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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kan motivationsklimat och målorientering predicera psykisk ohälsa? : En kvantitativ studie genomförd på golfspelande barn och ungdomar / Can motivational climate and goal orientation predict mental illness? : A quantitative study based on children and youths in golf.

Storm Edholm, Moa, Nerpin, Therése January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det upplevda motivationsklimatet samt målorientering kunde predicera psykisk ohälsa bland unga golfspelare. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign och datainsamling skedde i form av enkäter. Sammanlagt deltog 134 golfspelare. Av dem var 41 flickor och 92 pojkar i åldrarna 12–21 år (M=15.06, SD=3.48). Resultatet visade ett positivt signifikant samband mellan resultatinriktat motivationsklimat och ångest respektive depression. Av studiens resultat framkom även att det fanns ett samband mellan uppgiftsorientering och ångest respektive depression. Däremot visade resultatet inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan resultatorientering och psykisk ohälsa. Studiens resultat visade inte heller på att uppgiftsinriktat motivationsklimat hade någon relation med psykisk ohälsa. Sammanfattningsvis bör framtida studier vidare undersöka fenomenet psykisk ohälsa inom barn- och ungdomsidrott och dess bakomliggande riskfaktorer. Vidare bör kunskapen om motverkan av psykisk ohälsa appliceras i praktiken för att kunna förebygga förekomsten av höga nivåer av psykisk ohälsa i idrotten. / The purpose of this study was to examine whether the perceived motivation climate and goal orientation could predict mental illness among young golfers. A quantitative cross-sectional design was used and data was collected via questionnaires. A total of 134 golfers, 41 girls and 92 boys participated, aged 12–21 (M=15.06, SD=3.48). The result showed a positively significant relationship between performance climate and anxiety and depression, respectively. The study also found a positively significant association between task orientation and,- anxiety and depression, respectively. However, the results showed no statistically significant relationship between ego orientation and mental illness. Also, the study does not demonstrate any statistically significant relationship between mastery climate and mental illness. In conclusion, future studies should further investigate the phenomenon of mental illness in children and youth sports and its underlying factors of risks. Information about prevention of mental illness should further be applied in practice to prevent the occurrence of high levels of mental illness in sports.

Personality and Motivational Characteristics of the Successful Mentor

Lima, Lizzette 26 March 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mentor characteristics (i.e., motivational tendencies, personality traits), mentoring provided, and protégé outcomes. A motivational approach was taken, in the sense that motives to mentor, as well as personality characteristics of the mentor, were considered in regard to their ability to predict the type of mentoring provided and outcomes for the protégé. Specifically, the potential relationships between personality traits (Intrinsic Motivation, Learning Goal Orientation, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Machiavellianism) and mentor motives, as well as the provision of career and psychosocial mentoring, were examined. In addition, the current study examined the ability of mentor characteristics to predict several protégé outcomes. Ninety-one mentors (i.e., college juniors and seniors) were paired with 91 protégé (i.e., college freshmen) and were asked to meet for a half hour each week for four consecutive weeks. Self-report measures were collected from both mentors and protégés before the mentoring sessions began (T1) and after (T2) they were completed to determine the effect of having a mentor on various outcomes. All mentoring sessions were videotaped so that trained raters could code the type of mentoring behaviors that occurred within a given session. Results were analyzed via correlational analyses, exploratory regression analyses, and hierarchical regression analyses. Individuals who were generally more intrinsically motivated and learning goal oriented reported being more motivated to mentor others for intrinsic satisfaction reasons. Mentors who were more extraverted and agreeable than their peers reported being more motivated to mentor in order to benefit others. In addition, having a mentor who provided career mentoring reduced school-related stress for a protégé. The key findings of the current study provide support for the view that personality and motivational characteristics of the mentor affect the type of mentoring provided, albeit indirectly in some cases. In addition, it is important to consider multiple sources of mentoring data provided (i.e., mentor, protégé,independent rater) rather than just the protégé's point of view because this will provide a more well-rounded picture of the mentoring relationship, as well as identify potential gaps in perception that may exist between mentors and protégés.

Flow-Erleben in einem Computerspiel unter experimentell variierten Bedingungen / Flow experience in a computer game under experimentally controlled conditions

Rheinberg, Falko, Vollmeyer, Regina January 2003 (has links)
Berichtet wird über eine Möglichkeit, Flow-Erleben unter experimentell kontrollierten Bedingungen systematisch zu variieren. Dabei werden die Tätigkeit (das Computerspiel <i>Roboguard</i>) und die Situationsbedingungen konstant gehalten. Variiert wird lediglich die Schwierigkeitsstufe, auf der gespielt wird. Als abhängiges Maß wurde die Flow-Kurzskala (FKS, Rheinberg, Vollmeyer & Engeser, 2002) verwandt. Es zeigten sich die vorhergesagten kurvilinearen Beziehungen zwischen Anforderungsstufe und Flow mit Effektstärken um 1 und größer. Zusammenhänge zwischen habitueller Zielorientierung (Hayamizu & Weiner, 1991) und Flow zeigten sich nur bei den flow-auslösenden Schwierigkeitsstufen. Es gab keine negative Beziehung zwischen Zielorientierung und Flow, vielmehr korrelierten sowohl die learning- als auch die performance goal orientation positiv mit der Flowkomponente Absorbiertheit. Aus diesem Befund wird eine Arbeitshypothese zur Beziehung von Motivation und Flow hergeleitet, wonach unter optimalen Bedingungen Besonderheiten der Initialmotivation vielleicht dann keine Rolle mehr spielen, wenn die Person erst einmal im Flow-Zustand ist. / The study presents a technique how to manipulate flow-experience via the computer game <i>Roboguard</i>. Under experimentally controlled conditions all parameters of the game and the situation were kept constant except the difficulty level the participants had to play on. Flow was assessed with the Flow Short Scale (FKS, Rheinberg et al., 2002). As predicted we received the highest Flow score on the medium/optimal level in comparison with an easy and difficult level (d > 1.0). We could not confirm the predicted negative effect of approval seeking goals (AGT, Hayamizu & Weiner, 1991) on Flow experience. Instead all three AGT subscales correlated positively with the FKS-subscale absorption. Perhaps qualitative differences in initial motivation loose their influence if participants experience Flow under optimal conditions.


Roness, Simon January 2011 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) elite Swedish football players use of coping strategies, (2) their goal orientations, and (3) the relationship between their goal orientation profiles and use of coping strategies. Participants were 83 male elite Swedish football players. The Perception of Success Questionnaire and COPE inventory were administered to meet the objectives. Results showed a significant interaction effect between athletes’ task and ego goal orientations and their use of planning. Athletes’ with a HT/LE profile (3.06 ± 0.36; M ± SD) used frequently more planning than athletes’ with a LT/LE profile (2.59 ± 0.51). Moreover, athletes’ high in task (2.71 ± 0.37) used more problem-focused strategies than athletes low in task (2.54 ± 0.33), and athletes’ low in ego (2.31 ± 0.24) used more emotion-focused strategies than athletes’ high in ego (2.17 ± 0.27). Results are discussed in relation to previous research of achievement motivation and athletes’ use of coping strategies. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka: (1) svenska elitfotbollsspelares användande av coping strategier, (2) deras målorienteringar, och (3) relationen mellan deras målorienteringsprofiler och användande av coping strategier. Urvalet bestod av 83 manliga svenska elitfotbollsspelare. Studiens syften undersöktes med hjälp av The Perception of Success Questionnaire och COPE inventory. Resultaten visade en signifikant interaktionseffekt mellan idrottarnas task och ego orienteringar och användande av planering. Idrottare med en HT/LE profil (3.06 ± 0.36; M ± SD) använde sig av mer planering än idrottare med en LT/LE profil (2.59 ± 0.51). Vidare använde idrottare med en hög task-orientering (2.71 ± 0.37) sig av mer problem-fokuserade strategier än idrottare med en låg task-orientering (2.54 ± 0.33) och idrottare med en låg ego-orientering (2.31 ± 0.24) använde mer emotions-fokuserade strategier än idrottare med en hög ego-orientering (2.17 ± 0.27). Resultaten har diskuterats i relation till tidigare forskning inom prestationsmotivation och idrottares coping strategier.

The Relationship between Motivational Climate, Goal Orientation and Psychological Well-Being among Swedish Table Tennis Players / Förhållandet mellan målorientering, motivationsklimat och psykologiskvälbefinnande bland svenska bordtennisspelare.

Moldovan, Istvan January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between dispositional goal orientation (task/ego), perceived motivational climate (mastery/performance) and psychological well-being (such as emotional affect and self-esteem) among elite and non-elite table tennis players. Participants were 85 table tennis players who practice and compete on different levels. The study was carried out quantitatively by assessing perceptions of success questionnaire, perceived motivational climate inventory, positive and negative affect in sport descriptor, and a self-esteem schedule. Results showed no significance difference in goal orientations, perceived motivational climate and psychological well-being between elite and non-elite participants. Further analysis however showed significant differences in motivational and psychological patterns that existed within these two groups. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Studiens övergripande syfte var att undersöka förhållandet mellan målorientering (uppgift/tävling), upplevd motivationsklimat (uppgift/tävlingsorienterat) och psykologisk välbefinnande (emotionell affekt och självkänsla) bland svenska bordtennisspelare. I studien deltog 85 svenska bordtennisspelare som tränar och tävlar på olika nivåer. Studien genomfördes kvantitativt och fyra instrument användes: upplevelse av success, upplevelse av motivationsklimat, positiv och negativ affekt och självkänsla. Resultaten visade inga signifikanta skillnader i målorientering, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnade mellan grupperna elit och icke-elit. Ytterligare analyser visade signifikanta skillander i motivationella och psykologiska mönster (självkänsla) som förekom innanför grupperna. Resultaten diskuteras i samband med teoretiska referensram och tidigare forskning.

適應性績效量表之發展及其與目標導向、前瞻人格之關係 / Adaptive performance, goal orientation and proactive personality

莊如松, Chuang,Ju-Sung Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變動的環境下,員工的工作任務、職責,以及工作關係,也產生經常性的變動,工作內容及工作績效的定義變得更為複雜與動態,組織愈來愈重視員工是否能夠有效地因應環境的變化。因此,適應性績效逐漸受到重視而成為許多學者關切的議題。相對於任務性績效以及輔助性績效,適應性績效是屬於新興的概念,其指涉的內涵以及與其他重要組織變數之間的關係,仍有許多值得探討與研究的空間。 Pulakos等學者雖然發展出工作適應性量表,但該量表尚存在諸多改進的空間,特別是關於因素結構以及建構效度的檢驗。本論文的第一個子研究,即是以更為嚴謹的量表發展程序建構適應性績效量表。透過因素分析,我們發現適應性績效可以分成應變面、學習面以及關係面等三個次構面,我們也驗證了適應性績效確實有別於傳統的任務性績效與輔助性績效而成為獨立的工作績效構面。 另外,關於預測適應性績效的前置變數也仍存有研究缺口。本論文的第二個子研究,即是探討人格特質對於適應性績效的預測力。目前為止,五大人格對適應性績效的預測力並不是很理想,而且也有不太一致的結果。本研究建議,因為適應性績效強調的是員工面對工作環境變動時所展現出來的因應與學習的行為,所以應該選用更能符合適應性績效特性的人格變數,我們特別針對目標導向及前瞻人格做探討,因其都與個人的學習以及對環境因應有關。 實證結果發現,目標導向中的學習導向,對於應變面、學習面、關係面等適應性績效都具有正向的影響。迴避導向對應變面、學習面適應性績效有負向的影響。而證明導向則是對關係面適應性績效負向的影響。至於前瞻人格與適應性績效的關係則沒有獲得實證支持。另外,研究結果也發現,工作自主性對於前瞻人格與應變面適應性績效的關係具有正向的干擾效果;而任務複雜度對於迴避導向與應變面適應性績效之間的關係也同樣具有干擾效果。 / Rapid technological developments, frequent organizational changes, and intensified global competition in the market place have increased the extent of turbulence and uncertainty in the workplace. Consequently, adaptive performance, a new topic in the field of job performance, has gained attention from academics and practitioners. Unlike task performance and contextual performance, the content and nomological network of adaptive performance is still unclear. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop the scale of the adaptive performance, and explore the relationships among adaptive performance, goal orientation and proactive personality. We found that adaptive is a three-dimensional construct (i.e. the adaptive performance in task area, the adaptive performance in learning new skills, the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations). Our empirical data verified that adaptive performance is discriminative from task performance and contextual performance. Besides, we found that Learning Orientation is positively associated with the adaptive performance in task area, the adaptive performance in learning new skills, the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations. Avoidance Orientation is negatively associated with the adaptive performance in task area and the adaptive performance in learning new skills. Prove Orientation is negatively associated with the adaptive performance in interpersonal relations. As to relationship between proactive personality and adaptive performance, we did not found empirical support. Finally, we found that job autonomy moderates the relationship between proavtive personality and the adaptive performance in task area, task complexity moderates the relationship between avoidance orientation and the adaptive performance in task area.

Protege and mentor characteristics: Examining individual differences in effective mentoring relationships

Lentz, Elizabeth 01 June 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify and examine the role of dispositional characteristics in effective mentoring relationships. A learning and development framework was incorporated to examine the relationships of protégé and mentor characteristics, mentoring provided, and developmental mentoring outcomes. First, relationships between individual characteristics and mentoring provided were examined. Second, relationships between individual characteristics and partner developmental outcomes were examined. Third, mentoring provided was examined as a mediator of individual characteristics and partner developmental outcomes. The final sample consisted of 93 protégé-mentor pairs. Protégés and mentors were asked to complete an online survey measuring learning goal orientation, locus of control, self-efficacy for development, mentoring received/mentoring provided, and multiple assessments of relationship effectiveness. In general, the hypotheses were not supported, but supplemental analyses provided support for the importance of examining individual characteristics. Key findings contribute to the mentoring literature by illustrating the role of learning goal orientation and self-efficacy for development in effective mentoring relationships. Future research should investigate additional underlying mechanisms that further explain the mentorship learning exchange processes.

Antecedents Of Feedback Seeking Behaviors

Tayfur, Ozge 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of goal orientation on feedback seeking behaviors. While examining this, the effects of self-efficacy, feedback sign, and motives were considered to better understand how goal-orientation affects the way employees seek feedback. The secondary purpose was to investigate the effects of task characteristics (important/unimportant) and performance level (good/bad) on feedback seeking behaviors. A total of 204 people working in a wide range of organizations filled out the questionnaire. Participants rated the items measuring self-efficacy, goal-orientation, and feedback seeking motives. In addition, participants indicated how frequent they would demonstrate the feedback seeking behaviors listed in given two scenarios and four hypothetical situations. Learning-goal orientation predicted desire for useful information positively and defensive motive negatively. Performance-prove orientation predicted both desire for useful information, and defensive motive positively, and performance-avoid orientation predicted only defensive motive. Learning-goal orientation did not predict feedback seeking behaviors in both scenarios. However, performance-avoid orientation predicted longing for feedback negatively and feedback seeking through third parties, monitoring, and indirect inquiry positively in both positive and negative scenarios. However, the effects of self-efficacy and motives were not as expected. Self-efficacy did not moderate the relationship between goal-orientation and motives, and motives did not mediate the relationship between goal-orientation and feedback seeking behaviors with a few exceptions. Exploratory analysis revealed that task importance predicted the propensity of using specific feedback seeking methods, whereas performance expectancy predicted longing for feedback. The results are discussed with the implications, strengths, and limitations of the study. Some suggestions for future research are made.

An Investigation of the Role of Goal Setting during Vicarious Learning of Physics

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Observational tutoring has been found to be an effective method for teaching a variety of subjects by reusing dialogue from previous successful tutoring sessions. While it has been shown content can be learned through observational tutoring it has yet to been examined if a secondary behavior such as goal-setting can be influenced. The present study investigated if observing virtual humans engaging in a tutoring session on rotational kinematics with embedded positive goal oriented dialogue would increase knowledge of the material and perpetuate a shift an observer's goal-orientation from performance avoidance goal orientation (PAVGO) to learning goal orientation (LGO). Learning gains were observed in pre to post test knowledge retention tests. Significant changes from pretest to posttest occurred across conditions for LGO. Additionally, significant changes from PAVGO pretest to posttest were observed in the control condition however PAVGO did not significantly change in the experimental condition. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Applied Psychology 2014

The structure and development of physical self-perceptions in young people

Chow, Edward W. January 2002 (has links)
Self-esteem development is one of the main concerns in school physical education (PE). PE aims to help school children gain a holistic development by engaging them in a wide range of physical activities. However, to date, mechanisms underpinning this process are not clear. In this research, three correlational and one experimental studies have been conducted with the aim to further understanding of this issue. The research began by examining the hierarchical and multi-dimensional structure of physical self-perceptions in British secondary school children. This was extended to studying how physical self-perceptions at lower levels of generality influence physical self-worth and global self-esteem Ii n Hong Kong Chii nese secondary school children. It was found that task orientation indirectly affects physical self-worth and global self-esteem via physical self-perception sub-domains, including sport competence, physical condition, body attractiveness, and physical strength. An attempt has been made to decompose perceived ability in school physical education into self-referenced and other-referenced perceived ability It was found that the two differentiated measures mediated the effects of the two goal orientations in different ways. In order to further explore how physical selfperceptions at the level of self-efficacy affects perceived sport competence and physical self-worth, an experiment was conducted using trampolining skills development programme as an intervention. Participants were found to have significant increases in self-efficacy, perceived sport competence, and physical selfworth after the completion of eight 1.5-hour sessions. Findings lend support to the importance of school PE in self-perception enhancement.

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