Spelling suggestions: "subject:"frozen"" "subject:"hrozen""
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Uso de osso alógeno córtico-medular fresco congelado em bloco para aumento posterior de mandíbula atrófica: estudo clínico, histológico e histomorfométrico em humanos / Cortico-cancellous fresh frozen allografts bone blocks for augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible: clinical, histological and histomorfometric study in humansRafael Rodrigues Dias 30 May 2014 (has links)
Rebordos residuais atróficos em região posterior da mandíbula são um desafio clínico para a instalação de implantes. Dentre as várias técnicas utilizadas para resolver este desafio, o enxerto onlay de osso autógeno - geralmente coletado da crista ilíaca -, enxertos interposicionais, distração óssea e lateralização do nervo alveolar inferior são os mais executados. Entretanto, referidas técnicas expuseram desvantagens, tais como a morbidade, aumento do tempo de cirurgia e custos. Como alternativa, o uso de enxerto alógeno pode ser considerado, uma vez que existem inúmeras vantagens, como na redução do tempo cirúrgico, grande disponibilidade óssea e diminuição significativa da morbidade. O presente estudo trata da avaliação de forma clínica, histológica e histomorfométrica de enxerto de osso alógeno fresco congelado no aumento ósseo da região posterior mandibular, permitindo, dessa forma, a instalação de implantes dentários. Dezesseis hemi-mandíbulas de 12 pacientes (4 pacientes tratados bilateralmente) demonstrando atrofia alveolar crítica eram tridimensionalmente reconstruídas por meio de enxertos alógenos de blocos ósseos frescos congelados córtico-medulares provenientes da epífise distal do fêmur. Um total de 30 blocos foram fixados com parafusos de titânio de 1,5mm, cobertos com osso bovino mineral e membrana de colágeno. Após seis meses, procedeu-se a instalação dos implantes e biópsias ósseas, colhidas através de trefinas e enviadas para análise histológica e histomorfométrica . Na sequência incluíram-se amostras de osso em parafina, preparadas com hematoxilina e eosina ou, em resina para usar uma técnica de corte de trefinas, com vermelho de alizarina e coloração com azul de Stevenel. Realizaram-se tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico logo após o procedimento de enxerto ósseo e no pós-operatório de 6 meses, anteriormente à colocação do implante (6 meses após a enxertia). Os implantes dentários foram observados até a reabilitação protética. Foram utilizados os testes estatísticos de Kruskal-Wallis e pós-teste Tukey. Distribuiram-se os blocos entre 9 pacientes do sexo feminino e três do sexo masculino, com idade entre 37 e 64 anos (média de 50,9 ± 8,3 anos). Cada hemi-mandíbula recebeu de 1 a 3 blocos (1,9 ± 0,7 blocos), sob anestesia local. O ganho ósseo em espessura pós operatória imediata foi de 6,3 ±1,4 mm e tardia de 4,5 ± 1,3mm, em altura o ganho pós operatório imediato foi de 4,8 ± 1.6mm e tardio de 2,6mm ± 2mm. Quatro blocos demonstraram pequena deiscência da ferida 15-21 dias após a cirurgia, tratados com a remoção de necrose dos tecidos moles seguido de terapia tópica com bochecho de clorexidina 0,12% e clorexidina gel 2% duas vezes ao dia, até o fechamento total. Um total de 30 implantes foi instalado com acompanhamento de 15 à 28 meses (19,8 ± 4 meses). No decorrer do primeiro ano perdeu-se apenas um implante. A taxa de sobrevivência dos implantes foi de 96,66%. Por sua vez, exames de histologia exibiram osso neoformado em contato com o osso residual do enxerto alógeno, e tecido conjuntivo. Não houveram evidências de infiltrado inflamatório. A análise histomorfométrica mostrou 18,9 ± 8,1 % de osso neoformado, 32,5 ± 14,8% de enxerto ósseo alógeno residual e 48,6 ± 14,9% de tecido conjuntivo. Os enxertos alógenos frescos congelados em blocos se comportaram como um arcabouço para osteocondução e permitiram neoformação óssea adequada. Ele pode ser considerado uma alternativa viável para a reconstrução de rebordos residuais mandíbulares atróficos na região posterior, permitindo a instalação de implantes e reabilitação protética funcional. / Residual bone ridge atrophy in the posterior mandible is a clinical challenge for dental implants placement. Among several techniques used to solve this situation, onlay autogenous bone graft usually harvested from the iliac crest, interposicional grafts, bone distraction and nerve lateralization are the most performed. However these techniques present some disadvantages such as morbidity, increased surgical time and costs. As an alternative, the use of allograft can be considered. There are advantages such as reduction of surgical time, lots quantity of bone and decreased morbidity. The aim of present the study was to evaluate clinical, histological an histomorphometrical aspects of fresh frozen bone allograft used to augment atrophic posterior mandible bone ridges to allow placement of dental implants. Sixteen hemi-mandibles of 12 patients (4 patients treated bilaterally) presenting critical alveolar atrophy were three-dimensionally reconstructed using cortico-cancellous fresh frozen allograft bone blocks deriving from distal femoral head. A total of 30 blocks were fixed with titanium 1.5mm screws and covered with particulate bovine bone mineral and collagen membrane. After six months, implants were inserted and bone biopsies were harvested and sent for histological and histomorphometric analysis. Bone samples were either embedded in paraffin, prepared for hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure or in resin to use a sawing and grinding technique, prepared for alizarin red and Stevenel\'s blue staining. Computed cone beam tomography scans were taken both at immediate postoperative bone grafting and previously to implant placement (6 months after grafting). Dental implants were observed after prosthetic rehabilitation. Kruskal-Wallis and post test Tukey statistical tests were used. Thirty blocks were distributed between 9 female and 3 male patients, aged between 37 and 64 years (mean 50.9 ± 8.3 years). Each hemi-mandibles received 1 to 3 blocks (1,9 ± 0,7 blocks) under local anesthesia. The immediate postoperative thickness bone gain s was 6.3 ± 1.4 mm and of 4.5 ± 1.3 mm 6 months after grafting. Post-operative bone height gain was 4.8 ± 1.6 mm and 2.6 ± 2 mm at 6 months. Four blocks presented small wound dehiscence 15 to 21 days after surgery, treated with necrotic soft tissue removal followed by chlorhexidine 0.12% irrigation, and local gel 2% twice a until total closure. A total of 30 implants were installed with follow-up from 15 to 28 months (mean 19,8 ± 4 months) . One implant was lost within the first year. Implant survival rate was 96.66%. Histology demonstrates newly formed vital bone in contact to residual acellular allograft bone, and connective tissue. There was no evidence of inflammatory infiltrate. The histomorphometric analysis showed 18,9 ± 8,1 % of newly formed bone, 32,5 ± 14,8 % allograft residual bone and 48,6 ± 14,9 % of connective tissue. The fresh frozen allografts behaved as a scaffold for osseoconductivity and allowed proper bone formation. It can be considered a viable alternative for reconstruction of atrophied mandible in the posterior region, allowing the installation of implants and functional loading
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Avaliação das condições higienicossanitárias e análise de parâmetros microbiológicos, físico-químicos e sensoriais de filés de Polaca do Alasca (Gadus chalcogrammus) congelados expostos à venda em supermercados da Grande São Paulo / Evaluation of hygienic-sanitary conditions and analysis of microbiological, chemical and physico-chemical parameters of Walleye Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) frozen fillets exposed for sale in supermarkets of Greater São PauloTarcila Neves Lange 06 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução - O pescado é amplamente utilizado para a produção de alimentos à base de matéria-prima de origem animal. Nas últimas décadas, inovações tecnológicas possibilitaram o aumento na comercialização de pescado na forma de filé congelado, tornando o controle de temperatura durante a cadeia de produção essencial para a manutenção da sua qualidade. A importação de pescado, inclusive da Polaca do Alasca, vem crescendo ano a ano, sendo os supermercados e hipermercados, da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, responsáveis por 49,0 por cento de toda a demanda nacional. Objetivos - Avaliar as condições higienicossanitárias de pescado congelado e embalado exposto à venda em gôndolas de supermercados da Grande São Paulo, de acordo com a legislação vigente. Métodos - A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base em duas abordagens: estudo de campo e laboratorial. Foram selecionados 30 supermercados de 4 municípios da região da Grande São Paulo para aplicação de checklist de avaliação das condições higienicossanitárias do produto e dos equipamentos de exposição e para a coleta de amostras, no período de 7 a 29 de setembro de 2013. Foram coletadas 30 amostras, sendo cada amostra constituída por 3 embalagens de 1 kg de filé de Polaca do Alasca congelado de uma mesma marca, lote, data de fabricação e validade; representando 3 kg por amostra e totalizando 90 kg de produto analisado. Uma parte das amostras, 30 embalagens de 1 kg, foi acondicionada em caixas isotérmicas com temperatura controlada e encaminhada ao laboratório da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da USP para realização das análises microbiológicas (Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e Salmonella spp). As demais 60 embalagens de 1k foram encaminhadas, sob as mesmas condições, ao laboratório do Instituto de Pesca para realização das análises físico-químicas (pH, N-BVT e N-TMA) e sensoriais (colorimetria e textura). Resultados - As principais não conformidades encontradas no checklist, em ordem decrescente, foram: presença de cristais de gelo (100,0 por cento ) e temperatura abusiva dos produtos acima de -12°C (100,0 por cento ); ausência do carimbo do SIF (83,3 por cento ); falta de veracidade na temperatura indicada no termômetro do equipamento (66,6 por cento ) e presença de restos de alimento no fundo dos equipamentos (50,0 por cento ). As análises físico-químicas para o N-BVT e N-TMA; e, as análises microbiológicas para pesquisa de Salmonella spp em 25 gramas e contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva indicaram 100,0 por cento de conformidade com a legislação vigente. A totalidade das amostras apresentou-se não conforme para o parâmetro pH, com medições que variaram de 6,86 a 8,57. Nas análises sensoriais encontraram-se valores de firmeza do filé de 9,02 a 2,52 N, com uma média de 5,3 ± 1,6 N e a colorimetria indicou que os filés de Polaca do Alasca encontravam-se escurecidos e amarelados. Conclusão - A aplicação do checklist indicou deficiências na manutenção da temperatura e na operação das gôndolas de exposição, não proporcionando as condições ideais para a manutenção do pescado congelado durante o seu armazenamento. Embora os resultados das análises microbiológicas tenham demonstrado que os produtos estivessem próprios para o consumo, as análises físico-químicas, em específico os parâmetros referentes ao pH, não estavam de acordo com os valores determinados pela legislação vigente. / Introduction - Fish products are widely used for food production based on raw material of animal origin. In the last decades, technological innovations enabled a raise in the commercialization of frozen fish fillets that turned the temperature control throughout the food chain into essential for its quality maintenance. The import trade of fish products, amongst them the Walleye Pollock, is increasing year after year, being the supermarkets and hypermarkets of São Paulos Metropolitan Region responsible for 49,0 per cent of all Brazilian imported fish products demand. Objective - To evaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions of packaged frozen fish exposed for sale in supermarkets of Greater São Paulo in accordance with legal regulations. Methodology - This study was based upon two approaches: case study research and laboratory analysis. It was selected 30 supermarkets of four counties of the Greater São Paulo region for the evaluation of products and equipments hygienic-sanitary conditions by the application of a specific checklist and sample collection, from 7 to 29 September 2013. It was collected 30 samples, which one comprised of 3 - 1 kg packages of Walleye Pollock frozen fillets from the same brand, batch number, manufacturing and expiration date, representing 3 kg by sample and totaling 90 kg of analyzed product. A share of these samples, 30 - 1 kg packages, was accommodated and transported in temperature-controlled isothermal box to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of USP laboratory for the microbiological (Coagulase positive Staphylococci and Salmonella spp) analysis. The other 60 - 1kg packages were sent, under the same conditions, to the Fishery Institute for physico-chemical (pH, N-BVT and N-TMA and sensory (colorimetry and texture) analysis. Results - The non-compliance acts more frequently observed in the checklist, in descending order, were: presence of ice crystals (100,0 per cent ) and abusive temperature above - 12°C (100,0 per cent ) of the products, absence of SIF imprint (83,3 per cent ); lack of truthfulness in the temperature indicated on the equipment thermometer (66,6 per cent ) and presence of food remains at the bottom of the equipment (50,0 per cent ). The physico-chemical analysis for N-BVT and N-TMA; and, the microbiological analysis for Salmonella spp/25 g and the coagulase positive Staphylococci counts indicated 100,0 per cent of compliance with legal regulations. The totality of the samples were inadequate for the pH parameter, with measurements ranging from 6,86 to 8,57. The sensory analysis shown values of fillet firmness of 9,02 to 2,52 N, in an average of 5,3 &177; 1,6 N and the colorimetry indicated that the walleye pollock fillets were darkened and yellowish. Conclusion - The checklist results pointed out to deficiencies in controlling the temperature and freezers operations and did not offer the ideal conditions to frozen fishs quality maintenance throughout its storage. Although the microbiological analysis results showed that the frozen fish fillets were appropriate for consumption, the physic-chemical analysis, particularly the pH parameters, were not in accordance with values indicated in the current regulation.
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Estudo da formação de gelo durante o armazenamento a granel de vegetais congeladosUrquiola Mujica, Ana January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um modelo de transferência de calor e massa para prever a formação de gelo em um container preenchido com legumes congelados. O problema físico é modelado como um meio poroso composto pelo próprio produto e o ar em seu entorno. O regime de convecção natural é assumido dentro do container, o qual promove o transporte de massa. Como uma primeira validação, o modelo é simulado considerando diferentes temperaturas de ar externo, causadas por flutuações da vizinhança. Resultados para quatro ciclos de temperaturas foram comparados, variando separadamente a temperatura média do ar, amplitude e frequência de oscilação. De modo geral, é observado que a temperatura do produto se comporta assim como era esperado e este resultado é diretamente associado à formação de gelo dentro do container. A formação de gelo cresce com uma maior amplitude de oscilação, porém decresce com um aumento na frequência e na temperatura média. Os parâmetros do modelo foram obtidos para dois diferentes produtos: fatias de cenouras congeladas e vagens congeladas, ambos em meio ao ar. As definições de parâmetros são oriundas de revisão bibliográfica, medições experimentais e simulações numéricas. Os parâmetros encontrados para a caracterização desses meios porosos foram similares para ambos os produtos, mesmo eles possuindo diferentes geometrias. A validação experimental foi feita para as fatias de cenoura considerando dois ciclos de temperatura O modelo numérico é capaz de prever o campo de velocidades do ar, as temperaturas do produto e a formação de gelo local. Os resultados foram validados em relação a um grupo independente de resultados numéricos, tal comparação apresentou uma boa concordância. A circulação de ar encontrada é, de fato, devido à convecção natural. O comportamento da temperatura dos produtos simulados concorda com os valores medidos e os valores de temperaturas diferem por menos de 12%. Com respeito à formação de gelo, o modelo é capaz de prevê-la corretamente nas regiões mais suscetíveis a este fenômeno. Porém, a quantidade de gelo formado prevista pelo modelo (1,56 g/semana) é menor do que a experimental (4,67 g/semana), apesar de serem de mesma ordem de magnitude. O efeito de cada parâmetro no modelo é estudado visando detectar maneiras de aprimorar o modelo. Foi encontrado que os parâmetros mais importantes para a formação de gelo total são a difusividade de massa efetiva e o coeficiente de transferência de calor convectivo dentro do container. Ajustando estes parâmetros duas vezes foi possível encontrar resultados melhores com respeito à formação de gelo (3,09 g/semana). / A model of heat and mass transfer is proposed in order to predict frost formation into a closed container filled with frozen vegetables. The physical problem is modeled as a macroporous media composed by the product itself and the surrounding air. Natural convection air flow is assumed into the container, who promotes water mass transport. As a first validation, the model is simulated for several exterior air temperatures, under environmental fluctuations (boundary conditions). Results of four temperature cycles were compared, varying average air temperature, amplitude and frequency of oscillation, one by one. As a general result, it is observed that the product temperature behavior is as expected, and it is directly associated with frost formation into the container. Frost formation increases with large amplitude of oscillation, but decreases with higher frequencies and higher mean temperatures. Model parameters were obtained for two assembling: frozen slices of carrots and air, and frozen extra thin green beans and air. Parameter definition and evaluation combines literature review, measurements and numerical simulation. In general, parameters which characterize these porous media were similar for both products, even though they display different geometries. The experimental validation is performed for carrot slices with two temperature cycles The numerical model is able to predict air velocity field, air and product temperatures, and local frost formation. Results are validated in respect to a set of independent experimental results that shown a good agreement. Air flow circulation is as expected due to natural convection. Product temperature simulated behavior agrees with measurements, and temperature values differ by less than 12%. Respect to frost formation predictions, the model predicts correctly the most susceptible regions to frost formation. However, the quantity of frost formed predicted by the model (1.56 g/ week)is lower than the experimental one (4.67g/week), despite being of the same order of magnitude. The effect of each parameter in the model is study in order to detect how to improve the model. The most important parameters affecting total frost formation are effective mass diffusivity and convective heat coefficient into the storage container. Adjusting these parameters to twice, better results in terms of frost formation could be obtained (3.09 g/ week).
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The Nagorno-karabakh Conflict And The Armenian Foreign Policy:1988-2007Sirin, Esil 01 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the impact of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the foreign policy of Armenia. It could be claimed that Armenia&rsquo / s relations with the other countries have been shaped by the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. The thesis demonstrates that because of this conflict, Armenian foreign policy has become more dependent on Russia and the Armenian diaspora in Russia, France and the United States despite its desire to be an independent state. Although Levon Ter-Petrossian and Robert Kocharian have advocated different foreign policies, their actions have been similar due to the impact of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The thesis has six main chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter explores history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In the third chapter the Armenian foreign policy under Levon Ter-Petrossian is examined. The fourth chapter discusses the foreign policy of Robert Kocharian. In the fifth chapter the foreign policies of the Ter-Petrossian and Kocharian are compared. The sixth chapter is the conclusion.
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Investigating the impact of retail and household practices on the quality and safety of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook foodsManios, Stavros G. January 2012 (has links)
Bacterial responses to environmental stresses may be easily observed and predicted under controlled laboratory conditions. However, realistic conditions encountered during manufacturing, in retail or in households may cause unpredicted responses of spoilage or pathogenic bacteria. Therefore it is essential to identify and understand the microbial dynamics under such conditions. The overall aim of the present study was to simulate the most common environmental conditions and consumer-style practices during storage or preparation of Ready-to-Eat (RTE) and Ready-to-Cook (RTC) products in the domestic environment, and predict the microbial dynamics which may deteriorate the quality or compromise the safety of these foods. Aiming to develop a unified mathematical model for the prediction of the growth of the specific spoilage microorganisms (SSOs), the spoilage pattern of three RTE acidic spreads of low pH was described in relation to microbial, physicochemical and molecular changes during storage. Results showed that the spoilage profile of the products was primarily affected by the initial pH and the storage temperature, despite the differences in their formulation. These findings enabled the assessment of two unified models (polynomial and Ratkowsky) for the prediction of the growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB; SSOs) in such acidic spreads, using only the initial pH, the concentration of undissociated acetic acid and the storage temperature. The models were validated under realistic conditions in household refrigerators. Despite the abrupt fluctuations of the temperature during validation procedure, they both were able to adequately predict the growth of LAB in the spreads. However, the initial contamination level was proved to be necessary and crucial for the accurate prediction of microbial dynamics. The time-temperature profiles of the validation procedure revealed that the suggested storage conditions were not followed promptly and, therefore, concerns were raised on the effect of such consumer mishandlings on the safety of foods. Therefore, the responses of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157:H7 to the stresses encountered during frozen storage, thawing and cooking of ground beef, simulating typical scenarios followed by the consumers, were evaluated. The results revealed that the guidelines issued by the food safety authorities lack of some specific points that may affect the safety of the final product, such as the duration of frozen storage and the method of cooking. In particular, it was found that the heat resistance of E. coli O157:H7 was likely increased after long term frozen storage, while cooking in pan-grill did not ensure the safety of the final product, even when cooked at the suggested temperature. As shown in the first study, the initial contamination level played a significant role on the predictions of the models and further on the shelf-life of the products. Therefore, the dynamics of realistically low initial populations of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium versus higher levels of the pathogens (such those used during in vitro trials) in RTE fresh-cut salads were compared. In addition, any potential uncertainty sources for the growth potential of the pathogens in broth-based simulations were investigated. Results showed that the growth variability of low inocula is highly affected by the marginal storage temperatures, the indigenous microflora and the availability of nutrients. Because of this, growth from low populations showed the likelihood to exceed the growth derived from unrealistically high inocula, suggesting that ―fail-dangerous‖ implications may derive from such challenge tests. Data derived from this part were compared with broth-based simulations and the results showed that high uncertainty should be expected when extrapolating such predictions from low initial populations in fresh-cut salads, due to the various factors affecting the microbial growth on a real food, which are (inevitably) ignored by broth-based models. Overall, the present Thesis highlights the significant impact of consumer mishandlings on the food safety and quality of foods and contributes to the identification of unpredicted potential risk origins in the domestic environment.
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Enhancing the delivery of poorly water soluble drugs using particle engineering technologiesSinswat, Prapasri, 1972- 16 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Improved oral bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs using rapid freezing processesOverhoff, Kirk Alan 16 August 2011 (has links)
A growing number of therapeutic compounds currently being developed by pharmaceutical companies are poorly water soluble leading to limited and/or erratic bioavailability. The rate limiting step for absorption of these compounds is dependent on the dissolution and apparent solubility. Nanoparticle formation has been exploited as a method to improve the bioavailability of these poorly water soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) by increasing the dissolution rates and apparent solubilities. The influence of hydrophilic stabilizers in powder compositions prepared by the spray freezing into liquid (SFL) process using either an emulsion feed dispersion or organic co-solvent feed solutions on enhancing the wetting and dissolution properties of nanostructured aggregates containing itraconazole (ITZ). Subsequently, an in vivo pharmacokinetic study was conducted comparing the SFL processed powder to commercial Sporanox®. An ultra-rapid freezing (URF) technology has been developed to produce high surface area powders composed of solid solutions of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and a polymer stabilizer. Rapid freezing technologies are known to enhance the physico-chemical properties of APIs and thus increase bioavailability. However, the effect of the different freezing geometries and rates in the URF process are unknown. Therefore, this study investigated how solvent properties and thin film geometry of the droplet affect the freezing rate and thus the physico-chemical properties of micronized danazol powders. Amorphous nanoparticles containing tacrolimus (TAC) in a solid dispersion were prepared using the Ultra-rapid Freezing (URF) process. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of combinations of polymeric stabilizers on the maximum degree and extent of supersaturation of TAC. An attempt to establish if an in vitro-in vivo correlation exists between supersaturation and improved pharmacokinetic parameters for orally dosed TAC was performed. Enteric solid dispersions could overcome limitations of premature precipitation of supersaturated solutions by 1.) delaying dissolution until the compound enters the intestines where absorption is favored and 2.) increasing the apparent solubility at higher pH to increase the driving force for absorption. The objective of the study is to investigate the influence of composition parameters including drug:polymer ratio and polymer type, and particle structure of enteric solid dispersions on the release of ITZ. / text
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Massive ice in coarse-grained sediments, Western Canadian ArcticDe Pascale, Gregory P. January 2005 (has links)
Destruction of ecosystems and infrastructure can be caused by melting of massive ice within permafrost. To predict potential melting caused by natural and human disturbance, we need to know the nature and origin of massive ice deposits. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the nature of massive ice in coarse-grained sediments that accepted theories suggest should not occur. / Degradation of ice-rich granular resources is expensive and difficult to rehabilitate and can cause developmental thermokarst, overestimation of granular resources, disturbance of wildlife habitat and create conflicts with traditional land uses. / To locate massive ice we used a resistivity geophysical technique and to characterize the ice we used geochemical, petrographic and stratigraphic techniques. The resistivity technique detected bodies of massive ice and ice-rich sediments and coarse-grained sediments at high resolutions and laboratory analysis reveal that the ice was of glacial origin. / These findings indicate that massive ice of glacial origin occurs in coarse-grained sediments in permafrost. The techniques used in this study could form the basis of a predictive model of massive ice occurrence.
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Studies on the effect of compatible solutes, epididymal compounds, and antioxidants on the post-thaw motility and fertility of pellet frozen ram spermatozoa / by Luis Gabriel Sanchez Partida.Sanchez-Partida, Luis Gabriel January 1995 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 232-257). / xv, 257 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Aims to determine if the compatible solutes (proline, glycine betaine, and trehalose), the epididymal compounds (taurine, hypotaurine and inositol) or the antioxidants (carnosine and ascorbic acid) in tris-citrate based diluents could improve the post-thaw survival and/or fertility of ram spermatazoa. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Science, 1996?
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Modeling heat transfer in butter products : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Bioprocess Engineering, Institute of Technology and Engineering, Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandNahid, Amsha January 2007 (has links)
Butter keeping quality and pallet physical stability during transport and storage are dependent on the temperature distribution through the product. Understanding these temperature changes are of vital importance for the dairy industry with regard to butter manufacture, storage and shipping. Three dimensional mathematical models of heat transfer were developed to predict thawing and freezing in butter products. These models require accurate thermophysical data as an input. Specific heat capacity and enthalpy of butter with different composition was measured using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The specific heat capacity of butter differs for cooling and heating operations due to significant supercooling and delayed crystallization of the fat fraction of butter at temperatures well below the equilibrium phase change temperature during cooling. This reduces the heat capacity for cooling relative to that for heating. Thawing of individual blocks of butter was accurately predicted by the conduction only model (no mass transfer limitations) with equilibrium thermal properties giving accurate predictions when the butter was completely frozen before thawing. For partially frozen butter the conduction model with the measured temperature dependent specific heat capacity data for unfrozen butter including melting of some of the fat fraction gave accurate predictions. For freezing it was observed that water in the butter supercools many degrees below its initial freezing point before freezing due to its water in oil structure. Experiments suggested that during freezing release of latent heat observed as a temperature rebound is controlled as much by the rate of crystallisation of water in each of the water droplets as by the rate of heat transfer. A conduction only model including water crystallization kinetics based on the Avrami Model predicted freezing in butter successfully. Simple models with equilibrium thermal properties and nucleation only kinetics (based on homogenous nucleation theory) or the sensible heat only model (no release of latent heat) gave poor predictions. The models for individual blocks were extended to predict heat transfer in butter pallets. A butter pallet contains product, packaging material and the air entrapped between the packaging and butter cartons. Measurements were made for freezing and thawing of full and half pallets at a commercial storage facility and in the University laboratory. Thawing and freezing in wrapped tightly stacked pallets was predicted accurately by the conduction only model with effective thermal properties (incorporating butter, packaging and air) estimated by the parallel model. For unwrapped tightly stacked or loosely stacked pallets there is potential for air flow between the adjacent cartons of butter. An alternative approach was developed which consisted of modeling the pallet on block by block basis using effective heat transfer coefficients for each surface. Different heat transfer coefficients were used on different faces of the blocks depending on the location of the block in the pallet. This approach gave good predictions for both unwrapped tightly stacked and loosely stacked pallets using the estimated effective heat transfer coefficients from the measured data. Further experimental and/or modelling work is required in order to develop guidelines for estimating effective heat transfer coefficient values for internal block face for industrial scenarios.
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