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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio de Viabilidad de la Puesta en Marcha del Negocio “Gift App” / Feasibility study for the “Gift App” business start-up

Asencios Veramendi, Giomara Melissa, Carrillo Ore, Alisson Elitha, Cuadros Rozas, Eliana Isabel, Pérez Torres, Josué Arturo, Vílchez Becerra, Cintya Melina 06 December 2020 (has links)
Frente a un mundo en constante innovación y cada vez más arraigado a la tecnología es necesario implementar en los diferentes campos de la vida de los usuarios de compras online de regalos, aplicaciones ágiles diseñadas para otorgar una experiencia de compra sofisticada, a la medida del presupuesto y con una gama de opciones variadas. Solo en Lima Metropolitana hemos identificado dentro de nuestro público objetivo a más de 3 millones de posibles usuarios. Asimismo, se ha identificado también que, frente a una demanda en constante crecimiento, es necesario ofrecer la oportunidad a clientes ofertantes que desean exponer en plataformas online sus productos, es así que nuestra investigación nos confirma que le número de empresas que han adoptado al e-commerce como herramienta de desarrollo ha crecido 4 veces con respecto al 2019. Para estas necesidades identificadas hemos creado Gift App, una aplicación donde convergen ambos tipos de usuarios. Nuestra meta es que la demanda y oferta de productos se mantenga en constante crecimiento año a año, esto de acuerdo al cumplimiento de nuestras estrategias comerciales, de marketing y logísticas que se exponen en el presente trabajo. Para la puesta en marcha del proyecto es necesaria una inversión inicial de S/. 133,248.00, con un financiamiento del 60% con préstamo bancario y un 40% con aporte de los accionistas, donde se estima que las ganancias se generaran desde el primer año de operaciones, teniendo en cuenta un crecimiento proyectado de 7.2% anual. / Faced with a world in constant innovation and increasingly rooted in technology, it is necessary to implement in the different fields of life of online gift shopping users, agile applications designed to provide a sophisticated shopping experience, tailored to the budget. and with a range of varied options. In Lima, we have identified more than 3 million potential users within our target audience. Likewise, it has also been identified that, in the face of a constantly growing demand, it is necessary to offer the opportunity to bidding clients who wish to expose their products on online platforms, so our research confirms that the number of companies that have adopted the e -Commerce as a development tool has grown 4 times compared to 2019. For these identified needs we have created Gift App, an application where both types of users converge. Our goal is that the demand and supply of gifts remains in constant growth year after year, this in accordance with the fulfillment of our commercial, marketing and logistics strategies that are exposed in this work. An initial investment of S /. 133,248.00, with financing of 60% with a bank loan and 40% with shareholders' contribution, where it is estimated that profits will be generated from the first year of operations, taking into account a projected growth of 7.2% per year. / Trabajo de investigación


Huaroc Hospina, Fernando Simón, Huerta Alvarado, Alex Yider, Llanos Luque, Yamill Rubén, Obispo García, Andrea Alexandra, Rojas Madrid, Yamileth Mercedes 06 November 2020 (has links)
OhSorpresa! es el emprendimiento creado por nuestro equipo de trabajo con fines de lograr un negocio de venta de regalos para cumpleaños, aniversarios u otras ocasiones especiales donde el cliente puede solicitar a través de nuestra tienda virtual los productos que ponemos a disposición del cliente, el cual será enviado en tiempo oportuno acorde al registro realizados por el cliente en la plataforma web. Gracias al análisis de entorno realizado, advertimos que en la ciudad de Lima contamos con un mercado potencial para el comercio electrónico. De acuerdo a nuestra investigación de sectores socio-económicos, el nivel B tiene el poder adquisitivo para adquirir el producto que ofreceremos a los usuarios. A ello debemos agregar que gracias al estudio de mercado basado en encuestas decidimos enfocar nuestros recursos y estrategias en la ciudad de Lima. Con la finalidad de obtener un mejor conocimiento del perfil del cliente al cual nos estamos dirigiendo, realizamos entrevistas a profundidad. Se identificó que parte de público objetivo no tiene certeza al momento de elegir un producto qué regalar, ya sea porque desconoce las preferencias o gustos de las personas o porque busca realizar un regalo que busque satisfacer lo más posible las expectativas de la persona a quien se dirige el regalo, es en ese sentido que consideramos existe una oportunidad para aprovechar. Finalmente, el plan de operaciones plantea eficiencia en nuestros procesos desde la interacción del usuario con nuestra plataforma web hasta que el regalo es entregado en tienda o en su domicilio. / Oh surprise! is the enterprise created by our team for the purpose of achieving a business selling gifts for birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions where customers can apply through our online store products that we make available to the client, which will sent in a timely manner according to the registration made by the client on the web platform. Thanks to the environmental analysis carried out, we warned that in the city of Lima we have a potential market for electronic commerce. According to our research of socio-economic sectors, level B has the purchasing power to acquire the product that we will offer to users. To this we must add that thanks to the market study based on surveys we decided to focus our resources and strategies on the city of Lima. In order to gain a better understanding of the profile of the client to whom we are addressing, we conduct in-depth interviews. It was identified that part of the target audience has no certainty when choosing a product to give, either because they do not know the preferences or tastes of people or because they seek to make a gift that seeks to satisfy as much as possible the expectations of the person to whom it is direct the gift, it is in that sense we consider there is an opportunity. Finally, the operations plan raises efficiency in our processes from user interaction with our web platform until the gift is delivered in store or at home. / Trabajo de investigación

Análisis de viabilidad de la comercialización de regalos personalizados - Sorprende Store / Analysis of the feasibility of the marketing of personalized gifts - Surprise Store

Barboza Carnero, Valeria, Caldas Carhuayo, Melanie, Hayashida Kamida, Skily, Ojeda La Torre, Maria Reyna, Parodi Camargo, Gustavo Alfredo 05 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto refleja una idea de modelo de negocio planteada y dirigida por un grupo de estudiantes de la carrera de Administración y Marketing de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Asimismo, todos los conocimientos aprendidos durante el transcurso de la carrera han sido manifestados y expuestos en el siguiente trabajo. En primera instancia, con el crecimiento de las tiendas retail y el desarrollo económico en el país se ha podido identificar la necesidad de los consumidores actuales por brindar un valor agregado a los productos que adquieren, a pesar de que el mercado de regalos es muy amplio. Por esta razón, se desarrollará una cartera de productos, que podrán ser personalizados de acuerdo a los gustos y preferencias de los clientes. Asimismo, se ha tomado en consideración un target de personas de 18 a 55 años de edad de un NSE A, B y C que vivan en Lima Moderna. Por esta razón, se crea Sorprende Store, una tienda online que ofrece el servicio de personalización al detalle de una serie de productos que agregan valor para el target con la utilización de insumos y materiales de calidad. Finalmente, para lograr todo lo mencionado con anterioridad, se ha estructurado y desarrollado una serie de planes estratégicos que incluyen un eficiente Plan de Marketing, Plan Operacional, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social y Plan Financiero; los cuales permiten evaluar la evolución de la empresa en el transcurso del tiempo para hacer del emprendimiento un éxito. / This project reflects an idea of ​​a business model raised and directed by a group of students from the Administration and Marketing career at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). Likewise, all the knowledge learned during the course of the degree has been manifested and exposed in the following work. In the first instance, with the growth of retail stores and economic development in our country, we have been able to identify the need of current consumers to provide added value to the products they purchase despite finding a great variety in the gift market. For this reason, we develop a portfolio of products which can be customized according to the tastes and preferences of the clients, taking into consideration a target of people between 18 and 55 years of age from NSE A, B and C who live in Modern Lima. For this reason, we founded the Sorprende Store which is an online store that offers the personalization service in detail of a series of products that add value for the target with the use of quality supplies and materials. Finally, to achieve all the aforementioned, we have structured and developed a series of strategic plans that include an efficient Marketing Plan, Operational Plan, Human Resources Plan, Social Responsibility Plan and Financial Plan, which allow us to evaluate the evolution of the company over time to make the venture a success. / Trabajo de investigación

Custom Gift Store

Castillo Gilabert, Rodrigo Alejandro, Chang Punchin, Danielle Marie, Gallo Guerrero, Ximena Elizabeth, Roca Rey, Juan Antonio, Talledo Valdez, Sebastian Eduardo 01 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad la implementación de un negocio sostenible enfocado en la venta de regalos personalizables, con el que se podrá recomendar el obsequio ideal, según el resultado de un test de personalidad por medio de una página web. Este proyecto se basa en la recopilación de información de un público que tiende a comprar por internet o usar dispositivos móviles para hacer una compra. Esta investigación se realizó en Lima Metropolitana a las personas que pertenecen a un Nivel Socioeconómico A y B, haciendo hincapié principalmente en aquellas personas que buscan una mayor practicidad y prefieren comprar a cualquier hora, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar sin la necesidad de desplazarse de un sitio a otro. La idea de negocio nace a partir de la poca competencia de personalización de regalos de manera virtual. Este modelo de negocio es viable, debido a que, en los más de 100 días de confinamiento, se registró un evidente crecimiento de las compras vía online, impulsando el sector E-commerce en un 400%. Para desarrollar este proyecto, se realizó un análisis profundo que abarcó lo siguiente: validación del modelo de negocio, análisis interno y externo, desarrollo del plan de negocio, plan de Operaciones, plan de Marketing, plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Plan Financiero. Todo ello con la finalidad de validar la viabilidad del proyecto y poder llevarlo a la realidad. / The purpose of this research project is to develop a sustainable business focused on selling customizable gifts, in which the ideal one can be recommended, according to the results of a personality test that will be provided through a online web. This project is based on the compilation of data from a public that tends to buy online. In addition, this research was accomplished in Lima Metropolitana by people who belongs to Socioeconomic Level A and B, with an emphasis mainly on those who seek greater practicality and are eager to buy at any time and anywhere without the need to travel from one place to another. Furthermore, the business idea was born from the little competition of personalization gifts in a virtual web. This business model is not only viable, but also scalable, due to the fact that, in the more than 100 days of quarantine, there was an evident growth in online purchases, boosting the e-commerce sector by 400% in the country. To develop this entrepreneurship, we needed to do the following assignments: validation of the business model, internal and external analysis, development of the business plan, Operations plan, Marketing plan, Human Resources plan, Corporate Social Responsibility plan and, last but not least, a Financial plan. In summary, the main purpose of this research project is to validate the viability of the project and being able to develop it successfully. / Trabajo de investigación

För Älskade saker : Ett hållbart designkoncept för återbruk av begagnade produkter

Ruljeff, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis project is based on the area of ​​Technical Design with a focus on sustainable development and sustainable consumption. The purpose of the project is to develop a concept for a product or service that helps families with children to reduce their negative environmental impact without reducing the supply of the products they need. The goal of the project is to provide in-depth knowledge of product and service development based on human needs. At the end of the project, a well-developed prototype will be created and presented. In order to succeed in creating a concept that both meets the users needs and contributes to minimal environmental impact, literature studies have been carried out in subjects such as sustainable development, aesthetics, consumption and circular economy. The project has been implemented according to the Design Thinking process (Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, u.å.). The process consists of the five phases Empathize, Define, Ideate, Build and Test. The sixth phase reDesign was added to set aside time for adjustments according to the user feedback collected in the test phase. Methods such as survey and interview were used early in the process to gain understanding of the users needs and motivations. The information collected in the Empathize phase was analyzed in the Define phase. With the use of methods such as Persona and Point of View, four problem areas could be identified and further defined. During sessions of How might we and brainstorming, many creative solutions were created. The idea that was considered to solve the problem in the best way was built as a prototype and then used in interactive user tests. Based on the user feedback, some adjustments were made prior to the final concept. The result of this thesis was the concept Pre-Loved Things, a new way of giving away gifts that do not increase consumption but instead make use of the resources that already exist. The end product is a sticker, designed to symbolize all the good that used products stand for. As a complement to this symbol, gift packages in different sizes are also sold, the idea is that these should be combined with an optional used product to easily create a nice gift that is ready to be given away. The hope is that the concept will change people's attitudes to used products and thus encourage more people to make a sustainable choice. / Detta examensarbete har sin utgångspunkt i området Teknisk Design med inriktning mot ekologiskt hållbarhet och hållbar konsumtion. Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta fram ett koncept på en produkt eller tjänst som hjälper familjer med barn att minska sin negativa miljöpåverkan utan att för den skull minska utbudet av de produkter de behöver. Målet med projektet är att det ska ge fördjupad kunskap kring produkt- och tjänsteutveckling utifrån mänskliga behov. I slutet av projektet ska en välutvecklad prototyp tillverkas och presenteras. För att lyckas skapa ett slutkoncept som både möter användarnas behov och bidrar till minimal miljöpåverkan har litteraturstudier genomförts inom ämnen som hållbar utveckling, estetik, konsumtion och cirkulär ekonomi.  Projektet har genomförts enligt Design Thinking-processen (Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, u.å.). Denna process består av de fem faserna Empathize, Define, Ideate, Build och Test. Den sjätte fasen reDesign las till för att redan från start planera in tid för justeringar efter den användarfeedback som samlas in i Test-fasen. Metoder som enkät och intervju användes tidigt i processen för att förstå användarnas behov och motivationer. Den information som samlades in i Empathize-fasen analyserades i Define-fasen och med hjälp av metoder som Persona och Point of View kunde fyra problemområden identifieras och definieras. Under sessioner av How might we och brainstorming så skapades många kreativa lösningar. Den idé som ansågs lösa problemet på bästa sätt byggdes som prototyp och användes sedan i interaktiva användartester. Utifrån användarnas feedback så gjordes vissa justeringar inför det slutgiltiga konceptet.  Resultatet av detta examensarbete blev konceptet För Älskade-saker, ett nytt sätt att ge bort gåvor som inte ökar konsumtion utan istället tar tillvara på de resurser som redan finns. Slutprodukten är ett klistermärke, som ska symbolisera allt det bra som begagnade produkter står för. Som ett komplement till denna symbol säljs även presentförpackningar i olika storlekar, tanken är att dessa ska kombineras med en valfri begagnad produkt för att enkelt skapa en fin gåva som är redo att ges vidare. Förhoppningen är att konceptet ska ändra människors inställning till begagnade produkter och på så sätt uppmuntra fler att göra ett hållbart val.

Upplevelser av gåvor i psykoterapi : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem psykologiska behandlare / Experiences of gifts in psychotherapy : A qualitative interview study with fem psychological therapists

Marklund Lyles, Erika January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how psychological therapists experience receiving gifts from their patients. Five respondents participated in the study and data was collected using a qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted by means of an interpretive phenomenological analysis which resulted in two main themes describing how the respondents experienced gifts in the therapy room: reciprocity and dilemma. Reciprocity in the relationship with the patient, and dilemmas to cope with in relation to the patient as well as colleagues, guidelines and laws. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur psykologiska behandlare upplever att få gåvor av sina patienter. Fem respondenter deltog i studien och data samlades in med en kvalitativ metod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av en tolkande fenomenologisk analys som gav två huvudteman i hur respondenterna upplevde att få gåvor; ömsesidighet och dilemma. Ömsesidighet i relationen med patienten och dilemman att hantera i relation till såväl patient som kollegor, riktlinjer och lagar.

Hard Science Linguistics and Nonverbal Communicative Behaviors: Implications for the Real World Study and Teaching of Human Communication

Bogdewiecz, Sarah E. 02 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Narrative reflections on charismatic discursive practices

Christodoulou, Esther 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose for this research journey was twofold: (1) to discover the power of certain discourses in the charismatic church context and (2) to challenge disrespectful discursive practices in order to co-operate respectful, ethical and caring ways of being. Seven leaders in charismatic churches committed themselves to this qualitative research project. The research process resulted in a confirmation by the participants that some charismatic discursive practices can be abusive and also to the acknowledgement that they too have at times fulfilled the role of abuser, even in unknowingly. This research journey ended in Hope. Hope for more transparency and trust between leaders and members, resulting in more respectful practices. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

An investigation of different phases of pentecostal experience in the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM)

Hwata, Benny 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of differing Pentecostal experiences in Apostolic Faith Mission from its inception, with specific reference to the AFM of South Africa and AFM in Zimbabwe.The study examines: The brief history of the AFM. This begins with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angels. Pentecostalism then spread to South Africa through John G. Lake with the founding of AFM of South Africa. AFM filtered into Zimbabwe where it faced stiff resistance from government authorities and established mainline churches. Theologies and spiritual gifts which make Pentecostalism different from other faiths. Main doctrines and tenets of faith discernible from the brief historical outline. A general outline of phases in Pentecostalism. An attempt will be made to determine whether these phases are applicable to AFM. This dissertation is a contribution towards reconciling diverging views concerning Pentecostalism in the AFM because various congregations of the same denomination behave and believe differently. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Narrative reflections on charismatic discursive practices

Christodoulou, Esther 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose for this research journey was twofold: (1) to discover the power of certain discourses in the charismatic church context and (2) to challenge disrespectful discursive practices in order to co-operate respectful, ethical and caring ways of being. Seven leaders in charismatic churches committed themselves to this qualitative research project. The research process resulted in a confirmation by the participants that some charismatic discursive practices can be abusive and also to the acknowledgement that they too have at times fulfilled the role of abuser, even in unknowingly. This research journey ended in Hope. Hope for more transparency and trust between leaders and members, resulting in more respectful practices. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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