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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om sin yrkeskompetens / Newly graduated critical care nurses perception of their professional competence

Dahlberg, Emelia, Larsson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetet på en intensivvårdsavdelning ställer stora krav på de nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas kompetens. Den första tiden i yrket innebär att i socialiseringsprocessen förvärva de kunskaper och färdigheter som krävs i yrket. Nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors kompetens anses inte motsvara vårdens kompetenskrav. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva nyutbildade intensivvårdsjuksköterskors uppfattningar om sin yrkeskompetens. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod och intervjuer valdes som datainsamlingsmetod. Tio deltagare medverkade i studien. Intervjuerna analyserades efter en modifierad variant av Graneheim och Lundmans kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom två huvudkategorier. I den första huvudkategorin framkom att de nyutbildade intensivvårdsjuksköterskorna kontinuerligt utvecklade sin yrkeskompetens. Utvecklingen främjades av positiva attityder till yrket, användning av tidigare erfarenheter och kollegialt stöd. I den andra huvudkategorin framkom att de nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna uppfattade att de hade bristande kliniska erfarenheter, det var svårt att införliva sig med den nya yrkesrollen och det var svårt att prioritera. Slutsats: Nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskor är inte helt förberedda för det kommande yrket. De har goda teoretiska kunskaper men saknar färdigheter i de praktiska momenten. Resultatet bekräftas av tidigare studier och Benners beskrivning av vad som karakteriserar sjuksköterskan som novis. / Background: The work in a critical care unit is posing great demands on the newly graduated critical care nurses competence. During the first episode in the profession a process of socialization occurs, where the newly graduated acquire the knowledge and skills needed in the profession. The newly graduated critical care nurses competence is not considered to meet the caregiver’s demands. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the newly graduated critical care nurses perceptions of their competence. Method: The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Interviews were used as datacollection method. Ten participants were included in the study. Interviews were analyzed after a modified variant of Graneheim and Lundman’s qualitative content analysis. Results: The results revealed two main categories. The first major category revealed that the newly graduated critical care nurses continuously developed their skills. The development was promoted by positive attitudes to the work, use of past experiences and collaboration. The major second category revealed that the newly graduated critical care nurses perceived a lack of clinical experiences, difficulties to incorporate themselves with the new professional role and difficulties with priority. Conclusion: The newly graduated critical care nurses are not entirely prepared for the future profession. They have good theoretical knowledge but lack in practical skills. The result is confirmed by previous studies and Benner’s description of what characterizes the nurse as a novice.

Att stå på egna ben : Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser under första året som yrkesverksamma / Standing on your own : New graduated nurses experiences during first year of practice

Granqvist, Therese, Månsson, Catrine January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år examineras över 4000 sjuksköterskor i Sverige. De blivande sjuksköterskorna beskriver rädsla och stress relaterat till den kommande yrkesrollen, men känner sig ändå redo för yrkeslivet. Syfte: Att beskriva nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser under första året som yrkesverksamma. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie utförd på ett systematiskt sätt. Resultatet bygger på en manifest innehållsanalys baserat på tjugo vetenskapliga artiklar samt två doktorsavhandlingar. Resultat: Övergången från student till yrkesverksam upplevs ofta som traumatisk och de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna känner sig dåligt förberedda för verkligheten som legitimerad sjuksköterska. De finner att ansvaret är större än de tidigare uppfattat, en konstant tidsbrist samt att det var svårt att bli socialt accepterad på avdelningen. Diskussion: De centrala fynd som diskuterades är verklighetschocken, svårigheterna med att passa in på avdelningen samt den ifrågasatta kompetensen. Slutsats: Det första året upplevdes som påfrestande och det blev tydligt för författarna att något bör göras för att underlätta övergången. / Background: Every year over 4000 new registered nurses graduates in Sweden. The nurses to-be describe fear and stress related to the upcoming role, but still they feel ready for the nursing profession. Aim: To describe new graduate nurses experiences during first year of practice. Method: Literature review done systematically. The result is based on twenty scientific articles and two dissertations and interpreted with a manifest content analysis. Result: The transition from student to registered nurse is often perceived as traumatic and the new graduated nurses feel inadequately prepared for the reality as a registered nurse. They found the responsibility to be greater then they previously had perceived, a constant lack of time and it´s hard to be socially accepted on the ward. Discussion: Central key findings that were discussed are reality shock, difficulties to fit in on the wards and the questioned competence. Conclusion: The first year was experienced as stressful and it became clearly to the authors that something should be done to facilitate the transition.

Nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska : upplevelsen av det första året i yrkesutövningen / Newly qualified nurse : the experience of the first year of profession

Thongdee, Nittaya, Törnhed, Natalia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever övergången från student till yrkesutövningen som skrämmande. Det är av vikt att de praktiska utbildningsplatserna till studenterna ska finnas tillgängliga med resurser för praktisk utbildning och handledning. Syfte: Att belysa nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sitt första år i sin yrkesutövning. Metod: Allmän litteratur studie, där 14 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Resultat: Sex kategorier framkom: Farhågorna i den nya yrkesrollen; Att känna sig redo i den nya yrkesrollen; Arbetskläder- ökad status; Otillräcklig erfarenhet; Stressig arbetsmiljö och Brist på stöd och handledning. Diskussion: De tre viktigaste fynden var otillräcklig erfarenhet, stressig arbetsmiljö samt brist på stöd och handledning. Att vara oerfaren i den nya rollen upplevdes som en jobbig period. Konflikter i teamet ledde till stress och hälsoproblem. De nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna uttryckte en önskan om bättre handledning och stöd. Slutsats: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor behöver stöd och handledning i form av introduktionsprogram under första året. / Background: Newly qualified nurses are experiencing the transition from student to profession as appalling. It is important that the training places to students shall be available resources for training and introduction. Aim: To highlight the newly graduated nurses ' experiences of their first year in their profession. Method: General literature study in which 14 scientific articles were reviewed Findings: Six categories were found: Fears of the new professional role; To feel ready in the new professional role; Uniform- increased status; Insufficient experience; Stressful work environment and Lack of support and tutoring.Discussion: The three most important findings was insufficient experience, stressful work environment and lack of support and tutoring. Being inexperienced in the new role was perceived as a tough period. Conflicts in the team led to stress and health problems. The newly graduated nurses expressed a desire for better guidance and support. Conclusion: Newly graduated nurses need support and guidance in the form of introduction program during the first year.

Nyutbildade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av sitt första år som sjuksköterska inom kirurgisk vård och upplevelser om utbildningens innehåll : en intervjustudie

Mahan, Pia, Haglund, Li January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av deras första yrkesverksamma år och om utbildningen ger en tillräcklig förberedelse inför yrket. Metod: Åtta nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor intervjuades om deras upplevelser och innehållet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sju kategorier och 19 subkategorier framkom. Resultat: Studien visar att de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna var förväntansfulla inför sitt nya yrke men kände samtidigt rädsla och oro inför det stora ansvaret och kraven som ställs inom sjuksköterskans profession. Arbetet upplevdes som stressigt och svårt men med hjälp av stöd och gott bemötande från kollegor och arbetsledare kunde arbetet underlättas och sjuksköterskan kunde känna trygghet. Utbildningen gav grundläggande kunskaper men deltagarna ansåg att kraven och nivån var för låg i utbildningen. De upplevde att de saknade kunskap för det specifika kirurgiska verksamhetsområdet de arbetade inom samt för akutsjukvård. Vissa kurser ansågs som för omfattande medan andra kunde utökas. Slutsats: En bättre förberedelse under utbildningen samt ett bra stöd till nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor kan underlätta övergången från student till yrkesverksam sjuksköterska och därmed bidra till en högre patientsäkerhet. / Aims: The aims of this study was to investigate newly graduated nurses' experiences of their first professional year and if the nursing education provides enough preparation for the profession. Method: Eight newly graduated, registered nurses were interviewed about their experiences and the content was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Seven categories and 19 subcategories revealed. Results: The newly graduated, registered nurses were excited about their new profession, but also felt fear and concern about the great responsibility and demands of the nursing profession. The work was perceived as stressful and difficult but with the support and good treatment from colleagues and supervisors could simplify the work and the nurse could feel more confident. The education provided basic knowledge but the participants felt that the demands and the standards were too low. They felt that they lacked specific knowledge of the ward and for emergency care. Some courses could be considered too wide while others could be expanded. Conclusion: A better preparation and a good support for the newly graduated, registered nurses can ease the transition from student to professional nurse and thereby contribute to greater patient safety.

Nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av introduktionen till den nya yrkesrollen / Newly graduated theatre nurses´ experiences of the introduction to the new professional role

Eriksson, Ulrika January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det krävs en god och genomtänkt introduktion för att nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor ska komma in i arbetet på den nya arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Syftet med pilotstudien var att beskriva nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av introduktionen till den nya yrkesrollen. Metod: Fyra nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor med mellan 9 månader till 21 månaders erfarenhet av operationssjuksköterskeyrket har intervjuats. Intervjuerna har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Planering och struktur där det visade sig att det funnits en plan för introduktionen av nyanställda operationssjuksköterskor men att den följdes olika och skilde sig åt beroende på vilken operationsavdelning det var. Eget ansvar där det, allt eftersom tiden gick, lades mer och mer ansvar på den nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskan att själv ansvara för det som behövde läras in. Kollegors förväntningar där nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor efter en tid in i introduktionen kände en stress av att leva upp till outtalade förväntningar från både läkar- och operationssjuksköterskekolleger att kunna och förstå saker de ännu inte fått genomgång av. Kollegialt stöd där det visade sig att det var en trygghet för de nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskona att de kände en acceptans då de hade mycket frågor och funderingar kring den nya yrkesrollen. Resultatet från pilotstudien kan vara till hjälp på operationsavdelningar vid utveckling av rutiner så att introduktionen av nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor ska kunna bli så optimal som möjligt. / Background: It requires a good and deliberated introduction to the newly graduated theater nurses to begin to work in the new workplace. Aim: The aim of this pilot study was to describe newly graduated theatre nurses' experiences of the introduction to the new professional role. Method: Four theatre nurses with 9 months to 21 months of experience in the theatre nursing profession were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Results: Planning and structure where it turned out that there was a plan for introduction of newly graduated theatre nurses, but it differed depending on the operating theatre. Personal responsibility where it was shown that as time passed it was the nurses´ own responsibility to find out what was necessary to learn. Colleagues' expectations where the newly graduated theatre nurses experienced that after a time into the introduction they felt stressed to meet the unspoken expectations from both surgeons and theatre nursing colleagues to know and understand things they had not been shown. Collegially support where it was shown that the newly graduated theatre nurses felt acceptance from colleagues when they had lots of questions and concerns in the new professional role. The results of the pilot study can be helpful in surgical wards in the development of procedures to make the introduction of new graduate theatre nurses to be as optimal as possible.

Newly graduated nurses' perception of competence, critical thinking and research utilization.

Wangensteen, Sigrid January 2010 (has links)
Sigrid Wangensteen has the recent years been engaged in doctoral studies at Karlstad University in combination with teaching at the bachelor program in nursing at Gjøvik Universtity College. This doctoral thesis is focused on newly graduated nurses, their perception of competence, critical thinking dispositions, research use and their experiences of being a nurse during their first year as a nurse. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The very first period of time was experienced as tough but when looking back the newly graduated nurses appreciated the tough time. They described the need for a supportive environment, and gaining competence through managing challenging situations. The leadership role constituted the main difference between being a student and being a nurse. In the quantitative study the nurses perceived their competence as good, rating the Helping role competence category highest and the Ensuring quality competence category lowest. With respect to critical thinking the CCTDI total scores indicated a positive disposition. As regards the CCTDI subscale scores the nurses reported highest values for intellectual curiosity (Inquisitiveness) and lowest for intellectual honesty (Truth-seeking). The nurses reported a positive attitude towards research, but only 24% were classified as research users. Supportive environment was a significant predictor for research use. Critical thinking was a prominent predictor for attitude towards research, for research use and perception of competence. Nurse leaders in clinical practice and nurse educators in nursing education and clinical practice play an important role in nurturing student nurses and newly graduated nurses with respect to critical thinking. There is a need to assess whether teaching strategies meet the requirements of critical thinking and EBP in nursing education.

Parent Training for two Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Scaglia, Fiorella 01 May 2012 (has links)
Behavioral skills training (BST) has been widely used to effectively and quickly instruct learners with limited knowledge in behavior analytic skills. A training package composed of didactic instruction presented via PowerPoint, modeling, rehearsal, feedback and in vivo components were utilized to instruct two mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders to deliver learning trials with their child to contrive MOs to increase their manding repertoires. A multiple probe across participants design was used to assess the effects of BST on the participant's performance. Prior to the beginning of the study, participants were instructed to systematically identify child's reinforcers by delivering a paired choice preference assessment. Mothers were involved in choosing the manding targets used in the child's instruction. BST was effective in demonstrating rapid acquisition of skills taught to both mothers compared to baseline performances. Although child's behavior increased over pretest measures, it did not improve significantly due variable responding. Time constraints and child's excessive variable responding lead to termination of the study.

Broadcast Advertising Sales Education: A Comparison of Perspectives of Broadcast Managers and Broadcast Educators in the South-Central Region of the United States

Hoskins, W. Dale (William Dale) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the skills and knowledge areas that are valuable for success in broadcast advertising sales from the perspectives of broadcast managers and broadcast educators and to identify and compare to what degree recent graduates of broadcast-communication, business, and other majors perform or exhibit these skills and knowledge areas as perceived by selected broadcast managers and broadcast educators. The opinions of the broadcast managers and broadcast educators were determined from responses to a questionnaire of fifty-six items. The questionnaires were distributed to the chairs of the departments or areas responsible for broadcast curricula at forty-two four-year universities as listed by the 1983 Broadcasting-Cablecasting Yearbook [Sol Taishoff, editor, Washington, Broadcasting Magazine] as offering degrees in broadcasting, and 126 broadcast managers who were randomly selected from the broadcast markets in which the forty-two educational institutions are located.

Upplevelserna av det första året som yrkesverksam sjuksköterska : En litteraturbaserad studie / The experiences of the first year as a professional nurse

Zackrisson, Simon, Westman, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
En litteraturbaserad studie har gjorts med analys av tio kvalitativa studier mellan 2007-2016. Alla som väljer att utbilda sig till sjuksköterska i Sverige genomgår en tre år lång utbildning som leder till en akademisk och en yrkesexamen. Att gå från utbildning och börja arbeta som sjuksköterska är ett stort steg, och många främmande situationer finns framför dem. Efter genomgången utbildning får de en legitimation, men de saknar erfarenhet. Det är en lång process att komma in i rollen som sjuksköterska. Det innebär även ett stort ansvar och stressen kan bli hög, vilket får en del av de nya sjuksköterskorna att vilja byta karriär.  I den här uppsatsen har artiklar granskats som behandlar just fenomenet upplevelser hos den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan under det första året. Artiklarna söktes fram ur databaserna Cinahl, ProQuest och PubMed som innehåller artiklar i omvårdnad, psykologi och medicin inom humanvetenskap. Resultaten i studierna analyserades och sammanställdes till ett resultat.   Resultatet visar att de nya sjuksköterskorna upplevde att det var ett stort glapp mellan studierna och realiteten. De fick känsla av att de inte hade tillräckligt mycket kunskap både vad det gäller omvårdnaden och bedömningar av patienterna, samt för att leda undersköterskor i arbetet. De upplevde ett stort ansvar då yrket regleras av lagar och förordningar. Det kunde även vara svårt att komma in i gänget bland kollegorna och en hierarkisk ordning bland professionerna förekom.  De nyutbildade sjuksköterskorna upplevde ett stort behov av stöd för sin yrkesutveckling. Stödet kunde komma från organisationen de jobbade på genom handledning och struktur. Kollegorna på jobbet kunde ge ett stort stöd för dem både emotionellt och praktiskt. Vissa saknade stöd från dessa håll och förlitade sig på sina egna strategier istället. Det kunde vara bland annat att umgås och prata med vänner och familj.  Trots att utvecklingen från studerande till erfaren sjuksköterska var utmanande och ofta upplevdes svår så var de flesta deltagarna stolta över sitt yrke som sjuksköterska. / Background: Registered nurses is a profession with long tradition and the profession has undergone many changes over time. In Sweden, today, nursing education leads to an academic degree but also provides a vocational degree. Profession as a nurse requires much of the practitioner for this to be considered competent to maintain credentials. The path from novice to expert is long while the lack of nurses is large and many choose to leave the profession. Aim: The aim was to describe how newly graduated nurses’ experience their first year as professional nurses. Method: A literature-based study was conducted in which ten qualitative studies were retrieved from the databases Cinahl, Proquest and Pubmed. The studies were subjected to quality assurance and Friberg's five-step analysis.  Result: Through the analysis, the results of the articles were compiled into a new result, in which three themes, and nine subthemes were formed. The main themes were “unreasonable expectations about the new profession”, “the first year - a reality shock” and “the need for support in the workplace”. Conclusion: The first year of occupational nurses was experienced a difficult period and was lined with feelings of unpreparedness for what the profession meant and expectations of the profession that did not really correspond. The need for support was considered important for transition from education to professional nurse to be successful. The workplace of the graduates graduated was crucial for whether the nurse came to stay in the profession or not.

Essays on the Economics of Risky Health Behaviors

Qiu, Qihua 15 December 2017 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays studying the economics of risky health behaviors. Essay 1 estimates the effects of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) restrictions on weight status among adolescents aged 14 to 17 in the U.S. The findings suggest that a night curfew significantly raises adolescents’ probability of being “overweight or obese” by 1.32 percentage points, corresponding to an increase in “overweight or obesity” rate of 4.8%. A night curfew combined with a passenger restriction increases this rate by 5.8%. Overall, I estimate that nearly 16% of the rise in “overweight or obesity” rate among teenagers aged 14 to 17 in the U.S from 1999 to 2015 can be explained by the presence of the GDL restrictions. In addition, the restrictions reduce teenagers’ exercise frequency while increasing their time spent watching TV, which may help to explain the adverse effects on obesity. Essay 2 exploits the effects of the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) restrictions on youth smoking and drinking. It finds that being subject to minimum entry age, a learner stage, or only a night curfew has no statistically significant effect whereas, interestingly, a night curfew combined with a passenger restriction reduces youth smoking and drinking. The estimated effects become more statistically significant and larger in magnitude in the medium run, which is in line with the addictive nature of these substances. Essay 3 investigates the underlying causes of suicide. It uses data from the U.S. at the county level and the primary methodology is a two-level Bayesian hierarchical model with spatially correlated random effects. The results show that the significant effects of observable factors on suicides found by earlier research may partially stem from excluding small area effects and time trends, without controlling for which the true contribution of unobserved propensities and time trends can be hidden within observable factors. Most importantly, a lot can be learned from unobserved yet persistent propensity toward suicide captured by the spatially correlated county specific random effects. Resources should be allocated to counties with high suicide rates, but also counties with low raw suicide rates but high unobserved propensities of suicide.

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