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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scale dependency of total water variance and its implication for cloud parameterizations: Scale dependency of total water variance and its implication for cloudparameterizations

Schemann, Vera, Stevens, Bjorn, Grützun, Verena, Quaas, Johannes January 2013 (has links)
The scale dependency of variance of total water mixing ratio is explored by analyzing data from a general circulation model (GCM), a numerical weather prediction model (NWP), and large-eddy simulations (LESs). For clarification, direct numerical simulation (DNS) data are additionally included, but the focus is placed on defining a general scaling behavior for scales ranging from global down to cloud resolving. For this, appropriate power-law exponents are determined by calculating and approximating the power density spectrum. The large-scale models (GCM and NWP) show a consistent scaling with a power-law exponent of approximately 22. For the high-resolution LESs, the slope of the power density spectrum shows evidence of being somewhat steeper, although the estimates are more uncertain. Also the transition between resolved and parameterized scales in a current GCM is investigated. Neither a spectral gap nor a strong scale break is found, but a weak scale break at high wavenumbers cannot be excluded. The evaluation of the parameterized total water variance of a state-of-the-art statistical scheme shows that the scale dependency is underestimated by this parameterization. This study and the discovered general scaling behavior emphasize the need for a development of scale-dependent parameterizations.

Parameter estimation using data assimilation in an atmospheric general circulation model: Parameter estimation using data assimilation in an atmosphericgeneral circulation model: from a perfect toward the real world

Schirber, Sebastian, Klocke, Daniel, Pincus, Robert, Quaas, Johannes, Anderson, Jeffrey L. January 2013 (has links)
This study explores the viability of parameter estimation in the comprehensive general circulation model ECHAM6 using ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation techniques. Four closure parameters of the cumulus-convection scheme are estimated using increasingly less idealized scenarios ranging from perfect-model experiments to the assimilation of conventional observations. Updated parameter values from experiments with real observations are used to assess the error of the model state on short 6 h forecasts and on climatological timescales. All parameters converge to their default values in single parameter perfect-model experiments. Estimating parameters simultaneously has a neutral effect on the success of the parameter estimation, but applying an imperfect model deteriorates the assimilation performance. With real observations, single parameter estimation generates the default parameter value in one case, converges to different parameter values in two cases, and diverges in the fourth case. The implementation of the two converging parameters influences the model state: Although the estimated parameter values lead to an overall error reduction on short timescales, the error of the model state increases on climatological timescales.

Examination of aerosol distributions and radiative effects over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea region during ICARB using satellite data and a general circulation model: Examination of aerosol distributions and radiative effects over theBay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea region during ICARB usingsatellite data and a general circulation model

Cherian, Ribu, Venkataraman, Chandra, Ramachandran, S., Quaas, Johannes, Kedia, Sumita January 2012 (has links)
In this paper we analyse aerosol loading and its direct radiative effects over the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and Arabian Sea (AS) regions for the Integrated Campaign on Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB) undertaken during 2006, using satellite data from the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board the Terra and Aqua satellites, the Aerosol Index from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board the Aura satellite, and the European-Community Hamburg (ECHAM5.5) general circulation model extended by Hamburg Aerosol Module (HAM). By statistically comparing with large-scale satellite data sets, we firstly show that the aerosol properties measured during the ship-based ICARB campaign and simulated by the model are representative for the BoB and AS regions and the pre-monsoon season. In a second step, the modelled aerosol distributions were evaluated by a comparison with the measurements from the ship-based sunphotometer, and the satellite retrievals during ICARB. It is found that the model broadly reproduces the observed spatial and temporal variability in aerosol optical depth (AOD) over BoB and AS regions. However, AOD was systematically underestimated during high-pollution episodes, especially in the BoB leg. We show that this underprediction of AOD is mostly because of the deficiencies in the coarse mode, where the model shows that dust is the dominant component. The analysis of dust AOD along with the OMI Aerosol Index indicate that missing dust transport that results from too low dust emission fluxes over the Thar Desert region in the model caused this deficiency. Thirdly, we analysed the spatio-temporal variability of AOD comparing the ship-based observations to the large-scale satellite observations and simulations. It was found that most of the variability along the track was from geographical patterns, with a minor influence by single events. Aerosol fields were homogeneous enough to yield a good statistical agreement between satellite data at a 1° spatial, but only twice-daily temporal resolution, and the shipbased sunphotometer data at a much finer spatial, but dailyaverage temporal resolution. Examination of the satellite data further showed that the year 2006 is representative for the five-year period for which satellite data were available. Finally, we estimated the clear-sky solar direct aerosol radiative forcing (DARF). We found that the cruise represents well the regional-seasonal mean forcings. Constraining simulated forcings using the observed AOD distributions yields a robust estimate of regional-seasonal mean DARF of −8.6, −21.4 and +12.9Wm−2 at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), at the surface (SUR) and in the atmosphere (ATM), respectively, for the BoB region, and over the AS, of, −6.8, −12.8, and +6Wm−2 at TOA, SUR, and ATM, respectively.

Evaluation of clouds and precipitation in the ECHAM5 general circulation model using CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite data

Nam, Christine C.W., Quaas, Johannes January 2012 (has links)
Observations from Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) and CloudSat satellites are used to evaluate clouds and precipitation in the ECHAM5 general circulation model. Active lidar and radar instruments on board CALIPSO and CloudSat allow the vertical distribution of clouds and their optical properties to be studied on a global scale. To evaluate the clouds modeled by ECHAM5 with CALIPSO and CloudSat, the lidar and radar satellite simulators of the Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project’s Observation Simulator Package are used. Comparison of ECHAM5 with CALIPSO and CloudSat found large-scale features resolved by the model, such as the Hadley circulation, are captured well. The lidar simulator demonstrated ECHAM5 overestimates the amount of high-level clouds, particularly optically thin clouds. High-altitude clouds in ECHAM5 consistently produced greater lidar scattering ratios compared with CALIPSO. Consequently, the lidar signal in ECHAM5 frequently attenuated high in the atmosphere. The large scattering ratios were due to an underestimation of effective ice crystal radii in ECHAM5. Doubling the effective ice crystal radii improved the scattering ratios and frequency of attenuation. Additionally, doubling the effective ice crystal radii improved the detection of ECHAM5’s highest-level clouds by the radar simulator, in better agreement with CloudSat. ECHAM5 was also shown to significantly underestimate midlevel clouds and (sub)tropical low-level clouds. The low-level clouds produced were consistently perceived by the lidar simulator as too optically thick. The radar simulator demonstrated ECHAM5 overestimates the frequency of precipitation, yet underestimates its intensity compared with CloudSat observations. These findings imply compensating mechanisms inECHAM5 balance out the radiative imbalance caused by incorrect optical properties of clouds and consistently large hydrometeors in the atmosphere.

Changement climatique en Antarctique : études à l'aide d'un modèle atmosphérique de circulation générale à haute résolution régionale / Antarctic climate change : studies with an atmospheric general circulation model at a high regional resolution

Beaumet, Julien 04 December 2018 (has links)
L'augmentation du bilan de masse en surface de la calotte polaire Antarctique causée par celle des chutes de neige est la seule contribution négative à l'élévation du niveau de mer attendue dans le courant du 21ème siècle dans le cadre du réchauffement climatique causé par les activités humaines. La régionalisation dynamique de projections climatiques issues de modèles couplés océans-atmosphère est la méthode la plus couramment utilisée pour estimer les variations futures du climat Antarctique. Néanmoins, de nombreuses incertitudes subsistent suite à l'application de ces méthodes, en particulier en raison des biais conséquents sur les conditions océaniques de surface et sur la circulation atmosphérique aux hautes latitudes de l’Hémisphère Sud dans les modèles couplés.Dans la première partie de ce travail, différentes méthodes de corrections de biais des conditions océanique de surface ont été évaluées. Les résultats ont permis de retenir une méthode quantile-quantile pour la température de surface de l'océan et une méthode d'analogues pour la concentration en glace de mer. En raison de la forte sensibilité du climat future Antarctique aux variations de couverture de glace de mer dans l'Océan Austral, les conditions océaniques issues de deux modèles couplés, NorESM1-M et MIROC-ESM, présentant des diminutions d’étendues de glace de mer hivernales largement différentes (-14 et -45%) ont été retenues. Les conditions océaniques provenant d'un scénario RCP8.5 de ces deux modèles ont été corrigées afin de forcer le modèle atmosphérique global ARPEGE.Par la suite, ARPEGE a été utilisé dans une configuration grille-étirée, permettant d'atteindre une résolution horizontale de 40 kilomètres sur l'Antarctique. Il a été contraint aux limites par les conditions océaniques de surface observées et celles issues des simulations historiques des modèles NorESM1-M et MIROC-ESM pour la période récente (1981-2010). Pour la fin du 21ème siècle (2071-2100), les forçages océaniques originaux et corrigés issus de ces deux derniers modèles ont été utilisés. L'évaluation pour le présent a permis de mettre en évidence, la capacité du modèle ARPEGE de reproduire le climat et le bilan de masse de surface Antarctique ainsi que la persistance d'erreurs substantielles sur la circulation atmosphérique y compris dans la simulation forcée par les conditions océaniques observées. Pour le climat futur, l'utilisation des forçages océaniques MIROC-ESM corrigés a engendré des augmentations supplémentaires significatives à l'échelle continentale pour les températures hivernales et le bilan de masse annuel.Enfin, ARPEGE a été corrigé en ligne, à l'aide d'une climatologie des termes de rappel du modèle issus d'une simulation guidée par les réanalyses climatologiques. L'application de cette méthode sur la période récente a très largement amélioré la modélisation de la circulation atmosphérique et du climat de surface Antarctique. L'application pour le climat futur suggère des augmentations de températures (+0.7 à +0.9 C) et de précipitations (+6 à +9%) supplémentaires par rapport à celles issues des scénarios réalisés sans correction atmosphérique. Le forçage de modèles climatiques régionaux ou de dynamique glaciaire avec les scénarios ARPEGE corrigés est à explorer au regard des impacts potentiellement importants pour la calotte Antarctique et sa contribution à l'élévation du niveau des mers. / The increase of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface mass balance due to rise in snowfall is the only expected negative contribution to sea-level rise in the course of the 21st century within the context of global warming induced by mankind. Dynamical downscaling of climate projections provided by coupled ocean-atmosphere models is the most commonly used method to assess the future evolution of the Antarctic climate. Nevertheless, large uncertainties remain in the application of this method, particularly because of large biases in coupled models for oceanic surface conditions and atmospheric large-scale circulation at Southern Hemisphere high latitudes.In the first part of this work, different bias-correction methods for oceanic surface conditions have been evaluated. The results have allowed to select a quantile-quantile method for sea surface temperature and an analog method for sea-ice concentration. Because of the strong sensitivity of Antarctic surface climate to the variations of sea-ice extents in the Southern Ocean, oceanic surface conditions provided by two coupled models, NorESM1-M and MIROC-ESM, showing clearly different trends (respectively -14 and -45%) on winter sea-ice extent have been selected. Oceanic surface conditions of the ``business as usual" scenario (RCP8.5) coming from these two models have been corrected in order to force the global atmospheric model ARPEGE.In the following, ARPEGE has been used in a stretched-grid configuration, allowing to reach an horizontal resolution around 40 kilometers on Antarctica. For historical climate (1981-2010), the model was driven by observed oceanic surface conditions as well as by those from MIROC-ESM and NorESM1-M historical simulation. For late 21st century (2071-2100), original and bias corrected oceanic conditions from the latter two model have been used. The evaluation for present climate has evidenced excellent ARPEGE skills for surface climate and surface mass balance as well as large remaining errors on large-scale atmospheric circulation even when using observed oceanic surface conditions. For future climate, the use of bias-corrected MIROC-ESM oceanic forcings has yielded an additionally significant increase in winter temperatures and in annual surface mass balance at the continent-scale.In the end, ARPEGE has been corrected at run-time using a climatology of tendency errors coming from an ARPEGE simulation driven by climate reanalyses. The application of this method for present climate has dramatically improved the modelling of the atmospheric circulation and antarctic surface climate. The application for the future suggests significant additional warming (~ 0.7 to +0.9 C) and increase in precipitation (~ +6 to +9 %) with respect to the scenarios realized without atmospheric bias correction. Driving regional climate models or ice dynamics model with corrected ARPEGE scenarios is to explored in regards of the potentially large-impacts on the Antarctic ice-sheet and its contribution to sea-level rise.

Etude de la coexistence de formes dans les isotopes légers du krypton et du sélénium par excitation Coulombienne de faisceaux radioactifs

Clément, Emmanuel 16 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La forme du noyau est une caractéristique fondamentale de la matière nucléaire. Les isotopes légers pairs-pairs du krypton possèdent la surprenante propriété de présenter deux minimas pour leur énergie potentielle correspondants à deux déformations opposées. Alors que l'état fondamental 0+ peut avoir une déformation allongée ou aplatie, un second minimum aplati ou allongé respectivement, se dessine à une énergie inférieure à 1 MeV. Un tel phénomène est appelé coexistence de formes. Une première indication expérimentale est l'observation du second minimum correspondant à un état 0+ excité. Celui-ci a été observé tout au long de la chaîne du krypton. Un calcul de mélange des configurations allongée et aplatie met en évidence un changement de forme important de l'état fondamental en fonction du nombre de neutrons. Celui-ci serait de déformation allongée pour les 76,74Kr et deviendrait aplati pour le 72Kr. Une mesure directe de la déformation de ces noyaux est l'étape indispensable pour confirmer ces hypothèses. Une série d'expériences d'excitation Coulombienne auprès du dispositif SPIRAL associé au multi-détecteur EXOGAM au GANIL a été réalisée. Lors de ces expériences, la statistique était suffisante pour extraire les moments quadripolaires intrinsèques de ces noyaux grâce au code GOSIA. Ils établissent le caractère allongé de l'état fondamental et un état excité aplati conformément au scénario de coexistence de formes. Une mesure par « plunger » des temps de vie des états excités complète cette étude. Une expérience a été réalisée à haute énergie auprès du spectromètre LISE au GANIL permettant une première estimation de la collectivité du noyau de 68Se qui présenterait les mêmes propriétés. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus est comparé à des calculs théoriques de type HFB+Sly6+GCM.

Whiteboxrouter för små kontorsnätverk - En prestandajämförelse

Lundberg, Carl January 2018 (has links)
Inom nätverksbranchen finns en strävan att gå från proprietära lösningar till en öppen standard för hård- och mjukvara. En term för detta är Whiteboxing och det innebär att användaren ges möjlighet att plocka ihop komponenter efter behov, och själv välja vilken mjukvara som används. I sin enklaste form byggs en Whiteboxrouter av en konventionell PC med två nätverkskort och en mjukvarubaserad routingapplikation. Företaget ÅF är intresserade av att veta hur Whitebox-lösningar för routrar står sig prestandamässigt i relation till konventionella routerlösningar med Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Detta arbete har undersökt prestandan genom att mäta throughput och goodput hos en Cisco 2911-router, en Whiteboxrouter med mjukvaran pfSense, samt en Whiteboxrouter som körde pfSense virtualiserat på ESXi. Dessutom undersöktes respektive konfigurations prestanda när trafiken skickades över IPsec VPN. För mätningarna användes filöverföringar med FTP och mätprogrammet Iperf3. Målet med arbetet var att skapa ett beslutsunderlag som klargjorde eventuella prestandaskillnader och utarbetade rekommendationer för framtida val av routerlösning. Resultatet visade att vid generell paketförmedling var prestandan mellan routrarna relativt jämn, dock rekommenderas den virtualiserade Whiteboxroutern då den fick det bästa resultatet. När trafiken sedan krypterades med IPsec VPN var det stora prestandaskillnader mellan enheterna. Bäst prestanda fick Whiteboxroutern. Författaren ser en vinning med Whitebox-tekniken i stort då den medger att serverutrustning som ska utrangeras på grund av prestandakrav, istället kan fungera som nätverksutrustning (routrar och brandväggar) och fortsätta användas under en större del av den tekniska livslängden. Detta kan på sikt leda till minskad miljöpåverkan och besparingar för företaget.

Simple Models For The Mean And Transient Intertropical Convergence Zone And Its Northward Migration

Dixit, Vishal Vijay 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Satellite data have shown that east-west oriented cloud bands, known as Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), propagate eastwards along the equator throughout the year and northwards during boreal summer on intraseasonal time scales. The northward propagations over Bay of Bengal have important connection with onset of south Asian monsoon and active-break cycles of the Indian monsoon. Some studies on mean structure of ITCZ have concluded that preferred location of ITCZ is governed by meridional variation of sea surface temperature (SST) while other studies have stressed the importance of heating in the free atmosphere. Studies on the migration of ITCZ have shown that northward migration of maximum convergence zone is due to generation of positive barotropic vorticity north of the convection in the boundary layer due to internal dynamics of the atmosphere. In the present study mean and transient structure of northward migration of ITCZ over Bay of Bengal is simulated with the help of a general circulation model (GCM). The mean ITCZ is found not to occur at SST maximum or SST gradient maxima. A new simple model for the mean state of ITCZ based on moisture budget, linear friction and hydrostatic assumption is proposed. It highlights the relative importance of SST and atmospheric effects in generation of maximum convergence. The large cancellation between the effect of SST on boundary layer and thermodynamic effects in free troposphere is shown to control convergence. The model also shows that latitude and time independent linear friction parameterization in a simple model is able to predict monthly mean location of ITCZ in a GCM. The results give a quantitative understanding about the relative role of surface effects and atmospheric effects in determining location of the mean ITCZ. A simple linear model for understanding the mechanism of instability that governs the northward migration of ITCZ is proposed. Vertical shear in mean winds couples the barotrpic and baroclinic modes in free troposphere in this model. The model is able to predict the correct scale with standard values of friction and diffusion parameters. The mechanism of instability is found to be due to internal dynamics of troposphere. It is shown that direction of propagation is decided by vertical shear in zonal as well as meridional mean winds. This is contrary to the previous studies which conclude that either vertical shear in zonal winds or vertical shear in meridional winds control the direction of propagation.

Intercomparison of a Dynamic Ocean for Earth-like Aqua-planets

Plane, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
I present herein an ensemble of ROCKE-3D aqua-planet simulations which I compare with the simulations presented in the work of Yang et al. (2019) and other similar works. The focus was on contrasting differences in the greenhouse effect between the models. In contrast to their work, I examined simulations with a dynamic ocean instead of a slab ocean, as well as the inclusion of dynamic sea ice for 2 out of 4 of them. A subset of the simulations examined prevented the formation of sea ice to make them more comparable to Yang et al. (2019), but they never reached radiative equilibrium and this made it difficult to utilize their results. When contrasting the sea ice simulations of ROCKE-3D with the CAM4_Wolf/ExoCAM simulation of Komacek & Abbot(2019), I found that the inclusion of ocean heat transport through a dynamic ocean increases the ice-free region around the sub-tropics for the rapidly rotating aqua-planet around a G-star, thus, resulting in a lower Bond albedo and more surface warming. Supporting previous intercomparisons (Sergeevet al. 2021), ROCKE-3D produces less low- to midlevel clouds toward the equator/substellar point, compared to other models. Consequently, this leads to less cooling through the shortwave cloud radiative forcing. Lastly, I looked at the specific humidity. ROCKE-3D produced the highest stratospheric water vapor content in the M-star scenario, which suggests that ROCKE-3D is closer to the moist greenhouse limit of Kasting et al. (1993); although, the model is still far off. / I detta arbete så presenterar jag vattenplanet simulationer producerade med hjälp av ROCKE-3D, som jag sedan jämför med simulationerna som presenteras i Yang et al. (2019). Fokuset för jämförelsen låg på att jämföra skillnader gällande den producerade växthuseffekten. Alla simulationer utnyttjade ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett enklare "platt hav", varav 2 utav 4 av dom simulationer som presenteras tillåter havsis att formas. De simulationer som inte tillät is uppnådde aldrig termisk jämvikt vilket gjorde det svårt att antyda något utifrån dom. Vid jämförelse av is-simulationerna som producerades av ROCKE-3D med de is-simulationer producerade med hjälp av CAM4/ExoCAM i Komacek & Abbot (2019), så visades det sig att den is-fria regionen runtomkring de subtropiska områderna vart större för den snabbt roterande vattenplaneten runt en G-klassad stjärna om man inkluderar ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett "platt hav". Vidare, så stödjer detta arbete dom resultat presenterade i Sergeev et al. (2021), där ROCKE-3D producerar mindre låg- och medelhöga molnformationer runtom ekvatorn/substellära regionen, jämfört med andra modeller. Vidare, så leder detta till en mindre kylningseffekt genom molnens reflektion av kortvågsstrålning. Sist, så undersökte jag den specifika fuktigheten, där ROCKE-3D visar på ett högre värde av stratosfärisk vattenånga i fallet av en tidsvattenlåst havsplanet runt en M-stjärna. Detta tyder på att ROCKE-3D är närmare den fuktiga växthusgränsen som presenteras i Kasting et al. (1993). Dock, så är den fortfarande långt ifrån att uppnås.


Bataillé, Laetitia 30 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'hématopoïèse regroupe les phénomènes menant à la formation des composantes<br />cellulaires du sang. Au cours de ce processus, des cellules précurseurs vont proliférer et se<br />différencier dans les multiples types cellulaires spécialisés. Le développement du système<br />hématopoïétique de la Drosophile et des vertébrés présente de nombreuses similitudes aussi bien<br />au niveau fonctionnel et ontogénique qu'au niveau des gènes qui régulent la formation des<br />cellules sanguines. Chez la Drosophile, au stade embryonnaire, les précurseurs<br />hématopoïétiques, les prohémocytes, vont générer deux types de cellules sanguines, les<br />plasmatocytes et les cellules à cristaux. Nous avons entrepris de caractériser les mécanismes de<br />régulation de l'hématopoïèse embryonnaire chez la Drosophile.<br />Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé la fonction et le mode d'action du facteur de<br />transcriptions de type GATA Serpent (Srp) au cours de ce processus. Nous avons mis en<br />évidence que le gène serpent code pour deux isoformes qui ont des activités différentielles au<br />cours de ce processus. D'autre part, nous avons montré que l'activité de Srp au cours de<br />l'hématopoïèse est modulée par recrutement de cofacteurs. Ainsi, nous avons montré que Srp est<br />capable de recruter U-Shaped, un cofacteur de type FOG (Friend Of GATA), mais aussi, de<br />former un complexe fonctionnel avec le facteur de transcription de type RUNX, Lozenge. La<br />caractérisation des isoformes de Srp et la mise en évidence de l'interaction de ce facteur GATA<br />avec différents partenaires a permis de mettre en évidence la versatilité des fonctions de srp au<br />cours de l'hématopoïèse.<br />Dans un second temps, nous avons entrepris de caractériser in vivo l'étape de ségrégation<br />des deux populations, plasmatocytes et cellules à cristaux. Nous avons mis en évidence que la<br />ségrégation de ces deux lignages à partir d'une population de prohémocytes bipotents est un<br />processus très dynamique, contrôlé par un mécanisme original en deux étapes. Cette régulation<br />qui fait intervenir les facteurs de transcription lignage-spécifiques Lozenge et Glial-Cell-<br />Missing (Gcm) et Gcm2, contrôle précocement la détermination des précurseurs et tardivement<br />le maintient de l'identité de ces cellules dans les phases de différenciation en cellules à cristaux<br />versus plasmatocytes. De manière intéressante, nous avons montré que la régulation de la<br />ségrégation, ne repose pas sur un antagonisme réciproque entre les facteurs de transcription<br />lignage-spécifiques. Ce mécanisme qui contrôle l'acquisition d'un destin cellulaire diffère donc<br />des processus de régulation de l'hématopoïèse mis en évidence chez les mammifères.

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