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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza preferencí pěstitelů energetických plodin pomocí mikroekonometrického modelu / Economic and environmental evaluation of the introduction of biofuels in the CR

Vaníková, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the economic and environmental problems of biofuels in the Czech Republic and abroad. The goal is retrieval and analysis of economic studies that address economic and environmental impacts associated with the introduction of biofuels policy. Individual economic studies on the environment that are at work that are evaluated by using biofuels policy of macroeconomic and microeconomic models. Results of studies show that the introduction of biofuels policy creates economic and environmental impacts such as deforestation, environment, prices, employment and competitiveness of farmers.

Développements méthodologiques pour la modélisation hybride : conséquences pour l'analyse de la politique climatique dans une économie ouverte (France) / Methodological proposal for hybrid modelling : consequences for climate policy analysis in an open economy (France)

Le Treut, Gaëlle 09 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde les enjeux de l'hybridation des données pour la modélisation énergie-économie-environnement, et ses implications pour la politique climatique dans le cas de la France.Le travail met l'accent sur l'importance de construire une représentation hybride de l'économie, articulant de façon cohérente le cadre économique de la comptabilité nationale et les flux physiques, fournis par des bilans de matières (ex: bilan énergétique). Partant du principe qu’il est possible de réduire les incertitudes dans la recomposition des données grâce à des contraintes d’équilibres de flux, cette thèse met d’abord en place une méthode permettant de dépasser les problèmes de nomenclatures non cohérentes, de données disparates, ou simplement manquantes. Nous montrons que l’hybridation permet de décrire plus précisément le poids de l’énergie dans l’appareil productif français, ainsi que celui de certains secteurs de l’économie (ciment, acier).Le cadre hybride sert alors de base au modèle d’équilibre général IMACLIM. Ce modèle sert à explorer dans quelle mesure la comptabilité hybride permet de renouveler la discussion sur l’introduction d’une taxe carbone unilatérale en France.Nous mesurons d’abord l’importance de la procédure d’hybridation dans l’évaluation de l’impact macroéconomique de la politique climatique. La désagrégation sectorielle nous permet, dans un second temps, de conduire une discussion autour de paramètres centraux mais controversés de la modélisation : les élasticités-prix du commerce international, et la courbe salaire-chômage interprétée comme un indicateur du pouvoir de négociation des salaires. La thèse montre en particulier qu’il est possible, grâce au progrès sur la description sectorielle, de prendre en compte une hétérogénéité des régimes de formations salariales entre secteurs tout en les reliant à leur niveau d’exposition au commerce extérieur.Enfin, la thèse propose une méthode pour évaluer différents inventaires des émissions de CO2, tels que les émissions liées à la consommation, ou les émissions incorporées dans les importations, tout en s’appuyant sur le cadre hybride. Ainsi, nous fournissons des informations originales sur les moteurs des émissions en France qui permettront de prolonger l’analyse à d’autres mesures tels que l'ajustement d’une taxe carbone aux frontières / This thesis addresses the issue of data hybridisation for energy-economy-environment modelling and its implications for climate policy in the case of France.The work emphasises the importance of building a hybrid representation of the economy, articulating coherently the economic framework of national accounts and the physical flows, provided by sectoral database (energy balance, industrial statistics). Assuming that it is possible to reduce the uncertainties of data construction, thanks to the equilibrium constraints of flows, this thesis first introduces a method which overcomes the problems of non-coherent nomenclatures, disparate data, or simply missing ones. We show that this hybridisation procedure allows to better describe the weight of both the energy in the French productive system and key sectors of the economy (cement, steel).The hybrid framework then serves to feed the IMACLIM general equilibrium model. The model is used to explore to what extent the hybrid accounts give an opportunity to renew discussion on the introduction of a unilateral carbon tax in France.We first measure the importance of the hybridisation procedure for assessing the macroeconomic impact of climate policy.Then, the sectoral disaggregation allows us to conduct a discussion around central but controversial parameters of modelling: the international trade elasticity and the wage curve interpreted as an indicator of the wage bargaining power. The thesis shows in particular that it is possible, thanks to the progress on the sectoral description, to take into account heterogeneous representation of wage formation between sectors while linking them to their level of exposure to external trade.Finally, the thesis proposes a methodology to evaluate different emission inventories of CO2, such as "consumption-based" emissions, and emissions embodied in imports while relying on the hybrid framework. We thus provide original insights on the drivers of emissions in France which could extend the analyses to other policies such as the adjustment of a carbon tax at the borders

Impactos econômicos de políticas climáticas no Brasil, nos EUA e na UE / Economic impacts of climate policies in Brazil, the U.S. and EU

França, Franklin Pedro 21 June 2012 (has links)
Com o crescente debate a respeito da contribuição do homem nas emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa, além da pressão da sociedade por um comprometimento maior das lideranças mundiais com políticas de mitigação dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas, faz-se necessário estudar os efeitos que a adoção de políticas climáticas pelos países do chamado Anexo I (desenvolvidos) e pelos que pertencem ao Não-Anexo I (em desenvolvimento) podem ter sobre a economia brasileira. Também é importante analisar como se daria este impacto em um contexto onde o Brasil adotaria políticas de mitigação dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas, principalmente pelo fato do país ser responsável por uma parcela considerável de gases causadores do efeito estufa, devido às atividades relacionadas às mudanças no uso da terra, agricultura e pecuária, bem como pela crescente pressão para um compromisso mundial de esforço de redução de emissões. O presente trabalho buscou estimar cenários para o Brasil, levando-se em consideração políticas ambientais domésticas e internacionais já discutidas ou em aplicação pelos países desenvolvidos, e assim, verificar quais os impactos sobre as economias em termos de bem-estar e produto. / With the growing debate about the contribution of human emissions of greenhouse gases, along with pressure from society for a greater commitment of world leaders with policies to mitigate the effects of climate change, it is necessary to study the effects that adoption of climate policies by the countries of the so-called Annex I (developed) and those who belong to non-Annex I (developing) may have on the Brazilian economy. It is also important to analyze how this impact would occur in a context where Brazil would adopt policies to mitigate the effects of climate change, mainly because the country is responsible for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions due to activities related to changes in land use, agriculture and livestock, as well as the increasing pressure for a global commitment to emissions reduction effort. The present study sought to estimate scenarios for Brazil, taking into account domestic and international environmental policies already discussed or implemented by developed countries, and thus determine the impacts on the economies in terms of welfare and product.

Sur la modélisation et la préparation de la politique économique des régions ultrapériphériques d'Europe : le cas des Départements d'Outre-Mer / On the modeling and preperation of economic policy for Ultra peripheral regions of the european union : the case of the French overseas regions

Mathouraparsad, Sébastien 24 March 2011 (has links)
Dans le cas des DOM, singulièrement la Guadeloupe, qui sont à l'aube de l'expérimentation de réformes profondes de politiques économiques, l'élaboration d'un outil de simulation macroéconomique tel qu'un MEGC apparaît naturellement comme une exigence plus que souhaitable. Ce recours à la construction de modèles spécifiques pour les DOM est en parfaite cohérence avec l'une des principales conclusions du rapport d'information diligenté par le Sénat aux lendemains de la crise sociale du début de l'année 2009. Les appels à projet de la Commission europèenne et du Ministère de l'Outre-mer vont justement dans le sens de pallier celte carence puisque la politique économique des RUP de façon générale est conduite à vue sans aucun outil d'investigation ex ante. Nous avons conçu plusieurs modèles. Parmi eux, CloDyn est le premier modèle macroéconomique pour les DOM à vocationopérationnelle. Composée de plus de 2000 équations, ce modèle d'équilibre général calculable tient compte de nombreuses rigidités sur les marchés des biens et services et du travail et se décline sous deux versions: statique et dynamique. Les élasticités ont fait l'objet d'estimations économétriques. Il tient compte de nombreuses spécificités tant au niveau de la fiscalité de ces régions (octroi de mer, taxe sur les carburants, subventions à l'exportation) que du coût des facteurs (exonérations des charges sur les bas salaires, sur rémunératio des fonctionnaires). Il repose sur une formalisation des mécanismes en oeuvre dans ces économies que nous avons appelé le DOM disease pour expliquer les dysfonctionnements persistants sur le plan macroéconomique. / In the case of the French overseas regions, particularly of Guadeloupe, which are just beginning to experiment with economic policies radical reforrns, the development of a macroeconomic simulation tool such as a CGE model appears naturally as a highly desirable requirement. The use of the construction of specifie models for DOM is fully consistent with a major finding of the report commissioned by the Senate in the aftermath of the social crisis of the early 2009. As a malter of facts, the purpose of the calls for project initiated by the European Commission and the Ministry of Overseas is to remedy this deficiency, since the RUP economie policy is generally to conduct no investigation tool ex ante. We designed several models. Among them, CloDyn is the first operational DOM-based macroeconomic rnodel. Composed of more than 2000 equations, this computable general equilibrium model takes into account many rigidities in the markets for goods and services and labor and is available in two versions: static and dynamic. Elasticities have been econometrically estimated. lt rests on many features of both taxation (dock dues, fuel tax, export subsidies) and the cost factors (exemption from charges on low wages, remuneration of civil servants). Il is based on a formalization of the mechanisms at work in these economies we calied the DOM disease to explain the persistent failures in such economies. lt also evaluates the monetary poverty among households with the use of a block of microsimulation model and we allow a profane in GAMS to use this tool and conduct its own analytical work thanks to a user friendly interface.

Impactos de uma integração comercial brasileira com a China, os EUA e a UE: um estudo do agronegócio brasileiro, com ênfase no setor de produtos florestais

Buchmann, Jurandir Luiz 21 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-03-28T16:33:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jurandir Luiz Buchmann_.pdf: 472488 bytes, checksum: f0128dcf057ad2245a14aba0c7298afd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-28T16:33:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jurandir Luiz Buchmann_.pdf: 472488 bytes, checksum: f0128dcf057ad2245a14aba0c7298afd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-21 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo do estudo é analisar as oportunidades de comércio a partir da simulação de uma possível integração comercial do Brasil com a China, com os EUA e com a UE, buscando identificar os setores mais beneficiados pelo eventual acordo, classificados de acordo com seu grau de intensidade tecnológica, com ênfase no agronegócio brasileiro e, em especial, no setor de produtos florestais. Empregou-se a classificação de produtos por grau de intensidade tecnológica segundo os critérios da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) e foi utilizado o modelo de equilíbrio geral computável, mediante uso da base de dados Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), versão 9, para simular os impactos sobre o comércio internacional e os efeitos sobre o bem-estar de uma possível integração comercial do Brasil com os parceiros selecionados. Por fim, os resultados obtidos mostram que os ganhos de bem-estar para o Brasil, em todos os acordos, estão principalmente vinculados a melhor alocação dos seus recursos produtivos, que estariam concentrados basicamente nos setores primários e de baixa intensidade tecnológica, que agregaria o agronegócio e, em especial, o setor florestal. / The objective of the study is to analyze trade opportunities by simulating a possible trade integration between Brazil and China, with the US and with the EU, seeking to identify the sectors most benefited by the eventual agreement, classified according to their degree of technological intensity, with emphasis on Brazilian agribusiness and, in particular, on the forest products sector. The classification of products by level of technological intensity according to the criteria of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) was used and the computable general equilibrium model was used, using the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) database, version 9, to simulate the impacts on international trade and the welfare effects of a possible trade integration of Brazil with selected partners. Finally, the results show that welfare gains for Brazil, in all agreements, are mainly related to the better allocation of its productive resources, which would be basically concentrated in the primary sectors and of low technological intensity, which would add the agribusiness and, in particular, the forestry sector.

Impactos da integração comercial entre o Brasil e a União Europeia: uma análise de equilíbrio geral computável

Vieira, Alana Virginia Santos 06 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-07-11T15:30:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Alana Virginia Santos Vieira_.pdf: 723573 bytes, checksum: b47f6e01d706f3b68e31a215306997b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-11T15:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alana Virginia Santos Vieira_.pdf: 723573 bytes, checksum: b47f6e01d706f3b68e31a215306997b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-06 / Nenhuma / Este estudo emprega o Modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP, V.9) para avaliar os impactos da consolidação de um acordo preferencial de comércio entre o Brasil e a UE e entre o MERCOSUL e a UE sobre fluxos comerciais, PIB e bem-estar dessas regiões. São implementadas quatro simulações envolvendo o Brasil, o MERCOSUL e a UE, considerando a redução tanto das barreiras tarifárias, quanto das barreiras não tarifárias, com o intuito de identificar o cenário mais benéfico para o Brasil. Os resultados mostram que o ganho de bem-estar para o Brasil gerado por um acordo Brasil-UE, que consista na redução parcial das barreiras tarifárias e não tarifárias, é maior do que os ganhos decorrentes de uma negociação da mesma magnitude entre o MERCOSUL e a União Europeia. Os efeitos são particularmente positivos para a agropecuária e para a indústria alimentícia brasileira, o que pode, em contrapartida, aprofundar o padrão de especialização regressiva das exportações do país. / This study employs the Computable General Equilibrium Model Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP, V.9) to assess the impact of a preferential trade agreement between Brazil and the EU and between MERCOSUR and the EU on trade flows, GDP and welfare of these regions. Four simulations involving Brazil, MERCOSUR and the EU, considering different levels of integration, are implemented in order to identify the most beneficial scenario for Brazil. Results show that the welfare gain generated by a Brazil-EU trade deal is higher than the gains arising from an agreement between Mercosur and the EU. Reducing NTBs tends to maximize the results for both agreements. Impacts are particularly positive for Brazil’s agricultural and food industries, which may, however, deepen the regressive pattern of specialization of the country’s exports.

Penningtvätt : Identifiering och analys av tillämpade metoder för att mäta penningtvätt / Money laundering : Identification and analysis of the methods applied to measure money laundering

Rönliden, Johan, Andersson, Adam January 2014 (has links)
Penningtvätt är ett ämne som under de senaste åren fått mycket uppmärksamhet. Nya lagar och regleringar med målsättningen att förebygga och bekämpa penningtvätt har införts. För att uppskatta problemets storlek har ett flertal estimat beräknats med hjälp av olika metoder. I denna uppsats har vi valt att fokusera på de metoder som används för att beräkna estimat, då det finns tecken som tyder på att estimaten som beräknas sällan utsätts för kritik.Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka och jämföra tre av de idag vanligaste metoderna för att beräkna penningtvättens storlek. De vanligaste modellerna är Walkermodellen, Zdanowicz metoder för handelsbaserad penningtvätt och en två-sektor modell vilka har utgjort fokus i denna studie. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med en induktiv ansats där empirin består av de utvalda metoderna.Att göra en exakt mätning av storleken på penningtvätten är naturligtvis inte möjligt, utan det handlar istället om att göra en så bra uppskattning som möjligt. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att de tre metoderna skiljer sig helt från varandra. Vilken metod som är lämpligast beror på sammanhanget, vilket är viktigt att ha i åtanke när någon tar del av de estimat som beräknats. Zdanowicz metod mäter exempelvis inte total penningtvätt för ett land, men är samtidigt den som bäst mäter kapitalförflyttning vid handel mellan länder. Av de tre metoder vi tagit upp i vår undersökning är Walkermodellen den som lämpar sig bäst för att beräkna penningtvätten globalt, men den har en svaghet i att den till stor del förlitar sig på experters kunskaper och erfarenheter. Två-sektor modellen har sin utgångspunkt i mikroekonomisk teori och får anses ha en högre reliabilitet än Walkermodellen, men går dock inte att tillämpa globalt på samma sätt som Walkermodellen. Två-sektormodellen mäter heller inte hur mycket pengar som tvättas mellan länder så som de andra två metoderna gör. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Perspektiva ekonomických vztahů rozšířené EU a Ruska, budování společného ekonomického prostoru / Perspective of the EU-Russia economic relations – building common economic space

Sokolov, Ivan January 2003 (has links)
The main objective of the doctorate thesis was to explore the causes of the current state of relations between the EU and Russia and to provide substantiation for future effective cooperation. The main analytical assumption of the thesis is that deeper regional economic cooperation creates positive effects for improvement of economic relations. Based on that assumption a complex exploratory framework with solid theoretical grounding was created in order to evaluate potential gains from trade liberalization scenarios between the EU and Russia. Main research is focused on the three following areas: historical background of economic relations, current developments and perspectives of the future cooperation in light of trade liberalization. Historical background of common economic relations stems from political and economic development on both sides, legal and institutional framework and problematic areas. Current development of trade and economic relations is based on analysis of trade flows in goods, trade in services and capital flows. Analysis of the future development is based on three liberalization scenarios: - Accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization (WTO), - Free trade agreement (FTA) -- scrapping customs tariffs between the EU and Russia, - Comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA+) -- reduction of non-tariff barriers to trade, liberalization of trade in services and capital flows, regulatory harmonization. Meta-analysis of different computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling is used to evaluate the liberalization scenarios. Research results proved positive effects of trade liberalization for both sides. However, comprehensive free trade agreement seems to be the most effective form of trade liberalization with maximum economic welfare gains for the EU and the Russian Federation.

Flutuações cambiais e política monetária no Brasil : evidências econométricas e de simulação

Furlani, Luiz Gustavo Cassilatti January 2008 (has links)
A literatura sobre economia monetária vem despertando interesse crescente dentro da macroeconomia. Devido aos avanços computacionais, os modelos têm se tornado cada vez mais complexos e precisos, permitindo estudar detalhadamente as relações entre as variáveis reais da economia e as variáveis nominais. Dessa forma, através de um modelo de equilíbriogeral estocástico e dinâmico (DSGE) baseado em Gali e Monacelli (2005), é proposto e estimado um modelo para a economia brasileira através de métodos bayesianos, com o intuito de avaliar se o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) considera variações cambiais na condução da política monetária. O resultado mais importante do presente trabalho é que não há evidências de que o BCB altere diretamente a trajetória dos juros devido a variações na taxa de câmbio. Um exercício de simulação também é realizado. Conclui-se que a economia acomoda rapidamente choques induzidos separadamente na taxa de câmbio, nos termos de troca, na taxa de juros e na inflação mundial. / The literature on monetary economy has aroused growing interest in macroeconomics. Due to computational advancements, models have been increasingly more complex and accurate, allowing for the in-depth analysis of the relationships between real economic variables and nominal variables. Therefore, using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, based on Gali and Monacelli (2005), we propose and estimate a model for the Brazilian economy by employing Bayesian methods so as to assess whether the Central Bank of Brazil takes exchange rate fluctuations into account in the conduct of monetary policy. The most striking result of the present study is that the Central Bank of Brazil does not directly change the interest rate path due to exchange rate movements. A simulation exercise is also used. Our conclusion is that the economy quickly accommodates shocks induced separately on the exchange rate, on the terms of trade, on the interest rate, and on global inflation.

Impactos de acordos de livre comércio sobre o Rio Grande do Sul : uma análise inter-regional com o modelo de equilíbrio geral Arseti

Silva, Rodrigo Rodrigues January 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é apresentado o modelo ARSETI (Analysis of Rio Grande do Sul Equilibrium for Trade Impact). Uma estrutura inter-regional de equilíbrio geral computável desenvolvido para análise da economia do Rio Grande do Sul e o Resto do Brasil no sentido de elaboração de políticas econômicas em relação a acordos comerciais a nível mundial. Os blocos/países foram analisados através da seguinte distinção entre os mercados externos: Argentina, MERCOSUL, ALCA, União Européia, China e Resto do Mundo. O Estado gaúcho mantém certa vantagem com relação ao país sobre o processo de abertura comercial com o MERCOSUL, apesar de ambos ganharem, caso o acordo se estabelecesse de maneira plena (tarifa zero). Acordos mais amplos como ALCA e União Européia não são, necessariamente, ruins para o estado do sul do país, mas beneficiam relativamente mais o restante do país no longo prazo. Na possibilidade da implementação do ALCA, o Rio Grande do Sul pode, eventualmente, se preparar para um novo período de concentração industrial na região sudeste do país. / In this work model ARSETI is presented (Analysis of Rio Grande do Sul Equilibrium will be Trade Impact). An interregional structure of computable general balance developed for analysis of the economy of the Rio Grande do Sul and the Remaining portion of Brazil in the direction of elaboration of economic policies in relation the commercial agreements the world-wide level. The blocks/countries had been analyzed through the following distinction between the external markets: Argentina, MERCOSUL, ALCA, European Union, China and Rest of the World. The State gaucho keeps certain advantage with regard to the country on the process of commercial opening with the MERCOSUL, although both to gain case the agreement if established in full way (tariff zero). Agreements ampler as ALCA and European Union are not necessarily bad for the state of the south of the country, but they relatively more benefit the remain of the country in the long stated period. In the possibility of the implementation of the ALCA, the Rio Grande do Sul can eventually be prepared for a new period of industrial concentration in the Southeastern region of the country.

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