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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modely vývoje inflace a její volatility v ČR / Models of inflation and its volatility in CZ

Bisová, Sára January 2010 (has links)
This paper focuses on analysing and modelling inflation and its dynamics in Czech Republic applying a special kind of econometric models. Firstly economic theory of inflation is mentioned - fundamental terms, measuring methods of inflation, the way Czech national bank is monitoring the inflation and obviously a short summary of historical evolution of inflation in Czech economy. In the second part of this paper two econometric concepts of modelling time series are introduced - vector autoregression models (VAR models) and volatility models, concretely ARCH and GARCH models. In connection with the VAR models, Granger causality, impulse response functions, cointegration and error correction models are described. The empirical part includes application of selected models on real time series of chosen macroeconomic indicators. The estimation outputs are interpreted and forecasts are implemented. The quality of chosen econometric models for modelling inflation in Czech Republic is discussed.

The Causal Relationships Between ESG and Financial Asset Classes : A multiple investment horizon wavelet approach of the non-linear directionality

Andersson, Emil, Hoque, Mahim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates if Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments can be considered as an independent asset class. As ESG and responsible investing has increased substantially in recent years, responsible investments have entered the portfolios with other asset classes too. Therefore, there is a need in studying ESG investment properties with other financial asset classes. By collecting daily price data from October 2007 to December 2018, we research the directionalities between ESG, ethical, conventional, commodities and currency. Initially, we employed a MODWT, multiscale investment horizon wavelet analysis transformation of the data. The decomposed wavelet data is then applied in pairwise linear and non-linear Granger causality estimations to study the directionality relationships dependent on investment horizon. Additionally, econometric filtering processes have been employed to study the effects of volatility on directionality relationships. The results mainly suggest significant directionality relationships between ESG and the other asset classes. On the medium-term investment horizon, almost all estimations indicate strict bidirectionality. Thus, on the medium-term, ESG can be said to be integrated with the other asset classes. For the long-term horizon, most relationships are still predominantly bidirectional between ESG and all other asset classes. The biggest differences are found on the short-term horizon, with no directionality found between ESG and commodities that cannot be explained by volatility. Furthermore, most directionality relationships also disappear when controlling for the volatility transmission between ESG and currency on the short-term horizon. Thus, our findings suggest significantly more integration between ESG and ethical and conventional as bidirectionality overwhelmingly prevails regardless of investment horizon. As previous research has found similarities between ethical and conventional as well as ESG having similar characteristics to commodities as conventional and ethical, we suggest that ESG should be considered as being integrated and having strong similarities with other equities. Thus, it should be treated as being part of the conventional equity asset class. Deviations from bidirectionality could be caused by ESG variable specific heterogeneity. However, despite our rejection of ESG as an independent asset class, it still carries significant potential as it excludes firms with climate-harming practices, thereby helping in combating climate-related as well as social and governance issues the world is facing.


鍾榮輝 Unknown Date (has links)
由於近年來店頭市場的發展迅速,規模不斷擴大,資金大量流入,重要性大為增加,加上資訊科技的進步,使資金在各市場間甚至是國際間的流動非常迅速,因此本研究試圖在高頻(high-frequency)的資料型態下,將價量因果關係的概念應用在探討集中市場與店頭市場之間的關係。首先是利用一般的Granger檢定討探其線性因果關係,接著利用Baek and Brock(1992)的非線性檢定模型檢定其是否存在著非線性因果關係。 研究結果顯示,在高頻的資料型態下,台灣股票市場的集中市場與店頭市場其各別市場的價量之間存在有雙向的線性因果關係,而集中市場與店頭市場之間亦存在有雙向的線性因果關係。當然最重要的在非線性因果關係方面,集中市場與店頭市場其各別市場的價量之間,以及集中市場與店頭市場兩市場之間亦存在有雙向的非線性因果關係。


江明宜 Unknown Date (has links)
「房地產」與「股票」一向是投資者的兩大投資工具,而營建類股票上市公司因為不僅擁有大量的房地產亦有股票在股市流通而成為投資大眾關心的焦點。因此,營建類股票上市公司的股價一方面受房地產市場景氣影響,一方面也和股市有互動性的關係,受總體經濟因素的影響。 本研究藉由單根檢定(Unit Root Test)與共積檢定(Cointegration)、誤差修正模型(Error-correction-model;ECM)以及Granger之因果關係檢定(Causality Test),探討營建類股價波動(營建類個股、整類股與加權總股價指數間)的時間關係以及營建類股價總體影響因素(市場因素及產業因素)之間的長期均衡以及短期動態關係,並進一步了解在時間上是領先、同時還是落後關係。 第一部份,營建類股價時間關係之研究上,選取國建、國揚、太設、太子、營建類股價、加權股價指數等六對象,時間分期上則分為l981年1月至1996年5月及1991年4月(太子上市後)兩部份進行探討。研究發現﹕營建類個股股價、整類股價間與加權股價指數間在兩段分期中皆具有長期穩定的關係,並分別以不同的調整速率以消彌股價間的均衡誤差﹔而低價的股票較高價的股票調整速率來得快。在因果關係上,觀察時間較長時,營建類總股價隨著加權股價指數變動,營建類的個股股價隨著營建類總股價而變動,呈現出「齊漲齊跌」的情形﹔觀察時間較短時,則為營建類股價領先加權股價指數。 第二部份,營建類股價影響因素上,分別選取貨幣供給額、利率、國內生產毛額、物價指數、加權股價指數為市場因素﹔預售屋房價、空屋數、建造執照、純土地買賣移轉件數、房屋建築人數為產業因素,以1981年1月至1995年12月為研究期間範圍。實證後發現﹕營建類總股價與市場因素、產業因素間皆具有長期穩定的關係。在誤差修正模型中,市場因素部份,營建類總股價較其他變數的調整速率高很多,以每月-14.5%的速率來調整變數間的均衡誤差,顯示出營建類股價相較其他變數對於市場的變化來得敏感。產業因素部份,營建類股價及預售屋房價分別以每月-3.7%與-1.8%的速度以調整變數間的均衡誤差,顯示出股票市場比房地產市場來得有效率。在因果關係檢定上,有關市場因素部份,股價變動領先貨幣供給額、民間利率,顯示出股價對於市場變動的反應較其他變數來的快﹔而在產業因素部份,則為營建類股價領先其他變數,但落後預售屋房價變動,顯示出營建類股價確實有帶動房地產景氣之情形。

編製台灣金融情況指數之可行性研究 / The feasibility study on building Taiwan financial conditions index

郭涵如 Unknown Date (has links)
金融情況指數(FCI)是欲融合影響實質經濟活動過程不同貨幣傳遞管道,描述實際金融市場情形,被定義為金融變數與經濟活動之間的關係,主要是描述一些金融變數如何影響經濟現有以及未來的經濟情況,觀察執政者是否能透過執行政策使經濟活動獲得改變,甚或是推斷未來經濟情勢的特性。 在之前國內建立的金融情況指數研究文章僅包括了利率、匯率與資產價格的貨幣傳遞過程,但信用傳遞過程對於現今總體經濟影響的重要性也不容小覷。本文即嘗試加入信用傳遞管道相關變數,依據Jan Hatzius et al.(2010)針對美國所建構的金融情況指數所選取的變數,依照台灣目前現有金融市場的變數或是具有相同概念之變數作為選取,透過主成分分析法挑選並建立五個小指標,再將小指標簡單平均,經過三次平滑樣條消除雜訊後建構出金融情況指數。 研究結果顯示,於2003年2月至2010年12月期間,金融情況指數確實對於景氣情況之預測具有一定的實質幫助。以同時指標綜合指數當作台灣當前景氣狀況,金融情況指數的預測能力平均為55.3%。使用向量自我迴歸模型可發現金融情況指數在5%顯著水準下,前8期大都對於當期同時指標綜合指數具有影響力,而應用Granger因果關係檢定結果,在5%顯著水準下,金融情況指數具有領先同時指標綜合指數之關係。

中古屋及預售屋房價指數之建立、評估與整合─台北都會區之實證分析 / The Establishment, Evaluation and Integration of Existing and Pre-sales Housing Price Index in the Taipei Metropolitan Area

洪御仁 Unknown Date (has links)
國內有許多以不同資料、次市場劃分以及控制品質的方法編製房地產相關價格指數,提供不同的價格資訊,然而編製的過程可能產生偏誤,影響價格指數之準確性,導致房價指數變動與市場訊息不符,因此各種相關房價指數之市場代表性仍有待釐清。 本文首先觀察目前市場較常使用之信義房價指數(中古屋)及國泰房地產指數(預售屋及新成屋),發現近年來信義房價指數無法適當反應房地產市場景氣繁榮的情形。此二房價指數領先落後的關係亦不符合相關理論及過去實證,因此認為此二房價指數長期趨勢受到編製資料及估計方法上的偏誤所影響。接著利用政府(房地產交易價格簡訊)及業者(台灣不動產成交行情公報)資料以特徵價格法重新建立台北市及台北縣中古屋房價指數,並與信義房價指數作比較,結果顯示本文建立之中古屋房價指數相對於信義房價指數較符合市場變動與相關訊息。最後,為求未來房地產資訊之應用,將過去相關房價指數研究成果與本文建立之房價指數整合,並驗證台北市國泰房地產指數領先整合中古屋房價指數一季,台北縣國泰房地產指數領先整合中古屋房價指數二季,顯示此台北都會區的中古屋及預售屋房價指數相互間的關係符合相關理論推導與過去實證結果。 / There are many real-estate related price indices established in various formation of datum, submarkets and modeling, providing different kinds of price information. But the process itself may be a victim of error, hence affecting the precision of price indices and cause discrepancy between price indices’ variation and correlative market information, therefore the representativeness of real-estate related price indices must be clarified. In this study, we observe the commonly used Sinyi Housing Price Index (existing housing) and Cathay Real-Estate Price Index(pre-sales and new housing), and discovered that Sinyi Housing Price Index is incapable of reflecting the recent boom in the real-estate market. The Granger Causality test result of these two housing price indices(HPI) is inconsequent to relevant theory and empirical studies, therefore attribute this to the error within the establishment of HPI. Then, we reestablish existing housing HPI of Taipei city and Taipei county by using government and enterprise organized data. In comparison to Sinyi Housing Price Index, our newly established HPI cohere with correlative market information. And last, for future application of real-estate market information, we integrate empirical studies in the past with ours and examine its lead-lag relation with Cathay Real-Estate Price Index. The Granger Causality test result corresponds to relevant theory and empirical studies, furthermore, we found that the time-gap between Cathay Real-Estate Price Index and the Integrated existing housing HPI in Taipei city is 1-season, and 2-season in Taipei county.

Εμπειρική ανάλυση της σχέσης τιμών ζωοτροφών και παραγωγού καταναλωτή κρέατος : Μοσχάρι, χοιρινό, κοτόπουλο και αρνί

Νταλιάνη, Ευθυμία 13 January 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη εξετάζει τη δυναμική σχέση μεταξύ των τιμών των ζωοτροφών και παραγωγού, καταναλωτή για τέσσερα είδη κρέατος: μοσχάρι, χοιρινό, αρνί και κοτόπουλο. Η σχετική βιβλιογραφία δείχνει ότι πολλοί παράγοντες επιδρούν στις τιμές των αγροτικών προϊόντων αλλά οι τιμές των ζωοτροφών είναι ο κυριότερος. Αυτό συμβαίνει γιατί οι ζωοτροφές αποτελούν πρώτη ύλη για την παραγωγή κρέατος και κατ΄επέκταση θα επηρέασουν τις τιμές παραγωγού και καταναλωτή. Τα δεδομένα αποτελούνται από 279 μηνιαίες τιμές που εκτείνονται από τον Ιανουάριο 1990 έως τον Ιανουάριο 2013. Χρησιμοποιώντας Johansen cointegration tests, Granger causality tests και impulse response functions τα εμπειρικά αποτελέσματα επιβεβαιώνουν πως οι τιμές των ζωοτροφών, οι τιμές παραγωγού και οι τιμές καταναλωτή δεν είναι ανεξάρτητες μεταξύ τους. / The present paper studies the relationship among feed prices, producer prices and consumer prices of meat: beef, pork, poultry and lamb. The literature indicates that there are many factors which affect agricultural commodity prices but the feed prices are the main. This is why feed has a principal role in the production of meat and will affect producer and consumer prices. The data consists of 279 monthly observations extending from January 1990 to January 2013. Using Johansen cointegration tests, Granger causality tests and impulse response functions, the empirical findings confirm that feed prices, consumer prices and producer prices are interdependent.

The Impact of Overseas Stock Markets on Chinese Stock Markets at the Background of Financial Crises : From the Perspective of Price Index

Hou, Xiaofang, Xu, Weirui January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Inférence exacte simulée et techniques d'estimation dans les modèles VAR et VARMA avec applications macroéconomiques

Jouini, Tarek January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Ekonometrinis Baltijos šalių bendrojo vidaus produkto modeliavimas / The econometric modelling of the gross domestic product of the Baltic States

Golubeva, Ana 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamas Baltijos šalių – Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos BVP, jo kitimo tendencijos bei pagrindiniai makroekonomikos rodikliai – galutinio vartojimo išlaidos, prekių ir paslaugų importas bei eksportas, investicijos, užimtųjų darbo rinkoje skaičius bei BVP defliatorius. Išnagrinėti šių rodiklių apibrėžimai bei ekonominė prasmė, taip pat apžvelgta sukaupta mokslininkų patirtis modeliuojant juos. Siekiant išsiaiškinti ryšius tarp šių rodiklių atlikta koreliacijų bei Grangerio priežastingumo analizė. Modeliuojant, visų pirma, rasti ilgalaikiai sąryšiai tarp kintamųjų, o po to kiekvienai šaliai specifikuotas paklaidų korekcijos modelis bei įvertintas šio modelio tikslumas. Išnagrinėjus praktinius ir teorinius aspektus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, analitinė - metodinė dalis, tiriamoji dalis, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 112 p. teksto be priedų, 60 iliustr., 35 lent., 28 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The gross domestic product of the Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, has been examined in the master thesis. Trends of the GDP and the main macroeconomic indicators – gross final consumption expenditure, imports and exports of goods and services, investment, labor force and GDP deflator have been analyzed. The definitions of these indicators and an economic sense, as well as researchers' experience in modeling, have been examined. In order to establish the relationship between these variables, analysis of the correlation and Granger causality test has been performed. In particular, modeling started with the finding of the long – term relationship between selected indicators. After that the error correction model has been specified and the accuracy of this model has been estimated. After the examination of the practical and theoretical aspects, the conclusions and recommendations have been presented. Structure: introduction, analytical – methodical part, research part, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consists of: 112 p. text without appendixes, 60 pictures, 35 tables, 28 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

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