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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Em tudo semelhante, em nada parecido : uma an?lise comparativa dos planos urbanos das miss?es jesu?ticas de Mojos Chiquitos, Guarani e Maynas (1607-1767)

Castilho Pereira, Ione Aparecida Martins 25 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:48:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 455137.pdf: 4842181 bytes, checksum: 8686c0e0cd7cdf1d0f7dcb205003de7f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-25 / This thesis intends to present a comparative analysis of the spatial organization of the urban plans of the jesuitic missions Guarani, Chiquitos, Mojos and Maynas. This study aims to know to what extent the evangelizer project undertook by Society of Jesus was similar and different concerning the spatial organization of these four missionary spatialities. To answer this inquiry, we established the years of 1607 to 1767 as a temporal delimitation. Such dates refer to the beginning of the jesuitic action in the Guarani missions, passing through Maynas missions foundation (1636), Mojos (1682), Chiquitos (1690), and finally the expulsion of the jesuits from Spanish America (1767). About the sources which are the focus of our analysis and comparison, they are both documental and bibliographic. Thus, what we seek is advance beyond the brief comparisons and the juxtapositions of informations in blocks of synthesis. Therefore, we intend to demonstrate, through a comparative analysis, that the diverse forms of existing, produced by indigenes and jesuits in these missionary spatialities, created not only differences, but also similarities from this relation with the inhabited space. / A presente tese tem por finalidade apresentar uma an?lise comparativa dos planos urbanos das miss?es jesu?ticas Guarani, Chiquitos, Mojos e Maynas. O objetivo deste estudo ? saber em que medida o projeto evangelizador empreendido pela Companhia de Jesus foi semelhante e diferente na organiza??o espacial destas quatro espacialidades missioneiras. Para responder a este questionamento, estabelecemos como delimita??o temporal os anos de 1607 a 1767. Tais datas referem-se ao in?cio da a??o jesu?tica nas miss?es Guarani, passando pelas funda??es das miss?es de Maynas (1636), Mojos (1682) e Chiquitos (1690), e, por fim, a data de expuls?o dos jesu?tas da Am?rica Espanhola (1767). J? as fontes que constituem o foco de nossa an?lise e compara??o s?o tanto documentais quanto bibliogr?ficas. Sendo assim, queremos ? avan?ar para al?m das breves compara??es e das justaposi??es de informa??es em blocos de s?nteses. Pretendemos demonstrar ent?o, atrav?s de uma an?lise comparativa, que as diversas formas do existir, produzidas por ind?genas e jesu?tas nestas espacialidades missioneiras, criaram como resultado desta rela??o com o espa?o habitado tanto diferen?as quanto semelhan?as.

Povos ind?genas : desafios e possibilidades ao direito de participa??o em pol?ticas de sa?de

Campodonico, Tha?s Recoba 31 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-10-22T10:28:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 475841 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1903448 bytes, checksum: 839aac317ec2df8ea255c8c634f08f92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-22T10:28:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 475841 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1903448 bytes, checksum: 839aac317ec2df8ea255c8c634f08f92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Este trabajo se ocupa de la Pol?tica Nacional de Atenci?n a la Salud Ind?gena en la Constituci?n Federal de 1988, la cual reconocer a los pueblos ind?genas sus especificidades ?tnicas, culturales y territoriales. La Pol?tica de Atenci?n de la Salud P?blica se configura en un ejercicio de equidad, que requieren acciones de salud a medida de SUS a diferentes regiones y poblaciones del Estado. Esto ocurri? con la Ley n. 9836/99, que regula el Subsistema de la Atenci?n a la Salud Ind?gena, equivalente al Sistema ?nico de Salud para los no-ind?genas. Por lo tanto, tenemos la intenci?n de verificar c?mo la poblaci?n ind?gena recibe la Pol?tica de Atenci?n de Atenci?n a la Salud, a la luz de los principios establecidos por la CF/88: universalidad, integralidad, equidad y participaci?n. En el ?mbito Estatal, existe legislaci?n vigente, como por ejemplo, la Portaria 254/2002 y decretos, los cuales determinan la eficacia de las Pol?ticas P?blicas de Atenci?n de Salud para los Pueblos Ind?genas, con ?nfasis en el deber de las condiciones de atenci?n de salud y adopci?n de un modelo de organizaci?n y los servicios, que tengan por objeto proteger, promover y restaurar la salud, adem?s de garantizar el ejercicio de la ciudadan?a de estos grupos ind?genas. El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar la Pol?tica P?blica de Salud de los Ind?genas a la luz de los principios constitucionales. Los objetivos espec?ficos son: investigar la relaci?n entre la pol?tica p?blica adoptada en la ciudad de Porto Alegre y el sistema del SUS; comprobar si hay en los principios del SUS la participaci?n y control social aplicados a los servicios que promueven la salud de los ind?genas; identificar los mecanismos de participaci?n y control social de esta poblaci?n en la legislaci?n que fue utilizada; y, finalmente, comprehender si el reconocimiento establecido en la CF/88 promueve la efectiva participaci?n en el Subsistema de Salud Ind?gena. El intento de la investigaci?n es hacer una b?squeda de la necesidad de la participaci?n y el control social en la ejecuci?n del acuerdo entre las ciudades y el estado del Rio Grande del Sur, en las comunidades ind?genas. La investigaci?n incluir? la literatura relacionada con el tema, tales como la Constituci?n Federal y la legislaci?n vigente, art?culos, disertaciones, tesis, participaci?n en conferencias y seminarios, y entrevistas con funcionarios p?blicos y l?deres ind?genas. / Este trabalho trata da pol?tica de aten??o nacional ? sa?de ind?gena a partir do texto Constitucional de 1988, o qual reconheceu aos povos ind?genas suas especificidades ?tnicas, culturais e territoriais. A pol?tica p?blica de aten??o ? sa?de se configura em um exerc?cio de equidade, necessitando adequar as a??es em sa?de do SUS aos diferentes territ?rios e popula??es do Estado. Isso ocorreu com a Lei n. 9.836/99, que regulamenta o Subsistema de Aten??o ? Sa?de Ind?gena, equivalente ao Sistema ?nico de Sa?de para os n?o ind?genas. Com isso, pretende-se verificar de que forma a popula??o ind?gena recebe a pol?tica de aten??o ? sa?de ? luz dos princ?pios estabelecidos pela CF/88: universalidade, integralidade, equidade e participa??o. Na esfera Estadual, h? legisla??o vigente tal como Portaria 254/2002 e decretos, os quais determinam a efetiva??o de pol?ticas p?blicas de aten??o ? sa?de aos povos ind?genas, enfatizando o dever de condi??es de assist?ncia ? sa?de, bem como a adotar um modelo de organiza??o e servi?os, que tenha como objetivo proteger, promover e recuperar a sa?de, al?m de garantir o exerc?cio da cidadania desses grupos ind?genas. O objetivo geral dessa disserta??o ? analisar a pol?tica p?blica de sa?de ind?gena ? luz dos princ?pios constitucionais. Tendo como objetivos espec?ficos: pesquisar a rela??o entre a pol?tica p?blica adotada no munic?pio de Porto Alegre ? rede do SUS; verificar dentre os princ?pios do SUS se h? participa??o e controle social aplicados aos servi?os que promovem a sa?de dos ind?genas; identificar os mecanismos de participa??o e controle social dessa popula??o na legisla??o que foi utilizada; e, por fim, entender se o reconhecimento estabelecido na CF/88 promove a efetiva participa??o do ind?gena no Subsistema de Sa?de Ind?gena. Busca-se no curso da pesquisa a necessidade da participa??o e do controle social na efetiva??o do pacto entre Munic?pios e Estado do Rio Grande do Sul nas comunidades ind?genas. A pesquisa contar? com levantamento bibliogr?fico que se relaciona ao tema, como a Constitui??o Federal e a legisla??o vigente, artigos, disserta??es, teses, participa??es em congressos e semin?rios, bem como entrevistas junto aos gestores p?blicos e l?deres ind?genas.

Galvijų prolaktino geno polimorfizmo tyrimai Lietuvos pieninių galvijų populiacijoje / Topic of Master thesis Investigations of cattle prolactin gene polymorphism in Lithuanian dairy cattle

Riaubaitė, Laura 15 April 2005 (has links)
Object of work. 1. Investigation of prolactin gene polymorphism and distribution of different alleles at Lithuanian cattle breeds (Lithuanian Red, Lithuanian Light Grey, Lithuanian White Backed, Lithuanian Black and White). 2 Investigation of prolactin (PRL) gene influence to milk production. Tasks of work. 1. Introduce cattle prolactin gene research methodology at K. Janušauskas Laboratory of Animal Genetics, LVA. 2. Investigate prolactin gene polymorphism at LR, LBW, LWB, LLG cattle breeds by molecular PCR-RFLP method. 3. Determine frequency of prolactin gene alleles and genotypes at LR, LBW, LWB, LLG cattle breeds. 4. Compose data base for dairy production of investigative cattle population. 5. Investigate influence of prolactin gene to milk yield, fat and proteins. Research methodology. 1. DNA extraction from: blood and hair roots. 2. PCR to amplify PRL gene. 3. RFLP method-PRL – enzyme RsaI. 3. Electrophoresis in agarose gel. 4. Staining with Etidium bromide. 5. Genotyping. Results. The following DNA restriction fragments were obtained for the PRL-RsaI polymorphism: 82 and 74 bp for the BB genotype, 156, 82 and 74 bp for the AB and 156 bp for the AA genotype. The AA genotype was found most frequent in all breeds (0.06 – 0.94), followed by the AB (0.06 – 0.37). The least frequent was the BB genotype (0.00 – 0.08). Prolactin gene A allele was found most frequent (0.97) at Lithuanian Light Grey, the least frequent (0.77) - at Lithuanian red cattle breed. Conclusions... [to full text]

The prevalence and risk factors of Staphylococcus aureus carriage, analysis of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors / Staphylococcus aureus nešiojimo paplitimas ir rizikos veiksniai, atsparumo antimikrobinėms medžiagoms ir virulentiškumo veiksnių analizė

Kirkliauskienė, Agnė 05 July 2011 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the S. aureus carriage cases in Vilnius adult population. The aim of the study – to determine the extent of S. aureus carriage of selected adult population and hospitalized patients in Vilnius and evaluate potential risk factors of its carriage as well as antimicrobial resistance of isolated strains and, prevailing genetic elements of the resistance and virulence. It was found that more S. aureus carriers detected in the community group than in hospitalized patients group. Greater isolated S. aureus strains resistance to antibiotics has been found in hospitalized patients group. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus were not isolated in the community group. Greater part of isolated S. aureus strains in community group was susceptible to all analyzed antimicrobial drugs. S. aureus strains resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin contained different genes in studied groups’: ermC dominated in community group, ermA – in hospitalized patients group. In terms of the incidence of tetracycline resistance genes in isolated S. aureus strains, tetK genes were dominant in MSSA and MRSA in both community and hospitalized patients groups. Our results demonstrate that PVL-positive S. aureus strains were more commonly isolated from community than from hospitalized patients group. 15% of spa types circulated in both studied groups. The spa types t4995 – t4999, t5001 – t5005 detected in this study were added into the Ridom StaphTypeTM database. Lithuania currently is... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama S. aureus nešiojimo atvejai suaugusiųjų populiacijoje Vilniaus mieste. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti S. aureus nešiojimo mastą pasirinktoje suaugusiųjų populiacijoje visuomenės bei hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėse Vilniaus mieste ir įvertinti S. aureus nešiojimo potencialius rizikos veiksnius, taip pat išskirtų padermių atsparumą kai kurioms antimikrobinėms medžiagoms, pagrindinius atsparumo ir virulentiškumo genetinius elementus. Nustatyta, kad daugiau S. aureus nešiojimo atvejų aptikta visuomenės grupėje nei hospitalizuotų ligonių. Didesnis S. aureus padermių atsparumas tirtiems antibiotikams buvo hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje. Visuomenės grupėje meticilinui atsparių S. aureus neišskirta. Didesnė S. aureus dalis, išskirta visuomenės grupėje, buvo jautri visiems tirtiems antimikrobiniams vaistams. Atsparumą eritromicinui ir klindamicinui tirtose grupėse kodavo skirtingi genai: visuomenės grupėje vyravo ermC, hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje – ermA. Atsparumą tetraciklinui koduojantis tetK genas vyravo abiejose tirtose grupėse. Visuomenės grupėje nustatyta daugiau PVL teigiamų S. aureus padermių nei hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje. Septintadalis nustatytų spa tipų cirkuliuoja tiek visuomenės, tiek hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėse. Šio tyrimo metu spa tipai t4995 – t4999, t5001 – t5005 pirmą kartą nustatyti Lietuvoje ir įtraukti į Ridom StaphTypeTM duomenų bazę. Nustatyta statistiškai reikšminga asociacija tarp viršutinių kvėpavimo takų S. aureus kolonizacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Staphylococcus aureus nešiojimo paplitimas ir rizikos veiksniai, atsparumo antimikrobinėms medžiagoms ir virulentiškumo veiksnių analizė / The prevalence and risk factors of Staphylococcus aureus carriage, analysis of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors

Kirkliauskienė, Agnė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama S. aureus nešiojimo atvejai suaugusiųjų populiacijoje Vilniaus mieste. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti S. aureus nešiojimo mastą pasirinktoje suaugusiųjų populiacijoje visuomenės bei hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėse Vilniaus mieste ir įvertinti S. aureus nešiojimo potencialius rizikos veiksnius, taip pat išskirtų padermių atsparumą kai kurioms antimikrobinėms medžiagoms, pagrindinius atsparumo ir virulentiškumo genetinius elementus. Nustatyta, kad daugiau S. aureus nešiojimo atvejų aptikta visuomenės grupėje nei hospitalizuotų ligonių. Didesnis S. aureus padermių atsparumas tirtiems antibiotikams buvo hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje. Visuomenės grupėje meticilinui atsparių S. aureus neišskirta. Didesnė S. aureus dalis, išskirta visuomenės grupėje, buvo jautri visiems tirtiems antimikrobiniams vaistams. Atsparumą eritromicinui ir klindamicinui tirtose grupėse kodavo skirtingi genai: visuomenės grupėje vyravo ermC, hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje – ermA. Atsparumą tetraciklinui koduojantis tetK genas vyravo abiejose tirtose grupėse. Visuomenės grupėje nustatyta daugiau PVL teigiamų S. aureus padermių nei hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėje. Septintadalis nustatytų spa tipų cirkuliuoja tiek visuomenės, tiek hospitalizuotų ligonių grupėse. Šio tyrimo metu spa tipai t4995 – t4999, t5001 – t5005 pirmą kartą nustatyti Lietuvoje ir įtraukti į Ridom StaphTypeTM duomenų bazę. Nustatyta statistiškai reikšminga asociacija tarp viršutinių kvėpavimo takų S. aureus kolonizacijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation investigates the S. aureus carriage cases in Vilnius adult population. The aim of the study – to determine the extent of S. aureus carriage of selected adult population and hospitalized patients in Vilnius and evaluate potential risk factors of its carriage as well as antimicrobial resistance of isolated strains and, prevailing genetic elements of the resistance and virulence. It was found that more S. aureus carriers detected in the community group than in hospitalized patients group. Greater isolated S. aureus strains resistance to antibiotics has been found in hospitalized patients group. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus were not isolated in the community group. Greater part of isolated S. aureus strains in community group was susceptible to all analyzed antimicrobial drugs. S. aureus strains resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin contained different genes in studied groups’: ermC dominated in community group, ermA – in hospitalized patients group. In terms of the incidence of tetracycline resistance genes in isolated S. aureus strains, tetK genes were dominant in MSSA and MRSA in both community and hospitalized patients groups. Our results demonstrate that PVL-positive S. aureus strains were more commonly isolated from community than from hospitalized patients group. 15% of spa types circulated in both studied groups. The spa types t4995 – t4999, t5001 – t5005 detected in this study were added into the Ridom StaphTypeTM database. Lithuania currently is... [to full text]

Laimo boreliozės paplitimo Lietuvoje ir ligos sukėlėjo Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. ospA geno sekų analizė / Prevalence of lyme borreliosis in Lithuania and sequence analysis of ospA gene of the pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi s. l

Juodišiūtė, Indrė 11 June 2014 (has links)
Laimo boreliozė (LB) yra labiausiai paplitusi erkių platinama liga. Ligos sukėlėjus perneša Ixodes rūšies erkės. Didelį borelijų paplitimą lemia platus rezervuarinių šeimininkų ratas. Šį susirgimą gali sukelti kelios B. burgdorferi s. l. komplekso bakterijų rūšys: B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto. Šiame darbe buvo tirtos 134 Ixodes ricinus erkės nuo 8 elninių gyvūnų (4 stirnų ir 4 elnių) ir 73 erkės nuo žolės (elninių teritorijoje). Naudojant dauginės polimerazės grandininės reakcijos (PGR) medodą, 9 - iose (4,3%) iš jų buvo nustatytas užsikrėtimas Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. patogenais, septyniuose mėginiuose buvo identifikuota B. afzelii, viename - B. garinii rūšis. Viename mėginyje buvo nustatyta Borrelia spp., kuri nebuvo identifikuota. Atlikta B. burgdorferi s. l. sekų analizė pagal ospA geną, naudojantis genų banko duomenimis, atskleidė polimorfizmo lygį tarp trijų, žmogui patogeniškų Borrelia rūšių ir parodė padermių pasiskirstymą skirtingose šalyse bei šeimininkuose. Variabiliausios nustatytos B. garinii ospA geno sekos, rasta 361 variabili vieta (nukleotidų įvairovė π=0,072), aptikta 18 sekų variantų. Mažesnis variabilumas nustatytas B. burgdorferi s. s. sekose – aptiktos 266 variabilios vietos (nukleotidų įvairovė π=0,16) ir 12 sekų variantų bei B. afzelii sekose – aptiktos 257 variabilios vietos (nukleotidų įvairovė π=0,17) ir 4 sekų variantai. Didesni skirtumai buvo identifikuoti tarp B. afzelii ospA geno sekų (vidutinis genetinis atstumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lyme borreliosis (LB) is the most common tick - born disease. The pathogens are transmitted by infected ticks belonging to a species of the genus Ixodes. The high prevalence of Borrelia is determined by a wide circle of reservoir hosts. The disease can be caused by a few bacterial species of B. burgdorferi s.l. complex, such as: B. afzelii, B. garinii and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto. 134 Ixodes ricinus ticks have been explored in the thesis, collected from 8 certine animals (4 roe deer and 4 deer) and 73 ticks collected from grass (in the territory of certine animals). Using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, the infection with Borrelia burgdorferi s. l. pathogens was identified in 9 (4.3%), B. afzelii was identified in seven samples, while B. garinii species was found in one of them. Borrelia spp. was found in one sample, which has not been identified. A sequence analysis B. burgdorferi s. l. implemented according to the ospA gene by using a gene bank data revealed level of polymorphism among three Borrelia species pathogenic to human and showed the distribution of strains in the different countries and hosts. The most variable gene sequences are B. garinii ospA. It is found 361 variable place (nucleotide diversity π=0,072), ant detected 18 sequence variants. Less variability found in B. burgdorferi s. s. sequences: 266 variable places are found and 12 sequence variants (nucleotide diversity π=0,16) and 257 variable places are discovered in B. afzelii... [to full text]

Klinikinių veiksnių, oksidacinio streso žymens N-karboksi(metil)lizino ir SCARB1 geno polimorfizmo sąsajos su amžine geltonosios dėmės degeneracija ir išemine širdies liga / The effect of clinical factors, oxidative stress biomarker N-carboxy(methyl)lysine and SCARB1 gene polymorphism on age-related macular degeneration and coronary artery disease

Stanislovaitienė, Daiva 06 January 2014 (has links)
Didėjant vyresnių žmonių populiacijai amžinė geltonosios dėmės degeneracija (AGDD) yra vis dažnesnė vyresnio nei 50 metų amžiaus žmonių negrįžtamo regos netekimo priežastis. AGDD prevencinės priemonės bei gydymo galimybės ribotos, nes ligos etiopatogenezė iki šiol nėra visiškai aiški. Disertacinio darbo metu įvertintos AGDD ir išeminės širdies ligos (IŠL) sąsajos, atsižvelgiant į vainikinių arterijų aterosklerozinius pažeidimus. Pirmą kartą analizuota SCARB1 rs5888 C/T genotipų įtaka AGDD ir IŠL pasireiškimui. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad AGDD ir IŠL, kai vainikinėse arterijose yra aterosklerozinių pažeidimų (IŠLath+), sieja bendri, šių ligų pasireiškimo galimybę didinantys, klinikiniai veiksniai ir oksidacinis stresas. Nustatytas „apsauginis“ SCARB1 rs5888 T/T genotipas, mažinantis AGDD ir IŠLath+, bei „rizikingas“ SCARB1 rs5888 C/T genotipas, didinantis AGDD+IŠLath+ galimybę. Pritaikius matematinės morfologijos metodus, nustatyta, jog sergantiems vėlyvąja AGDD SCARB1 rs5888 „rizikingas“ genetinis variantas susijęs su didesniu centrinės tinklainės dalies pažeidimo plotu. Bendrų AGDD ir IŠL patogenezinių grandžių tyrimas suteikia naujos informacijos apie AGDD etiologiją, patogenezę ir galbūt pasitarnaus efektyvaus gydymo bei prevencijos krypčių kūrimui. Tyrimo metu taikyti morfometriniai geltonosios dėmės pažaidos ploto matavimai gali būti naudojami gydytojų-oftalmologų klinikinėje praktikoje, siekiant tiksliau įvertinti centrinės tinklainės dalies pokyčius dinamikoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the commonest cause of blindness among persons over the age of 50 and its prevalence is likely to increase as a consequence of population ageing. ARMD is a disorder of unknown cause and pathogenesis, therefore current options for ARMD prevention and treatment are limited. In the recent study the associations between ARMD and CAD, according the angiographic findings of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, were analyzed. The oxidative stress impact and clinical factors determining susceptibility to ARMD and CADath+, separately and common susceptibility factors for both diseases prediction were ascertained. Analysis of novel genetic biomarker, the rs5888 variant of SCARB1 gene, identified the „protective“ SCARB1 rs5888 TT genotype, associated with the lower risk of ARMD and CADath+, and a „risk-determining“ CT genotype, determining higher ARMD+CADath+ risk. The evaluation of macular lesion area by using the methods of mathematical morphology revealed that in late stage ARMD subjects carriers of SCARB1 rs5888 CT genotype the area of macular lesion was larger than in TT genotype carriers. New information about ARMD and CAD discovered additional knowledge about ARMD etiopathogenesis and might be helpfull in search of new treatments or strategies for ARMD prevention. Evaluation of macular lesion area by mathematical morphology methods used in this study may be useful in ophthalmological practice to monitor the dynamics of ARMD.

Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Estudantil: um estudo sobre o Programa Bolsa Perman?ncia e os primeiros benefici?rios ind?genas e quilombolas no IFNMG ? Campus Janu?ria

Santos, Warley Anderson Mota dos 07 November 2017 (has links)
Linha de pesquisa: Educa??o, Sujeitos, Sociedade, Hist?ria da Educa??o e Pol?ticas P?blicas Educacionais. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-06T18:41:40Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) warley_anderson_mota_santos.pdf: 6074589 bytes, checksum: 8ecf8691b4471b8e92316dbd35970699 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-09T19:19:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) warley_anderson_mota_santos.pdf: 6074589 bytes, checksum: 8ecf8691b4471b8e92316dbd35970699 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T19:19:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) warley_anderson_mota_santos.pdf: 6074589 bytes, checksum: 8ecf8691b4471b8e92316dbd35970699 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / O Brasil, constitu?do historicamente por desigualdades sociais e raciais, tem passado recentemente por um processo de formula??o de pol?ticas p?blicas com o objetivo de minimiz?-las. As lacunas que dificultam a viabilidade de acesso ?s condi??es igualit?rias entre os brasileiros ainda persistem, com caracter?sticas n?o mut?veis que se condicionam ao g?nero, etnia e/ou situa??o social. Essas condicionantes influenciam no acesso aos direitos e na integra??o social. ? nesse contexto que emergem as pol?ticas p?blicas de car?ter inclusivo, com proposi??es abarcadas pela necessidade de igualdade ao acesso de direitos e democratiza??o de oportunidades. Na Educa??o, em especial no Ensino Superior, a aplica??o de a??es afirmativas tem fortalecido a expans?o de oportunidades ?queles segmentos outrora exclu?dos. Dessa forma, os estudantes negros, ind?genas e os oriundos do sistema p?blico de ensino t?m, atualmente e, mediante a institui??o de sistemas especiais de ingresso e perman?ncia, conseguido aumentar as chances de concluir uma gradua??o. Nessa perspectiva, o presente estudo se prop?s a discutir e a investigar a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Estudantil, sob a ?tica do Programa Bolsa Perman?ncia do Governo Federal, dirigido para o p?blico ind?gena e quilombola da ?rea de abrang?ncia do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus Janu?ria. O referido programa se configura como importante mecanismo para combater as desigualdades sociais e despontou como um instrumento necess?rio para que, de fato, pudesse acontecer a democratiza??o do acesso e a perman?ncia desses jovens no ensino superior p?blico federal. Pretende-se, ao final, inteirar-se, com maior amplitude, da rela??o que se estabelece entre o Programa, os ind?genas e quilombolas benefici?rios e a institui??o, adentrando a quest?o da percep??o que o sujeito fim dessa a??o possui de si mesmo e do Programa, este ?ltimo como facilitador e promotor de sua perman?ncia nas gradua??es ofertadas pelo Campus. A metodologia escolhida para guiar a discuss?o e a obten??o dos dados desta pesquisa considera uma perspectiva explorat?ria com enfoque na abordagem quanti-qualitativa, sendo a aplica??o de um question?rio eletr?nico o principal m?todo de coleta. A apresenta??o dos resultados foi conduzida por meio de gr?ficos, tabelas e quadros comentados individualmente. Al?m disso, realizou-se uma an?lise qualitativa das informa??es, buscando compreender os elementos que extrapolam a uma l?gica objetiva contida nas respostas obtidas. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Brazil, which has historically been constituted by social and racial inequalities, has recently been undergone a formulation process of public policies which aim at minimizing them. The gaps that drive to the viability of access to fair conditions among Brazilians have been persisting with non-mutable characteristics that are related to gender, ethnicity and social situation which in turn influence access to rights and social integration. It is in this context that governmental actions of an inclusive nature emerge, with proposals encompassed by the need for equality of access to rights and democratization of opportunities. In Education, especially in Higher Education, the application of affirmative actions has strengthened the expansion of possibilities to those previously excluded segments. In this way, through the institution of specialized systems of entrance and permanence, black students, indigenous students and those coming from the public education been able to increase the chances of completing a degree. In this respect, this research aimed to discuss and investigate the Student Assistance Policy, from the perspective of the Permanency Scholarship Program of the Federal Government for the indigenous and quilombola public of the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais - Campus Janu?ria. This program has configured as an essential mechanism to combat social inequalities, and still to emerge as a necessary instrument for the democratization of access and permanence of these young people in higher education in public federal schooling systems. Thus, this research aims to find out, more broadly, the relationship which involves the Program, the indigenous and quilombola beneficiaries as well the institution. This study also approaches the question of the perception which the target subject of this action has about itself and the Program as a facilitator and a promoter of his/ her permanence in the graduations offered by the Campus. The methodology used to drive the discussion and the obtaining of the data in this research presents an exploratory perspective and has a focus on the quantitative-qualitative approach. The application of an electronic questionnaire was the main instrument used to produce data. The presentation of the results was carried out through graphs, tables, and charts commented individually. Besides, a qualitative analysis of the information was carried out, trying to understand the elements that extrapolate to an objective logic contained in the obtained answers.

Avaliar a interfer?ncia do condicionamento ?cido com ?cido fosf?rico na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo universal na dentina afetada por c?rie. / To assess the interference of acid etching with phosphoric acid on the bond strength of the universal adhesive system in dentin affected by caries

Pavanello, Renata Eliza 02 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-15T13:19:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RENATA ELIZA PAVANELLO.pdf: 1818495 bytes, checksum: 584f82239d012d948febe192c32331a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T13:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RENATA ELIZA PAVANELLO.pdf: 1818495 bytes, checksum: 584f82239d012d948febe192c32331a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-02 / The aim of this paper was to evaluate the influence of acid etching on the bond strength of the universal adhesive system in caries-affected-dentin. For this experimental study, 40 erupted permanent third molars were selected at the Dental Clinic of the PUC-Campinas with Free and Informed Consent Term signed by the patients. Removal of the occlusal third with double - sided diamond disc and flat dentin surfaces obtained by sanding was done. The lesion of the caries was developed by microbiological method with S. mutans strain ATCC25175. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n = 10): AF-I: phosphoric acid conditioning and application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system - immediate microtensile test; AF-DC: phosphoric acid conditioning and application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system and microtensile test after cariogenic challenge; SAF-I: application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system without acid etching and immediate microtensile test and SAF-DC: application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system without acid etching and microtensile test after carig?nico challenge. A composite resin block was made in the affected dentin. Each tooth / adhesive / resin block was sectioned with diamond discs coupled to the Isomet cutting machine in parallel planes obtaining test pieces in the shape of sticks, with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2. Microtensile test was performed. Only adhesive / mixed fractures were considered for bond strength calculation. The results were evaluated by the Kruskal-Wallis test (Student-Newman-Keuls) and Friedman. The higher bond strength occurred in the groups in which the phosphoric acid conditioning was done (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in union strength after cariogenic challenge (p> 0.05). The type of fracture was predominantly adhesive. It was concluded that phosphoric acid caused increased bond strength of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system in caries affected dentin and the cariogenic challenge did not interfere in the bond strength of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system in dentin affected by caries. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interfer?ncia do condicionamento ?cido na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo universal na dentina afetada por c?rie. Para este estudo de car?ter experimental foram selecionados 40 terceiros molares permanentes erupcionados com Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido assinado pelos pacientes na Cl?nica Odontol?gica da PUC-Campinas. Foi feita a remo??o do ter?o oclusal com disco diamantado dupla face e superf?cies dentin?rias planas obtidas atrav?s de lixamento. A les?o de c?rie foi desenvolvida pelo m?todo microbiol?gico com cepa padr?o S. mutans ATCC25175. Os dentes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (n=10): AF-I: condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico e aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal - teste imediato de microtra??o; AF-DC: condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico e aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal e teste de microtra??o ap?s desafio cariog?nico; SAF-I: aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal sem condicionamento ?cido e teste imediato de microtra??o e SAF-DC: aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal sem condicionamento ?cido e teste de microtra??o ap?s desafio carig?nico. Um bloco de resina composta Charisma foi confeccionado na dentina afetada. Cada bloco dente/adesivo/resina foi seccionado com discos diamantados acoplados a m?quina de corte Isomet em planos paralelos obtendo corpos de prova em forma de palitos, com ?rea de sec??o transversal de 1 mm2. Para realiza??o do teste de microtra??o. Apenas fraturas adesivas /mistas foram consideradas para c?lculo de resist?ncia de uni?o. Os resultados foram avaliados pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis (Student-Newman-Keuls) e Friedman. A maior resist?ncia de uni?o ocorreu nos grupos em que foi feito o condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico (p<0.05). N?o houve diferen?a significante na resist?ncia de uni?o ap?s o desafio cariog?nico (p>0.05). O tipo de fratura predominante foi adesiva. Pode-se concluir que o ?cido fosf?rico acarretou aumento na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal na dentina afetada por c?rie e o desafio cariog?nico n?o interferiu na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal na dentina afetada por c?rie.

O direito dos povos ind?genas ? educa??o superior na Am?rica Latina : concep??es, controv?rsias e propostas

Gaivizzo, Soledad Bech 05 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 464435.pdf: 1088393 bytes, checksum: df0d06d2170e56fbf29be98045ddfc06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-05 / The public debate on indigenous higher education, guided by a human rights perspective, keeps on gaining visibility with the construction of an international legal framework for the promotion and specific protection of indigenous people. Regarding the Latin American public scene, from this framework on comes a set of propositions, inspired by different theoretical nuances, to ensure the right of these people to higher education. In short, these rights were chosen as the focal point of this investigation. The main objective is to investigate how to ensure indigenous people higher education in Latin American countries, taking into account the institutionalization of the international legal framework, which broadened the understanding of the topic and specified forms to materialize it in society. Having these issues in mind, the adopted method of research is defined in terms of analyzing the right of indigenous people to higher education according to the Decoloniality theory, which is the school of thought that analyzes racial-ethnic relations in society and in education. For this matter both the discourses of social actors participating in this debate (with the classification criteria of ethnic belonging, indigenous and non-indigenous) and the representation of social actors (representatives of the state and the surrounding segments of both the established and the indigenous societies) were considered. An approach of qualitative and of technical generation of data for the textual analysis of the discourse were used. / O debate p?blico sobre a educa??o superior ind?gena, guiado pela perspectiva dos direitos, foi ganhando f?lego com a constru??o de um marco jur?dico internacional de promo??o e de prote??o espec?fico dos povos aut?ctones. Tendo como refer?ncia tal marco, no cen?rio p?blico latino-americano, surge um conjunto de proposi??es inspiradas em matizes te?ricas distintas, que fundamentam as propostas que visam a garantir o direito desses povos ao ensino superior. Em suma, em fun??o desses e de outros elementos que integram a presente investiga??o, elegeu-se como tem?tica tais direitos. O objetivo central ? investigar como garantir aos povos ind?genas a educa??o superior nos pa?ses que integram a Am?rica Latina, levando em considera??o que a institucionaliza??o do marco jur?dico internacional ampliou o entendimento sobre o tema e especificou as formas de materializ?-lo na sociedade. Diante dessas quest?es, apresenta-se o tema de pesquisa e define-se o m?todo adotado pela op??o de analisar o direito ? educa??o superior dos povos ind?genas ? luz da teoria da decolonialidade, que constitui a corrente de pensamento que analisa as rela??es ?tnico-raciais na sociedade e no ?mbito da educa??o. Para tanto foram considerados os discursos dos atores sociais que participam deste debate, tendo como crit?rio de classifica??o o pertencimento ?tnico (ind?genas e n?o ind?genas) e a representa??o dos atores sociais (representantes do Estado, segmentos da sociedade envolvente e da sociedade ind?gena). Para a isso, utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e t?cnica de gera??o de dados a an?lise textual discursiva.

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