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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of different phases of pentecostal experience in the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM)

Hwata, Benny 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of differing Pentecostal experiences in Apostolic Faith Mission from its inception, with specific reference to the AFM of South Africa and AFM in Zimbabwe.The study examines: The brief history of the AFM. This begins with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angels. Pentecostalism then spread to South Africa through John G. Lake with the founding of AFM of South Africa. AFM filtered into Zimbabwe where it faced stiff resistance from government authorities and established mainline churches. Theologies and spiritual gifts which make Pentecostalism different from other faiths. Main doctrines and tenets of faith discernible from the brief historical outline. A general outline of phases in Pentecostalism. An attempt will be made to determine whether these phases are applicable to AFM. This dissertation is a contribution towards reconciling diverging views concerning Pentecostalism in the AFM because various congregations of the same denomination behave and believe differently. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

The role of the Holy Spirit in actualization, denial, empowerment, renewal and consummation of the human self

Baliah, Barnabas Sundrum 30 June 2007 (has links)
The content of this dissertation delineates the crucial and incisive role of the Holy Spirit in terms of God's grand and majestic acts of creation, that is the creation of the multiversity of universes, redemption that is the cross, the exemplar of Christ in self­ denial, reconciliation and restoration, and his resurrection, that is self-empowerment, self-renewal and self-fulfillment observed within the context of God, being human and the physical organic environment as it interacts with the human acts of personal and social responsibility observed within the context of a five dimensional approach of self-actualization, self-denial, self-empowerment, self-renewal and self-fulfillment, ingested into ones identity, internalised and witnessed as meaningful daily praxis, seen through the prism of the cross and the resurrection. A didactic method has been followed to engender insights into and conviction regarding the relevance of the subject for our present day and a hortatory method to exhort to an obedient response and to urge an appropriate action. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Vergelykende studie na die kerklike diens van genesing

Pieterse, Cornelius Louwrens 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerklike diens van genesing bet deur die geskiedenis uitgestaan as een van die aktiwiteite van die kerk van Jesus Christus wat vanwee verskillende redes voortdurend in die brandpunt was. Die afgelope dekades is gekenmerk deur die toename van gelowiges uit verskillende denominasies en groepe wat by die nadenke oor en beoefening van die diens van genesing in die kerk betrokke geraak bet. Die toename bet meegebring dat die kerklike diens van genesing op verskillende wyses (praktyke) beoefen is en dat verskillende redes as regverdiging daarvoor aangebied is. Onderliggend hieraan le bepaalde teoriee waarvan die beoefenaars soms bewus was, en soms nie. Die huidige navorsing ondersoek die teoriee en praxes van verskillende genesingsbedienings binne 'n bepaalde akademiese en kerklike raamwerk. In die verband is 'n vergelykende studie deur middel van 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die werk van twee uiteenlopende instansies gedoen, naamlik die London Healing Mission ( wat onder toesig van die Anglikaanse kerk funksioneer en daarom 'n vaste tradisie bet), en die Vineyard Christian Fellowship van Boise, in die VSA, wat 'n jong gemeente is, en by die sogenaamde 'Third Wave' beweging inpas. Die teoriee en praktyk van elke bediening word in die studie ge!dentifiseer en met mekaar vergelyk. Uit hierdie vergelyking word verskillende gevolgtrekkings gemaak, onder andere oor die bestaansreg van die kerklike diens van genesing en die formaat wat dit behoort aan te neem. Sekere opmerkinge word op grond van die navorsingsresultate gemaak wat in die Pinkster, Charismatiese en Gerefonneerde kerke asook vir die kerk in die algemeen, van waarde kan wees. Die navorsingsresultate word gebruik om 'n bedieningsmodel vir die genesingsbediening in die kerk te ontwerp. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met aanbevelings met die oog op moontlike toekomstige navorsing. / Throughout history the healing ministry has been one of the outstanding activities of the church of Jesus Christ which remained continuously and for various reasons the focal point of attention. The past decades were characterized by an escalation of believers from different denominations and groups who became involved in the meditation and practicing of the healing ministry in the church. This escalation has resulted in the healing ministry being practiced in multiple ways and various reasons being given as justification for doing so. This was done in the presence of underlying theories of which the practitioners were either consciously or subconsciously aware or unaware of. The present research explores the theories and practices of the healing ministry within a particular academic and ecclesiastical context. A comparative study was undertaken by means of a qualitative investigation covering the work of two divergent institutions namely: The London Healing Mission (which is supervised by the Anglican Church and therefore has a specific tradition) and the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Boise, USA, which is a 'new' congregation and fits in with the so called Third Wave movement. The theories and practices of both these ministries are identified and compared with one another. Various conclusions are reached through this comparison, referring amongst others to the healing ministry's right of existence and the format in which it should be practiced. Remarks that are being·made with regard to the results of the research should be of value to the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed churches in particular, but to the Church in general as well. These results are also used to design a ministering model for the healing ministry. The study concludes with certain recommendations for possible future research. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Les contrats d'assurance sur la vie et le droit patrimonial de la famille / Life insurance contracts in relation to family estate

Béguin, Céline 01 December 2011 (has links)
Prohibée il y a deux siècles, l'assurance sur la vie est devenue le soutien principal de l'économie. Au carrefour de plusieurs domaines juridiques, son examen doit englober la famille du souscripteur et du bénéficiaire. Bien que, le plus souvent, le code des assurances ne tienne pas compte des rapports de famille, les règles relatives aux couples, aux héritiers et créanciers jouent. De même que s’appliquent le droit fiscal et celui des incapacités. De nos jours, l'assurance vie a un rôle clé dans le conseil patrimonial et la planification successorale. Différents types de contrats sur la vie humaine coexistent. De nouveaux contrats, comme les assurances en cas de vie, rentes et contrats en unités de compte, sont des véhicules d’épargne. Cette évolution a complètement renouvelé le marché. Deux catégories se dégagent. D'abord, les contrats de prévoyance sont destinés à fournir une somme au décès de l’assuré, comme les assurances temporaires décès et vie entière. Ensuite, les contrats de placement ont pour objectif principal la constitution d'un capital en payant une ou plusieurs primes ; ils sont l'activité centrale des assureurs. Cette étude vise à identifier l’influence de la variété des contrats sur le droit familial. Les articles L. 132-12 à 17 du code des assurances furent conçus pour les contrats en cas de décès. Il y a une contradiction flagrante dans l’application de ces règles aux nouveaux contrats, qui sont de purs outils d’épargne. Il était nécessaire d'analyser comment le code civil compense l'inadéquation du code des assurances. Des propositions ont été formulées pour adapter le régime juridique de l'assurance sur la vie à la grande diversité des contrats. / Prohibited two centuries ago, life insurance is now the mainstay of the Frencheconomy. At the crossroad of several legal areas, the study of life insuranceshould consider both the policy holder’s and the beneficiary’s families. Despite the fact that the French Insurance Code ignores, more often than not, familyrelationships, the legal rules applied to couples, heirs and creditors areinterfering with insurance law. So too do tax law and legal incapacities.Nowadays, life insurance plays a key-role in assets management and estateplanning. Several types of contracts are in use. New types of contracts, suchas universal life, annuities and unit-linked insurance plan, are savings vehicles.This evolution has completely renewed the life insurance market. Twocategories emerge among Life-based contracts. First, there are protection policies, which are designed to provide a benefit at the insured's death, such as term life and permanent life insurance. Investment policies are the second type. Their main objective is to facilitate the growth of a capital by paying single or flexible premiums ; they are the core activity of insurers. This study aims to assess the impact of this diverse range of contracts on family law. Articles L. 132-12 to 17 of the Insurance code were originally enacted to regulate term and permanent life insurance. It is a contradiction in terms to apply these provisions to the new types of contracts, which are pure savings vehicles. It was necessary to critically analyse how the Civil Code fills in the gaps left by the Insurance Code. Suggestions are made to adjust the legal regime to the wide diversity of life insurance contracts.

"Folk brukar vilja falla här" : En studie om religiösa kroppsliga upplevelser hos kristna karismatiker / "The Holy Spirit will surely fall..." : A Study in Bodily Experiences Interpreted as Religious by the Individual, in a Christian Charismatic Context

Lundqvist, Emma January 2012 (has links)
In this paper I aimed to explore the bodily experiences and expressions that Christian charismatics interpret as religious.  The so-called presence of God and the so-called gifts of the spirit were in focus in the gathering of information. My purpose was to find out how the social community of the Christian charismatics affects the subjective bodily experiences that are interpreted as religious by the individual. The main questions were: 1: How do Christian charismatics describe religious experiences and their effect on the body? 2: What bodily expressions of religious experience can be observed in Christian charismatic contexts? 3: Is there a common way of expressing the experience of God's presence (individually or in a group) and how, in this case, can any resemblance be explained? The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative interviews and participant observations, which then were analyzed by the anthropologist Thomas J. Csordas theory of embodiment. By applying his theory on a Swedish-based material I hope to bring a new perspective into the research on this subject and inspire to further research and curiosity about Christian charismatics in Sweden. In this essay phenomena such as falling in the spirit, speaking in tongues, and healing were analyzed. Some of the phenomena, which are interpreted as presences of God by the believer, could be explained according to the theory of embodiment, but some could not. The similarities of bodily religious experiences among different groups of Christian charismatics can be explained with the concept of habitus. That is because even though the groups may have long distances between them, the still share behaviors and belief systems , for example the Bible, as common ideas in the global habitus of Christian charismatics.

The role of the Holy Spirit in actualization, denial, empowerment, renewal and consummation of the human self

Baliah, Barnabas Sundrum 30 June 2007 (has links)
The content of this dissertation delineates the crucial and incisive role of the Holy Spirit in terms of God's grand and majestic acts of creation, that is the creation of the multiversity of universes, redemption that is the cross, the exemplar of Christ in self­ denial, reconciliation and restoration, and his resurrection, that is self-empowerment, self-renewal and self-fulfillment observed within the context of God, being human and the physical organic environment as it interacts with the human acts of personal and social responsibility observed within the context of a five dimensional approach of self-actualization, self-denial, self-empowerment, self-renewal and self-fulfillment, ingested into ones identity, internalised and witnessed as meaningful daily praxis, seen through the prism of the cross and the resurrection. A didactic method has been followed to engender insights into and conviction regarding the relevance of the subject for our present day and a hortatory method to exhort to an obedient response and to urge an appropriate action. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Vergelykende studie na die kerklike diens van genesing

Pieterse, Cornelius Louwrens 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerklike diens van genesing bet deur die geskiedenis uitgestaan as een van die aktiwiteite van die kerk van Jesus Christus wat vanwee verskillende redes voortdurend in die brandpunt was. Die afgelope dekades is gekenmerk deur die toename van gelowiges uit verskillende denominasies en groepe wat by die nadenke oor en beoefening van die diens van genesing in die kerk betrokke geraak bet. Die toename bet meegebring dat die kerklike diens van genesing op verskillende wyses (praktyke) beoefen is en dat verskillende redes as regverdiging daarvoor aangebied is. Onderliggend hieraan le bepaalde teoriee waarvan die beoefenaars soms bewus was, en soms nie. Die huidige navorsing ondersoek die teoriee en praxes van verskillende genesingsbedienings binne 'n bepaalde akademiese en kerklike raamwerk. In die verband is 'n vergelykende studie deur middel van 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die werk van twee uiteenlopende instansies gedoen, naamlik die London Healing Mission ( wat onder toesig van die Anglikaanse kerk funksioneer en daarom 'n vaste tradisie bet), en die Vineyard Christian Fellowship van Boise, in die VSA, wat 'n jong gemeente is, en by die sogenaamde 'Third Wave' beweging inpas. Die teoriee en praktyk van elke bediening word in die studie ge!dentifiseer en met mekaar vergelyk. Uit hierdie vergelyking word verskillende gevolgtrekkings gemaak, onder andere oor die bestaansreg van die kerklike diens van genesing en die formaat wat dit behoort aan te neem. Sekere opmerkinge word op grond van die navorsingsresultate gemaak wat in die Pinkster, Charismatiese en Gerefonneerde kerke asook vir die kerk in die algemeen, van waarde kan wees. Die navorsingsresultate word gebruik om 'n bedieningsmodel vir die genesingsbediening in die kerk te ontwerp. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met aanbevelings met die oog op moontlike toekomstige navorsing. / Throughout history the healing ministry has been one of the outstanding activities of the church of Jesus Christ which remained continuously and for various reasons the focal point of attention. The past decades were characterized by an escalation of believers from different denominations and groups who became involved in the meditation and practicing of the healing ministry in the church. This escalation has resulted in the healing ministry being practiced in multiple ways and various reasons being given as justification for doing so. This was done in the presence of underlying theories of which the practitioners were either consciously or subconsciously aware or unaware of. The present research explores the theories and practices of the healing ministry within a particular academic and ecclesiastical context. A comparative study was undertaken by means of a qualitative investigation covering the work of two divergent institutions namely: The London Healing Mission (which is supervised by the Anglican Church and therefore has a specific tradition) and the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Boise, USA, which is a 'new' congregation and fits in with the so called Third Wave movement. The theories and practices of both these ministries are identified and compared with one another. Various conclusions are reached through this comparison, referring amongst others to the healing ministry's right of existence and the format in which it should be practiced. Remarks that are being·made with regard to the results of the research should be of value to the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed churches in particular, but to the Church in general as well. These results are also used to design a ministering model for the healing ministry. The study concludes with certain recommendations for possible future research. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Náklady na reprezentaci z pohledu daně z příjmů právnických osob / Entertainment costs from the corporate income tax point of view

Veselá, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the current legislation concerning the entertainment costs which are treated as tax non-deductible expenses in the Czech Republic. Further, this thesis compares these costs with promotion and sponsorship costs which are frequently interchanged in practice. After evaluation of the existing legislation in this area, I focus on the question whether these expenses should be treated as non-deductible expenses from the tax point of view while I base my opinion on the current state of Czech legislation, literature, case law and law of Germany and the United Kingdom.

Návrhy strategie řízení podpory prodeje firmy / Strategy for Managing Sales Promotion of Company

Viková, Miroslava January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with analyzing strategic position of energetic drinks production company. It mainly focuses on establishing a way the company can sustain and improve its current competitive position in the market. The results of the analysis in this thesis should be able to come up with measures that can help the company improve its sales promotion strategy in its area of activity – energy drinks. These measures should be the basis for its competitiveness and sustaining its position in the market.

F F Bosworth : a historical analysis of the influential factors in his life and ministry

Roscoe Barnes, III 30 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the life history of Fred Francis Bosworth (1877-1958) and critically analyze the influential factors that may have contributed to his success as a famous healing evangelist. It seeks to answer the question, “How did he develop from a small-town farm boy into a famous healing evangelist and Pentecostal pioneer?” Using the historical case study method as the research design, the study employs a variant of Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), which suggests that a person's career choice can be determined by his or her self-efficacy beliefs and expected outcomes. Self-efficacy comes from past performances, various learning, social support and one's reaction to barriers. The aim of the study is to determine how Bosworth's childhood and adolescent experiences, as well as his secular experiences in the business world, may have prepared him for his career as a healing evangelist. By showing how a person's early years can impact his or her future, this research will allow the church to know more about the role of early, natural experiences (including skills and environment), in determining God's will for a person's life and ministry. Although Bosworth, author of Christ the Healer (1948), is widely known for his teachings on divine healing, there is little known about his life history. This study is the first to offer a critical analysis of his entire life and ministry; it is also the first study to use the concepts of SCCT to show how his adulthood success may have been influenced by the experiences of his childhood and youth. This study argues that several factors played a critical role in Bosworth’s development. In addition to music and his secular work as a businessman, these factors include his crises, strong Christian women, healings in answer to prayer, and his work in foreign missions. Although Bosworth and others have attributed his success primarily to his Pentecostal experience, this study contends that his childhood, secular and business experiences played a more important role than has been reported in the literature. Furthermore, this study shows that Bosworth’s path to success can be understood through the elements of SCCT. Through SCCT, one can see how Bosworth developed an interest in the healing ministry, how he chose to pursue the ministry as a career, and how he performed and set goals as an evangelist. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

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