Spelling suggestions: "subject:"manyswedish"" "subject:"femaleswedish""
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Faderns orättvisa behandling : zur Übersetzung deutscher Genitivattribute ins SchwedischeGlushenkova, Maria January 2016 (has links)
One of the characteristics of German scientific language is the frequent use of noun phrases containing multiple modifiers. A common type of modifier in German scientific writing is the NP modifier in genitival case. Although not uncommon in the Swedish language, these so-called genitival modifiers are found more frequently in German texts, not only because of the grammatical differences between the two languages, but also due to the German preference for a more nominal writing style. This study focuses on the translation of German genitival modifiers into Swedish. The first aim of the study was to determine which syntactic structures can be used to translate German genitival modifiers into Swedish, as well as to establish the most frequently used translation structure or structures. The second aim was to identify the factors that prevented the direct transfer of a genitival modifier. For the purposes of this study, a section of Wolfgang Mertens popular scientific book Traum und Traumdeutung was translated into Swedish, after which it was analyzed with the above-mentioned aims in mind. The study has shown that about a third of the genitival modifiers found in the source text were translated using prepositional modifiers. Another third were translated with a corresponding Swedish genitival modifier. For the translation of the remaining genitival modifiers six additional types of structures were used. The main factors that prevented a direct translation were the grammatical inability to use certain types of genitival modifiers in the target language as well as the preference of the target language for more verbal expressions.
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Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise : Optionen, Komplikationen und Implikationen bei der Übersetzung von pränominalen erweiterten Adjektiv- und Partizipialattributen aus dem Deutschen ins Schwedische / ‚Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise‘ (A clearly trauma related behaviour). : Options, Complications and Implications in Swedish translations of German extended premodifiersRödholm Siegrist, Helena January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the Swedish translations of extended premodifiers in a non-fictional German text on pedagogical theory and practice. The aim is to analyse complications and implications connected to different translation options and strategies. The analysis is based on Solfjeld’s (2003, 2004) German-Norwegian translation studies, which propose a classification model for translation strategies for German extended premodifiers with regard to aspects of explicitation and implicitation. The results show relations between postnominal finite target clauses and explicitation on the one hand, and on the other hand between prenominal non-clausal units and implicitation. Explicitation tends to result in sentence splitting which affects the text length and text cohesion.In addition, the study defines three main categories of German extended modifiers. The first category of adverbial extender premodifiers describe time, degree, and perspective and can easily be transferred into Swedish premodifying structures. The second category includes objects or predicatives which must be transferred into postmodifying structures. For the extended premodifiers belonging to the third category, the transferring into pre- or postmodifying target structures is optional. The study shows that the complexity of the extended premodifiers is a crucial factor which determines the choice of translation strategy. While explicifying relative clauses have a high amount of correspondence with Swedish language structures, the analysis emphasizes that implicifying premodifying target structures have less negative impact on text length, sentence splitting and text cohesion.
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“What you NEED to know”, “Was man wissen muss” and “Vad man behöver veta” : A contrastive corpus study of NEED to and its German and Swedish correspondences in non-fictionJulin, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates how the semi-modal need to is translated into German/Swedish and which German/Swedish correspondences are translated into need to. To this end, the Linnaeus University English–German–Swedish Corpus (LEGS) is used. Nida’s (1964: 159-162) concept of formal and dynamic equivalence is used to perform the qualitative analysis and to discuss the results from the quantitative part of the study. The use of semi-modals such as be going to, have to and want to have increased during the second half of the 20th century (Leech et al.: 2009: 99). need to represents the obligation as being in the best interest of the subject and is associated with objectivity (Kastrone 2008: 829; Aijmer 2017: 28) Thus, need to is used to distance the speaker to avoid an authoritarian stance. This trend is a sign of an ongoing democratization (Leech et al. 2009: 270). The results showed that the preferred German translation is müssen (‘must’) (55%) and the preferred Swedish translation is behöva (‘need’) (47%). ‘Other’ is the second preferred German translation and the third preferred Swedish translation. These results are reflected in the structures translated from German and Swedish. The results indicate that the semantic category of the co-occurring main verb and the co-occurring subject affect translation. Based on these results, it could be said that English, followed by Swedish, is leading the process of democratization. However, further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.
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Vertical Metaphors : English down and up in Swedish contrastJohansson, Anton January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to compare the English metaphorical expressions up and down in relation to Swedish. For this purpose, English original texts with Swedish translations and Swedish original texts and English translations were analyzed by using the Linnaeus English-German-Swedish corpus. Thus, the study will show that the metaphorical expressions up and down are used more often in English translated texts as well as what the most common Swedish translation or original of the metaphorical expressions are. Furthermore, the paper will sort the metaphorical expressions based on target domains and compare this with the Swedish translations.
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Übersetzen mit doppeltem Skopos : Eine empirische Prozess- und Produktstudie / Translation with Double Skopos : An Empirical Process and Product StudyNorberg, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this experimental study is to examine the translation processes and the resulting translations of eight translators performing translation tasks from German into Swedish. The data about the translation processes were collected with the think-aloud technique, i.e. the translators were asked to verbalize as much of their thinking as possible while translating. The translators – four of whom had long working experience and the others substantially shorter experience – were asked to translate the same source text (a news item) for two different fictitious audiences: first for a morning newspaper and then for a children’s magazine.</p><p>With regards to the translation process, the results showed that the two categories of translators did not differ considerably from each other, neither in their dictionary use, nor in their overall accomplishment of the translation tasks. However, they did differ in their attitude. The less experienced translators were more involved in the process, which also led to quality improvements. At the same time, individual differences were substantial regarding all of the criteria examined.</p><p>The resulting translations (the products) were evaluated both by the researcher and by journalists from the newspapers or magazines in which the texts, according to the briefs, were to be published. The results showed small differences in text quality for the two categories of translators. According to the journalists, the less experienced translators even produced slightly better texts for the morning paper.</p>
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Übersetzen mit doppeltem Skopos : Eine empirische Prozess- und Produktstudie / Translation with Double Skopos : An Empirical Process and Product StudyNorberg, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this experimental study is to examine the translation processes and the resulting translations of eight translators performing translation tasks from German into Swedish. The data about the translation processes were collected with the think-aloud technique, i.e. the translators were asked to verbalize as much of their thinking as possible while translating. The translators – four of whom had long working experience and the others substantially shorter experience – were asked to translate the same source text (a news item) for two different fictitious audiences: first for a morning newspaper and then for a children’s magazine. With regards to the translation process, the results showed that the two categories of translators did not differ considerably from each other, neither in their dictionary use, nor in their overall accomplishment of the translation tasks. However, they did differ in their attitude. The less experienced translators were more involved in the process, which also led to quality improvements. At the same time, individual differences were substantial regarding all of the criteria examined. The resulting translations (the products) were evaluated both by the researcher and by journalists from the newspapers or magazines in which the texts, according to the briefs, were to be published. The results showed small differences in text quality for the two categories of translators. According to the journalists, the less experienced translators even produced slightly better texts for the morning paper.
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Hur leker lika barn bäst? : - Utvecklande av generella riktlinjer vid förhandlingar mellan svenskainköpsavdelningar och tyska leverantörer / How do birds of a feather flock together? : - The development of general guidelines on negotiations between Swedishpurchasing departments and German suppliersHult, Martina, Svenblad, Sara, Axelsson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Titel: Hur leker lika barn bäst? – Utvecklande av generella riktlinjer vid förhandlingar mellansvenska inköpsavdelningar och tyska leverantörerFörfattare: Karin Axelsson, Martina Hult och Sara SvenbladHandledare: Lisa MelanderBAKGRUND: Många studier har bedrivits om förhandlingsmönster, och på senare tid äveninternationella sådana. Detta på grund av internationaliseringen som ägt rum under de senasteårtiondena. Man har fokuserat på att beskriva svårigheter och utmaningar i exempelvis västerländsk-asiatisk förhandling, medan förhandlingar mellan två västerländska parter som allmäntanses vara relativt lika varandra har fått betydligt mindre uppmärksamhet. Den geografiska,kulturella och språkliga närheten vilseleder oss att tro att interaktioner av olika slag inte innebärnågra svårigheter för tyska respektive svenska parter. Vi hävdar att svensk-tysk förhandlinginnebär vissa utmaningar och att denna typ av förhandling kräver extra uppmärksamhet ijämförelse med en nationell förhandling, och att det är möjligt att utveckla vissa generellariktlinjer som man som svensk förhandlare bör ta i beaktande innan och under en förhandlingmed en tysk motpart.SYFTE: Att utveckla generella riktlinjer inför förhandlingar för svenska inköpsavdelningarsom kommer att förhandla med tyska leverantörer.GENOMFÖRANDE: Det empiriska materialet har samlats in via kvalitativa, semistruktureradeintervjuer med Exportrådet i Berlin, Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren, SAAB Aerosystems,Toyota Material Handling Europe samt Scania. Samtliga har erfarenhet av förhandlingarmed Tyskland. Det teoretiska materialet har samlats in genom diverse relevant litteraturi form av böcker och artiklar.RESULTAT: Tyskland ses överlag som en önskvärd partner i förhandlingar då svenskar ochtyskar anses ha liknande tankesätt om hur förhandlingar bör struktureras och genomföras.Dock finns vissa moment som man som svensk förhandlare bör vara medveten om för attåstadkomma bästa möjliga utfall av förhandlingen. En modell har tagits fram i enlighet meddet material som framkommit under intervjuerna med respondenterna. Denna modell kan användassom riktlinje för vad man bör ta i beaktande och lägga vikt vid inför en förhandlingmed en tysk motpart. De faktorer som vi menar är extra kritiska och som svenska förhandlarebör överväga noggrant inför den ovan nämnda förhandlingssituationen är förberedelse, tydlighet, respekt för tid samt korrekthet. Alla dessa strategiska faktorer bör tas i beaktande medhjälp av en medvetenhet som skall finnas med genom hela förhandlingsprocessen. Vi hävdar att det faktum att samtliga av våra intervjupersoner upplever att tyskar i regel är bra förhandlingsparteroch att förhandlingar med tyska leverantörer generellt är relativt problemfria harsin grund i att intervjupersonerna dels är medvetna om de skillnader som föreligger i ländernasrespektive affärskultur, och dels att man på samtliga företag har långvariga relationer medsina leverantörer. Även det faktum att våra respondenter befinner sig i en köpsituation i förhandlingarnakan ha en inverkan på det generellt positiva utfallet.NYCKELORD: Förhandling, Tyskland, Sverige, inköp, leverantör, riktlinjer, Exportrådet,Tysk-Svenska Handelskammaren, SAAB Aerosystems, Toyota Material Handling Europe,Scania.
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