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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnávací kineziologická analýza jízdy na vozíku a plazení / The comparative kineziologic analysis of forward stroke on wheelchair and crawling

Vatěrová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Title: The comparative kineziologic analysis of forward stroke on wheelchair and crawling. Objectives of the Thesis: The aim of the thesis is to compare muscle activity of selected muscles in shoulder girdle during forward stroke on wheelchair and crawling. Method: Surface electromyography combinated with kinematography analysis used synchronized video recording. Results and Conclusions: As the research shows, there is a difference in muscle activity (timing) between forward stroke on wheelchair and during crawling. It was proved that the activity of forward stroke on wheelchair does not have natural locomotive character. Keywords: Forward stroke on wheelchair, crawling, shoulder girdle, surface electromyography, kinematics analysis.

Komparativní analýza vybraných koordinačních ukazatelů plavecké techniky kraul a spontánního plazení / Comparative analysis of selected coordinate indicators in front crawl swiming technique and crawling

Vodička, Radek January 2011 (has links)
AABBSSTTRRAACCTT Title: Comparative analysis of selected coordinate indicators in front crawl swimming technique and crawling. Purposes: The first aim of thesis is to compare coordinate indictors of average swimming cycle and average crawling cycle. Methods: Surface electromyography of muscular activity combined with cinematography analysis used synchronized video recording. Intraindividual comparative analysis and subsequent interindividual comparison of timing muscular activation in one average swimming and crawling cycle. Results: The timing of muscular activity of m. pectoralis major and m. latissimus dorsi during swimming cycle was identical for all probands. This phenomenon was not found in crawling . Key words: Swimming technique, Front Crawl, crawling, EMG, muscle, locomotion, shoulder girdle

Vliv stabilizačních cvičení pletence ramenního na svalovou aktivitu při přímém impaktu u hráčů ragby se subakromiálním impingement syndromem / The effect of shoulder girdle stabilization exercises on muscle activity during direct impact in rugby players with subacromial impingement syndrome

Chytilová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Title: The effect of shoulder girdle stabilization exercises on muscle activity during direct impact in rugby players with sub-acromial impingement syndrome Objectives: Comparison of muscle activity during direct impact while performing the rugby tackle to tackle bag and to player using amplitude analysis of electromyographic signal (EMG) before and after intervention programme for players with subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). Application of intervention programme consisting stabilization excercises for shoulder complex and activation of deep stabilization muscles of the spine. Methods: Theoretical part contains topics about shoulder girdle, rugby and rugby injuries, mainly subacromial impingement syndrome and electromyography. Mentioned issues are included into the thesis due to the research of current literature from international sources and studies. Practical part regards the aplication of three- months long intervention programme for eight rugby players at junior national level with diagnosis of SIS, when pre-testing a post-testing is realized by clinical tests and EMG measurement. Results: Intervention programme was sufficient for changes of EMG amplitude values expressed as percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) in some of rugby players with SIS only for some...

Functional morphology of the hominoid shoulder, past and present

Berger, Lee Rogers 18 July 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg 1994. / This thesis presents an :investigation into the functional morphology and form of the skeletal elements of" the shoulder girdle of extant h0111inoids and extinct hO)ll.inids\~hich inhabited the Afr:i.c~n continent during the Late pliocene and Elarly \Ii Ii \Ii, ill Partic'l.l.lcu: emphasis is placed o\~\the \' i\. form of the scapula, clavicle and humerus. \Ii variation in the bony, arthrological and 41.yoloQif\;Lcal I" anatomy' Of this region in extant hominoids is I Pleistocene. examined. In light of biomechaniq~l models II reSUlting from this work, the bony,;anatomy of u hominid shoulder girdle elements examined and i. .1 r;:I~t>. ssil .1,1 . " biomechanical interpretations are made. The fossil shoulder girdle elements exan\ine~ in this study are grouped into four species samples. The first sample (Australopithecus a.:friCaIlUS) comprises Pliocene ,fossils from sterkfontein, South Africa. 'rhe second sampJ.e (A. afarelJ.si.s) i.s comprised of fossilo front Hadar, Ethiopia. The third (Homo habilis) and, fourth (ii. boisei) samples comprise fossils from C'lduvai GorgeI Ta:nzania, Koobi For~ll, Ke!nya and t.ne omo Valley ~ Ethiopia. When the t!;ossil homi.ndd. remains are scrt.ed into specf.ea, jl~heI:;houlder g;l.rdle elements InelYd:>e used to const.zuct; and contrast specd.es specijSiq '1· . ) bitOmechar1,ic::aml odelS of th~ shoulder. Th~~se models e:>fltP10re differernoes in form amon~,r.;tj;ossil hominid. species that may'be reJ,ated to dii.:;eetenc;:.es in behaviour. The models may also be appU.ed to the :~......,..~ interpretation of systemat.ic relationShips amongst early hominids. In o:(.~ierto construct models of early homi:p,ids it is first necessary to establish the,movement, myology and oste0logy of the extant hominoid shoulder. Chapters 4,5 and 6 sUl'l.1Il1ar~n,$eew data and available in,formation concel:"ning shoulder girdle mo.Jementand form. Chapter 7 presents detailed C';escriptiQns Of the fossil hominid ma.terial (u:::::19) available for study. 'rhis descriptive information, in conibination with all of the information derived from Chapters 4 through 6, is then used to inte1.pret, compaxe and contrast the fu.nctional morphology Of the shoulder girdle elements of each species of early hotninid. pa:q:ticuJ.ar emphasis is placed .on those features that cart be. directly related to specific :functiOl'l~ Model.s ,,.l the functional morphology of each of t1Je four species are then created. comparisons are made between indJ.vidual Shoulder girdle elements 'cg,fthe different homj.nid spacd.es as well as between the interpreted total morphology of each species' shoulder girdle. The study concludes that the functional m~>l':phologyof the shoulder girdle Qf A. afriaanus is unique ~unorJ.gstknown hominoic1~mode'l.s in that it poasesaes shoul<;ier girdle mo;t,'ph.oo.)gy adapted to bobh suspen ory behaviour and bipE~d;;d~i.srn. TIte suspensory adaptations are :Lndi9ated by the overall ape ..like morphology of the humeri, claviculae and heCid.of the scapulae, whilst bipedalism is mainly (J G indicated. by a broad, human-like inf.Ell:'ior'an9,'].eof " = the scapula. Several' RpparentlY prim.itive featu:r:es" are present in,..the A. africanus Ejcapl,1la,incl~dirtg a 0i,? ..... . _ .. '. \ shortened scapular 'n~ck, that ind:l.Cate'-\poss~ple ancestry f.roma quadru:pedal form. ~p.e functi<:>tJ.al. morphology of the A. afarens.ts shoulder is founa .to be more diffi.cult to interpret d'.le to poor f(i:; ,pre.~ervationt but the hypothesised znodel'~does not diffe):: substantially from th~t constructed for A. _c,~) . ..' .', 1) (; a£ricanus. The few robust aURtra.lopithecine,.,(A. boi.se:1) sho~~der girdle elements appear to possess ~,.. similar morpJ;lologi.esto A. a.:falyrnsis and )1- africanus. There ara .no'l:.SUfi:'lc:tently well preServedoH. habili.s shoulder girdle elements preserved to 'makemeffilningfulinterpreta.tions about the functional morphology of this, specie~:' .' n the lack of comparable elements amongst the two (I 1arger samples (...21.. a:faJ;'ensi.s and ,fl. arr:J;canus) I .it '..':::/ is not knownwhether the features found to be apparently unique to either species are useful as n taxonomic indicators.

Avaliação quantitativa da função mitocondrial no músculo esquelético em pacientes com distrofia muscular de cinturas / Quantitative assessment of mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of patients with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

Bená, Marjory Irineu 18 October 2018 (has links)
As distrofias musculares de cinturas (DMC) representam um grupo heterogêneo de desordens hereditárias e degenerativas da musculatura esquelética, com evolução progressiva, caracterizadas principalmente pelo acometimento predominante das cinturas escapular e/ou pélvica. São classificadas de acordo com o padrão de herança e o gene envolvido, podendo ser autossômicas dominantes ou autossômicas recessivas. Embora as disfunções mitocondriais tenham sido pouco descritas nas DMC, alguns estudos apresentaram evidências morfológicas e bioquímicas de alterações secundárias na cadeia respiratória mitocondrial. As razões envolvidas em tais disfunções na DMC permanecem pouco compreendidas. Portanto, é imprescindível uma caracterização detalhada da disfunção mitocondrial nos pacientes com DMC para uma melhor compreensão dos processos fisiopatológicos envolvidos na doença. Os objetivos do estudo foram: quantificar a CoQ10 em fragmentos do músculo esquelético de pacientes com DMC; quantificar a atividade enzimática de cada complexo da cadeia respiratória isoladamente; quantificar a atividade dos complexos II+III em conjunto como avaliação indireta da CoQ10; verificar a relação entre a área relativa de fibras musculares no fragmento de biópsia e o grau de disfunção mitocondrial nesses fragmentos; correlacionar a função mitocondrial com parâmetros clínicos de pacientes com DMC. Participaram do estudo 21 pacientes com DMC e 9 controles saudáveis. Os parâmetros clínicos incluídos foram idade no momento da biópsia, idade de início dos sintomas e tempo de evolução da doença. A análise do metabolismo mitocondrial foi realizada por: quantificação da coenzima Q10 nos fragmentos de biópsia muscular e quantificação da atividade dos complexos enzimáticos mitocondriais I, II, III, II+III e IV da cadeia respiratória e da enzima da matriz mitocondrial citrato sintase. Foram correlacionados os parâmetros clínicos, a proporção de fibras na biópsia muscular e os resultados das análises bioquímicas para a caracterização da função mitocondrial. A média dos pacientes com DMC em relação à idade no momento da biópsia, início dos sintomas e tempo de evolução da doença foi de 28,9 anos (DP ±11,7), 16,7 anos (DP ±10,3) e 12,1 anos (DP ±10,9), respectivamente. O grupo controle apresentou média de idade no momento da biópsia de 29,6 anos (DP ±10,3). A dosagem média de CoQ10 nos fragmentos de biópsia de pacientes com DMC foi de 17,9 µg/g de tecido (DP ±9,2) e nos fragmentos dos controles foi de 29,5 µg/g de tecido (DP ±4,4). Não foi observada alteração das atividades isoladas dos complexos enzimáticos da cadeia respiratória. Houve deficiência da atividade do conjunto de complexos II+III nos pacientes com DMC. A média da área ocupada por fibras musculares nos pacientes com DMC foi de 58,5% (DP ±26,1%) e nos controles foi de 76,35% (DP ±1,9%). Observou-se correlação moderada entre a quantidade de CoQ10 e a área relativa de fibras musculares (r= 0,57 e p= 0,007). Não houve correlação da CoQ10 com os parâmetros clínicos. No presente estudo, concluímos que existe uma deficiência secundária de CoQ10 em pacientes com DMC, sendo um achado importante para melhor entendimento do acometimento mitocondrial nessa doença e uma abordagem terapêutica mais eficaz. / The limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is a group of inherited and degenerative disorders of the skeletal muscle, with a progressive clinical course and predominant involvement of the scapular and/or pelvic girdles. They are classified according to the pattern of inheritance (autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive) and the gene involved. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been reported in the LGMD, some studies have described morphological and biochemical evidences of secondary mitochondrial respiratory chain alterations in patients with LGMD. The reasons involved in such dysfunctions in the LGMD remain poorly understood. Therefore, a detailed characterization of the mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with LGMD allows a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes involved in the disease. Therefore, a detailed characterization of mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with LGMD is essential for a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes involved in the disease. The purposes of the study were: to quantify CoQ10 in fragments of muscle biopsy of patients with LGMD; quantify the enzymatic activity of each respiratory chain complex isolated; quantify the activity of the II + III complexes together as an indirect measure of CoQ10; to verify the relation between the relative area of muscular fibers in the fragment of biopsy and the degree of mitochondrial dysfunction in these fragments; correlate mitochondrial function with clinical parameters of patients with LGMD. Twenty-one patients with LGMD and nine healthy controls participated in the study. The clinical parameters included were age at the time of biopsy, age of onset of symptoms and time of disease progression. The analysis of mitochondrial metabolism was performed by: quantification of CoQ10 in the muscle biopsy fragments and quantification of the activity of the mitochondrial enzyme complexes I, II, III, II + III and IV of the respiratory chain and the enzyme of the mitochondrial matrix citrate synthase. We analyzed the correlation of the clinical parameters, the proportion of fibers in the muscle biopsy and the results of the biochemical analyzes for the characterization of the mitochondrial function. For the LGMD groups, the mean age at the time of biopsy, onset of symptoms and disease duration was 28.9 years (SD ± 11.7), 16.7 years (SD ± 10.3) and 12.1 years (SD ± 10.9), respectively. The control group presented a mean age at the time of biopsy of 29.6 years (SD ± 10.3). The mean CoQ10 dosage in the biopsy specimens of patients with LGMD was 17.9 ?g / g tissue (SD ± 9.2) and in the fragments of the controls was 29.5 ?g / g tissue (SD ± 4, 4). No alterations were observed in the isolated activities of the enzymatic complexes of the respiratory chain. There was a deficiency of the activity of complexes II + III in patients with LGMD. The mean area occupied by muscle fibers in patients with LGMD was 58.5% (SD ± 26.1%) and in controls it was 76.35% (SD ± 1.9%). A moderate correlation was observed between the amount of CoQ10 and the relative area of muscle fibers (r = 0.57 and p = 0.007). There was no correlation of CoQ10 with clinical parameters. In the present study, we conclude that there is a secondary deficiency of CoQ10 in patients with LGMD, which has important implications in the understanding of mitochondrial involvement in this group of diseases and the development of a more effective therapeutic approach.

Distrofias musculares progressivas de cinturas tipo 2: perfil epidemiolÃgico no estado do Cearà / Muscular Dystrophies progressive of waists type 2: profile epidemiologist in the state of CearÃ, Northeast of Brazil

Leonardo Halley Carvalho Pimentel 26 September 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Objective: To report the clinical and muscle biopsy findings from the recessive forms of limb girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD type 2) seen in the state of CearÃ, Northeast of Brazil. Design: Case series. Setting: Tertiary care clinic, University hospital. Patients and Methods: We studied 41 patients from 32 families with chronic progressive weakness in a limb-girdle distribution seen at a tertiary care hospital. All patients were born in the State of CearÃ. Patients with autossomal dominant pattern or facial involvement were excluded. Muscle biopsies specimens were immunostained for dystrophin, sarcoglycan, dysferlin, myotilin, merosin and emerin on all cases. Results: We found a specific protein deficiency in 24 patients (58.5%) from 20 families. Among these patients 11 (45.8%) had sarcoglycanopathy and 13 (54.2%) had dysferlinopathy and the pattern of inheritance was autosomal recessive or sporadic. Eletrocardiographic changes were seen in 6 (54.5%) patients with sarcoglycanopathy. Conclusion: Sarcoglicanopathies and disferlinopathies represent more than 60% of the cases of families with LGMD type 2 in this series from Northeast Brazil. Immunohistochemistry is still a very important tool for classification of LGMDs if genetic testing is not available or limited. Further studies are necessary to characterize the genetic background of the different LGMD families and to further characterize the other subtypes of LGMD type 2 in Brazil. / Objetivo: CaracterizaÃÃo clÃnica e de achados da biÃpsia muscular de formas recessivas de distrofias musculares de cinturas (DMPC tipo 2) no Estado do CearÃ, Nordeste do Brasil. Desenho: SÃrie de casos. Local: Hospital universitÃrio; atendimento terciÃrio. Pacientes e mÃtodos: Foram estudados 41 pacientes de 32 famÃlias com fraqueza crÃnica progressiva em distribuiÃÃo de cinturas atendidos em hospital terciÃrio. Todos os pacientes nasceram no Estado do CearÃ. Pacientes com padrÃo de heranÃa autossÃmico dominante ou com fraqueza facial foram excluÃdos. Os espÃcimes das biÃpsias musculares foram imunomarcados para distrofina, sarcoglicano, disferlina, miotilina, merosina e emerina em todos os casos. Resultados: Foi encontrado um padrÃo especÃfico de deficiÃncia protÃica em 24 pacientes (58,5%) de 20 famÃlias. Entre estes pacientes 11 (45,8%) tinham sarcoglicanopatia e 13 (54,2%) tinham disferlinopatia e o padrÃo de heranÃa foi recessivo ou esporÃdico. AlteraÃÃes eletrocardiogrÃficas foram observadas em 6 (54,5%) pacientes com sarcoglicanopatia. ConclusÃo: Sarcoglicanopatias e disferlinopatias representam mais de 60% dos casos de famÃlias com DMPC tipo 2 nesta sÃrie do Nosrdeste brasileiro. ImunohistoquÃmica ainda à uma ferramenta muito importante para classificaÃÃo das DMPCs se o teste genÃtico nÃo està disponÃvel ou à limitado. Estudos futuros sÃo necessÃrios para caracterizar o perfil genÃtico de diferentes famÃlias com DMPC, bem como caracterizar outros subtipos de DMPC tipo 2 no Brasil.

Effekten av kinesiotejpning på aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida med pelvic girdle pain – en pilotstudie

Lind, Karin, Trång, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong> </strong></p><p>Syftet var att undersöka om kinesiotejpning kunde påverka aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida kvinnor med pelvic girdle pain. Studien var en single subjekt experimentell AB-design. Fyra kvinnor inkluderades i pilotstudien för behandling av pelvic girdle pain. Smärtan skattades och mättes med visuell analog skala. Aktivitetsförmågan mättes med Roland &  Morris disability questionnaire.</p><p>Resultatet visade att gällande aktivitetsförmåga kunde det med 95 % säkerhet ses en förbättring hos tre av kvinnorna. Gällande smärtskattningen kunde endast hos en kvinna på kvällen och hos en annan kvinna på morgonen och kvällen ses en kliniskt signifikant minskad smärta. Resultaten i studien ger underlag för att en mer omfattande randomiserad och kontrollerad klinisk studie bör genomföras.</p>

Effekten av kinesiotejpning på aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida med pelvic girdle pain – en pilotstudie

Lind, Karin, Trång, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka om kinesiotejpning kunde påverka aktivitetsförmåga och smärta hos gravida kvinnor med pelvic girdle pain. Studien var en single subjekt experimentell AB-design. Fyra kvinnor inkluderades i pilotstudien för behandling av pelvic girdle pain. Smärtan skattades och mättes med visuell analog skala. Aktivitetsförmågan mättes med Roland &amp;  Morris disability questionnaire. Resultatet visade att gällande aktivitetsförmåga kunde det med 95 % säkerhet ses en förbättring hos tre av kvinnorna. Gällande smärtskattningen kunde endast hos en kvinna på kvällen och hos en annan kvinna på morgonen och kvällen ses en kliniskt signifikant minskad smärta. Resultaten i studien ger underlag för att en mer omfattande randomiserad och kontrollerad klinisk studie bör genomföras.

Dirbančiųjų kompiuteriu ergonominio švietimo ir darbo vietos ergonominės korekcijos efektyvumas kaklo ir pečių lanko skausmų mažinimui / The effect of ergonomic education and ergonomic correction of workplace for the reduction of pain in the area of the neck or shoulder girdle for employees who work with computer

Vaščenkovas, Jurijus 12 May 2006 (has links)
Summary Title. The effect of ergonomic education and ergonomic correction of workplace for the reduction of pain in the area of the neck or shoulder girdle for employees who work with computer. Aims. To identify the efficiency of the ergonomic correction of workplace and of employees ergonomic education, in order to relieve chronic neck and shoulder pains. The research is designed for people, who spend the largest part of their working time with computer. Methods. During the survey there were questioned 80 people, who spend the largest part of their working time with computer. It was evaluated the ergonomics of their workplaces. Among 80 respondents there were selected 30, who felt pain, numbness or big discomfort in the zone of their neck, shoulder girdle or upper arms for 14 or more days during last 3 months. For the 30 selected people it was accomplished the correction of their workplace ergonomic errors and explained the importance of correct work ergonomics and its major rules. After 3 months it was performed a second control survey. 26 people have successfully accomplished the research. The survey and evaluation of workplace ergonomics were performed using the questionnaire and recommendations of “Department for Work and Health National Institute for Working Life“, Stockholm, Sweden; „Section of Occupation Medicine in Sahlgrenska University Hospital“, Gothenburg, Sweden; „Department of Occupational Medicine in Karolinska Hospital“, Stockholm, Sweden.” Results. The... [to full text]

Fatores associados à dor na cintura pélvica relacionada com a gestação e ao nível de incapacidade funcional em gestantes adolescentes

ANDRADE, Carlos Henrique Silva de 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-02-16T15:23:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Carlos Henrique Silva de Andrade.pdf: 3508712 bytes, checksum: 11186c86de9ddc89be78ecbbb4947877 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T15:23:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Carlos Henrique Silva de Andrade.pdf: 3508712 bytes, checksum: 11186c86de9ddc89be78ecbbb4947877 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / CAPES / A dor da cintura pélvica apresenta-se como uma disfunção musculoesquelética comum durante o período gestacional. Devido à imaturidade biológica que ocorre na adolescência, conjectura-se que os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento dessa dor em adolescentes gestantes sejam diferentes daqueles encontrados na mulher adulta. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação da dor lombopélvica prévia à gestação com o desenvolvimento da dor na cintura pélvica, bem como os fatores associados ao nível de incapacidade funcional em gestantes adolescentes. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo caso-controle com adolescentes gestantes, atendidas em duas unidades de referência da região metropolitana de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram avaliadas 404 adolescentes (73 casos e 331 controles). No grupo caso, foram incluídas gestantes com idade entre 10 e 19 anos, idade gestacional entre a 28ª e a 40ª semana de gestação e presença de dor na cintura pélvica. No grupo controle foram incluídas as gestantes com ausência de dor na cintura pélvica. Um modelo de regressão logística foi utilizado para identificar os fatores associados à ocorrência de dor da cintura pélvica. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise no grupo de casos sobre os fatores associados à incapacidade funcional. A média da intensidade da dor nas 73 adolescentes com dor na cintura pélvica foi de 58 mm (Desvio Padrão [DP]: 20,13) em uma escala de 100 mm. Em relação à localização e envolvimento das articulações pélvicas, obteve-se a seguinte distribuição: 46 (63%) síndrome sacroilíaca bilateral; 17 (23,3%) síndrome da cintura pélvica e 10 (13,7%) síndrome sacroilíaca unilateral. No modelo de regressão multivariada, permaneceram associados com a dor na cintura pélvica os seguintes fatores: transtorno mental comum (Odds Ratio [OR]: 2,27; Intervalo de Confiança 95% [IC95%]: 1,23 a 4,18), dor lombar na menstruação (OR: 2,10; IC95%: 1,16 a 3,80) e trabalho árduo (OR: 1,95; IC95%: 1,13 a 3,35). No grupo de gestantes com dor na cintura pélvica, o coeficiente de determinação encontrado no modelo ajustado indica que 22% da variabilidade total da incapacidade funcional (ODI) em gestantes adolescente são explicadas pelos fatores transtorno mental comum (SRQ20), intensidade da dor na cintura pélvica (EAV) e idade gestacional (IG), expressos na seguinte equação: ODI (predito) = -18,2 + 0,81 x SRQ20 + 0,25 x EAV + 0,73 x IG. Conclui-se, portanto, que não houve associação entre a história de dor lombopélvica prévia à gestação e a presença de dor na cintura pélvica relacionada com a gestação em adolescentes. No entanto, a dor lombar na menstruação, o trabalho árduo e o transtorno mental comum foram fatores que se mostraram associados com a dor na cintura pélvica nessa população. Também foi evidenciado que a intensidade da dor e a presença de transtorno mental comum encontram-se associados com a incapacidade funcional dessas adolescentes. / Pelvic girdle pain is a common musculoskeletal dysfunction during pregnancy. Due to biological immaturity and unfavorable psychosocial conditions, pregnancy in adolescence may be associated with pelvic girdle pain. The aim of this study was to assess the association between lumbopelvic pain before pregnancy and level of functional disability and pelvic girdle pain related to pregnancy in adolescents. A case-control study was conducted with pregnant adolescents, treated at two specialist units in the city of Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil. A total of 404 adolescents (73 cases and 331 controls) were assessed. The case group included pregnant adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 years, gestational age between 28 and 40 weeks and exhibiting pelvic girdle pain. The control groups consisted of pregnant adolescents with no pelvic girdle pain. A logistic regression model was used to identify the factors associated with the occurrence of pelvic pain. The measure of pain intensity in 73 adolescents with pelvic pain was 58 mm (standard deviation [SD]: 20.13) on a scale of 100 mm. In relation to location and pelvic joint involvement, the following distribution was obtained: 46 (63%) bilateral sacroiliac syndrome; 17 (23.3%) pelvic congestion syndrome and 10 (13.7%) unilateral sacroiliac syndrome. In the multivariate regression model the following variables were associated with pelvic pain in pregnant adolescents: common mental disorder (Odds Ratio [OR]: 2.27; 95% Confidence Interval [95%CI]: 1.23 to 4.18), menstrual back pain (OR: 2.10; 95%CI: 1.16 to 3.80) and strenuous work (OR: 1.95; 95%CI: 1.13 to 3.35). In the group of pregnant adolescents with pelvic girdle pain, the coefficient of determination found in the adjusted model indicates that 22% of total variability in functional disability (ODI) in pregnant adolescents is explained by the following variables: common mental disorder (SRQ20), pelvic pain intensity (EAV) and gestational age (GA), expressed in the following equation: ODI (predictive) = -18.2 + 0.81 x SRQ20 + 0.25 x EAV + 0.73 x GA. It is concluded, therefore, that there is no association between history of lumbopelvic pain prior to pregnancy and the presence of pelvic girdle pain related to pregnancy in adolescents. However, menstrual back pain, strenuous work and common mental disorder were factors associated with pelvic girdle pain in this population. It was also shown that pain intensity and common mental disorder in adolescents with pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain are closely related to the functional disability of these women.

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