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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coupled processes in seasonally frozen soils : Merging experiments and simulations

Wu, Mousong January 2016 (has links)
Soil freezing/thawing is of importance in the transport of water, heat and solute, with coupled effects. Due to complexity in soil freezing/thawing, uncertainty could be influential in both experimentation and simulation work in frozen soils. Solute and water in frozen soil could reduce the freezing point, resulting in uncertainty in simulation water, heat and solute processes as well as in estimation of frozen soil evaporation. High salinity and groundwater level could result in high soil evaporation during wintertime. Seasonal courses in energy and water balance on surface have shown to be influential to soil water and heat dynamics, as well as in salt accumulation during wintertime. Water and solute accumulated during freezing period resulted in high evaporation during thawing period and enhanced surface salinization. Diurnal changes in surface energy partitioning resulted in significant cycle of freezing/thawing as well as in evaporation/condensation in surface layer, which could in turn affect atmosphere. Uncertainties in experiments and simulations were detectable in investigation of seasonally frozen soils with limited methods and simplified representations of reality in two agricultural fields in northern China. Soil water and solute contents have shown to be more uncertain than soil temperatures in both measurements and simulations. The combination of experiments with process-based model (CoupModel) has proven to be useful in understanding freezing/thawing processes and in identification of uncertainty, when Monte-Carlo based methods were used for evaluation of simulations. Correlations between parameters and model performance indices needed to be taken into account carefully in calibration of the process-based model. Parameters related to soil hydraulic processes and surface energy processes were more sensitive when using different datasets for calibration. In using multiple model performance indicators for multi-objective evaluation, the trade-offs between them have shown to be a source of uncertainty in calibration. More proper representations of the reality in model (e.g., soil hydraulic and thermal properties) and more detailed measurements (e.g., soil liquid water content and solute concentration) as input would be efficient in reducing uncertainty. Relationships between groundwater, soil and climate change would be of high interest for better understanding of cold regions water and energy balance. / 土壤冻融过程对于水热及溶质的运移具有十分重要的影响,并对于寒旱区水文过程的研究有着深远意义。在冻土中,溶质的存在导致冰点降低,改变土壤冻融规律,进而影响冻融土壤水热运移。冻融土壤地表水分及能量平衡的季节性变化规律对土壤水热运移及盐分的积累影响较大。同时,土壤冻融的水热平衡日变化规律对表层土壤水热过程影响较为强烈,并进而影响地表的气象变化。试验研究表明,高溶质含量及浅埋深地下水条件为地表的蒸发提供了便利条件,因为高溶质含量土壤冰点降低,同一负温条件下的液态含水量增大,为蒸发提供了可利用水分;而浅埋深地下水对冻融期水盐的表聚提供的方便,进而有助于融化期地表水分的大量蒸发及下层土层水分的大量向上补给。例如,当地下水初始埋深设置在1.5 m时,对于初始含盐量分别为0.2%,0.4% 和0.6% g/g的冻融试验组,冻融期累积蒸发量分别为51.0,96.6和114.0 mm。同样的增加趋势在其它初始地下水埋深设置试验组里也被验证,且初始地下水埋深越浅,累积蒸发量也越大。对于利用有限的试验数据及简化的数值模型对冻融土壤水热及溶质研究,由于试验及模型的不确定性,会造成结果的不确定性。而通过利用不确定性分析的方法将试验结果与数值模型结合起来可以较好地理解土壤冻融过程及处理不确定性,并进而为改进试验方法及完善数值模型提供参考。模型不确定分析结果表明,模型参数之间,及参数与模型模拟效果评价因子之间存在较强的相关性,会造成模拟结果的不确定性。而不同模拟方法的结果对比表明,在进行冻融土壤水热及溶质模拟时,建立更为完善的考虑更为详细的过程的数值模型可以提高模型的模拟效率,减小模拟结果的不确定性。同时,试验数据的不确定性也显示出了对模拟结果的显著影响。精确的试验数据及更为科学的试验方法有助于减少模拟结果的不确定性。在减少模拟结果的不确定性上也有重要作用。同时,由于寒区水文过程的复杂性及在气候变化过程中的重要性,有必要进一步开展寒区地下水,土壤水热盐与气候变化关系的研究,以便于制定更为合理的寒区水资源管理策略。 / Frysning och tining är av betydelse för kopplade flöden av vatten, värme och lösta ämnen i mark. Komplexiteten i sambanden mellan lösta ämnen, ofruset vatten och fryspunkten skapar en osäkerhet vid simuleringar av processer för både vatten, värme och lösta ämnen i marken samt för avdunstningen från markytan. Årtidsberoende mönster i energi- och vattenbalansen för markytan påverkar värme- och vattendynamiken i marken samt ackumulering av salter under vintern. Dygnsvariationer i energibalansens uppdelning vid markytan ger upphov till frysning/tining samt avdunstning och kondensation i ytliga lager som har återkopplingar också till tillstånden i atmosfärens ytskikt. Osäkerheter i både experiment och i simuleringar spårades i undersökningar av säsongstyrd frysning av mark i två provincer av norra Kina. Begräningar i metodik och förenklingar av naturens komplexitet kunde klargöras. Kombinationen av experiment och processbaserad modellering med CoupModel var lyckosam för föreståelsen av frysning/tining och kunde klargöra osäkerhet med hjälp av Monte Carlo teknik. Korrelation mellan parametrar och prestanda hos modellen var en viktig del av kalibreringsproceduren. En förbättrad processbeskrivning av marken och minskad parameterosäkerhet kan erhållas om också mer detaljerade mätningar inbegrips i framtida studier. Sambanden mellan grundvatten, mark och klimatförändringar är av största intresse för en bättre kunna beskriva kalla regioners vatten- och energibalanser. / <p>QC 20160329</p>

Scanning X-Ray Nanodiffraction on Dictyostelium discoideum

Priebe, Marius Patrick 04 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Role ekologických faktorů při udržování sexuality / The role of ecological factors in maintenance of sexuality

Toman, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The existence and widespread distribution of sexual reproduction despite its obvious disadvantages is an evolutionary enigma. According to the theory of frozen plasticity, the evolution of sexual and asexual species is fundamentally different. One of the implications of this theory are different ecological preferences of these species. Sexual species should prefer biotically and abiotically variable environments because of their ability to quickly and reversibly respond to unpredictable changes. On the other hand, asexual species should prosper in biotically and abiotically stable environments because of their ability to perfectly adapt even to extreme environmental factors in the long term. I decided to test these predictions in the metastudy comparing ancient asexual clades (in which we can be sure about their obligate asexuality and evolutionary longevity) with their sexual sister or closely related ecologically comparable clades. The hypothesis of the preference of asexual species to biotically and abiotically homogenous environments was supported by the results of this metastudy. On the other hand, the hypothesis of supposed ability of asexual species to perfectly adapt to a broader range of environmental conditions, tested on the comparison of temperature ranges of activity of previously...

Community Center Peacebuiliding Organizations : Achieving Reconciliatory Attitudes via Intergroup Contact

Jacobs, Alden January 2017 (has links)
Reconciliation is important for reducing the likelihood of future conflict between groups but can be particularly difficult to achieve. This remains true within divided societies as the result of frozen conflict. This thesis asks why do some individuals, in the context of divided societies engaged in frozen conflict, have more positive reconciliatory attitudes than others? The approach of community center peacebuilding organizations (CCPB) was identified as one possible solution to this question. The hypothesis suggests that individuals who engage in such organizations will have more positive reconciliatory attitudes compared to the average community member. This is based on a theoretical framework that relies on contact theory, suggesting that the CCPB model establishes the necessary conditions for nurturing more reconciliatory attitudes in individuals. It is suggested to achieve this through positive intergroup contact that is generalizable to the outgroup as a whole.  A quantitative study based on 101 cases from original survey data is used to test this hypothesis. Using a logistic regression, support is found that establishes a significant positive correlation between engagement in CCPB and reconciliatory attitudes.   Key Words: reconciliation, contact theory, peacebuilding, community center, shared space, frozen conflict, divided societies, Cyprus

Faire la paix par la reconnaissance : l’étude de cas de la transformation des relations moldo-pridnestroviennes de 1989 à 1998 / Peacemaking through recognition : a case study on the transformation of Moldovan-Pridnestrovien relations from 1989 to 1998

Cook, Justin 19 June 2017 (has links)
Le conflit civil moldave entre 1989 et 1992 a laissé un pays et une population divisés entre le fleuve Dniestr/Nistru. Malgré la victoire de la Pridnestrovie (RMP) dans sa guerre d’indépendance, elle n’a pas atteint son objectif de devenir un Etat reconnu. L’Accord de cessez-le-feu de 1992 qui a mis officiellement fin à la guerre a renforcé la séparation de la RMP par la création d’une zone tampon et l’établissement des forces de maintien de la paix. Comme convenu dans cet accord, la fin du nouveau statu quo et donc la résolution finale du conflit devraient passer obligatoirement par la détermination d’un nouveau statut politique pour la RMP. Faute d’avoir réussi à déterminer un statut officiel, le conflit est resté gelé. Lors de la période d’après-guerre, l’équilibre des pouvoirs a favorisé la RMP sur le plan économique, énergétique et sécuritaire, la plaçant dans une position de force vis-à-vis de la Moldavie. Cependant, puisqu’une reconnaissance étatique n’a jamais été accordée à la RMP, cette dernière a donc hérité d’un déficit symbolique que seule la Moldavie pouvait lui octroyer par la reconnaissance. Une politique active de reconnaissance envers la RMP entre 1994 et 1998 a été le facteur déterminant dans la transformation du conflit, conduisant à la signature de trois « grands accords ». Le célèbre Mémorandum de Moscou de 1997 a souligné ce processus transformatif au travers duquel les deux « opposants » se sont dès lors considérés comme « partenaires » au sein des négociations. Au cours de l’année 1998, Chisinau et Tiraspol se sont engagées sur le chemin de la paix en adoptant des mesures de confiance et de sécurité avec l’Accord d’Odessa / The Moldovan civil conflict between 1989 and 1992 left the country and the people permanently divided between the banks to the Dniestr/Nistru River. Despite Pridnestrovia’s (PMR) victory in its war of independence, it would not achieve its goal of being a recognized state. The ceasefire agreement of 1992 officially put an end to the war and solidified Prinestrovia’s separation through the creation of a security zone and the establishement of peacekeeping forces. Furthermore, the resolution of the conflict and the end of the new status quo had to be synchronized with the accordance of a new political status for the PMR. As an official status was never determined, the conflict has remained frozen. During the post-war period, the balance of power favored the PMR from an economic, energy and security perspective, providing it with major leverage over Moldova. However, given that the PMR was never attributed statehood meant that it inherited a symbolic deficit because only Moldova could provide it with recognition. Moldova’s policy of recognition towards the PMR between 1994 and 1998 would be the determing factor in the transformation of the conflict, leading to the signing of three “major accords”. The historic Moscow Memorandum of 1997 highlighted this transformative process by which the two “opponants” considered eachother as “partners” within the negociation process. By 1998, Chisinau and Tiraspol embarked upon the path of confidence building and security measures with the Odessa Accord of 1998

Transfusão de plasma fresco congelado em pacientes com cirrose e coagulopatia: efeito nos testes convencionais de coagulação e na geração de trombina corrigida por trombomodulina / Fresh frozen plasma transfusion in patients with cirrhosis and coagulopathy: effect on conventional coagulation tests and thrombomodulin-corrected thrombin generation

Rassi, Amanda Bruder 16 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O efeito da transfusão de plasma fresco congelado (PFC) para corrigir coagulopatia na cirrose ainda não foi devidamente esclarecido. As diretrizes internacionais permanecem sem uma indicação clara neste cenário e pacientes com cirrose chegam a consumir 30% do estoque de plasma dos bancos de sangue. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do PFC na geração de trombina (GT) corrigida por trombomodulina (TM) em pacientes com cirrose e testes convencionais de coagulação alterados. Métodos: neste estudo observacional foram incluídos pacientes adultos, o i o om i g ó i o i o , RNI/TP >= 1,5 i i ç o PFC o médico assistente com intuitos profiláticos e/ou terapêuticos. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes e em até 6 horas após transfusão. O desfecho principal foi a melhora do parâmetro de GT, ETP adicionado de TM (ETP TM). Todas as amostras foram testadas para RNI/TP, TTPa e todos parâmetros de GT com e sem TM. Resultados: 53 pacientes receberam dose média de plasma de 11,26 ± 1,3 mL/kg. Após transfusão RNI, TP e TTPa diminuíram significantemente (p < 0,00001), correspondendo a melhora de 33,7%, 23, 5% e 16,6% respectivamente. Entretanto, foram atingidos valores <1,5 para RNI e TP em apenas 8 (15%) e 21 (40%) dos pacientes. O PFC aumentou a ETP TM em apenas 8% (1008 ± 345 a 1090 ± 341 nMol / L*min; p = 0,019). Antes da transfusão, evidência de GT normal ou alta foi encontrada em 96% por ETP TM e em 98% dos pacientes pelo parâmetro ETPr. Apenas 2 (3,8%) pacientes apresentaram valores de ETP TM abaixo da faixa normal e a transfusão de PFC corrigiu a geração de trombina em um deles. Nenhum destes sangrou. O ETP TM diminuiu em uma média de 12,8% em 18 (34%) pacientes após a transfusão (1270 ± 256 a 1107 ± 278 nMol / L* min ; p = <0,0001). O ETPrazão (com/sem TM) permaneceu praticamente inalterado (de 0,81 ± 0,13 para 0,80 ± 0,12, p = 0,75). Conclusão: Pacientes com cirrose e testes convencionais da coagulação alterados parecem ter GT preservada em seus estados basais. A transfusão de PFC aumenta a GT e melhora os testes convencionais de coagulação em um número limitado destes pacientes, e piorou a ETP TM em um terço dos casos / Background and aims: the efficacy of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion in correcting coagulopathy in cirrhosis has not been fully clarified. International manuals remain without a clear indication in this scenario and patients with cirrhosis consume up to 30% of the blood bank stock of plasma. Our aim was to assess the effect of FFP transfusion on thrombomodulin(TM)-corrected thrombin generation (TG) in patients with cirrhosis and impaired conventional coagulation tests. Methods: consecutive adult patients with INR/PT ratio >= 1.5 and receiving standard FFP dose for bleeding treatment and/or before invasive procedures were enrolled in this observational study. Primary endpoint was the amelioration of the GT parameter ETP with TM (ETPTM) after FFP transfusion (TM was added to mimic in vivo conditions). PT/INR, aPTT and all TG parameters (with and without TM) were examined in patients with cirrhosis before and after FFP transfusion. Results: 53 patients received FFP at a mean dose of 11,26 ± 1,3 mL/kg. FFP enhanced ETP TM by only 8% (1008±345 to 1090±341 nMol/L*min; p= 0.019). Before transfusion, evidence of normal or high TG was found in 96% by ETP TM and 98% of patients by the ETP ratio parameter. Only 2 (3.8%) had ETP TM values below normal range and FFP transfusion corrected thrombin generation in one of them. None of them bled. ETP TM had a 12.8% mean decrease in 18 (34%) after FFP transfusion (1270±256 to 1107±278 nMol/L*min; p= <0.0001). ETP ratio (with/without TM) remained practically unchanged (from 0.81 ± 0.13 to 0.80 ± 0.12, p = 0.75). FFP significantly ameliorated INR/PT values (p < 0.0001), but correction of INR and PT ratio for values <1.5 was observed in only 8 (15%) and 21 (40%) of the patients. Conclusions: Patients with cirrhosis and coagulopathy seem to have normal results of GT at baseline. FFP transfusion enhances TG and ameliorates conventional coagulations tests in a limited number of those patients, and might worsen ETP TM in in a third of cases

Concentração de amido resistente em pão francês pré-assado congelado: aspectos tecnológicos. / Resistant starch concentration in par-baker frozen french bread: technological aspects.

Matsuda, Luciana Yumi 29 February 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a substituição parcial da farinha de trigo (FT) por amido resistente de milho (ARM) na elaboração de pão francês pré-assado congelado (PFPAC) e oferecer uma alternativa tecnológica para um produto consumido no desjejum dos brasileiros, com propriedades funcionais devido ao conteúdo de fibra alimentar (FA). Medidas de desempenho de misturas com quatro níveis (0%, 5%, 15% e 30%) de substituição de FT por ARM, sendo 100% o equivalente ao total da mistura, foram obtidas através de alveografia e reofermentografia. Avaliação tecnológica e concentração de amido resistente (AR) de PFPAC produzidos a partir de misturas com cinco níveis de substituição de FT por ARM (0,0%, 7,5%, 10,0%, 12,5% e 15,0%), foram realizadas de acordo com os resultados obtidos nas misturas. A análise foi conduzida ao longo do armazenamento congelado até 46 dias em cinco pontos (1, 8, 15, 25 e 46 dias). O nível de substituição influenciou significativamente o volume específico, a textura do miolo dos pães e a [AR], enquanto que o tempo de armazenamento influenciou a textura do miolo dos pães e a [AR]. O PFPAC produzido a partir da mistura com 10,0% de substituição de FT por ARM apresentou características tecnológicas similares à formulação padrão (0% de substituição) e concentração de 5,5 g de AR por 100 g de produto, sendo considerado, de acordo com a legislação brasileira, um alimento fonte de fibras. Medidas da [AR] nas diferentes etapas do processo produtivo de PFPAC (formulação, pré-assado congelado e pré-assado forneado) indicaram que a [AR] aumentou proporcionalmente em relação ao nível de substituição e redução com a evolução do tempo de armazenamento congelado, apresentando ótimo ajuste (r2 de 0,949) para o modelo quadrático. / The objective of this work was to study the partial substitution of wheat flour (WF) for maize resistant starch (MRS) in the elaboration of frozen par-baked French bread (FPBFB) and offering a technological alternative for a product consumed at Brazilians\' breakfast, presenting functional properties due to dietary fiber (DF) content. Dough performance measurements of mixtures at four levels (0%, 5%, 15% and 30%) of substitution of WF for MRS, being 100% equal to the mixture total, were obtained through alveography and rheofermentography. Technological evaluation and resistant starch (RS) concentration of FPBFB produced from mixtures with five substitution levels of WF for MRS (0.0%, 7.5%, 10.0%, 12.5% and 15.0%), were carried out according to the results obtained in the mixtures. The evaluation was conducted throughout 46 days of frozen storage, in five points (1, 8, 15, 25 and 46 days). Substitution level influenced significantly the specific volume, crumb texture and RS concentration of breads, whereas the frozen storage time influenced the bread crumb texture and RS concentration. The FPBFB produced from the mixture with 10% substitution of WF for MRS presented similar technological characteristics to the standard formulation (0% substitution) and RS concentration of 5.5 g per 100 g of product, being considered, according to Brazilian Legislation, a fiber-source foodstuff. Measures of RS concentration conducted in different bread production steps (formulation, frozen par-baked bread and par-baked bread fully baked), indicated that the RS concentration increased proportionally to the substitution level and reduced as the frozen storage time increased, presenting good adjustment (r2 of 0.949) to the quadratic model.

Influência da associação de osso bovino mineral com osso alógeno fresco congelado em enxertos para levantamento de seio maxilar. Estudo clínico, histológico e histomorfométrico em humanos / Bovine bone mineral combined with fresh frozen allografts bone in sinus augmentation. Case series, histological and histomorphometrical in humans.

Sehn, Felipe Perraro 30 May 2014 (has links)
O osso alógeno fresco congelado e o Bio-Oss® (OBM) são materiais conhecidos como substitutos ao osso autógeno em cirurgias de levantamento de seio maxilar. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar clínica, histológica e histomorfometricamente o processo de reparo de enxertos alógenos com e sem a utilização de OBM, utilizados em técnicas de levantamento de seio maxilar em humanos. Neste estudo do tipo prospectivo, randomizado, tipo série de casos, comparativo, foram operados 34 seios maxilares de pacientes de ambos os sexos, que apresentavam um rebordo ósseo residual com altura máxima de 5 mm na região de seios maxilares para reconstrução em altura para cirurgias de levantamento de seio maxilar prévia à reabilitação por implantes. Os pacientes foram divididos em a) Grupo Controle: Dezessete (17) seios maxilares enxertados somente com a utilização de osso alógeno e b) Grupo Teste: 17 seios maxilares reabilitados com osso alógeno e OBM, na proporção de 2:1. Seis meses após a enxertia, no momento da instalação dos implantes, amostras ósseas foram coletadas por meio de trefinas para análise histológica e histomorfométrica. Os dados da investigação foram submetidos ao teste t de Student para amostras independentes empregado para comparações entre os dois grupos, Mann-Whitney e testes de correlação foram aplicados. 29 pacientes com uma média de idade de 51,32 anos (± 6,44), foram divididos em grupos controle (17) e teste (12), sendo 34 seios avaliados no total. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos com relação à idade (p = 0,23) e ao gênero (p = 0,56). Mediana do torque de inserção dos implantes foi de 32N para o grupo controle, e 45N para o grupo teste (p < 0,0001). Taxa de sucesso no grupo controle foi de 93,02% e 100% no grupo teste. Análise histológica apresentou no grupo controle osso alógeno residual com lacunas osteocíticas vazias e padrão lamelar; osso neoformado com lacunas osteocíticas com osteócitos viáveis e padrão imaturo; osteoblastos em íntimo contato matriz osteóide, formando pontes entre os blocos de osso alógeno e osso neoformado; osteoclastos em proximidade às áreas remodelação óssea; ausência de sinais de infiltrado inflamatório; tecido conjuntivo; e no grupo teste, todos os ítens acima e osso bovino mineral. Histomorfometria: material enxertado remanescente (p = 0,74); osso alógeno remanescente (35.78% ± 6.21% grupo controle, 19.72% ± 10.42% grupo teste; p < 0,0001); OBM remanescente no grupo teste (14,78% ± 8,67); osso neoformado (11.94% ± 1.71% grupo controle, 25.79% ± 8.76% grupo teste; p < 0,001); osso total (47.72% ± 5.6% grupo controle, 58.96% ± 8.1% grupo teste; p < 0,001); tecido conjuntivo (52.27% ± 5.6% grupo controle, 41.45% ± 8.4% grupo teste; p < 0,01). Adicionar OBM ao osso alógeno em cirurgias de levantamento de seio maxilar mostrou-se uma técnica de enxertia eficaz para a instalação de implantes. Resultou em maior torque de inserção, porcentagens maiores de osso neoformado e osso total, permitindo a instalação de implantes e reabilitação protética funcional. / Allograft fresh frozen bone and Bio-Oss are knows as autogenous bone materials substitutes in maxillary sinus lifting. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical, histological and histomorphometrically the process of repair with and without the association of BBM in maxillary sinus augmentation. In this prospective, randomized, comparative case series study, 34 maxillary sinuses were augmented, which had a residual bone ridge with a maximum height of 5 mm in maxillary sinus reconstruction region at the time for surgery of maxillary sinus prior to rehabilitation by implants. Patients were divided into a) control group: seventeen (17) grafted maxillary sinuses with only allograft bone and b) test group: 17 maxillary sinuses rehabilitated with allograft bone and BBM in a 2:1 ratio. Six months after grafting, at time of implant placement, bone samples were collected using a trephine burr for histological and histomorphometrical analysis. The research data were subjected to Student\'s t test for independent samples used for comparisons between two groups, Mann - Whitney and correlation tests were applied. 29 patients with a mean age of 51.32 years (± 6.44), were divided into control group (17) and test (12), with 34 maxillary sinuses evaluated in total. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding to age (p = 0.23) and gender (p = 0.56). Median insertion torque of the implants was 32N for the control group and 45N for the test group (p < 0.0001). Survival rate in the control group was 93.02% and 100% in the test group. Histological analysis showed, at the control group, residual allograft bone with empty osteocytic lacunae and lamellar pattern; newly formed bone with osteocytic lacunae with viable osteocytes and immature pattern; osteoblasts in close contact with osteoid matrix, forming bridges between the blocks of allograft bone and new bone formation; osteoclasts in bone remodeling surrounding areas; no evidence of inflammatory infiltrate; connective tissue; and in the test group, all the items above and bovine bone mineral. Histomorphometry: graft remaining material (p = 0.74); remaining allogenous bone (35.78% ± 06.21% control group, 19.72% ± 10:42% test group, p < 0.0001); BBM remaining in the test group (14.78% ± 8.67); newly formed bone (11.94% ± 1.71% control group, 25.79% ± 8.76% test group, p < 0.001); total bone (47.72% ± 5.6% control group, 58.96% ± 8.1% test group, p < 0.001); connective tissue (52.27% ± 5.6% control group, 41.45% ± 8.4% test group, p < 0.01). Adding bovine bone mineral to allogenous bone in maxillary sinus surgery proved to be an effective technique of grafting for implant placement. It resulted in higher insertion torque, higher percentages of new bone formation and total bone, allowing installation of implants and functional loading.

Terrain disturbances by winter roads in the lower and central Mackenzie River Valley, N.W.T., Canada

Gnieser, Christoph 01 January 1990 (has links)
Winter roads, built from compacted snow and I or ice, are common throughout the circumpolar North. They are considered effective and economical means of providing seasonal access into permafrost terrain while minimizing the potential for environmental damage. The purpose of this study is an appraisal of long-term environmental impacts of winter roads by comparative assessment of terrain morphology, microclimate, permafrost, soils, and vegetation, on winter road right-of-ways and in adjacent undisturbed control areas.

A theoretical study of stellart pulsations in young brown dwarfs

Okeng'o, Geoffrey Onchong’a January 2011 (has links)
<p>This thesis reports the results of a twofold study on the recently proposed phenomenon of &lsquo / stellar pulsations&rsquo / in young brown dwarfs by the seminal study of Palla and Baraffe (2005) (PB05, thereafter). The PB05 study presents results of a non-adiabatic linear stability analysis showing that young brown dwarfs should become pulsationally unstable during the deuterium burning phase of their evolution.</p>

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