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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitetsarbete i förskolan : Förskollärares uppfattningar och upplevelser av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan

Vikars, Maria January 2021 (has links)
This study examines preschool teachers' perceptions and experiences of systematic quality work in preschool. The purpose of making preschool teachers' perceptions and experiences visible is that they will provide new knowledge about the perceived reality of systematic quality work and what significance it has in preschool teachers' daily work. The questions in which the study seeks to answer are how preschool teachers perceive the systematic quality work? How preschool teachers perceive the work with documentation as part of the systematic quality work? And in what way preschool teachers feel that the systematic quality work helps them to develop the early childhood education? This is a qualitative study where preschool teachers have been interviewed in which a total of four interviews have been treated in the study. The interviews have been semi-structured with a low degree of structuring. The interviews were then transcribed where a qualitative analysis of the material was made. The theoretical concepts that permeate the analysis are the motives for evaluation, which consist of the control motive, the development motive and the knowledge motive. The results show that there are two themes in which the systematic quality work is understood. Systematic quality work in an overall perspective and systematic quality work from an operational perspective where the motives for evaluation are varied.

Motivationens betydelse för rehabilitering : - vårdpersonals erfarenhet och uppfattning om motivation i rehabiliteringsprocessen

Steen, Caroline Steen January 2018 (has links)
Att drabbas av stroke kan medföra fysiska, psykiska, kognitiva och emotionella svårigheter och funktionsnedsättningar. Att rehabilitera bristande funktioner är början på en omfattande process som kräver stöd och motivation från människor i omgivningen.   Syfte: Utifrån vårdpersonals perspektiv undersöks och beskrivs faktorer som motiverar och har positiv inverkan på rehabilitering. 16 personer som samtliga arbetar med rehabilitering av strokepatienter deltog.  Metod: Med en enkät kartläggs personalens uppfattning och åsikter kring rehabiliteringsplanens betydelse och faktorers påverkan på motivationen. Frågorna är indelade i 5 teman: Rehabiliteringsplan, mål, framgångsfaktorer, motivation och motiverande faktorer. I studien undersöks om det finns signifikant skillnad mellan motivation och rehabilitering i relation till de viktigaste målen som bedöms vara hygien, gå och äta. Resultat: Rehabiliteringsplanen anses vara ett viktigt verktyg för att kartlägga behov men också för att motivera patienten. Hygien, äta och gå anses vara de vanligaste målen. Glad och positiv personal bedöms ha stor inverkan på motivationen. Även familjen anses ha stor inverkan på rehabilitering medan det egna intresset är av mindre betydelse. Enligt studien finns inget signifikant samband mellan motivation och rehabilitering inom målen hygien, gå och äta.  Slutsats: En rehabiliteringsplan grundad på patientens behov ökar den inre motivationen och därmed också möjligheten att se sin aktiva roll och vara mottaglig för yttre motivation. / Stroke can cause physical, mental, cognitive and emotional difficulties and disabilities. Rehabilitating inadequate functions is the beginning of an extensive process that requires support and motivation from people around the world. Aim: From the perspective of healthcare professionals, factors that motivate and positively affect rehabilitation are investigated and described. 16 people who all work with rehabilitation of stroke patients participated. Method: With a survey, the staff's perception and views of the importance of the rehabilitation plan and factors influence the motivation. The questions are divided into 5 themes: Rehabilitation plan, goals, success factors, motivation and motivational factors. The study examines whether there is a significant difference between motivation and rehabilitation in relation to the most important goals that are thought to be hygiene, go and eat. Result: The rehabilitation plan is considered an important tool for mapping needs but also motivating the patient. Hygiene, eating and walking are stated as the most common goals. Happy and positive staff are expected to have a major impact on motivation. The family is also considered to have a major impact on rehabilitation while its own interest is less important. According to the study, there is no significant correlation between motivation and rehabilitation within the goals of hygiene, walking and eating. Conclusion: A rehabilitation plan based on patient needs increases internal motivation and thus also the ability to see its active role and be receptive to external motivation.

To lead from a distance : Virtual Leadership

Jönsson, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
In a world that is getting more and more globalized and dependent of the progress within the sphere of technology, there is a need for organizations to keep up with this development. Virtual Teams are a developing area, where there is a strive and a consistent desire to evolve and reach a higher level of efficiency. There is also a development when it comes to communication and is a consequence of a world that is increasingly globalized, and creating global competition is facilitated by a wider use of information and communication technology This leads to higher demands on the Virtual Leader in order to make sure that the team reaches its full potential, and being able to tackle the challenges that comes with leading an in a Virtual Environment. Since it is a subject that is still going through a phase of evolution, there is a knowledge gap in both a theoretical and practical view. The creation of Virtual Teams and the Virtual Leader encounters several aggravating challenges compared to traditionally collocated teams. There is a need for a clear definition of a Virtual Leader as well how to handle upcoming challenges. This study suggests a suitable definition for a Virtual Leader, where the result was drawn from a literature review and qualitative data from ten different companies and twenty respondents. A connection is drawn to the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation model (FIRO) made by Will Schutz in 1958. The main objectives of a leader are still the same, it is rather the context that has changed, and therefore an expansion of the model is presented. This reinforces the purpose of this study which is to investigate how a Virtual Leader can overcome the aforementioned challenges and ensure that everyone in the team are heading in the same direction.

Distansarbetets påverkan på samordningsmekanismerna : Och dess effekter på målkongruens och graden av måluppfyllelse

Johansson, Elsa, Karlsson, Sofie, Tigerström, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Rekommendationerna om distansarbete under pandemin har haftstor påverkan på arbetsmiljön. Kommunikationskanalerna och de naturligamötesplatserna har förändrats, vilket i sin tur har påverkan påsamordningsmekanismerna inom målstyrningen. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en kvalitativ fallstudie upptäcka hursamordningsmekanismer förändras av distansarbete och vilka konsekvenser detkan få för målkongruensen och måluppfyllelsen i ett företag. Metod: I denna rapport har en fallstudie med kvalitativa intervjuer genomförtspå ett företag med två fokusgrupper, som framtagits genom ett målstyrt urval.Detta med syftet att uppnå en fördjupad förståelse för respondenternasupplevelser. Slutsatser: Studien fastslår att styrningsmekanismerna påverkas till följd avdistansarbetet. De formella mekanismerna ökar, medan de informella minskar,vilket leder till osäkerhet, missförstånd och ineffektivitet på arbetsplatsen. / Introduction: The recommendations on teleworking during the pandemic havehad a major impact on the work environment. The communication channels andthe natural meeting places have changed, which in turn has an impact on thecoordination mechanisms within goal management. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to discover through a qualitative casestudy how coordination mechanisms are changed by teleworking and whatconsequences it can have for goal congruence and goal fulfillment in acompany. Method: In this report, a case study with qualitative interviews was conductedat a company with two focus groups, which was produced through agoal-directed selection. This with the aim of achieving an in-depthunderstanding of the respondents' experiences. Conclusions: The study states that the control mechanisms are affected as aresult of the telework. The formal mechanisms increase, while the informalones decrease, leading to insecurity, misunderstandings and inefficiencies inthe workplace.

Through a Different Lens: Student Perspectives on the Impact of Study Abroad

Learman, Megan A. 30 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Digital spelifiering, motivation och måluppfyllelse i ämnet teknik på högstadiet / Digital gamification, Motivation and Goal Fulfillment in the Subject Technology in Junior High School

Håkansson, Carolin January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en interventionsstudie om spelifiering. Studien har genomförts på en högstadieskola och den inriktar sig mot ämnet teknik. Totalt gick 73 elever från fyra olika klasser med på att delta i studien. Eleverna deltog i en lektion med digital spelifiering och i en analog lektion. Efter varje lektion gjorde eleverna en undersökning om deras motivation och måluppfyllelse. Syftet med studien var att se hur noggrant utformad spelifiering skulle kunna påverka motivation och måluppfyllelse. Resultatet av undersökningen sammanställdes i diagram. Därefter jämfördes resultaten med kontrollgrupper. Detta resulterade i ett förväntat resultat av elevernas motivation. Eleven tyckte mer om att medverka i en spelifierad lektion än i en vanlig analog lektion. Å andra sidan visade eleverna en något lägre måluppfyllelse efter att de medverkat i den spelifierade lektionen jämfört med att medverka i en vanlig analog lektion. Därför kan användningen av noggrant utformad spelifiering i en högstadieskola i ämnet teknik anses ha både positiva och negativa effekter. Beroende på om motivation eller måluppfyllelse är det eftersträvade målet så kan läraren anse att spelifiering är användbart eller inte. Resultaten av studien kan förbättras med ytterligare forskning. / This master thesis is an intervention study about gamification. The study have been carried out in a junior high school and is focused on the subject technology. In total 73 students from four different classes agreed to participate in the study. The students participated in one lesson with digital gamification and in one analog lesson. After each lesson the students did a survey about their motivation and goal fulfillment. The purpose of the study was to see how carefully designed gamification could affect motivation and goal fulfillment. The result of the survey was compiled in diagrams. After which they were compared with control groups. This resulted in an expected results of the students motivation. The student enjoyed playing a gamification lesson more than a regular analog lesson. On the other hand the students showed a slightly lower goal fulfillment after playing the gamification lesson compared with a regular analog lesson. Therefore the use of carefully designed gamification in a junior high school in the subject technology could be considered having both positive and negative effects. Depending on motivation or goal fulfillment is the objective the teacher could deem gamification useful or not. The results of the study could improve with further research.

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