Spelling suggestions: "subject:"same development"" "subject:"game development""
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Board Game AI Using Reinforcement LearningStrömberg, Linus, Lind, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop an agent that learns to play an interpretation ofthe popular game Ticket To Ride. This project is done in collaboration with Piktiv AB.This thesis presents how an agent based on the Double Deep Q-network algorithm learnsto play a version of Ticket To Ride using self-play. This is the documentation of how thegame and the agent was developed, as well as how the agent was evaluated.
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Mind the Gap… A Case Study about Cross-functional Collaboration between Teams in Game DevelopmentLennmor, Lynn January 2019 (has links)
Game development today is a complex process that differs from traditional software development by presenting unique challenges stemming from a multidisciplinary structured process, including teams from multiple fields, such as art, sound, programming, design, human factors and more. This, together with the growth of the industry during recent years has increased the need for a more efficient cross-functional collaboration and understanding between these teams. This study focuses on the collaboration and understanding between two distinct teams, User Research (UR) and Development in order to try and shed some light on an emerging challenge of a gap in understanding that exists between the two fields. A case study was conducted at an established game company in Sweden, where a UR team was closely observed and analyzed. The results of this study showed that the issues and practices could be grouped into three different areas, Process, Communication, and Understanding that affected each other differently. Where a majority of the issues found often related to Communication and Understanding problems. The findings provided a glimpse of the gap in understanding in a game development process and what problems it can entail and what the possible solutions could streamline the process. However, in order to fully understand and fill this gap more thorough observations during a longer period of time is required. / Spelutveckling idag är en komplex process, som skiljer sig från traditionell programutveckling genom att den presenterar unika utmaningar som härstammar från en multidisciplinär strukturerad process. Som inkluderar teams från många olika fält, såsom konst, ljud, programmering, design, mänskliga faktorer och många fler. Detta tillsammans med utvidgning av industrin de senaste åren har det skett ett behov av mer effektivt tvärfunktionellt samarbete och förståelse mellan dessa team. Denna studie fokuserar på samarbete och förståelsen mellan två specifika team, User Research (UR) och Development för att försöka belysa den uppkomna utmaningen av en klyfta i förståelsen som existerar mellan de två fälten. En fallstudie gjordes på ett etablerat spelföretag i Sverige, där ett UR team noggrant observerades and analyserades. Resultaten från studien visar att problem och praxis kunde grupperas i tre olika områden, Process, Kommunikation och Förståelse där var och en påverkade varandra olika, där majoriteten av de identifierade problemen ofta relaterade till Kommunikation och Förståelse problem. Upptäckterna gav en skymt av klyftan i förståelse som finns i en spelutvecklingsprocess och vilka problem den kan medföra samt vilka möjliga lösningar som skulle kunna effektivisera denna process. Dock, för att få full förståelse över denna klyfta och hur man kan skulle kunna fylla den så behövs en mer noggrannare studie över en längre tid.
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Identifierade hinder och utmaningar inom Scrum för spelutveckling och dess lösningsförslag / Identified issues and challenges within Scrum for game development and its solutionsNorinder, Oskar, Tsehaye, Retta January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hinder och utmaningar som uppstår inom spelutveckling. Mer precist undersöks arbetsmetoden Scrum, som är ett agilt ramverk. Metoden som användes i studien är en kvalitativ undersökning. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personer som har erfarenhet inom Scrum för spelutveckling, för att identifiera deras hinder och utmaningar, men även för att ta fram lösningsförslag. Följaktligen är frågeställningen, ”Vilka hinder och utmaningar identifieras då man använder Scrum inom spelutveckling, och hur kan dessa lösas?”. Lösningsförslagen togs fram med hjälp av både intervjuobjekt och relaterad forskning. Resultatet gav att det fanns hinder och utmaningar inom fem områden. Planering av arbete, spelutvecklingens många discipliner, spelutvecklingens långa projekt, Pre-production fasen och problem som uppstår på grund av själva Scrum-ramverket. Planeringen av arbetet var ett hinder eftersom den bland annat innefattar estimering av arbete, klarkriterium, och vad som skall göras. Lösningsförslagen var att andra metoder skall användas med Scrum, bland annat för att ersätta problemen man har i utforskande faser eller när man har estetiska mål. Kortfattat så fungerar Scrum när det finns information om vad som skall göras och när det skall göras. Problematiken är att den informationen inte alltid är given inom spelutveckling / This study researches issues and challenges that arise within game development. More specific it examines the Scrum methodology, which is an agile framework. A qualitative research method was conducted for this study. In order to identify impediments and challenges, but as well proposals for solutions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who have experience from Scrum within game development. Therefore, the research question in this study is “Which issues and challenges can be identified within game development, and how could they be solved?”. The proposed solutions were constructed with help from both the interviewees and related research. The results of the study located issues and challenges in five different areas. Planning work, the many different discipline present in game development, the long development time for game projects, the Pre-production phase, and the problems that arise from the Scrum framework itself. Planning the work was an impediment because it includes estimating the amount of work, definition of done and what to do. The proposed solutions were, to use other methods together with Scrum, for instance to replace the problems in explorative phases or when working with aesthetic goals. In short, Scrum works when there exists information about what to do and when to do it. The problem is that the information is not always available within game development.
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Tystnad talar : En utvärdering av ”think aloud” i spelbarhetstestning / Silence talks : An evaluation of ”think aloud” in playability testingAhlbäck, Aron January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete undersöker huruvida "think aloud"-tekniken som den används i användbarhetstestning är lämplig i samband med spelbarhetstestning samt hur uppmaningar att tänka högt påverkar en speltestares immersion i spelupplevelsen. Forskningsområdet valdes främst då tekniken think aloud rekommenderas till spelbarhetstestning från många håll utan vetenskaplig motivering. En frågeställning togs fram med denna bakgrund i åtanke. För att utvärdera frågeställningen genomfördes en kvantitativ undersökning där en serie respondenter fick spela en artefakt i form av en för ändamålet konstruerad nivå till spelet Rising Islands (Mindblown 2016) för att sedan fylla i en enkät som mätte deras upplevda nivå av "immersion". Hälften av respondenterna uppmanades att tänka högt under speltillfället, övriga respondenter genomförde spelsessionen utan störande moment. Gruppernas genomsnittliga enkätresultat ställdes mot varandra i ett T-test. Resultatet visade att uppmaningar att tänka högt inte hade någon märkbar inverkan på upplevd immersion, men vidare forskning är nödvändig då det finns osäkerheter i datamängden. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>
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Optimising 3D object destruction tools for improved performance and designer efficiency in video game developmentForslund, Elliot January 2023 (has links)
Background. In video game development, efficient destruction tools and workflows were crucial for creating engaging gaming environments. This study delved into the fundamental principles of 3D object properties and interactions, reviewed existing destruction techniques, and offered insights into their practical application, with a specific focus on Embark Studios’ destruction tool. Objectives. This study focused on the optimisation of an existing destruction tool to enhance efficiency and integration within a gaming company’s pipeline. The key objectives included reducing execution time, and improving designer workflow. The study utilised performance counters and Unreal Insights profiling to identify and optimise hotspots in the destruction tool. Additionally, the performance of the op- timised tool was measured and compared to the existing one to quantify efficiency improvements. An expert evaluation with designers at Embark Studios was con- ducted to assess the impact of the optimised tool on their workflow. Methods. The existing destruction tool was optimised primarily through parallelisation. The efficiency of the optimised tool was evaluated both empirically, by measuring the execution time, and subjectively, through an expert evaluation involv- ing three professional level designers. Results. The optimisation significantly reduced the execution time of the destruc- tion tool. Feedback from the expert evaluation indicated that the optimised tool could enhance designer efficiency, particularly in rebuilding the destruction graphs. However, the performance of the optimised tool was found to be hardware-dependent, with varying execution times observed across different hardware configurations. Conclusions. This study presented an optimised destruction tool which demon- strated improved performance and efficiency, validating its suitability for integration into the pipeline of game development. It was proposed that future work could further optimise this tool and explore its performance across diverse hardware con- figurations.
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Generating terrain features using software agentsSköld, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Terrain is a key aspect of a game to help immerse the player in the virtual environment. Producing such content can however be quite challenging for a designer since landscapes need to satisfy the game’s visual and playable needs. This paper presents a way to generate different terrain features through the control of software agents to help aid the design process. An artifact was developed which enabled the terrain features to be evaluated in combination with each other. While the features themselves performed well in isolation there would be a few issues depending on how these were integrated.
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Procedurellt genererade eldbollar är framtiden av magi : Utveckling av metoder för procedurell generering av förmågor till MOBA-spelJohansson, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Procedurell generering är ofta använt av spelutvecklare i dagens moderna samhälle. Generellt så används procedurell generering mestadels till att generera terräng och texturer, vilket är ett välutforskat område, men det är bara början till vad det kan användas till. Därför är den här artikeln istället fokuserad på användandet av procedurell generering för att generera förmågor som kan användas till ett spel i MOBA genren, i ett försök att sprida kunskap och utveckla andra användningsområden för procedurell generering. För att utforska den möjliga metodiken till användandet av procedurell generering för att generera förmågor så dokumenterar artikeln först redan existerande metoder, sedan föreslås en ny metod för att göra upp för bristerna i den existerande metoden och slutligen så implementeras den nya metoden i en spelprototyp för att undersöka dess funktionalitet. För att validera resultaten av den nya metoden för procedurell generering av förmågor så jämförs den direkt med de redan existerande metoderna för att klargöra vad för- och nackdelarna är med den nya metoden. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att den nya metoden är långt ifrån felfri, men den är duglig nog för att vara ett alternativ till de existerande metoderna. I slutet av artikeln så tas möjligheten av att kombinera den nya och den existerande metoden för procedurell generering av förmågor upp i syfte att göra upp för varandras brister. / Procedural generation is commonly used by game developers in today's modern world. Generally procedural generation gets mostly used for generating terrain and textures, which is a well explored area, but that is merely scratching the surface of possible use cases. This article therefore instead focuses on the usage of procedural generation to generate abilities to be used in a MOBA game, in an attempt to spread knowledge and develop other use cases for procedural generation. To explore possible methodologies of using procedural generation to generate abilities this article first documents already existing methods, then proposes a new method to make up for the shortcomings in the already existing methods and finally implements the new method in a game prototype to test its viability. To validate the results of the new method for procedural generation of abilities implemented in the game prototype it is directly compared to the already existing methods to ascertain what the pros and cons are of using the new method. The results of the research show that the new method for procedural generation of abilities is not the end all solution, but it is a viable alternative to the already existing methods. To tie things up this article brings up the possibility of combining both the existing methods for procedural generation of abilities and the newly designed one in the future in an attempt to mitigate the methods shortcomings.
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Converting a Tabletop Serious Game Into a Digital VersionGladh, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
The digital age has launched numerous opportunities for game developers, yet the transition from traditionaltabletop games to digital platforms presents a unique set ofchallenges. This thesis delves into the intricacies of this transition.Guided by the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM),the study focuses on the serious tabletop game ”Futuroscopio,”aiming to convert it into a digital format.The research investigates the challenges encountered duringthe digital conversion process, from the implementation of gamemechanics to the design of a digital interface.Utilizing the Unitygame engine and the C# programming language, a digital artifactis developed to closely mimic the original tabletop game.The study contributes to the growing field of game developmentby providing insights for developers and designers. It servesas a guide for those interested in the digital conversion ofserious tabletop games, shedding light onto the benefits, aswell as drawbacks of such conversion. The thesis concludesby emphasizing the research’s utility for future studies and itsrelevance to a broader audience interested in the domain ofserious games.
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Adapting Feature-Driven Software Development Methodology to Design and Develop Educational Games in 3-D Virtual WorldsOzercan, Sertac 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Blockchain on Game Development : A case study at ChromaWayKoçer, Irmak Berk, Tampio, Sami Sakari January 2022 (has links)
Purpose:Novel technologies such as blockchain alter the way games are developed, and cause paradigm shift in the game industry. This thesis explores how the blockchain impacts conditions for developing games, with a particular interest in the effects on the business model used for games, and the value proposition offered to prospective players. Methodology:Since blockchain games are a new emerging industry at the moment, semi- structured interviews are conducted with five game developers to find first- hand data on blockchain's effects on game development using a single case study of a blockchain game in the late development stage. Furthermore, an extensive literature review is conducted to help guide the thesis and increase the researchers' understanding of the subject. Analysis:The focus of the case, which is My Neighbor Alice, is explored in detail. Then, the analysis of the semi-structured interviews is executed with thematic analysis. Based on repetitions by different interviewees, several themes and concepts are identified. Finally, all the gathered aspects are explained. Findings:The business model of blockchain games has many changes compared to traditional games, mainly depending on the introduction of blockchain-enabled asset ownership. This introduces a new value proposition to the consumers in tradability and Play to Earn game models. Furthermore, the focus on the consumer relationship increases as they now are investors. This allows funding to be gathered at an early stage of development and highlights trust between developer and player. Finally, the value created by entrepreneurs reflects more on alternative entrepreneurship as the case game My Neighbor Alice intends to be run by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization which consists of stakeholders of the game. Value:While there is much literature on various game business models and blockchain technology, there is a gap in the research regarding game development related to blockchain games. This thesis pinpointed several vital areas that will increase importance when such games are developed.
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