte I, desenvolve-se uma análise detalhada a respeito da circulação de capitais na União Européia, desde as primeiras previsões do Tratado e as medidas de implementação, até a mais recente reforma de Lisboa. E, em seguida, ainda na mesma Parte, faz-se a pesquisa de tal liberdade no âmbito do Mercosul, mas esta numa sistemática setorial diferenciada. Já na Parte II, o foco é dado ao regime de coordenação e unificação das políticas econômicas européias voltadas à estabilidade monetária e cambial, as quais são responsáveis por criar um cenário efetivo de livre circulação de capital. E, na mesma linha, analisam-se os intentos mercosulinos de coordenar no seio do bloco a condução de tais políticas adstritas ao capital. Por fim, finaliza-se a pesquisa com a aferição da liberdade de capitais de cada bloco frente às estruturas de coordenação econômica por cada qual desenvolvidas. / This monographic work concerns the free movement of capital and the coordination of economic policies within the European Union and Mercosul. It seeks to present an approach of the freedom of capital and its development throughout the European and Southern American integration processes, as well as of the system of economic coordination, so that to demonstrate the need of a coordinated scenario for a safe free movement of capital. To introduce the subject matter, it presents the theory of economic integration process and the historical basis for the establishment of each union. Then, in Part I, it comes a deep analysis about the monetary movement within the European Union, embracing the first provisions set forth in the Treaty and the implementation measures, as well as the most recent Lisbon reform. In addition, still in Part I, such an analysis is made within Mercosul, through a different sector method for explaining the measures to establish the free movement of capital. Achieving Part II, it focuses on the coordination and unification of European economic policies concerning the monetary and exchange stability, which are the ones responsible for a real free movement of capital scenario. Then, by the same token, it analyses the Mercosul attempts to coordinate its capital related policies. At the end, this paper evaluates the freedom of capital movement of each union before the framework of economic coordination developed by each one.

A liberdade de circulação de capitais e a coordenação de políticas econômicas na União Européia e no Mercosul

Jaeger, Guilherme Pederneiras January 2012 (has links)
A presente tese aborda o tema da livre circulação de capitais e da coordenação de políticas econômicas na União Européia e no Mercosul. Objetiva-se demonstrar em que consiste essa liberdade de fluxo de capitais e expor a maneira pela qual ela se desenvolveu nos processos de integração europeu e sulino, trazendo-se em seguida as medidas de coordenação econômica adotadas por cada um desses blocos, como demonstração de que tal coordenação é fundamental para a criação de um ambiente propício à circulação segura do capital. Numa parte introdutória, expõe-se a teoria da formação dos blocos de integração, bem como apresentam-se os contextos históricos em que cada um dos blocos objeto deste estudo foi criado. Após, na Parte I, desenvolve-se uma análise detalhada a respeito da circulação de capitais na União Européia, desde as primeiras previsões do Tratado e as medidas de implementação, até a mais recente reforma de Lisboa. E, em seguida, ainda na mesma Parte, faz-se a pesquisa de tal liberdade no âmbito do Mercosul, mas esta numa sistemática setorial diferenciada. Já na Parte II, o foco é dado ao regime de coordenação e unificação das políticas econômicas européias voltadas à estabilidade monetária e cambial, as quais são responsáveis por criar um cenário efetivo de livre circulação de capital. E, na mesma linha, analisam-se os intentos mercosulinos de coordenar no seio do bloco a condução de tais políticas adstritas ao capital. Por fim, finaliza-se a pesquisa com a aferição da liberdade de capitais de cada bloco frente às estruturas de coordenação econômica por cada qual desenvolvidas. / This monographic work concerns the free movement of capital and the coordination of economic policies within the European Union and Mercosul. It seeks to present an approach of the freedom of capital and its development throughout the European and Southern American integration processes, as well as of the system of economic coordination, so that to demonstrate the need of a coordinated scenario for a safe free movement of capital. To introduce the subject matter, it presents the theory of economic integration process and the historical basis for the establishment of each union. Then, in Part I, it comes a deep analysis about the monetary movement within the European Union, embracing the first provisions set forth in the Treaty and the implementation measures, as well as the most recent Lisbon reform. In addition, still in Part I, such an analysis is made within Mercosul, through a different sector method for explaining the measures to establish the free movement of capital. Achieving Part II, it focuses on the coordination and unification of European economic policies concerning the monetary and exchange stability, which are the ones responsible for a real free movement of capital scenario. Then, by the same token, it analyses the Mercosul attempts to coordinate its capital related policies. At the end, this paper evaluates the freedom of capital movement of each union before the framework of economic coordination developed by each one.

Separatistické tendence v jednotlivých členských státech EU a případný dopad na volný pohyb občanů EU / Separatist tendencies in individual EU Member States and the potential impact on the free movement of persons in the EU

Hřivna, Vít January 2017 (has links)
Separatist tendencies in individual EU Member States and the potential impact on the free movement of persons in the EU This thesis deals with the separatist tendencies within the Member States of the European Union. It is therefore a case when a certain region within a Member State decides to secede from it. This needs to be distinguished from a situation when a whole Member State decides to withdraw from the Union. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the various possible scenarios in the case where there is a separation of that region from the Member State. It deals with it in the context of the regions potential continuity within the Union and furthermore it examines the differences between the two most important cases of possible internal secession in the EU of today: Catalonia and Scotland. The thesis evaluates the most probable scenarios in both cases and the consequent impact of such subjective secession of the regions on citizens and their rights in the EU context, in particular the free movement of persons. The first chapter deals with the definition of separatism and general characteristics of the practical behavior of the regions and the state they secede from in the context of the EU. It looks especially at the relationship between the originar country and the separatist region and...

Separatistické tendence v jednotlivých členských státech EU a případný dopad na volný pohyb občanů EU / Separatist tendencies in individual EU Member States and the potential impact on the free movement of persons in the EU

Hřivna, Vít January 2016 (has links)
Separatist tendencies in individual EU Member States and the potential impact on the free movement of persons in the EU This thesis deals with the separatist tendencies within the Member States of the European Union. It is therefore a case when a certain region within a Member State decides to secede from it. This needs to be distinguished from a situation when a whole Member State decides to withdraw from the Union. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the various possible scenarios in the case where there is a separation of that region from the Member State. It deals with it in the context of the regions potential continuity within the Union and furthermore it examines the differences between the two most important cases of possible internal secession in the EU of today: Catalonia and Scotland. The thesis evaluates the most probable scenarios in both cases and the consequent impact of such subjective secession of the regions on citizens and their rights in the EU context, in particular the free movement of persons. The first chapter deals with the definition of separatism and general characteristics of the practical behavior of the regions and the state they secede from in the context of the EU. It looks especially at the relationship between the originar country and the separatist region and...

Migrácia pracovnej sily v kontexte rozšírenej Európy / Migration of labour force in the context of an enlarged Europe

Polačková, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
My thesis deals with intra-EU migration, its motivation factors and then compares the advantages and disadvantages of migration. Free movement of workers is discussed in the next chapter as well as the key mobility drivers and its barriers. The thesis further deals with division of EU member states into receiving and sending countries. Future mobility intentions are analyzed in order to forecast the most probable moves in the future. In its last chapter it mentions labour mobility and ways how to measure it and then it analyses voluntary and forced mobility. In the following part labour mobility is compared to geographical mobility to see their practical implications. The eastern enlargement of the EU has brought some doubts about a massive inflow of labour migrants from the CEE countries to the old member states which has led to the introduction of transitional measures limiting free access to their labour markets. Therefore the main purpose of the thesis is to confirm or refuse the old member states' arguments that a potential migration from the new member states would threaten their labour markets.

Internacionalização dos sistemas de seguridade social: perspectiva do Brasil / Internationalization of social security systems: Brazils outlook

Andrea Regina Galvão Presotto 15 April 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da internacionalização e necessidade de adequação dos sistemas de Seguridade Social ao atual cenário de circulação de mão-de-obra decorrente, principalmente, da globalização econômica e da formação dos blocos regionais. O primeiro capítulo é dedicado ao surgimento e evolução dos sistemas de Seguridade Social de acordo com o desenvolvimento dos Estados e aparecimento dos riscos sociais. A segunda parte dedica-se à análise de alsguns aspectos da globalização, bem como a relação estabelecida com a manutenção da soberania dos Estados, as perspectivas a partir da União Europeia e do Mercosul e, bem assim, os reflexos na Seguridade Social e os instrumentos utilizados para adequação dos sistemas, em busca da manutenção dos direitos sociais. Em seguida, são analisadas as diretrizes internacionais das Convenções nºs 102 e 118 da OIT sobre Seguridade Social, bem como os sistemas internacionais atualmente vigentes nos principais blocos regionais, quais sejam, a União Europeia e o Mercosul. Finalmente, será estudado cada um dos acordos internacionais dos quais o Brasil é parte, com o objetivo de demonstrar a cobertura de proteção que um cidadão brasileiro ou natural de algum dos países envolvidos poderá usufruir. Em caráter complementar, será analisada a Convenção Ibero-americana de Seguridade Social que, apesar de já ratificada pelo Brasil, ainda não entrou em vigor, vez que não atingido o número mínimo de ratificações. / The present dissertation addresses the internationalization and the need to adequate Social Security systems to the current scenario of movement of labor, mainly due to the economic globalization and the formation of regional trade blocs. The first chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the emergence and evolution of Social Security systems according to the development of the National States and the emergence of social risks. The second part of the paper analyzes issues related to the globalization, the relationship established with the maintenance of sovereignty of the States, the perspectives from the European Union and from the Mercosur, as well as its reflections in the Social Security and the instruments used to adequate the systems, in pursue to maintaining social rights. Subsequently, the international guidelines of ILO Conventions No 102 and 118 about Social Security, as well as the international systems currently in force in the main regional blocs, namely European Union and Mercosur, will be assessed. Finally, each of the agreements signed by Brazil will be studied, aiming to demonstrate the protection coverage, of which a Brazilian citizen or a citizen of one of the countries in plot can make use. Additionally, we will analyze the Iberoamerican Convention of Social Security that, despite already ratified by Brazil, is still not in force as the minimum number of ratifications has not been achieved yet.


Skogslund, Pia January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats har undersökts debatten kring tiggeri. Syftet med studien är att se hur de åtta riksdagspartierna arbetar med sakfrågan samt att generera mer kunskap och förståelse kring fenomenet tiggeri. I uppsatsen undersöks hur diskursen förhåller sig inom svenska staten och inom tidigare forskning. Studien använder sig av Reidar Larssons Politikska ideologier i vår tid som teroretiskt ramverk för socialismen, liberalismen och konservatismen. Forskningsdesignen som är används är beskrivande idéanalys och metoden kvalitativ analys samt kvalitativ textanalys. Materialet är hämtat från riksdagen och från partiernas hemsidor. I studiens resultat konstateras att det skiljer sig i debatten, och meningsskiljaktigheter finns, vilket framkommer av argument för ståndpunkterna mellan den traditionella socialistiska och borgerliga sidan i riksdagen. Detta syns genom vilka personer som för retoriken i debatten. Debatten har pågått i över ett sekel och intensifierats på senare tid av tiggare hitresta genom fri rörlighet. Debatten går mer åt att det handlar om problematiken i samhället. Uppsatsen kompletterar luckorna i tidigare forskning men i övrigt överensstämmer resultaten till delar med tidigare forskning om tiggeri och riksdagen. Studien utgår således ett bidrag till att stärka och skapa en grund för vidare forskning inom ämnet.

Hur Stockholm stad främjar tillgänglighet för personer med funktionshinder i den byggda miljön / How Stockholm municipality foster accessibility for people with disabilities in the built environment

Tiftikci Celep, Helin January 2023 (has links)
I början av 2000-talet hade svenska politiker som mål att göra Stockholm till världens mest tillgänglighetsanpassade huvudstad till år 2010. Projektet kallades tillgänglighetsprojektet. Stockholms stad hade då som uppdrag att bygga om och utforma kommunen till att göra den så tillgänglig som möjligt för alla individer. Detta genom exempelvis enskilt avhjälpta hinder och nya riktlinjer. Man vet dock inte om målet blev uppfyllt eller inte, då det inte har hållits någon diskussion eller nåtts en slutsats om det. Utöver detta så råder det en generell enighet om att man har gjort ombyggnationer och därmed skapat en så pass tillgänglighetsanpassad stadsstruktur som möjligt. Trots de befintliga lagkraven och riktlinjerna, samt hållbarhetsmålen som Sverige har utlovat att uppfylla, så byggs det fortfarande fel. Det har gått över 13 år sedan tillgänglighetsprojektet avslutades, men man bygger fortfarande fel. Varför bygger man fel? Varför blir det fortfarande en hel del brister, där man inte har tagit hänsyn till funktionsnedsatta individer i stadsstrukturen? Varför fortsätter vi inte bygga Stockholm som världens mest tillgänglighetsanpassad huvudstad? Enligt diskrimineringslagen ska personer med nedsatt rörelse- och orienteringsförmåga ha lika mycket värde och delaktighet i samhället med lika villkor såsom icke-funktionsnedsatta individer har. De ska ha lika rätt att kunna röra och orientera sig runt i ett samhälle obehindrat, såsom icke-funktionsnedsatta individer kan. Syftet med denna studie är att få en inblick i hur Stockholm stad jobbar med tillgänglighetsfrågan för funktionsnedsatta individer inom stads- och trafikplanering; att kunna bidra kunskap om vilka brister det finns samt hur man kan förbättra sig på det. För att kunna uppfylla syftet så har man använt sig av kvalitativa studier genom litteratur- och fallstudier. Fallstudien består av 6 intervjuer som ägde rum i Tekniska nämndhuset samt styrdokument som Stockholm stad har tagit fram som underlag för tillgänglighetsanpassning och utformning av gatuplanering. Denna studie fokuserar endast på startfasen för projekt. Genom intervjuerna fick man en inblick på hur kommunen jobbar med tillgänglighetsfrågan för funktionsnedsatta individer inom stads- och trafikplaneringen. Vilka hinder dem möts av under projektfasen, samt hur de arbetar med för att kunna förbättra sina brister. Första delen av fallstudien består av granskning och analys av två olika styrdokument som Stockholm stad har tagit fram och använder sig av vid planering av byggnation och underhåll vid allmänna platser. Denna rapport fokuserar på två handböcker som Stockholm stad har skapat och använder sig av. Tekniska handbok för byggande, drift och underhåll på offentlig mark och Stockholm- en stad för alla. Tekniska handboken är inte specifikt inriktad på krav för anpassningar för tillgänglighet och framkomlighet, men innehåller typritningar och krav på utformning som ska följas. Det är en bashandbok som ställer krav och riktlinjer. Den andra handboken, Stockholm- en stad för alla, är en handbok som är specifikt inriktad och utformad för tillgänglighet och framkomlighet på allmän platsmark. Handboken innehåller lösningar och åtgärder av utformning i ute-och innemiljö för funktionsnedsatta individer, men inget krav. Resultaten visar att det finns en del kunskapsbrist och dålig kommunikation mellan kommunen och konsulterna, vilket leder till att man inte tar hänsyn till tillgänglighetsaspekten för funktionshindrade i början av projektfasen. Ett annat problem är att funktionsnedsatta individer är en minoritetsgrupp, vilket innebär att intresset inte är lika aktiv jämfört med de andra utmaningarna såsom miljöfrågor och mobilitetsfrågor. Det leder till med att i slutändan anpassar projekten efter den klassiska normen i slutändan, på grund av låg intresse och behov. Styrdokumenten är bra till grund och tar till hänsyn efter lagkraften, dock krävs det justeringar; både för att kunna styrka betydelsen att det är allas ansvar att ta hänsyn till tillgänglighetsfrågan och involvera funktionsnedsatta individer inom stads-och trafikplaneringen. / In the early 2000s, Swedish politicians had the goal of making Stockholm the world's most accessible capital by the year 2010. The project was called The accessibility-project. The City of Stockholm then had the task of rebuilding and designing the municipality to make it as accessible as possible for all individuals. This is through, for example, individually remedied obstacles and new guidelines. However, it is not known whether the goal was met or not, as no discussion has been held or a conclusion reached about it. In addition to this, there is a general agreement that renovations have been made and thereby created a city structure that is as accessible as possible. Despite the existing legal requirements and guidelines, as well as the sustainability goals that Sweden has promised to fulfill, it is still being built incorrectly. It's been over 13 years since the accessibility project ended, but they're still building wrong. Why are they still building wrongly? Why are there still a lot of shortcomings, where disabled individuals have not been taken into account in the urban structure? Why don't we continue to build Stockholm as the world's most accessible capital? According to the Discrimination rule, people with impaired mobility and orientation must have as much value and participation in society on equal terms as non-disabled individuals have. They must have the same right to be able to move and orient themselves around society unhindered, as non-disabled individuals can. The aim of this study is to get an insight into how Stockholm municipality works with the accessibility issue for disabled individuals in urban and traffic planning; to be able to contribute knowledge about what shortcomings there are and how to improve on them. In order to be able to fulfill the aim, it has been used with qualitative studies through literature and case studies. The case study consists of 6 interviews that took place in the municipality building as well as guidance documents that the municipality has produced as a basis for accessibility adaptation and design of street planning. This study focuses only on the start-up phase of projects. Through the interviews, one gained an insight into how the municipality works with the issue of accessibility for disabled individuals in urban and traffic planning. What obstacles they face during the project phase, as well as how they work to be able to improve their shortcomings. The first part of the case study consists of a review and analysis of two different governing documents that Stockholm municipality has produced and using during planning, construction and maintenance at public places. This report focuses on two handbooks that Stockholm municipality has created and uses. Technical handbook for construction, operation and maintenance on public land and Stockholm - a city for all. The Technical manual is not specifically focused on requirements for adaptations for accessibility and free-movement, but contains type drawings and design requirements to be followed. It is a basic manual that sets requirements and guidelines. The second handbook, Stockholm - a city for all, is a handbook that is specifically oriented and designed for accessibility and free-movement on public spaces and ways. The handbook contains solutions and measures of design in outdoor and indoor environments for disabled individuals, but no requirement. The results show that there is some lack of knowledge and poor communication between the municipality and the consultants, which leads to the fact that the accessibility-aspect for the disabled is not taken into account at the beginning of the project phase. Another problem is that disabled individuals are a minority group, which means that the interest is not active as compared to the other challenges, such as environmental, sustainable and mobility issues and challenges. It leads to the fact that the projects adapt to the classical norm in the end, due to low interest and need. The governing documents are good as a basis and take into account the force of law, however adjustments are required; both to be able to confirm the importance that it is everyone's responsibility to take the accessibility issue into account and involve disabled individuals in urban and traffic planning.

Brexit: the consequences and impact on the health sector

McIntosh, Bryan, West, Sue 12 April 2017 (has links)
Yes / Even prior to the conclusion of the European Union (EU) referendum (Brexit), the NHS was showing tremendous signs of strain. Immediately after the outcome was announced, promises of major re-investment of funds saved from payments to the EU were retracted. Since then, hospital closures, cuts and changes to health and social care have been revealed, with regular news broadcasts highlighting the crisis facing the NHS. The uncertainties about post-Brexit relationships, economy, politics and security are likely to further significantly impact the NHS and its sustainability. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the NHS are inextricably linked through research and education of health and social care professionals – changes therefore having implications for both.

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