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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development. / South Africa

Investigating approaches to the teaching of writing in english as a second language in senior phase classrooms in the western cape

Caroline Modupe, Akinyeye January 2012 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / South Africa in the past-apartheid era has undergone a series of curriculum changes that collectively have not yet yielded the desired results. Evidence of this is to be found in the continued low pass rates and poor performance in the annual National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) examinations, including the subject English as a First Additional Language (EFAL). Apart from language policy considerations, reasons related to the teaching approach used in EFAL may have a bearing on the results.The Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) recommends the use of a text-(genre) approach, alongside a communicative approach, to the teaching of languages in schools to replace the old content-based methods with their aims and objectives. While the old curriculum did advocate communicative language teaching, the addition is a text-based approach. This study focuses on investigating the various approaches teachers employ in the teaching of English writing and specifically seeks to identify the extent to which a text-based approach is realized in the teaching of EFAL in Grade 9 in two schools in the Western Cape. The study does so, amongst other ways, by analysing the various texts learners are exposed to in English lessons and taking note of how teachers introduce and negotiate the different stages of writing. This study uses genre theory and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) in combination with social constructivist approaches to language learning. This theory is based on the premise that language is functional and cannot be detached from the social context of the learner.A qualitative research paradigm is used and the study is underpinned by interpretive theory.According to Richards (2003), qualitative research is the study of human action in its natural setting in the context of people’s daily lives. In this case the school classroom has to function as the natural setting. The qualitative data collection instruments for this study include interviews,(particularly open-ended interviews), classroom observation schedules and audio recordings. The teaching processes in the classroom and interview sessions are recorded.The research participants for this study were two qualified English teachers. Secondly, samples of notebooks including class exercises of a selected numbers of learners of English Language in Grade 9 were collected for analysis with regard to the implementation of a text-based approach.The findings revolve round the themes derived from the analysis chapter, and are expected to provide ways of promoting the teaching of English using this approach. They reveal that the teachers in this study do not have sufficient understanding of the theories that underpin the teaching of writing in the English FAL curriculum. They attend to the use of text-based approach superficially but they apply other teaching strategies in their lessons during the teaching of English as a first additional language. The study concludes by summing up the main findings,and by spelling out some implications for further research.

Högpresterande gymnasieelevers läskompetenser / The Reading Literacy of High-performing Students in Upper Secondary School

Hallesson, Yvonne January 2011 (has links)
Recent international surveys reveal a decline in reading performance among Swedish students during the past decade. In the light of these results, this thesis describes the reading literacy of a class of high-performing students in the Swedish upper secondary school, in order to discern characteristics of successful readers. More specifically, the aim is to describe these students’ reading literacy in terms of their reading habits, approaches to texts, reading strategies, as well as reading positions. The study is framed within a socio-cultural perspective and is based on qualitative methods such as case studies, classroom observations and a group discussion, in combination with a partly quantitative survey. A methodological contribution to the research field is the attempt to develop a method for analyzing students’ reading positions, mainly based on the concept of text movability, as used by af Geijerstam, Liberg et al. The results reveal a deep reading position towards non-fiction texts among a majority of these high-performing students. In comparison with students who adopt a surface-oriented position, these students tend to show greater textual awareness and interactive text movability, and seem to use a wider repertoire of reading strategies in order to attain reading success. This study identifies the most prominent features of high-performing students as their textual awareness, i.e. an ability to comment on content, form, function and potential readers of texts, genre awareness, i.e. an ability to identify various text genres, and metacognitive awareness, i.e. knowing what strategies to use and when to use them. These features can be related to the students’ descriptions of their reading habits which imply that they read a great variety of texts, including both fiction and non-fiction. Most of these students report that they read daily and of their own accord. Having broad textual experience helps when it comes to reading texts in specialized domains that require inferencing and/or field knowledge. There also appears to be a match between the literacy supported in school and the literacy sustained in the students’ home environment. The pedagogical implications are the need for continuous work with students’ reading development and reading strategies, making students aware of different text genres and their specific features, and the importance for students to be challenged in their reading, but naturally in combination with appropriate scaffolding methods.

News Media Representation of The Dakota Access Pipeline Protest (A Study Using Systemic Functional Linguistics)

Crosby, Aubrey M. A. 13 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Opinion och attityd i ungersk press – Appraisal och tecken på en ”Populist Stance”? / Opinion and Attitude in Hungarian Press – Appraisal and Evidence of a ”Populist Stance”?

Karnell, Olof January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa de medel som författare av journalistisk text använder för att förmedla attityd, förhandla argumenterbarheten för sina åsikter och förhålla sig till andra(s) externa positioner och åsikter. Den teoretiska basen utgörs av appraisalteorin (Martin och White 2005) och den interpersonella metafunktionen i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken (Halliday 2014). Det analyserade materialet baserar sig på ett urval av artiklar i den ungerska regeringsvänliga veckotidskriften Figyelő publicerade under perioden november 2017 till augusti 2018, vilka samtliga tematiskt behandlar utvecklingen i Sverige med avseende på migration. Resultatet visar på en mycket rik och varierad användning av den språkliga repertoaren för att uttrycka attityd, och på en övervägande subjektiv ton i rapporteringen. En stor andel implicit uttryckt attityd liksom ironi och ett framträdande författar-jag vittnar om en medveten ambition att interpersonellt närma sig läsarna. Materialet visar även på en systematisk undanträngning av alternativa ståndpunkter (kontraherande heteroglossi), bland annat genom förstärkning av egna argument och åsikter eller genom ett förringande av andras. Resultatet gör det motiverat att ställa frågan om det finns en ”Populist Stance” som kan inordnas som en utmärkande journalistisk stil under det som appraisalteorin benämns commentator voice, utifrån det narrativ som förmedlas, och vars utmärkande drag skulle vara just rika språkliga uttryck för närhet till läsarna, omfattande förekomster av värderande uttalanden om personer/grupper, och en systematisk begränsning av utrymmet för alternativa ståndpunkter. Erfarenheterna från att använda appraisalteorin i detta arbete visar att en större, fördjupad och jämförande studie på detta område torde vara meningsfull och möjlig, utifrån en kombinerad kvantitativ/kvalitativ ansats. / Jelen tanulmány célja annak megismerése, hogy az újságírói szövegek írói milyen nyelvi eszközöket használnak fel az adott témához való hozzáállásuk kifejezésére, és hogyan érvelnek véleményük érvelhetőségét mellett, valamint hogyan kapcsolódnak más külső álláspontokhoz és véleményekhez. Az elméleti kiinduló pont az „Appraisal”-elmélet (Martin és White 2005) és az interperszonális meta-funkció a szisztémás funkcionális nyelvtanban (Halliday 2014). Az elemzett korpusz a Figyelő – egy a magyar kormányt támogató heti magazin – 2017 novembere és 2018 augusztusa között megjelent cikkeiből készített saját válogatáson alapul, ahol a cikkek témájukat tekintve a migrációval kapcsolatos svédországi fejleményekkel foglalkoznak. A tanulmány eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a szövegekben a szerzők nagyon gazdag és változatos nyelvi repertoárt használnak fel a hozzáállás kifejezésére, és hogy a szövegek túlnyomórészt szubjektív módon ábrázolják a helyzetet Svédországban. A szerzői hozzáállásnak a sok egyenesen ki nem mondott megnyilvánulása, a sok irónia, valamint a szerző személyének kiemelkedő pozíciója mind arról tanúskodik, hogy tudatos törekvés van arra, hogy interperszonálisan közeledjenek az olvasókhoz. Az anyag azt is megmutatja, hogy szisztematikusan kizárják az alternatív véleményeket (kirekesztő heteroglosszia), többek között azzal, hogy megerősítik a saját érveiket és véleményüket, vagy lekicsinyilik a többiekét. A tanulmány eredményei alapján indokoltan merül fel a kérdés, hogy létezik-e egyfajta „populista hozzáállás” (angol „populist stance”), amelyet jellegzetes újságírói stílusnak lehet tekinteni, és amely besorolható az ”Appraisal”-elmélet által ”Commentator Voice”-nak nevezett jelenség alá. Ezt igazolhatják a szövegek narratívái és megkülönböztető tulajdonságai: az olvasókhoz való közelség/közeledés gazdag nyelvi megnyilvánulásai, a sok egyénekre/csoportokra vonatkozó értékelő kijelentés és az alternatív pozíciók lehetőségeinek szisztematikus korlátozása. Az Appraisal-modell alkalmazásával kapcsolatos tapasztalatok azt mutatják, hogy lehetséges és fontos lenne egy ezen a területen végzett mélyreható, szisztematikus és összehasonlító tanulmány, egy kombinált kvalitatív és kvantitatív kutatási módszer alapján. / The aim of the study is to investigate the means by which authors of journalistic text convey attitude, negotiate the arguability of their opinions and position themselves in relation to external positions and the views of others. The theoretical basis of the study is Appraisal Theory (Martin &h White 2005) and the Interpersonal Metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday 2014). The analysed material is based on a selection of articles in the Hungarian government-friendly weekly magazine Figyelő, published between November 2017 and August 2018, all of which thematically deal with developments in Sweden with regard to migration. The results of the study show a rich and varied use of the linguistic repertoire for expressing attitude, and a predominantly subjective writer voice. Frequent examples of implicitly expressed attitude and irony as well as the appearance of the author as subject in the text give witness to a conscious ambition to approach readers interpersonally. The material also shows a systematic exclusion of alternative positions (contracting heteroglossia), whereby the author strengthens his/her own arguments and opinions and/or belittles those of others. The results give cause for asking whether there is a "Populist Stance", a distinctive journalistic style under what Appraisal defines as the Commentator Voice, based on the narrative conveyed, and whose distinctive features would be rich linguistic expressions of closeness to readers, extensive occurrences of evaluative statements about individuals/groups, and a systematic limitation of the space for alternative positions. Experience from applying the Appraisal model in the study shows that a larger in-depth, systematic and comparative analysis of this type of material would be meaningful and possible, based on a combined quantitative/qualitative approach.


[pt] Situada na área da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (Fabrício, 2006; Miller, 2013; Moita Lopes, 2006; Pennycook, 2006; Rajagopalan, 2003), esta dissertação tem como objetivo compreender como quatro professores inseridos no mercado de trabalho dos cursos de inglês constroem as suas emoções em relação a estas instituições de ensino, aqui compreendidas segundo as noções de lugar (Tuan, 2013) e não lugar (Augé, 2012). Os cursos de inglês como lugares se vinculam à ideia de permanência e às relações humanas afetuosas; já como não lugares, eles podem se tornar espaços de transitoriedade e de impermanência. Para uma compreensão de como os cursos de inglês se inserem no cenário da educação atual, esta pesquisa se apoia nos debates sobre a educação na atualidade (Chaves, 2019; Laval, 2019), tendo como fundamentação teórica os estudos sobre emoções e vida social (Rezende; Coelho, 2010) e os afetos dos professores (Nias, 1996; Zembylas, 2002; 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2005). Os dados foram gerados em conversas informais com os quatro professores participantes, e, uma vez gerados, foram transcritos. Excertos foram selecionados e divididos em três blocos temáticos que retratam diferentes momentos destes professores antes e após ingressarem no mercado de trabalho. Como ferramenta teórico-metodológica, esta pesquisa de base qualitativa (Darlington; Scott, 2002; Denzin; Lincoln, 2006) se apoia no Sistema de Avaliatividade (Almeida, 2012; Ikeda, 2012; Martin; White, 2005; Vian Jr., 2011, 2012; White, 2004), integrante da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday, 1994), para compreender como as emoções emergem por meio das escolhas lexicogramaticais nas avaliações dos professores acerca dos cursos de inglês. Entendimentos apontam para a possibilidade de os cursos de inglês serem sentidos como não lugares, o que sugere a necessidade de se criar um espaço teóricoreflexivo no qual as emoções dos professores sejam pensadas como trazendo sentidos para as suas experiências (Zembylas, 2003a). / [en] Situated in the field of Contemporary Applied Linguistics (Fabrício, 2006; Miller, 2013; Moita Lopes, 2006; Pennycook, 2006; Rajagopalan, 2003, this dissertation aims to understand how four teachers inserted in the job market of English language schools build their emotions associated with these educational institutions, herein understood according to the notions of place (Tuan, 2013) and nonplace (Augé, 2012). English language schools as places are linked to the idea of permanence and affectionate human relationships; as nonplaces, they can become spaces of transience and impermanence. For an understanding of how English language schools fit into the current education scenario, this research draws upon debates on contemporary education (Chaves, 2019; Laval, 2019), having as its theoretical foundations the studies about emotions and social life (Rezende; Coelho, 2010) and teachers emotions (Nias, 1996; Zembylas, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2005). The data was generated during informal conversations with the four participating teachers, and once generated, it was transcribed. Excerpts were selected and divided into three themed sections that depict different moments of these teachers before and after entering the job market. As a theoreticalmethodological tool, this qualitative research (Santos, 2013; Darlington; Scott, 2002; Denzin; Lincoln; 2006) is based on the Appraisal Theory (Almeida, 2012; Ikeda 2012; Martin; White, 2005; Vian Jr., 2011, 2012; White, 2004), stemming from the Systemic-Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994), to understand how emotions emerge through the teachers lexicogramatical choices in their evaluations of English language schools. The understandings point to the possibility that these institutions are felt as nonplaces, which suggests the need for the creation of a theoretical-reflective space in which teachers emotions are thought of as bringing meanings to their experiences (Zembylas, 2003).


DIEGO CANDIDO ABREU 08 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Dois são os objetivos fundamentais da presente pesquisa: 1) gerar inteligibilidades sobre como as experiências de um grupo de alunos-professores-profissionais da educação com a violência na escola são reconstruídas em discurso; 2) entender como esse fenômeno é articulado discursivamente com a dimensão da (con-)vivência interpessoal que, mesmo inscrita no tecido institucional da escola, o transcende, humanizando as relações intersubjetivas constritas pela racionalidade do Estado (WEBER, 1994) - sendo tal âmbito da vida humana denominado aqui de afetividade. Com tal ambição em mente, inicio a jornada investigativa ora sintetizada com dois expedientes: a demarcação do alicerce epistemológico-metodológico a dar sustento à investigação pretendida e a apresentação do contexto social e biográfico de florescimento da pesquisa. Segue-se a proposição de um modelo teórico que intenta reconstituir conceitualmente o problema da violência escolar em sua natureza multifacetada, desde suas causas mais amplas, externas aos muros da escola, até suas distintas conformações assumidas a partir da sua integração a esse espaço (AQUINO, 1996). Adiante, articulo tal teorização à supramencionada noção de afetividade, a qual é forjada a partir de um diálogo entre uma concepção de afeto assentada na totalidade subjetiva da experiência (VYGOTSKY, 1994; ZAPOROZHETS, 1977; MERLEAU-PONTY, 1994) e um quadro explicativo acerca da inter-relação de controle e racionalização entre o Estado, em sua acepção moderna, e a sociedade por ele tutelada (WEBER, 1994; FOUCAULT, 2004). Tendo construído uma visão holística do objeto de interesse do estudo aqui sumarizado, passo ao esforço de sediá-lo em um arcabouço teórico que lhe envolva em uma compreensão de linguagem-discurso coerente com os objetivos fundadores do trabalho. Julgo encontrar tal suprimento em uma zona de interseção entre a Linguística Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 2013; FABRÍCIO, 2018) e a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994), cunhada a partir de uma explicitação dos pontos de convergência e complementariedade entre ambas. Ancorado na rede de articulações teórico-metodológicas que dá estofo à primeira parte da tese, dedico os três capítulos seguintes à construção do empreendimento analítico que Dois são os objetivos fundamentais da presente pesquisa: 1) gerar inteligibilidades sobre como as experiências de um grupo de alunos-professores-profissionais da educação com a violência na escola são reconstruídas em discurso; 2) entender como esse fenômeno é articulado discursivamente com a dimensão da (con-)vivência interpessoal que, mesmo inscrita no tecido institucional da escola, o transcende, humanizando as relações intersubjetivas constritas pela racionalidade do Estado (WEBER, 1994) - sendo tal âmbito da vida humana denominado aqui de afetividade. Com tal ambição em mente, inicio a jornada investigativa ora sintetizada com dois expedientes: a demarcação do alicerce epistemológico-metodológico a dar sustento à investigação pretendida e a apresentação do contexto social e biográfico de florescimento da pesquisa. Segue-se a proposição de um modelo teórico que intenta reconstituir conceitualmente o problema da violência escolar em sua natureza multifacetada, desde suas causas mais amplas, externas aos muros da escola, até suas distintas conformações assumidas a partir da sua integração a esse espaço (AQUINO, 1996). Adiante, articulo tal teorização à supramencionada noção de afetividade, a qual é forjada a partir de um diálogo entre uma concepção de afeto assentada na totalidade subjetiva da experiência (VYGOTSKY, 1994; ZAPOROZHETS, 1977; MERLEAU-PONTY, 1994) e um quadro explicativo acerca da inter-relação de controle e racionalização entre o Estado, em sua acepção moderna, e a sociedade por ele tutelada (WEBER, 1994; FOUCAULT, 2004). Tendo construído uma visão holística do objeto de interesse do estudo aqui sumarizado, passo ao esforço de sediá-lo em um arcabouço teórico que lhe envolva em uma compreensão de linguagem-discurso coerente com os objetivos fundadores do trabalho. Julgo encontrar tal suprimento em uma zona de interseção entre a Linguística Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 2013; FABRÍCIO, 2018) e a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994), cunhada a partir de uma explicitação dos pontos de convergência e complementariedade entre ambas. Ancorado na rede de articulações teórico-metodológicas que dá estofo à primeira parte da tese, dedico os três capítulos seguintes à construção do empreendimento analítico que lhe dá substância. Assim, na primeira etapa da empresa analítica em questão, apresento o conjunto de procedimentos e arranjos realizados ao longo do processo de geração e delimitação do corpus a ser aqui examinado. Além de tais decisões metodológicas, introduzo e justifico no mesmo capítulo o ferramental analítico organizado com o fim de mediar meu encontro com os dados produzidos. As duas seções posteriores são dedicadas ao diálogo com os dados, momento em que recortes de minhas conversas com os quatro coconstrutores deste estudo – Michelle, Gisele, Adriano e Gustavo – são interpelados à luz do arcabouço de instrumentos de geração de saberes supramencionado. As análises flagram no devir das conversas uma pluralidade de movimentos de reconstrução discursiva de vivências em meio a episódios de violência na escola. A diversidade de experiências materializadas em palavras, vis-à-vis à variedade de expedientes linguístico-interacionais empregados na constituição de tais quadros narrativos, converge com o posicionamento de Vygotsky (1994) em defesa da plasticidade de cada um de nossos viveres no mundo, capazes de refratar qualquer evento objetivamente vislumbrado com um conjunto incomensurável de ângulos e colorações subjetivas. Ademais, ganha relevo ao longo do percurso analítico o papel de destaque desempenhado pela inter-relação entre axiologia e ideologia na reconstituição discursiva das experiências derramadas em palavras pelos participantes. Por fim, a tensão entre racionalidade e afetividade emerge em algumas histórias como um dos eixos de reedificação discursiva das vivências com a violência na escola, sendo atribuída centralidade ao segundo elemento desse binômio na determinação da natureza das relações interpessoais travadas no espaço da sala de aula. / [en] This study has two main objectives. The first one is to generate intelligibilities regarding how the experiences of a group of students-teacher-educations workers are reconstructed in discourse. The second one is to understand how this phenomenon is discursively articulated with the dimension of interpersonal relationship among people getting along in the school environment. Although still inscribed in the institutionality of school bureaucracy, this interpersonal contact transcends it, humanizing the intersubjective relationships constricted by State s dehumanizing rationality (WEBER, 1994). This realm of school social life here is denominated affectivity. With this end in mind, this investigative journey starts with the outlining of the theoretical-methodological foundation sustaining this inquiry as well as its social and biographic context of development. Next, there is the proposition of a theoretical model that aims to reconstruct conceptually the problem of school violence in its multifaceted nature, integrating its external factors to the set of different fashions this phenomenon assumes inside of the school environment (AQUINO, 1996). Further, this theoretical background is articulated to the notion of affectivity. This idea is forged through a dialogue between two elements. The first one is an understanding of affect grounded in the subjective wholeness of experience (VYGOTSKY, 1994; ZAPOROZHETS, 1977; MERLEAU-PONTY, 1994); the second one is an explanatory framework regarding the inter-relationship of control and rationalization between the State, in its modern definition, and the society ruled by it (WEBER, 1994; FOUCAULT, 2004). After the construction of a holistic view of our research object, it will be grounded on a theoretical framework of a discursive-linguistic model convergent with the general goals of this study. This terrain of support if found in an intersection zone between Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2013; FABRÍCIO, 2018) and Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994), coined through making their points of convergence and complementarity explicit. Anchored on this network of theoretical-methodological threads, the three following chapters are dedicated to the construction of the core analytical work of this research. In the first step of this analytical enterprise, the set of procedures and arrangements developed during the process of generation and outlining of this study s corpus is presented. Besides those methodological decisions, the analytical toolkit mediating my encounter with the data is presented and justified in the same chapter. The following sections cover the dialogue with the data, in which my conversations with the four participants in this research – Michelle, Gisele, Adriano and Gustavo – are interpellated in light of the analytical framework previously mentioned. The analyses find among the interactions a plurality of movements of discursive reconstructions of experiences amid school violence episodes. The diversity of experiences materialized in words dialogues with the variety of linguistic-interactional elements employed in the constitution of those narrative frameworks. This network of elements converges with the emphatic stance taken by Vygotsky (1994) in defense of the plasticity of each of our living moments in the world, in their capacity of refracting objective situations with an unlimited array of subjective colors and angles. Furthermore, throughout the analytical course, the key role played by axiology and ideology in the discursive reconstitution of the experiences, transformed in words, by the participants also becomes relevant. Finally, the tension between rationality and affectivity emerges as a discursive rebuilding axis of the school violence experiences, being ascribed centrality to the second element of this binomial in the determination of the nature of the interpersonal relationships established in the classroom environment.

Jews and Gentiles in Romans 1–3: Clues from Cohesive Chains and Grammatical Metaphor

Lee, Jung Hoon (John) 11 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I explore to address the problem of the identity of Paul’s interlocutor(s) in Rom 1–3 and the subsequent issue of whether Paul only includes non-Jewish Gentiles as recipients of his gospel teaching. In order to deal with the research question in a linguistically informed manner, I draw from Systemic Functional Linguistics and use two related notions of cohesive chains and grammatical metaphor (nominalization). By applying both methods to the text, I identify twenty-three active cohesive chains and five most important instances of nominalization in the text. Based on the linguistic data elicited solely by examining the interaction patterns among the chains and by explicating the various textual effects that nominalization brings about, I conclude that the linguistic evidence points to the possibility that the interlocutor is an ethnically Jewish man and Paul thus does not exclude his fellow Jews from his presentation of the gospel in Rom 1–3.

The “Magic Gathering” of Comprehension Devices : A diachronic systemic functional linguistics analysis of MTG game card texts

Schiller, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the diachronic shift of revised card texts in the tabletop collectible card game ‘Magic: The Gathering’.  The lexicogrammatical patterns found are compared to theories on comprehension and learning, and to the development of the game. To answer how the texts have changed, a sample of twenty cards with old and revised texts has been analysed according to systemic functional linguistics. The metafunctions used for the SFL analysis are interpersonal, ideational and textual. Additionally, a descriptive analysis has been conducted to answer how the changes in the linguistic metafunctions relate to comprehension and development. The analysis shows that there are general patterns within all the investigated metafunctions, which correspond to research on learning, language development and notions on text cohesion. Furthermore, the findings correlate to the game development and functions in the gameplay. While the sample size is limited in comparison to all available cards in the game, the diachronic shifts are distributed over a variety of card types matching the available cards overall, and with the initial interconnections found it is assumed that the patterns are generalisable. Further research could explore the findings in relation to general games development, games as a source of learning or genre and discourses.


MONICA DA COSTA MONTEIRO DE SOUZA 31 August 2016 (has links)
[pt] Inserida na área de Estudos da Linguagem, mais especificamente dentro do campo de investigação da Linguística Aplicada (Moita Lopes, 1999, 2006, 2013), esta pesquisa tem como objetivo buscar entendimentos acerca de como as crenças (Kalaja e Barcelos, 2003, 2013; Barcelos, 2006, 2007) dos aprendizes se relacionam a suas interpretações e avaliações (Martin e Rose, 2003; Martin e White, 2005) sobre aspectos relativos ao ensino-aprendizagem em uma sala de aula de inglês para fins específicos (IFE), concebido em sintonia com a Pedagogia Pós-método (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2006). Para tanto, participaram desta pesquisa um total de dez alunos de um curso técnico de farmácia do Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), campus Rio de Janeiro. Os dados, que incluem suas produções discursivo-reflexivas escritas e orais, foram construídos a partir da utilização de instrumentos de aprendizagem (IA), termo usado em referência ao material didático e definido, no âmbito desta pesquisa, como um conjunto de tarefas sequenciadas em andaimento (scaffolding) elaboradas a partir de texto(s) autêntico(s) com objetivo de mediar o processo de construção de conhecimento. Dessa forma, apesar de não integrarem a análise dos dados desta pesquisa, os IA funcionam como andaimes que possibilitam o processo de construção desses dados com base em questões motivadoras (metatarefas) que surgem a partir de sua utilização na prática pedagógica cotidiana na qual se desenvolve esta investigação. Os pressupostos teóricos relacionam uma visão de ensino-aprendizagem e de linguagem, respectivamente: a socioconstrução do conhecimento de acordo com a Teoria Sociocultural (Vygotsky, 1962[1994], 1978; Donato, 2000; Pollard, 2001; Mercer e Littleton, 2007) e a linguagem como fenômeno sociossemiótico segundo o quadro teórico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday e Hasan, 1989; Halliday, 1994; Halliday e Matthiessen 2013). Orientado por esse quadro teórico, bem como pelo paradigma do construtivismo (Lincoln e Guba, 2006; Edge e Richards, 1998) associado a uma abordagem qualitativo-interpretativista (Erickson, 1986), este trabalho apresenta, então, resultados que sugerem que os alunos, privilegiando o Sistema de Avaliatividade (Martin e Rose, 2003; Martin e White, 2005) no domínio de Atitude, e respectivos subdomínios de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação, constroem discursivamente crenças sobre ensino-aprendizagem, sobre linguagem, sobre identidade individual e sobre identidade sociocultural. Ou seja, os alunos participantes parecem estar organizando seus entendimentos acerca do processo ensino-aprendizagem a partir de quatro eixos de significação inter-relacionados: (i) o processo ensino-aprendizagem, (ii) a língua a ser aprendida, (iii) suas identidades individuais e (iv) identidades socioculturais. / [en] This research is inserted in the area of language studies, more specifically within the field of applied linguistics (Moita Lopes, 1999, 2006, 2013), and aims to seek understandings of how learners beliefs (Kalaja and Barcelos, 2003, 2013; Barcelos, 2006, 2007) may be related to their interpretations and evaluations (Martin and Rose, 2003; Martin and White, 2005) of aspects concerning the teaching-learning process in an ESP classroom, conceived in line with the Post-method Pedagogy (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2006). In order to do that, a total of ten students of a pharmacy technician course at the Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) participated in this research. The data, which include their written and oral discursive-reflexive productions, were built from the utilization of learning instruments (LI), term used in reference to our pedagogical material and defined, in the scope of this research, as a set of sequential tasks related to the use of authentic text(s) and organized in line with the scaffolding principle in order to mediate the process of knowledge construction. Therefore, although these LI do not integrate the data analysis, they act as scaffolds in the process of data construction as they provide prompts that arise from their use in our everyday classroom practice, where this investigation is carried out. The theoretical framework relates a theory of learning and a theory of language, respectively: the social construction of knowledge, according to the Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky, 1962[1994], 1978; Donato, 2000; Pollard, 2001; Mercer and Littleton, 2007), and language as a social semiotic phenomenon, following the Systemic-functional Linguistics perspective (Halliday and Hasan, 1989; Halliday, 1994; Halliday and Matthiessen 2013). Guided by this theoretical background, as well as by the Constructivism paradigm (Lincoln and Guba, 2006; Edge and Richards, 1998) interfaced with a qualitative and interpretivist approach (Erickson, 1986), this thesis presents results that suggest that the students, resorting to the Appraisal System (Martin and Rose, 2003; Martin and White, 2005) in the domain of Attitude, and its subdomains of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation, discursively construct beliefs about teaching and learning, about language, about individual identity and about cultural identity. That is, students seem to be organizing their understandings of the teaching-learning process from four interrelated meaning axes: (i) the teaching-learning process, (ii) the language to be learned, (iii) their individual identities and (iv) sociocultural identities.

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