Spelling suggestions: "subject:"golden"" "subject:"holden""
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Vybrané regiony laténského osídlení v Čechách a jejich možný vztah ke zdrojům zlata / Selected settlement regions of La Tène Period in Bohemia and their potential relationship to the resources of goldSmola, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a possible relationship between the late Iron Age settlement and gold deposits. Its first objective is to determine the probability rate in which of the three selected areas of Bohemia ( áslavsko, Jílovsko and P íbramsko) the gold mining could take place in La Tène period and where is an increased probability of obtaining direct evidence of this mining. The second objective is to create a model of gold mining and gold processing in La Tène period and to propose a framework for the future research that would confirm or deny such model. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part (chapters 1 - 4) contains general introduction to the topic of gold in La Tène period in Bohemia region, a summary of current knowledge about the possible gold mining and a comparison of possibilities and limits to deepen this knowledge. Emphasis is put on methods and procedures, including the application of very promising chemical-physical analysis. The second part of the thesis (chapter 5) focuses on detailed analysis of gold deposits and settlements in La Tène period in selected regions of áslavsko, Jílovsko and P íbramsko, where is the La Tène gold mining expected. In the subchapters on geology, primary and secondary gold deposits, including geochemical anomalies and historical mining relicts...
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Hela mänskligheten på 116 bilder : en analys av bilderna på the voyager oneKardell, Tomas, otto, Klingspor January 2021 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze how the visual communication the scientists in charge of the Voyager project in 1977 chose to represent humanity on The Golden Record by using content analysis. This study is built on two questions of interest as well as a theoretical framework. Representation is investigated through Stuart halls ideas of representation and identity through Craig R. Scott - identity and identification. Furthermore, two methods have been used to answer our questions, quantitative content analysis and qualitative content analysis in combination. Even though the initial intention was to show a diverse representation of humanity to a potential alien audience, the quantitative analysis showed an overrepresentation of men and people with caucasian descent. Adults between the ages 18-60 was in the majority, followed by children and lastly older people. Blacks, Asians, women and other groups are not as widely represented in the material. Although it might seem like the scientist has failed in their attempt to represent the world in 90 minutes, we argue that there are multiple circumstances which limited their ability to do so. The time pressure, historic context as well as the absents of large information sources in the 70s is the main reason why the material has an overrepresentation of caucasian men. Considering all circumstances, it becomes obvious that they did what they could in most circumstances when it comes to including a wide range of cultures. This being said, it still does not make it ethically justifiable to make a west-centered message with all of humanity as the sender. The message onboard Voyager should be seen as a form of invitation to earth and not an encyclopedia of mankind.
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Účel světí prostředky: ideologie v paratextech českých překladů vybraných děl španělského Zlatého věku / The end justifies the means: Ideology in the paratexts of Czech translations of selected works of the Spanish Golden AgeKohnerová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates and examines the manifestations of ideology in paratexts, specifically concentrating on forewords and afterwords in Czech translations of novels written during the Spanish Golden Age and translated into Czech between 1948 and 1989. To uncover and classify each display of ideology, a new methodology was proposed. Its creation was based on research documented in the theoretical part of this thesis which discusses translatological concepts, studies ideology and censorship and characterizes the literature of Spanish Golden Age. The translatological concepts covered in this thesis are: the communicative model and praxeology of Anton Popovič, André Lefevere's concept of rewriting, and the paratext theory of Gérard Genett. The functionality of the proposed methodology was tested in the thesis's empirical part, in which nine paratexts were analyzed. On the basis of this paratext analysis, the trends of each ideology manifestations were established as well as factors that contribute to their presence.
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En spegling av tiden : Uttryck för nationalism i svensk och dansk målarkonst ca 1850 till 1865 / A reflection of its time : Nationalism in Swedish and Danish Painting c. 1850 to 1865Lennersand, Britt Marie January 2022 (has links)
The aim of my master’s thesis is to study how of nationalism was expressed in Swedish and Danish paintings c. 1850 to 1865. In both Sweden and Denmark there were strong feelings of nationalism in the 19th century. The development towards a modern nation state meant that people began to feel like citizens of a nation rather than subjects to a king. In the words of the Irish-American anthropologist and political scientist Benedict Anderson they had the feeling of being in an imagined community. I examine how nationalism was expressed, what factors influenced the portrayal of national feelings and the purpose of choices of subject. The final question is if there are differences between the countries and, if any, possible reasons. The time period I have chosen is the time between the two Slesvig wars in Denmark, which is now often seen as the latter part of the Danish Golden Age. It is also the period when many Swedish painters chose to travel to Düsseldorf to study painting and the Düsseldorf school became especially important in genre and landscape painting, often with nationalistic subjects. My study is divided into four themes, Mythology, Monarchs, People and Nature, covering different aspects of life and also of different categories of painting. For each theme I examine one painting by a Swedish artist and one by a Danish artist using Panofsky’s iconological method. I include other paintings and texts for reference. The expression of nationalism shows similarities between the countries, such as use of old Norse mythology and genre paintings of rural people in traditional costumes. Landscape paintings reflected the geographical differences between the countries. Current events, in particular the Slesvig wars for Denmark, also left their mark on nationalism and found their way into art.
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Insights into the social ecological system of the Golden Stream Corridor Preserve in Belize through the assessment of direct use values and benefitsMesh, Salvador Nigel 17 May 2022 (has links)
The designation of state and private protected areas around the world has been increasing over the past years. Belize is not an exception to this reality. To date more than 103 protected areas have been recognized into the National Protected Areas System of Belize (NPAS). Private protected areas (PPA) did not become part of Belize’s NPAS until 2015. But long before its legislation, private protected areas have been contributing to conservation and development in Belize. The Golden Stream Corridor Preserve (GSCP) is one of Belize’s exemplary PPA which advocates for conservation through the promotion of sustainable livelihood development and community empowerment.
Using the co-evolution model by Pretzsch et al. (2014) as a conceptual framework, direct use values and benefits of the GSCP are assessed to gain insight into its social ecological system. A single case (embedded) case study design was used to execute this assessment at three buffering communities: Medina Bank, Golden Stream and Indian Creek. A total of 60 households, representing 10% of household leaders in each community were interviewed using a semi structured questionnaire. Community leaders were also interviewed to discover customary rules relating to resource use and the history of each community.
The direct use value assessment revealed that the GSCP only contributes to values associated with tourism and employment. These values were disproportionately distributed across buffering communities; with Indian Creek perceiving all values associated with tourism, and Golden Stream from employment. Medina Bank saw no direct use values from the GSCP. Community forests and lands were found to be the exclusive source of direct use values associated with the utilization of forest products. Sustainable livelihood development opportunities and community empowerment were the most reported benefits arising from the management of the GSCP. The adoption and contribution of livelihood strategies were however met with positive and negative criticism by community members.
Results from this evaluation epitomizes the importance of SES thinking in protected areas. Customary rules of resource use have contributed positively to the integrity of the GSCP. The impending threat of land use change and population growth at buffering communities calls for the creation of enabling environments for the adoption of sustainable livelihood through community participation, consultation, monitoring and evaluation.:CHAPTER ONE
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research question and justification 2
2. Theoretical and conceptual framework 4
2.2 Ecosystem service approach in protected areas 7
2.3 Emergence of private protected areas: global status, definition, benefits and downsides 11
2.4 Social ecological co-evolution: a conceptual Framework 13
3.1 National Context: protected areas in Belize 17
3.2 Local context: The Golden Stream Corridor Preserve 19
3.3 Case study approach 23
3.4 Data collection 25
3.5 Data analysis 29
3.6 Ethical considerations 32
4. Embedded case studies . 34
4.1 Case study 1: Medina Bank Village 46
4.2 Case study 2: Golden Stream Village 48
4.3 Case study 3: Indian Creek Village 62
5. Consolidating and comparing the embedded cases
6. Implications of findings for management 92
7. Conclusions, limitations and outlook 102
Limitation 103
Outlook 104
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Crossing the "Great Gulf": Narration, Nostalgia, and "Contraband Memory" in Edith Nesbit's The Story of the Treasure SeekersBrown, Lauren Poet 11 June 2020 (has links)
During the nineteenth-century “Golden Age” of children’s literature, many British writers conceptualized childhood through the lens of restorative nostalgia, writing books that attempted to re-create an idealized version of childhood that never actually existed. This has led critics of children’s literature from this era to characterize many Victorian authors’ depictions of childhood as a fictionalized adult product that serves to colonize child readers, interpellating them into adult narratives and ideologies. Edith Nesbit was well aware of this tendency, and in The Story of the Treasure Seekers (1899), she attempts to subvert it with her child narrator, Oswald Bastable. With Oswald, Nesbit works to create a version of childhood that crosses what she calls the “great gulf” separating adult writers and child readers by activating “contraband memory.” Contraband memory is, for Nesbit, memory lacking the cloying nostalgia that makes other authors’ versions of childhood falsely idealized. Oswald begins the novel seeking to mimic the idealized memories he finds in children’s books, stealing them and reshaping them to fit his everyday life. But he soon discovers that many of these stolen memories do not play out in real life as they do in books, and Oswald ends the novel with an archive of unidealized memories that offer readers a model of resistance to the literary colonization common in children’s literature. By archiving his childhood memories before they have time to be distorted by adult nostalgia, Oswald creates the kind of contraband memory that Nesbit feels will lead to something new: the representation of more realistic versions of childhood.
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Plan de negocio para la venta de aguaymanto deshidratado, como alimento saludable (“superfood”), para deportistas en California, Estados Unidos / Business plan for the sale of dehydrated aguaymanto as a healthy food (“superfood”) for athletes in California, United StatesCerrón Balcázar, María, Escalante Salas, Neil, Chilet Najera, Fernando, Sachún Sarmiento, William 03 November 2021 (has links)
El aguaymanto es un fruto andino con muchas propiedades beneficiosas para la salud al punto de ser considerado un superalimento, lo que lo convierte en un alimento exótico y de alto valor nutritivo. El proceso de deshidratado, mediante el cual se retira el agua del fruto, asegura conservar todas las propiedades de éste, alargando su tiempo de vida.
Con la tendencia mundial por consumir alimentos saludables, Estados Unidos (específicamente California) se presenta como el mercado más atractivo por el alto porcentaje de personas deportistas que valoran este tipo de alimentos.
El aguaymanto ya es comercializado en Estados Unidos en diferentes presentaciones, incluso deshidratado. Sin embargo, nuestro proyecto busca establecer las ventajas competitivas siguientes:
Mercado objetivo compuesto por deportistas y personas que se ejercitan.
Empaque conveniente para el transporte.
Alianzas comerciales con Tiendas especializadas y distribuidoras de alimentos saludables.
Alta calidad del producto.
La tercerización de los procesos productivos y de distribución evitan un alto costo inicial por el Know how y permiten que el proyecto inicie con una empresa conformada por pocas personas enfocadas en procesos de marketing, supervisión y gestión.
Cada una de las aristas del proyecto serán plasmadas en el análisis financiero, en donde concluimos que para poner la empresa en marcha se requiere una inversión inicial importante, la cual será cubierta por capital propio y deuda. Además, mediante la herramienta del flujo de caja, conoceremos la creación de valor económico del proyecto y el periodo de recuperación de la inversión. / The aguaymanto is an Andean fruit with many beneficial properties for health, in addition to being considered a superfood, which makes it an exotic food with high nutritional value. The dehydration process, by which the water is removed from the fruit, ensures that all its properties are preserved, extending its life span.
With the global trend to consume healthy foods, the United States (specifically California) is presented as the most attractive market due to the high percentage of athletes who value this type of food.
The aguaymanto is already marketed in the United States in different presentations, even dehydrated. However, our project seeks to establish the following competitive advantages:
Target market made up of athletes and people who exercise.
Convenient packaging for transport.
Commercial alliances with specialized stores and healthy food distributors.
High quality of the product.
The outsourcing of production and distribution processes avoid a high initial cost for the Know-how and allow the project to start with a company with few people focused on marketing, supervision and management processes.
Each of the project's edges will be reflected in the financial analysis, where we conclude that a significant initial investment is required to start the company, which will be covered by equity capital and debt. In addition, through the cash flow tool, we will know the creation of the economic value of the project and the payback period of the investment. / Trabajo de investigación
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Plan de negocio para la producción y comercialización de pulpa congelada de aguaymanto en Lima Metropolitana / Business plan for the production and commercialization of frozen golden berry pulp at the Lima Metropolitan areaGutiérrez Fuster, Ingrid Patricia, Pancorvo Rosazza, César Augusto, Paredes Castro, Juan Gabriel, Herrera Gallegos, Carlos Alberto 31 August 2020 (has links)
En el presente plan de negocio se explica y sustenta la viabilidad de una empresa productora y comercializadora de empaques de 250 gramos de pulpa congelada de aguaymanto a consumidores en Lima Metropolitana. La razón social de la empresa es PULPAS DE FRUTAS CONGELADAS S.A.C. y la marca a desarrollar es MANTOFRUT, dirigida a hombres y mujeres entre 20 y 65 años, del nivel socioeconómico A y B.
La cadena productiva del negocio inicia con la compra de la materia prima a proveedores, según los criterios determinados. Los insumos pasan a un proceso de transformación y el producto terminado es comercializado mediante dos canales de distribución: tradicional y digital (e-commerce). El valor de venta es de S/ 6.09 para el canal tradicional y S/ 8.05 para el canal digital.
El producto tiene gran oportunidad de desarrollo y éxito debido a la tendencia creciente de personas que buscan nutrirse de manera saludable, sin necesidad de invertir mucho tiempo en la preparación de sus alimentos. El objetivo es posicionar el producto como un aliado confiable para la alimentación durante el día, lo cual permitirá que el consumidor se sienta y vea mejor. Los principales canales de promoción serán redes sociales, activaciones BTL y acciones para ganar notoriedad en el punto de venta.
La inversión total es S/ 191,789.06. El Valor Presente Neto es S/ 199,663.65 y la Tasa Interna de Retorno Financiero es 22.3%. El margen operativo y neto es, respectivamente, de 23.38% y 16.40% al final del quinto año. / This business plan explains and demonstrates the viability of an enterprise that produces and commercializes 250-gram packages of frozen golden berry pulp to consumers on the Metropolitan Lima area. The business name of the company is PULPAS DE FRUTAS CONGELADAS S.A.C. and the brand to be developed is MANTOFRUT, targeted towards men and women of 20-65 years old, with middle and upper socioeconomic status.
The production process starts with the acquisition of raw material from suppliers, following established criteria. Raw material goes through a transformation process and, afterwards, the product is sold through two distribution channels: traditional and digital (e-commerce). The sale value will be S/ 6.09 for the traditional channel and S/ 8.05 for the digital channel.
The product has a great probability of success due to the increasing trend of people that are looking to nurture in a healthy way, without having to invest much time. The objective is to position the product as a trustworthy ally for daily nutrition, which will make the customer feel and see himself/herself better. The most relevant marketing channels will be social media, BTL activations and actions to gain notoriety at the point of sale.
Total investment on this project is S/ 191,789.06. The Net Present Value is S/ 199,663.65 and the Financial Internal Rate of Return is 22.3%. The operating and net margin are, respectively, 23.38% and 16.40% at the end of the fifth year. / Trabajo de investigación / Trabajo de investigación
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Common Raven Density and Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting Success in Southern Wyoming: Potential Conservation and Management ImplicationsDinkins, Jonathan B 01 August 2013 (has links)
My research was focused on greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter "sage-grouse") nest-site selection, nest success, and hen survival in relation to avian predators. The trade-off between using habitat and avoiding predators is a common decision for prey species including sage-grouse. In Chapter 2, I compared avian predator densities at sage-grouse nest and brood locations to random locations. Sage-grouse were located where densities of small, medium, and large avian predators were 65-68% less than random locations.
The effects of anthropogenic and landscape features on habitat use of sage-grouse hens have not been evaluated relative to avian predator densities. In Chapter 3, I compared anthropogenic and landscape features and avian predator densities among sage-grouse locations (nest, early-brood, late-brood) and random locations. I found sage-grouse hens chose locations with lower avian predator densities compared to random locations, and selected locations farther away from anthropogenic and landscape features.
Depredation of sage-grouse nests can be an influential factor limiting their productivity. Predator removal has been simultaneously proposed and criticized as a potential mitigation measure for low reproductive rates of sage-grouse. In Chapter 4, I hypothesized that sage-grouse nest success would be greater in areas where Wildlife Services lowered common raven (Corvus corax: hereafter "raven") density. I found that Wildlife Services decreased raven density by 61% during 2008-2011 but I did not detect a direct improvement to sage-grouse nest success. However, sage-grouse nest success was 22% when ravens were detected within 550 m of a sage-grouse nest and 41% when no raven was detected within 550 m. In Chapter 5, I assessed interactive effects of corvid densities relative to anthropogenic and landscape features on sage-grouse nest success. I found that sage-grouse nest success was positively correlated with rugged habitat.
Survival of breeding-age birds is the most important demographic parameter driving sage-grouse abundance. In Chapter 6, I evaluated the effect of raptor densities, proximity to anthropogenic and landscape features, and hen behavior on survival of sage-grouse hens. I found that sage-grouse hen survival was negatively correlated with golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) density, proximity to anthropogenic and landscape features, and hen parental investment (nesting and brood-rearing).
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Reading the late JamesValihora, Karen January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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