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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do efeito fisiológico do uso de fungicidas na cultura de soja / Evaluation of physiological effect of fungicides on soybean crop

Rodrigues, Marco Antonio Tavares 11 December 2009 (has links)
A utilização de produtos de ação fitotônica tem estimulado pesquisas em diversas áreas da agricultura, dentre elas destaca-se a utilização de fungicidas de efeito fisiológico. Um dos mais promissores é a estrobilurina Piraclostrobina, que além da ação fungicida tem ocasionado aumento de produtividade atribuída aos efeitos fisiológicos proporcionados, os quais são conhecidos nas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva. Sendo assim, foram conduzidos experimentos em campo e em casa de vegetação durante quatro anos consecutivos (2004 a 2007) com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito fisiológico em diferentes variedades cultivadas de soja à aplicação da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina. Em 2004, o crescimento das variedades cultivadas de soja CD-208, BRS-133 e Conquista foi acompanhado ao longo do ciclo de cultivo em amostragens destrutivas a cada sete dias. O fungicida Piraclostrobina + Epoxiconazol foi aplicado no momento em que as plantas se encontravam nos estádios fenológicos R5, R4 e R3, respectivamente. As parcelas pulverizadas apresentaram maior produção de massa de matéria seca, maior índice de área foliar e maior produtividade. Em 2005, foram utilizadas as variedades cultivadas Conquista, CD-208 e Monsoy- 7501. Concluiu-se que o fungicida Piraclostrobina + Epoxiconazol promove: (i) aumento da fotossíntese líquida; (ii) melhoria da eficiência de assimilação de nitrogênio devido ao aumento da atividade da enzima nitrato redutase (ANR); (iii) diminuição da síntese de etileno (SE) (redução da senescência e queda de folhas); (iv) aumento da fitomassa seca total; (v) aumento da área foliar; (vi) aumento do teor de clorofila (efeito verde); (vii) melhoria dos resultados em ambientes com mais estresse; (viii) diminuição da incidência de Phomopsis spp. e de Cercospora kikuchii na semente; e (ix) aumento (tendência) do teor de óleo na semente. Em 2006, foram confirmados os resultados referentes aos anos anteriores utilizando as variedades cultivadas Monsoy-8008-RR, Monsoy-7878-RR e BRS-245-RR. Além disso, verificou-se que a aplicação de Piraclostrobina aumentou a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes (peroxidade, superóxido dismutase e catalase) e diminuiu a atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase e aumentou os teores dos hormônios citocininas (zeatinas e isopentinil adenina), giberelinas (GA3) e ácido indolbutírico. Em 2007, foi conduzido experimento em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de avaliar o tempo de resposta de variáveis fisiológicas à aplicação da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina. Utilizou-se a variedade cultivada Conquista em vaso. Na fase vegetativa (estádios fenológicos V2-V3 e V8-V9), foram observados efeitos fisiológicos nas trocas gasosas até 7 DAA e para a ANR e SE até 16 e 18 DAA, respectivamente. Na fase reprodutiva (estádios R1-R2 e R5.1), foi verificado aumento na atividade fotossintética até 10 DAA no estádio R1-R2 e até 7 DAA no estádio R5.1. Em relação ao incremento da SE e ANR, foram evidenciados efeitos da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina somente até 7 e 6 DAA no estádio R1 e 3 e 16 DAA no estádio R5.1, respectivamente. / The use of products with tonic action in plants has stimulated research in different areas of agriculture, where the use of fungicides with physiological effect became important. One of the most promising is the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin, that in addition to the fungicidal action has caused an increase in productivity attributed to the physiological effects provided, which are known in the vegetative and reproductive phases. Therefore, experiments were carried out in greenhouse and field during four consecutive years (2004 to 2007) with the purpose of evaluating the physiological effect on different soybean cultivars to application of the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin. In 2004, the soybean growth, cultivars CD-208, BRS-133 and Conquista, was monitored during the crop cycle using destructive sampling every seven days. The Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole fungicide was applied at the time the plants were in R5, R4 and R3 growth stages, respectively. The treated areas showed higher production of dry matter, greater leaf area index and greater productivity. In 2005, the cultivars Conquista, CD-208 and Monsoy-7501 were used. It was concluded that Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole promotes: (i) increasing of net photosynthesis, (ii) improving the efficiency of nitrogen assimilation due to the increasing of nitrate reductase activity (NRA), (iii) decreasing the ethylene production (reduction of senescence and leaf fall), (iv) increasing the total dry mass, leaf area and chlorophyll content (green effect), (v) improving the performance in environments with more stress; (vi) reducing the incidence of Phomopsis spp. and Cercospora kikuchii in the seed, and (vii) increasing (trend) of oil content in the seed. In 2006, the results were confirmed according to the previous years using the cultivars Monsoy-8008-RR, Monsoy-7878-RR and BRS-245-RR. Besides, it was found that the application of Pyraclostrobin increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes (peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase) and reduced the PPO activity and increased levels of the following hormones: cytokinins (zeatin and adenine isopentinil), gibberellins (GA3) and indole butyric acid. In 2007, a greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the response time of physiological variables to the application of strobilurin Pyraclostrobin. The Conquista cultivar was used in pots. In the vegetative phase (V2-V3 and V8-V9 growth stages), physiological effects on gas exchange were observed until 7 DAA and for the NRA and ethylene synthesis (ES) until 16 and 18 DAA, respectively. In the reproductive phase (R1-R2 and R5.1 stages), an increasing of photosynthetic activity was verified until 10 DAA at R1-R2 stage and up to 7 DAA at R5.1 stage. Regarding to the increasing of the ES and NRA, the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin effects were observed only until to 7 and 6 DAA at R1 stage and 3 and 16 DAA at R5.1 stage, respectively.

Fisiologia de mirtileiros de baixa exigência em frio, cultivados em região subtropical / Physiology of low-chilling requirement blueberry plants, growth in subtropical climate

Silva, Mariana Neves da 26 June 2018 (has links)
Alimentos funcionais têm estado cada vez mais presentes na dieta humana devido aos seus efeitos benéficos à saúde e entre tais alimentos, destaca-se o mirtilo. Reconhecido como uma super-fruta, o mirtilo é caracterizado por apresentar alta concentração de antocianinas, pigmentos com atividade antioxidante associada ao combate de doenças como câncer, osteoporose, Alzheimer e oftalmológicas, e que devido à sua versatilidade é utilizado amplamente na gastronomia mundial. A produção de mirtilo é liderada pelos Estados Unidos e Canadá e com a crescente demanda pelos frutos, o cultivo do mirtileiro têm se expandido para países do Hemisfério Sul, como o Brasil. Por se tratar de uma cultura proveniente de clima temperado, o mirtileiro demanda um determinado número de horas de frio (NHF) durante o inverno para superar seu período de dormência e entrar no período reprodutivo, o que pode limitar a expansão da produção para regiões de temperaturas mais altas. Como forma de ampliar as áreas de cultivo do mirtileiro, a Universidade da Flórida desenvolveu cultivares de menor exigência em frio e entre elas, estão \'Emerald\' e \'Jewel\', ambas cultivadas no município de Piracicaba, SP. Em Dezembro de 2016, plantas destas cultivares foram podadas e no ano de 2017 avaliadas quanto ao crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo, conteúdo e repartição de carboidratos e desempenho fotossintético. O crescimento menos vigoroso de \'Emerald\' resultou em uma forma de armazenamento e translocação de carboidratos mais eficiente, o que refletiu numa maior produção de frutos desta cultivar frente à \'Jewel\'. Em \'Emerald\', os valores de fotossíntese condutância estomática. concentração intercelular de CO2, índice de área foliar e clorofila foram maiores que em \'Jewel\', no entanto, o desempenho fotossintético em ambas as cultivares foi afetado por condições de alta temperatura do ar e baixa umidade relativa. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo confirmam a importância da adoção de manejos que proporcionem equilíbrio entre o crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo dos mirtileiros, otimizando a repartição dos carboidratos, a fotossíntese e favorecendo a assimilação de carbono, principalmente durante o período de produção dos frutos. / Functional food have been increasingly present in the human diet due to its beneficial effects on health, and among such foods, stands out blueberries. Recognized as a super fruit, blueberry is characterized by its high concentration of anthocyanins, pigments with antioxidant activity associated with the fight against cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer\'s and ophthalmological diseases, and due to its versatility, it is widely used in world gastronomy. Blueberry production is led by the United States and Canada and with the increasing demand for fruits, the blueberry growth has expanded to countries in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Brazil. As a tipical temperate fruit crop, blueberry plants demands a certain number of chilling hours during the winter to overcome its dormancy period and enter the reproductive period, which may limit the expansion of blueberry production in regions of higher temperatures. As a strategy to expand the growing areas, the University of Florida has developed blueberry cultivars of low-chilling requirement and among them are \'Emerald\' and \'Jewel\', both growth in the city of Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In December 2016, plants of both cultivars were pruned and in 2017 they were evaluated regarding its vegetative and reproductive growth, carbohydrate contents and partition and photosynthetic performance. The less vigorous growth of \'Emerald\' resulted in more effective carbohydrate storage and partition, wich reflected in a higher yield than \'Jewel\'. In \'Emerald\', the values for photosynthesis, stomatal condutance, intercellular CO2 concentration, LAI and chlorophyll were higher than in \'Jewel\', however, the photosynthetic performance of both cultivars was affected by high air temperature and low umidity conditions. The results obtained in this study confirm the importance of cultural practices which provide balanced growth and development to blueberry plants, optimizing the carbohydrates partition and photosynthesis, supporting carbon assimilation specially during fruit production.

Etude de la spéciation et du devenir du mercure dans les eaux côtières / Study of mercury speciation and fate in coastal waters

Sharif, Abubaker 04 July 2013 (has links)
Le mercure (Hg) est un élément métallique naturellement présent dans l'environnement qui connaît aussi un cycle d’émission anthropique. Le Hg est présent sous différentes formes inorganiques (mercure élémentaire Hg°; mercure ionique Hg2+) et organiques (e.g. méthylmercure MeHg). Le Hg peut être méthylé dans l'eau et les sédiments par le métabolisme des bactéries pour former du MeHg, la forme chimique la plus toxique qui est de plus bioamplifiée dans la chaîne alimentaire aquatique. Le travail effectué dans cette thèse « Etude de la spéciation et du devenir du mercure dans les eaux côtières » a répondu à trois objectifs: - Déterminer les formes chimiques du Hg dans les eaux côtières à des concentrations inférieures au ng/L (10-9 g/L).- Etudier les transformations du Hg (Méthylation, Deméthylation et Réduction) dans les eaux estuariennes et côtières et leur influence sur le cycle du Hg dans la zone littorale (panache turbide de l’Adour). Evaluer les émissions du Hg gazeux (Hg°) dans les zones estuariennes et côtières par l’utilisation des modèles semi-empirique d’échange gazeux à l’interface eau-atmosphère. / Mercury (Hg) is a metallic element naturally found in all the environmental media that could also be released by anthropogenic processes. Mercury is present in various chemical forms, inorganic (elemental mercury Hg°, ionic mercury Hg2+) and organic (e.g. methylmercury MeHg). Hg can be methylated in water and sediments by the metabolism of the bacteria to form MeHg, the most toxic Hg form which is biomagnified in the aquatic food chain. This work "Study of mercury speciation and fate in coastal waters" had three objectives: - Determination of the chemical forms of Hg in coastal waters at low concentrations, lower than ng/L (10-9 g/L). - Determination of Hg transformations (Methylation, Demethylation and Reduction) in estuarine and coastal waters and their influence on the Hg cycle in the coastal zone (turbid plume of the Adour River). - Evaluation of the emission of gaseous Hg (Hg°) in coastal and estuarine zone using semi-empirical gas exchange models at the water-air interface.

Deficiência hídrica e aplicação de ABA sobre as trocas gasosas e o acúmulo de flavonóides em calêndula (Calendula officinalis L.) / Water deficit and ABA application on leaf gas exchange and flavonoid content in marigold (Calendula officinalis L.)

Pacheco, Ana Cláudia 14 December 2007 (has links)
Foram estudados os efeitos da deficiência hídrica e da aplicação de ácido abscísico (ABA) sobre alguns aspectos fisiológicos e a produção de flavonóides em plantas de calêndula. Testaramse quatro intervalos de suspensão da irrigação (controle - irrigação diária; 3; 6 e 9 dias sem irrigar) acompanhados por três doses de ABA (0, 10 e 100 µM), resultando em 12 tratamentos. O experimento foi instalado em condições de casa de vegetação com plantas envasadas. Os tratamentos foram aplicados no início do florescimento e seus efeitos foram avaliados pelo conteúdo relativo de água na folha (CRA) e trocas gasosas (A= fotossíntese líquida, gs= condutância estomática, E= transpiração, Ci= concentração intercelular de CO2 e TL= temperatura da folha); por meio de analisador portátil por infra-vermelho. A eficiência do uso da água (EUA) foi calculada como A/E. Aos 3 dias de suspensão da irrigação as plantas de calêndula não apresentaram alterações significativas nas variáveis de trocas gasosas avaliadas. Aos 6 dias de deficiência hídrica as variáveis Ci, CRA e EUA não apresentaram diferença em relação aos tratamentos com suprimento constante de água, acrescidos ou não de ABA. Porém, a imposição de estresse hídrico somada à aplicação de ABA nas plantas resultou em diminuição nos valores de E, gs, A e TL em relação aos tratamentos controle. Aos 9 dias sem irrigar ocorreram mudanças drásticas nas plantas, sendo que todos os parâmetros de trocas gasosas avaliados apresentaram reduções significativas em relação aos tratamentos controle (irrigação diária com ou sem ABA). Concluiu-se que a aplicação exógena de ABA mimetizou as respostas fotossintéticas da planta ao estresse hídrico, sendo que o efeito principal deste biorregulador foi o de causar diminuição na gs. Porém, esta redução na gs só foi acompanhada de uma redução em A quando as plantas estavam submetidas à deficiência hídrica. O efeito residual do ABA nas plantas foi de apenas 7-8 dias e portanto, as variações observadas aos 6 dias de deficiência hídrica foram provavelmente induzidas pelo ABA ; enquanto que as diferenças observadas aos 9 dias foram exclusivamente causadas pela deficiência hídrica. Não houve diferença significativa entre as diferentes intensidades de deficiência hídrica testadas com relação ao acúmulo de flavonóides nas inflorescências de calêndula. Entretanto, a aplicação de ABA provocou uma diminuição de até 50% no teor de flavonóides, tanto nas plantas controle (bem hidratadas) como nas plantas submetidas ao estresse hídrico, para todas as intensidades testadas. Concluiu-se que o ABA restringe a rota biossintética de flavonóides. / It was evaluated the effects of water deficit and abscisic acid (ABA) application on some physiological parameters and flavonoid production in marigold plants. It was tested four intervals of withholding water (control - diary irrigation, 3, 6 and 9 days without irrigation) accomplished of 3 concentrations of ABA (0, 10 e 100 µM), resulting in 12 treatments. The experiment was performed under nursery conditions with plotted plants. The treatments were applied in the beginning of blooming and their effects were evaluated by the relative water content (RWC) and leaf gas exchange (A= net photosynthesis, gs= stomatal conductance, E= evaporation, Ci= CO2 intercellular concentration and TL=leaf temperature); using a portable infrared gas analyzer. The water use efficiency (EUA) was calculated as A?E. At 3 days of water suppression the marigold plants did not showed significant alterations in leaf gas exchange evaluated parameters. At 6 days of water deficit the parameters Ci, RWC and EUA did not showed difference in relation to the treatments with daily irrigation, added or not of ABA. However, the water stress plus ABA application resulted in smaller values of E, gs and A in relation to control plants. At 9 days of water deficit there were drastic changes in the plants, with significant reductions in all leaf gas exchange parameters evaluated in relation to control treatments (daily irrigation with or without ABA). It was concluded that exogenous ABA application mimics the plant photosynthetic responses to water stress, and the main ABA effect was to cause a reduction on gs. However, this gs reduction only was accomplished of a reduction in A when the plants were submitted to the water deficit. The residual effect of ABA in plants was only 7-8 days and so, the differences observed at the 6 days of water deficit were probably inducted by the ABA, yet differences observed at the 9 days were exclusively caused by the water deficit. There was no significant difference among the different levels of water deficit used in relation to total flavonoids content in inflorescences of marigold. However, ABA application resulted in a reduction of almost 50% in flavonoids content, in well watered plant as well as stressed plants, for all levels of water deficit tested. It was concluded that ABA restricts the biosynthetic rote of flavonoids.

Fisiologia de mirtileiros de baixa exigência em frio, cultivados em região subtropical / Physiology of low-chilling requirement blueberry plants, growth in subtropical climate

Mariana Neves da Silva 26 June 2018 (has links)
Alimentos funcionais têm estado cada vez mais presentes na dieta humana devido aos seus efeitos benéficos à saúde e entre tais alimentos, destaca-se o mirtilo. Reconhecido como uma super-fruta, o mirtilo é caracterizado por apresentar alta concentração de antocianinas, pigmentos com atividade antioxidante associada ao combate de doenças como câncer, osteoporose, Alzheimer e oftalmológicas, e que devido à sua versatilidade é utilizado amplamente na gastronomia mundial. A produção de mirtilo é liderada pelos Estados Unidos e Canadá e com a crescente demanda pelos frutos, o cultivo do mirtileiro têm se expandido para países do Hemisfério Sul, como o Brasil. Por se tratar de uma cultura proveniente de clima temperado, o mirtileiro demanda um determinado número de horas de frio (NHF) durante o inverno para superar seu período de dormência e entrar no período reprodutivo, o que pode limitar a expansão da produção para regiões de temperaturas mais altas. Como forma de ampliar as áreas de cultivo do mirtileiro, a Universidade da Flórida desenvolveu cultivares de menor exigência em frio e entre elas, estão \'Emerald\' e \'Jewel\', ambas cultivadas no município de Piracicaba, SP. Em Dezembro de 2016, plantas destas cultivares foram podadas e no ano de 2017 avaliadas quanto ao crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo, conteúdo e repartição de carboidratos e desempenho fotossintético. O crescimento menos vigoroso de \'Emerald\' resultou em uma forma de armazenamento e translocação de carboidratos mais eficiente, o que refletiu numa maior produção de frutos desta cultivar frente à \'Jewel\'. Em \'Emerald\', os valores de fotossíntese condutância estomática. concentração intercelular de CO2, índice de área foliar e clorofila foram maiores que em \'Jewel\', no entanto, o desempenho fotossintético em ambas as cultivares foi afetado por condições de alta temperatura do ar e baixa umidade relativa. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo confirmam a importância da adoção de manejos que proporcionem equilíbrio entre o crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo dos mirtileiros, otimizando a repartição dos carboidratos, a fotossíntese e favorecendo a assimilação de carbono, principalmente durante o período de produção dos frutos. / Functional food have been increasingly present in the human diet due to its beneficial effects on health, and among such foods, stands out blueberries. Recognized as a super fruit, blueberry is characterized by its high concentration of anthocyanins, pigments with antioxidant activity associated with the fight against cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer\'s and ophthalmological diseases, and due to its versatility, it is widely used in world gastronomy. Blueberry production is led by the United States and Canada and with the increasing demand for fruits, the blueberry growth has expanded to countries in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Brazil. As a tipical temperate fruit crop, blueberry plants demands a certain number of chilling hours during the winter to overcome its dormancy period and enter the reproductive period, which may limit the expansion of blueberry production in regions of higher temperatures. As a strategy to expand the growing areas, the University of Florida has developed blueberry cultivars of low-chilling requirement and among them are \'Emerald\' and \'Jewel\', both growth in the city of Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In December 2016, plants of both cultivars were pruned and in 2017 they were evaluated regarding its vegetative and reproductive growth, carbohydrate contents and partition and photosynthetic performance. The less vigorous growth of \'Emerald\' resulted in more effective carbohydrate storage and partition, wich reflected in a higher yield than \'Jewel\'. In \'Emerald\', the values for photosynthesis, stomatal condutance, intercellular CO2 concentration, LAI and chlorophyll were higher than in \'Jewel\', however, the photosynthetic performance of both cultivars was affected by high air temperature and low umidity conditions. The results obtained in this study confirm the importance of cultural practices which provide balanced growth and development to blueberry plants, optimizing the carbohydrates partition and photosynthesis, supporting carbon assimilation specially during fruit production.

Respostas fisiolÃgicas e de produÃÃo em plantas de cajueiro anÃo precoce exploradas simultÃnea para goma, castanha e pedÃnculos, sob diferentes nÃveis de irrigaÃÃo e adubaÃÃo / Physiological and production responses in plants of dwarf cashew exploited simultaneous for gum, cashew nut and cashew apple, under different levels of irrigation and fertilization

Reivany Eduardo Morais Lima 24 February 2014 (has links)
A goma arÃbica no Brasil tem grande relevÃncia nas indÃstrias alimentÃcias, farmacÃuticas e na Ãrea cosmÃtica. A goma de cajueiro apresenta grande semelhanÃa com a goma arÃbica, apresentando potencial de substitui-la. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar respostas fisiolÃgicas e econÃmicas da produÃÃo simultÃnea de goma, pseudofruto e frutos de plantas de cajueiro anÃo precoce cultivadas sob dois regimes hÃdricos e trÃs diferentes nÃveis de adubaÃÃo. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental de Pacajus, da Embrapa AgroindÃstria Tropical, por um perÃodo de quinze meses, em plantas de cajueiro anÃo precoce do clone CCP 76, com idade de 18 anos e espaÃadas 7 metros entre plantas e fileiras. As plantas foram submetidas a dois regimes hÃdricos, irrigado e sequeiro. Para cada um desses regimes foram aplicadas trÃs diferentes doses de nutriÃÃo mineral: 50%, 100% e 150% da adubaÃÃo recomendada. O experimento ficou configurado como um fatorial 2x3. AlÃm do fatorial citado, utilizamos os meses de avaliaÃÃo para formar outro fator: trÃs estÃdios de desenvolvimento distintos (Vegetativo, FloraÃÃo e FrutificaÃÃo) com o regime hÃdrico (2x3). A coleta da goma foi realizada quinzenalmente, totalizando 30 coletas gerais. Para estimular uma maior produÃÃo de goma foi aplicado um estimulante quÃmico. Mensalmente foram monitoradas as trocas gasosas das plantas e os teores de carboidratos solÃveis das folhas. No perÃodo da safra foi avaliada a produÃÃo de castanha e pedÃnculo, alÃm dos sÃlidos solÃveis do pedÃnculo. Economicamente foi avaliado o custo total da produÃÃo simultÃnea dos produtos citados e a estimativa do custo unitÃrio da goma em R$/kg, alÃm de receitas e lucros dessa exploraÃÃo. As variÃveis, apÃs teste F, foram submetidas ao teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, avaliadas pelo software SAS. A taxa fotossintÃtica foi mais influenciada pela aplicaÃÃo de Ãgua (apresentando diferenÃa estatÃstica para quase todos os meses), enquanto a condutÃncia estomÃtica apresentou diferenÃa estatÃstica para apenas alguns dos meses avaliados. A variaÃÃo no nÃvel de adubaÃÃo nÃo acarretou significÃncia para as trocas gasosas. Considerando as fases fenolÃgicas, as menores taxas de trocas gasosas ocorreram na fase de frutificaÃÃo, apresentando diferenÃa estatÃstica quando comparadas Ãs outras duas fases. O comportamento dos teores de carboidratos solÃveis nas folhas foi inverso ao observado para as trocas gasosas, com menores valores no estÃdio de floraÃÃo, indicando a produÃÃo e translocaÃÃo para os fortes drenos no perÃodo de floraÃÃo e preenchimento dos frutos. Na produÃÃo de goma no segundo semestre, as plantas quando irrigadas com menor nÃvel de adubaÃÃo apresentaram menores produÃÃes. Considerando a produÃÃo anual, nÃo houve diferenÃa estatÃstica entre os tratamentos. As produÃÃes de castanha e de pedÃnculo nÃo apresentaram diferenÃa estatÃstica entre os tratamentos, independente do fator e atà comparando-se com uma parcela testemunha (sem aplicaÃÃo de tratamentos e sem extraÃÃo da goma). Entretanto, para os sÃlidos solÃveis do pedÃnculo, a testemunha apresentou elevados valores em ÂBrix, diferenciando dos tratamentos em sequeiro com 50 e 150% de adubaÃÃo. Avaliando o custo total de produÃÃo, no nÃvel de 150% foi evidenciado o maior e menor custo, no irrigado e em sequeiro, respectivamente. No cenÃrio irrigado com 50% da adubaÃÃo recomendada foi encontrado o maior preÃo unitÃrio da goma para cobrir os custos. O menor custo de produÃÃo da goma de cajueiro (R$ 49,18) foi encontrado no sequeiro com 50% da adubaÃÃo recomendada. As plantas em regime de sequeiro e com 100% da adubaÃÃo recomendada apresentaram maiores lucros, quando exploradas integralmente. / The gum arabic in Brazil has broad relevance in the food, pharmaceutical industries and cosmetics area. The cashew gum has much similarity to gum arabic, with potential to replace it. So, the objective of this study was to evaluate physiological and economic responses to the simultaneous production of gum, pseudo fruit and fruit of plants dwarf cashew grown under two water regimes and three different levels of fertilization. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station Pacajus, of the Embrapa Agroindustry Tropical, for a period of fifteen months, in dwarf cashew plants of clone CCP-76, with 18 aged and spaced 7 meters between plants e rows. The plants were subjected to two water regimes, irrigated and not irrigated. For each these systems were applies three different levels of mineral nutrition: 50%, 100% e 150% of the recommended fertilization. The experiment was set up as a factorial 2x3. Also factorial cited we used the month evaluation to form another factor: three distinct developmental stages (vegetative, flowering and fruiting) with the water regimes (2x3). The collection of gum was realized the each two weeks, totaling 30 samples. To stimulate greater production of gum a chemical stimulant was applied. Monthly were monitored gas exchange of plants and soluble carbohydrate contents of the leaves. In the period of crop were evaluated production of the cashew nuts and peduncle, also of soluble solids from the peduncle. Economically were evaluates the total cost of the simultaneous production of products mentioned and the estimated unit cost of the gum, also of revenues and profits from this holding. The variables after F tests, were submitted to the Tukey test at 5% of probability, evaluated using the SAS software. The photosynthetic rate was more influenced by water application (presenting statistical difference for almost all months), while stomatal conductance showed statistical significance for only a few months evaluated. The variation in the level of fertilization didnât cause significant for gas exchange. Considering the phenological phases, the lowest rates of gas exchange occurred during the fruiting phase, showing statistical difference when compared to the other phases. The behavior of the levels of soluble carbohydrates in the leaves was opposite to that observed in gas Exchange, with lower values at flowering, indicating the production and translocation to the drains Strong in the period of flowering and fruit filling. In the production of gum in second half of year, when the plants irrigated with lower fertilizer showed smaller productions. Considering the annual production, there wasnât statistical difference among treatments. The production of cashew nuts and peduncle there didnât show statistical difference among treatments, regardless of factor and too comparing with a control plot (without application of treatments and without extraction of gum). However, for the soluble solids from the peduncle, the control showed high values in ÂBrix, differencing of treatments not irrigated with 50 and 150% of fertilization. Evaluating the total cost of production, in the level 150% was evidence the highest and the lowest cost, in the irrigated and not irrigated, respectively. In irrigated with 50% of the recommended fertilizer was found the highest unit price of te gum, for to cover the costs. The lowest cost of producer gum cashew (R$ 49,18) was found in system not irrigated with 50% of the recommended fertilization. Plants in system not irrigated had higher profits when exploited fully.

Avaliação do efeito fisiológico do uso de fungicidas na cultura de soja / Evaluation of physiological effect of fungicides on soybean crop

Marco Antonio Tavares Rodrigues 11 December 2009 (has links)
A utilização de produtos de ação fitotônica tem estimulado pesquisas em diversas áreas da agricultura, dentre elas destaca-se a utilização de fungicidas de efeito fisiológico. Um dos mais promissores é a estrobilurina Piraclostrobina, que além da ação fungicida tem ocasionado aumento de produtividade atribuída aos efeitos fisiológicos proporcionados, os quais são conhecidos nas fases vegetativa e reprodutiva. Sendo assim, foram conduzidos experimentos em campo e em casa de vegetação durante quatro anos consecutivos (2004 a 2007) com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito fisiológico em diferentes variedades cultivadas de soja à aplicação da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina. Em 2004, o crescimento das variedades cultivadas de soja CD-208, BRS-133 e Conquista foi acompanhado ao longo do ciclo de cultivo em amostragens destrutivas a cada sete dias. O fungicida Piraclostrobina + Epoxiconazol foi aplicado no momento em que as plantas se encontravam nos estádios fenológicos R5, R4 e R3, respectivamente. As parcelas pulverizadas apresentaram maior produção de massa de matéria seca, maior índice de área foliar e maior produtividade. Em 2005, foram utilizadas as variedades cultivadas Conquista, CD-208 e Monsoy- 7501. Concluiu-se que o fungicida Piraclostrobina + Epoxiconazol promove: (i) aumento da fotossíntese líquida; (ii) melhoria da eficiência de assimilação de nitrogênio devido ao aumento da atividade da enzima nitrato redutase (ANR); (iii) diminuição da síntese de etileno (SE) (redução da senescência e queda de folhas); (iv) aumento da fitomassa seca total; (v) aumento da área foliar; (vi) aumento do teor de clorofila (efeito verde); (vii) melhoria dos resultados em ambientes com mais estresse; (viii) diminuição da incidência de Phomopsis spp. e de Cercospora kikuchii na semente; e (ix) aumento (tendência) do teor de óleo na semente. Em 2006, foram confirmados os resultados referentes aos anos anteriores utilizando as variedades cultivadas Monsoy-8008-RR, Monsoy-7878-RR e BRS-245-RR. Além disso, verificou-se que a aplicação de Piraclostrobina aumentou a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes (peroxidade, superóxido dismutase e catalase) e diminuiu a atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase e aumentou os teores dos hormônios citocininas (zeatinas e isopentinil adenina), giberelinas (GA3) e ácido indolbutírico. Em 2007, foi conduzido experimento em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de avaliar o tempo de resposta de variáveis fisiológicas à aplicação da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina. Utilizou-se a variedade cultivada Conquista em vaso. Na fase vegetativa (estádios fenológicos V2-V3 e V8-V9), foram observados efeitos fisiológicos nas trocas gasosas até 7 DAA e para a ANR e SE até 16 e 18 DAA, respectivamente. Na fase reprodutiva (estádios R1-R2 e R5.1), foi verificado aumento na atividade fotossintética até 10 DAA no estádio R1-R2 e até 7 DAA no estádio R5.1. Em relação ao incremento da SE e ANR, foram evidenciados efeitos da estrobilurina Piraclostrobina somente até 7 e 6 DAA no estádio R1 e 3 e 16 DAA no estádio R5.1, respectivamente. / The use of products with tonic action in plants has stimulated research in different areas of agriculture, where the use of fungicides with physiological effect became important. One of the most promising is the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin, that in addition to the fungicidal action has caused an increase in productivity attributed to the physiological effects provided, which are known in the vegetative and reproductive phases. Therefore, experiments were carried out in greenhouse and field during four consecutive years (2004 to 2007) with the purpose of evaluating the physiological effect on different soybean cultivars to application of the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin. In 2004, the soybean growth, cultivars CD-208, BRS-133 and Conquista, was monitored during the crop cycle using destructive sampling every seven days. The Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole fungicide was applied at the time the plants were in R5, R4 and R3 growth stages, respectively. The treated areas showed higher production of dry matter, greater leaf area index and greater productivity. In 2005, the cultivars Conquista, CD-208 and Monsoy-7501 were used. It was concluded that Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole promotes: (i) increasing of net photosynthesis, (ii) improving the efficiency of nitrogen assimilation due to the increasing of nitrate reductase activity (NRA), (iii) decreasing the ethylene production (reduction of senescence and leaf fall), (iv) increasing the total dry mass, leaf area and chlorophyll content (green effect), (v) improving the performance in environments with more stress; (vi) reducing the incidence of Phomopsis spp. and Cercospora kikuchii in the seed, and (vii) increasing (trend) of oil content in the seed. In 2006, the results were confirmed according to the previous years using the cultivars Monsoy-8008-RR, Monsoy-7878-RR and BRS-245-RR. Besides, it was found that the application of Pyraclostrobin increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes (peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase) and reduced the PPO activity and increased levels of the following hormones: cytokinins (zeatin and adenine isopentinil), gibberellins (GA3) and indole butyric acid. In 2007, a greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the response time of physiological variables to the application of strobilurin Pyraclostrobin. The Conquista cultivar was used in pots. In the vegetative phase (V2-V3 and V8-V9 growth stages), physiological effects on gas exchange were observed until 7 DAA and for the NRA and ethylene synthesis (ES) until 16 and 18 DAA, respectively. In the reproductive phase (R1-R2 and R5.1 stages), an increasing of photosynthetic activity was verified until 10 DAA at R1-R2 stage and up to 7 DAA at R5.1 stage. Regarding to the increasing of the ES and NRA, the strobilurin Pyraclostrobin effects were observed only until to 7 and 6 DAA at R1 stage and 3 and 16 DAA at R5.1 stage, respectively.

Gas Exchange and Water Relations of Two Alpine and Two Arctic Tundra Plant Species

Johnson, Douglas Allan 01 May 1975 (has links)
Although water stress is an important selective force in many environments, it is not commonly considered to be of particular importance in tundra areas. Even t hough large portions of tundra may have an abundance of water, other more exposed areas may become quite dry. This microsite variability with respect to moisture stress was reflected in soil water potential measurements obtained from an alpine tundra area on Niwot Ridge in Colorado. Even though soil water potentials were consistently above -5 bars in a relatively low lying Deschampsia meadow, soil water potentials from an exposed fellfield area were often as low as -15 bars. Since moisture stress affects a number of important physiological processes in plants and since moisture stress may develop in at least some tundra areas, this study was undertaken to determine whether the sensitivity of plant physiological processes to water stress may be one important contributing factor in determining the microsite distribution of different tundra species. The alpine tundra species examined in this study were Deschampsia caespitosa which is typically found in wet meadow habitats and Geum rossii, a species which ranges from wet meadow to exposed fellfield habitats. The arctic tundra species investigated were Dupontia fischeri which is restricted mainly to wet meadow areas and Carex aquatilis, a species ranging from wet meadows to drier, more exposed areas. For both the arctic and al pine tundra species, though the photosynthetic capacities of the tundra species restricted mainly to wet meadow areas were higher under conditions of low moisture stress, the wider ranging tundra species were able to maintain greater photosynthetic capacity as soil moisture stress increased. Although the depression of photosynthesis with water stress in these tundra species could be partially attributed to reduced stomatal aperture, with decreased soil water potential most of the decline of photosynthesis was due to a greater non-stomatal or residual resistance, indicating a direct impact of water stress on the photosynthetic apparatus. Dark respiration did not increase with enhanced water stress. Thus, although photorespiration may have increased, increased mitochondrial respiration is unlikely involved in the depression of net photosynthesis. The wet site species typically exhibited higher photosynthesis/transpiration ratios for photosynthesis at low soil moisture stress levels; however, as soil moisture stress increased, the wider ranging species generally maintained higher photosynthesis/transpiration ratios. At high soil water potentials stomata of the species restricted typically to wet meadow tundra areas did not appear to undergo a closing response until the bulk leaf water potential decreased; however, reduced stomatal aperture of the tundra species with a wider distribution was noted before leaf water potential dropped. Although the stomatal mechanism of wet site tundra species exhibited lower degrees of occlusion at high soil water potentials, for the more widely distributed tundra species, Carex and especially Geum, stomatal closure was less pronounced as soil water potential decreased. The ability of Geumto maintain a low liquid phase water transfer resistance from the soil to the leaves as well as to experience relatively small reductions in turgor pressure as moisture stress increased may be important factors in maintaining a favorable leaf water balance over a rather broad range of soil moisture regimes. Differences in turgor pressure response with respect to moisture stress may be associated with differences in cell wall elasticity. Calculations of cell wall elasticity suggest that the wider ranging species have more elastic cell walls as compared with the more rigid, inelastic cell walls in the wet site tundra species. The results of this study show that tundra plants have different gas exchange sensitivities and water relation responses with respect to moisture stress and suggest that these at tributes may be important contributing factors in determining the local distribution of these species.

Responses of C3 and C4 Panicum grasses to CO2 enrichment

Ghannoum, Oula, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, School of Horticulture January 1997 (has links)
This project aims at investigating the effect of CO2 enrichment on the growth and gas exchange of C3, C3-C4 and C4 Panicum grasses. Potted plants were grown in soil under well watered conditions, in artificially lit environmentally controlled cabinets or naturally lit greenhouses at varying levels of CO2 enrichment. CO2 enrichment enhanced the dry weight of C3 and C4 Panicum species under optimal light and N supplies, but had no effect on the total leaf N or TNC concentrations. The high-CO2 induced photosynthetic reaction in the C3 species was accompanied by a reduced Rubisco concentration and was related to the conservation of the relative growth rate of the plant. Elevated CO2 had no effect on the photosynthetic capacity of the C4 species, but enhanced its CO2 assimilation rates under high light and N supplies. The effect of elevated CO2 on the leaf and stem anatomy reflected increased carbon supply at high CO2 in the C3 grass, and reduced transpiratory demand at high CO2 in C4 grasses. Consequently, it is clear that both C3 and C4 grasses are likely to be more productive under rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Carbon dioxide eddy flux measurements in complex terrain from a coniferous forest under the influence of marine air

Anthoni, Peter M. 02 May 1996 (has links)
Graduation date: 1997

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