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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude tracéologique des incisives de castor des collections iroquoiennes de Saint-Anicet

Labonté, Jessica 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une analyse tracéologique, c’est-à-dire l’analyse fonctionnelle d’un objet à partir des microtraces d’usure, appliquée à une collection d’incisives de castor issue des sites iroquoiens de la région de Saint-Anicet: McDonald, Droulers et Mailhot-Curran. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre la fonction de ces objets fréquents sur les sites archéologiques iroquoiens, étant donné que la fonction précise est soit inconnue, soit présumée de façon spéculative. Pour répondre à cette question de recherche, l’analyse se déploie en trois volets : expérimental, analytique et comparatif. Le premier permettra d’éclairer la relation entre différentes matières travaillées et les traces laissées sur les outils en incisives de castor, ainsi que les mouvements effectués et la durée d’utilisation. Le deuxième volet aborde la tracéologie des incisives de castor de nos trois sites à l’étude, à partir des résultats des expérimentations. Le troisième volet de l’étude est dédié à la comparaison inter-sites. Ce projet permet de déterminer à quelles activités les outils sur dents de castor des collections ont servi, puis de comprendre les choix qui les sous-tendent. Cela permet donc de mieux comprendre l’humain derrière l’objet. Les résultats des analyses ont permis de démontrer l’utilisation des incisives de castor iroquoiennes comme outils servant à travailler le bois, mais plus spécifiquement comme outils servant à travailler des bois verts, tendres et mi-durs. De plus, il a été confirmé que les incisives de castor à double fonction, ciseau-racloir, sont le résultat d’outils recyclés ou réutilisés qui servaient à des usages divers. / This dissertation presents a traceological analysis, that is to say the functional analysis of an object based on microtraces of wear, applied to a collection of beaver incisors from Iroquoian sites in the Saint-Anicet region. : McDonald, Droulers and Mailhot-Curran. The goal is to better understand the function of these common objects at Iroquoian archaeological sites, given that the precise function is either unknown or speculated speculatively. To answer this research question, the analysis is deployed in three parts: experimental, analytical and comparative. The first will shed light on the relationship between different materials worked and the traces left on beaver incisor tools, as well as the movements made and the duration of use. The second part addresses the traceology of beaver incisors from our three sites under study, based on the results of the experiments. The third part of the study is dedicated to the inter-site comparison. This project makes it possible to determine what activities the beaver tooth tools in the collections were used for, then to understand the choices behind them. This therefore allows us to better understand the human behind the object. The results of the analyzes demonstrated the use of Iroquoian beaver incisors as tools for working wood, but more specifically as tools for working green, soft and semi-hard wood. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the double-function beaver incisors, chisel-scraper, are the result of recycled or reused tools that were used for various purposes.

Fourier and Variational Based Approaches for Fingerprint Segmentation

Hoang Thai, Duy 28 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Interpolation réelle des espaces de Sobolev sur les espaces métriques mesurés et applications aux inégalités fonctionnelles

Badr, Nadine 17 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'interpolation réelle des espaces de Sobolev et ses applications. Le manuscrit est constitué de deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous démontrons au premier chapitre que les espaces de Sobolev non homogènes W^1_p (resp. homogènes ) sur les variétés Riemanniennes complètes vérifiant la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré forment une échelle d'interpolation réelle pour un intervalle de valeurs de p. Nous étendons ce résultat à d'autres cadres géométriques. Dans un deuxième court chapitre, nous comparons différents espaces de Sobolev sur le cone Euclidien et nous regardons le lien de ces espaces avec l'interpolation. Nous montrons sur cet exemple que l'hypothèse de Poincaré n'est pas une condition nécessaire pour pouvoir interpoler les espaces de Sobolev. Dans le dernier chapitre de cette partie, nous définissons les espaces de Sobolev non homog'nes W^1_p,V (resp. homogènes ) associés à un potentiel positif V sur une variété Riemannienne. Nous démontrons que si la variété véifie la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré et si de plus V est dans une classe de Holder inverse, ces espaces forment aussi une échelle d'interpolation réelle pour un intervalle de valeurs de p. Nous étendons ce résultat aux cas des groupes de Lie. Dans la deuxième partie, dans un premier chapitre en collaboration avec E. Russ, nous étudions sur un graphe vérifiant la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré, la Lp bornitude de la transformée de Riesz pour p > 2 et son inégalité inverse pour p < 2. Pour notre but, nous démontrons aussi des résultats d'interpolation des espaces de Sobolev et des inégalités de Littlewood-Paley. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous démontrons en utilisant notre résultat d'interpolation, des inégalités de Gagliardo-Nirenberg sur les variétés Riemanniennes complètes vérifiant le doublement, des inégalités de Poincaré et pseudo-Poincaré. Ce résultat s'applique aussi dans le cadre des groupes de Lie et des graphes.

Etude de l'organisation spatiale du tissu conjonctif par analyse d'images basée sur une approche multiéchelles. Application à la prédiction de la tendreté de la viande bovine

El Jabri, Mohammed 22 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est de caractériser le tissu musculaire en évaluant sa qualité à partir de données d'imagerie. Plus précisement, on se propose de développer des outils de prédiction de la tendreté de la viande bovine, basés sur le processus de vision artificielle, en étudiant le tissu conjonctif intramusculaire qui contribue de manière significative à la dureté intrinsèque de la viande. Les images des coupes de muscles, ont été acquises avec deux types d'éclairage : lumière blanche polarisée et ultraviolet. Notre contribution pour analyser ces images est basée sur une approche multiéchelle. Deux méthodes de segmentation ont été proposées, elles sont basées sur la transformée en ondelettes discrète, notamment l'algorithme "à trous". La première repose sur le seuillage universel et la seconde sur l'algorithme de K-moyennes appliqué à l'image résultante d'une sommation sur les plans d'ondelettes. Un autre volet de ce travail concerne l'extraction des paramètres et la décision. L'information retenue est la distribution des tailles d'objets éléments de la trame conjonctive de viande. Les outils statistiques que sont la régression linéaire et les réseaux de neurones ont été appliqués aux données issues des étapes de traitement des images. Le modèle final qui a été retenu pour la prévision de la tendreté a été déterminé selon un critère de maximisation du R2. Le choix du nombre de paramètres a été basé sur un critère de validation croisée (Leave one out). Les résultats de prédiction, issus de la base de données d'étude, sont très encourageants, mettant en évidence une corrélation certaine entre les paramètres d'images et la qualité sensorielle de la viande en particulier la tendreté.

Spectral Methods for Direct and Inverse Scattering from Periodic Structures

Nguyen, Dinh Liem 07 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main topic of the thesis are inverse scattering problems of electromagnetic waves from periodic structures. We study first the direct problem and its numerical resolution using volume integral equation methods with a focus on the case of strongly singular integral operators and discontinuous coefficients. In a second investigation of the direct problem we study conditions on the material parameters under which well-posedness is ensured for all positive wave numbers. Such conditions exclude the existence of guided waves. The considered inverse scattering problem is related to shape identification. To treat this class of inverse problems, we investigate the so-called Factorization method as a tool to identify periodic patterns from measured scattered waves. In this thesis, these measurements are always related to plane incident waves. The outline of the thesis is the following: The first chapter is the introduction where we give the state of the art and new results of the topics studied in the thesis. The main content consists of five chapters, divided into two parts. The first part deals with the scalar case where the TM electromagnetic polarization is considered. In the second chapter we present the volume integral equation method with new results on Garding inequalities, convergence theory and numerical validation. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the Factorization method for the inverse scalar problem as well as some numerical experiments. The second part is dedicated to the study of 3-D Maxwell's equations. The fourth and fifth chapters are respectively generalizations of the results of the second and third ones to the case of Maxwell's equations. The sixth chapter contains the analysis of uniqueness conditions for the direct scattering problem, that is, absence of guided modes.

Balises pour l’intervention avec les technologies auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles

Chalghoumi, Hajer 07 1900 (has links)
Considérées comme des moyens incontournables de participation à la société, les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) constituent une piste de solution prometteuse pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Toutefois, plusieurs auteurs dénoncent la faible utilisation des TIC en éducation de ces élèves. Pire encore, les recherches sur le sujet génèrent des résultats intéressants, mais d’une contribution limitée pour l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine. Guidées par l’intuition et par un enthousiasme empirique évident, ces recherches s’appuient rarement sur des cadres de référence. Certes la documentation scientifique foisonne de champs de savoirs qui peuvent contribuer à ce domaine, mais ces contributions sont parcellaires et peu adaptées aux spécificités de ce dernier. L’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles demeure donc un champ conceptuel mal défini qui n'est légitimé par aucun cadre de référence en particulier. Cette recherche doctorale se situe en phase de préconception d’un modèle de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles. Elle vise à mettre en place des balises solides pouvant servir de cadre à l’élaboration d’un modèle de cette intervention. Dans cette phase de préconception, nous poursuivons deux objectifs, à savoir : 1) la mise au point d’un référentiel qui constitue un cadre intégrateur des connaissances existantes en la matière, qui servira avant tout à structurer et à organiser les informations disponibles à l’intérieur d’une synthèse validée par des experts et des intervenants oeuvrant auprès de ce type d’élèves et 2) l’élaboration d’un cahier des charges fonctionnel qui s’appuie sur le référentiel développé et qui précise les fonctions qu’un modèle idéal de l’intervention avec les TIC auprès des élèves qui ont des incapacités intellectuelles devrait remplir pour répondre pleinement aux besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Ces balises (le référentiel et le cahier des charges fonctionnel) sont destinées, principalement, à des chercheurs, des concepteurs de technologies, des formateurs d’enseignants, etc. Les élèves, les enseignants et autres agents de l'éducation pourront en bénéficier indirectement à travers les applications dérivées de ces balises (programmes de formation, technologies, recherches, scénarios pédagogiques, etc.). / Regarded as essential means of participation in society, information and communication technologies (ICT) are a promising track for teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities. However, several authors denounce the low use of ICT in education of these students. Worse yet, research on the subject generate interesting results, but a limited support to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Guided by intuition and empirical enthusiasm, theses researches often rely on reference frames. While the literature abounds with fields of knowledge that can contribute to this area, these proposals are fragmented and poorly adapted to the specifics of the latter. The educational intervention with ICT with students with intellectual disabilities remains an ill-defined conceptual field that is not legitimized by any particular reference frame. This doctoral research precedes the conception of an educational intervention model using ICT with students who have intellectual disabilities. It aims to establish strong tags that can serve as a framework for developing this model. In this phase of preconception, we pursue two objectives: 1) developing a repository consisting in a framework for integrating existing knowledge on the subject that will serve primarily to structure and organize the information available within the a synthesis validated by experts and practitioners; 2) developing a tender specification of the functions that a perfect model of this intervention should meet to fully satisfy the needs of different users. These tags (the repository and the tender specification) are intended, mainly, to researchers, technology developers, teacher educator, etc. Students, teachers and other educational agents will benefit indirectly from these tags through their applications by the first users of (training programs, technologies, studies, lesson plans, etc.).

Progressing from identification and functional analysis of precursor behavior to treatment of self-injury.

Dracobly, Joseph Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of the utility of assessing and treating severe problem behavior through precursor functional analysis was completed. Ongoing measurement of problem behavior in two settings in the participant's natural environment was conducted for the duration of the study. A precursor to self-injurious behavior was identified using descriptive assessment and conditional probability analyses. A precursor functional analysis was then conducted. Subsequently, a treatment, in which precursor behavior produced the maintaining variable identified in the precursor functional analysis, was implemented in the natural environment. Treatment resulted in increases in the precursor behavior and decreases in self-injury in both the treatment setting and the second setting in which observations occurred. Implications of the assessment and treatment procedures are discussed.

A reinervação do músculo extensor longo dos dedos (EDL) de ratos (rattus norvegicus) seria influenciada pelo uso do laser de baixa potência e do tecido adiposo na técnica de tubulização? / The reinnervation of extensor digitorius longus (EDL) of rats (Rattus norvegicus), would be influenciate by the association of adipose tissue and low power laser in tubulization technique by vein?

Moraes, Luis Henrique Rapucci 27 November 2009 (has links)
Lesões nervosas periféricas com alterações morfofuncionais são de grande importância clínica, porque pode prejudicar a função, comprometendo a sensibilidade e/ou a motricidade do órgão alvo. Quando o nervo é lesado, o indivíduo torna-se impossibilitado de realizar suas atividades, seja profissional ou pessoal, e a partir do acidente esta situação se agrava ainda mais, pois tem início uma trajetória de sofrimento e humilhações decorrentes do tipo de assistência que passa a receber, tendo em vista, ainda, a fragilidade emocional e o abatimento moral de que passa a ser vítima. Na tentativa de reparo de lesões graves de nervos periféricos, várias técnicas têm sido utilizada, mas algumas com prejuízos funcionais para outras área do corpo, como por exemplo, quando se usa outro nervo no enxerto. Considerando que enxertos venosos tem tido bons resultados na capacidade regenerativa das fibras nervosas, e como elas são encontradas em abundância e em locais de fácil acesso cirúrgico, pensou-se em verificar se o tecido adiposo e o laser de baixa potência alterariam os resultados da reinervação, por tubulização, em músculos de contração rápida (EDL). Para isso foi utilizado 84 ratos (Rattus norvegicus) da linhagem wistar, machos, que foram divididos em 12 grupos (oito experimentais e quatro controles). Nos grupos experimentais (GE) foi utilizada tubulização de veia preenchida, ou não de tecido adiposo (GEVV e GEVG, respectivamente), com e sem tratamento de laser (GEVVL e GEVGL, respectivamente). Os grupos controles (GC) receberam os nomes de positivos (GCP) quando os animais não sofreram intervenção cirúrgica, e negativos (GCN) quando os animais foram submetidos à desnervação do nervo ciático. Todos os grupos tiveram os seus animais sacrificados em dois períodos, 45 e 150 dias, após o início do experimento. A certificação da recuperação foi feita por meio da análise dos músculos inervados por ele (EDL), comparando-os com os respectivos grupos controles. Técnicas de microscopia, Imunofluorescência (MyoD e miogenina), apoptose (Tunel), morfométricas e análise funcional do ciático, foram empregadas nesta investigação. Os resultados mostraram que aos 45 dias pós desnervação os dados dos grupos experimentais estavam mais próximos do grupo controle negativo, mas aos 150 dias eles estavam mais próximos aos do grupo controle positivo. Baseado nos dados obtidos pode-se concluir que o uso de tecido adiposo e do laser de baixa potência na técnica de tubulização do nervo ciático interferem na recuperação do músculo EDL desnervado. / The peripheral nerves injuries with morphofunctional alterations, have great clinical importance because could prejudice the function, committing the sensibility and/or the motricity of target organ. When nerve is damage, the individual becomes disabled to realize yours activities, either professional or personal, in the post accident periods, this situation aggravates each more, therefore initiate a trajectory of suffering and distressing despite of the kind of assistance that this person receives, in view of your emotional fragility and your moral discouragement that pass to be victim. In attempt to repair severe peripheral nerves lesions, many techniques had been used, but some present functional prejudices to other area of bodies, for example when other autologous nerve graft it is used. Considering that, vein graft had demonstrated good results in regenerative nerve fibers capacity, and the vein are found in abundance in many locals of chirurgic access, it thought in verify if the adipose tissue and low power laser could alter the reinnervation results, by tubulization technique, in fast twitch muscle (EDL). For this, was used 84 rats (Rattus norvegicus) wistar, male, divided in 12 groups (eight experimental and four controls). In the experimental groups (EG) was used tubulization by vein combined / or not with adipose tissue (EGV and EGVA, receptively), with or without laser treatment (EGVL and EGVAL, respectively). The controls groups (CG) was called of positives (CGP) when the animals did not subject to transaction nerve, and negatives (CGN) when the sciatic nerve was transaction in this animals. All groups had the animals scarified in two periods, 45 and 150 days post experiments beginning. The recuperation was notified by means of muscle innervated analysis (EDL), comparing with the respective controls groups. Microscope techniques, Immunofluorescence for (MyoD and Miogenin), apoptosis by (Tunel assay), morphometrics and sciatic functional analysis, were employed in this investigation. The results showed that in the 45 days post-dennervation, the data of experimental groups was nearest of negative control group (transaction sciatic nerve), but in the 150 days they was nearest to the positive control group. Based on this, could be conclude that the use of adipose tissue and low power laser used in the tubulization technique by vein in the sciatic nerve interfere in the recuperation of EDL muscle dennervated.

Funktionelle Analyse von Mutanten des LPS-bindenden Proteins (LBP)

Eckert, Jana Kristin 25 June 2009 (has links)
LBP vermittelt im Wirtsorganismus die direkte Immunantwort auf bakterielle Liganden wie das Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) von Gram-negativen oder Lipopeptide von Gram-positiven Bakterien. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktionsweise von LBP weiter aufgeklärt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine natürlich vorkommende Mutation des LBP (c998t), die an Position 333 zu einem Austausch der Aminosäure Prolin zu Leucin führt, hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf Struktur und Funktionalität des Proteins untersucht. Westernblot-Analysen des rekombinant hergestellten Proteins und humaner Seren von Mutationsträgern weisen auf einen Zerfall des mutierten Proteins hin. Es kommt zu einer Beeinträchtigung der Bindung bakterieller Liganden und einer deutlichen Reduktion der LBP-vermittelten Zytokinausschüttung von Immunzellen. Der hier untersuchte Polymorphismus hat eine Allelfrequenz von 0,072 in einer gesunden europäischen Population. Genotypanalysen von Patientengruppen zeigten, dass es durch die Mutation zu einer deutlich erhöhten Mortalität bei Patienten mit septischen Komplikationen und einer durch Gram-negative Erreger verursachten Pneumonie kommt. Unsere Ergebnisse zur eingeschränkten Funktion des LBP-c998t bieten eine erste Erklärung dafür, wie diese Mutation vermutlich die Fähigkeit, Krankheiten zu bewältigen, beeinträchtigt. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit ging es um die Analyse der Bindung von bakteriellen Liganden an LBP. Dabei wurde eine potentiell gemeinsame Bindungsstelle für Liganden untersucht, die von Gram-positiven und Gram-negativen Bakterien stammen und später von den Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLRs) 2 und -4 erkannt werden. Dazu wurden Bindungsversuche zwischen Lipopeptiden und LPS mit einer zweiten LBP-Variante (LBP-E94/95) durchgeführt. Beim LPS führt dies zu einem Bindungsverlust. Auch für die Lipopeptide war durch die Mutationen die Interaktion mit LBP beeinträchtigt, was die These einer gemeinsamen Bindungsstelle von TLR2- und TLR4-Liganden an das Protein weiter unterstützt. / LBP enhances the innate immune reaction against bacterial ligands like LPS from gram negative or lipopeptides from gram positive bacteria in the host. Here we investigated the function of LBP using two recombinant mutants of the protein. The first part of this work examines a natural occurring mutation of LBP (c998t) leading to an amino acid exchange of proline to leucine at position 333 with regard to the impact on structure and function of the protein. Western blot analyses of the recombinant protein and sera obtained from individuals differing in the LBP genotype indicate the disaggregation of the mutated protein. Thereby binding of bacterial ligands to LBP is diminished and the LBP mediated cytokine secretion of immune cells is reduced. The gene polymorphism leading to the occurrence of the mutation is present with an allelic frequence of 0.072. A recent study has shown that this LBP-SNP led to a higher mortality in patients with septic complications and gram negative pneumonia. The results presented here, showing the negative impact on the function of LBP due to the mutation, may therefore be a first explanation on how this mutation affects the ability of people to deal with disease. Within this work binding of ligands to LBP was also explored. It was investigated whether ligands which are later recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2 and – 4 share a common binding site on LBP. Assays with immobilized lipopeptides and LPS were performed with a second mutated LBP (LBP-E94/95). LPS binding to LBP is diminished completely. Here we showed that binding of lipopeptide to LBP is affected likewise, furthermore supporting the hypothesis of a common binding site for TLR2- and TLR4- ligands.

Avaliando uma proposta para modificar práticas coercitivas de profissionais de educação física / Evaluating a proposal to modify coercive practices about professionals of physical education

Mola, Isabel Coelho 10 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 isabel.pdf: 1058986 bytes, checksum: e20efcd5cf981bdfd9ed317fd48b5875 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-10 / Having like reference a reflection of B. F. Skinner about Education and its considerations about the use coercive practices noxious effects and considering that these ones do present in our society, it developed the present work that had as objective to identify there was the coercive practices use during teachers' Fitness pedagogical activities, and, in positive case, propose intervention in the sense of decreasing the frequency of such practices. The work was going developed in a Beneficent Institution located in São Paulo's city. They were participants three professionals that exercised the educator function in footsal, volleyball, and capoeira modalities. The data were going obtained for question (structured and informal situations) and for observation in natural context (the different modalities classes). The intervention proposal involved three stages: 1) Pre-intervention observation of three classes, of each modality, for coercive practices presents detection during the pedagogical activities; 2) Intervention - classes observation and discussion of encounter, with the educator about situations evidenced in the pedagogical interactions; the observed classes set varied between 8 and 10, for teacher; 3) Post-intervention observation of three classes, of each modality, with the goal of verifying the intervention effects. In Pre-intervention, it detected the coercive practices use in three different situations: a) the inadequate behaviors occurrence by the students; b) the incorrect behaviors occurrence; and c) like form of motivating the group. It verified that the occurrence of such coercive practices was current of the educators inability in the performance of your function and how certain contexts favored the inadequate behaviors appearance: a) organization lack during the teaching activities; b) lines frequent use during the movements teaching; c) information clearness excessive number and lack in the supplied instructions; d) classes planning lack; e) teacher's attention occasioning inadequate behaviors and not academic behaviors. During the Intervention process, the relative information to the observed educational practices were going treated having like model the Functional Analysis, what it allowed select the situations that would be objective of discussion with the teachers. The intervention it showed efficient, since, among the reached results, there was teachers actions alteration, in the sense of administer their classes in a reforce ambient, and not coercive. For so much, it was fundamental the modification in the teaching own activities - the teachers proceeded creating situations that favored the academic behaviors emission, behaving incompatible or that turned less probable the inadequate behaviors emission by the students, the which ones would passed be reforces consequences objectives. The obtained data allow to suggest that there is coercive practices use for educators when its pedagogical proposals are little efficient / Tendo como referência a reflexão de B. F. Skinner sobre Educação, e suas considerações sobre os efeitos nocivos do uso de práticas coercitiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos identificar o uso de tais práticas nas atividades pedagógicas de professores de Educação Física, e, em caso positivo, propor intervenção no sentido de diminuir a freqüência de tais práticas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma instituição beneficente, localizada na cidade de São Paulo. Foram participantes três profissionais que exerciam a função docente nas modalidades de futsal, voleibol e capoeira. Os dados foram obtidos por questionamento, (em situações estruturadas e informais), e por observação, nas aulas das diferentes modalidades. A proposta de intervenção envolveu três etapas: 1) Pré-intervenção observação de três aulas, de cada modalidade, para detecção das práticas coercitivas; 2) Intervenção observação de aulas e encontro de discussão, com o docente, sobre situações evidenciadas nas interações pedagógicas. O conjunto de aulas observadas variou entre 8 e 10, por professor; 3) Pós-intervenção observação de três aulas, de cada modalidade, com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da intervenção. Na Pré-Intervenção, detectou-se o uso de práticas coercitivas em três situações diferentes: a) na ocorrência de comportamentos inadequados pelos alunos; b) na ocorrência de comportamentos incorretos; e c) na intenção de motivar a turma. Constatou-se que a ocorrência de práticas coercitivas era decorrente da inabilidade dos docentes no desempenho de sua função e que determinados contextos favoreciam a eclosão de comportamentos inadequados: a) falta de organização nas atividades de ensino; b) uso freqüente de filas durante o ensino de movimentos; c) número excessivo de informações e falta de clareza nas instruções fornecidas; d) falta de planejamento das aulas; e) atenção do professor consequenciando comportamentos inadequados e não comportamentos acadêmicos. Durante o processo de intervenção, as informações relativas às práticas educativas observadas foram tratadas tendo como modelo a Análise Funcional, o que permitiu elencar as situações tomadas como alvo de discussão com os docentes. A intervenção mostrou-se eficiente, já que, dentre os resultados alcançados, houve alteração das ações dos professores, no sentido de ministrarem suas aulas em um ambiente reforçador, e não coercitivo. Para tanto, foi fundamental a modificação nas próprias atividades de ensino - os professores passaram a criar situações que favoreciam a emissão de comportamentos acadêmicos, portando incompatíveis ou que tornavam menos provável a emissão de comportamentos inadequados pelos alunos, os quais passaram a ser alvo de conseqüências reforçadoras. Os dados obtidos permitem sugerir que há uso de práticas coercitivas por docentes quando suas propostas pedagógicas são pouco eficientes

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