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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EBSD Investigation of High-Temperature Magnetite from Apatite-Iron-Oxide Deposits: Implications for the Formation of Giant Kiruna-Type Deposits / EBSD-undersökning av högtemperatur magnetit från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: Implikationer för bildningen av gigantiska fyndigheter av Kiruna-typ

Henriksson, Jens January 2022 (has links)
European iron production is to a large extent dependant on massive Kiruna type apatite-iron ore deposits. In this contribution, high-temperature magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits are investigated by means of Electron Backscattered Diffraction. However, the origin of Kiruna-type deposits is still unresolved. Although magmatic processes are likely, it is not clear how small-scale processes can form giant Kiruna-type deposits. The sample suite consists of magnetite samples from six global apatite-iron-oxide deposits: the famous Kiirunavaara deposit and the Malmberget deposit, both located in northern Sweden, the Grängesberg deposit in south-central Sweden, the iconic El Laco deposit in north-eastern Chile, the Bafq deposit in central Iran, and the Varena deposit in south Lithuania. Fe-O systematics has been conducted to complement existing δ18O and δ56Fe isotope data and ensure magmatic origin of the samples from the Malmberget deposit (n=6) and the Varena deposit (n=2). This is the first effort to characterise magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits utilising EBSD. In total, twelve EBSD maps have been produced. Evaluation of the EBSD data have been performed to quantify the preferred orientation of the magnetite crystals. Four deposits, with Kiirunvaara being the prime example, shows no preferred alignment of the magnetite crystals. Whereas the El Laco samples exhibits a strong preferred alignment of {111}. The EBSD data from magnetite samples in equilibrium with a magmatic source indicate that apatite-iron-oxide deposits are formed in both intrusive and extrusive environment and that magmatic crystal accumulation is a key process in aggregating magnetite to form large and even giant Kiruna-type deposits. / Europeisk järnmalmsproduktion är i stor utsträckning beroende av massiva apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. I det här arbetet, undersöks magnetitprover av hög-temperaturs ursprung från olika apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter med Elektron Bakåtspridande Diffraktion. Bildningsmekanismen av apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ är än idag oklar. Bevisen indikerar magmatiska bildningsprocesser, det är dock fortfarande oklart hur småskaliga magmatiska processer bildar gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. Provserien består av magnetitprover från sex globala apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: den världsberömda Kiirunavaara fyndigheten och Malmberget fyndigheten, båda lokaliserade i Norrbotten, Sverige, Grängesberg fyndigheten i Bergslagen, Sverige, den ikoniska El Laco fyndigheten i nordöstra Chile, Bafq fyndigheten i centrala Iran, och Varena fyndigheten i södra Litauen. För att fastställa ett magmatiskt ursprung och komplettera befintlig δ18O och δ56Fe isotopdata har Fe-O-systematik utförts på magnetitproverna från Malmberget (n=6) och Varena (n=2). Det här är den första dokumenterade EBSD-undersökningen av magnetitprover från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter. Totalt tolv EBSD-kartor har producerats. Utvärdering av EBSD-data har utförts för att kvantifiera den föredragna riktningen på magnetitkristallerna. I fyra fyndigheter, med Kiirunvaara som typexempel, uppvisar magnetitkristallerna ingen föredragen riktning, medan magnetitproverna från El Laco uppvisar en tydlig föredragen riktning längs {111}. EBSD-data från magnetitprover i jämnvikt med en magmatiskkälla påvisar att apatit-järnmalmer bildas i både intrusiva miljöer och extrusiva miljöer och att magmatisk ackumulation är en nyckelprocess för att aggregera magnetitkristaller och bilda stora till gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ.

Ore Characterization of theZn-Pb-Ag-Au Carbonate-ReplacementDeposit at Piavitsa, Greece: : LA-ICP-MSSulphide Analysis, Whole-Rock Chemistryand XRF-XCT Scanning Technology / Zn-Pb-Ag-Au-mineraliseringen i Piavitsa, norra Grekland: : Malmkarakterisering genom LA-ICP-MS, bulkgeokemioch XCT-XRF analyser

Sandoval, Daniel Gustavo January 2022 (has links)
The polymetallic carbonate-replacement prospect at Piavitsa is part of the ore-forming system of the Stratoni Fault Zone within the Kassandra mining district in northeast Greece. This district constitutes the southern segment of the Serbo-Macedonian belt, a promising region for the exploration of precious and critical metals in Greece. This master thesis is framed within the X-MINE project under the Horizon 2020 program. Three main objectives are defined: (1) to characterize the mineralization at Piavitsa utilizing reflected light microscopy, microprobe, and laser-ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and (2) to evaluate the contributions of the scanning GeoCore X10 (XRF-XCT) technology to the understanding of the ore, and (3) to assess potential environmental impacts. At Piavitsa, an early base-metal assemblage, composed of brecciated sphalerite and As-rich pyrite, is infilled and overprinted by an assemblage of As-poor to moderately-rich pyrite, alabandite, and Mnrich sphalerite. The latter two are corroded and replaced by Mn-rich carbonate. Fractures and interstices are infilled by a late assemblage of Ca-Mn-Mg carbonate, galena, As-poor pyrite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, and in the periphery of the orebody, seligmannite-bournonite and kesterite.  Based on absolute elemental concentrations obtained by in situ LA-ICP-MS, the mineral hosts (primary; secondary) are defined as: pyrite (Fe, Co, Ni, and Au; As), sphalerite (Zn, Ga, Ge, Cd, Sn; Mn), galena and bournonite (Pb, Se, Te, Tl, and Bi; Ag, Sb), alabandite (Mn; Cd and Sb), and tetrahedrite (Cu, As, Ag, and Sb). In cocrystallized assemblages, some differences are observed. In pyritetetrahedrite asemblages, tetrahedrite mainly hosts As and Au, instead of pyrite, whereas in sphaleritealabandite assemblages, alabandite is the host of Mn, As, Ag and Sb and sphalerite, of Cd and Sn. Three concentrates are produced from the current mining operations of Hellas Gold in the Stratoni area, e.g, Mavres Petres Zn-Pb mine. From LA-ICP-MS, it is inferred that a sphalerite concentrate from the Piavitsa ore would contain Ga (peripheral ore: 150 ppm; main ore: 10-40 ppm), Sn (peripheral ore: 800-1500 ppm; main ore: 25-230 ppm), and Cd (1600-4000 ppm). The galena concentrate would contain concentrations of Ag (1300-1700 ppm), Se (50 ppm), Sb (1200-1600 ppm), and Te (85-210 ppm). The pyrite concentrate would contain Au (0.5-24.5 ppm) but would be devoid of other economical trace elements. The values given here consider 100% purity, instead of 80-90% reported in previous studies. The GeoCore X10 technology provides a good indication of measurable elements. (>0.01 wt.%), including Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb; As, Sb and Sn. Moreover, it helps to quickly identify the main ore and gangue minerals and their distribution in the deposit. The distinction between the ore and gangue minerals can be easily achieved based on the difference in their X-ray attenuation. It is worth highlighting that mineralogical info obtained by other analytical methods is still essential to validate the outputs of the instrument and to improve the interpretations drawn from them. Regarding the environmental impacts of mining the ore, the potential for acid generation and pollutant mobilization are low due to the carbonate-rich matrix. The mining poses low radioactivity risks due to the low concentration of radionuclides. Establishing a pollutants baseline and monitoring the surrounding water bodies and soils is highly recommended to reduce overlooked environmental impacts.

Critical elements scavenged by secondary gypsum and HFO : Determined by sequential extraction combined with mineralogical studies

Flodin, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The demand for metals is great for the purpose of developing green technologies, and EU has listed 30 metals and minerals that are of critical importance for the maintenance and evolving of today’s society, so called critical materials. However, mining of raw materials generates mine waste which can have adverse effect on human health, ecosystems, and surrounding areas. To be able to prevent the release of toxic levels of elements from mine waste, an understanding of how different elements behave in the secondary environments is necessary in order to use the most successful methods for mining remediation. It is common that secondary minerals, such as gypsum and/or HFOs (hydrous ferric oxides), forms in mine waste or in downstream environments, depending on the geochemical conditions. From prior studies, it is well established that trace elements are sorbed by HFO. But studies are scares regarding co-precipitation of elements with secondary gypsum formation, and few studies investigates the possibility of critical elements to be captured by secondary minerals. In this study, a prior unknown white precipitation along with tailings material from the Smaltjärnen tailings beach in Yxsjöberg, Sweden, has been investigated by combining mineralogical studies (SEM-EDS and DXRD analysis) with sequential extraction. The aim with the study was to identify the precipitation and to examine if critical elements had co-precipitated with the precipitation and HFOs within the sample. From the results it was possible to prove that the white precipitation was gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O), and it was indicated that some of the critical elements (beryllium for instance) showed affinity for gypsum, and that bismuth, tungsten, and chromium were sorped by HFOs. The combining of chemical analysis with mineralogical studies was of great importance for determining in which mineral phases the leached elements were situated, and the study has shown that secondary gypsum formation can be an important sink for some critical elements. More studies should be performed within this field of research to further investigate the importance of secondary minerals for scavenging of elements, not only to prevent toxic levels to be leached, but also to capture these elements in the purpose of re-mining. / Idag är behovet av metaller stort inom användningsområden för att utveckla gröna teknologier. EU har därför listat 30 metaller och mineral (kritiska material) som anses vara kritiska för att underhålla och utveckla dagens samhälle. Men brytning av råmaterial resulterar i generering av gruvavfall där avfallet potentiellt kan utgöra en risk för att skada bland annat människors hälsa och ekosystem. För att kunna förhindra att giftiga halter av grundämnen släpps ut från gruvavfall så krävs en förståelse om hur olika ämnen beter sig i sekundära miljöer, för att på så sätt kunna tillämpa de mest framgångsrika metoderna för sanering och återställning av gruvområden. Det är vanligt förekommande att sekundära mineraler (såsom gips och järnhydroxider) fälls ut i gruvavfallet och/eller nedströms om gruvområdet beroende på de geokemiska förhållandena. Tidigare studier har visat att spårämnen kan binda till järnhydroxider, men endast ett fåtal studier undersöker samutfällning av olika spårämnen tillsammans med sekundärt gips. Hur specifikt kritiska metaller kan fångas upp av sekundära mineral är ännu inte välstuderat. I denna studie har en vit, tidigare okänd, utfällning provtagits från en av deponierna med anrikningssand i den historiska volframgruvan i Yxsjöberg. Utfällningen identifierades genom att kombinera mineralogiska studier (SEM-EDS och DXRD analys) med kemiska lakvattenanalyser från en sekventiell lakning. Målet med studien var att mineralogiskt karaktärisera den okända utfällningen och att undersöka om kritiska ämnen möjligen samutfällts tillsammans med de sekundära mineralen. Studien visade att utfällningen var sekundärt gips (CaSO4*2H2O) och det kunde påvisas att vissa kritiska metaller visade affinitet för gipset (exempelvis beryllium) och att andra kritiska metaller samutfällts/adsorberats av järnhydroxider. Att kombinera dom olika metoderna visade sig att vara till stor nytta för att kunna påvisa vilka mineral dom olika grundämnena var bundna till, och studien har även visat att sekundärt gips kan vara en sänka för vissa kritiska metaller. Mer studier bör utföras inom detta forskningsområde i framtiden för att vidare undersöka hur sekundära mineral kan binda kritiska metaller, inte endast för att förhindra att giftiga halter av metaller släpps ut, utan också för att undersöka möjligheten att återvinna gruvavfallet för utvinning av kritiska metaller.

Enhancing Silicate Weathering with Citric Acid: A CO2 Sequestration Method / Förbättrad silikatvittring med hjälp av citronsyra: en metod för CO2-infångning

Eriksson, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Continued increase in CO2 emissions has unquestionably led to rising global temperatures. To aid in themitigation of climate change new Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) have been proposed. CO2-sequestration by bio-enhanced silicate weathering is one such proposed NET that seeks to captureatmospheric CO2 by weathering silicate rocks. The research focuses on investigating whether the naturalprocess of weathering can be enhanced using biology. Previous studies have shown promising resultswhere microbes have increased the weathering rates of silicates.As such, this project aimed to investigate how the presence of citric acid affects the weathering rateof dunite. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate how the process is affected by biological growth.The setup consisted of 50 g of dunite powder mixed with 1 M citric acid that was incubated for aboutthree months. Due to this extensive time-period, most of the analyses made were performed on anexperiment started in December of 2023. The following analyses consisted of Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM) imaging, geochemical analyses such as pH, anions, organic carbon content, specificsurface area analyses (BET) and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). The second part of this studyconsisted of starting up a new more extensive setup similar to the original one. Furthermore, the studyalso investigated the biological growth that could be seen on the original setup and how the weatheringrate was affected.The setup demonstrated a substantial increase in weathering rate in the presence of citric acid. Theanalyses also showed that the alkalinity had significantly increased during incubation, demonstratingthe method’s possible use in mitigating acidification as well as the CO2 emissions. Although the initialpH of the citric acid solution was low (pH 2), fungal growth became evident after a few weeks. Thisobservation holds promise for an efficient bio-enhanced silicate weathering experimental setup, as lowerpH levels are associated with an increased weathering rate. This report concludes that citric acid cansignificantly enhance silicate weathering, thus proving to be a promising NET to mitigate climatechange. However, earlier research has shown that weathering of olivine risks accumulation of heavymetals. As such, further studies are needed to fully understand how the combination of organic acid andmicrobes affect the weathering rate of dunite and other silicate minerals and the net accumulation ofheavy metals in leachate and cells. / Med de ökande koldioxidutsläppen ökar även de globala temperaturerna såväl som andraklimatförändringar. För att på ett snabbt men även rimligt sätt sänka CO2-utsläppen har så kalladeNegative Emission Technologies (NETs) lagts fram som en möjlig lösning. En sådan teknik ärkoldioxidinfångst med hjälp av accelererad silikatvittring, som bygger på att använda biologi för attpåskynda vittringsprocessen som naturligt tar upp CO2 från atmosfären. Tidigare studier har visat på attmikrober kan förbättra vittringen av silikater.Detta arbete hade som syfte att undersöka hur vittringen av dunitpulver påverkas av citronsyra.Utöver detta undersöktes även hur vittringen påverkas av mikrobiologisk tillväxt inom reaktorerna.Reaktorerna bestod av 50 g dunitpulver och 1 M citronsyra som fick inkuberas under ungefär tremånaders tid. På grund av denna tidsperiod utfördes majoriteten av analyserna på experiment somstartades i december 2023. Analyser som utfördes var bland annat svepelektronmikroskopering (SEM),geokemiska analyser såsom pH, anjoner, organiska syror, organiskt kol samt analys av specifik ytarea(BET) och röntgendiffraktion (XRD). Förutom analyser av det originella experimentet, startades ävenett nytt, utökat experiment liknande det första. En tredje del av denna studie bestod av att undersöka denbiologiska tillväxten inom reaktorerna och hur den har påverkat vittringen.Experimentet visade på en betydande ökning i vittringshastighet med citronsyra närvarande.Analyser visade också på en markant ökning i alkalinitet, vilket pekar på en möjlig användning avaccelererad silikatvittring för att motverka försurning så väl som CO2-utsläppen. Trots de låga pHnivåerna i början av experimentet (pH 2), fanns ingen antydan om att citronsyran påverkademöjligheterna för tillväxt av liv, vilket öppnar för möjligheten att påskynda vittringen ännu mer iexperiment för bio-accelererad silikatvittring. Slutsatsen för projektet blir att citronsyra kan användasför att accelerera silikatvittring, och därmed användas för att motverka de stigande koldioxidutsläppen.Dock har tidigare forskning visat att vittring av olivin kan leda till en ackumulation av tungmetaller,vilket har gjort att andra silikater såsom basalt har blivit populära. Därför behövs mer undersökning föratt fullt förstå hur kombinationen av organisk syra och mikrober påverkar vittring av dunit och andrasilikatmineral samt ackumulation av tungmetaller i lakvatten och celler.

En LA-ICP-MS analys av kvarts från granitpegmatiter från Bergby-Hamrångeområdet / A LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Quartz From Granite Pegmatites From the Bergby-Hamrånge Area

Eriksson, Rikard January 2024 (has links)
Spårelementkoncentrationen i polerprov av kvarts från Bergby-Hamrångeområdet har analyserats genom LA-ICP-MS. Spårelementkoncentrationen i kvarts från enkla pegmatiter och LCT-pegmatiter har analyserats och registrerat koncentrationer för 23 olika isotoper. Koncentrationerna för Al27, Ti49, Li7, Rb85 och B11 hos 84 provpunkter har plottats i tvåaxliga-diagram. Tertiära diagram av Al/10-Li-Ti och Ti-Al/10-Rb*50 har sammanställts och i dessa har fält för LCT-pegmatiter markerats ut baserat på data från Müller m.fl. (2021). I rapporten beskrivs LA-ICP-MS översiktligt för läsare utan tidigare erfarenhet. Syftet med undersökningen var att besvara, 1) Om kvarts i polerproverna från BergbyHamrånge kan klassas som ultraren och 2) Att diskutera spårelementkoncentrationerna och undersöka alternativa användningsområden för kvarts som inte är ultraren. / The trace element concentration in pole samples of quartz from the Bergby-Hamrånge area has been analyzed by LA-ICP-MS. The trace element concentration in quartz from simple pegmatites and LCT-pegmatites has been analyzed and recorded concentrations for 23 different isotopes. Concentrations of Al27, Ti49, Li7, Rb85 and B11 at 84 sample points have been plotted in biaxial graphs. Tertiary diagrams of Al/10-Li-Ti and Ti-Al/10-Rb*50 have been compiled and in these, fields for LCT-pegmatites have been highlighted based on data from Müller et al. (2021). The report demands no previous knowledge of LA-ICP-MS to be understood. The purpose of the investigation was to answer, 1) If quartz samples from Bergby-Hamrånge can be classified as ultrapure quartz and 2) To discuss the trace element concentrations and investigate alternative uses for quartz that is not ultrapure.

Origin of organic compounds in fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Konn, Cécile January 2009 (has links)
Natural gas, primarily methane (CH4), is produced in substantial amounts in ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems. These systems could also generate oil (heavier hydrocarbons) and the first building blocks of life (prebiotic molecules). In the presence of iron bearing minerals, serpentinisation reactions generate H2. Subsequently, CH4 could be synthesised by Fischer-Tropsch Type (FTT) reaction (4H2 + CO2 → CH4 + 2H2O) which is an abiotic process. This has lead to the idea of abiotic formation of larger organic molecules. Both thermodynamics and laboratory work support this idea, yet field data have been lacking. This study focuses on determining the organic content of fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and the origin of the compounds. Fluids were collected from the Lost City, Rainbow, Ashadze and Logatchev vent fields during the EXOMAR (2005), SERPENTINE (2007), MoMARDREAMnaut (2007) and MOMAR08-Leg2 (2008) cruises conducted by IFREMER, France. A SBSE-TD-GC-MS technique was developed and used to extract, concentrate, separate and identify compounds in the fluids. Hydrothermally derived compounds appeared to consist mainly of hydrocarbons and O-bearing molecules. In addition, some amino acids were detected in the fluids by ULPC-ESI-QToF-MS but their origin will need to be determined. The organic content of the Rainbow fluids did not show intra field variability unlike differences could be noted over the years. In order to address the question of the source of the molecules, compound specific carbon isotopic analyses were carried out and completed with a bacterial (Pyrococcus abyssi) hydrothermal degradation experiment. The δ13C data fall in the range of -40 to -30‰ (vs. V-PDB), but individual δ13C values preclude the identification of a biogenic or abiogenic origin of the compounds. The degradation experiment, however, suggests an abiogenic origin of a portion of saturated hydrocarbons whereas carboxylic acids would be biogenic, and aromatic compounds would be thermogenic. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted. / MoMARnet

Formation of Sulphides in the Canadian High Arctic Large Igneous Province; Testing the Influence of Sedimentary Rocks / Bildandet av sulfider i den kanadensiskahögarktiska magmatiska provinsen: prövning av sedimentära bergarters inflytande

Hagerfors, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) form during short-lived pulses of extensive magmatic activity. LIPs are known for their ability to affect global climate as well as for their Ni-Cu-PGE ore potential. A key factor that controls the intensity of the climate impact of a LIP and its ore potential is the assimilation of volatile-rich sedimentary host rocks. Magmas of the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP), exposed in the Arctic, intruded volatile-rich black shales, carbonates and evaporites in the Canadian Arctic Islands, offering a great opportunity for studying magma-sediment interaction. The purpose of this study is to test whether assimilation of sedimentary sulphide can promote sulphide immiscibility in magma and thus aid formation of Ni-Cu-PGE ore bodies. This is done by analysing sulphur isotopes in pyrite grains hosted in a HALIP dolerite sill, which was emplaced into black shale, by using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Four dolerite samples are analysed; two coming from the lower contact margin of the sill, one from 60 cm into the sill and one sample from a basaltic vein at the upper contact margin of the sill. A total of 14 pyrite grains (n = 246 individual SIMS spot analyses) were analysed for their sulphur isotope ratios. The results of the SIMS analyses show that all analysed sulphides have highly negative δ34S values ranging from -19.5 to -5.7‰ (average δ34S = -8.2 ± 0.83‰, 2SD), which therefore differ largely from that of the primitive mantle (0 ± 1.8‰). In order to put our four analysed dolerite samples into a broader context, δ34S data of our sulphides are compared with whole-rock δ34S and δ18O data from Hare Fiord shale and dolerite samples. The δ34S values of the sulphide samples from the sill typically trend toward the negative sulphur isotope composition of the sulphides in the surrounding shale, and the shale surrounding the sill experiences a loss of 32S near the contact of the sill. This indicates that sedimentary light sulphur (32S) has been locally incorporated into the sill by the surrounding shale, resulting in negative δ34S values in the magmatic sulphides. Since sulphide immiscibility in the Hare Fiord sill was triggered by assimilation of sulphur from host rock shale, the igneous rocks of the HALIP may be prospective for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization, though more studies are needed. Furthermore, our results suggest that incorporation of crustal sulphur increased the volatile budget of HALIP magmas, which therefore could have contributed to a deterioration of the environmental conditions during the emplacement of the HALIP. / Stora magmatiska provinser (på engelska Large Igneous Provinces, LIPs) är vulkaniska event då enorma mängder magma avsätts över en väldigt stor yta under ett, i ett geologiskt perspektiv, kort tidsspann. Dessa stora vulkaniska utbrott har väckt stort intresse då de är samtida med flera av de största massutdöendena i jordens historia, men också för att en viss typ av sulfidmalm rik på nickel, koppar och platinametaller (Ni-Cu-PGE malmer) ofta förekommer i provinsernas magmagångar och magmakammare. En viktig faktor som till stor del avgör en magmatisk provins påverkan på klimatet och potentiella malmförekomster är inkorporering av sedimentära bergarter till magman som, när de hettas upp, kan frigöra gaser rika på svavel och kol. I Kanadas arktiska öar trängde magma tillhörande den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen (HALIP) in i svart skiffer, karbonater och evaporiter, som är sedimentära bergarter rika på flyktiga ämnen. Denna magmatiska provins erbjuder därför stora möjligheter till att studera interaktionen mellan magma och sedimentära bergarter. Syftet med denna studie är att testa om inkorporering av sedimentärt svavel kan främja bildandet av sulfidsmälta i magma och därigenom bidra till bildandet av sulfidmalmer. Detta görs genom att analysera svavelisotoper i sulfidmineral i prover från en magmagång, som trängde in i en skifferformation, tillhörande den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen i norra Kanada. Genom att analysera svavelisotopkvoten (δ34S) i sulfidmineral kan man få information om huruvida svavlet i mineralen är av sedimentärt ursprung (där skiffer generellt har negativa δ34S värden) eller om svavlet har δ34S värden liknande de från manteln (som har δ34S värden runt 0‰), vilket i så fall skulle innebära att magman inte har inkorporerat sedimentärt svavel. Genom att använda masspektrometri av typen SIMS analyseras totalt 14 sulfidmineralkorn (n = 246 individuella SIMS punkter) för deras svavelisotopkvoter. Resultatet av studien visar att alla analyserade sulfidmineral har mycket negativa δ34S värden mellan -19.5 och -5.7‰ (med ett δ34S medelvärde på -8.2 ± 0.83‰, två standardavvikelser). Genom att jämföra våra δ34S värden med δ34S och δ18O värden för andra prover från både magmagången och den omgivande skiffern kunde vi se att δ34S värdena för sulfidmineralen i de yttre delarna av magmagången har liknande negativa värden som den omgivande skiffern, och att δ34S värdena för skiffern närmast magmagången är mer positiva. Detta tyder på att sedimentärt svavel i kontakten mellan magmagången och skiffern har blivit inkorporerat i magman från den omgivande skiffern. Våra resultat tyder därför på att sulfidmineralen i våra prover från magmagången bildades genom assimilering av svavel från den omgivande skiffern. Detta innebär i sin tur att den kanadensiska högarktiska magma provinsen potentiellt kan vara en källa för sulfidmalm, även om ytterligare studier behövs. Dessutom visar våra resultat att inkorporering av sedimentärt svavel förmodligen ökade de vulkaniska gaserna i magman, vilket kan ha bidragit till klimatförändringar relaterade till den vulkaniska aktiviteten av den högarktiska magmatiska provinsen.

Grundämnessammansättning i lössjordar på norra halvklotet

Oskar, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The content of atmospheric dust in ice cores from Greenland varies with changes in climate, but the exact relationship is yet unknown. To determine this correlation, the source of the Greenland dust must be known. There are several hypotheses on the location of the source, but no current methods have been sufficient in determining the exact origin. This study explores the possibility of using elemental geochemical composition as an indicator for the dust origin. Major and trace element concentrations in loess and red clay samples from loess areas in Northern America, Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China were determined using handheld XRF. UCC-normalised values of major elements show similar trends for all areas, with depletion of Si, Al, Mg, K, Ti, Fe and Mn and enrichment of Ca and P in most samples. The elemental ratios Fe/Ti, Al2O3/SiO2, Al2O3/Ti, Fe/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CaO/Al2O3, Rb/Sr and Zr/Rb display variations between areas, indicative of differences in weathering rates and grain sizes. The combined ratios Fe/Ti vs. K2O/Al2O3, Fe/Al2O3 or Al2O3/Ti can be used to differentiate loess from Canada, the US, central and eastern Europe, Israel and China. Central Asian loess however shows similar composition to Chinese loess. The results indicate that loess from different parts of the world have significant differences in elemental composition, which could potentially be used to differentiate between suggested sources of the Greenland dust. / Mängden stoft i isborrkärnor från Grönland varierar med förändringar i klimat, men det exakta sambandet är ännu okänt. För att kunna rekonstruera detta samband krävs att källan till stoftet är känd. Flera hypoteser finns idag kring denna källa, men inga hittills prövade metoder har kunnat urskilja ett definitivt ursprung. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheten att använda grundämnessammansättning som en indikator för stoftets ursprung. Koncentrationer av huvudelement och spårämnen i löss och röd lera från lössområden i Nordamerika, Europa, Mellanöstern, Centralasien och Kina bestämdes med handhållen XRF. UCC-normaliserade värden för huvudelement visar att områdena följer huvudsakligen liknande trender med reduktion av Si, Al, Mg, K, Ti, Fe och Mn och anrikning av Ca och P i de flesta prover. Grundämneskvoterna Fe/Ti, Al2O3/SiO2, Al2O3/Ti, Fe/Al2O3, K2O/Al2O3, CaO/Al2O3, Rb/Sr och Zr/Rb uppvisar tydlig variation mellan områden, indikativt för skillnader i vittring och kornstorlek. De kombinerade kvoterna Fe/Ti mot K2O/Al2O3, Fe/Al2O3 eller Al2O3/Ti kan användas för att särskilja löss från Kanada, USA, Central- och Östeuropa, Israel och Kina. Centralasiatisk löss uppvisar dock liknande sammansättning som kinesisk. Resultatet visar att löss från olika delar av världen har betydande skillnader i grundämnessammansättning, vilket skulle kunna användas som indikator för ursprunget till Grönlands stoft.

Effekten av kvävegödsling på gasproduktionen vintertid i boreala sjöar / Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the production of CO2 and CH4 during winter in boreal lakes

Robygd, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
To investigate effects of nitrogen on in-lake CO2 and CH4 production during winter, three pair of lakes was subject for a fertilizing experiment in which one lake in each pair was fertilized with nitric acid (HNO3) directly into the water column in the summer of 2012. The lakes in each pair are assumed to be morphologically, hydrologically and biologically similar, that is, the non-fertilized lakes are considered references. The pairs do differ in one major way by being progressively less humic, going from around 25 mg/l to 10 mg/l DOC. Sampling and analysis was carried out at the end of the frozen period in 2013. Results show a significantly higher concentration of both CO2 (p<0,001) and CH4 (α=0,1, p=0,053) between impact and reference sites in the two less humic pairs. The very humic pair generated lower concentrations of CO2 and CH4 after fertilization in the impact site compared to the reference site. The lakes with low and intermediate humic content are assumed to have increased their biomass production during the ice-free season which contributed to elevated amount of available organic carbon to be mineralized to gas during winter. The absence of a fertilization effect in the very high humic lake is most likely due to light-limitation being the key limitator in that lake, thus preventing an elevated biomass production during the ice-free season. Northern boreal lakes can be expected to react differently to elevated N-deposition and runoff depending on the amount of catchment derived terrestrial carbon transported to the lake.

Co-disposal of waste rock and lignite fly ash to mitigate the environmental impact of coal mining

Qureshi, Asif January 2016 (has links)
Waste rocks (WRs) from coal mining and fly ash (FA) from coal combustion were studied to determine the potential of the WRs to generate AMD, FAs to neutralise it and estimate their impacts on environment. The ultimate goal was to develop a methodology based on co-disposal to mitigate the environmental problems associated to both wastes. Two methods for co-disposal were tested: i) Mixing WRs and FAs and ii) covering WRs with FAs. WRs were sampled from the Lakhra coal mines in Pakistan (PK), which has an estimated coal reserves of 1.3 Btonne, varying from lignite to sub-bituminous quality. The FA was sampled from a power plant utilising coal from Lakhra coal mines and is situated in close vicinity (15km) of the mine site. For comparative purposes a bituminous FA from Finland (FI) and biomass FA from Sweden (SE) were also characterised. The WRs and FA samples were characterised by mineralogical and geochemical methods. Besides organic material (coal traces), quartz, pyrite, kaolinite, hematite, gypsum and traces of calcite, lime, malladerite, spangolite, franklinite and birnessite were identified in WRs by XRD. The major elements Si, Al, Ca and Fe were in the range (wt. %) of 8 – 12, 6 – 9, 0.3 – 3 and 1 – 10, respectively, with high S concentrations (1.94 – 11.33 wt. %) in WRs. The AMD potential of WRs ranged from -70 to -492 kg CaCO3 tonne-1. All FAs contained quartz, with iron oxide, anhydrite and magnesioferrite in PK, mullite and lime in FI and calcite and anorthite in SE. The Ca content in SE was 6 and 8 times higher compared to PK and FI, respectively. FAs were enriched in As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn compared to continental crust. The acid neutralising potential of PK was equivalent to 20 kg CaCO3 tonne-1 compared to 275 kg CaCO3 tonne-1 (SE) and 25 kg CaCO3 tonne-1 (FI). During the period of 192 days in weathering cell experiments (WCE), the pH of leachates from most acidic WRs was maintained from 1 to 2.5, whereas, the less acidic WRs produced leachates of mildly acidic (2.7) to neutral (7.3) pH. The leachates from very acidic WRs ranged in the concentrations of Fe, SO24− and Al from mg L-1 to g L-1. The samples were subjected to column leaching experiments (CLE) in which mixture (FA:WR; 1:3) and cover (FA:WR; 1:5) cases were mimicked (with 10mm particle size) and effects of particle size (2, 5 and 10mm) on element leaching were studied. Despite having the lowest acid-neutralisation potential compared to FI and SE, co-disposal of PKFA as mixture readily provides acid buffering minerals, resulting in better start-up pH conditions and leachate quality. However, acidity produced by secondary mineralisation contributes towards the acidification of the system, causing stabilisation of pH at around 4.5−5. Secondary mineralisation (especially Fe- and Al-mineral precipitation) also removes toxic elements such as As, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni and Mn, and these secondary minerals can also buffer acidity when the pH tends to be acidic. In contrast, the pH of the leachates from the PKFA cover scenario gradually increased from strongly acidic to mildly acidic and circumneutral along with decrease in EC and elemental leaching in different WRs. Gradually increasing pH can be attributed to the cover effect, which reduces oxygen ingress, thus sulphide oxidation, causing pH to elevate. Due to the fact that pH~4–5 is sufficient for secondary Fe- and Al-mineral precipitation which also removes toxic elements (such as Cd, Co, Cu, Zn and Ni) by adsorption and/or co-precipitation, the FA cover performs well enough to achieve that pH until the conclusion of the CLE. However, due to the slower reactivity of the buffering system (additional to the initial flush-out), leaching in the beginning could not be restricted. The co-disposal of FA as cover and/or mixture possesses potential for neutralisation of AMD and improving leachate quality significantly. Particle size of the WRs affected the leaching of the sulphide related elements (such as Fe, S, Zn, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni) in CLE and WCE. Experiments with ≤1mm particle size constantly produced acidic and metal laden leachates. Co-disposal of FA and WRs as cover and mixture need to be investigated on pilot-scales before full-scale application.

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