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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of a medium chain triglyceride oil mixture and alpha lipoic acid diet on body composition, antioxidant status and plasma lipid levels in the Syrian hamster

Wollin, Stephanie January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Handelsstrategier baserade på glidande medelvärden : En studie i marknadens effektivitet

Brished, Gustav, Roos, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Att finna den mest effektiva strategin för att maximera sin avkastning på aktiemarknaden har varit en fråga som har intresserat investerare i hundratals år. Denna studie avser att undersöka vilken av investeringsstrategierna, Gyllene korset eller Buy and hold som är mest lönsam under perioden 2004 - 2022 på Stockholmsbörsen för att dra slutsatser om marknadens effektivitet. Genom att mäta avkastningen av tio aktier från large-cap listan och tio aktier från mid-cap-listan visade studiens resultat att Buy and hold under perioden gav en högre genomsnittlig avkastning relativt Gyllene korset under parametrarna glidande medelvärde 50, 200. Detta ger stöd för den effektiva marknadshypotesen som säger att det inte går att få överavkastning genom teknisk analys. Studien finner dock stöd för att köpsignalen som gavs vid Gyllene korset skapade stora vinster, och att det snarare var en försenad säljsignal, dödskorset, som var huvudanledningen till att Buy and hold var överlägsen Gyllene korset-strategin. / Finding the most effective strategy to maximize returns in the stock market has been a question that has interested investors for hundreds of years. This study aims to see which of the investment strategies, Golden cross or Buy and hold that is most profitable during the period 2004 - 2022 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the market. By measuring the return of ten stocks from the large-cap list and ten stocks from the mid-cap list, the study's results showed that during the period, Buy and hold gave a higher average return than the Golden cross under the parameters moving average 50, 200. This supports the efficient market hypothesis, which states that it is not possible to obtain excess returns through technical analysis. However, the study finds support that the buy signal given at the Golden cross created large returns, and that it was rather a delayed sell signal, the death cross, that was the reason why Buy and hold was superior to the Golden cross strategy.

Kulturní centrum Kopřivnice / Cultural Center in Koprivnice

Švancara, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The hint of this project was to find the way to transform the cultural buildings from 70`s and 80`s. Espaccialy its the group of buildings in the center of the sity Kopřivnice: cultural house, cinema and museum of technology, which are inapropriatte for its purpose. This transformation also shows new ways to change the whole central part of the city, which is in very insufficient conditions these days.

Maria De Zayas: Lo Paradojico De Una Escritora Del Siglo De Oro Espanol

Vinces, Nancy 01 January 2012 (has links)
This is a study about María de Zayas y Sotomayor, a seventeenth century Spanish writer who has slowly but surely started to become one of the most read and researched female writers of her time among current scholars. Zayas’s work is that of a baroque writer and as such her critics are notorious for having divergent views about her work. The purpose of this study is to discern the reason behind the controversy that exists about her narrative. The present study is an attempt to elucidate the ambiguity around the feminist views Zayas has been adjudicated. Taking into consideration her context as a female writer amidst a patriarchal society and her social status as a member of the nobility, this study analyses some of the apparent contradictions that critics underscore to support their conclusions. It has been the purpose of this study to include a diverse group of critical views in order to come to a conclusion about her literary opus: her only known dramatic play La traición en la amistad followed by her two collections of short stories Novelas amorosas ejemplares and Desengaños amorosos. Additionally, this study considers other realms of study that would benefit from a more profound study by future researchers.

Optimal investment in an oil-based economy. Theoretical and Empirical Study of a Ramsey-Type Model for Libya.

Zarmouh, Omar Othman January 1998 (has links)
In a developing oil-based economy like Libya the availability of finance is largely affected by the availability of oil revenues which are subjected to disturbances and shocks. Therefore, the decision to save and invest a certain ratio of the country's aggregate output is, to large extent, determined (and affected) by the shocks in the oil markets rather than the requirements of economic development. In this study an attempt is made to determine the optimal rate of saving and investment, both defined as a ratio of the aggregate output, according to the requirements of economic development. For this purpose, a neo-classical Ramsey-type model for Libya is constructed and applied to obtain theoretically and empirically the optimal saving and investment rate during the period (1965-1991). The results reveal that Libya was investing over the optimal level during the oil boom of 1970s and less than the optimal level during the oil crisis of 1980s. In addition, an econometric investigation of the determinants of actual investment by sector (agriculture, non-oil industry, and services) is carried out in order to shed lights on how possible it is for Libya to adjust actual investment towards its optimal level. It is found that, as expected, the most important factor which can be used in this respect is the oil revenues or, generally, the availability of finance. In addition, the study reveals that investment in agriculture is associated, during the period of study, with a very low marginal productivity of capital whereas marginal productivity was higher in both non-oil industry and services. Finally, the study investigates also the future potential saving and investment rates and concludes that the economy, which has already reached its steady state, can be pushed out towards further growth if the economy can be able to increase the level of per worker human capital, proxied by the secondary school enrolment as a percentage of population. / Secretariat of Higher Education in Libya and Libyan Interests Section in London

Appreciating the Golden Hour: A Comparative Interdisciplinary Study

Tachon, Taylor 01 January 2018 (has links)
Within the health care, many medical professionals know about the critical time restraints for provisions of care within their discipline, but do not know the term "The Golden Hour". The Golden Hour is a term indicating the universal time restraint found within every area of health care and more specifically, every area of nursing. The term and concept represented by it should be recognized to better the outcomes of our patients. Although the Golden Hour typically indicates a 60-minute period of time, various settings recognize shorter and longer periods during which specific actions must be taken to assure positive patient outcomes. To meet this aim, this thesis will review studies related to outcomes as associated with time critical interventions that could be categorized by "The Golden Hour". To meet the goal, a search of CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and ScienceDirect databases was conducted. Findings of the search revealed that while the term is not widely used, the concept of time sensitive care is found in many areas of Health Care and, specifically, within multiple sub-disciplines of nursing.

Autonomy, self-creation, and the woman artist figure in Woolf, Lessing, and Atwood

Sharpe, Martha January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Optical Tweezers Using Cylindrical Vector Beams

Wan, Chenchen January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Colonizers and Their Colonized

Grene, Ruth 09 January 2019 (has links)
This study is concerned with the Self/Other dichotomy, originally formulated by scholars of South Asian history in the context of European imperialistic treatments of the peoples whom they colonized for centuries, as applied to Mexican history. I have chosen some visual, cinematic, and literary representations of indigenous and other dispossessed peoples from both colonial and post-colonial Mexico in order to gain some insights into the vision of the powerless, (the 'Other'), held by the powerful (the colonizers, whether internal or external), especially, but not exclusively, in the context of race. Some public and private works of Mexican art from the 18th , 19th. and the 20th centuries are used to understand the perceptions of the Other in Colonial Mexico City, at the time of Independence, in state-sponsored pre and post-Revolutionary spectacles representing indigenous peoples, cinematic representations of the marginalized and the dispossessed from the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, and in the representation of the marginalized in the literary and photographic works of Juan Rulfo. I conclude that an ambivalent mixture co-existed in Mexican culture through the centuries, on the one hand, honoring the blending that is expressed in the word 'mestizaje', and on the other, adhering to a thoroughly Eurocentric world view. This ambivalence persisted from the 18th century through Independence and the Revolution and its aftermath, albeit in transformed ' / M. A. / Mexico presents an interesting contrast to the United States with respect to the history of race since colonization. The 16th century Spanish conquerors, and the colonizers who followed them, acknowledged the offspring of their unions with indigenous women, setting a tradition that resulted, by the 20th century, in mixed race peoples becoming the major component of the Mexican population. Despite this, there remained a sense in the culture that Europe and those of European descent were still the ideal towards which Mexico aspired, while from time to time, there were paradoxical displays, honoring the ethnic diversity that was New Spanish/Mexican reality. In light of this ambivalence, I have examined some literary and artistic examples of the perception of the colonizers, internal or external, of those whom they marginalized.

Matematiska mönster i naturen och hur de kan göra bostadsgården mer hälsofrämjande : En teori av en trädgårdsmästare

Jonsson, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Min teori är att en av förklaringarna till naturens positiva inverkan på oss ligger i att naturen är lättläst för oss när vi avkodar vår omgivning. I naturen finns det matematiska mönster som återkommer och upprepar sig. Fibonaccis talserie, Gyllene snittet, Fyllotaxisspiralen och framförallt fraktaler. De här mönstren hjälper oss att registrera och ta in information från det vi ser i vår omvärld för att förstå den men också för att avgöra om det finns några faror eller om vi är på en trygg plats.   Inom forskning där försökspersonernas ögonrörelser studerades fann man att vi automatiskt fäster blicken vid mönster med den fraktala dimensionen 1,3 - 1,5. Vidare försök visade att testpersonerna blev som mest avslappnade när de fick se bilder med ett D-värde inom det spannet. Ytterligare stöd för växters hälsofrämjande inverkan fann jag i en rapport från ett försök där testpersonerna fick vidröra olika material med förbundna ögon. Man ville mäta både psykiska och fysiska reaktioner. Testpersonerna fick dels skatta sina upplevelser utifrån 10 par motsatsord och dels mättes deras syremättnad i blodet och det cerebrala blodflödet. Den psykologiska delen av försöket gav ett neutralt resultat men de fysiska mätvärdena indikerade att försökspersonerna blev stressade av att vidröra metall och blev mer avslappnade när de vidrörde levande växtmaterial i form av ett blad. Slutsatsen blev att fysisk kontakt med växtmaterial kan ha en lugnande effekt, trots att försökspersonen inte vet att det är växtmaterial den vidrör.   Genom att föra in dessa mönster i bostadsgården skulle den bli mer hälsofrämjande för den urbana människan. Eftersom örtskiktet idag är underrepresenterat i dessa bostadsområden har jag valt att lägga fokus på perenner som skulle lyfta in de fraktala och matematiska mönstren i den miljön. / My theory is that one of the explanations for the nature's positive impact on us is that nature is easy to read when we decode our surroundings. In nature there are mathematical patterns that recur and repeat themselves like the Fibonacci numbers, Golden Ratio, Phyllotaxis spiral and especially fractals. These patterns help us to record and take in information from what we see in our surroundings to understand it but also to determine if there is something scary or if we are in a safe place.   In research where they investigated the subjects’ eye movements it was found that we automatically attach our gaze at pattern of the fractal dimension 1.3 – 1.5. Further experiments showed that the test subjects where the most relaxed when they saw pictures with a dimension value within that range. I found additional support for plant health effects in a report from an experiment in which test subjects touched different materials blindfolded. The research team wanted to measure both psychological and physical reactions. The test subjects were instructed to value their experiences based on 10 pairs of word opposites and additionally their oxygen saturation in the blood and the cerebral blood flow were monitored. The psychological part of the trail gave a neutral result, but the physical measurements indicated that the subjects were stressed by touching metal and were more relaxed when they touched living plant material (a fresh leaf). The conclusion was that physical contact with plant material can have a calming effect, even though the subject does not know it is plant material it touches.   By bringing in these patterns to apartment house courtyards they would become more health promoting for the urban human. Since the herbal layer is underrepresented in these areas today, I have chosen to focus on perennials that would bring in the fractal and mathematical patterns in this environment.

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