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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transitional landscapes : examining landscape fragmentation within peri urban green spaces and its impacts upon human wellbeing

le Brasseur, Richard January 2018 (has links)
Transitional land uses produced through urbanisation continue to change the landscape and fragment ecological structures including green spaces across Europe (Nilsson et al., 2013). Green spaces offer significant benefits to humans, contributing to wellbeing and life satisfaction (Taylor, 2002). The understanding of how these unique green spaces spaces function and provide benefits to humans, and how landscape change in peri-urban contexts affects their performance, is important. The scope of this research is to contribute to an understanding of landscape fragmentation within some of Europe's polycentric urban regions, their peri-urban green spaces, and the associated impacts upon human quality of life. Two urban regional case studies, Paisley near Glasgow, Scotland, and Vantaa, near Helsinki, Finland were analysed and compared. The results indicate that humans interacting with more physically or ecologically fragmented peri-urban green spaces have higher self-reported life satisfaction levels. Though no statistically significant characteristics were apparent between life satisfaction and fragmented green space characteristics, this research was able to identify those specific structural attributes and physical characteristics of interstitial peri-urban green spaces within a polycentric region in a fragmented state that contribute to the physical, social, and psychological aspects of human wellbeing. The statistically significant eco-spatial characteristics of polycentric peri-urban interstitial green spaces that are reported to impact human wellbeing are the size, proximity, maintenance and management, and the level of greenness within its vegetation composition and setting. Overall, a spatially diverse, fragmented, peri-urban landscape whose green spaces are extensively sized, naturalistically shaped with horizontal vegetation and normal sized edges, most often parks or woodlands or forests which are integrated and physically connected to another green space which is moderately clean and somewhat safe as well as being located close to or adjacent to a heavy-trafficked road provide the most human wellbeing benefits.

Addressing social issues in rural communities by planning for lively places and green spaces / Nicoléne de Jong

De Jong, Nicoléne January 2014 (has links)
The increase in social challenges especially with regards to safety and security experienced in rural communities, as well as the lack of efficient lively places and public green spaces, is predominantly increasing in importance for government and planning policies. This problem is substantiated by the large number of deaths (especially the deaths of children) drowning in rivers flowing through or nearby rural communities because of the lack of any other safe, public facilities and well-managed and maintained green spaces. The research question therefore focuses on whether the planning of lively places and green spaces in rural communities can address some of these social issues, and contribute to the strengthening of communities and creation of lively public places. Government is struggling to deal with social issues (especially that of safety and security) within rural communities and a number of strategies were discussed and drawn up. (For example, the Rural Safety Summit which took place on 10 October 1998 aimed at achieving consensus regarding issues of rural insecurity; as well as crime prevention strategies as defined by the SAPS White Paper on Safety and Security (1998).) However, very little (if any) in-depth research on the possibility of upgrading public spaces into lively green places as a solution, has been done. This study can serve as a link between literature and practical rural issues, as well as contribute to green space and lively place development, incorporating international approaches and pilot studies, and illustrating best practices in terms of lively place and green space development, linking it to the local rural reality. In creating public and lively green places for rural communities, issues of safety, inequality, sociability and community coherence are addressed. Through the correct corresponding planning initiatives consequently drawn up, overall quality of life of those living in rural communities can be improved, decreasing the social challenges experienced. / MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014


[pt] Uso e percepção de áreas verdes em grandes cidades: Estudo de caso em dois parques urbanos no Rio de Janeiro. A existência de áreas verdes nas cidades, sobretudo na forma de parques urbanos, é destacada como um fator determinante para a qualidade de vida local pois, além de oferecer um espaço para o convívio e o lazer da população, estas áreas proporcionam um embelezamento da paisagem e uma série de serviços ambientais que contribuem para a melhoria do clima local. A fim de identificar as características vitais para o bom funcionamento destes espaços, foram analisadas seis cidades reconhecidas como referências em termos de políticas públicas de áreas verdes: Curitiba, Freiburg, Londres, Nova Iorque, Seul e Singapura. Desta primeira análise, tornou-se evidente a importância de uma abordagem à escala da cidade e a importância da participação da população na implantação dessas medidas. Em um segundo momento, foram analisados dois dos maiores parques da cidade do Rio de Janeiro: o Parque do Flamengo e o Bosque da Barra. Objetivou-se entender o papel dos parques numa cidade cuja identidade já é fortemente associada ao seu patrimônio natural. Foram conduzidas entrevistas presenciais com os usuários dos parques e uma enquete online com a população carioca para entender a percepção da população sobre estes espaços. Nestas entrevistas, foi observada uma diferença entre a percepção dos usuários dos parques e dos entrevistados no meio virtual. Coletar as opiniões das pessoas é importante para adequar a cidade aos desejos e às reais necessidades da população. / [en] Green urban spaces, especially in the form of urban parks, are perceived as vital elements for the general well-being within a city. These spaces provide the population with a place for leisure and social interactions, as well as with the embellishment of the landscape and a wide range of environmental services that contribute the local climate. In order to understand the role of urban parks in cities, six cities that stand out as accomplished examples in urban planning were analyzed. The cities selected for this analysis were Curitiba, Freiburg, London, New York, Seoul and Singapore. From this first analysis, it became clear that a systemic vision in urban planning is of utmost importance. The proportion of green area per inhabitant should not only consider the overall dimensions of these spaces, but also their distribution throughout the urban territory. Measures that encourage a more homogeneous distribution include linear parks and green corridors, which create a unique circuit within the city, one where people can walk from one park to the other. The success of green urban spaces in these cities depends heavily on the cooperation between the population and the local government. Curitiba, for example, managed to preserve and expand the city s green coverage through conscious environmental policies and through local campaigns that involved the population in the care for these spaces. In London and New York, we could also find examples of campaigns in which the population took an active part in the planting of trees in public spaces. When the population gets involved, their sense of identity and the bond with the local community becomes stronger. This sense of belonging is essential to ensure the presence of people in public space, an aspect that directly influences the feeling of safety in the urban environment. Accessibility is another vital aspect to ensure the presence of people in public space. New York s urban plan, the PLANYC, determines that every citizen must live within a 10 minute walk from a park since recent studies show that people prefer to go to parks that they are able to reach on foot. Green corridors, such as the ones in Singapore or Seoul, ensure easy access for a greater population since they cross different neighborhoods within the city. These green corridors also guarantee flora continuity and the migration of certain species such as birds and insects. The systemic vision in urban planning, therefore, is essential for accessibility and democratization of these public spaces.

Implementeringsarbetet av Grön infrastruktur i Sverige : En policyanalys om integrering av urbana ekosystemtjänster samt värdet av adaptiv planering i Stockholms län

Svantesson, Hanne, Wikström, Stina January 2020 (has links)
Urbanisation is a global trend and in the year 2050 a big part of the world's population is expected to be living in urban areas. With this demographic change comes challenges. Biodiversity is the foundation for ecosystems to create services that human welfare depends on. The so called ecosystem services create functions that have provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting values för humans. The expansion of ecosystems is threatened around the world because of the increased urbanisation and more paved areas and less green spaces that are available for species to settle in. Green infrastructure is a management system that has become popular mainly in urban areas as a tool to conserve biodiversity and manage ecosystems in a sustainable way. By re-creating habitats and ecosystem functions a higher resilience is created in cities and through that it becomes easier to face challenges that come with a changed climate. In Sweden green infrastructure is an important component to reach global and national environmental goals. The capital of Sweden, Stockholm is growing rapidly. Because of the growing population the design of the city and the amount of green spaces is even more important to improve the ecological, economical and social aspects in society. In this study a qualitative content analysis has been made to examine how Sweden works with the implementation of green infrastructure on a national, regional and local level. By analysing three relevant policy documents an analytical framework has been used to look closer at how ecosystem services are expressed in the different levels. The result shows that ecosystem services are given a large place in the guidelines and the action plan for green infrastructure in Sweden. It is even more clear on a local level because a big part of the planprogram over the formation of the new district Årstafältet concentrates on creating ecological solutions to help ecosystem services to create its functions. The result also shows that the implementation of green infrastructure should be overarched by cooperation and transparency where more participants are included for the best possible decisions to be made. / Urbanisering är en global trend och år 2050 förväntas en stor andel av världens befolkning vara bosatta i urbana områden. Med denna demografiska förändring kommer utmaningar. Den biologiska mångfalden är en grundsten för att ekosystem ska kunna skapa de tjänster som människans välmående är beroende av. Ekosystemtjänster skapar funktioner som har försörjande, reglerande, kulturella och stödjande värden för människor. Ekosystemens utbredning hotas världen över på grund av ökad urbanisering då många ytor hårdläggs och färre gröna ytor blir tillgängliga för arter att bosätta sig i. Grön infrastruktur är ett förvaltningssystem som har blivit populärt framförallt i urbana områden för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden och förvalta ekosystem på ett hållbart sätt. Genom att återskapa livsmiljöer och ekosystemfunktioner skapas en högre resiliens i städerna och det blir på så sätt lättare att stå emot de utmaningar som kommer i och med ett förändrat klimat. I Sverige är grön infrastruktur en viktig komponent för att nå upp till globala och nationella miljömål. Sveriges huvudstad Stockholm växer i snabb takt. I och med den växande befolkningen blir utformningen av staden och andelen gröna ytor än viktigare för att förbättra de ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekterna i samhället. Denna studie har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur Sverige arbetar med implementering av grön infrastruktur på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Genom att analysera tre relevanta policydokument har ett analytiskt ramverk använts för att undersöka hur ekosystemtjänster kommer till uttryck på de olika nivåerna. Resultatet visar att ekosystemtjänster får en stor plats i riktlinjerna och handlingsplanerna för grön infrastruktur i Sverige. Än tydligare blir det på lokal nivå då en stor del av planprogrammet för utformningen av den nya stadsdelen Årstafältet inriktar sig på att skapa ekologiska lösningar för att underlätta för ekosystemtjänsterna att utveckla sina funktioner. Resultatet visar även att implementeringen av grön infrastruktur måste genomsyras av samarbete och transparens där flera aktörer involveras för att bästa möjliga beslut skall fattas.

Redefining Maputo downtown : flood management through a sustainable landscape architecture intervention

Oosthuysen, Wessel Marthinus 03 January 2012 (has links)
“All countries are vulnerable to climate change and instability in weather patterns but the poorest countries and the poorest people within them are most vulnerable, being the most exposed and having the least means to adapt” (IMF and World Bank Development Committee, 2006). African cities, as other cities around the world, are prone to flooding within in urban areas. The increased flooding from climate change, could have seriously destabilising effects for Africa (Commission for Africa, 2005). Climate records shows that most of Africa warmed by approximately 0.7°C during the twentieth century (IPCC Working Group II, 2001). Future changes in rainfall will depend greatly on the influence of global warming. In addition, a United Nations World Water Report states that in the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Earth with its diverse and abundant life forms (including over six billion humans), is facing a serious water crisis. Water needs to be conserved in any way possible. (United Nations World Water Report, n.d.). This study aims to explore the role in which floodingin urban landscapes can be addressed, but simultaneously stored for future use. It argues that the negative element of flooding can rather be used, i.e the water could be conserved and used in the build environment, rather than inhibiting social, economic and ecological factors. The pilot project in this stage can at the same time, serve as an urban generator. An innovative solution (urban water park) is analysed and tested and serves as a possible outcome to address flooding problems within an African city (Maputo, Mozambique). Afrika, 2005). / Stede in Afrika, soos in ander in die wêreld, is onderhewe aan vloedrampe in stedelike areas. Die toenemende vloedegevalle, tesame met die impak van klimaatsverandering, kan uiterse destabilisering vir die Afrika kontinent inhou (Kommissie vir Afrika, 2005). ‘n Klimaatsrekord, bewys dat gedurende die twintigste eeu, ‘n groot deel van Afrika onderworpe was aan ‘n hittetoename van omtrent 0.7°C (IPPC Werksgroep II, 2011). Toekomstige veranderinge in reënval sal grootliks afhang van die invloed van aardsverwarming. Ter aanvoering van die argument word daar adisioneel toegevoeg dat die Verenigde Nasies se Wêreldswater Verslag die volgende aanlas: dat die aarde, met sy diverse en verskeidenheid van lewende wesens (wat oor die ses miljioen mense insluit), aan die begin van die een-en-twintigste eeu onderworpe sal wees aan ernstige watertekorte. Water moet dus in alle moontlike maniere gespaar word (Verenigde Nasies se Wêreldswater Verslag, geen datum). Die studie beoog om die rol van vloede in die verstedelike landskap te ondersoek en aan te spreek tot voordeel van die bouomgewing. Die ontwerp poog om die huidige negatiewe element van water eerder te bewaar en die gebruik daarvan te aan te moedig. Hierdeur word word die omswaai in sosiale, ekonomiese en ekologiese faktore inplekgestel. ‘n Projek sal dan terselfdertyd as verstedelike genereerder dien. ‘n Innoverende oplossing, ‘n stedelike water park, is geondersoek en getoets. Hierdie sal moontlik as die oplossing dien van die huidige vloedprobleme in hierdie Afrika stad (Maputo, Mosambiek). / Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Architecture / unrestricted

Mini-odlingar i urban miljö : En utvärdering av miniträdgårdar/blomurnor i Hemsta, Gävle

Persson, Theodor January 2020 (has links)
Framtiden kommer att sätta städer på prov i och med att världens befolkning och urbanisering ökar. Detta utsätter livsviktiga förutsättningar som ekosystemtjänster och pollinering för stora hot, då en ökande urbanisering gör att grönytor i städer minskar. Samtidigt som att de som finns oftast är av en karaktär som inte är speciellt gynnsam för den biologiska mångfalden. Det har påvisats att det kan finnas ett positivt samband mellan biologisk mångfald och människans välmående. Samtidigt poängterar flertalet studier de hälsofrämjande effekter naturen har på människor, sett till både det fysiska och det mentala. Om rätt förutsättningar ges för städer kan det skapa möjligheter som bidrar med positiva effekter för en hållbar stadsutveckling. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka effekter småskalig odling i urban miljö kan ha för att öka biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i staden, samt boendes relation till naturmiljöer. Studien fokuserade på miniträdgårdar/blomurnor som placerats ut i ett bostadsområde i Gävle, Sverige. Dessa delades ut till hushåll som ville ta hand om dem under 2019. Resultatet av både en enkätundersökning och en litteraturundersökning visar på att miniträdgårdar kan ses som en förbättringsåtgärd/ett verktyg för att främja hållbarheten i städer gällande både de ekologiska och sociala aspekterna. En analys av en inventeringsstudie som skedde mellan år 2018 och 2019 gällande pollinerande insekter för området i Gävle, visade på att förekomsten av pollinatörer hade ökat. Enkätstudien av 39 svaranden visade på att de som tyckte att det skett en förändring i och med tillkomsten av miniträdgårdar/blomurnor, tyckte att det varit i en positiv mening. Det visade sig även att i jämförelse mellan år 2019 och 2020 hade de boendes inställning till olika inslag i naturen ökat i en positiv mening. Detta skulle kunna förklaras som att exponeringen av miniträdgårdar/blomurnor har lett till mer pro-ekologiska attityder. Slutligen konstateras att vidare studier inom ämnet behöver genomföras för att kunna ge ett tydligare svar av vad för slags mini-odlingar som är bäst lämpade och i vilken utsträckning dessa är nödvändiga för att uppnå positiva resultat. / The future will put cities to test as the world's population and urbanization increases. This may lead to threats to vital conditions for ecosystem services and pollination as such. As a result of increasing urbanization, green spaces in cities are declining and those of existence are usually of a character that is not particularly favorable for biodiversity. It has been shown that there can be a positive relationship between biodiversity and human well-being. At the same time, several studies point out the health-beneficial effects that nature has on humans, regarding both physical and mental health. As well as providing right conditions for cities, it can create opportunities that contribute with positive effects for sustainable urban development. The aim of this study is to investigate what effects small-scale cultivation in an urban environment has on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the city, as well as the resident’s relationship to natural environments. The study has focused on arrangements of miniature gardens/flower urns placed in a residential area in Gävle, Sweden. These were distributed to households who wanted to take care of them in 2019. The result of both a questionnaire survey and a literature study show that such an arrangement can be seen as an improvement action/tool to promote sustainability in cities regarding both the ecological and social aspects. An analysis of an inventory study which occurred between the years 2018 and 2019 that looked at pollinators in the resident area in Gävle, showed that the abundance of pollinators had risen. The questionnaire survey of 39 answers showed that of those who felt that a change had occurred with the presence of the miniature gardens/flower urns thought that it had been in a positive way. Compared to 2019, the residents' attitudes towards natural elements had been increasingly positive in 2020. This could be explained by the fact that the presence of the miniature gardens/flower urns has affected their values in a pro-ecological manner. Finally, it is concluded that to give a clearer answer of what kinds of small-scale cultivations that are best suited and to what extent these are necessary to achieve positive results, further studies in the subject are needed.

Är det rätt att bygga tätt? : En kvalitativ studie om Linköping som kompakt stad / Is it right to build tight? : A qualitative study on Linkoping as a compact city

Lindholm, Clara, Häger, Linnea, Tranberg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Städer fortsätter växa och omfattas av ökad urbanisering. En planeringsstrategi för att hantera ökad urbanisering på ett hållbart sätt kan vara den kompakta staden. Studien syftar till att studera hur den kompakta staden kan appliceras på Linköpings stadsmiljö, samt studera vilka konsekvenser det innebär när grönområden tas i anspråk. Vidare undersöker studien den kompakta stadens komponenter samt deras konsekvenser. Komponenterna är förtätning, täthet, social blandning, hållbar transport, transportsystem, gågator, tillgänglighet, blandad bebyggelse och stadsstruktur. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och kvalitativa intervjuer. Vidare visar studien att kommunens planering och utförande är i linje med den kompakta stadens komponenter. Däremot framgår det att den kompakta stadens utfall kan innebära att grönområden påverkas negativt. / Cities continue to grow and are subject to increased urbanization. One form of planning strategy that can possibly achieve increased urbanization in a sustainable way is the compact city. This thesis aims to study how the compact city’s concept can be applied to Linköping’s urban environment. In addition, it studies the consequences of when green spaces are being sacrificed for increased urbanization. A further aim of the study is to examine the components of the compact city and its consequences. The components are densification, density, social mix, sustainable transport, transportation systems, pedestrian access, accessibility, mixed land use and urban structure. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis and qualitative interviews. Our research shows that the municipality of Linköping’s planning and execution are in line with the compact city’s components. On the other hand, the compact city’s outcomes could mean that greenspaces are affected negatively.

Grönområdets funktioner i urban miljö : En studie baserad på grönområden i Sundbybergs stad / Green area features in urban environment : A study based on green areas in thecity of Sundbyberg

Biel, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
Allt fler bostäder byggs i Sverige och städerna växer ständigt, klimatet förändras med ett väder som utsätter samhällsfunktioner för prövning. Allt större fokus läggs på hållbarhet och klimatet. Agenda2030 har hållbar stadsutveckling som ett av världens viktigaste hållbarhetsmål. Sveriges befolkning växer och allt fler människor bosätter sig i städer, detta bidrar till att allt färre grönytor och grönområden bevaras i framförallt tätbefolkade storstäder. Incitamenten för bostäder är stort framförallt i städer däremot finns det en utmaning för bevarande av grönytor i stadsmiljö. Detta examensarbete belyser grönområdens viktiga funktioner samt genom en rad verktyg tittar på rörelsemönster i grönområdet och bostadsprisutveckling av bostadsrätter beroende på avstånd och antal grönområden. Denna studie undersöker tolv grönområden i Sundbybergs stad och genom en fältstudie identifierar intressanta funktioner som dessa grönområden erbjuder. Funktionerna delas in i tre olika kategorier:klimat, aktivitet och social. Funktioner definieras utifrån befintliga faciliteter i grönområdet och tidigare forskning. Studiens syfte är att identifiera skillnader mellan grönområden. Vidare undersöka eventuell relation mellan bostadspriser och avstånd till grönområden. Studien tittar även på verktyget Datscha Footfall och dess möjligheter till vidare analyser av stadsstruktur och grönområden. Framställt resultat i studien har inte hittat tydliga relationer mellan bostadspriser och avstånd till grönområden. Studien kan däremot påstå att storlek på grönområden kan bidra till att grönområdet erbjuder fler funktioner och kan anses mer attraktiv. Verktyget Datscha footfall har visat stor potential i utvärdering av befintlig stadsstruktur och framtida utveckling av nya stadsdelar. Detta verktyg saknar idag data på rörelse utanför gatusystem vilken gör att verktyget är svårt att tillämpa på grönområden där det inte finns något vägnät. / Demand on housing in Sweden is growing together with the population. Many people are settling inand close to large cities, which means that cities are densifying and expanding. That is leading to many new construction projects to fulfill the demand. Climate is changing with extreme weather that exposes societies functions and flooding and temperature highs are not unusual. Agenda 2030 has set sustainable development as one of the world's most important goals. The incentives for housing a relarge, especially in cities, however, there is a challenge for the conservation of green spaces in urban environments. This thesis highlights the important functions of the green areas and through a series oftools looks at the movement patterns in the green area and housing prices depending on the distance and number of green areas close by. This study examines twelve green areas in Sundbyberg city and through a field of studies, identifies interesting features that these green areas offer. The functions are divided into three different categories: climate, activity and social. Functions are defined based on existing facilities in the green area and previous research. The purpose of the study is to identify differences between green areas.Further investigate any relationship between housing prices and distance to green areas. The study also examines the tool datscha footfall and its possibilities for further analyzes of urban structure and greenareas. Results obtained in the study have not found clear relationships between housing prices and distances to green areas. The study, on the other hand, can claim that the size of green areas can contribute to the green area amount of functions and can be considered more attractive. The datscha footfall tool has shown great potential in evaluating existing urban structure and future development of new neighborhoods. This tool currently lacks data on movement outside street systems, which makes itdifficult to apply to green areas where there is no large street system.

Sveriges grönaste stad? : En studie om grönområdens värde och plats i Göteborg / Sweden's greenest city? : A study of green spaces' value and place in Gothenburg

Abraham, Mimmi, Thyr, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Grönområden i urbana miljöer bidrar med många centrala funktioner vilka är livsviktiga för både djur och människor, exempelvis biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster och positiva hälsoeffekter. Förekomsten av grönområden och dess funktioner hotas däremot av den snabba globala urbaniseringen som ger upphov till förändrad markanvändning. Enligt Göteborgs Stads lokala miljömål ämnar staden att bli ekologiskt hållbar till år 2030 och detta ska uppnås genom en ökad biologisk mångfald och bevarande av grönområden. Göteborg har blivit utnämnd till Sveriges grönaste stad, men samtidigt har grönområdena minskat mellan åren 1986-2019 och fortsätter att minska på grund av exploatering. Syftet med examensarbetet var därmed att öka kunskapen om vad som ger upphov till att det tas beslut som orsakar reducering av urbana grönområden trots uppsatta mål för bevarande av dessa, vilket var ett eftersatt forskningsområde. För att uppnå syftet användes en induktiv kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades genom miljöpsykologiska, miljöetiska och policyteorier, nämligen värden, goal-framing theory, värdepluralism och lömska problem. Studien kom fram till att Göteborgs stadsplanering innefattade flera lömska problem och värdekonflikter vilka uttrycktes genom målkonflikter, som tillsammans med starka hedonistiska och egoistiska värden samt vinstdrivande mål hade en negativ inverkan på förekomsten av Göteborgs grönområden. / Green spaces in urban areas contribute with many key functions that are vital for both animals and humans, such as biodiversity, ecosystem services and positive health effects. However, the existence of green spaces and their functions are threatened by the rapid global urbanization that is causing land use changes. According to the City of Gothenburg’s local environmental goals, the city aims to become ecologically sustainable by the year of 2030 through increased biodiversity and nature conservation. Gothenburg has been named as Sweden's greenest city, although the green spaces in Gothenburg have decreased between the years 1986–2019 and will continue to decline due to exploitation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was thus to increase knowledge about what stimulates decisions that cause a reduction of green spaces in Gothenburg despite set conservation goals, which was a neglected research area. To achieve the purpose, an inductive qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed through theories of environmental psychology, environmental ethics and policy, namely values, goal-framing theory, value pluralism and wicked problems. The study concluded that Gothenburg's urban planning included several wicked problems and value conflicts that were expressed through goal conflicts, which negatively affected Gothenburg’s green spaces. Furthermore, strong hedonistic and egoistic values as well as gain goals, also had a negative impact on the existence of Gothenburg's green spaces.

A WALK IN THE PARK: Associations between urban green spaces, social cohesion, and self-rated health in Swedish adults

Marquardt, Tahnee January 2023 (has links)
Background: Urban green spaces (UGS) have been shown to benefit both social cohesion and health outcomes. A new framework by Jennings and Bamkole (2019) suggests that social cohesion might act as a social determinant of health mediating the health benefits provided by UGS. Aim: To investigate associations between UGS, social cohesion, and self-rated health (SRH) in Swedish adults. Methods: A cross-sectional survey for adults living in Västerås (n=106) was conducted. Questions about UGS covered type, visit frequency, proximity, time spent, and UGS quality. Social cohesion was measured using a 13-item scale developed by de Vries et al. (2013). SRH was assessed with one Likert-scale item. Results: A t-test showed that forests were associated with higher social cohesion (M=46.44, SD=8.25) compared to parks (M=42.34, SD=6.56; p=.006), while logistic regressions revealed higher social cohesion was associated with better SRH when adjusted for age (OR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.03 - 1.18, p = .008). No relationships between UGS and SRH were identified, and social cohesion did not affect that relationship further. Discussion: The small sample size, convenience sampling, and limited assessment of possible confounders have to be considered. Conclusion: The results from this study partially support Jennings and Bamkole’s (2019) framework, indicating its merits and confirming the need to investigate social cohesion as a central factor in the relationship between UGS and health outcomes further.

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