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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is Iran an Islamic State : A Comparison between Shia Islamic Theory of State and Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Republic of Iran

Andersson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The Islamic Republic of Iran‟s alleged pursuit of nuclear missile capabilities is proving in-creasingly problematic for the international community, which places the country in a sig-nificant position in world politics. In turn, the world‟s attention towards the thirty-year-old Republic established by the late Ayatollah Khomeini has resurged. The Republic of Iran based on Ayatollah Khomeini‟s interpretation of Islam has long stood in the spotlight of both public and scholastic scrutiny, particularly due to its perceivably radical manoeuvres on the international stage. However, as the focus of these scrutinizing views has been the Iranian unwillingness to subdue and conform to western norms, the issue of the „<em>Islamicness‟ </em>of the Republic has been overlooked.</p><p>Hence, this thesis seeks to draw further attention to this question - whether Iran can truly be regarded as an Islamic State - in order to ensure a deeper and more accurate under-standing of the Republic of Iran. The purpose of this paper is thus to investigate and re-flect on the theory of Islamic governance promoted by Ayatollah Khomeini and the politi-cal system of the Islamic Republic through the prism of Islamic history. The theory of the Islamic State and the Shia Islamic leadership has been and continues to be central in Aya-tollah Khomeini‟s and the Islamic Republic‟s official rhetoric, being claimed as the sole foundation of the „new‟ Iranian system. In consequence, this paper delves into the Islamic theory of State and the concept of the Imamate in order to critically analyze Ayatollah Khomeini‟s theory and the Islamic Republic. This is aimed at yielding a conclusion whether Iran is justly labeled an Islamic State.</p><p>By performing this norm-fulfilling analysis of the subject in question reliant on a qualitative data collection, the thesis has found that the correlation between the two theories of Islam-ic governance is one of considerable disputability. The paper has, based on the investigated material, been able to conclude that the Islamic Republic of Iran holds a political structure lent from non-Islamic sources, but that its personnel and political field of contest can still be considered Islamic. What the paper has thus revealed is that Khomeini‟s reasoning con-stitutes a novel and unique form of Islamic fundamentalism formed in conjuncture with political ideas of modern and non-Islamic nature. Hence, the results of the study suggests that the <em>Islamic </em>Republic of Iran is in need of serious reconsideration as the Iranian model of Islamic governance remains a source of contention because of the significant deviations from what it claims as its sole basis.</p> / <p>Den Islamiska Republiken Irans påstådda strävan att uppnå kärnvapen kapacitet har visat sig vara ett stort problem för det internationella samfundet, vilket har gett landet en bety-dande position i världspolitiken. Detta har i sin tur medfört att Iran återigen har fått värl-dens uppmärksamhet riktat mot sig, endast trettio år efter Ayatollah Khomeinis upprättan-de av den Islamiska Republiken. Irans statsskick, som uteslutet bygger på Ayatollah Kho-meinis egen tolkning av Islam, har länge stått i fokus för både offentlig och akademisk granskning, i synnerhet på grund av dess tillsynes radikala manövrar på den internationella scenen. Men eftersom fokuset för denna granskning har varit Irans ovilja att rätta sig efter västerländska normer så har frågan om Irans Islamiska natur förbisetts.</p><p>Utifrån detta så ämnar denna uppsats att uppmärksamma och belysa frågan om Iran verkli-gen kan betraktas som en islamisk stat, vilken är en nödvändighet för en djupare och mer korrekt förståelse av landet. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka och reflektera över teorin om Islamiskt styre som Ayatollah Khomeini främjar och hans senare republik genom att jämföra dessa med deras påstådda grundpelare: Islamisk statsteori och dess le-darskap. Islamisk statsteori och det shia Islamska ledarskapet har alltid varit centralt i Aya-tollah Khomeinis och den Islamiska Republikens officiella retorik, där de hävdas vara den enda inspirationen för Irans statsskick. Detta är dock något som denna uppsats ifrågasätter, och den har därav undersökt Islamisk statsteori och dess ledarskap för att i sin tur kritiskt granska Ayatollah Khomeinis teori och den Islamska Republiken Iran. Denna studie har därav gett upphov till en slutsats om Iran är rättvist märkt ‟en Islamisk stat‟.</p><p>Denna studie har genom att utföra en norm-uppfyllande analys av ämnet i fråga, vilande på en kvalitativ datainsamling, funnit endast en vag korrelation mellan de två modellerna för Islamiskt styre. Baserat på det undersökta materialet så har studien kunnat konstatera att Iran har en politisk struktur som lånats från icke-islamiska källor, men att dess aktörer och politiska ‟spel‟ trots det är av en islamisk natur. Vad som därav har påvisats i denna uppsats är att Ayatollah Khomeinis teori och stat utgör en ny och unik form av Islamisk fundamen-talism som skapats i konjunktur med moderna och icke-islamiska idéer. Resultaten av den-na undersökning indikerar på så vis att den Islamiska Republiken Iran är i behov av en om-prövning i förhållande till dess Islamiska natur, vilket är speciellt tydligt då Iran visar prov på betydande avvikelser från dess påstådda grundpelare.</p>

Současný systém náhradní rodinné péče o ohrožené děti / The current system in alternative foster care for vulnerable children

Semerádová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
My dissertation work deals with substitute foster care. It's mainly focused on summary of changes in law in the current systém and their contribution to practice. The main goal was to map out the area of substitute foster care from the very first references of foundlings of Bohemia and Moravia. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters that include history, reason of changes from the UN to the amendment of laws and their implementation. Further I describe all forms of substitute foster care in Czech republic including financing and education of foster parents. The last chapter of theoretical part I focused on the substitute foster care system in the UK which is the model for a similar system in the Czech republic. The practical part is dedicated to qualitative research that tries by using the semi-structured interviews to find out how the mentioned changes work in praxis and how they affect the work of social workers and foster parents. The praxis shows that the amendment helps the healthy development of the child however the praxis lacks a coherent tools of social work to its proper fulfillment and functionality.

La commune nouvelle, enjeux et perspectives d'un nouveau régime de fusion des communes / The «commune nouvelle», challenges and prospects for a new merger regime

Lenfant, Thibaut 20 December 2018 (has links)
La politique de réforme et de modernisation de l’État engagée par les gouvernements français successifs a visé à mettre l’organisation territoriale de la République aux standards des grandes démocraties occidentales comme l’indique l’avant-propos du dernier projet de loi de décentralisation. La question du nombre de communes en France est partie prenante de cette réflexion. C’est ainsi que la loi du 16 décembre 2010, sous l’influence du rapport rendu par le comité Balladur en mars 2009 et qui s’intitulait «il est temps de décider » a eu pour ambition d’engager la création d’un nouveau dispositif de fusion de communes : «la commune nouvelle». L’objectif est de poser les fondements de la commune du 21ème siècle en facilitant les fusions de communes par l'amélioration du système né de la loi Marcellin du 16 juillet 1971 qui avait connu un succès limité. La récente proposition de loi déposée par le député maire de Lons le Saunier Jacques Pélissard vise à « consolider, améliorer et rendre plus attractif le dispositif de commune nouvelle dans un contexte de nécessaire optimisation de notre organisation territoriale. » 3) Les enjeux : La France et l’Europe font face à une métamorphose économique qui les oblige à s’interroger sur leur organisation administrative. La construction européenne, la mondialisation, et le contexte de crise généralisée auquel la France est confrontée l’oblige à s’interroger sur l’efficacité de ses structures publiques. L’organisation territoriale de la France est-elle à même de répondre aux exigences d’action publiques que le 21ème siècle exige ? Une structure pluriséculaires comme la commune peut elle se moderniser pour faire face ? Bon nombre de pays voisins de la France ont drastiquement réduit le nombre de leurs communes. Le Royaume uni possède 4000 seulement pour une population comparable à celle de la France. Mais s’arrêter à la dimension financière ou structurelle de la commune cacherait le fait que la décentralisation est d’abord et avant tout un processus démocratique et historique. La commune occupe une place centrale dans ce dispositif démocratique français. 4) La problématique :Ce tableau général de la France du début du 21ème siècle nous amène à nous interroger sur la nature de ce nouveau régime. Quels sont les ressorts, les enjeux et les perspectives du régime des « communes nouvelles » et que nous dit-il sur l’avenir de la commune en France? Par la commune nouvelle, assiste-t-on au renforcement de la commune? Ou assiste-t-on au contraire à une dynamique de disparition progressive de la commune au profit d’ensembles plus larges, le régime de commune nouvelles étant un outil de plus de la transformation des structures territoriales historiques par la recherche d’un optimum de l’efficacité. Cette approche nous amènera nécessairement à nous interroger sur le rapport entre la commune nouvelle et l'intercommunalité. La commune nouvelle est-elle la forme la plus aboutie de l’intercommunalité? / The communal fragmentation is at the origin of the communal crisis. The size of the communal perimeters is indeed inadequate to the needs of the citizens and leads to the marginalization of French municipalities. The merger of municipalities is a response to this situation. The latter has not, for the time, substantially reduce the number of municipalities. Created in 2010, the "commune nouvelle" aims to revive the process of fusion. It is therefore a question of defining the impact of this new fusion regime on the municipality. If the "commune nouvelle" first allows the strengthening of municipalities in their means of action, it also endorses a renewal of their institutions. These two dynamics must be assessed in view of the growing importance of intercommunality. It has long appeared as a competitor of the merger of municipalities. However, the law now imposes inter-municipal cooperation to ail municipalities including "communes nouvelles". This obligation does not condemn the latter to marginality. Indeed, the increase of intermunicipal perimeters recorded in 2015, promotes the emergence of a need of proximity that the majority of municipalities are not able to assume given their size. The development of the "commune nouvelle" is therefore useful to the good govemance of the municipal bloc. It can contain the continuous growth of intercommunality and thus mark the great return of the municipality in the French territorial architecture.


鄭安峰, Andy Cheng Unknown Date (has links)

Etické aspekty opatrovnictví / Ethical aspects of guardianship

ŠIMKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis discusses the issues of public guardianship in the current practical and legal context. It deals with human rights, the question of the limitation of incapacitation, and the conditions that must be met. I present here, what the different types of guardians are, or what are the rights and obligations of a guardian. I think about the ethical issues in conjunction with guardianship, that relate to human dignity and freedom. In conclusion, through talks I'm trying to look into practice of public guardianship and determine what problems the public guardians deal with.

Teoria da despesa p?blica: uma leitura ?tico-constitucional em busca do poss?vel da reserva

Souza, Jos? Carlos Dantas Teixeira de 15 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseCDTS_DISSERT.pdf: 2389245 bytes, checksum: 8dd5cb96307ea8277eb987de871f5bdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Brazilian law passes through a crisis of effectiveness commonly attributed to the extravagance of fundamental rights and public shortage. However, public finances are not dogmatically structured to solve the conflicts around the limitations of public spending. There are ethical conditioning factors, like morality, proportionality and impartiality, however, these principles act separately, while the problem of public shortage is holistic. Also, the subjectivity of politics discretionary in the definition of public spending, which is supported in an indeterminate concept of public interest, needs material orientation about the destination of public funds, making it vulnerable to ideological manipulation, resulting in real process of catching rights. Not even the judicial activism (such as influx of constitutionalism) is shown legally appropriate. The Reserve of Possible, also presents basic ethical failure. Understanding the formation of public shortage is therefore essential for understanding the crisis of effectiveness of state responsibilities, given the significant expansion of the state duty of protection, which does not find legal technique of defense of the established interests. The premise of argument, then, part of the possibility of deducting minimal model ethical of desire to spend (public interest) according to objective parameters of the normative system. Public spending has always been treated disdainfully by the Brazilian doctrine, according to the legal character accessory assigned to the monetary cost. Nonetheless, it is the meeting point between economics and law, or is in the marrow of the problem of public shortage. Expensive Subjects to modernity, as the effectiveness of fundamental rights, pass necessarily an ethical legal system of public spending. From the ethical principles deducted from the planning, only the democratic principle guides the public spending through the approval of public spending in the complex budget process. In other words, there is an ethical distancing of economic reality in relation to state responsibilities. From the dogmatic belief of insufficiency, public spending is evaluated ethically, according to the foundations of modern constitutionalism, in search of possible of the financial reserve, certain that the ethics of public economy is a sine qua non condition for legal ethics. / O direito brasileiro passa por uma crise de efetividade comumente atribu?da ? extravag?ncia de direitos fundamentais e ? escassez p?blica. Mas as finan?as p?blicas n?o est?o dogmaticamente estruturadas para solucionar os conflitos em torno das limita??es do disp?ndio p?blico. H? condicionamentos ?ticos, como a moralidade, a proporcionalidade e a impessoalidade, contudo esses princ?pios atuam isoladamente enquanto o problema da escassez p?blica ? hol?stico. Al?m disso, o subjetivismo da discricionariedade pol?tica na defini??o do gasto p?blico, amparado que ? no indeterminado conceito de interesse p?blico, carece de orienta??o material quanto ? destina??o da verba p?blica, tornando-o vulner?vel a manipula??es ideol?gicas, do que resulta um verdadeiro processo de captura de direitos. Nem mesmo o ativismo judicial (como influxo do constitucionalismo) se mostra juridicamente adequado. A Reserva do Poss?vel, igualmente, apresenta falha ?tica elementar. Entender a forma??o da escassez p?blica ?, portanto, primordial para a compreens?o da crise de efetividade dos deveres estatais, haja vista a crescente expans?o do dever estatal de tutela, o qual n?o encontra t?cnica jur?dica de defesa dos interesses consagrados. A premissa argumentativa, ent?o, parte da possibilidade de dedu??o de modelo m?nimo ?tico da vontade de despender (interesse p?blico) segundo par?metros objetivos do sistema normativo. A despesa p?blica sempre foi tratada com desd?m pela doutrina brasileira em fun??o do car?ter legal acess?rio atribu?do ao custo monet?rio. Nada obstante, ? o ponto de encontro entre Economia e Direito, ou seja, est? na medula do problema da escassez p?blica. Assuntos caros ? modernidade, como a efetividade dos direitos fundamentais, passam necessariamente por um sistema ?tico-jur?dico do disp?ndio p?blico. Dos princ?pios ?ticos deduzidos do ordenamento, apenas o princ?pio democr?tico orienta o disp?ndio p?blico, atrav?s da aprova??o da despesa p?blica em complexo processo or?ament?rio. Ou seja, h? um distanciamento ?tico da realidade econ?mica em rela??o aos deveres estatais. A partir da cren?a de insufici?ncia dogm?tica, a despesa p?blica ? sabatinada eticamente, segundo os fundamentos do Constitucionalismo Moderno, em busca do poss?vel da reserva financeira, certo de que a ?tica da economia p?blica ? condi??o sine qua non para a ?tica jur?dica

Is Iran an Islamic State : A Comparison between Shia Islamic Theory of State and Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Republic of Iran

Andersson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
The Islamic Republic of Iran‟s alleged pursuit of nuclear missile capabilities is proving in-creasingly problematic for the international community, which places the country in a sig-nificant position in world politics. In turn, the world‟s attention towards the thirty-year-old Republic established by the late Ayatollah Khomeini has resurged. The Republic of Iran based on Ayatollah Khomeini‟s interpretation of Islam has long stood in the spotlight of both public and scholastic scrutiny, particularly due to its perceivably radical manoeuvres on the international stage. However, as the focus of these scrutinizing views has been the Iranian unwillingness to subdue and conform to western norms, the issue of the „Islamicness‟ of the Republic has been overlooked. Hence, this thesis seeks to draw further attention to this question - whether Iran can truly be regarded as an Islamic State - in order to ensure a deeper and more accurate under-standing of the Republic of Iran. The purpose of this paper is thus to investigate and re-flect on the theory of Islamic governance promoted by Ayatollah Khomeini and the politi-cal system of the Islamic Republic through the prism of Islamic history. The theory of the Islamic State and the Shia Islamic leadership has been and continues to be central in Aya-tollah Khomeini‟s and the Islamic Republic‟s official rhetoric, being claimed as the sole foundation of the „new‟ Iranian system. In consequence, this paper delves into the Islamic theory of State and the concept of the Imamate in order to critically analyze Ayatollah Khomeini‟s theory and the Islamic Republic. This is aimed at yielding a conclusion whether Iran is justly labeled an Islamic State. By performing this norm-fulfilling analysis of the subject in question reliant on a qualitative data collection, the thesis has found that the correlation between the two theories of Islam-ic governance is one of considerable disputability. The paper has, based on the investigated material, been able to conclude that the Islamic Republic of Iran holds a political structure lent from non-Islamic sources, but that its personnel and political field of contest can still be considered Islamic. What the paper has thus revealed is that Khomeini‟s reasoning con-stitutes a novel and unique form of Islamic fundamentalism formed in conjuncture with political ideas of modern and non-Islamic nature. Hence, the results of the study suggests that the Islamic Republic of Iran is in need of serious reconsideration as the Iranian model of Islamic governance remains a source of contention because of the significant deviations from what it claims as its sole basis. / Den Islamiska Republiken Irans påstådda strävan att uppnå kärnvapen kapacitet har visat sig vara ett stort problem för det internationella samfundet, vilket har gett landet en bety-dande position i världspolitiken. Detta har i sin tur medfört att Iran återigen har fått värl-dens uppmärksamhet riktat mot sig, endast trettio år efter Ayatollah Khomeinis upprättan-de av den Islamiska Republiken. Irans statsskick, som uteslutet bygger på Ayatollah Kho-meinis egen tolkning av Islam, har länge stått i fokus för både offentlig och akademisk granskning, i synnerhet på grund av dess tillsynes radikala manövrar på den internationella scenen. Men eftersom fokuset för denna granskning har varit Irans ovilja att rätta sig efter västerländska normer så har frågan om Irans Islamiska natur förbisetts. Utifrån detta så ämnar denna uppsats att uppmärksamma och belysa frågan om Iran verkli-gen kan betraktas som en islamisk stat, vilken är en nödvändighet för en djupare och mer korrekt förståelse av landet. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka och reflektera över teorin om Islamiskt styre som Ayatollah Khomeini främjar och hans senare republik genom att jämföra dessa med deras påstådda grundpelare: Islamisk statsteori och dess le-darskap. Islamisk statsteori och det shia Islamska ledarskapet har alltid varit centralt i Aya-tollah Khomeinis och den Islamiska Republikens officiella retorik, där de hävdas vara den enda inspirationen för Irans statsskick. Detta är dock något som denna uppsats ifrågasätter, och den har därav undersökt Islamisk statsteori och dess ledarskap för att i sin tur kritiskt granska Ayatollah Khomeinis teori och den Islamska Republiken Iran. Denna studie har därav gett upphov till en slutsats om Iran är rättvist märkt ‟en Islamisk stat‟. Denna studie har genom att utföra en norm-uppfyllande analys av ämnet i fråga, vilande på en kvalitativ datainsamling, funnit endast en vag korrelation mellan de två modellerna för Islamiskt styre. Baserat på det undersökta materialet så har studien kunnat konstatera att Iran har en politisk struktur som lånats från icke-islamiska källor, men att dess aktörer och politiska ‟spel‟ trots det är av en islamisk natur. Vad som därav har påvisats i denna uppsats är att Ayatollah Khomeinis teori och stat utgör en ny och unik form av Islamisk fundamen-talism som skapats i konjunktur med moderna och icke-islamiska idéer. Resultaten av den-na undersökning indikerar på så vis att den Islamiska Republiken Iran är i behov av en om-prövning i förhållande till dess Islamiska natur, vilket är speciellt tydligt då Iran visar prov på betydande avvikelser från dess påstådda grundpelare.

Le courant intellectuel en Iran des années 1990 à nos jours : Les débats sur l’Etat et la religion / The Iranian Intellectual Stream since 1990 until today : Debates on State and Religion

Bayat, Mahboubeh 17 June 2011 (has links)
Les intellectuels iraniens ont toujours été un groupe social important au sein de la société civile iranienne. Depuis 1990, ce champ d’intellectuels aux vois discordantes, s’élève face à la tentative d’islamisation de la société enclenchée par le pouvoir politique. Constitué en différents groupes, ces penseurs se penchent sur la potentialité d’instaurer Etat-Nation démocratique iranien. Cette recherche rend compte des différentes mouvances qui traversent la sphère intellectuelle iranienne actuelle et prend le parti de réfléchir à quatre groupes importants : les intellectuels "religieux", le cercle des philosophes, les historiens et enfin les sociologues politiques. Tous reconnaissent le risque d’une politisation du religieux et conjointement d’une certaine sacralisation du politique. Leurs réflexions construites autour d’un axe commun questionnant les notions «Etat » et « religion » révèlent un profond souci de changement. A travers cette étude qui met en parallèle les différents discours et les arguments de chacun, ce projet aborde les rapports qu’entretiennent ces intellectuels avec d’autres groupes de la société civile tels les femmes ou les étudiants. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’offrir un panorama théorique des interrogations actuelles en réfléchissant aux stratégies de ces intellectuels. / The Iranian intellectual has been always an important part of civil society. Since 1990, this intellectual field with conflicting voices, rising against islamization of society which has been enforced by political power. This intellectual stream is constituted of different groups bend over study of potentiality of establishment of democratic Iranian Nation-State. This study examines various spheres which crossing the actual Iranian intellectual domain and deliberates over four important categories: religious intellectual, philosophical circle, historians and political sociologists. All these thinkers conjointly consider the risk of politization of religion and the sacralization of politics. Their reflections are constructed around a common axe of two notions “State” and “religion”, which reveal the crucial question of change in political system. Through this approach which puts in a parallel direction different discourses and arguments beside each other, this study looks into the relations between the intellectual field and the other units of civil society. The ambition of this research is offering a theoretical panorama on present problematic of intellectual society with probing their strategies.

The illegal exploitation of certain marine species as a form of environmental crime in the Western Cape

Herbig, Friedo Johann Willem 25 August 2009 (has links)
Conservation criminology as a derivative of environmental criminology is considered in this dissertation through a strategic/empirical investigation of the illegal exploitation of a cross-section of certain, essentially fiscally attractive marine resources, as a form of environmental crime in the Western Cape province. Through primarily qualitative and quantitative interviewing techniques, augmented by the application of a survey questionnaire, significant and pragmatic insight was obtained from knowledgeable functionaries. The study elucidates the purview and dynamics of the marine crime phenomenon by focussing specifically on issues such as modus operandi, crime scenes, causation, operational efficacy, and social/biological repercussions. Deficient policing capacity and concomitant lack of deterrence, compounded by institutional limitations, emerge as fundamental proclivities impeding proficient marine resource conservation. It is envisaged that this study will broaden the frontiers of marine crime knowledge, contributing not only to the implementation of effective mitigation programmes but also to enriching the criminological discipline as a whole. / Criminology / M.A. (Criminology)

The illegal exploitation of certain marine species as a form of environmental crime in the Western Cape

Herbig, Friedo Johann Willem 25 August 2009 (has links)
Conservation criminology as a derivative of environmental criminology is considered in this dissertation through a strategic/empirical investigation of the illegal exploitation of a cross-section of certain, essentially fiscally attractive marine resources, as a form of environmental crime in the Western Cape province. Through primarily qualitative and quantitative interviewing techniques, augmented by the application of a survey questionnaire, significant and pragmatic insight was obtained from knowledgeable functionaries. The study elucidates the purview and dynamics of the marine crime phenomenon by focussing specifically on issues such as modus operandi, crime scenes, causation, operational efficacy, and social/biological repercussions. Deficient policing capacity and concomitant lack of deterrence, compounded by institutional limitations, emerge as fundamental proclivities impeding proficient marine resource conservation. It is envisaged that this study will broaden the frontiers of marine crime knowledge, contributing not only to the implementation of effective mitigation programmes but also to enriching the criminological discipline as a whole. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

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