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Risk factors associated with positive quantiFERON-TB gold in-tube and tuberculin skin tests results in Zambia and South AfricaShanaube, Kwame, Hargreaves, James, Fielding, Katherine, Schaap, Ab, Lawrence, Katherine-Anne, Hensen, Bernadette, Sismanidis, Charalambos, Menezes, Angela, Beyers, Nulda, Ayles, Helen, Godfrey-Faussett, Peter 04 1900 (has links)
The original publication is available at http:/www.plosone.org / Introduction: The utility of T-cell based interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection remains unclear in settings with a high burden of tuberculosis. Objectives: To determine risk factors associated with positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) and tuberculin skin test (TST) results and the level of agreement between the tests; to explore the hypotheses that positivity in QFT-GIT is more related to recent infection and less affected by HIV than the TST. Methods: Adult household contacts of tuberculosis patients were invited to participate in a cross-sectional study across 24 communities in Zambia and South Africa. HIV, QFT-GIT and TST tests were done. A questionnaire was used to assess risk factors. Results: A total of 2,220 contacts were seen. 1,803 individuals had interpretable results for both tests, 1,147 (63.6%) were QFT-GIT positive while 725 (40.2%) were TST positive. Agreement between the tests was low (kappa = 0.24). QFT-GIT and TST results were associated with increasing age (adjusted OR [aOR] for each 10 year increase for QFT-GIT 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06-1.25, and for TST aOR: 1.10; 95% CI 1.01-1.20). HIV positivity was less common among those with positive results on QFT-GIT (aOR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.39-0.67) and TST (aOR: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.46-0.82). Smear positivity of the index case was associated with QFT-GIT (aOR: 1.25; 95% CI: 0.90-1.74) and TST (aOR: 1.39; 95% CI: 0.98-1.98) results. We found little evidence in our data to support our hypotheses. Conclusion: QFT-GIT may not be more sensitive than the TST to detect risk factors associated with tuberculous infection. We found little evidence to support the hypotheses that positivity in QFT-GIT is more related to recent infection and less affected by HIV than the TST. © 2011 Shanaube et al. / Publishers' Version
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Equations de type Vortex et métriques canoniquesKeller, Julien 28 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Soit $M$ une variété projective lisse. Soit $\mathscr{F}$ une filtration holomorphe sur $M$, c'est à dire une filtration d'un fibré vectoriel holomorphe $\mathcal{F}$ induite par des sous-fibrés. Nous introduisons une notion de Gieseker stabilité pour de tels objets puis donnons une condition analytique équivalente en terme de métriques sur $\mathcal{F}$, dites équilibrées au sens de S.K. Donaldson, provenant d'une construction de la Théorie des Invariants Géométriques. Si le fibré $\mathcal{F}$ peut être muni d'une métrique $h$ solution de l'équation $\boldsymbol{\tau}$-Hermite-Einstein étudiée par \'lvarez-C\'{o}nsul et Garc\'a-Prada:<br />$$\sqrt\Lambda F_h = \sum_i \widetilde_i\pi^_$$<br />alors nous prouvons que la suite de métriques équilibrées existe, converge et sa limite est, à un changement conforme, solution de l'équation précédente. De ce résultat nous déduisons, par réduction dimensionnelle, un théorème d'approximation dans le cas des équations Vortex de Bradlow ainsi que leurs généralisations aux équations couplées Vortex.
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Medicinsk digital tvilling : Den digitala människokroppen / Medical digital twin : The digital human bodyGustafsson, Ted, Rajala, Lukas, Nee, Lukas, Nordin, Herman, Nimhed, Carl, Bahnan, Gabraiel, Almrot, Jacob, Stålebrink, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Den här rapporten behandlar ett projekt utfört i kandidatkursen TDDD96 - Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling. Projektet är utfört av åtta studenter från datateknik- ochmjukvaruteknikprogrammen på Linköpings universitet (LiU) för kunden från institutionen för medicinsk teknik (IMT) på LiU. Syftet med projektet var att ta fram en prototypmed ett grafiskt gränssnitt för uppvisning och simulering av hur kroppen påverkas av t.ex.träning, sömn och kostintag. Modellerna som simulerats är framtagna av forskningsgrup-pen integrativ system biologi för institutionen för medicinsk teknik LiU och resultatet är i form av dataändringar och grafer i programmets gränssnit.
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The evaluation of whole blood cytokine assay for diagnosis of M.tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact.Masilo, J. M. 04 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Background: There are critical unmet needs for improved strategies in the detection
and diagnosis of M.tuberculosis infection in children, and for prevention of
tuberculosis disease in children. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination has
limited the utility of tuberculin skin testing (TST) in areas with high vaccine coverage.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of M.tuberculosis
infection in children with household tuberculosis contacts, using QFT-GIT testing in
comparison with TST.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional design to assess the performance of a
new T-cell based blood test, namely QuantiFERON-TB Gold In Tube (QFT-GIT), for
diagnosis of tuberculosis infection in the children (n=182) of adults (n=124) with
pulmonary tuberculosis, additionally to determine the prevalence of M.tuberculosis
infection in children with household tuberculosis contacts, using QFT-GIT testing in
comparison with TST. The study was carried out at Chris Hani Hospital. For children
involved in the study, tuberculosis exposure information was obtained, together with
TST, QFT-GIT, and HIV testing.
Data obtained from both experiments was statistically analysed using SPSS version
24 to determine whether there was a significant agreement between QFT-GIT and
TST on the detection of M.tuberculosis prevalence in children with house hold
contacts with confirmed M.tuberculosis infection.
Results: This study examined the sensitivity and specificity of the QFT-GIT tests
compared with the standard TST for diagnosing latent tuberculosis disease in
paediatric contacts. Because of the lack of a latent tuberculosis “gold standard”, the
specificity and sensitivity of QFT-GIT was calculated with a two-by-two table method.
The specificity of the QFT-GIT was 84% and the sensitivity was 85%. There was a
good correlation between QFT-GIT and TST (Cohen’s kappa of 0.705). Seventeen
percent (17%) of the 182 children tested by QFT-GIT yielded indeterminate results.
Age was associated with indeterminate QFT-GIT results in paediatric tuberculosis
contacts. Point prevalence for QFT-GIT was recorded as 31% at baseline and 39.5%
after six months indicating variability between QFT-GIT results at baseline and after
six months.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the prevalence of tuberculosis infection was
common among South African children who live with an adult with active
tuberculosis. The agreement between QFT-GIT assay and TST for the diagnosis of
latent tuberculosis in children was high. Although TST and QFT-GIT assays
appeared comparable, QFT-GIT showed higher positivity rate amongst those
contacts with reported household tuberculosis exposure compared to TST. The QFTGIT
assay was a better indicator of the risk of M.tuberculosis infection than TST in a
BCG-vaccinated population.
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<b>Leveraging Advanced Large Language Models To Optimize Network Device Configuration</b>Mark Bogdanov (18429435) 24 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Recent advancements in large language models such as ChatGPT and AU Large allow for the effective integration and application of LLMs into network devices such as switches and routers in terms of the ability to play a role in configuration and management. The given devices are an essential part of every network infrastructure, and the nature of physical networking topologies is complex, which leads to the need to ensure optimal network efficiency and security via meticulous and precise configurations.</p><p dir="ltr">The research explores the potential of an AI-driven interface that utilizes AU Large to streamline, enhance, and automate the configuration process of network devices while ensuring that the security of the whole process is guaranteed by running the entire system on-premise. Three core areas are of primary concern in the given study: the effectiveness of integrating the AU Large into network management systems, the impact on efficiency, accuracy, and error rates in network configurations, and the scalability and adaptability to more complex requirements and growing network environments.</p><p dir="ltr">The key performance metrics evaluated are the error rate in the generated configurations, scalability by looking at the performance as more network devices are added, and the ability to generate incredibly complex configurations accurately. The high-level results of the critical performance metrics show an evident correlation between increased device count and increased prompt complexity with a degradation in the performance of the AU Large model from Mistral AI.</p><p dir="ltr">This research has significant potential to alter preset network management practices by applying AI to make network configuration more efficient, reduce the scope for human error, and create an adaptable tool for diverse and complex networking environments. This research contributes to both AI and network management fields by highlighting a path toward the “future of network management.”</p>
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Herméneutiques du code dans les écritures numériques d’Abrüpt : perspectives critiques pour un champ littéraire en mutationBrassard, Louis-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a reçu la mention « exceptionnel » de la part du jury. / Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude la maison d’édition Abrüpt, dont la variété et l’hybridité des productions interrogent les frontières de la textualité. On retrouve chez Abrüpt un ensemble hétérogène d’objets numériques et imprimés qui ne se limitent guère au codex classique : espaces web dynamiques, feuillets pliables et imprimables à la demande, installations spatiales en réalité virtuelle, robots littéraires – pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Si de nombreux choix éditoriaux témoignent d’une continuité marquée avec la tradition imprimée, la particularité d’Abrüpt consiste à investir les potentialités créatives des technologies numériques, notamment par l’écriture du code informatique. La singularité de ce projet de maîtrise repose en partie sur l’étude de l’envers technique, laquelle donne à voir le processus de création et le fonctionnement des productions littéraires que l’on peut étudier en accès libre via des archives (« dépôts ») facilement appropriables (« clonables ») sous des conditions permissives (grâce à des « licences libres »). Nous procédons d’abord à une analyse thématique d’un ensemble de manifestes choisis parmi le catalogue de la maison d’édition, ce qui permet d’en révéler les orientations économiques, politiques et idéologiques. Nous interrogeons ensuite l’« implémentation » de telles visions du monde dans deux études de cas, « Naufrages » et « enfer.txt ». Les études critiques du code examinant les régimes « extra-fonctionnels » du code informatique situé dans son contexte sociohistorique, c’est notamment par elle que nous entendons faire émerger un surcroît de sens au texte « numériquement conditionné » et à en actualiser le discours latent. Nous intégrons à notre démarche une approche conceptuelle, en particulier au détour d’un approfondissement de la notion de « programme », et recourons à des heuristiques issues des pratiques computationnelles et de l’interprétation modélisante. / The subject of this dissertation is Abrüpt, a collective publisher whose diverse and hybrid productions question the boundaries of textuality. Its wide range of digital and printed objects are far
from limited to the classic codex: dynamic web spaces, leaflets that can be folded and printed on
demand, virtual reality installations, literary bots—to name but a few. While many of its editorial
decisions remain in line with the printed tradition, the publisher’s particularity lies in its creative
use of digital technologies, in particular through the writing of computer code. This master’s
project examines the technical slope of Abrüpt’s works, attempting to reveal both the creative process and functioning of these literary productions which can be studied in open access via archives
(“repositories”) that can be easily appropriated (“cloned”) under permissive conditions (thanks to
“free licenses”). We begin with a thematic analysis of a set of manifestos selected from Abrüpt’s
catalog, unveiling the economic, political and ideological orientations of the publisher. We then
evaluate the “implementation” of such worldviews in two case studies, “Naufrages” and “enfer.txt”.
The method of critical code studies examines the “extrafunctional” significance of computer source
code situated in its sociohistorical context. It is through this method in particular that we intend
to bring to the surface the additional meanings of these “digitally conditioned” texts, showing some
possible actualizations of their latent discourse. We integrate a conceptual approach to our work,
in particular through an in-depth examination of the notion of “program”, and draw on heuristics
from computational practices and modeling interpretation.
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Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010Demierre, Andéol, Eggers, Monika, Garbe, Anselm R., Groß, Thomas, Jaenisch, Volker, Jung, Marco, Knopper, Klaus, Lang, Jens, Luithardt, Wolfram, Noble, Howard, Obst, Marcus, Pucklitzsch, Thomas, Schlittermann, Heiko, Schumacher, Stefan, Seidel, Philipp, Spillner, Josef, Tang, Kang, Walle, Bernhard, Wetzel, Ulrich 16 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage fanden am 13. und 14. März 2010 auf dem
Campus der Technischen Universität Chemnitz statt. Neben den Präsentationen
im Foyer zogen vor allem die Vorträge über 2500 Besucher zur 12. Auflage
der Veranstaltung.
Der Band vereint den Inhalt von 15 Hauptvorträgen und die Abstrakts von
76 weiteren Beiträgen und stellt damit einen Überblick über das weit
gefächerte Programm der Veranstaltung dar. / The Chemnitz Linux Days took place at the campus of the Chemnitz University
of Technology. Besides the presentations at the foyer the lectures were
first of all attractive for more than 2.500 visitors.
This volume contains the content of 15 main lectures and abstracts of 76
further talks and hence gives a survey of the broadly based program
of this event.
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Escape Motions: Rozšíření editoru Flame Painter / Escape Motions: Flame Painter ExtensionsPiovarči, Rastislav January 2013 (has links)
Main goal of this master´s thesis is to propose and implement improvements to an original purely raster version of Flame Painter editor. An enhancement of the undo/redo system with emphasise to its functionality and memory requirements has been implemented. Moreover, the editor was extended by adding an ability to edit brush strokes using vector primitives which effectively assist the user in future stroke editing. This project was created in cooperation with employees of the Escape Motions Company.
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Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010: Tagungsband – 13. und 14. März 2010Demierre, Andéol, Eggers, Monika, Garbe, Anselm R., Groß, Thomas, Jaenisch, Volker, Jung, Marco, Knopper, Klaus, Lang, Jens, Luithardt, Wolfram, Noble, Howard, Obst, Marcus, Pucklitzsch, Thomas, Schlittermann, Heiko, Schumacher, Stefan, Seidel, Philipp, Spillner, Josef, Tang, Kang, Walle, Bernhard, Wetzel, Ulrich 16 April 2010 (has links)
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage fanden am 13. und 14. März 2010 auf dem
Campus der Technischen Universität Chemnitz statt. Neben den Präsentationen
im Foyer zogen vor allem die Vorträge über 2500 Besucher zur 12. Auflage
der Veranstaltung.
Der Band vereint den Inhalt von 15 Hauptvorträgen und die Abstrakts von
76 weiteren Beiträgen und stellt damit einen Überblick über das weit
gefächerte Programm der Veranstaltung dar. / The Chemnitz Linux Days took place at the campus of the Chemnitz University
of Technology. Besides the presentations at the foyer the lectures were
first of all attractive for more than 2.500 visitors.
This volume contains the content of 15 main lectures and abstracts of 76
further talks and hence gives a survey of the broadly based program
of this event.
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