Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gearbox"" "subject:"shearbox""
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Virtual verification and improvement of innovative wind turbine gearbox design / Virtuell verifiering och förbättring av design för innovativ vindkraftverksväxellådaPierratos, Ioannis January 2021 (has links)
Cascade Drives develops electromechanical linear actuators based on multiple pinions interacting with a gear rack. With a patented load sharing mechanism, that uses flexible torsional elements, the torque is equally distributed among the pinions. The same technology was used to develop an innovative wind turbine gearbox design for a Vestas V52 wind turbine, which is more compact and consists of less parts than the current solutions. In this thesis project, this gearbox design was analyzed through software tools, in order to verify its feasibility and refine its design for improvement. In the first part of this thesis, the gearbox was analyzed using Romax, a drivetrain analysis software. From this analysis, the gearbox’s gears, bearings, shafts and housing were assessed and some design refinements were done based on the results to improve the gearbox’s safety factors and life time. In the second part of this thesis, multibody dynamic (MBD) simulations were performed for the gearbox using MSC ADAMS, to study the dynamic response of the gearbox for three load cases of interest. An MBD model was created, which included the tooth contact flexibility and the flexibility of the torsional elements. Through these simulations, the flexible torsional elements’ stiffness was tuned in order to achieve an equal torque distribution among the gears for this application. Thus, the gearbox design was verified as a feasible solution for a Vestas V52 wind turbine. / Cascade Drives utvecklar elektromekaniska linjära ställdon baserade på flera pinjonger som interagerar med ett kuggrack. Med en patenterad lastdelningsmekanism som tillåter torsion, är vridmomentet lika fördelat mellan alla pinjonger. Samma teknik har använts för att utveckla en innovativ vindkraftväxellåda för ett Vestas V52 vindkraftverk, som är mer kompakt och består av färre delar än de nuvarande lösningarna. I denna avhandling analyserades denna växellådsdesign genom mjukvaruverktyg för att verifiera dess genomförbarhet och förfina dess design. I den första delen analyserades växellådan med Romax, en mjukvara för analys av drivlinor. Från denna analys utvärderades växellådans växlar, lager, axlar och hus och vissa konstruktionsförbättringar gjordes baserat på resultaten för att förbättra växellådans säkerhetsfaktorer och livslängd. I den andra delen utfördes multikroppsdynamiska (MBD) simuleringar för växellådan med MSC ADAMS, för att studera växellådans dynamiska svar för tre belastningsfall av intresse. En MBD -modell skapades, som inkluderade kuggkontaktflexibiliteten och lastfördelningselementens flexibilitet. Genom dessa simuleringar justerades styvheten för att uppnå en jämn vridmomentsfördelning mellan växlarna för applikationen. Växellådskonstruktionen verifierades således som en genomförbar lösning för ett Vestas V52 vindkraftverk.
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On synchronization of heavy truck transmissionsHäggström, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Gear shifts are becoming more and more important as engines are adapted to low speed high torque working conditions. Synchronizers are key components for successful gear shifts. To adapt the synchronizers to new working conditions due to adaptations to new engines, improved development tools are needed. The presented thesis describes the development of two types of numerical models for the synchronization process, namely fluid-structure interaction to simulate the pre-synchronization phase and thermomechanical FE models to simulate the main synchronization phase. A methodology for developing friction models based on a combination of physical testing and numerical simulations is presented. Additionally, a comprehensive gear shift and synchronizer frame of reference section is presented. In paper A, two numerical fluid-structure interaction simulation models for assessing the pre-synchronization phase are presented. Simulations show that the synchronizer functionality is highly dependent on the gear shift maneuvering system, and that grooves in the synchronizer surface have a positive effect on the oil evacuation during the pre-synchronization phase. Paper B describes the development of a numerical thermomechanical model for simulating the main synchronization phase. Two parameter studies were performed, one based on external loads and one based on synchronizer geometry. The effect on the temperature increase from differences in thermal properties between molybdenum and carbon friction linings are presented. In paper C, a verification and validation methodology for highly transient thermomechanical processes was presented. Numerical verification, bulk temperature measurement, surface temperature measurement and qualitative visual inspection were combined to verify and validate the simulation model presented in paper B. In paper D, a methodology combining physical testing with an thermomechanical simulation model to develop a friction model was exemplified by a molybdenum coated synchronizer. A simplified thermal model was developed to remove the dependence of full finite element thermal models. The friction models shows good agreement with measured data. / Betydelsen av växlingar i en växellåda har ökat, och synkroniseringsenheter är viktiga komponenter för snabba och robusta växlingar. För att anpassa synkroniseringsenheterna till nya arbetsförhållanden och laster krävs nya utvecklingsverktyg. Denna avhandling innehåller två typer av numeriska modeller för att simulera synkroniseringsförloppet. Multifysikmodeller som kopplar samman oljeflöde och solida kroppar används för att simulera försynkroniseringsfasen. En termomekanisk modell används för att simulera synkroniseringsfasen. En metod för att utveckla friktionsmodeller under synkroniseringsfasen genom att kombinera fysisk provning med numerisk simulering presenteras. Dessutom finns ett utförligt kapitel om synkroniserings- och växlingsteori. I artikel A presenteras två olika "Fluid-Structure interaction" ("Interaktion mellan vätskeflöde och solida kroppar") för att simulera försynkroniseringsfasen. Simuleringarna visar att synkroniseringsenheter är väldigt beroende av de aktuatorer de är kopplade till, samt att oljedräneringsspår i kontaktytan har en positiv effekt för försynkroniseringsförloppet. Artikel B beskriver utvecklingen av en termomekanisk modell för att simulera synkroniseringsförloppet. Två parameterstudier utfördes, en där de externa lasterna utvärderas, och en där geometrin på synkroniseringsenheten utvärderas. Effekten av skillnaden i termiska egenskaper hos molybden och kolfiber utvärderas också. Artikel C beskriver metodik för verifiering och validering av termomekaniska simuleringar av starkt transienta förlopp. En kombination av numerisk verifiering, temperaturmätning i materialet, yttemperaturmätning samt kvalitativ visuell bedömning används för att verifiera och validera simuleringsmodellen som utvecklades i artikel B. I artikel D beskrivs en metodik för att kombinera fysiska prover med en uppdaterad termomekanisk simuleringsmodell för att beskriva friktionsbeteendet under synkronisering. Metoden exemplifieras med en molybdenbelagd synkroniseringsenhet. En förenklad termisk modell utvecklas för att kunna beskriva friktionsbeteendet utan att använda tidskrävande finita elementmodeller. Den nya friktionsmodellen överensstämmer väl med uppmätt data. / <p>QC 20160218</p>
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Dynamic Simulations of Compact Gearbox for RobotsUrasim, Muhammad January 2024 (has links)
This thesis project is conducted in collaboration with Swepart Transmission AB, aimed to dynamically simulate the compact gearbox design with planetary gears meant to be used in robots. The primary objective of this project is to analyze operational principles of planetary gears and their suitability for mitigating lost motion (backlash). Simulations have been carried out using MSC Adams software where the input speed is 1400 rpm on the pinion gear, which is equal to 1100 deg/s when applied to the sun gear. An adjustment gear is mounted atop sun gear, which is used to adjust the position of the planet gears and it is locked with different variations of 0, 5 and 10 degrees of angular displacement to adjust the planet gears. Additionally, one of the planet gears is selected and the position of teeth in that planet gear is deviated by 10, 20, 30 and 40 micrometers and these new gears are then placed in position of the existing planet gear one by one. These models are then simulated to study the variations and effects of angular velocity on the ring gears, angular velocity of the adjustment gear, displacement in radial direction of the planet gear after it is adjusted, force and torque generated on contact between the planet gear and the ring gear over a period of 5 seconds using 1000 time steps.
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Lastverteilungsberechnung an doppelschrägverzahnten Planetengetrieben / Determination of load distributions on double helical geared planetary gear boxesSchulze, Tobias, Riedel, Konrad 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die ersten Umlaufrädergetriebe wurden in Planetarien verwendet, um die Bewegung der Gestirne exakt aufzuzeigen. Bis in die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden sie danach meist zur Lösung schwieriger Regelaufgaben verwendet. Erst durch größere Fortschritte in der Werkstoff- und Fertigungstechnik wurden Umlaufrädergetriebe als Drehmomentenwandler eingesetzt. Dadurch konnten die großen Vorteile der Umlaufrädergetriebe gegenüber Stirnradgetrieben in der Antriebstechnik genutzt werden. Umlaufrädergetriebe ermöglichen hohe Übersetzungen bei geringem Bauraum und Gewicht, da die Leistung über mehrere Zahnkontakte übertragen wird. Des Weiteren gibt es neben dem Zweiwellenbetrieb die Möglichkeit, im Dreiwellenbetrieb voneinander unabhängige Drehbewegungen zu überlagern. Dadurch sind beispielsweise Regelungsaufgaben bei Windenergieanlagen möglich. Dabei wird die Ungleichförmigkeit des Windes über einen zweiten drehzahlvariablen Antrieb ausgeglichen, damit am Abtrieb eine stets gleichmäßige Drehzahl am Generator anliegt. Weitere Vorteile sind die koaxiale Lage von Antrieb und Abtrieb und die symmetrische Bauform. MDESIGN LVR planet wurde entwickelt, um die Berechnung der Lastverteilung über der Zahnflanke und der Lastaufteilung auf die Planetenräder in Planetengetrieben zu übernehmen. Es ist möglich, diese Berechnung für geradverzahnte, einfachschräg- und doppeltschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe im Zwei- und Dreiwellenbetrieb durchzuführen. Da doppelschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe in Getrieben mit hohen Drehzahlen häufig in der Industrie verwendet werden, untersucht diese Forschungsarbeit die Theorie zur Umsetzung der Berechnung von Lastverteilungen unter dem Aspekt der Zeit – und Kosteneffizienz. Dabei sollen spezifische Probleme bei der Berechnung der Breitenlastverteilung über der Zahnflanke für doppelschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe erfasst werden. Diese Probleme umfassen bei Doppelschrägverzahnung beispielsweise die hohen Torsionsverformungen, die Aufteilung der Last auf die Zahnhälften und die gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Verformung der Zahnhälften untereinander.
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Robot Condition Monitoring : A first step in Condition Monitoring for robotic applicationsDanielson, Hugo, von Schmuck, Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
The industrial world is in constant demand for faster, cheaper and higher quality manufacturing. Robot utilisation and automation has evolved to become a necessary asset to master in order to stay competitive in the global market. With the growing dependency on robots, unexpected downtime and brakedowns can cause devastating loss of revenue. Consequently, this has lead to an increased importance for an accurate condition based way of performing robotic maintenance. As of writing, robots are predominantly maintained through time dependent maintenance. Part replacement is based on statistical models where maintenance is performed without taking the actual robot condition into consideration. As a result an overall level of uncertainty is ensued, where lacking the ability to properly diagnose the robot, also leads to superfluous repairs. Because of the costly impact this has on production, a condition based maintenance approach to robots would yield increased reliability at a lower cost of maintenance. This research focuses on trying to monitor vibrations in a robot, so as to infer about wear and to provide a first step in vibration based Robot Condition Monitoring. This research has been of multidisciplinary nature where robotics, tribology, mechanical component, signal analysis and diagnosis theory have overlapped in several areas throughout the project. The research has provided a vibration baseline and trends of the theoretical bearing defect frequencies for a hypocycloid gearbox installed on an ABB IRB6600 robot. The gearbox was not worn to a level that a severe gearbox degradation was irrefutably detectable and analysable. Accelerometers normally used on wind turbines were used for the project, and are believed to be sufficiently successful in capturing bearing related signals to accredit it for continued use at the preliminary stages of Robot Condition Monitoring development. A worn RV410F hypocycloid gearbox, was dismantled and analysed. Bearings found inside indicate high degrees of moisture corrosion and extensive surface wear. These findings had decisive roles in what future work recommendations where presented. Areas with great potential are condition monitoring through the use of Acoustic Emission and lubrication analysis. Further recommendations include investigating signal analysis techniques such as cepstrum pre-whitening and discrete wavelet transforms.
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Development of a SimulationModel of an Automatic GearboxWendelius, Ludvig January 2012 (has links)
A simulation model for an automatic gearbox with primary retarder has been constructedand implemented, in this thesis. Together with other modelled vehicle components, thismodel could for example be used for fuel consumption estimation or optimizing vehicleparameters.The mechanical components and the control system inside the automatic gearbox weremodelled separately and then assembled into the nal gearbox model, using the objectorientedprogramming language Modelica. Modelica ensures that each individual componentcan be reused in other models.The gearbox model was validated through a number of test cycles designed to capturedierent vehicle behaviours. The test cycles were recreated in the simulation environmentand the simulation results could be compared to a real vehicle performing the same tests.Validation showed that the model succeeded in its goal, that the implemented model isreproducing similar behaviour as the real gearbox. With gear shifts taking place in aboutthe same situations and converter locking/unlocking occurring the same time in the simulationsas in the real vehicle testing. / I det här examensarbetet har en simuleringsmodell för en automatisk växellåda med primär retarder utvecklats och implementerats. Tillsammans med andra modeller från fordonoch drivlina skulle denna simuleringsmodell kunna användas för att uppskatta ett fordonsbränsleförbrukning eller till att optimera olika fordonsparametrar.De olika mekaniska komponenterna samt kontrollsystemet i växellådan modellerades separat.Dessa modeller kunde sedan sammanfogas för att bygga den slutliga växellådsmodellen.Alla modeller implementerades i det objektorienterade programmeringsspråket Modelica,som tillåter en stor återanvändningsbarhet till vardera enskild komponent.Den implementerade modellen verierades genom ett antal provcykler, utformade för attfånga olika beteenden hos växellådan. Dessa cykler har återskapats i simuleringsmiljön ochmed det kunde resultat från simuleringar jämföras mot data från ett verkligt fordon somutförde samma prov.Från verieringen har slutsatsen dragits att modellen uppfyllde målen med projektet. Målen var, att den slutliga simuleringsmodellen visar ett liknande beteende som en växellåda i ett verkligen fordon. Växlingar och låsning/upplåsning hos momentomvandlareninträande vid ungefär samma situationer i simuleringarna som i provningen med det verkligafordonet.
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Design of a reluctance synchronous machine for an electric vehicle with a multi speed gearboxVorster, Christiaan Willem 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Conventional electrical vehicles (EVs) favour mostly permanent magnet
machines with single speed gearboxes. This is understandable, the PM machine
has a high power density making the electrical machine smaller in size.
The PM machine also has a favourable field weakening capability combining
this with a single speed gearbox nearly perfectly matches the required traction
curve. However the dependency of rare earth metals from China and the
environmental issues raised by mining these metals raise concern. Therefore
alternatives should be considered. Induction -, switch reluctance - and wound
rotor machines are all gaining ground as favourable traction machines to power
vehicles. The reluctance synchronous machine (RSM) is known for it’s robustness
and high efficiency, however the machine has a limited field-weakening
capability. To overcome this short coming a multi gearbox from an internal
combustion engine (ICE) is suggested.
By combining the RSM and multi speed gearbox it is possible to match the
traction curve. There are numerous advantages offered by using this system,
especially from an performance and efficiency point of view. However there
are also numerous challenges faced by using the suggested powertrain, however
the focus of this study is mainly on performance and efficiency of the motor
and the powertrain.
As a case study a Corsa 140i is used and the design specifications is taken
from the ICE. The aim is to design a RSM that meets the specifications of
the ICE. The RSM structure is mathematically modelled then optimized using
commercial optimization and 2D finite element software. To evaluate the design of the RSM, the motor is then tested. The powertrain is then tested by
connecting the motor onto the gearbox of the Corsa and the efficiency of the
powertrain is evaluated.
The test results it shown that the RSM can be used as a traction motor.
There are two motors built one with NO20 and the other with M530-65A
lamination steel. Both motors perform well throughout the speed and torque
spectrum. The measured efficiency at the rated condition for the motor with
the NO20 steel is above 91% and the motor with the M530-65A laminations
above 89%. The power train is is tested in 4th and 5th gear. The efficiency of
4th and 5th gear is approximated and the efficiency is above 90% . This high
efficiency makes the multi speed gearbox a competitor for the EV power train. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elektrisie voertuie (EVe) het meestal permanent magneet motors met ’n
enkel spoed ratkas. Dit is verstaanbaar, die PMS masjien het ’n hoë krag
digtigheid wat die masjien kleiner maak in grote. Die PMS masjien het ’n
baie goeie vloed veld verswakkings gebied en as dit gekombineer word met
’n enkel spoed ratkas, volg dit die velangde traksie kurwe amper perfek. Die
nadeel is dat die PMS motor skaars aard metale nodig het vir die magnete
van China af. Die probleem is dat daar baie omgewings probleme gepaard
gaan om die metale te myn en China beheer die mark. As gevolg hiervan
moet ander tipe motors oorweeg word as traksie motors vir voertuie. Skakel
reluktansie, induksie en ’n wikkel rotor motors is almal besig om vordering te
maak as traksie motors vir EV’e. Die sinchroon reluktansie motor (RSM) is
bekend as ’n robuuste en effektiewe motor. Die probleem met die RSM is dat
dit nie ’n goeie vloed veld verswakkings gebied het nie. Om die probleem te
oorkom, word ’n veranderlike spoed ratkas van ’n binnebrand engin voorgestel.
Deur om die RSM en die veranderlike spoed ratkas as ’n dryfstelsel te gebruik
kan die verlangde traksie kurwe ook verkry word. Daar is talle voordele
om ’n veranderlike spoed ratkas te gebruik, veral van af ’n draaimoment verrigting
en effektiwiteits oogpunt. Daar is ongelukkig ook baie uitdagings wat
gepaard gaan as ’n veranderlike spoed ratkas gebruik wil word in die dryfstelsel.
Alhoewel daar baie uitdagings is kyk die studie slegs na die draaimoment verrigting en die effektiwiteit van die dryfstelsel.
’n Corsa 140i word as ’n gevallestudie gebruik en die spesifikasies vir die
elektrisie motor word vanaf die spesifikasies van die binnebrand engin geneem.
Die doel is om ’n motor te ontwerp wat dieselfde spesifikasies het as die binnebrand
engin. Die RSM strukstuur word wiskundig gemodelleer en dan geoptimeer
deur gebruik te maak van kommersiele optimering en 2D eindige element
sagteware. Om die ontwerp te verifieer word die motor getoets. Die dryfstelsel
word dan getoets deur om die motor met die raktas te konnekteer. Die draaimoment
verrigting en die effektiwiteit word dan ge-evalueer.
Twee motors word gebou, een met NO20 laminasies en een met M530-65A
laminasies. Beide motors het goeie verrigting deur die spoed en draaimoment
gebied. Die gemeete effektiwiteit van die motor met die NO20 laminasies is bo
91% en die motor met die M530-65A laminasies het ’n gemeete effektiwiteit
bo 89%. Die toets resultate wys dat die RSM as ’n traksie motor gebruik
kan word. Die dryfstelsel word in 4de en 5de rat ge-evalueer. Die effektiwiteit
van die ratkas in 4de en 5de word benader en ’n effektiwiteit bo 90% is verkry.
Hierdie hoë effektiwiteit maak die veranderlike spoed ratkas ’n lewensvatbare
mededinger in die EV dryfstelsel.
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Manutenção preditiva de um par engrenado através da análise de lubrificantes e da análise de vibrações utilizando a transformada de wavelet / Predictive maintenance of a gearbox through lubricant analysis and vibration analysis using the wavelet transformPereira, André Luis Vinagre 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ANDRÉ LUIS VINAGRE PEREIRA null (andreluisvp@gmail.com) on 2018-03-29T18:17:43Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Mestrado Final.pdf: 7001331 bytes, checksum: 858704904256f11c8131d5f17bd44a78 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-04-02T12:53:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
pereira_alv_me_ilha.pdf: 7001331 bytes, checksum: 858704904256f11c8131d5f17bd44a78 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-02T12:53:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Na manutenção preditiva, as análises dos sinais de vibração e das partículas do óleo são frequentemente utilizadas para o diagnóstico de falhas em redutores, porque elas contêm informações das condições de seus elementos mecânicos. Os sinais de vibração de um redutor geralmente têm muito ruído e a relação sinal-ruído é tão baixa que a extração de informações dos componentes do sinal é muito difícil, especialmente em situações práticas. Uma das soluções para este problema é a aplicação de técnicas de processamento do sinal para facilitar a obtenção de informações. Neste trabalho, uma técnica de cancelamento de ruído, a média temporal síncrona (TSA), e outra técnica da transformada contínua de wavelet de Morlet foram desenvolvidas para extração de recursos e diagnóstico de diferentes tipos de danos locais da engrenagem. Estas técnicas são aplicadas em sinais medidos em uma bancada experimental, que consiste em um par engrenado acoplado a um motor e a um gerador. Outro método para monitorar o estado do sistema é pela análise de partículas presente no óleo provenientes do desgaste das engrenagens. Avaliando a quantidade, formato, tamanho e material das partículas é possível obter informações das condições do equipamento e do tipo de desgaste ocorrido. Neste trabalho, foram feitas a análise do óleo pelas técnicas da ferrografia e contagem de partículas. A parte experimental deste trabalho foi dividida em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento as condições de um par engrenado durante toda a sua vida útil foi monitorada, enquanto que no segundo experimento, um entalhe foi feito na raiz do dente simulando uma trinca por fadiga. A análise das partículas de óleo mostrou quais tipos de desgastes estava ocorrendo e a técnica da transformada contínua de wavelet mostrou-se precisa na identificação de falhas em dentes de engrenagens, sendo possível indicar em qual dente a falha estava se desenvolvendo. / At the predictive maintenance, the vibration signals analysis and oil particles analysis are frequently used to diagnose failures in a gearbox, because they contain information about the condition of its mechanic’s elements. The vibration signals of a gearbox usually have a lot of noise and the ratio ‘signal-noise’ is very low, making the extraction of information from the signals component very hard, especially in a practical situation. One of the solutions to this problem is the application of technics of signal processing, to improve the collection of information. At this study, a technique of noise cancellation, Temporal Synchronous Average (TSA) and another technique called continuous transform with the Morlet wavelet were executed for the extraction of resources and diagnostics of different type of gears local damages. Those methods are applied to signals measured on an experimental test stand, consisting of a gearbox with an engine and a generator. Another method for monitoring system wear is by analyzing wear particles in the oil generated due to the wear on the gears. By evaluating the quantity, shape, size and material of the particles it is possible to obtain information about the conditions of the equipment and the type of wear that has occurred. During this work, it was done the analysis of the oil by the techniques of ferrography and particle counting. The experimental part of this study was divided into two experiments. On the first experiment was monitored the conditions of a couple meshed throughout its useful life and in the second was made a notch in the root of the tooth simulating a crack by fatigue. The analysis of the oil particles showed what types of wear was occurring and the technique of the continuous wavelet transform was accurate in the identification of defects in gear's teeth, and it was possible to indicate which tooth was failing.
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Manutenção preditiva de um par engrenado através da análise de lubrificantes e da análise de vibrações utilizando a transformada de wavelet /Pereira, André Luis Vinagre. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Carlos Gonçalves / Resumo: Na manutenção preditiva, as análises dos sinais de vibração e das partículas do óleo são frequentemente utilizadas para o diagnóstico de falhas em redutores, porque elas contêm informações das condições de seus elementos mecânicos. Os sinais de vibração de um redutor geralmente têm muito ruído e a relação sinal-ruído é tão baixa que a extração de informações dos componentes do sinal é muito difícil, especialmente em situações práticas. Uma das soluções para este problema é a aplicação de técnicas de processamento do sinal para facilitar a obtenção de informações. Neste trabalho, uma técnica de cancelamento de ruído, a média temporal síncrona (TSA), e outra técnica da transformada contínua de wavelet de Morlet foram desenvolvidas para extração de recursos e diagnóstico de diferentes tipos de danos locais da engrenagem. Estas técnicas são aplicadas em sinais medidos em uma bancada experimental, que consiste em um par engrenado acoplado a um motor e a um gerador. Outro método para monitorar o estado do sistema é pela análise de partículas presente no óleo provenientes do desgaste das engrenagens. Avaliando a quantidade, formato, tamanho e material das partículas é possível obter informações das condições do equipamento e do tipo de desgaste ocorrido. Neste trabalho, foram feitas a análise do óleo pelas técnicas da ferrografia e contagem de partículas. A parte experimental deste trabalho foi dividida em dois experimentos. No primeiro experimento as condições de um par engrenado d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: At the predictive maintenance, the vibration signals analysis and oil particles analysis are frequently used to diagnose failures in a gearbox, because they contain information about the condition of its mechanic’s elements. The vibration signals of a gearbox usually have a lot of noise and the ratio ‘signal-noise’ is very low, making the extraction of information from the signals component very hard, especially in a practical situation. One of the solutions to this problem is the application of technics of signal processing, to improve the collection of information. At this study, a technique of noise cancellation, Temporal Synchronous Average (TSA) and another technique called continuous transform with the Morlet wavelet were executed for the extraction of resources and diagnostics of different type of gears local damages. Those methods are applied to signals measured on an experimental test stand, consisting of a gearbox with an engine and a generator. Another method for monitoring system wear is by analyzing wear particles in the oil generated due to the wear on the gears. By evaluating the quantity, shape, size and material of the particles it is possible to obtain information about the conditions of the equipment and the type of wear that has occurred. During this work, it was done the analysis of the oil by the techniques of ferrography and particle counting. The experimental part of this study was divided into two experiments. On the first experiment was monitored the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Pertes mécaniques par frottement et lubrification dans une boîte de vitesses / Power losses and lubrication in automotiv gearboxLeprince, Gauthier 19 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le domaine automobile, les réductions de consommation de carburant et des émissions polluantes constituent des axes de recherches majeurs. Dans ce contexte, de nombreux efforts sont portés sur l’amélioration du rendement des boîtes de vitesses. Parmi l’ensemble des pertes générées dans une boîte de vitesses, les pertes par barbotage peuvent représenter une source de perte importante. Si différents modèles existent pour quantifier les pertes par barbotage, aucun d’entre eux ne prend en compte l’influence de la présence d’air dans le lubrifiant. Grâce à un banc d’essais spécifique, il est montré que l’aération de l’huile peut avoir un impact sur les pertes par barbotage. Un modèle original d’estimation des pertes dues à l’aération est alors développé. Ce dernier révèle que des propriétés du lubrifiant autres que la viscosité ou la masse volumique peuvent avoir une influence sur les pertes par barbotage. L’étude des pertes par barbotage conduit également à s’intéresser à ce mode de lubrification largement employé dans les boîtes de vitesses manuelles. Actuellement, la mise au point de cette méthode de lubrification souffre d’un manque d’informations portant principalement sur les débits mis en jeu lors du phénomène de projection d’huile par les pignons en rotation. L’analyse de ces débits d’huile est conduite au moyen d’un banc d’essais développé spécifiquement. Les nombreux résultats de mesures obtenus permettent de mieux appréhender ce phénomène de projection. Un modèle analytique est finalement proposé permettant d’estimer les débits d’huile projetée pouvant être utilisé lors de la mise au point de la lubrification d’une boîte de vitesses. / Reducing fuel consumption and automobile emissions are nowadays the main topics of research for the automotive industry. Therefore, the situation involves concentrating many efforts to improve gearbox efficiency. Churning losses may represent a significant source of loss among the losses generated in a gearbox. Several models have been developed to quantify churning losses but they do not consider the air present in the lubricant. The use of a specific test rig has revealed that oil aeration could have an impact on churning losses. A heuristic model estimating aeration induced losses has therefore been developed. The latter reveals that some unexpected lubricant's properties, apart from viscosity and density, may impact churning losses. Indeed, the study of churning losses also encourages learning more about this type of lubrication, widely used in manual gearboxes. There is currently a lack of information around the development of that method of lubrication. This lack of information bears mainly on the flows involved in the phenomenon of oil splashed up by the rotating gears. The analysis of the involved oil flows is carried out with a test rig designed for that purpose. Therefore, the numerous findings based on a series of measurements may help splash phenomenon to be better understood. Finally, an analytical model is proposed to help estimate the flow of oil splashed. Such model may be used for the development of gearbox lubrication.
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