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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transitionen från student till yrkesverksam sjuksköterska : Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att börja arbeta som sjuksköterska

Holmström, Carolina, Nordström, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Bakgrund: För nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor innebär inträdet in i yrkesrollen en transition från en fas till en annan. Steget mellan den akademiska världen och den kliniska verkligheten kan ses som en transition där formation av en profession och en ny identitet tar vid. Sjuksköterskans kompetensområde är omvårdnad. Sjuksköterskan ska kunna bemöta varje enskilds patients behov samt kunna leda och utveckla omvårdnaden.  Syfte: Syftet var att belysa nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av transition från student till arbetande sjuksköterska.   Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts där 13 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats inkluderades, dessa analyserades med hjälp av Fribergs femstegs-modell.  Resultat: Resultatet redovisade tre kategorier samt tio underkategorier. Kategorierna var; upplevelsen av transition från teori till praktik, upplevelsen av transition i organisationen, upplevelsen av transition som en emotionell berg- och dalbana.    Slutsats: En god transition in i det nya yrket har visat sig ha betydelse för vilken riktning den fortsatta utvecklingen ska ta. Som nyexaminerad sjuksköterska förväntas man klara av att snabbt integreras i en komplex miljö där högkvalitativ vård och patientsäkerhet förväntas stå i fokus.    Nyckelord: Nyexaminerad sjuksköterska, omvårdnad, patientsäkerhet, transition

Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans största utmaningar : en litteraturöversikt / The newly graduated nurse´s greatest challenges : a literature review

Björnberg Dillner, My, Johansson, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det råder stor brist på sjuksköterskor. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor är en grupp som löper hög risk att drabbas av utbrändhet och upp till var femte sjuksköterska överväger att lämna yrket inom sina första fem år. Många av de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna känner sig oförberedda inför sjuksköterskeyrket och flera studier påvisar glappet mellan teori och praktik. Syfte: Att beskriva utmaningar den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan upplever under det första yrkesverksamma året. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt. Med hjälp av sökdatabaserna CINAHL och PubMed ligger totalt 20 artiklar till grund för resultatet. Resultat: Ett flertal faktorer beskrivs av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor som utmaningar. Däribland glappet mellan teori och praktik, bristen på stöd och handledarskap, kunskapsbrist, dålig arbetsmiljö, bemanningsbrist samt en allt mer komplex vård med multisjuka patienter som kräver en expertis som den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan omöjligt kan besitta. Slutsats: Utmaningarna som presenteras i litteraturöversiktens resultat är välkända och globala problem men också påverkbara. Fokus bör ligga i både att tillsätta nya sjuksköterskor men framförallt i att värdera och ta vara på de som redan finns. Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor behöver bättre stöd när de äntrar arbetslivet samt att utbildningen ses över för att motsvara verkligheten och förbereda inför arbetslivet så bra som möjligt. / Background: There is a great shortage of nurses. Newly graduated nurses are a group at high risk of being burned out and up to every fifth nurse is considering leaving the profession within its first five years. Many of the newly graduated nurses feel unprepared for the nursing profession and several studies show the gap between theory and practice. Aim: Describing challenges the newly graduated nurse experiences during the first year of working. Method: The study has been conducted as a literature review. With the help of the search databases CINAHL and PubMed, a total of 20 articles form the base for the result. Result: Several factors are described by newly graduated nurses as challenges. This includes a theory-practice gap, the lack of support and mentoring, a lack of knowledge, poor work environment, staff shortages and an increasingly complex care with patients have multiple ilnesses who require an expertise that the newly graduated nurse cannot possibly possess. Conclusion: The challenges presented in the literature review's results are well-known and global problems, but also influential. The focus should be on both appointing new nurses but more importantly valuing the ones already employed/working. Newly graduated nurses need better support when they enter the workplace, much also indicates that the education should be looked over in order to match the reality and prepare the students for work life as well as possible.

Análise de trajetórias profissionais de egressos do curso de zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo: um estudo de caso para caracterização da inserção profissional no mercado de trabalho / Analysis of professional trajectories of graduates of the animal science course of Universidade de São Paulo: a case study to characterize the professional insertion in the labor market

Renata Lima Zuccherelli de Oliveira 19 February 2018 (has links)
O agronegócio brasileiro está em crescente ascensão, com evolução evidente nas últimas décadas e conquistas importantes nos mercados interno e externo. Diante disso, as exigências da demanda do mercado de trabalho deste segmento estão cada vez mais altas, principalmente no tocante à qualificação dos profissionais contratados. No contexto de formação profissional qualificada para o atendimento das demandas do mercado de trabalho do agronegócio brasileiro, inserem-se as Instituições de Ensino Superior, voltadas para a formação em Ciências Agrárias, incluída nesta grande área a formação de Zootecnistas. A FZEA/USP é uma destas IES formadoras de Zootecnistas, e grande parte destes profissionais atua no mercado de trabalho do agronegócio, sendo relevante, portanto, conhecer a trajetória profissional dos egressos, mesmo que de forma amostral e qualitativa, visando fomentar as discussões sobre a aproximação das IES à realidade do mercado de trabalho. O objetivo desta pesquisa é a promoção da identificação e diversidade de características determinantes da trajetória profissional de egressos do curso de Zootecnia da USP, com foco na formação empreendedora. A pesquisa foi realizada com abordagem qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, com a utilização do estudo de caso como metodologia fundamental. O conjunto de informações que suporta esta pesquisa foi obtido através da coleta de dados primários e secundários. Como fontes básicas de dados primários, especificamente desta pesquisa, pode-se citar os próprios pesquisados, egressos do curso de Zootecnia da USP, onde foram coletadas informações através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, que incluíram questões que giravam em torno de quatro pontos principais: a) dados pessoais do entrevistado; b) percepções do egresso com relação à educação ofertada durante o curso de graduação; c) trajetória profissional, desde a formação acadêmica; e d) principais complementações na formação para inserção ou manutenção de sua trajetória profissional. As fontes básicas dos dados secundários desta pesquisa incluem a própria USP, os sistemas que nela se inserem e que foram passíveis de coleta de dados, além de publicações, dados do governo, de instituições não governamentais e serviços padronizados de informação de marketing. Após a coleta de dados e desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, pode-se observar que nas trajetórias profissionais analisadas, foi observada uma busca pela construção de carreiras motivadas por demandas empreendedoras ou intraempreendedoras, com uma constante de educação continuada (não necessariamente antecipando a construção das carreiras), majoritariamente realizadas nas áreas de gestão/business. Diante do exposto, concluiu-se que é preciso que as IES trabalhem no sentido de modernizar seus enfoques de formação incorporando uma abordagem de ensino-aprendizagem que estimule a iniciativa e a busca de soluções baseadas no desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais (incluindo a capacidade empreendedora) para seus egressos no próximo futuro. / Brazilian agribusiness is increasing with evident evolution in the last decades and important achievements for the domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, the demands of the labor market are higer and higer in this business area, mainly regarding the qualification of the hired professionals. Inserted in the context of qualified professional training to supply the demands of the Brazilian agribusiness labor market are the Higher Education Institutions, focused on the training in Agricultural Sciences, included in this large area, the Animal Science professionals. Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos of Universidade de São Paulo is one of these HEI training providers, and most of these professionals work in the agribusiness labor market. It is therefore relevant to know the professional trajectory of the graduates, even in a sampling and qualitative way, in order to promote discussions about the approach of the HEI to the reality of the labor market. The objective of this research is to identify and knowthe diversity of the key features of the professional trajectory that graduates in Animal Science at USP, focusing on entrepreneurship training. The research was carried out with a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, with the use of the case study as a fundamental methodology. The set of information that supports this research was obtained through the collection of primary and secondary data. As basic sources of primary data, specifically from this research, one can cite the researched ones, graduates of the course of Animal Science at USP, where information was collected through semi structured interviews, which included questions that revolved around four main points: a) personal data of the interviewee; b) perceptions of the egress in relation to the education offered during the undergraduate course; c) professional trajectory, from the academic formation; and d) main complements in training for insertion or maintenance of their professional trajectory. The basic sources of secondary data from this survey include USP itself, the systems that are in place and that could be collected, as well as publications, government data, non-governmental institutions and standardized marketing information services. After the data collection, it was observed that in the analyzed professional trajectories, a search for the construction of careers motivated by entrepreneurial or intra-entrepreneurial demands was noticed, with a continuous education constant (not necessarily anticipating the construction of careers) , mostly carried out in the areas of management / business. In view of the above, it was concluded that HEIs need to work towards modernizing their training approaches by incorporating a teaching-learning approach that stimulates initiative and the search for solutions based on the development of personal skills (including entrepreneurship) for their graduates in the near future.

Gestão estratégica do aluno/cliente nas instituições de ensino superior privadas: um estudo de caso / Strategic management of the student/customer in the private institutions of superior education: a case study

Claudia Rizzo 02 February 2010 (has links)
Este estudo procurou estabelecer algum conhecimento sobre a relação das questões estratégicas, com foco no cliente, e a importância destas relações num ambiente educacional, como forma de estabelecer um modelo de gestão estratégica do aluno / cliente, passando pelo entendimento do que é esse cliente, com particularidades tão específicas, uma vez que, tratar-se de um cliente que participa da entrega do serviço, como parte integrante do mesmo no seu processo de transformação de aluno em profissional. Para tanto, foram feitos levantamentos teóricos a cerca dos conceitos que permeiam o tema, como por exemplo, ensino superior no Brasil, estratégias de segmentação e posicionamento, relacionamento com clientes, bem como pesquisas de campo, com os envolvidos nesse assunto, dirigentes, gestores, alunos e professores, em sete instituições de ensino superior privadas em São Paulo, capital, todas sob a gestão de uma Fundação Mantenedora, que subsidiaram a elaboração do modelo de gestão, foco principal do trabalho. / This study tried to establish some knowledge about the relation of strategic questions, with focus in the customer, and the importance of these relations in an educational environment, as a way to establish a model of strategic management of the student/customer, understanding who is this customer with so specific particularities, once, the customer participates in the delivery of the service, is part of it and in the process of transformation from student into professional. For that, theoretical surveys on the main concepts of the subject, for example, graduation in Brazil, segmentation and positioning strategies, relationship with customers, as well as field research were performed with people involved on this subject: directors, managers, students and professors of seven private institutions of graduation in São Paulo, capital, all under the management of a Specific Foundation. This has subsidized the elaboration of the management model, the main focus of this work.

Development of a Mentorship Program to Help Support and Retain New Nurses

Jones, Sherrie Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Many newly graduated registered nurses (NGRNs) leave the nursing profession within the first 2 years of employment in a rural hospital located in the Southwestern region of Oklahoma. A strategy to address this problem was to introduce a mentorship process that would help support the NGRNs as they transition into independent practice in the clinical setting. The goal of this project was to develop a mentorship program for future implementation. The Partners In Nursing (PIN) program sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and developed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the American Nurses Association, was selected to support the NGRN transition from student nurse to practicing clinician with a goal to improve retention rates by 10 percent. Benner's novice to expert framework and the Psychological Empowerment model were used in the development of activities contained within the mentorship program modules. Barrett's theory of power helped to guide the development of resilience activities for the future participants. An evaluation plan was developed to monitor new nurse progress before and during the program using the Casey and Fink questionnaire to evaluate the needs and job performance of the participants. The target hospital National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) was analyzed to help justify the project abe used in future evaluations. Facilitating mentorship will result in social change through increased autonomy of the new professionals, along with improved retention which positively impacts patient outcomes. Social change will bridge the gap in retention and the cost of replacing a NGRN. Dissemination of this project is planned to occur both within the facility and at the relevant national organizations supporting nurse educators.


Horsman, Jacqueline 01 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test the effects of graduated guidance procedure on teaching imitation of manual signs to students with moderate to severe disabilities. Sessions began with student initiation and were embedded across already established reinforcement routines across the student’s day. A multiple baseline across participants design was used to evaluate these effects.

The Recently University Graduated Employees' Experience with the Starbucks Brand in Thailand

Thanasupanuvech, Jaruwan January 2010 (has links)
Strategic Question: How Starbucks should improve coffee business in order to reach more the recently university graduated employees in Thailand? Research Question: How the positive and negative experience of the recently university graduated employees with Starbucks brand in term of total perceived quality and sensory system? Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study the recently university graduated employees’ experience in Thailand by using total perceived quality and sensory system as the criteria to measure. Method: This research is mainly based on qualitative approach using interview method as primary data. The interview questions were designed and distributed to people in three channels; Starbucks Facebook, Skype, and Pantip FriendFlock, whereas, secondary data came from company website, literature books, and university database. Conclusion: Most of the recently university graduated employees who are Starbucks consumers are coffee-oriented which means that their experiences based on the physical and emotional elements. Starbucks uses the strong elements to create and improve its products and services, for example; quality of raw materials which its consumers can touch by tasting, healthy products and modern packaging can perceive by using their vision. Luxury atmosphere, good service mind, and aroma therapy in the store can, furthermore, imply to consumers’ emotion.

Upplevelsen av den första tiden som nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska : - En intervjustudie / Experiences of the newly graduated nurse : -an interwiev study

Alvarado, Nathalie, Pontèn, Anna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Bland det svåraste som finns : Nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta närstående i sorg.

Eldebäck, AnneLene, Stjernetun, Björn January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa olika aspekter av nyutexaminerade allmänsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta närstående i sorg. Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och data insamlades genom sex stycken bandade intervjuer på tre medicinavdelningar vid ett medelstort sjukhus i mellersta Sverige. Datamaterialet analyserades enligt en manifest metod och ur analysen skapades två huvudteman – relationer och kunskap. Det största temat är relationer som byggs upp av tre underteman och beskriver sjuksköterskans förhållande till närstående, sig själv och övrig vårdpersonal. Temat kunskap innehåller två underteman och beskriver sjuksköterskans kunskapsutveckling och behov av kunskap. Slutsatserna från studien är att nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor anser att möta närstående i sorg är en av deras svåraste uppgifter på grund svårigheterna i att tillgodose närståendes individuella behov. Det visade sig även att sjuksköterskorna ansåg att sjuksköterskeutbildningen inte förberett dem tillräckligt för detta. Att lära sig att möta närstående är något som sker i praktiken. Sjuksköterskorna ansåg att det viktigaste i mötet med närstående är att vara närvarande och visa att de är tillängliga snarare än att säga eller göra rätt saker. Vidare forskning inom området skulle kunna fokusera på skillnader mellan erfarna och nyexaminerades erfarenheter. En vidare forskning skulle också kunna inbegripa patientens perspektiv. / The aim of this study was to shed light on different aspects of newly graduated nurses’ experiences from interacting with relatives to patients who were dead or dying. The study has a qualitative approach and data was collected from six tape recorded interviews conducted at three medicine wards in a medium sized hospital in the middle of Sweden. The data was analyzed by a manifest content method and two main themes – relationships and knowledge, were derived from it. The largest main theme is relationships, which also contains three sub themes describing the nurse’s relationship to relatives, self and other members of staff. The main theme knowledge contains two sub themes which describes the nurse’s need for and development in knowledge. The study concludes that interacting with grieving relatives is one of the most complicated tasks for the newly graduated nurse. The difficulties were grounded in satisfying the complex needs of the relatives. The nurses stated that the nursing education program didn’t sufficiently prepare them for this, it was something they learnt from real life experience. The findings of this study could be beneficial for the nurse education program as well as hospitals to increase their awareness of the difficulties newly graduated nurses experiences when interacting with grieving relatives. Further research could involve describing differences between experienced and newly graduated nurses and including the patient’s perspective.

Nyutbildade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av det första yrkesverksamma året och utbildningens förberedelser

Norlander, Kerstin, Diseus, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av det första yrkesverksamma året och om utbildningen ger en förberedelse inför yrket. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie innefattande sju intervjuer. Dessa har analyserats med manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet har framkommit att utbildningen givit sjuksköterskan en god grund att stå på, men kräver mer medicinsk inriktning för att uppnå kraven som ställs på den legitimerade sjuksköterskan. Det anses även att ett för stort fokus ligger på vetenskaplig metodik och allmän omvårdnad, samt att den nuvarande pedagogikkursen bör omstruktureras. Sjuksköterskorna upplever svårigheter på arbetsplatsen i form av bristande kunskap inom medicinska områden samt administrativa uppgifter. De önskar mer verksamhetsförlagd utbildning då de anser att detta är den mest fördelaktiga metoden för att förberedas inför sjuksköterskeyrket. Sjuksköterskorna upplever sin första tid i yrket som stressig men mycket givande. De delar som upplevs vara svårast är administration, lokala rutiner samt att skapa en helhetsbild av patientens medicinska och omvårdnadsmässiga behov. Slutsats: De nyutbildade sjuksköterskorna upplevde en positiv spänd förväntan, men även stress och oro inför det nya yrket och ansvaret. Utbildningen ansågs ge en grundläggande kunskap för yrket. Dock ansågs en omstrukturering av sjuksköterskeprogrammet vara fördelaktigt för att i större utsträckning uppnå de kravs som ställs på den nyutbildade sjuksköterskan. / Aim: The aim of this study was to explore newly graduated nurses experiences of their first year in practice and whether the education prepares them for their profession. Method: The study is performed with qualitative interviews containing seven interviews. The interviews have been analyzed by manifest content analysis. Result: The main result shows that the education has given the nurses a solid foundation, still it acquires a more thorough education in medical areas to achieve the standards that are required in the ward. It is also told that the scientific method and general care is given too much focus. There is also stated that the course in pedagogy should be reconstructed. The nurses is experiencing difficulties with lack of knowledge in medical areas as well as administrative tasks. They think that the best way to prepare for the nursing profession is to obtain as much clinical practice as possible why they are requesting more time on the ward during the education. The nurses are experiencing a very stressful first time in the profession, but they also think that the employment is very rewarding. Administrative tasks, local routines and to obtain a general picture of the patient´s medical and caring needs is perceived to be the most difficult parts of the profession. Conclusion: The newly graduated nurses experienced a positive anticipation, but also stress and worry about the new profession and responsibility. The education was considered to provide a basic knowledge of the profession. However, it was considered to be beneficial with a reconstruction of the nursing program to further achieve the requirements set for the newly graduated nurses.

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