Spelling suggestions: "subject:"clucose -- etabolism."" "subject:"clucose -- emetabolism.""
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Impact of estradiol, estrogen receptor subtype-selective agonists and genistein on energy homeostasis / Einfluss von Estradiol, Estrogenrezeptor-Subtyp-selektiven Agonisten und Genistein auf die EnergiehomöostaseWeigt, Carmen 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The prevalence of obesity is dramatically increasing and thus constitutes a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, and certain forms of cancer. High-caloric nutrition and a lack of physical activity are the main contributing factors for this global epidemic. Estrogen receptors (ERs) are recognized to be involved in many processes related to the control of energy homeostasis.
In my studies, I investigated the impact of estrogens (17beta-estradiol (E2)) on energy homeostasis. Special emphasis was given to the effects of two synthetic ER subtype-selective agonists, 16alpha-LE2 (Alpha) and 8beta-VE2 (Beta), to determine to what extend the two distinct ER subtypes are involved in the underlying molecular mechanisms. Because of its estrogenic activity and also its widespread use as a nutritional supplement the influence of the isoflavone genistein (Gen) was examined. For this purpose two different female rat models were used: Wistar rats with nutrition-induced obesity and leptin resistant Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats. In both experiments, the animals were ovariectomized (OVX) and treated with vehicle (untreated controls) or the estrogenic compounds.
The most important finding was that treatment of OVX animals with Beta enlarges soleus muscle fiber sizes in both animal models compared to untreated OVX animals. This anabolic effect may in turn improve the muscle/fat ratio of the body that enhances muscular uptake and utilization of fuels. By contrast, in the gastrocnemius muscle of OVX ZDF rats substitution with Alpha increased expression and distribution of the insulin-dependent glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4). Consequently, systemic insulin sensitivity in both animal models was improved by treatment with estrogenic compounds compared to untreated OVX animals. The strongest effect was observed in E2-treated rats that indicate an additive effect through activation of both pathways.
In all OVX rats, treatment with either ER subtype-selective agonist showed an anti-lipogenic effect in adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle of nutrition-induced obese Wistar rats in comparison to OVX animals without treatment. Decreased visceral fat mass, adipocyte sizes, serum leptin levels, triglyceride accumulation in liver and muscle as well as mRNA expression of genes that are involved in lipo-/adipogenesis reflected this. Therefore, the lower visceral fat mass as well as decreased accumulation of triglycerides in non-adipose tissues such as liver and skeletal muscle most likely contributes to the improved insulin sensitivity in such treated animals.
Gen exerted effects similar to those of the ER beta-selective agonist (except on adipose tissue in Wistar rats). Especially, the similar ability to induce anabolic activity in the soleus muscle might be highly relevant. Gen-treated animals might have a more effective utilization of fuels compared to untreated OVX animals because they showed a lower TG content in muscle and liver as well as improved glucose metabolism.
In conclusion, because of my studies and the fact that ER beta signaling is not involved in proliferation of uterus and mammary gland, an effective way to treat obesity and co-morbidities in postmenopausal women might be substances that only activate ER beta. A combination with physical activity may support the therapy of obesity and co-morbidities. The isoflavone Gen is able to activate both ER-subtypes. This compound is already placed on the market for treatment of postmenopausal complaints, although adverse effects of Gen cannot be excluded so far (e.g., increased risk of breast cancer). However, Gen might be a natural alternative – not only to the conventional hormone replacement therapy, but also as a strategy for treatment of obesity and co-morbidities – that deserves further research with respect to these new data. / Die dramatisch zunehmende Prävalenz der Adipositas und das damit verbundene Risiko für Folgeerkrankungen wie Diabetes mellitus, Hypertonie, Dyslipidämie und koronare Herzkrankheiten stellt eine große Herausforderung für das Gesundheitswesen dar. Als Hauptursache wird ein chronisches Missverhältnis der Energiehomöostase aufgrund permanenter Überernährung und Bewegungsmangel postuliert. Estrogene beeinflussen den Glukose- und Lipidstoffwechsel und sind somit in die Regulation des Energiehaushaltes involviert. Estrogene vermitteln ihre Effekte über zwei Estrogenrezeptor (ER)-Subtypen, den ER alpha und den ER beta.
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es mittels tierexperimentellen Studien den Einfluss von Estrogenen, speziell 17beta-Estradiol, auf den Energiehaushalt zu untersuchen. Um einen tieferen Einblick in die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen zu erhalten, wurden zwei Subtyp-selektive ER-Agonisten, 16alpha-LE2 (Alpha) and 8beta-VE2 (Beta), synthetischer Herkunft eingesetzt. Aufgrund der estrogenen Aktivität und der Verfügbarkeit als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wurde des Weiteren der Einfluss des Isoflavons Genistein untersucht. Für die Studien wurden zwei Tiermodelle genutzt: zum einen weibliche Wistar-Ratten mit ernährungsinduzierter Adipositas und zum anderen weibliche leptinresistente „Zucker diabetic fatty“ (ZDF)-Ratten. Die Tiere wurden ovarektomiert (OVX) und entweder mit einem Vehikel (unbehandelte Kontrolltiere) oder mit der entsprechenden estrogenen Substanz behandelt.
Die interessanteste Erkenntnis war, dass im Vergleich zu unbehandelten OVX-Tieren beider Tiermodelle die Behandlung mit Beta zur Vergrößerung der Faserquerschnitte im Soleusmuskel führte. Dieser anabole Effekt könnte die muskuläre Aufnahme und Verwertung von Brennstoffmolekülen verbessern und sich insgesamt positiv auf die Körperzusammensetzung auswirken. Den stärksten Effekt hinsichtlich einer erhöhten Expression und Translokation des insulinabhängigen Glukosetransporters 4 (GLUT4) in die Zellmembran des Gastrocnemiusmuskels zeigte sich dagegen durch die Behandlung von OVX ZDF-Ratten mit Alpha. Im Endergebnis zeigten die Tiere beider Modelle durch die Behandlung mit estrogenen Substanzen eine verbesserte systemische Insulinsensitivität im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Kontrolltieren. E2-behandelte Tiere tolerierten die Glukose am besten und lassen einen additiven Effekt aufgrund der Aktivierung beider Signalwege vermuten.
Im Vergleich zu unbehandelten OVX Wistar-Ratten führte die Behandlung mit E2 oder mit jeweils einem der beiden ER-Subtyp-selektiven Agonisten zu einer geringeren viszeralen Fettmasse, kleineren Fettzellen, niedrigeren Leptinspiegeln im Serum und geringeren Triglyzeridwerten in Leber und Muskel. Auf der Ebene der Genexpression waren zudem geringere mRNA-Spiegel von lipo- und adipogenen Genen messbar. Somit scheinen beide ER-Subtypen in die antilipogene Wirkung von E2 involviert zu sein. Sowohl die reduzierte viszerale Fettmasse als auch die geringere Anreicherung von Triglyzeriden in Leber und Muskel tragen sehr wahrscheinlich ebenfalls zur verbesserten Insulinsensitivität bei.
Die Behandlung von OVX Tieren mit Gen führte zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen wie die Behandlung mit Beta. Eine alleinige Ausnahme stellte das Fettgewebe dar, da hier eine Gen-Behandlung keine antilipogenen/-adipogenen Effekte zeigte. Speziell die Fähigkeit von Gen ebenfalls anabol zu wirken, könnte die molekulare Grundlage sein, weshalb Gen-behandelte Tiere im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Tiere eine verbesserte Toleranz gegenüber Glukose und eine geringere Anreicherung von Triglyzeriden in Muskel und Leber zeigten.
Der ER beta ist nicht in die estrogenvermittelte Proliferation von Uterus und Brustdrüse involviert. Vor diesem Hintergrund lassen meine Ergebnisse vermuten, dass eine Behandlung mit ER beta-selektiven Substanzen eine effektive Möglichkeit darstellt, um Adipositas und deren Folgeerkrankungen in postmenopausalen Frauen zu behandeln, ohne deren Risiko für estrogenabhängige Krebsformen zu erhöhen. Eine Kombination mit regelmäßiger körperlicher Aktivität könnte die Erfolge bei der Behandlung von Adipositas und deren Folgeerkrankungen noch maximieren bzw. eine geringere Dosierung der verwendeten Substanz bei gleichbleibendem Behandlungserfolg ermöglichen. Das Isoflavon Gen mit seiner Fähigkeit beide ERs zu aktivieren ist eine bereits auf dem Markt befindliche Substanz und wird zur Behandlung von postmenopausalen Beschwerden eingesetzt, obwohl mögliche negative Effekte (z.B. ein erhöhtes Brustkrebsrisiko) noch nicht abschließend geklärt sind. Falls diese Risiken von Gen ausgeräumt werden können, könnte diese Substanz eventuell eine kostengünstige Alternative darstellen, um sowohl postmenopausale Beschwerden als auch Adipositas und deren Folgekrankheiten zu behandeln.
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Le remodelage cardiaque lors de la gestation chez la rate : implication du récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes et altérations par un supplément sodiqueBassien-Capsa, Valérie 01 1900 (has links)
La grossesse induit de profonds changements hémodynamiques et métaboliques de l’organisme maternel qui ont des conséquences sur le cœur. L’adaptation du cœur à cette condition physiologique nécessite un remodelage de sa structure et par conséquent des ajustements de sa fonction. Les mécanismes responsables de ces adaptations sont en grande partie inconnus. Cependant, ces connaissances sont essentielles pour la compréhension des complications cardiovasculaires, telle que l’hypertension gestationnelle (HG), qui constituent un risque pour la santé de la mère et du fœtus. Afin de caractériser les adaptations du cœur lors de la grossesse, l’originalité de notre approche expérimentale consistait à étudier le remodelage à l’échelle des cardiomyocytes du ventricule gauche.
Ainsi, notre premier objectif était de déterminer les modifications structurales et fonctionnelles des cardiomyocytes chez la rate en vue d’identifier les altérations lors de l’HG. Chez les rates gestantes, le remodelage structural des cardiomyocytes se caractérise par une hypertrophie cellulaire avec une augmentation proportionnelle des dimensions. L’HG a été induite par un supplément sodique (0.9% NaCl) dans la diète. L’inadaptation structurale lors de l’HG se traduit par une diminution du volume cellulaire.
L’étude des modifications fonctionnelles a révélé que lors de la gestation le fonctionnement contractile des cellules est dépendant de l’adaptation du métabolisme maternel. En effet, les substrats énergétiques, lactate et pyruvate, induisent une augmentation de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes. Cet effet est plus faible dans les cellules des rates hypertendues, ce qui suggère des anomalies du couplage excitation-contraction, dans lequel les courants calciques de type L (ICa-L) jouent un rôle important. Paradoxalement, le lactate et le pyruvate ont induit une augmentation de la densité des courants ICa-L seulement chez les rates hypertendues.
Le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes (RM) est connu pour son implication dans le remodelage structuro-fonctionnel du cœur dans les conditions pathologiques mais pas dans celui induit par la grossesse. Notre deuxième objectif était donc de déterminer le rôle du RM dans l’adaptation de la morphologie et de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes. Des rates gestantes ont été traitées avec le canrénoate de potassium (20 mg/kg/jr), un antagoniste des RM. L’inhibition des RM pendant la gestation empêche l’hypertrophie cellulaire. De plus, l’inhibition des RM bloque l’effet du lactate et du pyruvate sur la contractilité.
Chez la femme, la grossesse est associée à des changements des propriétés électriques du cœur. Sur l’électrocardiogramme, l’intervalle QTc est plus long, témoignant de la prolongation de la repolarisation. Les mécanismes régulant cette adaptation restent encore inconnus. Ainsi, notre troisième objectif était de déterminer le rôle du RM dans l’adaptation de la repolarisation. Chez la rate gestante, l’intervalle QTc est prolongé ce qui est corroboré par la diminution des courants potassiques Ito et IK1. L’inhibition des RM pendant la gestation empêche la prolongation de l’intervalle QTc et la diminution des courants Ito.
Les travaux exposés dans cette thèse apportent une vision plus précise du remodelage cardiaque induit par la grossesse, qui est permise par l’étude à l’échelle cellulaire. Nos résultats montrent que lors de la gestation et de l’HG les cardiomyocytes subissent des remodelages morphologiques contrastés. Notre étude a aussi révélé que lors de la gestation, la fonction contractile est tributaire des adaptations métaboliques et que cette relation est altérée lors de l’HG. Nos travaux montrent que la régulation de ces adaptations gestationnelles fait intervenir le RM au niveau de la morphologie, de la relation métabolisme/fonctionnement contractile et de la repolarisation. En faisant avancer les connaissances sur l’hypertrophie de la grossesse, ces travaux vont permettre d’améliorer la compréhension des complications cardiovasculaires gestationnelles. / Pregnancy is characterized by marked hemodynamic and metabolic changes, which have consequences on the heart. The adaptation of the heart to this physiological situation requires a remodeling of its structure, and consequently functioning adjustments. Mechanisms responsible for these adaptations are largely unknown. However, this knowledge is essential for the understanding of cardiovascular complications, such as gestational hypertension (GH), which represents a risk for the mother and the fœtus. To characterize cardiac adaptations to pregnancy, our experimental approach consisted in studying this remodelling at the level of left ventricle cardiomyocytes.
Therefore, our first objective was to determine structural and functional modifications of cardiomyocytes in pregnant rats to be able to identify their variations in GH. In pregnant rats, structural remodelling of cardiomyocytes was characterized by a proportional volume expansion. GH was induced by a high sodium supplement (0.9% NaCl). In hypertensive rats, we observe significant cell volume shrinkage. The study of functional modifications elicited a strong relationship between metabolic adaptations and cell contractility. According to our results, in pregnant rats cardiomyocyte contractility was increased in presence of energy substrates lactate and pyruvate. This effect was weaker in the cells from hypertensive rats. This suggested modifications of the excitation-contraction coupling, in which L-type calcium currents (ICa-L) play an important role. Unexpectedly, lactate and pyruvate induced a significant increase in ICa-L only in hypertensive rats.
In pathological conditions, mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) have been shown to mediate structural as well as functional remodelling of the heart. Our study is the first to investigate MR involvement in cardiac remodelling during pregnancy. Thus, our second objective was to determine MR involvement in cardiomyocyte remodelling. For this study, pregnant rats were treated with potassium canrenoate of (20 mg / kg / day), a MR antagonist. Our results revealed that MR inhibition during the pregnancy elicited a significant decrease of cell volume. MR inhibition has also affected metabolism and cellular functioning relationship. Indeed, plasma concentration of lactate was lower, which was in correlation with its blunted effect on cell contractility.
In women, pregnancy-induced hypertrophy is associated with changes in electrical properties of the heart. Indeed, repolarisation is prolonged, which is characterised by a longer duration of QTc interval on the electrocardiogram. Regulation mechanisms involved in this adaptation are still largely unknown. Our third objective was therefore to determine the role of MR in the adaptation of repolarisation to pregnancy. Pregnancy induced a prolongation in QTc interval, which correlates with a decrease in potassium currents Ito and IK1. MR inhibition prevented QTc interval prolongation and the lowering of Ito.
Our study gives a new insight of pregnancy-induced cardiac hypertrophy, which is provided by investigations at the cellular level. Our results demonstrate that pregnancy and GH are characterised by opposite remodellings. Moreover, in pregnancy the contractile function is dependent on metabolic adaptations. This is all the more glaring in GH as metabolic alterations induced modifications of electric properties to maintain contractile functioning. Furthermore, our work reveals MR involvement in the regulation of morphology, metabolism/contractility relationship, and repolarisation. By improving the knowledge of hypertrophy during pregnancy, this work contributes to improve the understanding of pregnancy-induced cardiac complications.
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Identification of Novel Roles for the Survival Motor Neuron (Smn) Protein: Implications on Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Pathogenesis and TherapyBowerman, Melissa 18 April 2012 (has links)
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the leading genetic cause of death of young children. It is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the mutation and/or the deletion within the ubiquitously expressed survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene. SMA pathology is characterized by spinal cord motor neuron degeneration, neuromuscular junction (NMJ) defects and muscular atrophy. Upon disease onset, SMA patients progressively become paralyzed and in the most severe cases, they die due to respiratory complications. Over the years, it has become clear that SMN is a multi-functional protein with important roles in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) assembly, RNA metabolism, axonal outgrowth and pathfinding, mRNA transport as well as in the functional development of NMJs, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. However, it remains unclear which of these functions, and the respective perturbed molecular pathways, dictate SMA pathogenesis. Here, we have established Smn-depleted PC12 cells and an intermediate SMA mouse model to characterize a role for Smn in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics. We find that Smn depletion results in the increased expression of profilin IIa and active RhoA (RhoA-GTP) as well as the decreased expression of plastin 3 and Cdc42. Importantly, the inhibition of rho-kinase (ROCK), a direct downstream regulator of RhoA, significantly increased the lifespan of SMA mice and shows beneficial potential as a therapeutic strategy for SMA. In an addition, we have uncovered a muscle- and motor neuron-independent role for SMN in the regulation of pancreatic development and glucose metabolism in SMA mice and type 1 SMA patients. This finding highlights the importance of combining a glucose tolerance assessment of SMA patients with their existing clinical care management. Thus, our work has uncovered two novel and equally important roles for the SMN protein, both of which contribute significantly to SMA pathogenesis.
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Efeito do pré-tratamento com óleo de peixe sobre o infarto agudo do miocárdio em ratos. / Effect of the pretreatment with fish oil on myocardial infarction in rats.Alcione Lescano de Souza Junior 28 February 2014 (has links)
Ratos foram tratados com salina, óleos de peixe (OP) ou soja (OS) por via intragástrica durante 20 dias antes da indução do IAM. A área de infarto e atividades da creatina quinase no plasma e da caspase 3 no ventrículo esquerdo (VE) foram menores no grupo OP comparado a salina ou OS. Os conteúdos de IL-1β, TNF-α, CINC 2α/β, IL-6 e VEGF-α no VE e de IL-1β, TNF-α, MIP-3, IL-6 e VEGF-α no fígado foram elevados pelo OS. O OP aumentou os conteúdos de ATP e lactato e diminuiu o de glicogênio no VE. A redução do fluxo coronariano no VE dos animais infartados foi abolida pelo OP. A expressão gênica de iNOS, eNOS, HIF-1α, GLUT-1, VEGF-α, p53 e Bax2 no VE aumentou pelo OP. A fração de ejeção, fração de encurtamento e velocidade de encurtamento das fibras cardíacas foram mais elevadas pelo OP. Portanto, o tratamento com OP induziu um estado de pré-condicionamento que conferiu proteção do miocárdio à injúria isquêmica. / Rats were treated with saline, fish (FO) or soybean (SO) oils by gavage for 20 days before myocardial infarction (MI). Infarct size, activities of plasma CK and caspase 3 in the left ventricle (LV) were decreased by FO as compared with saline or SO. The contents of IL-1β, TNF-α, CINC 2α/β, IL-6, VEGF-α in the LV and of IL-1β, TNF-α, MIP-3, IL-6, VEGF-α in the liver were increased by SO. Contents of ATP and lactate in the LV were increased and of glycogen decreased by FO. FO prevented the decrease in the coronary blood flow in the LV of infarcted rats. The mRNA contents of iNOS, eNOS, HIF-1α, GLUT 1, VEGF-α, p53 and Bax2 in the VE were increased by FO. Ejection fraction, fractional shortening and velocity of circumferential fiber-shortening were also increased by FO. So, treatment with FO leads to a preconditioning state that protected the heart from MI injury.
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Aterosclerose subclínica e marcadores de inflamação, de resistência à insulina e genéticos em portadores de hiperglicemia / Subclinical atherosclerosis and inflammation, insulin resistance and genetic markers in hyperglycemic patientsAdriana Bertolami Manfredi 29 October 2014 (has links)
A doença aterosclerótica macrovascular se inicia em fases precoces das alterações do metabolismo glicídico. Este estudo teve por objetivos: 1) avaliar a prevalência de aterosclerose subclínica diagnosticada por métodos não-invasivos em indivíduos com indicação de teste oral de tolerância a glicose; 2) avaliar a distribuição de biomarcadores e de marcadores genéticos nessa população; e 3) determinar os fatores de risco para aterosclerose subclínica em pacientes disglicêmicos. Indivíduos em prevenção primária foram inicialmente submetidos a teste oral de tolerância a glicose e classificados em grupos controle, glicemia de jejum alterada, intolerância à glicose e diabete melito; posteriormente, foram submetidos a pesquisa de aterosclerose subclínica e de biomarcadores, e a avaliação de polimorfismos genéticos e expressão gênica. Foram incluídos 103 pacientes no grupo controle, 80 no grupo glicemia de jejum alterada, 98 no grupo tolerância diminuída à glicose e 59 no grupo diabete melito, com média de idade de 59 + 7,4 anos, sendo 62,4% mulheres. Não foram encontradas diferenças quanto às características clínicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos. Foi observada alta prevalência de aterosclerose subclínica na população (77,1%) e, apesar de não haver diferença entre os grupos, houve tendência a prevalência crescente de acordo com a piora do perfil glicídico. Dentre os biomarcadores, foi encontrada diferença entre os grupos na análise de microalbuminúria, resistina, fator de necrose tumoral alfa e fosfolipase A2 associada a lipoproteína. Não houve diferença com relação aos polimorfismos, mas o grupo glicemia de jejum alterada apresentou maior expressão de mRNA do gene da fosfolipase A2 associada a lipoproteína. Concluímos que indivíduos com indicação de teste oral de tolerância a glicose têm alta prevalência de aterosclerose subclínica, independentemente do perfil glicídico. Após análise multivariada, os fatores que determinaram aterosclerose subclínica foram idade, pressão arterial sistólica, colesterol ligado à lipoproteína de alta densidade, fator de necrose tumoral alfa e uso de estatinas. / Atherosclerotic macrovascular disease begins in early phases of glucose metabolism alterations. The objectives were: 1) To evaluate the prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis diagnosed by non-invasive methods in patients with an indication for oral glucose tolerance test. 2) To evaluate the distribution of biomarkers and genetic markers in this population. 3) Determine the risk factors for subclinical atherosclerosis in dysglycemic patients. Individuals in primary prevention underwent oral glucose tolerance test and were classified as controls, impaired fasting glucose, decreased glucose tolerance and diabetics and submitted to subclinical atherosclerosis search, evaluation of biomarkers, genetic polymorphisms and gene expression. A group of 103 patients were included as controls, 80 as impaired fasting glucose, 98 as decreased glucose tolerance and 59 as diabetes with a mean age of 59 ± 7.4 years, 62.4% women. No differences were found between clinical and laboratory characteristics of the groups. High prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis (77.1%) was observed, although there was no significant difference between groups, a tendency of higher prevalence according to worsening of glucose increasing profile was verified. Among the biomarkers difference between groups were found in the analysis of microalbuminuria, resistin, tumor necrosis factor alfa and phospholipase A2 associated with lipoprotein. There was no difference regardind the polymorphisms, but the impaired fasting glucose group had higher expression of PLA2G7. After multivariate analysis, the factors that determined subclinical atherosclerosis were age, systolic blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol, tumor necrosis factor alfa and statins. We concluded that individuals with indication of oral glucose tolerance test have a high prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis regardless of glucose profile. The factors that determine the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis were age, systolic blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol, tumor necrosis factor alfa and statins.
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Parâmetros metabólicos e sua relação com mastite e resistência à insulina em vacas leiteirasSchwegler, Elizabeth 15 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-15 / The peripartum in dairy cows (three weeks before and three weeks after calving) is characterized by large changes in physiological demands in the animal where management practices, particularly nutrition, strongly influences the incidence of peripartum disorders and subsequent milk production. Most of the studies in that period in dairy cows are focused on confined systems where milk production is high. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess metabolic markers associated with the occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis and insulin resistance in dairy cows in semi extensive system. Our study was divided into two major experiments with the following hypothesis: 1) medium milk production primiparous cows in semi extensive system have predictive metabolic markers of clinical and subclinical mastitis in the prepartum, 2) medium milk production pluriparous dairy cows with low rate of glucose metabolism during the prepartum, which is an indicative of insulin resistance, have higher minerals excretion in the postpartum period. In experiment 1, blood concentrations of NEFA in the prepartum period were higher, in contrast, phosphorus and glucose were lower (P <0.05) in animals with clinical mastitis postpartum. In experiment 2, pluriparous dairy cows with low rate of glucose metabolism in the prepartum had higher urinary calcium excretion in both prepartum and postpartum periods, and also the highest NEFA concentration in the prepartum period (P <0.05). The blood concentrations of calcium in dairy cows with high rate of glucose metabolism in the postpartum was elevated from the prepartum period and remained in the postpartum (P <0.05). Dairy cows kept in semi extensive system with moderate production level had predictive markers of mastitis in the prepartum, as previously demonstrated by other authors in more intensified systems of higher requirements for the animal. The highlighted marker was NEFA, however, in the second study it was shown in higher concentrations in the pluriparous dairy cows with low rate of glucose metabolism at prepartum, emphasizing the importance of this marker also in the insulin resistance. / O periparto nas vacas leiteiras (três semanas anteriores e as três posteriores ao parto) é caracterizado por grandes mudanças nas demandas fisiológicas do animal, sendo que, as práticas de manejo, principalmente nutricionais, influenciam intensamente a incidência de desordens no periparto e a subsequente produção de leite. A maioria dos estudos neste período na vaca leiteira é em sistemas confinados de alta produção leiteira, por essa razão o objetivo desta tese foi identificar marcadores metabólicos preditivos com a ocorrência de mastite clínica e subclínica e com a excreção de minerais em vacas leiteiras em sistema semi-extensivo. Nosso estudo foi estratificado em dois trabalhos com as seguintes hipóteses: 1) vacas leiteiras primíparas de média produção em sistema semi-extensivo possuem marcadores metabólicos preditivos de mastite clínica e subclínica no pré-parto; 2) vacas leiteiras pluríparas de média produção com menor taxa de metabolização de glicose, que é um indicativo de resistência da insulina, no pré-parto possuem maior excreção de minerais no pós-parto. No experimento 1 as concentrações sanguíneas de NEFA no pré-parto foram maiores e de fósforo e glicose menores (P<0,05), em animais com mastite clínica no pós-parto. No experimento 2 as vacas leiteiras pluríparas com menor taxa de metabolização de glicose no pré-parto apresentaram maior excreção urinária do cálcio no pré e pós-parto, e ainda, o NEFA mais alto no pré-parto (P<0,05). As concentrações sanguíneas de cálcio em vacas leiteiras com maior taxa de metabolização de glicose no pós-parto foi elevada desde o pré parto, mantendo-se no pós (P<0,05). Nas condições estudadas, em vacas leiteiras mantidas em sistema semi-extensivo de mediana produção foi observado que há marcadores preditivos de mastite já no pré-parto, como previamente comprovado por outros autores em sistemas mais intensificados de maiores exigências para o animal. O marcador em destaque foi o NEFA, sendo que o mesmo no segundo estudo se apresentou de forma mais elevada nas vacas leiteiras pluríparas com menor taxa de metabolização de glicose no pré-parto, enfatizando a importância deste marcador também na resistência à insulina.
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Etude des effets d'une invalidation conditionnelle de SHIP2, d'INPP5E et de PIPP chez la sourisJacoby, Monique 08 October 2008 (has links)
Les phosphoinositides (PI) sont impliqués dans de nombreux processus biologiques cellulaires, tels que la régulation du cytosquelette d'actine, le trafic vésiculaire membranaire et les voies de signalisation médiées par des récepteurs membranaires. Le métabolisme des phosphoinositides est un processus hautement régulé par un ensemble de PI-kinases et PI-phosphatases. Des mutations dans ces enzymes sont associées à des maladies tels que le syndrome de Lowe, le diabète de type 2, les désordres bipolaires et le cancer.<p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Sleep deprivation and its impact on circadian rhythms and glucose metabolism / La privation du sommeil et son impact sur les rythmes circadiens et le métabolisme du glucoseJha, Pawan Kumar 06 July 2016 (has links)
Situé dans le noyau suprachiasmatique (SCN) de l’hypothalamus, l'horloge principale contrôle les rythmes des processus comportementaux et métaboliques chez les mammifères. Par exemple, les rythmes quotidiens de veille-sommeil, d'alimentation-jeûne, de glycémie, de tolérance au glucose et de sensibilité à l'insuline sont régulés par l'horloge SCN. La lumière est le synchroniseur principal du SCN, même si de nombreux facteurs autres que la lumière, tels que l'éveil comportemental ou des facteurs métaboliques, peuvent également moduler la phase ou la période des SCN. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier différents aspects des interactions entre l'éveil comportemental, les rythmes circadiens et le métabolisme du glucose. Dans la première partie, nous avons déterminé l'action centrale du Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (GRP), un neuropeptide synthétisé dans le SCN, sur le métabolisme du glucose. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une injection icv de GRP induit une hyperglycémie prolongée. Nous avons également montré qu’une privation de sommeil à court terme conduit à une détérioration de la tolérance au glucose. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons démontré que l'éveil comportemental induit par la privation de sommeil ou une injection de caféine améliore l’entraînement photique de l'horloge SCN chez un rongeur diurne : le rat roussard du Soudan, Arvicanthis ansorgei. Ces réponses circadiennes chez une espèce diurne qui sont opposées à celles précédemment mises en évidence chez les rongeurs nocturnes pourraient avoir des applications biomédicales. / Located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master clock generates rhythms of behavioural and metabolic processes in mammals. For example, daily rhythms of sleep-wake, fasting-feeding, plasma glucose concentration, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity are regulated by the SCN clock. Light is the primary synchronizer of SCN pacemaker though many light-independent factors such as behavioural arousal and metabolic cues also have phase and period resetting properties. The aim of thesis was to study different aspects of the interactions between behavioural arousal, circadian rhythms and glucose metabolism. In the first part, we extended the study of brain control of glucose metabolism by investigating the central action of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), a neuropeptide synthesized in the SCN, on glucose metabolism. Our result indicates that central GRP induces long-lasting hyperglycemia. We also showed that acute sleep deprivation leads to impaired glucose tolerance. In the second part, we demonstrated that behavioural arousal induced by sleep deprivation or caffeine treatment enhances photic-entrainment of the SCN clock in the diurnal Sudanian grass rat, Arvicanthis ansorgei. These circadian responses in a diurnal species are opposite to the earlier findings in nocturnal rodents and may have biomedical applications.
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Solute Carriers in Metabolism : Regulation of known and putative solute carriers in the central nervous systemLekholm, Emilia January 2017 (has links)
Solute carriers (SLCs) are membrane-bound transporter proteins, important for nutrient, ion, drug and metabolite transport across membranes. A quarter of the human genome codes for membrane-bound proteins, and SLCs make up the largest group of transporter proteins. Due to their ability to transport a large repertoire of substances across, not just the plasma membrane, but also the membrane of internal organelles, they hold a key position in maintaining homeostasis affecting metabolic pathways. Unfortunately, some of the more than 400 identified SLCs are still not fully characterized, even though a quarter of these are associated with human disease. In addition, there are about 30 membrane-bound proteins with strong resemblance to SLCs, of which very little is known. The aim of this thesis is to characterize some of these putative SLCs, focusing on their localization and function in the central nervous system. Since many of the known SLCs play a vital part in metabolism and related pathways, the response to different nutritional conditions has been used as a key method. MFSD14A and MFSD14B, characterized in Paper I, are putative SLCs belonging to the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) and found to be neuronal, differentially expressed in the mouse central nervous system and transiently upregulated in mouse embryonic cortex cultures due to amino acid deprivation. They were also altered in areas of the mouse brain after starvation as well as after high fat diet. In Paper II, the effect on gene regulation due to complete amino acid starvation was monitored in a mouse hypothalamic cell line and 47 different genes belonging to SLCs, or putative SLCs, were found to be affected. Of these, 15 genes belonged to already known amino acid transporters, whereas 32 were putative SLCs with no known function or SLCs not known to react to amino acids. The three SV2 proteins, SV2A, SV2B and SV2C, were studied in Paper III using human neuroblastoma cell lines. The high metabolic state of cancers often result in an upregulation and alteration of transporter proteins, and alterations of the SV2 proteins were found following different treatments performed in this study. Paper IV focused on putative SLCs of MFS type and their role in glucose metabolism. Mouse embryonic cortex cultures were subjected to glucose starvation and the gene expression of 19 putative transporters were analyzed. All but four of the putative transporters were affected either at 3h or 12h of glucose deprivation. In conclusion, several SLCs and putative SLCs studied in this thesis are strongly affected by alteration in metabolism, either due to amino acids or glucose or both. This makes the putative SLCs dynamic membrane-bound proteins, possibly transporters, highly affected by nutritional status and most likely regulated to maintain homeostasis.
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Identification of Novel Roles for the Survival Motor Neuron (Smn) Protein: Implications on Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Pathogenesis and TherapyBowerman, Melissa January 2012 (has links)
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the leading genetic cause of death of young children. It is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the mutation and/or the deletion within the ubiquitously expressed survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene. SMA pathology is characterized by spinal cord motor neuron degeneration, neuromuscular junction (NMJ) defects and muscular atrophy. Upon disease onset, SMA patients progressively become paralyzed and in the most severe cases, they die due to respiratory complications. Over the years, it has become clear that SMN is a multi-functional protein with important roles in small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) assembly, RNA metabolism, axonal outgrowth and pathfinding, mRNA transport as well as in the functional development of NMJs, skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. However, it remains unclear which of these functions, and the respective perturbed molecular pathways, dictate SMA pathogenesis. Here, we have established Smn-depleted PC12 cells and an intermediate SMA mouse model to characterize a role for Smn in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics. We find that Smn depletion results in the increased expression of profilin IIa and active RhoA (RhoA-GTP) as well as the decreased expression of plastin 3 and Cdc42. Importantly, the inhibition of rho-kinase (ROCK), a direct downstream regulator of RhoA, significantly increased the lifespan of SMA mice and shows beneficial potential as a therapeutic strategy for SMA. In an addition, we have uncovered a muscle- and motor neuron-independent role for SMN in the regulation of pancreatic development and glucose metabolism in SMA mice and type 1 SMA patients. This finding highlights the importance of combining a glucose tolerance assessment of SMA patients with their existing clinical care management. Thus, our work has uncovered two novel and equally important roles for the SMN protein, both of which contribute significantly to SMA pathogenesis.
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